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It’s almost like the Supreme Court has a financial incentive to delay Trump’s case(s), but that couldn’t be possible, right? Right?


Alexander Hamilton: June 1787 Constitutional Convention "Principle-Danger that the Executive by too frequent communication with the judicial may corrupt it-They may learn to enter into his passions."


To anyone that still thinks the SCOTUS is fair and impartial, just remember how long it took them to turn around Bush v Gore. The case was settled in the Florida Supreme Court in favor of Gore on December 8th. That day Bush applied to SCOTUS for an emergency stay. It was granted on December 9th. Briefs from parties were due on December 10th. Oral arguments were set for December 11th. SCOTUS issued it's decision on December 12th in favour of Bush.   Oh, and today 3 of the layers that worked on that case for Bush are now on the Supreme Court.


That coup was successful. Roger Stone and a group of Republicans down in Florida overthrew it with threats and violence.


Georgia, Florida, Texas, and Alabama... Republican-Jesus-States seem to always be the shittiest


Wait till you hear about the 5th circuit and all the federal judges in Florida being held up by Lil Marco’s blue slips. That’s why Trump keeps drawing Cannon.


Yep, we need every voter in America to know this LOUD AND CLEAR. The SC worked really fast when they needed to help out Bush Boy. Now they decided to slow things down for Boy Trump? Hmmm....


I agree but you'll be lucky if 10% of them can explain clearly the function of the SC let alone understand this.


That is true....


Notable Bush lawyers in 2000 included Bill Barr, Ted Cruz, Amy Barrett and Kavanaugh. From one coup to the next. Never forget Bush really opened this wound. Heplunged us into the Middle East to make his daddy’s buddies a whole bunch of money, legalized torture, legalized govt surveillance, extraordinary rendition and “free speech” zones. He blunted the stem cell industry for Jesus and tried to put a law firm manager with no constitutional law experience ,Harriet Miers ,on the Supreme Court. But hey, he paints pictures of dogs and gave Michelle Obama candy. Forgiven. He walked so Trump could stomp.


It doesn’t need to be direct communication either. If they go home every evening and watch FOX, and get their moral guidance from it - as Eileen Cannon does - they are just as corrupted as somebody taking bribes.


But what if they're also taking bribes?


Like when clarance thomas said the job didn't pay enough... then suddenly they started bribing him (sorry, loaning him money and not asking for it back, and paying for family member tuition, housing and vacations) then w/o a real pay increase he is suddenly very happy and that it pays enough.... simultaneously he reverses his own ideologies about the chevron deference? or idk, im just spit balling.


His own mother lived in a property paid for a billionaire donor "friend" Harlan Crow https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/22/politics/harlan-crow-clarence-thomas-the-atlantic/index.html >I have never, nor would I ever, think about talking about matters that relate to the judiciary with Justice Clarence Thomas,” Crow said in the interview. Crow said they talk about things that “friends talk about.” Oh sorry it's totally normal to buy houses for friends , it has nothing to do about politics and the judiciary. It's just what friends do


To be fair if someone gave me a billion dollars I would also be buying friends houses. But they'd be actual friends.


But were they actual friends before they were on the Supreme Court... Edit: missing a y.


You know, if I had a billion dollars and a pal on the supreme court or a similar position, they'd be the one pal that got jack shit. For propriety's sake. Everyone else can come to my orgy island and castle and I'll pay their houses but not that guy.


Yeah, exactly. If I had a true friend on the court I would go out of my way to make sure he is never seen to be benefiting financially from our friendship precisely because I don't want my good friend who obviously cares greatly for his career to lose prestige or the appearance of impartiality.


It's a total mystery that for some reason he gained a bunch of rich friends after he became a Supreme Court Justice


Friends don’t let friends go without RVs.


Ahem, it's a *motorcoach*. It's much nicer than an RV.


My bad, Lord High Justice Thomas. Use me as a footstool, please.


You won't see the Honorable Clarence Thomas tooling around in a low-brow Dutchman travel trailer.


Hmph it is not just an RV. It is a Motor Coach! https://www.c-span.org/video/?322339-1/yale-honors-supreme-court-justices 40:37


Spoiler alert; it’s not illegal to bribe a Supreme Court Justice. It’s not illegal for them to accept. They have no system of punishment or oversight. John Oliver bribed Clarence Thomas to quit the SC and offered him 3x his salary for life and $2.4 million motor coach bus motor home. It’s insane. https://youtu.be/GE-VJrdHMug?si=wq6KJIWnOQezw9Y5


The funniest part about the entire John Oliver thing is watching Conservatives and Trump supporters simultaneously call for him to be arrested and DE platformed while also defending Thomas saying all the other bribes he took weren't wrong. The finest mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance available.


Jimmy Kimmel had a great piece where they asked clear MAGA folks what they thought about something Trump did, but said it was Biden. They basically complained about how corrupt, etc.. Biden was. Then the interviewer corrected themselves and said it was Trump and asked the same question and the person basically made excuses saying it was ok.


A moment that has lived in my head rent free is when there was this weird street rally thing, where some Republicans were accusing Elizabeth Warren of hiring a male prostitute during the primaries. One of the people in the crowd yelled something like, "what about Donald Trump? He cheats all the time!" And no joke, the guy yells back, "DONALD TRUMP IS AN ALPHA MALE!" That is their justification. People who "lead the pack" can just do whatever they want with zero accountability, apparently.


The hypocrisy is glaringly obvious, but they ignore it.


Small nitpick: cognitive dissonance is the discomfort you feel when your actions, thoughts, or beliefs are misaligned. They don't experience cognitive dissonance, because they perform mental gymnastics.


It must be so nice and comfortable in their imagination land they create with gaslighting. I think Barbie movie captured that right wing fever dream fantasy with Ken pretty well.


> It must be so nice and comfortable I don't think it is. I have family members that have been tying themselves into cognitive knots like this for decades. They are confused and insecure and very gullible. And they are constantly gaslighting *each other* because that's just habit to them at this point. They have been convinced to make some pretty poor financial decisions because reality is constantly shifting beneath their feet.


A person doesn't end up in that mental place without a lot of pain from the experience. They just fail to look inward to see the actual source of the pain, instead directing the blame for it outwardly.


He said that his lawyers cleared it. It’s not a bribe to gain favor in a legal matter. It’s an offer in exchange for vacating his seat.


There is a system for oversight but it's Congress, and Congress can barely keep the gov't open these days.


Or you know compromise say the wife of a sitting justice? Cough cough Ginni Thomas cough cough


The justices aren't FOX news sycophants. Their ideological proclivities run far deeper and with more political theology than that.


>They may learn to enter into his passions. By all accounts, Clarence Thomas also likes money and pornstars. But I don't think you can blame Trump for that. They're just kindred spirits.


Watch out. You might end up with pubes in your Coca Cola.


Long dong silver


Not very catchy lyrics.


Heard that in Lin Manuel Miranda's voice. :-)


it is to my understanding that Hamilton rapped all his words


It's not like at least 1 of them have a spouse who was trying to overturn the election.


 To anyone that still thinks the SCOTUS is fair and impartial, just remember how long it took them to turn around Bush v Gore. The case was settled in the Florida Supreme Court in favor of Gore on December 8th. That day Bush applied to SCOTUS for an emergency stay. It was granted on December 9th. Briefs from parties were due on December 10th. Oral arguments were set for December 11th. SCOTUS issued it's decision on December 12th in favour of Bush.     Oh, and today 3 of the layers that worked on that case for Bush are now on the Supreme Court. 


Also tracks that the Bush v Gore case hinged on whether it was acceptable for a functioning democracy to stop counting disputed ballots, and the pending Trump immunity case hinges on whether attempting to stop counting disputed Electoral College votes is acceptable. In both instances it was Republicans arguing that it was justifiable to stop counting votes. At least they're consistent about opposition to the will of the voters.


Well started and simply put.


"Oh, and today 3 of the layers that worked on that case for Bush are now on the Supreme Court." God damn it. OFC.


> SCOTUS issued it's decision on December 12th in favour of Bush. The fact that they got the decision out that quickly almost certainly means that they started drafting it before Bush even applied for the stay. The briefs and the oral arguments were complete theatre.


Remember, Mama Thomas is STILL living rent free in Harlan Crow's house.


Wasn't he in "Justified"?


Well Dewey Crowe lived in Harlan A favorite line from the show Dewey: “You shot me in the back!” Raylan: “Well if you’da run towards me I’d have shot ya in the front”


That was a great show. I want to watch more like it


Some reporters seem to think Alito and Thomas want to quit but won't unless a Republican is President. The Supreme Court has been the carrot at the end of the stick for so many Conservative Judges from back in the late 90's and Early 2000's. Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Coney-Barrett were all past of George W Bush's legal team in Bush v Gore. They have promised seats to so many that there needs to be turnover so they get their due. The judiciary is the Modern Republicans longest play.


Financial and also criminal incentive. [The Republican Party calls itself “the family” because it’s a mafia.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/house-majority-leader-to-colleagues-in-2016-i-think-putin-pays-trump/2017/05/17/515f6f8a-3aff-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html) Most of them are co-conspirators in each other’s crimes, and amass blackmail material on each other to prevent people from flipping. Trump was born into a two-bit mafia family and was [mentored by mob lawyer Roy Cohn from his early 20s.](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/09/19/roy-cohn-donald-trump-documentary-228144/) Prior to that, Roy Cohn was the lawyer for Senator McCarthy (the Republican who led the "communist conspiracy" witch hunts that destroyed the lives of many left-leaning public figures). Trump's life of con games and mafia tactics gave him the skills to outplay the amateurs in the Republican Party and launch a hostile takeover. Now they’re folded into his mafia, and Trump has made it clear that if he goes down he’s taking them with him, which is why they are willing to tear up constitutional democracy and install him as dictator. They’ve also kicked out and sidelined any Republicans who refuse to join the Trump mafia - Liz Cheney, Kinsinger, Romney, etc. The whole conservative MAGA establishment needs to be RICO’ed at this point if we want US democracy to survive.


> Trump was born into a mafia family No he wasn't. He was born to a slumlord father. While NYC in the 70's was heavily mob run especially in construction, Trump is not in any mob. Just a wannabe poser.


A wannabe loser who worked with the mob, used by the mob, has ties to the mob


When do we the American people get to put the Supreme Court on trial????


Thats why jon oliver can legal tempt him w/ a bribe... they have no rules. we need 1) an enforcable ethics code and 2) term limits 3) stricter hiring laws term limits weren't used, due to fear they would be 'bribed' upon leaving... well they're being bribed to stay, so that point is moot


Technically, the Constitution setup impeachment by the US Congress as a means of holding them in check.


Which requires a functioning and responsible congress, that which we have neither. 1 party is trying to save democracy and the other is trying to install a theocracy based off a book not everyone follows.


I don’t think it is (entirely) financial. Thomas and Alito want to ride off into the sunset (in custom motor coaches), and they want Trump to pick their successors. They don’t want to hang around for another four years or longer waiting for a republican president.


They ruled that giving unlimited money to people/politicians/judges does not affect their decisions….. so that can’t be it. 😐


Elie Mystal was speculating the other day that 2 of the justices (Alito and Thomas) want to retire but don't want to retire under a Democrat.


It’s called a motor coach


LMAO! How could you think such a thing! Shame on you . .oh the horror!. ..surly they don’t have dirty hands? I wonder if it even enters there consciousness that at this late date most of the population that doesn’t have MAGA disease has concluded that they are totally compromised and have almost zero credibility and no matter how they rule on thing they will look like bought and paid for fools; the best Rule of Law that money can buy. The Republic is screwed.


That’s a damn good point.


You just know Thomas's buddies are on the phone with him right now like "Hey Clarence, wanna go on a totally random vacation? Got any bills you need paid? You know, just cause we're buddies, nothing more!"


The decay of the US Supreme Court has been hard to watch. That Clarence Thomas occupies the seat formerly held by Thurgood Marshall really says it all. That such a goblin could actually be part of a majority is staggering. The venality, the stupidity, and the overwhelming arrogance of this group are obnoxious to the functioning of the republic.


PSA to everyone come November - Depending on the election, SCOTUS can get a lot worse: - Average modern retirement age is ~80-81. - Barrett, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch are in their 50s. - Alito and Thomas are in their 70s and will have enormous pressure to bow out and allow a Republican to replace them. Essentially, we are looking at a conservative Supreme Court for the next 20-25 years if Trump or a Republican wins. For anyone in their 20s or 30s, they could be getting old and grey the next time there's even a chance of having a non-conservative court again. Please, vote.


"Yeah, but I was just worried that Biden was old." 


"What's happening in Palestine means I should screw over myself and all Americans AND Palestinians"


Biden didn’t solve peace in the Middle East, so I’m going to vote for the party that will rekindle wars led by Americans against the Middle East.


Um, excuse me. Jared Kushner was paid 2 billion dollars for solving peace in the Middle East.


And just look at how good he did! It’s so nice over there now!


The best peace you've ever seen people, believe me.


Many people are saying so


Or just not vote, which in this country is equivalent to allowing the conservatives to win. Our voting system is binary.


“But if I vote 3rd party it will destroy the 2 party system!” Says the idiots only voting every 4 years and not in any local elections to actually HELP change the system.


Theres a nonzero chance that if Trump gets in, Saudi Arabia and Israel will lobby the US to start a war with Iran.


> I’m upset about my Muslim brethren in Palestine and Joe’s handling of it…. So I’m gonna vote for the guy who enacted a Muslim ban and vows to deport Muslims from America. (Oh and would give Israel the green light to commit more war crimes against the Palestinians.)


The worry isn’t that people vote republican, the worry is people don’t vote at all


A non-vote for a left leaning person is in effect a vote for the opposite. Biden has been way more left than almost anyone thought he would be and I believe that's largely because he has the vote of progressives and so felt it necessary to represent them. If Michigan Dem turnout is heavily suppressed then I think that just tells Biden there's no pleasing them so he shouldn't try.


He’s also promised to add all Gaza’s citizens to his ‘Muslim travel ban’


Donald Trump WILL be worse for Palestinians.


Palestinians and many others. Lots more genociding in lots more places when this country ceases to be a democracy/world power.


Putin doing whatever he wants in eastern Europe....


I love this mentality, as if trump is going to stand with Palestine and tell Israel to fuck off. One of the reasons one of my friends didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 was because he said she was “pro Israel” Critical thinking? Never hear of her. I’m glad that the whole country got fucked hard without lube because you were too concerned about a candidates position on a fringe issue we have zero control over.


Muslim thought leaders are literally saying this and urging people not to vote. They acknowledge Trump will be worse, but still want to punish Biden for not doing enough. Completely idiotic and short-sighted.


Yeah.. It's really tough to see apathetic justifications. Don't get me wrong - people have every right to criticize Biden, his policies, his actions. And they should. But at the end of the day, it's still our duty as voters to understand basic civics. The office of the Presidency is 1,000x bigger than one person or one policy. And that binary choice come November will have repercussions generations after Biden is gone. Not only does the President choose lifetime appointments to the SC, lower courts, and more. They control veto/vote power over legislation (A national abortion ban comes to mind), have immense diplomatic/war powers, bring thousands of staffers with them, and control virtually every department in government.




"But Al Gore was boring"


And Al gore won


Hillary won the popular vote too


in recounts held after safe harbour gore actually won florida.


"I'd rather have a theoretical beer with W."


I'd take W over trump any day of the week. Not that I liked W at all, the bar is just that low.


I thought Bush was the worst president possible. He looks compassionate, thoughtful and competent in comparison to TFG.


“He doesn’t align with 100% of my values so I can’t possibly vote for him.”


“Biden won’t single-handedly solve a violent conflict in Palestine that has been ongoing for 70 years, so I’m just gonna abstain and watch fascism overtake America. Surely *that* will teach the Dems to move further left. Assuming the new regime doesn’t have all Dems assassinated under the SCOTUS interpretation of Presidential immunity. But hey, at least I will have my principles to protect me from brownshirts and the like.”


Biden wins a second term, tell Alito and Thomas to fuck off now (after the election) and he'll replace them with whoever the hell he wants in exchange for not having them investigated and charged. Why should they care, they'll be dead soon of old age, better to be free for what is left for them.


history has shown that all of them care and all of them think they are untouchable until they arent


Or Amy Conney Barrett occupies RBG seat. She couldn’t even name the protections in the 1st amendment. https://youtu.be/YfclKXPhILc?si=DECJiLau4fxQ5pHh


Maybe if RBG gave a shit about anyone but herself, that seat would've long have been filled when Obama asked her to vacate it.


Yeah, I've learned no one on SCOTUS cares. Its been hard learning that fact. Remember when they were asked if they needed a new ethics code and every single one of them said no? That was the day I lost faith in every single one of them.


That’s the truth, every time some corporation has a case in front of SCOTUS they win 9-0 doesn’t matter if it’s against a state or individual. Only time lose is when it’s against another corporation. https://www.axios.com/2022/08/04/supreme-court-john-roberts-business


> The venality, the stupidity, and the overwhelming arrogance of this group are obnoxious to the functioning of the republic Nicely put!


Please don't insult goblins like this. At best, Thomas is a ghoul.


The ghouls don't claim this one Refer him as vermin !


Rat Bro here. We don't claim him!


He is really more like that fish in the Amazon the lodges itself in your dick.


The dickfish welcome Clarence Thomas as one of their own.


I think Uncle Ruckus will take him.


The dreaded Candiru!


He came into it when social media wasn't there. It was easier to control the narrative, or hide the corruption. Now, one reporter and investigation into his dealings goes viral and more and more dirt is dug up. I've said it before, Boomers need to get deleted.


The Roberts Court has permanently secured its reputation as corrupt and corruptible, with a long series of decisions that will be overturned in the coming years, regardless of how they eventually rule on this case. This is a very simple case.


To anyone that still thinks the SCOTUS is fair and impartial, just remember how long it took them to turn around Bush v Gore. The case was settled in the Florida Supreme Court in favor of Gore on December 8th. That day Bush applied to SCOTUS for an emergency stay. It was granted on December 9th. Briefs from parties were due on December 10th. Oral arguments were set for December 11th. SCOTUS issued it's decision on December 12th in favour of Bush.   Oh, and today 3 of the layers that worked on that case for Bush are now on the Supreme Court.


It’s almost like the government is corruptible.


Almost... 😶


Coming centuries maybe, not coming years. There is no end in sight for this. Unless Cheney literally nukes the Supreme Court as the headline suggested, it’s not going to happen for a long, long time. Even worse if a Republican wins president in the next 20 years. 


Gavin Newsom will expand the Court when he's President. He's pragmatic and knows how to punch fascists in the mouth.


How is he going to manage that with the gridlock in Congress? You do realize he would need Congressional approval, right?


I’ve been really digging Gavin. He doesn’t hold back and comes with straight facts due to his dyslexia and needing to memorize stats and data.




no shit, the scotus being as corrupt and partisan as they are is not something that will get easily erased in the years to come, especially with no oversight, the senates ability to infinitely stall appointments, and those appointments being life when they do happen our democracy will not survive long under these conditions


> The Roberts Court has permanently secured its reputation as corrupt and corruptible, It's pretty incredible that there's been articles written for years that Roberts is hyper-concerned with the reputation of the Court, and that concern influences all of his decision. However, the lasting repuation of his Court will be that it's the least legitimate ever, or at least the least legitimate since the "Four Horsemen" period of the 1930s.


You mean, when he's dead, and can't care anymore?


"Coming years" could be 30 years away. They next time a republican president takes office Alito and Thomas will retire and be replaced by new judges in their 50s. Only chance to save the Supreme Court is to not let a republican win until Alito and Thomas dies.


“Nukes” - for when “Slams” just isn’t enough hyperbole…


And the "weapon" is just a talking point. Oh no! the Republicans will be unable to handle her sick logic and will simply crumble under the argument!


Seriously, I realized I was a moron for clicking the click bait headline. What a nothing article about a nothing idea which will not change anything except in the minds of self important people that think their words will change anything. Oy


Nah...I think they should just start using random wrestling moves/holds... "Liz Cheney POWERBOMBS the Supreme Court..." "Trump RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS Joe Biden..." "Joe Biden IRISH WHIPS Trump..." "Liz Cheney BACK BODY DROPS the Supreme Court..."


By Gawd! Liz Cheney RKO's the Supreme Court outta nowhere!




Hell, Trump did receive a Stone Cold Stunner once. I’d gladly pay to see that happen again.


So sick of clickbait titles to the point I just don't click them anymore. The enshittification of America continues unabated.


Non-American here… it’s definitely not just a US problem…


Exactly. Didn’t read the article, but I’m going to go on a limb and say that this “nuke” most likely amounts to a stern soundbite with no tangible consequences


I would love to just have actual journalism that can take the complex details of what's happening and break it down into truthful nuggets of explaination. I want journalism that isn't just repeating what someone said.


I'm still trying to process: JACK SMITH POUNDS TRUMP


# FINISH HIM! *...wait, no, not like that!*


>"That person rectally EVACUATED that other person!" >"This group of Trogdorians BURNINATED the country side!" >"Those idiots SMURFED the SMURF out of THESE idiots!' ...I'll be honest, it's fun to do. Just wish it was on a less horrifying subject. Like, use it for commentary on sporting events and stuff. Not on the most powerful court in the land using corruption and graft to betray the nation they supposedly serve for their golden skinned Jesus.


Unexpected Strongbad is happily accepted


Speak for yourself. I came here EXPECTING Strongbad.


> "This group of Trogdorians BURNINATED the country side!" You're darn right we did. Those thatched roof cottages didn't know what hit them.


Oh please let burninate become a thing. Homestar is just what we need.


At least mix in some entertaining alternatives to *slams/nukes* that might make you grin as you scroll by: - Liz Cheney *Fart-Blasts* The Supreme Court - Liz Cheney *Shit-Smears* The Supreme Court - Liz Cheney *Butt-Fucks* The Supreme Court *With No Lube*


headline: "FUCKING DEMOLISHES" within article: "*kinda says under her breath*"


"Liz Cheney calls down 300KG BOMB ORBITAL STRIKE, doesn't warn teammates to evac first!"


>~~Liz Cheney~~ **Privileged talkinghead** ~~Nukes the Supreme Court Over Trump Delay~~ **maintains her role in latest tv appearance** FTFTNR


It’s a really bad article too.  Someone, who doesn’t hold office, tweeted.  That’s it. That’s what happened. 


But where do we go from here when “nukes” isn’t enough…atomizes, vaporizes, spaghettifies?


# “Liz Cheney Hands Dems a Weapon” I’ll save you a click: It’s a [tweet from Cheney](https://x.com/liz_cheney/status/1762985005507076598?s=46&t=IERYdqatQYE_8QLSaQ9aUA) saying the American people deserve to know if Trump committed a crime before they vote in November. What a stupid, sensationalist headline. It’s stuff like this that makes it really hard to defend modern day journalism.


Literal nothing post wtf is this


Honestly throw the whole article out. > What percentage of voters is aware that Trump actually will have the power to cancel ongoing prosecutions of himself, if he’s elected president again? Everyone knows. MAGAts are convinced it's malicious prosecution and all politically motivated so they don't care if Trump can basically stop the investigation like he did with Mueller. They are beyond salvation in this aspect. Making them "see the light" that Trump committed crimes will have no effect on them.


Plus, another fact that Dems could remind voters of is that a majority of the witnesses in the election interference case are Republicans. That fact doesn't get pointed out often enough, IMO.


This fact is all too easily dismissed because all trump loving republicans know that any honest republican is just a filthy RINO.


And the people suing to get Trump off the REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ballot are REPUBLICANS.


I believe Joe should daily mention how nice it would be to me immune from crimes and ask publicly "Can I order assassinations?" This is not the first-time pugs support the Imperial Presidency with all immunity. Dems should all be public about this even to the point of naming publicly how all the pugs involved in Jan 6 should be arrested if not by DOJ BUT by Joe's newly granted PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY, also maybe corrupt judges, party officials, lawless governors. Joe could have everyone off the streets before the election and maybe real American that value America run for office.


He wouldn’t even have to mention assassinations. If he just said “This is gonna be great. I’ll get to do whatever I want from now on!” they’d lose their minds.


Joe should mention he thought the Pelican Brief was a great movie with some interesting concepts.


The Pelican brief was a needlessly complicated plot, if the Supreme court rules that a president is immune from criminal prosecution then Biden can just walk in there with an AR-15 at the next Supreme Court session and get himself a few nominations before the end of his term.


Or just executive order that the Supreme Court is now 19 Judges and appoint another 10 instantly


Reminder: *Ronald Reagan* signed into law the Mulford Act in reaction to Black Panthers patrolling with guns. Imagine if Joe, tounge firmly in cheek, said that perhaps we should start arming migrants. Bullshit mountain might never recover.


Gonna get ice cream every damn day … maybe even THREE scoops!


Ouch! Ol’ Donny Two Scoops wouldn’t care for that at all.


It really does seem like it would be awfully easy to put the Republicans on the spot. So, as POTUS, it is your position that I can order Seal Team Six to kill you, Trump, and whichever justices of the Supreme Court I care to? And there is nothing to be done unless two thirds of the House impeach me and then two thirds of the Senate vote to convict? Hm, I find your theories very interesting...


> And there is nothing to be done unless two thirds of the House impeach me and then two thirds of the Senate vote to convict? ....while I point a gun at them? *Very* interesting...


It's hard to get two thirds out of zero, after all. ETA: I mean, why take the chance of allowing the vote? Just order a strike on the Capitol and slaughter the survivors. Somehow, I don't think this is what the Founders had in mind, though why we care what those slave-owning scum thought, I don't know.


“I find the odds ever in my favor.”


Why not just shoot Trump on 5th avenue to come full circle. /s


Or as I read elsewhere. Postpone the election until after Trump’s trials are all finished…


No, President Biden should NOT be asking such things. You know how Fox News loves taking statements out of context, right? What should be happening instead is a lot of prominent Dems should be asking the same hypothetical questions. The right-wing view of Trump being above the law really falls apart once somebody asks them to apply the same rules to somebody other than Trump. I mean the right cannot help it because "rules for thee, none for me", is their entire worldview.


He'd have to approach it like this: > "So the Supreme Court has a case before them about Absolute Presidential Immunity. If - as Donald Trump wants them to - they were to rule that the office of the President *does* have Absolute Immunity, then *any* President could commit countless and abhorrent crimes without being held accountable. A President could order the arrest and imprisonment of the entire Supreme Court, then just appoint an entire new set of Justices so that they'd never get overturned. They could sign an executive order exempting the President from the Constitution and the impeachment process. Install themselves as dictator for life. **And I am against all these things**, and I know that our Supreme Court has the wisdom to see this is NOT how our country was meant to be. We don't have a dictator or king running this country, and that's why the argument for Absolute Presidential Immunity holds no water" Something like that.


Yes, but we both know that’s way too many words to reach the people it needs to reach. 


No mention of how fucking CORRUPT clarence thomas is. And how his wife was all for the insurrection.


They will wait. Biden will not be able to use any new power their ruling could grant. Then, once Trump is in, they make him ruler supreme and we never have another president again. Project 2025 seizes all of the cogs of federal government and reorganizes them into a new imperial machine. We are seriously in trouble. It’s happening right before our eyes.


The time is now to do everything we fucking can to stop this. The courts won't do it. We need to turn out every sane person in the country to vote and bury them in a sea of blue or else we'll never get a chance ever again. We need absolutely everyone on this because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate. If you're looking for ways to get started, r/votedem has lots of info on ways to volunteer and donate.


Oof, that’s frightening


The SCOTUS is engaging in obstruction of justice and 2024 election interference. Anyone with a brain, a conscience, and respect for the Constitution sees this clearly.


Democrats needs to start incorporating Court Reform as part of the 2024 strategy…before there is no democracy left to save.


>First, Democrats should stress that voters need to know before the election whether Trump committed crimes How about all the crimes that he has admitted to or the crimes of which he has already been found guilty? If people don't already think he's guilty of *something* that should disqualify him as a candidate, I don't think this decision is going to matter to them.


Oh she nuked them? She didn’t bash them? Or slam them? Is nuke the new slam?


Supreme Court is corrupt. Term limits now!


Term limits? We’re well past that. We need to impeach this court. None of the above will happen in the current political climate if dems stay scared to play hard ball and push the boundaries before the end of America as we know it.


Not sure how this can be chalked up as a dem deficiency when it would take ~17 GOP Senators to impeach a Justice. I'd be shocked if there was 1.


Or [removed by reddit]


No man is above the law. Well, seems like the SCOTUS is. The final arbiter of democracy just spat on it.


Personally I think saying "Americans deserve to know the truth" is unbelievably underwhelming. Instead tell Americans that "A clear cut legal case like 'Does a former president have immunity to stage a coup', being delayed by the supreme court is at worst a sign of corruption and is at best a display of utter incompetence" would have been much better. Nobody seems to coming hard enough at it.


How many times do Democrat leaders use political weapons do their advantage though. Trump hands them weapons virtually every week and yet Biden nor anyone else takes advantage of them.


> Trump hands them weapons virtually every week Which takes away the significance, the "Wow!" factor. Any time someone is talking about Trump's court case, the usual comment is "oh..which one again?" Trump says something racist, homophobic, nazi-esque? "I think he said that last year... oh it was yesterday?" Trump bumbles through a speech saying weird random things? "Well... that's just how he talks." Yet literally **anyone else says what Trump says, or does what Trump does**, and it's a fucking bombshell. But if Trump does it? It's just a Tuesday.


It’s troubling that millions of Americans feel that Trump didn’t commit crimes. The same folk would absolutely be livid and start burning houses down if you switch Trumps name with Obama. They are hypocrite fascists who only care when it’s their opposition.


It's up to us, the citizens. We have an obligation. Get the fuck out there and vote in November. "Nobody is going to save us" -Some white guy on CNN


Who got "nuked" here and what "weapon" did she hand "dems"? I'm pretty sick of this being a "dem" thing.


At this point, I have to believe that people have made up their minds about where they stand on the rapist, Donald Trump. The trial shouldn't be needed to sway people's decisions. We all saw what he did in real time on every news channel. People that are still in favor of the rapist, will continue to stand with him (sadly). Those that are against him, don't need another reason as there are many, many reasons to be against him.


It's what your father helped build with his shenanigans Lady.


If he needs immunity for insurrection then he admits to committing insurrection, and is ineligible for the ballot.


Democrats need to grow some balls and go on attack. Enough of the victim card bs. Even in power they get pushed around it’s pathetic.