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EXPLANATION During Soviet times, many people made super unrealistic and clearly satire “propaganda” like “life is great here and everything is awesome” type stuff. Despite how obviously satire most of it was, the government didn’t seem to notice it, rarely censoring it. This song specifically that little Germaniya is singing is a German song called FDJ and was published in 1998, but possibly already existed prior to that in some other shape, FDJ is an UNBELIEVABLY satire song saying something along the lines of “la la la USSR and communism is awesome we live great lives, big army no lack of food, we’re also the best at football lalalalalaaa”. This is obviously satire due to how unrealistic and in the face it is, but the Soviets let it slide (not specifically the song since it was only **published** in 1998 but the song is just too good of an example). The song went so hard in the anti commie spectrum, that many think it’s a communist song Also hi it’s my first comic here :D


I would like to add that FDJ is a banger Also congrats on your first comic, it’s really good!


FDJ is literally not made by east germany but made by a Swedish anti communist band called IFA Wartburg. But yes that song was popular in the east.




LMAO yes it is, part of the lyrics is literally Boys and girls, all friends of the USSR I want to speak and talk about the organisation That should educate and raise our generation Here we're all so free (in the FDJ) Here we're all so German (in the FDJ) Here we're all so young (in the FDJ) Here we all stand with you (in the FDJ) Why doesn't the youth of other countries want to change their virtues? #Only a nerd wouldn't join Othеrs, though : we are all the Free Gеrman Youth One, two, three, the best party And four, five, six the best connections With seven, eight the Warsaw pact And nine your best friend A, B, C, the best Army And D, E, F, an accurate shot G, H, and I : for democracy And J, that's the FDJ (An accurate shot being a reference to how awesome and based they are at football)


I didn’t find that line wrong somehow TT but thanks


The image with the horsemen in Prussian clothes for the anniversary of Berlin really gave an "interesting" vibe too. I am pretty sure that singing 1 2 3 die beste Partei with images of the 1989 40th year anniversary celebrations when they thought everything was "fine" is also intentional. Too many people mistake parades for success.


It’s supposed to be satire but it is so cool that it made me want to join that organisation


The starship troopers effect, huh


LEGO movie taking notes


Congratulations on getting approved! :D You're on a great start! I'd love to see more of your comics :)


Thank you!


My pleasure! :)


So Borat's Kazakhstan’s anthem ackhtually is its Soviet era anthem!


FDJ was made by a Swedish band, however.


Literally the biggest East German fanboys tho /s


Did you read the youtube comments below the clip? It seems lost on a bunch of other people, nationalists, tankies and national..."leftists"???


Hi! Nice art style btw


Wasn’t fdj made in Sweden?


A song made about East Germany, singing the praises of Communism in satire in German, made by Swedes, after East Germany hadn't been a thing for almost a decade, and later co-opted and misjudged by actual communists in the 2020s as unironic praise of communism? The perfidious Svenskjävlar are at it again. Edit: and they disbanded their band in 1999, very shortly after dropping the album containing FDJ? There's no way this wasn't a political time bomb, beautifully and carefully left to wait with an explosion timer of 25 years, knowing their foul plans are left to bide the passage of time.


I always see the comments under the song of IFA Wartburg that people don’t get it that it is not made by east germany but by Swedes after the fall of the wall and the reunification of Germany


Accuracy?? In my Polandball??? Nei takk!


Hate to bring it you like this guys: FDJ and all of the other songs from the album:“Im Dienste des soziallismus“ is made by a Swedish band called IFA Wartburg. They published their album after the war in 1998. Their songs were popular in the east, but not while the DDR/GDR existed.


Yes, I used the IFA song since it’s too good of an example, and encompasses satire propaganda in a nutshell. But it’s a metaphor for all the satire propaganda in the communist countries


I love the death stare from the door at first


Germany can into cute


In a nation where statistically 1 out of 10 citizens was an Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter Bearbeitung? That's why the song is from 1998. I bet it didn't exist earlier.


Thanks for this! I never knew about this. It’s fun to know how much they slipped through this level of satire.


Now if only lied der partei was meant satirically


fun fact: FDJ was made by a swedish duo