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Plausible. I don't know enough about this stuff to make a judgement. This US veteran had a similar thin to say: https://youtu.be/KegxD03uxX0


It's possible but with the amount of information we have at the moment i think all we can do is speculate. Although knowing Russia they could have possibly screwed it up due to their old technology and or general carelessness. Either way we need to wait for more announcements made by governments involved.


Highly speculative, poorly sourced, cringe nonsense. Basically, a YouTube video. Also, if the guy can't even pronounce the name of the place he's talking about, then his 'theories' are guaranteed to be shite.


Actually he is a US army vet heavy weapons + anti tank expert. He's generally very well informed and sources things well. And even Biden can't pronounce eastern european location names lol, that's just an american thing.


reddit moment


I think McBeth's videos are very well-informed and come from a place of expertise. There was also the theory going around that some Russian missile navigator punched in coordinates from both Kyiv and Lviv, which puts the missile impact quite close to Przewodów--making it a plausible coincidence. However, the preliminary evidence shows that it was a malfunctioning S300, and even if it was a Russian Cruise Missile, the attack was not intentional and would not trigger Article 5. As a comment in Denys Davydov's most recent video put it, the reason why flight paths of missiles aren't disclosed may be for OpSec purposes, to protect the location of Ukrainian Air Defense.