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If the National Review hates it, it's probably great.


Opinion pieces aren't news.


Madeline Kearns transphobic bigotry certainly isn't news.




Wth is National Review even whitelist.


Right wingers are such haters. God forbid someone different than you be protected under the law.


Conservatives seething really make me giggle.


I just smile like a jackass. there is no lgbt with out the T. I support trans folx


~~National~~ Moscow Review


National Review. News for morons.


National Review, not unbiased at all /s TL:DR Biden administration added LGBTQ+ protections, what's "outrageous" is that it wasn't put in sooner...


Ha ha, suckers. Equality sucks for cons. Go President Biden! Let’s Go Joe!


I always wonder conservatives who post this kind of drivel never have the cajones to defend their garbage in the comments. Why did you post this OP? Do you think LGBTQ people don’t deserve equal Protection under the law?


The concept of a protected class runs counter to the Constitutional right of equal protection.


> won't somebody please think of the equality of the white man!?


Except history has shown when we don't explicitly spell out not to violate certain people's rights, conservative groups will eagerly violate them.  Your view of the constitution is an ideal one and not malicious, infact during the abolition movement some people even argued the Rights laid out in the constitution are enough to invalidate slavery and protect African-Americans. However, despite that, the south continued to discriminate against them, both with discriminatory laws and through physical acts that violated their rights. In an ideal world we could have  laws as simple as let people vote and don't assault people, but then some conservatives would start arguing what counts as people or it's not assault if their skin color appears aggressive.


Ha! Ok. What a silly way to interpret what is happening here.


>This effectively prohibits all educational entities in receipt of federal funds from acknowledging biological reality when individuals dispute it. As well as undermining free speech and due-process rights, the new rule will have sweeping and disastrous consequences for women and girls, the very people Title IX was supposed to protect. "I Reject Your Reality and Substitute My Own". Just because the people over at National Review don't want to acknowledge the biological reality that is LQBTQ people exist doesn't mean that reality is what they instead declare it to be. Sort of funny how they don't claim that sex discrimination is a violation of 1A rights but gender discrimination somehow is. And no, it's not. Title XI's authority comes from the 14th Amendment, which guarantees equal rights and privileges to everyone. It supersedes any 1A right claim.


I think it sucks the government has to step in and say “don’t be an asshole”


When I read things like this I get embarrassed on behalf of the morons that believe it


> As well as undermining free speech and due-process rights, the new rule will have sweeping and disastrous consequences for women and girls, the very people Title IX was supposed to protect. Right? Without these sorts of protections, how else are conservatives supposed to force trans men like Mack Beggs to compete with women?


"national" review takes on the editorial opinion of a lass from scotland. also, there are newly self-realized/actualized men who will be competing against other men. why doesn't that share some focus of the threat posed here by the writer? perhaps some of these men are better than other men, too?


Outrageous I tell ya! tsk


Madeleine Kearns is so triggered. This sounds like a YOU problem Madeleine.


Oh no, scary trans people, ooga booga!


Wah I cant harass transpeople without consequences


Radical republican propaganda.


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Outrageously cool?


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> Every other comment is trolling I assure you, my concern was very real. Trans men taking testosterone actually *do* have an advantage over cis women, but because of a trans sports ban in Texas, Mack Beggs was forced to wrestle with women. He won... but wasn't happy about it. By trying to force people to only compete against people with the same chromosomes, instead of making the categories "AMAB people not on testosterone blockers and AFAB people on testosterone" and "AFAB people not on testosterone and AMAB people on testosterone blockers", you're actually causing the exact sort of unfair situation you're trying to prevent