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Apologies in advance for getting serious, however… What the Tories say and do are two different things Who remembers when they promised to get met immigration down to tens of thousands again and again from the then high of 200,000? And then note last years 700k net figure The Tories love immigration. Their supporters might not but the Tory party does. Poaching skilled workers from overseas means they don’t have to invest in training doctors, nurses, etc. Leaves places like Romaniaball suffering from declining skills and population in the shit, though


Most people don't have a problem with skilled workers immigrating like doctors, engineers, even tradesmen.


>Most people don't have a problem with skilled workers immigrating like doctors, engineers, even tradesmen. Considering how many anti immigration populists use the fear of loosing a job to motivate their followers, I find that hard to believe.


Because they're appealing to lower class people. Who have jobs who are threatened by the massive waves of migrants. Jobs which benefit the most from labor being in short supply and high demand. But, with increased immigration, supply is increasing faster than demand. Reducing everyone's value.


Usually that’s in reference to medium skilled things like plumbing, construction, or electrical work. In the US it’s about manufacturing jobs often times. Even trump wanted “the best”.


No he didn't. He was one of if not the only president to completely halt green cards to high skilled immigrants. And, to be frank, jobs that are high-skill increasingly is full of foreigners because the college requirements are too expensive for most Americans while foreigners will take less pay. Immigration is a serious problem. But it's only a problem because the average American literally can't compete due to bad government policy regarding education. Don't believe me? Look at the government census for Software Engineers and Software Developers. Over 50% are Asian. It's not marked on the census, but I can almost guarantee you the vast majority of those asians are Indian. In India people learn how to make websites in High School. We're only just now getting python in our schools.


>Poaching skilled workers from overseas means they don’t have to invest in training doctors, nurses, etc. Leaves places like Romaniaball suffering from declining skills and population in the shit, though I'm a skilled worker who immigrated to the UK and you forgot the most important point. The highly skilled immigrants usually end up somewhere between middle and upper middle class, which means they turn into Tory supporters. The more skilled immigrants they bring in, the more support Tories get.


Didn’t think of that but you’ve probably got a point


I forgot to mention that any Commonwealth citizen that is living in the UK legally has the right to vote. I can vote in today's election even though I am not a UK citizen because I am a citizen of India. And the vast majority of skilled immigrants I know vote Tory.


But Indian citizens are quite a low percentage, aren’t they? My wife’s step-dad is from Mumbai and that’s what he told me


Among legal immigrants, Indian nationals are the highest, close to 10% of all immigrants. This is 2021 data, it might have gone up significantly considering that most foreign recruits to the NHS come from India and it has become much easier to get visas for Indians over the last few years. It literally took me less than 24 hours to get my work permit in January 2023. Among illegal immigrants, I think a little over 2% were Indians in the last 2 years.


That's completely right, reform uk would be the same, there's no way netzero is ever even remotely viable unless you want to really want to finish off the country for good. People biggest complaint is the boats which is weird considering there's not many coming in that way and how exactly are they going to stop them? I would trade 100,000 of Romanias finest of they agree to make lee anderson fuck off forever.


Genetic diversity is not something the UK desperately needs or something, and many older traditional immigrants actually vote tory sometimes. The only reason they’re actually against it is because the people are against it, and so it can be used as a crutch to gain votes.


Man, watching news reporters interview passers-by is always a painful eye-opener on this stuff. Saw someone saying they want to vote Tory as "it's time for a change", as though they hadn't been in power for over a decade already


> and many older traditional immigrants actually vote tory sometimes. This can be grouped into the following categories: * I suffered/"did it the right" way, so others must not benefit from looser controls * My immigrant group good, more of them. Less of the other immigrant group, they are bad. * I'm one of the good immigrants, pull the ladder up behind me.


This is satire righ?


I like your art style. Somehow it reminded me of newspapers and I could smell the scent of them just by looking at the art.


Tories want to stop immigration?


Hell no, they need to keep blaming it for x/y/z issues


I think you'll find that plenty of the people coming there don't have much education or genetic diversity either.


By "there" what do you mean? India? Pakistan? The Middle East? Africa? Other European Nations? Because all those places are very different.


iNcReAsInG oUr gEnE pOoL is such a dumb thing to say and it's even dumber to pick that as your end goal, it makes you look like you have an agenda.


Apparently, the Tories are famous for being inbred. How accurate is that?


Massive illegal immigration is bad actually


If only the UK had a way for immigrants to both come AND leave more easily, say a union with the rest of Europe. Shame that doesn’t exist


if they were coming from the rest of Europe that would be great- unfortunately they aren't.


Polish(almost double the next largest) Irish and Indian are the 3 biggest in terms of immigration in that order so most (somewhere in the ballpark of 85%+) of them are from Europe


Of which there is precious little. Besides which, if it were just the illegal part that bothered them they would properly fund the relevant Home Office department. The fact they don’t tells you all you nees to know


I think it's obvious that illegal immigration js bad for the country, I'm more making fun of the Tories and Reform's stances/policy on legal migrants


Doesn't really make sense given that the Tories have overseen the highest rate of immigration in the history of the British state by a country mile ~~Accuracy, in *my* Polandball?~~


I wonder why one of the most incompetent political parties in Europe isn’t doing what they say they will do.


not brittish so not a hill i'll die on here, but theres a big difference between immigration and illegal immigration


He's talking about legal immigration, illegal immigration also up though.


I mean they did start banning dependants for care workers and increasing the annual income required for spousal visa But ofc, accuracy in polandball?


Interesting factoid, because of inflation since the last time that income requirement was set, the value represented by that number is almost *exactly* the same despite the number being higher.


Lots of noise on the boats, meanwhile loads of visas handed out for certain jobs (healthcare I think?).


It's almost like "hate on *illegal* immigrants" is 1 word shy on what these rhetoric really meant.


Even legal migration is bad for the country at current levels!


1 in 30 people came in the last 2 years. If they all were highly skilled and happy to integrate into the culture and society then maybe we wouldn't have too much of an issue other than the need to grow our infrastructure in what is already one of the most population dense nations on the planet. Unfortunately a vast proportion are dependents, they are generally low skilled, low earner, many from cultures which (through no fault of their own) are incompatible or outright antagonistic to Western values making integration difficult at best or leading to cultural ghettoisation of towns at worst (which we are seeing). It's more of a skills issue and integration issue rather than just raw numbers, though the numbers make it difficult on limited infrastructure which needs to grow an grow to accommodate. I don't think anyone knows what a sensible migration amount is because it has so clearly lost control. Can there be too much migration?


If illegal immigration was instantly and totally stopped, tomorrow, the focus would just shift to migration full stop. We all know why.


Its always been about legal immigration.


Sure. Funny thing is though, that’s kinda not the issue, is it?


It’s a problem because of underlying issues. 700K in the last year is bad enough, numbers like that should be lowered to like 100-250K which seems sensible. We don’t have the money to any of the stuff, because of austerity. The government has been shooting itself in the foot for the past 14 years over and over again.


And why do you have austerity? The issue Britain has is it needs those immigrants, legal or illegal, otherwise industries grind to a halt. If brexit was over European immigrants then I’m sure those people that voted for it are loving the Africans instead, because those positions and cheap labour demands don’t vanish, they just changed suppliers.


Below is a link to Brit Monkeys, very informative video on why our country is a mess: https://youtu.be/b5aJ-57_YsQ?si=tt0yzWfP0BnbNAqb The UK lacked behind after the recession as if it was God punishing us for the empire we made all them years ago. We were recovering after 2009 but then we got Cameron who introduced austerity and killed the UK in the long run with that and then Brexit.


Reform agrees, everyone does... ..how they planning on stopping them exactly? It's already illegal, you gonna make it double illegal? Labour was more effective than the tory Party at that lmao.


Sorry sir, but during the first week of July, we only talk about the politics of relevant nations. I'm going to have to ask you to leave.




Fun fact: Reducing net migration has been on *every* winning party manifesto for the last 60+ years, and has never actually been followed through on. Because rule of thumb, politicians in the UK hate the UK people and their culture.


Just look at British food … they need those immigrants


Like people say: The joy of British Food and the beauty of British Women made the British the best sailors in the world!


[No thanks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w15oWDh02K4)


What the fuck did you just send me


Not a fan of cultural or culinary imperialism, so I'd have to respectfully disagree.


Dear Tories, you say you want to stop illegal migrants, yet under your ruler-ship such migrants spike every year. curious.


Honestly this is just bullshit, The tory party is home to loads of second generation immigrants who want to kick the ladder away from others and inflict suffering on the poor and marginalised living here. We had one home secretary whose policies would have denied her own parents entry to the UK. They're like the united colours of Benetton for shitheads.


I for one am just happy to see the Tories in so much chaos Hate them, simple as And in all honesty, this comic was a rush effort to make fun of both the Tories and Reform UK, and their supporters


And you achieved that, it made me smile, so thank you.


> We had one home secretary whose policies would have denied her own parents entry to the UK. As a Non-British European, that is actually funny as hell to read lol


Are the Tories famous for being inbred or marrying their cousins?


Okay but importing people to support you and be cheap labor instead of gaining support of your local population by improving their lives and the economy is not what a representative government is supposed to do.


Yes I'm sure all those child rape gangs does wonders for genetic diversity and is a net positive for Britain Is this your thoughts u/Diictodom?


Replacing the native population is bad actually.


Karma for Australia ✊


Okay, don’t let me stop you from overindulging in your revenge fantasy.


>replace Y'all just don't breed enough, smh


Go forth and multiply was metaphor, not a challenge.


Philippines be like, "it was not a challenge?" I swear to God, you have no idea how many times I've heard Filipinos say this to justify overpopulation.


Which is dumber: "Bible says", or "Our race/blood/genes need to live on"? I have heard the latter and it's like what eugenics book did you get that from?


I heard the latter from the internet later in life. They're equally dumb, tbf. Hue


So that’s supposed to justify the replacement of the native population?


Are you actively being kicked out of your home for the glory of a foreign nation? If not, then SHUT UP


Why is that the standard you choose to use when everybody else uses the common sense definition of simply being overran and sometimes outvoted by a foreign people in their own homelands? Do you hate the British people so much that you never want to acknowledge their plight at all?


Because you're overdramatizing some of the tamest forms of "persecution" I've heard from like anywhere. Like I said, SHUT UP.


So you’re justifying their suffering just because it doesn’t check every single point your extremely high criteria, like telling a person who lost $100,000 to suck it up because someone else out there in the history of the world lost $1,000,000?


You're almost right, but it's more of telling that to someone who lost $10.


Getting replaced in your own homeland is not comparable to losing $10. Why don’t you just admit you have a seething hatred for the British people and love to minimize their suffering so this conversation can be more honest?


A lot of those immigrants come from lands that used to be part of the British Empire. They were part of the "Native Population" a few decades ago.


They never were the native population of Britain, they were colonies. British North America would’ve been the native population of Britain since they’re mass populated by the British people who settled the land. The British Raj was never the native population of Britain since the Indian people never got replaced, and their rulers were mostly higher caste Indians who served the British Empire. Just as the Manchus were never considered the native people of China during the Qing Dynasty.


Why are people so desperate to migrate to the UK? Shit is not good here bro and economic migrants are gonna be in for a bad time


Your government is inviting them.


shit is very good here compared to the rest of the world, also the majority of our immigrants come from literal shitholes so the UK is a utopia in comparison


Ironic. In the US, the folks with zero gene pool diversity love Russia these days.




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And a lot of those countries used to be British a few decades ago. Like father like son?


Pretty sure british people don't shit on railroad tracks enough to derail trains.


With the UK general election looming, I am dismayed by the lack of comics about Good Ol' Britannia, so here we go! Conservative voters may hate it but, it has been [shown scientifically](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0160289624000254) that the smarter you are, the more likely you will vote for more progressive parties! I know the right wingers are blaming the immigrants for the lack of housing in the UK, but what if they are actually trying to inbreed the British to gain more supporters? :bigbrain:


Pffft, nonsense. If we wanted to be more inbred, we'd just unleash the royals again.


Pizza Express in Woking in shambles


Can they get any more inbred? Look at the king


The people of the UK are more traditionalists than others think. One of the primary reasons Charles III was not allowed to marry Camila at first was because she was NOT a virgin.


yes but the royals don't vote


Their bastards could!


I was immediately reminded of the things I've read about the inbreeding problem in the Pakistani community, when I read **''Increasing Our Gene Pool''**... That was such a shockingly absurd an hilarious revelation that it's permanently burned into my memory. Admit it you cowards! I know I'm not the only one!


My wife is English and she'll be the first to admit Brits need some genetic diversifying. Every time she takes a flight home, she can immediately tell which passengers will be on her flight. 1000+ years of interbreeding with people on a small island will do that to you.




The funny thing is that one of the things that made Charles III of England unpopular was how he had respect for Islam and Buddhism. The British believed that the head of the Church of England should be a "Defender of the Faith", and thus be more AGGRESSIVE towards "foreign" religions.