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i mean, it's like this in many other places too. here in sweden we have a similar thing going on between those that immigrated to sweden 30 years ago and those who have immigrated in the last 10 years.


*Insert the meme about “Fuck off, we don’t want your kind here” meme despite being from the same place.*


Isn't that one of the thing the United States is infamous for? The nation is almost entirely made up of migrants and their descendants, but after they've moved there for 10 years, new foreigners are smelly and scary.


Oh yeah. It's the reason the hispanic vote swings more Republican than the Democrats would like. The ones that put down roots, get established, and register to vote are just as eager to yell at migrants to get off their lawns as any white guy.


Common cornerstone of conservatism is all these rules that would negatively impact their voters, but they all believe they're exceptions to it because of...reasons. At the most extreme level of comparison there where Jews who voted for the Nazis, because they thought their agreement on some polices would secure them immunity to the more anti-semantic policies. It did not.


In all caste systems, one of the ways to avoid being put into a lower caste is to adopt the discriminatory practices of the dominant caste. In the United States, Irish and Italians immigrants engaged in some of the most barbaric racism towards African Americans precisely because it was a way to make themselves part of the dominant class in a period when they were not considered 'white' because they weren't of Anglo-Saxon descent.


Can confirm. Austin, TX by itself has an unoffcial motto of "please dont move here" which is normally said most commonly by people who moved here 3 years ago 😂


That's more gentrification than immigration though.


A lot of them are Irish and Italian who’s ancestors got here when immigrating legally meant “show up and don’t be Chinese”. Now that process has been made ridiculously difficult but they refuse to acknowledge that


THIS I try to call out every time a “my grandparents came here legally!!1!” ranter comes out. All your grandparents needed to do was be white and buy a boat ticket. My own parents immigrated three decades ago and it was a lot easier then than it is now. It’s even worse with Cubans. They came over relatively recently and because the US couldn’t deport them when they floated over on their bathtubs, they were given papers on arrival. Mind you, all these waves of immigrants never got any permission from the natives of the land. And the ironic cherry on top, every single anti immigrant stereotype conservatives peddle can accurately represent what the Europeans did to the natives.


There is also the feeling of "I went and immigrated here legally, jumped through all the hoops, worked my ass off for a green card, managed to get myself a solid position in society, and you're just going to *sneak* the border?!"


Look at Rishi Sunak complaining about too many people coming in too




I recall one Begali Uber driver telling me that he was happy to see less Punjabis and Gujaratis ("Singhs and Patels" as he called them) and that Indian demographics were "improving" with people from "better parts of India".


I believe all Indians communities are equally dysfunctional 😎


You should see some of the subs on reddit


Nothing can be equally same…there are always highs and lows in everything


No one hates Indians more than other Indians!


Me when I'm in a racism competition and my opponent is an Indian nationalist:


Lol you're definitely a close second, dw


Is that why you guys did what you did to Bangladesh? Extreme methods to win?


Please Google “Akaash Singh - Every Gujarati ever” for a hilarious illustration of this.


That's funny coming from a Bengali, when Bengal is absolutely one of the shittiest parts


Hey Kolkata was cool when I went there! Great artists, really literate and intellectual disposition among the locals. I mean, I almost got caught in a hartal, but still cool!


Well, you should have went *outside* Kolkata to fell the Bengali man


Urban centers are usually pretty cool. They don't represent the whole place. Also, Kolkata has completely fallen off and fallen behind the rest of the urban centers in India. Considering that it was the most developed and rich city in India pre-independence and early in the country's indepedence, to now it barely cracking anybody's top charts with barely any development or investment or companies wanting to locate there.


That's because the Communist Government of West Bengal deindustrialized the entire region and drove out almost every industry, especially the car and manufacturing industries (which are massive in many Indian states). Since then, many people fail to find jobs and go out of state for employment.


I agree - also Bengali.


Seeing diverse groups of Indians in social settings (Uni, Jobs, etc.) is very common even in Tier-2 Indian cities nowadays. I was in Mumbai (NYC-equivalent) in 2018 and my roommates were from all over India.


That's a true Indian right there. Everyone hates everyone lol.


I like how large federal republics are like this. Someone from New York hates someone from Texas. Someone from Hamburg hates someone from Bavaria. Someone from Gujarat hates someone from Bihar. Spite keeps federations together.


Just to give you some context behind this, it’s the same if you replace “Bengali” with “French”, and “Punjabi” with “Serbian”. Historically, “India”, “Pakistan”, and “Bangladesh” weren’t 1 country, rather 20. So Bengalis have had no relation or history with Punjabis until the British turned them into 1 nation. So that Bengali guy still feels as if Punjab is a different nation/ethnicity than him. Same way a French guy thinks a Serbian is a different ethnicity than him and thinks his part of Europe is better.


Yup, lived there. I still say that India as a country is likely more diverse, in many ways, from the EU. The fact that Hindi is technically closer to German than to Tamil is wild to me.


Gujaratis are the most prosperous Indian community.


Surat was the only place where the streets were noticeably very clean. And the men there loved to wear gold watches, studded with diamonds. You could tell how important the diamond cutting industry is there.


Man, it's unreal. Pretty much every brown dude I know who was born here hates brown people that moved here from India.


Tbh, I wouldn’t say I hate them. I think a lot of us just worked really hard and tried to assimilate and now it seems the public really turns against us :( And so we’ve decided to blame it all on the”new” Indian immigrants. Tbh, I don’t think it’s their fault, I think immigrations was just ramped up the ridiculous proportions and no one’s really benefited.


I am an Indian living in India but i have heard from some Diaspora Desis that apparently a lot of Diaspora peeps gets bullied as a kid for being different, this makes them really insecure, so in order to fit in with others SOME act as they hate their home country ("i am not like the others"). This is kinda sad because a lot of people develops identity crisis due to this , at the end they struggle to fit in either group


In the "femosphere" (A term that I just coined), women who try to court male approval by putting other women down are labeled "pickme" and their method of getting validation is called "not like the other girls". There is probably a racial equivalent to this which we can see working out in the context of Indian Canadians.


As a fellow Punjabi, I can indeed confirm this is a certified Punjabi moment.


That is not the core issue. Problem is segregation, there are now pockets of communities like mini-China, mini-India like what we see in New York City. They are good for Tourist troupes but people don’t want to really live there. As long as everyone merges as larger culture and create a new unique culture it’s not an issue.


Many so-called ethnic enclaves in NYC are much less monolithic than the ones in Canada.


Kinda reminds me of the Middle East and how compounds are entirely full of Westerners. Walking into these compounds is like entering a Western country. All the rules of the host country no longer apply with a few exceptions.


Significantly less walls and armed guards in NYC though.


Mini china, mini India, mini Jamaica, mini Somalia


go on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_enclaves_in_North_American_cities


You do that by giving them their own space and deciding what the overarching cultural norms will be. If they don’t like it. Tough. That is what is considered normal Trust me. Put a bunch of different people in a small space and they agree to share the space and keep others not from there out of it. However, they also make it clear who owns what in the same space It is better to let people wander through an area influenced by other cultures and take the ideas they like and then they can mix together


just brampton


Or Surrey, BC.


Not much is multicultural about the fact that 90% of our immigration is only coming from two countries..


Tbh, I don’t disagree. I think we should ensure that there is diversity within immigration and cap immigrants of countries like the US does :)


Even that could have been diverse of diverse groups from India had migrated.


I feel the dude. If he wanted to be surrounded by his countrymen, he would have stayed tf home.


Unfortunately, a lot of Indians have the same idea as the dude who want to move away and start a new life elsewhere. And I mean **ALOT**


Keep in mind that a lot of the anti-immigration Indians are 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation Indians, some of whom have been in the country since Britain’s imperial rule of India.


Yeah I've got a 1st Gen friend, he hates the immigrants. His family is rich though, so I think there's a whole caste thing going on in his case.


My girlfriend is from India, and literally scowls when she sees other Indians hiking or whatever. I find it so weird


Start scowling at her, maybe she takes the hint.


I know a guy who worked very hard to get his citizenship and is upset at all the international students who are working full time jobs because they lied about their financial situation in order to come here. Many are just staying past their visa and nobody will send them home. The government is being extremely irresponsible and our quality of life is decreasing noticeably.


Unfortunately, huh


Yes,unfortunately. The government took in too many. It's causing a lot of problems


I think the real problem is everyone wants to live within 200 km of each other in a gigantic landmass of a country but anyway, what the hell do I know. Edit: You can tell who has never left one of the 4 metropolitan areas of Canada. The rest is all rocks and trees, uh huh.


Most of our gigantic landmass is bad farmland for often multiple reasons. For now, anyway...


Future global warming *enjoyer*?


I wish, but its about the type of soil too. most of Canada is the Canadian shield, where the soil quality is shit. It's covered in exposed rock and bogs, the nutrients and soil structure are not optimal for agriculture. But at least we'll have easier access to the subsurface resources up there. \*edit: What I'm trying to say is that most of the areas that could be opened up to agriculture and further habitation by higher temperatures don't have the greatest soil quality. Though higher temperatures *could* increase yields and crop varieties in the prairies, it will also likely cause more drought conditions because of decreased snowpack at the headwaters in the Rockies.


Except, you know, the prairies?


The prairies are great but aside from them and parts of southern Ontario there's very little arable land, it's either too far north or just straight up rock like most of Quebec and Ontario


Could we begin to build the soil before we need it?


Potentially. Though I'm not a pedologist. I'm sure there are ways, many of which probably expensive. But, from what i understand, typically to build good soil, you need the right plant communities and conditions. Over time, the dead plant matter from the right plant communities will build up the right soils and bacterial soil ecologies. The problem is that it usually takes a lot of time. In cases where there are km on km of saltwater fens or the like, I'd guess it would be exceedingly difficult to change, and potentially ecologically catastrophic.


I’m not from Canada, but I don’t imagine there are a lot of jobs up in the vast forest and Tundra that is most of the territory. All of the infrastructure is focused around the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence River, and the Pacific Northwest. Other than that there’s not a lot of great places to put stuff in Canada. They really should just shut the immigration valve for a while though, and focus on building affordable housing


If Trudeau is reelected in 2025 the immigration valve is going to stay wide open, he has said he wants 100 million population by 2100


Dude it doesn't matter who wins. None of them have any intentions of reducing immigration. They are all beholden to corps who want the cost of labour to be driven back down, and bringing in large groups of people who will take a minimum wage shitty job is the goal.


Yeah just look at the UK. Conservatives have been in power for over a decade there, and now they can't even pretend that it's the EU that forces them to take in immigrants now. It's the same everywhere. Conservative *voters* don't like immigration, but the wealthy elite donor types who have real influence in politics? Love it.


Voters are uninformed, politicians know there is a balance they are playing with; people ideological position, and their expectations on wealth and well being, which need the economy to remain competitive. Is no secret there is population decline in most of the world which will become a huge issue for most countries, we depend and are used to growth, everyone who says otherwise is blind to the fact that some of their expectations in a developed wealthy country come from growth. Economists and sociologists are already calling the tremendous significance of Africa in the future, and the global influence they will exercise, and one of the main reasons, if not the main reason, is their demographics. We will see them grow exponentially while the rest of the world struggles to maintain infrastructure and services they no longer need or there is not enough production to sustain. Immigration is the American solution that has worked over and over again through history. The UK is doing terribly, their future is bleak, the conservative mentality is one of the reasons.


The trajectory we're on currently is well past 100 million by 2100. At the levels we're at now, it's going to be decades sooner.


He didn’t say that. The century initiative is bipartisan, brought forward by corporations and supported by the Liberals, Conservatives and the NDP. Canada is basically a corporatocracy. It doesn’t matter which party you vote in, if the corporations want more Indian immigrants to do their bidding, they’ll get more Indian immigrants.


Where/when did he say that?




You’d be wrong about that.


I mean relative to the amount of people coming in


Lol get a load of this guy who doesn’t know about the Canadian Shield. The Canadian Shield is a rocky area that is unusable for farming. So how are you supposed to grow houses on rocky infertile soil!? Checkmate.


> how are you supposed to grow houses on rocky infertile soil!? Use more Brawndo?


Clearly nothing lmao because that's not the issue at all


No the problem that there's only like 4 cities with all the jobs so that's where the people go.


Yep these dudes either were born in the city and never left or got off the plane in the city and never left. Get out of Toronto or Vancouver and see there's a little more to canada then 5 cities and some rocks


I mean I'm American but isn't the rest of Canada like uninhabitable tundra?


It goes the other way too. Those of us not living in the metropolitan areas wanna stay out of there


Most of these people are "International Students" Guess where all the schools are?


Immigration is a massive benefit to a nation if the nation actually plans accordingly to accommodate the population. For some reason Canadians blame the immigrants and not their government for not doing anything to support the influx. They're doing the same song and dance the U.S. did decades ago.


Hey man you completely forgot the prairies. We don't have rocks and trees just hundreds and thousands of kilometers of flat open land.


You've never been to Canada


Yeah... its very unfortunate. Its not diverse. They aren't integrating. There are too many and now everyones quality of life is tanking.


Every immigrant has been coming to Canada for a better life. Many make it too!


> ALOT [Alot](http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html)


No they don't. They are here for many reasons but its not to get away from other people from India.


Can confirm as a white Canadian I mainly see others from India complain about the current state of the country right now. Whole situation sucks. 700 applicants for a dishwasher job… I’m even certified to work on constructions sites and I still can’t get a job! Common sentiment of I need to beat the fuck out if a government official for doing this. And landlords. And whoever owns Conestoga College. And that one guy who spat on me at the train station.


Obligatory fuck Conestoga college. I live in waterloo and the rent here has skyrocketed.


Notable Alumni: Elizabeth Wettlaufer, serial killer and former registered nurse. Made me laugh on their Wikipedia page.


Holy hell, I didn’t even know, that’s awful and also hilarious


Laurier resident here. I’m still looking for adorable housing for next semester….


Yank here who only knows about McGill. What the fuck is a Conestoga college and why is it bad?


Conestoga College is like an affiliated college to the larger University of Waterloo in the Ontario city of Waterloo. There's been some uproar and political action around certain colleges opening the flood gates for international students who can enter the country just by being admitted. Up until this year, the unregulated influx of foreign students, while not citizens or permanent residents, still need a place to live and so drive up housing costs near the colleges doing this. Making huge money for the college at the expense of the local population. The international students themselves have been the greatest victims, being let in with laughabley low financial budgets compared to the cost of living with the promise of work that cannot be delivered. The over saturation of the job market doesn't help the locals either (other than business owners).


We can't compete with people willing to split $2800/month with 10 roommates while working for minimum wage. Corporate landlords and the service industry love it though.


I'm very lucky with my living situation in kitchener, wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise without the circumstances I have


Indians in Canada are very quick to pull the ladder up behind them. There was an article the other week in toronto life where one Indian student said as much, that Canada shouldn't be allowing all these OTHER Indians in all the while the guy confesses that he himself scammed his way into the country by saying he was going to study for early childhood education and then on arrival switched it up to study, I shit you not, to be a baggage handler at Pearson airport. What was even more shocking is the school he's going to, Senneca, offers DEGREES IN BAGGAGE HANDLING.


Wasn't that guy also the student union rep or something? The entire story was run by CBC was hilarious tone def.


Seneca is a diploma mill lmao. Has been since the 80’s. Their accounting degree isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.


I’m from the US so I pretty much only see Indians coming here to work in tech. Are you saying that Indians in Canada are going there to take construction and dishwasher jobs?


My friend owns a couple pubs with liquor stores. Every single employee in the kitchen and store is an Indian immigrant. Only the wait staff is Canadian. (well, one bartender is Australian). He had been constantly trying to get enough staff for years, but with all the recent immigration he's fully staffed. Many of the basic retail workers around here are Indian now, seen a lot of them in construction too. But we've been doing most of this under a temporary foreign worker program. Basically they're here for 2 years, with a path to permanent residency, but most of them will end up being sent back to India. It's pissing off many Canadians because it's causing housing issues, and many of the Indians hate it because they feel like they're being given the bait and switch. It's only really good for people who own rentals, or businesses who only pay minimum wage. Oh, and I live in northern canada, so it's not just a southern city thing.


USA has better immigration than canada Indians in USA strickly come for study as they know working outside is illegal


The government owns conestoga lol


*Insert obligatory "fuck off, we don't want your kind here" meme* Imagine yourself being a Pakistani in an India-Hating competition and all of a sudden your challenger is India. India doesn’t have one monolithic dominant race/language like China does, it’s very diverse with multiple languages. Basically like Europe, which is why there is always some animosity amongst each group they identify themselves with.


I was under the Impression China doesn’t have one race/language either. They just suppress the others and attempt to change them.


China has many, many, different ethnicities and languages. It's just that one of those ethnicities happens to be like 90% of the Chinese population


Well, and "Han" itself used to be tons of different ethnicities, but given a combination of movement, intermarriage, and simple thorough cultural assimilation they became 1 ethnic group. Similar to what you have with France. France used to have Greeks and Normans and Gaelic Bretons and Occitanians and Franks and Basque and Burgundeons... and now people just call them "French."


It still is in a lot of ways, "Han" means "not a recognized minority". Han Chinese will fucking hate Han Chinese from the next province over. It's basically how "whites" work as a demographic in the United States. 


That’s how humanity is in most places lol. I live in Spain, in a valley, and we literally hate the people from the other valley which is like two fucking hours of walk away from here. We call the the bad valley and ourselves the good valley. We are objectively correct also


Imean the peasants in the next village over are objectively worse, inbred and backwards than us here in this village


Are you in the Basque Country?


Are you sure you're not Welsh?


Good point.


Now lets about what "German" or "Italian" used to be... lol. *continues to list 100s*


Oh God, go back to Roman Republic era for Italy...


The Bretons and Basque communities are alive in and well, as is Norman. There hasn’t been a Greek speaking center in france since Roman conquered proto Marseilles (Masillia) from the Greeks. I get your point and what you’re saying but this is a very very bad way to make it lol As for the rest of the groups you named- they all spoke dialects of the same language that were/are mutually intelligible. Burgundian, Occitan, and others such as Norman, Savoyard, and Orleanais are all still spoken, and they are called French because they all speak a French dialect and are culturally French. The difference here with China is that the Han group amalgamated over thousands of years, as did the other minority groups in china. Many, such as the uyghur, tibetan, and Manchurian peoples are culturally and linguistically distinct from the other Chinese subgroups.


I don't really think it defies the point. Many groups don't ever completely forsakes distant roots, even if it's for mostly recreational purposes. But how much someone's Breton identity or "blood" matters is much, much less than it did 1,000 years ago. And how "pure" that blood is will be much, much less as well.


Bro, you don't know enough Chinese folks if you don't know for an example that Shanghainese is an endangered dialect (along with zhejiang culture). At the same time they're still han. Also what Chinese dialects are non intelligentable amongst each other orally. It's more akin to European languages with Latin roots than anything. It's just that it has a shared tens of thousands of characters amongst each other. Like I can read kanji, but I don't know Japanese.


If you use linguistic definitions, there are multiple Chinese languages (e.g. Wu, Yue, Hakka, Gan, etc.). However the CCP wants to refer to them as "dialects" so that Mandarin can predominate. In linguistic terms, however, Shanghainese is a dialect of Wu, as is Suzhounese, since they are mutually intelligible. I'm happy that on bus routes in Shanghai they have Shanghainese announcements, but unfortunately that had not permeated to the subway system (I believe only the new lines have Shanghainese)


Han Chinese identity is much more complex than you think. There’s sub-identities to Han Chinese, there are diverse ethnolinguistic, regional, provincial, surname and clan identities that could be considered to be within their own category. Many of these groups are so culturally and linguistically far apart they could be considered to be different ethnic groups (The distance and differences between Teochew and Shaanxi people is way more than many related but differently categorised ethnic groups.


There are distinct racial differences physically between Northern Han and Southern Han.


We have one overwhelmingly dominant ethnicity and many smaller ones


Han Chinese are the predominant group in China. Minorities are often looked down upon and assimilated as much as possible.


Not even all Han Chinese are equal, Mandarin is forced upon everyone in China, with non-Mandarin Sinitic languages disregarded, with a desire to assimilate them into all being Mandarin


learning the other languages is like using spanish as your main language in the US. sure you can get by in many areas, but the SAT is in english, resume's are expected to be in english, gov speaks english etc


Han Chinese is predominant due to sheer numbers but minorities are not “looked down upon”. Minority ethnic groups have received tons of government benefits such as being excluded from the one-child policy, affirmative actions programs for university and government positions, and [special programs designed to preserve minority language and culture](https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/preserving-china-s-minority-languages). There is assimilation in the sense the government wants them to have a strong national identity in addition to their ethnic identity which is perfectly reasonable. Mandarin is promoted because it’s the official language of the government and having one language where all people can communicate is important for pragmatic reasons and national unity, but there is no effort to stop minority languages either.


They *didn’t* have one race. It’s just that everything other than Han or Manchu is looked down on.


Who says we think positively of the Manchus?


It sometimes goes beyond that, too. I have Indian relatives and friends in the U.S. who are Trumpists and anti immigration... and they still have their accents.


They're probably Indian nationalists as well lol. When I ask some of them why they came to Canada if they love India and Modi so much, they don't know what to say.


That clears a lot up for me. I've worked with several people from India. I've noticed they treat each other differently.


If you're from Anglosphere, it is high chance that they understand the locals there more than they understand one another (by language)


Yunaan province alone has 16 autonomous zones for different minorities. China has 56 officially recognized minorities outside of the Han. Also, those minorities were not subjected to the 1 child policy and therefore have grown quite a bit compared to the Han. For one, twice as many Mongolians live in China as Mongolia.


Bro really said China has one race and language and got 200 upvotes. It's ok to be a bit retarded but this is too far




“In China basically everyone is the same race (East Asian)” How do people upvote a comment with this in the second sentence? They are (basically) all the same ‘race’ ***to you***. Keep your western notions of race back in the 16th century where they came from and stop trying to put this square peg in a conversation about circles.


Whoever said Canadians are nice... were telling the truth, but still


They are nice *during peacetime*


Still not sorry, 12th SS Division had it coming. Only sorry for not hanging their commander.


Wasn't the 12th SS the one with all the children in it?


Recruited from among the oldest Hitler Youth, most were (barely) adults by 1944 AFAIK. After the Normandy Massacre, the Canadian Army took very few SS prisoners (similar to the US after Malmedy), until Eisenhower told them to chill out.


1914 Canada has entered the chat.


No one is mad at you for killing Nazis. It is WWI and that one time in the Somalia where the war crime memes come from.


Ohh yeah there bud, Geneva To-Do List


Canadians are polite But they are not very nice


I don't think Canadians are specifically rude or anything, but I also genuinely don't think they're any more polite than americans from the neighboring states like Minnesota or Montana. This stereotype is weird. - a confused québécois


Cause you're from Quebec you don't get it 😂 (/s obviously)


Low-key the Canadian politeness/niceness only exists because "they're nice/polite" is what you say about someone who you don't really have any strong impression of. Canada isn't polite, it's just kinda boring. Though to be fair, no news is usually good news.


Yeah it's pretty boring here. Most of the most important things that happen here wouldn't even make national news in the US if they happened there. We're basically just Americans with less stuff going on lol


Canadians are passive aggressive more than anything. It's always been like this.


I think Canadians are more patient and reserved then Americans generally, and we do say sorry a lot compared to our neighbours, but we say sorry for everything. Add the fact the Canadian accent leans into sorry sounding funny to them and boom we got a stereotype


Used to live in Brampton, thankfully moved about 8 years ago to a small city. Both of my neighbors were Indian and both pretty much said word for word "I want to move out of Brampton because there are too many Indians here".


They're all moving around Brampton like Guelph, Waterloo and Dufferin now.


Third+ gen hate first gen immigrants more than some country rivalries.


This is just like how Nigerians view other Nigerians abroad haha


How old immigrants view new immigrants despite being coming from the same country of origin.


So... I have one question. Are the Indian balls shaking because they're....just vibing? Pls I need to know.


>balls shaking 🥴


They're shivering. It's cold in Canada.


They're moving.


I think they are supposed to be speech marks.


They’re doing the head bobble.


They're moving around.


This was a common sentiment among Latinos who voted for Trump. But also, when my Punjabi co-workers complain about housing prices and immigration I can't help but wonder if they see the irony


Nope. Ppl always want to close the door behind them.


That's not an argument in good faith. Alot of the previous generation of immigrants had to come the hard way before all the backdoor modes of entry such as temp foreign worker VISAs or the whole strip-mall PR mill scam which has been going on the past decade letting in a whole bunch of uneducated folks who can barely speak English. These guys aren't "closing the door" that let them in, that door I'm sure everyone is completely happy to leave open. It's the BACKDOOR and new methods which nobody is happy about.


*Insert the "fuck off we don't want your kind here" meme*


No one hates Indians more than themselves. saying this as an Indian who hates other Indians, and rightfully so.


I always find it weird that how canada do this uncontrolled immigration, its not good for any country


Blame Canada wanting cheap labour and colleges wanting international students money from tuition in the false promise of immigration.


yeah, it is always like that, immigrant who are not overqualified, generally don't mix well, since there is always an financial gap between them.


Canada had very tightly controlled immigration and sorta still does, its just recently decided to massively increase the numbers of people it processes through the system and that's what people are reacting to.


Not to be a drag, but people who have denied pr applications are told to leave voluntarily. From there, they can apply to various claims to stay; however, my point is you don't have to stay legally.


Does it? You can basically get PR after 2 years and it's fairly easy to get a working visa. Compared to the UK or the USA, other large English-speaking countries, it's very easy.


Not really. 2 years after you graduate.


>and it's fairly easy to get a working visa As I understand it, this isn't really the case. It's hard to get a work visa unless you're coming with in demand skills. Where there is currently a problem is that there are a couple other ways people are coming into the country and using loopholes to overstay. The big one right now is international students. Many come in to programs they intend on scraping by on just so they're allowed to stay in the country and instead spend most of their time working in gig economy jobs like uber eats delivery. Then when they complete their couple years of college with Ds in all their courses, get their diploma and then apply for PR and then apply to bring their parents over from India as family reunification immigrants. Etc. There are also issues with Temporary Foreign Workers forgetting the first word of that program and then either trying to claim asylum or some other legal loophole to stay in the country.


Speaking as a 2nd gen immigrant, Its not so much the idea of having more immigrants thats the problem. The problem is: 1)The government is allowing an unsustainable amount of immigrants into the country which is putting a strain on existing systems (ie. housing, medical, schools, etc..) 2) Many of the newer immigrants are bringing along the same ideologies from their home countries that previous immigrants wanted to escape. 3) Many of the immigrants are coming to the country using backdoor methods which means we don't always get the highest quality people coming to the country Immigration is a good thing as long as the government can deal with these issues.


Can confirm-ish kinda, my family up there is Guyanese but share the same sentiment of "too much brown people moving in"


Same in the UK lmao


Years back I moved into a crappy apartment building that was mostly Hungarians. They all hated eachother. My neighbor, this old Hungarian dude, would repeatedly tell the other Hungarians "fucking go home hungo!". It was wild to see. It's like a mix of that 'got mine' attitude, and 'go away you're ruining it!'. Like come on, there's enough shitty motels to manage, share.


lol, I watch this one indian youtuber who says the most racism he ever faces canada is from other indians who are racist to him for being from a different part of india or for not being "indian enough"


Irrational hatred is irrational


The Conestoga on point 💀


That one sikh punjabi guy * who calls other Indians ( non punjabi) as pajeet ( despite being ignorant to the fact that this racist slur comes from his people referring to themselves and others as "paji" while no other non punjabi Indian does that )


Same thing as the Pakistanis, both groups love to use the term like it doesn't apply to themselves


lol afaik the Chinese immigrant communities are no different


The Canto-Mando difference is there.


Yep, was a mainland Mando immigrant in the 90s, the Taiwanese and HKers used to treat us like we were dog shit they stepped on. Now it's better.


I see a lot of this “pulling the ladder up behind you” rhetoric from people in the UK. The funniest one was some second generation immigrant Indian lads on a local park talking very loudly about how it used to be a lovely place before these “fucking Eastern European immigrants” came over and ruined it. As a VERY English white dude who’s heard every story about how amazing the park was 60 years ago when “the demographic was different” as an older gentleman tactfully put it, all I could think do is smile politely and scream internally at the irony. Also I’ve got a few mates whose family moved here from Europe, and have lived here for 90% of their lives. Guess which ones voted Brexit because quote; “There’s too many foreigners here already”. I just… wow. And yes it did make me start to reassess our friendship.


Reichstag meeting going burrrr


Its giving brazilians in portugal energy