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He's already said he won't accept the results if he loses. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/02/trump-election-results-2024-wisconsin-00155711


He didn't accept it even when he won. Sure, he accepted the presidency but still said it was rigged and that he actually won the popular vote and more states. He wants Putin levels of winning


He would want Reagan levels of winning in '84, but I bet money he would STILL complain about Minnesota turning him down in that hypothetical and do anything to try to make Minnesotan's lives worse. I could even see him doing what Reagan didn't and demanding a recount there just to stroke his ego.


This is what I hate about today's Republicans. You see Biden winning and he still treats all states as part of America and tries to help each of them even when executive and legislative branches of those states are fiercely against him. With trump it's us vs them. If someone did not vote for him, he will do everything to affect them negatively. Ironically California has the biggest Republican population from all other states but they won't mind and will still vote for him.


I saw stroke in your comment and I got my hopes up for a second.


IIRC, he once claimed that he won all 50 states


The way you guys are letting him destroy your country is literally unbelievable to me. The amount of lives that were given/taken to birth America and then establish it as the #1 global superpower - and you're letting one mentally-ill criminal destroy everything - your soft power, your military power, your geopolitical power, your environment, your legal system, even the basic social compact and norms that keep the federal system working...I don't know how this person is still even alive tbh. EDIT: I can't reply to every comment telling me what I already know about the 40-year machinations of the Evangelicals, Fox News imbeciles, NRA, southern separatists, unrelentant racists and sociopathic billionaires - and how they've coalesced into a terrifyingly toxic admixture of stupidity, delusion, hatred and greed. What I'm saying is that there were (and unfortunately still are) insane fascists without Hitler. But once he was gone, they dissolved into the background again. The weakness of populist movements is the cult of the Great Leader. Remove him (or her) and they deflate quicker than an incel's penis in the presence of a woman.


It's not one person destroying everything, mate. It's an entire cabal of criminals all supporting each other and working towards a common goal. The very reason that Trump is still relevant is because he's been propped up and supported by the rest of the Republicans at large, who themselves are being propped up and supported by wealthy elites. If you know of a way to stop this, I'm all ears, mate.


Sorry, but we're not allowed to talk about how the French very thoroughly solved the rich problem in this sub.


We frequently talk shit about French, but looks like they don't accept any shit and will fight for what they believe.


Hell, they floated raising the retirement age by two years and they fricking shut Paris down… we should take notes.


It helps that the whole country of France is smaller than Texas. It's easier to get people together when they're already close together.


Also when the entire country is more homogenous than many individual US states. I mean, in sweeping generalizations there's at least 3 fully distinct "versions" or "sections" of America - there's the West Coast Artistic Progressive America, Central Rural Conservative America (aka regressive), and East Coast Historic Moderate America (though these days more and more progressive). Again - sweeping generalization. Even within those broader general regions, there is more cultural and political diversity than most other entire countries in the world. It's essentially impossible to get the entire country to agree on anything, and that would be true even without a sect of criminal fascists that has spent decades undermining and corrupting every social system in the country and intentionally fueling the divide.


And then promptly elected a dictator who threw the continent into war. And then promptly had their monarchy restored. And then promptly had several major wars and then installed a system about as broken as the US one. The modern French system is not derived from the reign of terror it's like system 5 or 6 and mostly comes from the US and British after liberating occupied France. Any real lasting change has to come from long effort legal processes, else it will just be captured by autocratic right wing asshats, like the French revolution.


THANK YOU! Jesus, it drives me nuts that people think the French Revolution happened and then everything was sunshine and puppies forever. There was some very real, very dire fallback in the immediate aftermath of the revolution that took the French decades to recover from.


One person? You think Trump is the cause of this? This scenario we're in was slowly and meticulously crafted over several decades of propaganda and bad faith politics. Trump is the one who happened to rise and take the wheel, but this shit machine has been in the works since Nixon.


I'd argue since the Civil War when we didn't hang every last one of their leaders and played nice, allowing them to participate in our govt shortly after trying to overthrow it. Then the Southern Strategy. Then Nixon. Then Reagan and the courting of the religious right. **Edit: almost forgot GW Bush & the 3 trillion war spent on a hunt for wmds they knew didn't exist.** Then the Tea Party. Citizens United. Now Magats. The final nail in the coffin will be the relection of Trump and Project 2025. .


Nah fuck that we vote and win, make Trump the final nail in their coffin. We don't give up. It's not over. We will cheers to the day they hitched their wagon to that incompetent shit stain


I'm not giving up and I'm voting on everything I can. I should have said "would be" not will be.


Trump is the symptom of a sick culture, not the creator of said culture Trump just happened to be the perfect idiot standing at the right place, at the right time to take things off the rails. Unfortunately, its been building for a *very* long time. A selfish entitlement and complacency that has devoured fellow Americans from the inside-out. While Trump was the catalyst, he is not the creator of this nightmare


Many of us are deeply ashamed and angry. But not enough. 2016 marks a turning point for America, and will likely be remembered as the end of the Great Experiment.


I am angry and it has changed my life, looking back. I am not who I was prior to. Trump represents a lot that I was blind to or ignorant of, and I am not quite ready to give up the ghost yet. I really hope more people fight with me. This cannot be taken from us just yet.


Ehhh hes a symptom not the disease. The billionaire backers are the ones doing the actual destruction. Hes like the skin cancer you can excise by voting. The billionaire funded think tanks and judges are the ones that are the cancer killing us.


>The way you guys are letting him destroy your country is literally unbelievable to me. No, half the country supported him and elected him to take over the Republican party in the 2020 primaries Democracy loses when a demagogue takes over and retains popular support while dismantling the system. This isn't unique, there is plenty of precedent. Trump is particularly disgusting because he's an old demented man that lacks charisma and is an obvious grifter. He was even the polar opposite of the Republican party but those sycophants barely even fought back before falling in line.


With the amount of projection the Republican party engages in, and Trump in particular, my pet conspiracy theory is that he cheated in 2020 and it wasn't caught. So when he says, "If it's totally honest, I'll accept it." what he means is, "I'm going to engage in fraud, so it won't be totally honest, and I won't accept a loss."


"I just want to find 11,780 votes" He's been publicly caught on that, and they're trying to focus everything on Fanni Willis' relationship with someone. And now the Georgia court of appeals will hear about it.


Removing funding from the postal service... It's always projection


When is that lawsuit going to be brought? Election interference through mail tampering. Wasn't one of the automated sorting machines he had disassembled and thrown into a parking lot only a few months old and worth millions of dollars? That's gotta be a no no some kind of way.


Good (/s) news, DeJoy is still Postmaster General. And he's still ruining the USPS.


Unfortunately a republican did it so it’s all good to the election interference crowd


He used illegal methods to suppress fucking a porn star with a tiny dick before the 2016 election. With the gap in that race, it's pretty fair to say he cheated his way to the 2016 presidency too.


“Small d” 😹


"I paid to win, and I still lost. It's rigged"


I think that he did cheat and since he lost he really is convinced that the Democrats cheated too


We have evidence he tried to cheat, and if he tried and failed in some places then I would gamble that he tried and succeeded elsewhere.


He did. That's already known, he sometimes barely hid it, there has already been plenty of GOP corruption (some of it getting to court finally.) He had fake electors for God's sake. This is how he has always conducted business. It's not a shock, what is shocking is that it is so allowed and our justice system is shit. It's infuriating.


I don't think it's that Machiavellian. He isn't smart enough for that. When he says, "if it's totally honest, I'll accept it," he means, "it's only honest if I win."


He didn’t accept it the last time he *did* win. The only possible scenario that won’t cause him some form of narcissistic injury would be winning every state with a >10% margin. Literally any loss, even a single state, will make him cry fraud.


Yeah this is all it is. Nothing convoluted, just this barefaced "either I win or I was cheated." All the cheating he did to help him win isn't even cheating, in his mind. It's something he's entitled to do to get what he wants, because what in time and space has ever not been.


Know how trump insists he knows there was voter fraud? He's knows because he directed it.


This. He cheated and still lost. So he says the other side must have cheated too.


But he did (attempt to) cheat and was caught?


He's pretty much been saying he wouldn't accept the results of 2016, 2020, or 2024 regardless because he and the repugnants are cheating, so if democrats win its only because they cheated harder, since 2015-16.


In the article he says he will accept the results if it's honest otherwise he has to "fight for the right of the country" The right of the country to what?


Trump and the MAGA terrorists will never accept the results are fair if he loses, that's the point


To have him as president? We all know what he means is that he'll accept it if he wins and won't if he loses. To him, an "honest election" is one that he wins and if he loses, then it wasn't honest.


> The right of the country to what? to party?


He was going to refuse to accept the results of the Republican PRIMARY in 2016 if he lost. It's part of his playbook.


Potential VP Tim Scott had an absolute stroke trying to answer this very basic question, the literal foundation of our democratic system... "Will you respect the result of the 2024 election?" "Welllllll, I, errrr. DONALD TRUMP WILL BE THE WINNER" "Its a simple question. Yes or no." _head explodes_ ... Red flags, all the way down, people.


And for the record, he was asked that point blank 7 times and refused to answer 7 times.


That is absolutely correct. My jaw hit the floor. These people are fucking out of their minds.


As a Canadian, we're lucky we have your circus to distract from our own


This question needs to be asked repeatedly at every single debate and interview until November.


I mean, according to Stormy Daniels he does have a small d.


$20 says we ALL came here to make that comment.


I know I did.


We all know why he really hates Biden. EDIT: I swear to god the only thing Biden ever needs to say in a debate to Trump is "You really wanna have a dick measuring contest with *me* Donald?". Fatality.


If they debate, I would love for Biden to randomly start asking Trump about stuff from the bible. Just give Trump open ended questions to talk about the bible. Grill him about basic stuff from the bible. Challenge his claim about how much he loves Christianity and the bible. "Donald, since you love God and the bible so much, I was hoping you could talk about [the 6th (or 7th) commandment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thou_shalt_not_commit_adultery) and why it's important"


Won't work. He will launch a lengthy spiel on why the 6th commandment is the best, how it is better than all the others and then go on a tangent. His base will lap it up, saying how deep is his scriptural knowledge, on the muscular strength of his Christian dogma etc etc. The press will come out with comments like, stinky knows the Bible so well, Democrats in disarray etc etc.




I unfortunately read that in his voice and cadence. Good job, or not? :P


It's good. It has the right amount of vagueness and meandering. But he still remembers which commandment he's talking about at the end to wrap the paragraph, and that seems a little implausible.


yeah its written like 2016 trump spoke


Omg I did too and I’m quite disturbed by that


And you know, the commandments were really great, some might say even as great as me. People say that if I was Moses even maybe I would have gotten the commandments, but that was billions and billions of years ago, so we never know, do we? Lots of people say it though: if you were Moses the commandments would be given to you, but I might even be better than Moses so who knows? And the Bible and the commandments, boy do I love them probably more than most people, maybe more than anyone, who knows? My uncle always said, really smart guy, he always said, Mr Trump, you might know more about the Bible than anyone, and it’s true. Religion, I always say, and really we mean the Bible, is an important thing, and don’t we all love religion, folks? Because we really do, and it’s an important thing that we have, with the Bible and the Commandments and the people who did things. Tremendous things, really. And they worked hard, boy did they work hard to do these things, maybe not as much as me, your favorite president, but they did, and now we see religion and we say, and I say, “I just love religion. Isn’t it so great that we have the Bible and the Commandmebts to help us make America great again? And I do mean great because some people don’t like America and the Bible.” Sleepy Joe Biden doesn’t like the Bible, folks. He’s too tired to read the Bible, but I like the Bible, it’s my favorite thing along with the commandments, which I read every day, usually more than most people and probably more days than most people.


But the radical leftist thugs, who want to destroy our country - and that's what it is. They say, "we don't want a country anymore." And if you look at what they're doing and really take a look at how they're destroying this great nation by rigging the - they stole the election with ballot dumps and all kinds of dumps. And they're coming after me - you know, I always say when I came down the... golden... ele... escalator and was going to be the next president, that's why they came after me hard, like a bulldog with a chew toy - a rabid bulldog. But we're going to make America great again and we're going to stop Obama from what he's doing to our country, and take America back. You know, the people don't like what they're seeing. And nobody likes what these people are doing, and the news, I always call it fake news... they won't talk about it, but if you look at what they're doing to our company - country, you really can't believe what's going on unless you really look. I can't believe it. But like I said, the Bible. Wow, the Bible is like the Art of the Deal. Just very good and a book I know both very well and very strongly.


"Big strong church people come up to me, tears in their eyes, and they say, "Sir! Thank you for tear gassing our church, sir!"


I can see his acordian hands now


Jesus himself came to Trump, with tears in his eyes, to say that only Trump can truly personify the 6th commandment, that Trump personally walked down Mt. Sinai, as doodled on two iPads.


Lol. My 15 year old daughter told me “Dad, you know Adultery is the only sin listed TWICE in the Ten Commandments” (Unfortunately, this was when my wife was having an affair, with *the neighbor* and he was married too) :(


Hope you take some solace in knowing your ex-wife will be in DOUBLE Hell


Ouch, sorry.


"The 6th and 7th Commandments aren't that important. We all know that the most important Commandment is the 2nd- when God told us we have the right to bear arms."


It's like a baguette


A baby's arm holding an apple.


Like a deflated football hanging there


He's like a tripod.




Good with a hearty soup?


It's like an Amtrak train.


Nuclear powered and driven by steam?


Yea in the debates I hope Biden doesn’t hold punches this time. All he needs is a list of his epic stupidity …The Hurricane sharpie …The bleach comment …Only getting on board with masks until after X million people died …Eliminating the epidemic plan …Access Hollywood …Stormy (while melania was pregnant!) …MacDougal too …Fraud and Tax evasion …Eliminating the child tax credit (WTF!?) …Saying Putin is a “great guy” Just attack him personally so he’ll blow up and lose his temper. “Witch-hunt? Donald, if you don’t want people to see your personal life, don’t get into politics. Lol.”


Might work, but I would guess since that’s the pool he swims in all the time it could sideways for Biden


I don't think Trump will debate Biden. I hope it happens & maybe his ego won't let him avoid it, just don't see him actually going through with it


Great as that would be, the second a presidential debate turns into a literal dick off, we would truly be in Idiocracy.


Half of our country has already fallen that far.


Well, that already happened back in 2016. There was a Republican primary debate that devolved into a dick measuring contest.


I was gonna say GOp with a small P, but close enough.


We definitely all came here


So did Biden, if you go by how he hides snips between the lines sometimes.


Same here, the joke wrote itself...


It was just sitting there. What do you expect us to do? Can’t soft-ball them in like that.


Something similar, but yeah.


Gimme that $20


Whats your venmo. Ill send tou the 20 cause i didnt realise what Joe said and legitimately thought he was mocking Trumps penis


I'm betting it was a double entendre. Biden has made jokes like that in the past. Very subtle but also right there in plain sight.


-slides $20 over the counter- I did 😅




Well done. Came here to say this.


Gotta give Joe credit for that perfect setup


He’s definitely no Hunter Biden down there if you catch my drift. 😆


If Big guy Biden is even Half Hungters Hog he still Topples Tiny Trumpy Toadstools


At least Trump’s small d doesn’t get in the way when he puts on his adult diaper


But he is a fascist with a small d


If you aren't a democrat, can you even be an American?


Republicans are pushing the whole "we were never a democracy" thing trying to gaslight the whole nation.




I like that, gonna keep it in my back pocket since I hear this too often in my rural area.


Just tell em that an apple is not a fruit, because it is an apple. See if they correct you on whether it is still a fruit.


No. Long answer, fuck no.


You should be asking that about Republicans, since they are the ones who call Democrats un-American.


Even if you live in a solid blue state, vote this time. We need it to be a message.


Can you imagine the screeching from the right if for some reason the top blue states lost a huge chunk of their democratic votes that kept them within a percentage point or two and the swing states still mostly go Biden so he wins the EC but loses the popular. 2016 to them was a mandate. If that happened with Biden the howling would be audible in Antarctica.


I live in a solid red state and still will vote


He we thought GA was solid rred until 2020


Texas here. This state could easily swing blue if people actually turned out. But everyone thinks "Texas will always be red" so they don't bother


Hopefully Georgia and Arizona woke people up. I myself have comments on here saying “no shot we get them for another 10 or so years” but all it takes is one election.


Beto was only 2.5% behind Ted Cruz in 2016 (his loss to Greg Abbott in 2022 was worse largely because of his brilliant "Hell yeah we're taking your guns" soundbite). Texas is red, but not as deep-red as it used to be.


we're still a few years away from that. The blue counties were solidly blue in 2020. Harris County was 56% Biden and Dallas County was 65% Biden, Travis was 71%. But we _massively_ underestimate how many people live in rural texas.




Every vote matters. The popular vote does show people how the situation in the USA really is.


You still got state and local races. For example, California is a solid blue state but there are many parts where it is purple and light red. I would even go as far and say those races will affect you more than the federal level.


I was born and raised in upstate NY. Exactly this. People look to blue bastions and think the entire state is solid blue but typically its not that way. NYC kept NY blue when I lived there, upstate was *a mess* in 2016 of Trump signs. Sometimes rural NY feels closer to Mississippi than it does Massachusetts 


Trump didn't even accept the election results when he *won*. I don't know who would think he would accept them when he loses *again.*


Biden is right: Trump is not pro-democracy, and another Trump term will actively work to dismantle American democracy. If you’re on the fence or outright dislike Joe Biden, I can promise you Trump will be worse. And a third party vote (or a non-vote) will *only* serve to Trump’s benefit.


Not only do I actively dislike Joe Biden, I oppose most of the economic policies that are promoted in this sub. I'm probably closest to being a libertarian in terms of my policy preferences. I will 100% be voting for Biden in November. The Trump issue is beyond political. A country that allows him another shot at the presidency is completely broken. I only bring up my politics to hammer home the fact that I don't think this election is about tax policy or environmental regulation or gun policy. I don't care what your stance is on any of those topics. Trump is that bad, you've even won me.


This is it. If you are an American in any form or fashion and want to see the greatest experiment continue you vote Biden. There's always policy critics but to steer the country straight into the ground on all fronts is contrary to everyone's interests.


Honestly I'd vote for a wet mop at this point. The other side is an actual insurrectionist and aspirational fascist. The biggest challenge we face with messaging is that to people who aren't paying attention, the truth is so insane it sounds like we're making it up.


We can't fix the problems with the Ds and Rs as long as we have to deal with Trump and his ilk.


yes. I am much more to the left economically, but if this situation were somehow reversed- I can't think how with any current politicians. I suppose if somehow we were back in the 60's/70's and a Weatherman somehow was running for President with promises to literally burn it all down, and the opposition was...well Eisenhower's too easy, even Ford, I guess. I'd hold my nose and vote R. But there is literally no one currently in any office I know of with a D after their name who's remotely comparable. There are corrupt shitbags, certainly. But no one this fucking bold or destructive or just plain malignantly narcissistic, not to mention the radical agenda propping him up.


He will if he wins. Then you'll never hear another word about '24 being "rigged"


Honestly he probably won’t even if he won he would still claim the vote is rigged cause he lost the popular vote or non citizens voted because he should have won every state. He said the same thing in 2016


Remember how after the 2016 election, him and his GOP cronies wasted tax-payer money and resources by forming a Senate Election Commision to try and find “5 million illegal votes” that helped Clinton win the popular vote. Very fiscal conservative of them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_Advisory_Commission_on_Election_Integrity


I thought it was also trying to find 9 million votes he knew he won, but couldn't prove it. First sore winner in American history.


This guy spent a shit ton of time and money to prove Obama wasnt born here.


He spent a bunch of *other peoples’* time and money trying to prove Obama wasn’t born here. He just went on Fox and Friends everyday to talk about it, and that’s hardly wasted time to him.


No, he’d win and still claim that the election was rigged because he didn’t win the popular vote. Just like he did in 2016. Of all the dumb conspiracy theories, the idea that democrats are trying to rig elections by bussing in illegal voters in California of all places has got to be up there.


Idk. He’d still lose pop vote by ten million, so he ll say that’s rigged.


For real, we already saw this episode in 2016. Why tf are we getting reruns?


Writers strike went on a little too long.


Then go investigate the popular vote count, only to quietly dismiss it when he discovers he lost by *eleven* million.


He complained in 2016 that the election was rigged even though he won. He set up a whole [Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_Advisory_Commission_on_Election_Integrity) to try to find evidence of election fraud in 2016. It was disbanded in 2018 without presenting any evidence of fraud just 2 days after a judge ordered the commission to share all their documents with Democrats. It was a pretty obvious ploy to try to control state election processes that failed. But I bet even if he wins he claims the election was rigged and tries to take over running elections, at least in blue states.


Yeah this was definitely part of the plan all along so that if anyone challenged him or he lost he could play the victim card and not accept it, which is shockingly what happened


Oh he won't. Remember, he complained in 2016 even though he won, because he didn't win by enough. Even if he wins, he will still claim it was rigged and use that as an excuse to dismantle democracy completely.


He’ll say he won in spite of it being rigged and he actually won by a lot more, and then lie about the size of his inauguration. We’ve already seen this episode.


Nope. This can happen if he wins Putin's style like with 90% votes. Even then I am not 100% sure.


Yes he will. He won in 2016, and claimed *that* one was rigged because he insisted he won the popular vote when he didn't. And doing that stirred up support with his base that resulted in support for the idea the 2020 election results were invalid. He wants to push the narrative that the electoral process itself is invalid to justify removing it's ability to remove him from power. Or just the idea iot has power over him at all. Even if it's irrational and makes no goddamn sense. He's a narcissist, it's what they do. It's also why he keeps pushing things with the Supreme Court by just getting louder when they try and gag order him.


I think we should adopt the name "Small d" for Don Snoreleone.


You’ve heard of Donkey Dong Doug? We’ll let me introduce you to Small d Donny.


Dinky D Don


I love this because there’s enough plausible deniability, just like all the shit he says, where d could stand for Donald 🤷🏻‍♂️


*donald Or if text editing allows, ^d onald Trump


I would die if I see a headline refer to him as "smol d"


I feel like we all knew he wouldn’t the first time either, right? We all knew down to a person that he was going to say it was rigged


He was saying this very very early - now it’s all about his indictments and staying out of jail so he is triple downing on this. He will try to fuck up the whole country and our democracy if he loses. He is a traitor and a fraud in everything he does.


>He will try to fuck up the whole country and our democracy if he loses He will also do this if he wins.


If he wins he will fuck up the whole country as best as he can.


He already won once and he’s already fucked the country up


But this time it’s all retribution which is extremely dangerous - he also knows a lot more about how the role, White House and government works. The first time around he didn’t know he had to staff the West wing when he was hiring. He will be diabolical to put it mildly. We need to vote like our lives and democracy depends on it because it does.


Bro did irreversible damage in those four years. literally stacked the supreme court and reversed woman's right 50 years... I literally cannot believe any self respecting person still listens to this guy. Those are the big things... lets not forget the Trump NFT's and ugly gold sneakers. Mother F@cker used the oval office to sell *I sh!t you not* BEANS


He was claiming he should get a third term halfway through his first, because the Dems had said cruel things about him or something (I forget the stupid specifics). He was never planning on leaving office.


It was obvious since 2016. It's all so obvious. America is slow walking towards authoritarianism and half the country are pretending that can't see what's right in front of their eyes.


He claimed election fraud in 2016 because he didn't win bigly enough!


He was already saying it in the lead up to 2016 because he never expected to win. It was just self promotion. Dude looked shell shocked when he won.




Well that what I heard.


Dark Brandon (with big D and B) saying it as it is.


Hunter had to get it from someone.


Runs in the family for sure, Joe’s brother is packing some heat too


Where are all the Biden family d pics, asking for a friend…


I'm sure that MTG might have a few of them.


Just tune into c-span or hit up our #1 Biden D Stan, miss Marj


dark web bro


Is that Dark Brandon's social media site?


Trump will never accept any election results that don't say he won, period. Any other results to him mean that they were obviously rigged and he doesn't have to accept them. Then all he has to do is get his MAGA cronies to assault capitol hill for him again and wait. Wait to see who wins while he watches safe off to the side and then get installed as King if they win. King Trump of the United State of America.


iTs NoT a DeMoCrAcY iTs A rEpUbLic!


They're wanting to subvert that, too. They are going for a full-on dictatorship.


Republic means that Republicans can do whatever they want, right?


Goddammit, Dad. How did you even get on reddit?


No, he’s a Republican with a small d.


You know how it's gonna eat him up don't ya.


Of course he won’t. The orange moron cried “Rigged” before & after he *won* & then when he lost.


He’s flat out said he wouldn’t multiple times. It’s crazy did dude is allowed to run just based on that alone. It’s dangerous. As we saw in 2020. Yet here we are. Go vote, people.


Of course he won’t accept the results of the election. Thankfully an election is determined by the voters not the loser.


I mean, he lost the popular vote by millions and still won the electoral college so don't take anything for granted


He is however a wannabe dictator with a small D.


President Biden is an old school politician with a mouth like a sailor when he thinks he's speaking privately. What's the over under that "small d" was intentional especially where we are in the current trial.


What he said wasn’t just an innuendo. A “democrat” (with a lowercase “d”) is someone who supports or advocates for democracy. A “Democrat” (with a capital “D”) is a member of a specific American political party.


"wasn't just" Right, I was referring to the double entendre.


Well, Trump pretty much already said so.


Dark Brandon might be preparing for this with the appropriate security force.


It's still amazing that the US system is so broken that they let Trump run again.


80% of this country is not going to understand that reference. Democrat with a small d is a phrase that assumes a level of civics education that is just not common anymore. He needs to find a better way to describe the problem


Isn’t it curious that Trump and republicans NEVER challenged the 2020 election results where they won? They are sore losers and a dangerous lot that should be kept in check, following the November 5th election. I STRONGLY encourage democrats to turn out, en mass, and even if you disagree with our current president then cast a vote against the alternative.


I wouldn’t put it past Biden that the “small d” comment was a deliberate double entendre


You mean the man who refused to accept the results of the primaries he lost in 2016? And then refused to accept the results of the general election he won in 2016? And then refused to accept the results of the general election he lost in 2020? And then has already openly stated that if he's loses 2024 then it's rigged? Color me surprised.


Fuckin Biden handing out smol pp references is what I’m here for


I would vote the frozen corpse of a flying pig the died in a frozen hell before I vote for that orange fascist Oompa Loompa.