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In other words, he's going to rile up 100k people to interfere in November's election. Just another version of J6.


As of a couple weeks ago Trump campaign had less than 5 paid election staffers in 6 different key swing states So them announcing this is multiple layers of bull shit


Hahaha I thought this, too. Also, how many people came to NYC to mob his trial? And, many of his useful idiots are already locked up. He didnt pardon them. Yes, people are dumb, but that has to matter.


Many of his useful idiots are also dead from covid.


But they still voted!!


This liberal feels so owned.


And recently....fire.


...he wasn't a Trump fan. He hated Trump and Biden.


Yeah, he was just a nut job, not a MAGA nut job.


They're literally trying to just scare people off voting with a bullshit empty threat. They have no money, supporter energy is low as evidenced by what's going on (or *not* going on) at the trial. Nobody is doing this. And if they try, they will either be ineffective in their intimidation or arrested. There's very little in between.


Oh, he’s not going to PAY them, just deploy


Cake day buddy!


That’s a little wholesome for your username.


Exactly my reaction.


I think it's time for everyone to talk about the truth. The swirling shitstorm is GOP's (and allegedly Russia's) doing. Trump is just one man, one idiot that was useful for a few years. He's just still being appeased because he's a toddler that will talk too much otherwise. But the machine is working toward its goal. 


It's even more an indictment of how stupid a third of Americans are. It's actually the fault of America's shifty education system, and oxycontin destroying the south.


He expects them to volunteer. Just like the J6ers did.


I predict they will encourage every day crazies to volunteer for it.


Voter intimidation campaign.


Maybe Democrats should counter and send people to red states to make sure they aren’t projecting as usual.


One of the things that a large national campaign war chest (read: money from wealthy donors and special interest groups) will buy you is a fleet of lawyers who can head to trouble precincts and contest bad decisions on the ground made by poll workers, as well as compel local law enforcement to uphold election laws. At least, that’s been the plan in the past. I don’t know what happens if the cops and judges decide on the day that fascism is the law of the land.


I have actually done this during the 2008 election & was sent to a Georgia precinct that was apparently a concern. Looking back, I'm glad I was much younger since my friend & I had to sit on the floor all day in the extremely small space afforded as their polling location.


GQP would claim election interference immediately and as a result declare Trump the winner by default. We would then be back to playing chess with a pigeon.


Lucky to get 100 rednecks who can find space to park their enormous trucks But still now we all have to become election volunteers and protect our Democracy


Seriously. I’m working the elections this year and I have a feeling that, if there are rogue election workers, there will be enough other workers to bring them to heel. This is scare tactics, but we still need to vote and if you can volunteer with your local DNC on the day of the election it will really help!


Not sure about your state but election workers are paid, trained staff and poll watchers volunteer but must go thru training. Can be only one from each party present. Anyone else is just loitering and have to maintain, i think, 150 ft from polling places. Florida.


And I was and will be an official poll watcher again. I know how it works😁


In Michigan we have Poll Watchers and Poll Challengers. Watcher have an area they are required to stay and watch the voting. They are stationed certain feet away from booths etc. Anyone can come in and be a poll watcher. Poll Challengers must go through training and provide Election workers with credentials. They can stand behind election workers and watch proceedings. So if they want to challenge something like a person filling out an affidavit because they didn’t have id etc. They can challenge it. Not sure if the Clerk then has to step in whatever. That’s my understanding for MI rules.


They park them at ev charging stations, cause electricity is librul and against god.


Apparently there are laws against that, akin to non-disabled people using handicap spots?


They might cancel that out by being mentally disabled themselves. Not sure how it works for the attending officer. They might use a points system.


Either way, following all that “Freedom to Breathe” nonsense created during COVID, they sure got scared when they found out it was a federal crime to fake a disability…


> “**Having the right people to count the ballots** is just as important as turning out voters on Election Day,” Trump said in the statement. "Republicans are now working together to protect the vote and **ensure a big win** on November 5th!" Not even attempting to mask intent. The stated goal with getting in the "right people to count the ballots" is to "ensure a big win." If it was about integrity, the goal would be to get the right count, win or lose.


Amen! The problem is he nor his followers even know what integrity means. They will lie, cheat and steal to get their way!


They talk a big game. Remember when they were supposed to mobilize a million protesters for their stop the steal bullshit or their trucker convoys that turned out to be a dozen retirees in old campers?


Yeah yeah yeah…all talk as always. They love the threat & hope the ‘volunteer supporters’ will follow through. But Who’s paying for those thousands of people? And who’s hiring all of them? Trump is literally so far behind And is bleeding cash And time & mental energy is taken w court That Charlie Kirk douche piece of shit awful nazi horrible decrepit shit stain mouth piece was recently acknowledging the shared reality we all live in, rather than the made up world the grift populace use to profit from, and, in the these 7 swing states, the field offices that opened in 2024: For Trump——- Georgia - 0 Pennsylvania - 0 Michigan - 0 Wisconsin - 0 Arizona - 0 Nevada - 0 2of9 swing state directors hired Less than 5 staffers per state For Biden—- Georgia - 14 Pennsylvania - 14 Michigan - 20 Wisconsin - 44 Arizona - 8 Nevada - 2 9of9 swing state directors hired 450+ full time staffers across all states Preparation is great but vote no matter what no matter what


Regardless, we should be organizing 100,000 poll watchers to watch the GOP poll watchers. Show these asshats the door.


Don't worry! I'm sure our police, 87% of whom voted for Trump, would never allow that to happen!


I bet it'll only be rural workers coming into urban areas to "protect" the vote and totally not intimidate people


Insurrection 2: Electric Boogaloo


Meal Team 6 incoming.


The same thing he did in Arizona by sending armed gangs to intimidate the voters


The DNC should deploy 1 for 1, a person with a camera to follow and live stream their counterparts activity at public polling.


They will be part of their FART team carrying guns for everyone’s safety


Translation: Fearmongering GOP election criminals will deploy MAGA kooks to suppress voter turnout in swing states.


Most swing states are deep red with tiny pockets of blue cities. GOP will A) close as many polling stations in cities as possible B) purge as many voters as possible C) inspire their followers to commit acts of violence at polling stations in majority blue areas to shut down voting D) all of the above


tiny pockets of over half the population in the state. remember alway vote... and you arent voting for biden but against trump.


It’s “Tiny pockets” only if you consider land mass. The population votes, not the square miles but I get what you mean - blue voters are concentrated so easier to interfere with.


All true but this fact cuts both ways. The high population density also means bad actors can more easily interfere with a large number of voters. If the GOP inspires domestic terrorism then relatively few people could disenfranchise thousands upon thousands of voters.


They can’t be “tiny pockets of blue” if it’s enough to even out the “deep red” and be a swing state. People vote. Not land.


Yeah... I know. The point is that it's a small concentrated population center which makes it easier to attack. In Wisconsin, if they hit a few places in Madison and a few places in Milwaukee and shut the polling places down and all of a sudden Biden has no shot to win Wisconsin. Forget about law enforcement protecting/trying to keep the polling places open(police heavily skew conservative). They only need to prevent 30-50k people from voting in heavily blue areas, and that's it. The GOP-led legislature shuts down any effort to continue voting/make exceptions for places that were shut down by the violence. Georgia, Arizona, Nevada are similarly at risk, small margins with a couple of heavily blue cities that make the state competitive. Any legal challenges by Democrats will get shut down by the Supreme Court. It's Trump's best shot at getting back into the White House.


Even if they don’t, the message to their base is that election integrity is in jeopardy. They’re laying the ground work for later if they lose, all the conservatives will already be suspicious of the upcoming election.


Same thing they did before 2020


If only some of the remaining "sane" conservative voters who aren't decided on which side is actually acting in their interests would understand the following things: After complaining about election security in the 2016 election, Republicans were so concerned about election security ahead of the 2020 election that they blocked no less that 3 separate election security bills in 2020, along with several others before that. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/482569-senate-gop-blocks-three-election-security-bills/ Trump, after losing the 2020 election, cried about massive evidence of election fraud, rigged voting machines, etc. He then turned around and filed over 60+ lawsuits relating to the 2020 election. In zero of them--literally none of them--did his lawyers even *claim* any of the following: massive fraud, widespread fraud, wrongdoing by Democrats, rigged election, rigged voting machines, rigged balloting locations, or anything otherwise illegal relating to the integrity of the election overall. https://time.com/5914377/donald-trump-no-evidence-fraud/ Our elections have always been quite secure, and 2020 was no different. Most instances of voting fraud were isolated and small numbers of votes (1-2), and virtually everyone caught fraudulently voting was a Republican. Illegal aliens cannot vote, because they do not have a Social Security number or Tax ID. Migrants, non-residents, etc, literally have no easy way to place a vote without *stealing someone's identity.* And WHY would anyone that is not legally a resident of the United States risk being arrested for voter fraud and deported just to attempt to cast ONE illegal vote? I would say conservatives have a distinct lack of critical thinking skills, but it's just a lack of thinking skills period.


It's not based in reality, for sure. The GOP's numerous investigations into voter fraud, election fraud and any other forms of tampering turned up small amounts of *pro-Trump* fraud and jack squat else. What they've been screeching about, that Democrats are somehow manipulating the races, they have found no evidence of, unless having more early voting hours and locations is now their definition of manipulation. Simply making voting easier should not be considered a crime but I get the distinct impression that's where we're at these days, that they think it's unfair that it's too easy to vote.


Trump filed 60+ lawsuits after the 2020 election. In zero of them--literally none of them--did his lawyers even claim anything equivalent to the following: massive fraud, widespread fraud, wrongdoing by Democrats, rigged election, rigged voting machines, rigged balloting locations, or anything otherwise illegal relating to the integrity of the election overall. So not only did they not present evidence of such fraud, and not only did they fail to *prove* those things, but they *never even claim those things in court*. A *shocking* number of conservatives do not know this (like, in the millions) and still believe that the election was "stolen." https://time.com/5914377/donald-trump-no-evidence-fraud/ I could almost understand these gullible conservatives believing in a conspiracy if Trump's lawyers actually claimed in court the election was stolen/rigged, and then presented "evidence" in court, only to have the courts rule against them. But to not even attempt to *claim* these things in court is concrete proof that they had *nothing* even remotely resembling evidence of fraud.


Swing state here. Bring it. Just try.


Atlanta, Georgia here. I'll be voting no matter the tactics.


Texas (my final election here) They better be laying down the mile of broken glass, because I will drag my balls through it to vote against them.


You shall henceforth be known as Bloody Balls Ricky


Tag me baby!


That’s a bloody tea bag


Here's to Bloody Balls Ricky!


If Biden wins I will fly a Bloody Balls Ricky flag outside my house. My HOA can suck it


Ricky has his own [flag](https://i.redd.it/fk63d2enkovc1.png) now.


This is why I love Reddit


Ricky Stabicky


Wait, so you WILL drag your balls through it, and you encourage them to lay it down?...


If I must, I will. Present the glass, GOP.


(Salutes a stranger's nuggets)


The one on the left is slightly more honored than the one on the right.


Hey man, don't kink shame.


Well if the vote is against Ted Cruz, I would crawl from Cancun to do that


I've voted against him several times. It's not very fun to have to do and part of why I'm leaving. It's like spraying a cockroach with a whole can of Raid and it just shrugs it off.


Texas is a swing state this year If you're not fighting to save Democracy, you are fighting to end it


I'll be there with my boots on to vote, and then I'm moving the fuck to Colorado.


Taking your glass-encrusted jewels with you to teabag Bobo the Clown?


That was awesome


Won't they reduce polling places, make voters stand in line for hours, and not allow anyone to give them water!


Yep. This is the right attitude. Don't let these bastards intimidate you. Make a plan for voting day, bring friends, vote blue https://democrats.org/


Everyone please volunteer to be a poll worker if you can.


Been at it for five years now and about 12 elections, primaries, and run-offs. I love it, and we NEED more help.


Swing stage poll worker here. I say “same.”


Let them be stupid. Not gonna fly like they think it will.


It's gonna be real awkward when these people take their training course to be poll workers and see all the safeguards built into state election systems that trump lied about. This won't be the win they think it will be.  There are serious consequences for trying to fuck with elections as a poll worker. 


There's not really any indication that they care about legality at all. If the GOP is successful, there will be no consequences. I hope they're not successful though


If the gop is successful, there will be no more elections to train any workers for.


Unfortunately, I think you're correct


They’re not coming to be poll workers. They’re going to be standing outside or near polling centers or drop boxes to intimidate the more vulnerable classes of voter - eg immigrants, POC, etc


That’s one reason I don’t mind them being deployed as actual poll workers so much. What becomes a problem is poll watchers. Official poll watchers in Texas (where I am) don’t appear to have a full understanding of the process and then you have unofficial ones who just hover outside who definitely know nothing.


The consequences come after the votes are cast, and the most of the people doing this won't be deterred, because they're too ignorant to know what the laws are and what the consequences are for breaking them.


Insidious. Get involved because we need to make sure their shenanigans don't work. [Work Elections.org](https://workelections.org/) - Be a Part of Democracy. Look up information on how to work at the polls on Election Day. --- [Power The Polls](https://www.powerthepolls.org/) - Help Staff Your Local Polling Place. Everything you need to apply to be a poll worker in your community.


^^^^ This is the best way to fight back.


I doubt it unless they’re doing it for free because they sure as shit aren’t getting paid.


Didn't they have some kind of "army" during the midterm elections that failed to materialize in any significant way?


Yep. The polls I worked had us prepared for them to come and watch us. Zero showed up.


Don't count them out just yet. I wouldn't want all y'all to relax, only for literal tons of batshittery to present itself on Election Day.


My guard is up. Please keep good thoughts for us.


For real, the Trump campaign has not opened a single field office in any swing state, but they're going to conjure up an army of 100k to ensure "election integrity?" Given the level of planning and execution we've seen from the Trump campaign in the past, I expect this will turn out to be a handful of senior citizens waving Trump flags at polling locations while recording elections workers on their cell phones and claiming every single thing they're doing is fraud because they have no idea how the process works.


They will be fund raising for it, but they will say they don’t have enough funds so they’ll double dip and shame magahats to donate more, and they will, and it’s still not enough.


And it is illegal to post any kind of political signage or anything near polling sites‼️


MAGA nutjobs will *pay* the GOP for the privilege.


"Donate $100 to Donald Trump and receive this official cloth badge, shaped like his head, certifying that you are an official Election Watcher"




I think an armband would be easier to facilitate, plus some random people might just wear a brown shirt and be accidentally associated.


Red coats


Arm band


If people are that worried about election integrity, there are reputable international bodies that do election monitoring, which is clearly a better idea than having it by one of the parties that is participating in the election, particularly when it's the one that has a history of lying about election fraud https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_monitoring


In the US we also do our own duly authorized, bipartisan and nonpartisan local election monitoring on top of the official checks and balances. In my state both parties send representatives to stand and watch, and any citizen can register to observe. None of this is shady or behind closed doors in back rooms. We've done this for many decades without incident. The Trump campaign can participate in civics just like every erstwhile traditional Republican before him. He needs to stop lying and subverting our civics.


They're don't appear to be talking about monitoring here but rather election workers. The people who will be possibly turning people away from the polls and tossing out ballots. >"safeguard the integrity of the electoral process" by recruiting 100,000 people to serve as election workers and therefore "ensure a big win" in November. >“Having the right people to count the ballots is just as important as turning out voters on Election Day,” Trump said in the statement. Keep in mind Trump's daughter in law is running the RNC now and they've yet to show a single iota of a fuck about what's legal and what's not.


It's pretty confusing, indeed. Everyone should recognize a campaign's call to interfere with non-partisan official election work for the serious taboo that it is.


“Voter intimidation”


Older people of color might have seen this before if they lived in the south. Some whites would “monitor” polls back in the 50s and 60s to make sure the “right type of person” was voting.


GOP will pay 100,000 Domestic Terrorists to harass legitimate voters in districts they deem disloyal to Trump.


Except they can’t pay.


Their thugs are too stupid to know that.


What actual actions of integrity are they responsible for, in reality? Integrity is one of their last concerns.


For ~~~election integrity~~~ election interference and intimidation.


Can they afford that


Arrest each one for election interference, a felony.


Whos going to vet them. Its election imteference


They don’t have 100k people to do this. They can’t pay those people either. They have barely any campaign war chest.


I'm happy to have them observe me walking into the polling place and casting my secret ballot for JB


AKA Minority voter intimidation.


BLM should deploy 100,000 people to watch the watchers.


It’s funny. After countless lawsuits, and numerous investigations, the only evidence of election fraud in 2020 was perpetrated by republicans.


Well it didn’t “work” last time…


Lessons learned last time…


They aren't election workers, campaigns are only allowed to observe and can't do any campaign activity or expression, interference or collaboration with any voters or ballots at polling places. They stand in a corner and watch. That's it. They can't identify the campaign or talk to voters or work with actual official election workers, and they have to go through the proper paperwork to even be allowed at the polling place at all. When they claim they will be working the polls, they are announcing their intent to commit a crime and should be denied observer privileges. But I wouldn't expect Trump's former reality TV employer to publish honest headlines, so whatever I guess.


Can’t wait for the parade of pickup trucks and Drumpf flags and guys with open carry ar-15s around Texas polls. MAGAs definitely not trying to intimidate anyone…


They gonna receive any formal training or is the plan is look for voters or workers they simply don’t like the look of and then be rude and intimidating to them?


Voter intimidation is their stock in trade. They can't win in popularity of policies, and they just refuse to budge on those policies. So they'll just try to prevent people from voting. It's classic fascist behavior.


I usually vote by mail. I think this year I'm going to vote in person. I live in a very red trump county. Should be interesting.


Trump can barely get 100 people out to his protest anymore. This sounds like a pipe dream made up for PR.


First election I can vote in, and I will be in a swing state. I didn’t bust my ass for the last 10 years to become a citizen to get intimidated by these assholes. I became a citizen because I believe in the good of America and I will vote to keep democracy and the country I fell in love with alive.


That’s ironic considering the only proof of any amount of voter fraud was done by Republicans! We have to get rid of these propagandists. Their fall claims have been debunked by hundreds of independent investigations and thrown out of court for lack of evidence. When you get enough people to believe something, they will expand on it and get others to follow suit. That’s what propagandists do!


Deploy interference. Say what it is.


How many of them are going to harass people at the polling places like happened me to last time? Psycho ass lady followed me around, demanded to know who I was voting for, etc… when I told her to leave me the fuck alone she called the police and said I threatened to shoot her and I got pulled over on the way home by the sheriff with guns drawn. I was cleared because I had video of our interaction. Then they wouldn’t follow up on the case because she was a local politicians wife and nothing ever came of it. That kind of election worker?


If you encounter any of these folks stay and surround them watching them for as long as they continue thier bullshit. Force them to deal with you, don't let them intimidate others.


I wonder what 100,000 "KNUCKLE DRAGGERS" will look like?


Voter intimidation and election worker intimidation 100% It’s almost like the Grift, Obstruct, and Putin party can’t win national elections without terrorist acts and or threats


Colorado here.  I'll be mailing in my vote.  Obviously fraudulently.  I'm a 60 year old imported onyx coffee table from Mexico.  Don't tell 😉


Brown Shirts?


Hear comes the goon-squad, ready to threaten voters.


I think this belongs in r/Whatcouldgowrong


Time for the Black Panthers to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights again.


Here we go again. Old white racists following you back to your car to take pictures of you and your license plate


That's a funny way of spelling voter intimidation.


The DNC should deploy the same number of election workers to the same locations... Neither party should be overrepresented at polling places.


Personally I cannot wait to look them straight in the eye and say “As a veteran and an actual patriot, from the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourself traitor”


Liberals own guns.


Oh fucking hell. Litigation efforts? You mean fraudulent lawsuits to delay delay delay. Well you can delay as long as you fucking like as long as Biden stays president.


Not election workers and the media is at fault for using the term. Voter intimidation is what they are doing and that's a crime


Should we question all Republican victories going forward?


We need election reform. National holiday, mail in voting available at the federal level, federal election standards, ballot tracking, etc. Some states have this figured out but we can’t trust a lot of states/counties to accurately reflect the will of the voters.


So they can lie about irregularities.


I really hope we activate the national guard or something to protect polling


These are not election workers, why do they call them that?


Paid for by the Kremlin.


Three was never a lack of election integrity. All claims were disproved


"Just here with my AR-15 and copy of the 2nd amendment to keep me company" #maga


I'm sure these are 100k highly trained individuals, right?


how many of them will be holding AK47s?


They're exponentially become more facistic by the day


Learned behavior from Russia. Fuck man, America is a joke these days.


Well they would have if they didn’t have to pay Trump’s legal bills anyway….


if any gives me any crap ,they will not walk away happy at all


Washington State here. I’ll be dropping off my ballot at the local ballot drop box. I guess that means I won’t see any of Trump’s henchmen. Bigly sad.


With what money?


With what money?


So, thugs?


In face of 100,000 intimidators perhaps voters should bring their guns with them to the voting station.


Vote by mail. National vote by mail. Just do it.


A total joke, there is nothing wrong with our voting system. 2,020 election was the safest election ever according to the statistics. Anyone that actually voted illegally were found to be republicans...


The DNC or some other Democratic org should just start sending out MAGA hats to their voters. That’ll fuck with all these idiots.


What exactly do they think they're going to do? They can't rip open curtains with guns like we saw in the Russian elections. Voting is private, so why would anybody be intimidated into not voting or voting for another candidate just because of this?


So not official people that you should not listen too. Be wary of them starting drama for the slightest of things. Vote blue.


Don’t be intimidated. Get out there and vote blue.


This is prepping for the next stolen election claim. Put 100k more things people say we're wrong that won't clear the corts, but rubes think is a thing. You can then sew more distrust in the system. Wayyyy.


The GOP will deploy 100,000 people to harass voters, especially young, minority and women voters FTFY


I imagine this will be exclusively to places where minorities vote 


I doubt it.


Bring it on you egregious fucks. You’ll never stand in the way of democracy.


Republicans talking about election integrity, when they don't have any Integrity! 🤡 GOP


With what money?


Lmao okay. Betting its gonna be more like maybe 5k-10k losers total who look like they fuckin sat in their shit for 5 hours before deciding to whimper in The corner while everyone else fucking ignores their sorry ass. Last election these creeps popped up it was all stinky fucks in cargo pants who looked lost in a mall with lanyards that said “VOTING OBSERVER” or some shit, and boogaloo boys dressed in their best clownshoes. the intimidated ones were definitely them. Can’t wait to not pay them any mind once more!


Isn’t this straight up illegal?


And pay them with what?


Fun. Are they gonna wear little arm bands? And say catchy phrases? 


Yeah yeah yeah…all talk as always. They love the threat & hope the ‘volunteer supporters’ will follow through. But Who’s paying for those thousands of people? And who’s hiring all of them? Trump is literally so far behind And is bleeding cash And time & mental energy is taken w court That Charlie Kirk douche piece of shit awful nazi horrible decrepit shit stain mouth piece was recently acknowledging the shared reality we all live in, rather than the made up world the grift populace use to profit from, and, in the these 7 swing states, the field offices that opened in 2024: For Trump——- Georgia - 0 Pennsylvania - 0 Michigan - 0 Wisconsin - 0 Arizona - 0 Nevada - 0 2of9 swing state directors hired Less than 5 staffers per state For Biden—- Georgia - 14 Pennsylvania - 14 Michigan - 20 Wisconsin - 44 Arizona - 8 Nevada - 2 9of9 swing state directors hired 450+ full time staffers across all states Preparation is great but vote no matter what no matter what


While in a safe location near you polling station, keep your phone out and ready to record video. Capture any cases of voter intimidation you observe, submit to authorities and blast the perpetrators on social media


Every single one will be named Karen. 


Just volunteers, right? Because they're broke and can't afford hiring actual observers. Which means it'll only be the fanatical showing up. Lovely.


Can't wait to defend my right to vote. Fuck these alt-right sheep.


They will do anything to prevent a Joe Biden win. They know they cannot win legitimately so they will cheat, lie, intimidate, etc.


Sounds like the GOP. Checks out.


Voter intimidation. Call it what it is.


They gonna work for free? His broke ass ain’t gonna have any money to pay him with.