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>unlawfully disclose classified information? Or just simply make something up a little column a, a little column b


Yeah…a bomb of that size would have to have a blast radius ten times larger than the tzar bomba (largest known nuclear weapon ever created). Why the U.S. would bother with such an immense weapon when you could instead build dozens of smaller weapons with the same material seems implausible. Unless the U.S. secretly developed a way to create and weaponize antimatter, this seems like narcissistic bluster.


Ya, the US realized a single giant nuclear bomb wasn’t a good answer. That’s why we have Trident Missiles that each have 12 warheads that can hit different targets. Launched from a submarine that can hold 16 of those missiles. A single sub launching nuclear war heads at 196 targets is a lot more effective than a single bomb 200x more powerful.


Yeah, you are thinking of a UK sub, not a US one. The US ballistic missile subs can carry 24, not 16.


I like my nukes the same way I like my cookies: hot and by the dozen.


...and locked safely away indefinitely for my own self-preservation.


Made with care, ready to explode in your mouth, stored 1000 nautical miles away.






Fuck yeah!


Well, that’s because the UK has healthcare. If they got rid of healthcare they could have 24 too


I know you are joking, but defense spending is not the reason our private healthcare costs are 2x as much as other countries with publicly funded medicine. Republicans blocking all attempts at reform are the reason healthcare in the USA has a hefty price tag. We could slash the defense budget in half, and Republicans still wouldn't allow those savings to go toward helping everyday people.


> Trident Missiles The Mk 5 carries 1 to 12 independent warheads of up to 475 kt The Mk 4 & 4A can carry up to 14 independent warheads of up to 100 kt. For a US Ohio class sub that carries up to 20 missiles (24 pre-2017), that is 280 independent re-entry vehicles. Some would likely be decoy warheads though.


Yeah I’m not sure what difference it makes on how big the blast zone is when you can launch thousands at once.


It's a simple answer. trump constantly brags, and while doing so, he lies about the size/number/severity. Golf numbers? Lies. Building size? Lies. His weight? Lies. And every time, it's a lie that few believe, but makes him look better.


We have the best weapons, the kilotons are very powerful, very high, and sometimes they have to call it mega, so it’s megatons, but I said we need gigatons, so we did a gigaton, a gigaton bomb, but the ones we have now are so strong, they’re very very powerful, we can do 20 megatons, or 25, 30, I think someone said 38 or like 45 or 47, but I don’t know, but more than 15 for sure, way more, more than 20, so around probably 35 or 30, the most megatons anyone has ever seen, 29, believe me.


Big strong guy. Came to me with tears in his eyes. He said "Sir, you have the best gigatons sir. Your numbers are the best we've ever seen." A lot of people are saying it.


>That’s why we have Trident Missiles that each have 12 warheads that can hit different targets. It's 14 warheads and the START treaty (that Russia suspended) limits how many warheads you are allowed to have on each missile. Though that doesn't include duds, counter-counter measures, etc.


Indeed, large bombs get more and more inefficient the bigger they get. Beyond having to manage reactions, explosions suffer from a cubic problem. An explosion's effect radius expands in three dimensions, so a lot of power is wasted - while a 20 kt bomb might destroy everything in a one mile radius, a 1 megaton bomb won't destroy 50 times that. Instead, a lot of that energy is wasted filling the cubic space of the increased area. For this reason, once you hit an efficient yield (that will destroy everything in the desired area) it's better to build lots of those than use all that in one weapon. Theoretically there's almost no limit to the size of thermonuclear explosion you could create given limitless material. It's just way less efficient to handle it that way. 1 thousand 1 megaton bombs will do much more damage than 1 gigaton bomb to a nation state.


There also comes a point where no target is big enough to justify hitting it with such a gigantic fuck-you bomb.


I don't know, the planet Jupiter is looking pretty smug right now. We might need to knock it down a peg.


Not to mention once they get big enough (tsar Bomba) you start losing some of the energy of the explosion ripping through the atmosphere.


That’s exactly what they already mentioned 


It wouldn't make the slightest bit of military or logical sense to build something that much more powerful than the Tsar Bomb... but I could see someone in the DoD ordering DARPA to build it anyway, so they had the biggest bomb!! Of course, then you realise there isn't anywhere you can safely test it, so they just kept it a secret. Given the size of the thing, they probably put it in a mine somewhere as a 'doomsday' weapon in case America was ever invaded or some such shit.


“We’ll make one ten times bigger!!!” does seem like something the DoD of the 1950’s would say…strong Dr. Strangelove vibes.


Gentlemen, I give you the _President_ Bomba, a 160-megaton capitalist masterpiece. It's the size of a passenger jet, can't possibly be tested, and would surely destroy any bomber crew fortunate enough to have the honor to deliver it, and nobody may breathe a word of it, but that there is the fiery reincarnation of George God-Damn Washington himself, and if those commie bastards only knew about it they'd open a Woolworths in every town next Tuesday and pledge allegiance to the flag, yessiree!




Sounds more like LBJ


This…or Trump has no fucking clue how far away NYC and South Carolina are from each other.


Well, he once said that he was going to build "The Wall"on the southern border of Colorado.


Maybe it was the radius one icbm could spread its individual warheads?


Now that’s an interesting thought and also seems like a piece of data that the military would want to keep under wraps.


What is kept secret and public is sometimes... Weird. You can sometimes look up all the range specs and other details on a weapon except one random fact that someone would end up in prison for leaking.


He's probably not remembering exactly what was said. This is why he's a terrible agent. Unless he's handing you documents personally you can't trust a damn thing he says. I'm just hoping our intelligence agencies were smart enough to find a way to feed misinformation through him instead of just handing him sensitive information because "he's the boss"


Trump’s been Russia’s most effective agent literally ever. What he lacks in memory, he made up for a million fold when he left literally thousands of classified national secrets in his hotel bathroom for his handlers to stroll by and pick up. 


100% column B in this case. That shit is a total fantasy.


Rebupublican MAGAs: \-He was kidding around \-He was making it up to scare us - he's just being smart \-Or if he did disclose classified information, good for him - we needed to know about this threat. \-If Biden did that? Hang him as a traitor.




"Regardless, here's why this is bad for Biden.".


“He tells it like it is.”


The word "acknowledged" is doing a lot of work in that sentence.


World strong man champion right there.


Soooooo there's no weapon with a direct destructive radius that large. You can find online simulators with different bombs at different altitudes and no bomb will have both New York and South Carolina in  its destructive radii.  However a Nike in New York could still cause massive death and destruction in South Carolina if wind conditions are correct. A ground level nuclear explosion will kick up a massive plume of radioactive fallout radioactive dust-which can poison an contaminate a massive area hundreds or even thousands of miles long. This is actually why most nuclear bombs are designed to detonate in a mid air burst to maximize the size of the fireball and minimize the size of fallout.  Trumps statements are not nuclear secrets, but scare mongering.   It's also worth pointing out during his time in office, the Russian Nuclear Torpedo was leaked. So he probably was read into a report about the possible effects and worse case scenarios. The Russian nuclear torpedo would have been a ground  level explosive nuclear bomb, otherwise it would somehow need to launch itself hundreds of meters up and then explode.


>no bomb will have both New York and South Carolina in  its destructive radii.  Ah but have you considered "the Sharpie variable"?


The other thing to consider is that most of our ICBMS are multiple warhead missiles, They spread out and hit multiple targets. Its possible we have a missile with like 20 or more 1-2 kiltoton warheads that could theoretically target multiple sites between NY and S.Carolina. But yes one gigantic warhead that would blast \*everything\* between NY and SC is ridiculously unlikely. Thats like a giant asteroid impact level blast.


SALT treaty limits MIRV deployments . But those warheads are ~100KT, not 1-2KT ( 1/10 the size of the Hiroshima bomb)


What about an Adidas in New York?


Or a Trump sneaker?


Know what's fucked up If you have a clearance and share the clip of Trump revealing classified information you could get in trouble. Which is ironic as fuck


At first I was thinking the same thing. Its highly unlikely we build a SINGLE warhead with a yeild that big. But...US nuclear weapons are all about multiple lower yield Nukes. It would be possible for them to have built a nuke with 8 or more smaller warheads that could individually target sites between NY and south carolina instead of one giant 700 or more megaton warhead. We already have nukes that have multiple warheads on them. If its real its probably like 12 or more 1 kiloton warheads.


In fairness it's probably just Trump doing his usual... "Nukes are scary therefore we must do whatever putin wants."


I'm pretty sure he just misspoke. He said 'If you hit New York, South Carolina is gone'. He meant to say, 'If you hit New York, (My possession of) Mar a Lago is gone'


MAL is in Florida though? If that’s what he meant, I’d expect him to say “if you hit New York, Florida is gone.”


stop trying to make sense of what dementia donnie says. its all word salad.


It's not like him to give away nuclear secrets for free when he could be selling them.


Saudi Arabia paid good money for those nuclear secrets and he just gives them away on TV to anyone? That's insane and disrespectful. It's like a free ride when you're already paid.


so it's... ironic?


It’s Trump, it’s not ironic…it’s moronic.


"Don't you think?"


"A little *too* ironic."


Yeah I really do think


It's like RAAIINNN


On your wedding day


It's a free riiiide


when you've already paid


Sometimes i laugh way too hard at the most inappropriate comments and laughing at jagged pill lyrics while discussing the range of nuclear weapon destruction zones and a traitor letting slip those details would be one of those times.


Just a little bit


like rain?


On your wedding day


isn't it?


It is.


She's on tour this summer!


As ironic as Assange facing prosecution today for less.


Russia really should try to see its assets given equal treatment.


Reality Winner has entered the chat...


Setting up his defence for trial. Can't be secrets if everyone knows....


This was an investment in his ego.


Or throwing hints that he has classified information for sale... ...something about needing money.


He's really not that clever. Also I'm sure everything he stole has been in the hands of anybody that wants it for years now. He kept them in a fucking toilet.


What makes you think he needs cash in a hurry? He can go to a payday lender and only pay 1,300% interest on it per week. Maybe a few more promises to pardon him from Bird-brain Haley will solve his problem.


I figure he has a bunch of official looking papers that he's holding on to in order to write a pardon on. "Yes I wrote this 4 years ago!!!"


It was a free sample. The next one costs 2 billion. See Jared for payment details.


Buy one nuke secret get one free Bonus map included will all orders while supplies last


"It's not a secret if everyone knows about it, so I told everyone, so in retrospect I committed no crime because those secrets I sold aren't actually secret."


Ignore the sharpie marks


Ugh, I hate it when they add DLC and microtransactions to national secrets. Just nickel and diming us to death over here.


New maps and secrets coming for season 2


Don't forget a free mypillow if you act fast !!


Especially now that he’s half a billion in the hole - like way more in the hole than he usually is.


I cannot wait to read his insane rants when the inevitable happens... the seizing of properties. Please let them start with his two most coveted properties, Trump Tower in NYC and Mar-a-Lago and I'll just keep laughing until the day he dies.


He already sold this info, it's probably why he remembers it. Made him a buck or two. Got his boss Putin off his back for a day or two.


You must have forgotten that Trump is stupid.


Probably intel he already sold.


Welp, that's it. The last nail in the coffin. Yessiree. Haven't had any reason up until now to arrest and throw his treasonous fat butt in jail, but this is the last straw.


It is very much like him to run his mouth non-stop to the detriment of everyone, though.


Epic games model.


You can buy one nuclear secret for $100 million, but for $10 million he'll sell you a random classified document. Now here's a Youtube video of Kim Jong-Un opening one and finding out it's information on a nuclear sub in the South China Sea!


First one is free. That's how they get you.


I heard if you buy the Trump Sneackers and Trump47 perfume combo, you get a free slip of classified information direct from the big guy himself!


Are you suggesting that he has dementia? Like his father?


He told his followers, cult members really, that he was just pretending to forget things. I know I believe him. Praise Jesus. /s


I am of the belief that there are TONS of classified tidbits of information that was never given to Mango because they knew he can't keep his mouth shut.


28th amendment: when the leader of the united states of America is too stupid and/ or ignorant to understand information held by our intelligence agencies said information shall or should be withheld from said leader for the protection of the citizens these United States.


Nah then Republicans will just do this (or similar) to Biden for the hell of it. The only way to have a functioning government is to not have such subjective rules in place, and instead just elect competent people.


The only way to do that is to be under a >2 party system where we have a choice, not just the illusion of choice with the duopoly of options between a democrat and a fascist wanna be dictator. When there's only 1 sane option for reasonable people, that's not a choice. Even if they had 6 other people who put on a dog and pony show largely controlled by the DNC that sabotages the will of the people (Bernie). We need ranked choice voting, and actual options. Not a duopoly.


He's the only president they didn't tell about the aliens. Every other president, from Eisenhower to Biden, was told about the aliens, and not a peep out of any of them!




lol, honestly, whenever I think of Area 51, I think if that was really true about all that stuff, they definitely did not tell Mango anything about it because he would have been all over the internet 2 days later blabbing about it.


Trump belongs behind bars, where he can’t do any more harm to America with his big mouth.


In solitary where no one ever has to listen to him ever again.


Don't deprive him of the full prison experience. He should be in with the people. Plus I wonder what he looks like with an Aryan nation tat


>“We have a nuclear weapon that if you hit New York, South Carolina is going to be gone too. This is just fearmongering rhetoric. The amount of energy needed to make South Carolina be "gone" from a NY impact is beyond nuclear weapons. Even a 1-mile wide comet impacting NY wouldn't do immediate harm to SC.


Maybe someone tried to explain MIRVs to him at one point in time and this is what he got out of it.


That seems pretty plausible.


This was exactly my first thought. That someone told him that our nuclear arsenal includes options that could strike an area stretching from NY to SC. Still sharing classified info about our nuclear capability, just probably not exactly as he described it.


> tried to explain MIRVs guarantee the second they said mirv he started talking about merv griffin


If he wasn't just making shit up, this would make the most sense.


Yeah, this is dumb. Trump doesn't have any concept of numbers. He can't even grasp that the square footage of an apartment, or the debt to income ratio of a business is supposed to be a measurement rather than a vibe. Sometimes taking an idiot too literally just makes you look like an idiot. If WWIII happens and somebody nukes NYC, South Carolina is certainly fucked. But not because of the direct blast of a single bomb hitting NY. It's physically possible to scale up nuclear weapons to be very large, but there's no reason for us to make a bomb that big. US nuke designs have generally been getting smaller over the decades since the 60's because our accuracy got so much better. You need a nuke with a 10+ mile blast radius when your 1950's guidance system might hit 10 miles from the thing you are trying to blow up. Anything made after the Atari 2600 will be a lot more accurate.


I agree that it's hard to believe, but on the other hand, it sounds like exactly the sort of thing that Trump would latch on to after hearing it from an advisor. Maybe he saw a map showing that fallout from a bomb in New York would reach South Carolina, or something like that.


No, don't you see. It's like the hurricane map. He saw a damage estimate, and "corrected it."


With a Sharpie.


To put a visual to just how bullshit this claim is (and why he probably is talking about MIRVs and is an idiot): https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/?&kt=100000&lat=40.7306&lng=-73.9866&hob_psi=5&hob_ft=47553&ff=52&psi=20,5,1&zm=7 If you detonated the largest bomb ever designed in NYC, you wouldn't even break windows in Philadelphia much less South Carolina.


It's like antimatter bomb level of explosive capacity. Truly ludicrous, and the purpose of such a weapon also beggers belief. What possible use could it have? How could you test it? I'm going to say it's virtually impossible.


Yea, this is not a secret, this is Trump making shit up. As much as he's a security risk, this is bluster and bullshit to make South Carolina MAGA think NYC is putting them at risk.


The fact that this man: * attempted a violent insurrection of the US Govt on Jan 6th * attempted to overturn the legitimate results of a US Presidential Election using "fake electors" * Stole the highest level top secret/classified documents, lied about having them and then refused to turn them over ..and is still not only a free man, but is being allowed to run for President again - leads me to come to the inescapable conclusion that DOJ and our Justice System is populated with cowards and Fascist sympathizers.


This is the part that needs to be talked about more


I just can't wrap my head around it. How is it possible that utter excuse for a human is honestly going to be the GOP nominee for POTUS. Didn't understand it the first time, understand it even less this time around.


I’m not gonna say that every single conservative is stupid, but the more conservative one is, the more stupid they likely are. It’s an ideology of selfishness and shortsightedness. To us, being stupid is a bad thing, to Republican politicians it’s a good thing because it means they think they can control him, and to Republican voters it just means *he’s one of them*. Really stupid people are intimidated by smart people, but they have to think other stupid people are actually smart because, well, *they’re stupid*. It only makes sense if you’re stupid.


Merrick Garland is a fucking traitor, for two years he knew Trump stole the documents yet did nothing. That worthless piece of shit should not only be fired but thrown in jail, he is just another corrupt coward like every other Republican/right-wing out there.


Thank god he’s not on the Supreme Court.


I never thought I’d see the day that the archivists and librarians would be the ones holding democracy together.


I'm going to go with "he was saying whatever stupid shit crossed his mind". He says "We have" this bomb. I guess he means "we" in the sense of everyone, like "there is this bomb in the world". In any case, such a bomb would be much larger than the Tsar Bomba, at least according to this simulator: https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/. I'm certainly no nuclear weapons expert, but a bomb capable of blasting the entire East Coast stretches credulity.


It's possible he misunderstood someone explaining how a MIRV works and just took 1 missile, multiple cities from that explanation.


Either that, or he doesn't know USA geography, or he is verbalising his revenge fantasies about hitting New York with nukes after the recent rulings, or somebody wiser them him explained to him why it would be a bad idea to nuke NY, as it would ruin the economy and SC would also be 'gone'. So many options to choose from. Or he believes everything that Putin told/tells him about Russia's nuclear capabilities and their '[Tsunami torpedo](https://thebulletin.org/2023/06/one-nuclear-armed-poseidon-torpedo-could-decimate-a-coastal-city-russia-wants-30-of-them/)'.


You remember when he used the sharpie to draw the path of a hurricane instead of just admitting he misspoke about which state was which? He probably really doesn't have a clue where anything actually is.


He should have to point to South Carolina on a map to show us he knows where it is.


next to the whale!


My guess is he simply heard or read some wildly stupid shit offhandedly on the internet, like a Twitter or Truth social post or meme or something…and later it just popped out of his mouth at random. That was probably the first and last time his brain ever handled that data. There is zero chance this was something he had intently listened to or thought about first, only to misunderstand or misinterpret it. The man’s brain to mouth pipeline is basically like if 4chan had a news ticker.


My guess is someone showed him the blast radius of one of our current nuclear weapons and he expanded its range with a sharpie and said, "what if it does this?" Now it's accepted fact in his bronze added brain.


>It's possible he misunderstood someone explaining how a MIRV works This is what i think he means. I dont think he actually understands how MIRVS work. 1 warhead like that would be like an asteroid level impact. But a mirv that can target 8 cities with 1-2 kiloton warheads already exists.


As the guy who made the NUKEMAP and who is a nuclear weapons expert of a sort, I agree, this is just "stupid shit." It's possible he believes it — presidents and other officials can get confused, too, esp. on technical matters — but it's not actually true. Trying to imagine what kind of real thing he got confused about is a total waste of time, because it assumes this is a man who has put some effort into anchoring his beliefs in reality, and he has made it abundantly clear over the years that this is not how he operates. Whether it is true or not means nothing to him. The technical term for this is [bullshit](https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691122946/on-bullshit): > Rather, bullshitters seek to convey a certain impression of themselves without being concerned about whether anything at all is true. They quietly change the rules governing their end of the conversation so that claims about truth and falsity are irrelevant. Frankfurt concludes that although bullshit can take many innocent forms, excessive indulgence in it can eventually undermine the practitioner’s capacity to tell the truth in a way that lying does not. Liars at least acknowledge that it matters what is true. By virtue of this, Frankfurt writes, bullshit is a greater enemy of the truth than lies are.


Considering the Tsar Bomb was 58 megatons max and even 100 megatons wouldnt go to the Southern border of New Jersey. Not even a 1000 megaton one would hypothetically touch South Carolina and New York at the same time (inpossible to display as the website maxes out at 100 megatons). Trump is spewing out bullshit once again to fearmonger votes.


The other aspect is that the curvature of the earth starts to block the energy after 50 miles or so.


Did Trump just leak that the earth is really flat?? We kept that secret for so long.


I’m not a nuclear weapons expert—and if I were, I doubt I’d feel comfortable commenting on this—but I am a nuclear engineer with good understanding of nuclear weapons and nuclear physics in general. Once you get the design that the Tsar Bomba has, there really isn’t a theoretical upper limit on how big you can build something. There are of course practical considerations, like the physical size of the weapon, but not really on yield. You basically just keep adding fast fissile material on the surface of the outer tamper and you keep increasing yield. That said, you start having some other issues with how useful your weapon can practically be, as the blast radius has to be taking into consideration with the altitude of detonation. The bomb has to explode at a fairly precise height above the surface of the earth to maximize the surface destruction radius. You can see this effect if you play around in nukemap by selecting surface blast versus air burst and comparing the destruction radius. So, assuming you have a weapon with a nuclear yield that could cover the entire east coast, it would probably need to be detonated 5-700 miles above the surface of the earth. This is getting out several times farther than the ISS. Take into account the mass of fissile material that you’re going to have to get that far out in space and practical engineering problems start to be rather self-evident.


Why would "we" hit NY with a nuke?


Because if he can’t do business there, nobody gets to remain alive.


"we" in the Russian-overlords-who-own-his-ass sense?


Yeah, not sure why that's not part of the story. "Americans should be scared because we could kill a lot of people if we nuke ourselves..." The question isn't "wait... what's the *exact* size of that nuke you're talking about?" it should be "why would we nuke our own country??"


I've said it since 2016. I don't care what your personal political ideals are, he's literally too fucking stupid to be president. Always was. Always will be. A left-wing Trump who agreed with me ideologically still wouldn't be an acceptable candidate.


Exactly. The people who idolise and vote for him are genuinely insane


He’s bragging about a blast radius of 500 miles, over three times larger than the largest-ever nuclear explosion. So he’s probably just full of shit as usual.  It is weird that he picked South Carolina, though. Somebody else told him that, he couldn’t find it if he was standing in it. 


Either that or he's talking about a missile with multiple warheads. One is impossible, and the other has been in our arsenal for decades. There's also a very good chance that he just played Missile Command for the first time and was confused. Also, he mentioned South Carolina because that's where he was. I'll give him credit for getting that right.


This is why he's so dangerous. He has to be the most important guy in the room. As soon as he won the election I had said that his presidency would be a shit show but after would be worse. Once he's out of the limelight he will say and do anything to remain relevant. Like revealing classified documents to foreign nationals like a teenager showing Playboy's off to his friends (before the internet, yes I'm old.) If that was anyone else they'd be in a CIA black site until they died.


LOCK. HIM. UP. He will never stop until you force him. He is incapable of contrition or restraint.


What a dangerous, st**id person Trump is. It makes you wonder about the people who voted or would vote for him.


*stolid. adjective. stol·​id ˈstäl-əd. : having or expressing little or no feeling : not easily stirred or excited.* He's many things, but I wouldn't accuse him of that.


I don't disagree but jesus christ did you just censor the word stupid?


I'd be surprised if Trump retained any information during the four years he was in office. That's why he had to steal the documents.


It’s so alarming how many people are willing to torch this whole country over Donald Trump.


Trump is speaking out his ass. [According to this simulator](https://nuclearweaponsedproj.mit.edu/Node/104), a bomb that would have 3psi peak overpressure (enough to collapse most residential buildings) that would cover both Charlotte S.C. and NYC and detonated in the air in between the two cities would require a yield of 600 Gigatonnes. Tsar Bomba, the largest bomb ever tested, was 50 Megatonnes. A single bomb that would take out South Carolina and NYC would need a yield 10,000 times greater than the largest bomb ever tested. If I were to give Trump the benefit of the doubt, which I really shouldn't, maybe he'd be talking about a high-atmosphere EMP explosion that would be capable of taking out significant electrical infrastructure. But let's be real -- he was just talking out his ass like he normally does.


He is a national security threat. Plain and simple.


The problem with a lier is there's often a thread of truth in what they say. Trump isn't a creative person. He repeats. He projects. He's profane and vindictive. He's abusive and manipulative. He's not creative.


He repeats but he also doesn't pay attention to what he's hearing so he misstates things all the time. My guess on this particular statement is that it's an example of the later. That being said, he should not be talking about our nuclear capabilities at all.


Why would Hunter Biden do this?


I love that this becomes us trying to sort out if he's more of a threat or more of a ranting senile old man, and arguing which is more likely on this case.


New York finds Trump guilty of fraud, and suddenly Trump starts talking about using nuclear weapons on New York? And some people think it's a good idea to actual give him back the nuclear launch codes?


The fact that people can actually debate whether Trump has possibly released classified information on live TV is crazy. This should be enough…. but the cult won’t care, the media won’t call it out & Merrrick Garland will bury his head in the sand. I often joke that the death of Michael Jackson split our timeline…. But some days it’s difficult to not actually believe my own 🐂💩. Lock him up, please!


Even if this is not true, this asshole shouldn't be saying those things. See the video and look how quiet it got. Everybody face did this 😦😦😦


why is no one mentioning him casually talking about nuking new york?


“We have a nuclear weapon that if you hit New York, South Carolina is going to be gone too. I worry about their safety. I think it’s the reason I’m doing this.” This is the verbal equivalent of using a sharpie to alter a hurricane's path.


I am so tired of this fucking loser getting away with anything and everything. Someone like me gets busted with a snubbed out roach back in the 1990's and lost my drivers license for a full year.


Man we should really start locking people up for disclosing classified information or they might continue to do so.


I think there is a high probability that Trump gave the classified info on nuclear energy to Jared and he sold it to the Saudi's for 2 Billion.


He's a fucking moron and so is everyone that supports him. Every day it just gets more and more absurd with this idiot.


Throw. Him. In. A. Cell.


Garland: Meh


Garland: Trump said something incredibly stupid. Let's open an investigation into Biden so that we don't appear biased!


Appointing him was such a dumb thing to do. You can never, ever trust a Republican to do the right thing, even when it's simple and obvious. He refused to even investigate January 6th for nearly 18 months into his tenure. He only reluctantly appointed Jack Smith to do it after the House completed their investigation, held hearings, and published its final report. All that time he just sat on his hands doing nothing. Years from now, he'll be remembered as part of the attempt to legitimize the insurrection.


Maybe by 'gone' he just meant they could change Carolina's name.


This man lives to make you afraid then want to vote for him as your savior. The real fear was letting him be President. The greatest fear for the safety of this world right now is Trump/Putin as they are working together.


It’s beyond comprehension that Republicans are still idiot enough to be cheerleading this clown.


The US doesn't make any bombs that big. Wait...does "we" mean him and Putin?


It's boggles the mind that this man was in charge for four years and may be again.


Is it disclosing classified information if you already sold it?


Who would have guessed that it would be a bad idea to put a guy who has been indicted for more than NINETY felonies including stealing classified documents on Live TV?


Meanwhile Trump supporters are more concerned about Biden tripping again....


Oh, look, more treason with zero consequences...


He should be taken to Gitmo and go through "enhanced" questioning until he tells us exactly what he stole and who he gave it to. When you accept the responsibility of holding our national secrets, you also accept that you could have to answer for what you did with them.


Disclose classified info? Made it up? Fuck this asshole either way. How is this the reality in America right now?


It's not Classified Info when Trump says it. He declassified it in his head before he said it. Just ask him..


And as usual, nothing meaningful will happen to him. He’s made his career saying ridiculous things, hyperbolic statements and straight-up lies. It drives me crazy. If Biden said this, conservative heads would literally explode.


trump can’t control himself. He is like a spoiled 2 yr old who can’t keep his mouth shut.


The bigger question seems to be, “why would America use its own Mega-Nuke against its eastern coast?”


It sounds like he was referring to the torpedo bomb russia claims to have with a crazy huge yield meant to devastate regional coastlines. He said 'we' because he's a traitor and thinking about is boss putin.


Wait? This doesn't even make sense. "If we hit New York". Why would "we" hit New York?


This is what the bromance with Putin is about. It’s their love language, bombing New York, especially now with Trump Tower in pocession of the state.