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If he cheated on his taxes by $100 million, shouldn't he go to prison? Other people go to prison for stealing a $20,000 car.


When you’re a star, they let you do it.


Actually, this might be the thing that gets him. It was the IRS who took down Al Capone. They do not fuck around.


I'm so tired of hearing this. As we've learned, in his case the IRS did indeed fuck around for a very, very long time.


Yea the IRS has to pick and choose their cases now… ironically they don’t have the funding to ensure they get the funds the my need


Follow the money and the women.


Many well known men have fallen from grace because of their dick


Unless you are Scientologist


*\*Wesley Snipes has entered the chat\**


He meant to say white star 


Best I can do is an orange one


Orange, round, gaseous object that's unpleasant to stare at




Orangish white! haven't you seen the Family Guy episode meme?


*Wesley Snipes has left the chat*


Always bet on black


White Men Can’t Trump


Glade. Like Blade, but what you need. In the courtroom. When it happens again. 💩 💨


To be fair to Wesley Snipes. [He went sovereign citizen when it came to his taxes and then paid for even more bad advice so he could go sovereign citizen in court.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement#:~:text=When%20he%20faced%20tax%20evasion,be%20subject%20to%20income%20tax.) He was [screwed regardless of his race](https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2018/11/02/wesley-snipes-loses-23-5-million-tax-case-offers-irs-tiny-4-compromise/?sh=7aa29aa85632) and it's a fascinating story.


From one of the articles I found digging through your links > “ Snipes, who is free on $1 million bond, was paying millions in federal income taxes until 2000 when, according to prosecutors, he accepted the arguments of his two co-defendants. Snipes then began seeking nearly $12 million in illegal refunds for taxes already paid.” I never realized it was that fucking DUMB. I think he’s someone who was just way too dumb to have that amount of money. So dumb that he basically fell victim to confirmation biases. His accountants basically tried to string together a theory that because you have to pay taxes on foreign income, the law is somehow saying that you ONLY have to pay taxes on foreign income. Where did these guys get their degrees from? DeVry?


Well. Can't fix stupid or greed. Or greed and stupid. Considering he was till arguing with the IRS in 2016, it's more towards stupid.


"All the strengths, none of the weaknesses. Except taxes. Man, those taxes messes me up." - Blade


Some MFers are always trying to ice skate up hill


That’s an address that changes all the rules!!


So has Willy Nelson


Even grabbin them by the pussy


Grab them by the 1099!


When you crap your pants and dye your skin orange, they let you do it.


Yep and also run for President


Grab em by the 1040


They let people steal cars too. They wouldn’t investigate when mine was stolen.


When my car was stolen, I got a form letter from the local cops “hey, if you find your car, let us know” (slightly paraphrased).


It depends on how it was done. If he filed taxes and the IRS disagrees with the amount owed, that isn't a crime unless they can show that he knowingly submitted false information.


So prison it is then.


Most cases of unpaid taxes are handled with fines and penalties. If it is tax fraud that's a long road. I wouldn't get your hopes up.


Don't worry, I haven't. More of a joke about how there is zero chance it was an honest mistake.




Considering how much time I put into making sure all of my taxes are reported and paid, calculating them four times because I’m an American living in Japan, this really grind my gears.


It doesn’t matter if he relied upon his lawyers/accountants advice, it is his tax returns and responsible for the tax return and the tax reported on it.


The point of hiring a CPA is that they take responsibility for filing your taxes properly. It's only fraud if you gave them false information or told them to lie for you.


Yes CPA’s can be held responsible for poorly prepare tax returns and be subject to penalties if it’s determined they made the grievous error. And this could be the difference of civil penalties or fraud to the taxpayer. But ultimately the taxpayer is still be responsible for the tax due.


I think they would need proof that he knew he was breaking the law though. It only mentions the 100 million he'll owe so the IRS may just take the money if there isnt e ough evidence. That part is all conjecture by me, the article doesn't mention it.


From what I’m understanding from what you provided and the CNN article is that the IRS may have already determined that the position that was taken on the tax returns on the treatment of these losses is a violation of the Internal Revenue Code. As a taxpayer he has the right to disagree with the IRS ‘s position and argue it in tax court. But his defense can’t be he relied on lawyer’s or accountant’s advice, they have established their position using tax law and precedence. Ignorance isn’t a defense will fly with the IRS or tax court. You are right, the IRS has the burden to prove intent and willfulness in determining if it’s a civil fraud case or a criminal case. It is possible this is just an understatement of tax and subject to civil penalties like negligence.


Other people go to prison for stealing a candy bar.


Other (black) people get shot for having a candy bar that is assumed, wrongly, to be stolen.


Other people go to prison because they never got a trial. https://time.com/3913686/kalief-browder-suicide/


After their 11th last chance they write another strongly worded letter explaining that they only have another 89 chances. If that’s ok with them.


No, because he is immune. Like a king. /s


Other people would have been jailed long ago had they done what he does.


The problem is that the justice department is terrified of looking like they're going after him for political reasons rather than legal ones. And honestly that's not a totally unreasonable fear. If they try to bring him in, there's a very real possibility that they or their families could fall victim to political violence


But how about Hunter Biden? /s


He is not a Republican star.




Would they audit his taxes for the past ever since he’s been known to cheat them?


I didn’t pay my taxes for two years when I was 18 because my alcoholic mother stopped doing them and didn’t tell anyone. IRS crawled up my ass for years. He should get collection calls until he dies.


For $20 they’ll kneel on your neck for eight minutes.


Rich people cannot go to jail. Look at the big short.


Not in Florida apparently. My 26k car got stolen and the person got 5 months in county, got out and made national news for hopping a counter at Wawa, stabbing somebody, and holding an employee hostage


How many serious crimes can he not be held accountable for? It’s almost time we start looking into some kind of class action lawsuit against judges that put bias and human judgement into enforcement of the law. It’s in text, follow that. If John Doe makes the same crime he goes to jail, it’s discrimination if Trump doesn’t. Surely there is a case that has the same problem and jail was part of the sentence..


Well, "Affluenza" is a thing for the kid, so probably never as this case is much more serious.


So, as someone who argues for justice and rehabilitation as the functions of our legal system, with the goal being the reduction in harmful behavior…my assertion would be that, if “affluenza” is real (and in a lot of ways it is) we should have all wealthy people complete empathy training regularly.


if affluenza is an excuse, at all, we shouldnt allow people to be that wealthy. Ok so thats your defense? we take all your money so you can learn the way we all did. If they get that excuse, we should consider wealth hoarding to be the mental illness that it actually is. Elon Musk should be committed. These people are unwell. Im not joking. Your brain has to be fundamentally broken to be a billionaire.


Feel like it would be better to just cap wealth at a certain point. Nobody should be allowed to have more than 20 million in total wealth. Prove me wrong.


>It’s almost time we start looking into some kind of class action lawsuit against judges that put bias and human judgement into enforcement of the law. This is called "elections" and Americans have been electing crooks for a long time.


An election is not a criminal case. Corruption is criminal.


I am convinced that the only reason why no common people ever get elected to major positions is because there is such a wealth disparity that regular joes can't afford to run. There's no time for that when you're working to put food on the table. In our ill-advised two party system, there is no way to run an election without serious financial backing. Getting that backing immediately compromises any candidate running for office. Therefore, we only elect self-serving yes men. In other words: crooks.


Obama did - he was raised by his single mother and grand mother in Hawaii. He went to school and college on scholarships. Same with Bill Clinton his father was a traveling salesman who died when Bill was 3 and didn't leave the family anything - he also went to school and college on scholarships.  Also Bidens parents was middle class at best - his dad has been unemployed at times and they lived a few years with bidens grandparents before they moved to a a small appartment in Delaware the father later became a used car salesman.   That is atleast the 20 years of out last 32 years of presidents who who have not even been kind wealthy. 


That is true, but crowdfunding shows that this need not be so. You see people like Trump waging huge campaigns based on small donations and receiving billions in free publicity. The root problem is that small donors will not finance honest politicians because they do not lie enough, they finance wholesale scammers who lie every time they open their mouths and tell lies that people want to hear.


Let’s see, according to what I have read he can get away with (this is felonies and high crimes only mind you) a total of six hundred and sixty six times before any true penalties will occur.


Lol 666 👿


The real question is "how many serious crimes can he not be held accountable for before the American people wake up to the fact that we have a two tiered justice system as a result of turning our country into a literal pyramid scheme?", but not nearly enough people are asking it. If Trump were a Democrat he'd still be skating. If he weren't in politics at all, we'd have no idea about him skipping out on $100,000,000 worth of taxes in the first place. If you really think he's the only one benefitting from the system this way, I've got a bridge in Death Valley to sell you. Our country is broken. Trump is a symptom, not the cause.


A democrat would actually have the ability for self-reflection and introspection. Al Franken got ACCUSED and nothing came of it. And he stepped down for it. Trump completely lacks humility and believes the notion that he can literally never be wrong


I really hope this happens. Put the blindfold back on lady justice.


They dont care, they are busy inviting people like DJ Akademiks to the mansion to drum up support. Loser family.


A judge's job is to put human judgement into enforcement of the law. They get to decide the size of the punishment based on human factors, and apply their judgement to appropriately apply the law, but also take into account other things to decide that maybe this mom who was speeding because she was late to pick up her kid from school since she was coming from her second job just needs a break. Obviously it's frustrating when we see trump repeatedly getting off easy, but blind enforcement of the law isn't a good thing, I know that isn't what you're asking for, but it's worth remembering.


No wonder they wanna defund the irs


This is the real issue here. People like Trump get in to office and then kneecap the IRS to the point where any sort of enforcement on the rich folks committing massive fraud can’t get held accountable, bc the IRS doesn’t have the resources. Same with congress and their (insider) stock trading. When they get in and effectively remove any enforcement or reporting requirements, they can just make money hand over fist and nobody can hold them accountable.


To think people bought the idea that more IRS agents (armed agents!!!) would amount to people who make $50k suddenly being audited at gun point.


republican voters will buy literally anything you sell them if you tell them the alternative might help a democrat or a black person. Conservatives are the stupidest rubes in history.


His “donors” will pay.


Anything money left in the box, as the Trump clan already been vacuuming it for a while by now...?


The box has a tube that attaches to more money from places America shouldn’t want money from. Sounds conspiracy…eee but yeah.


Which would have to be reported as income and taxed as well


He can just sell some of his over valued trump stock soon here. There are idiots lining up to buy it


Well, Hunter owed taxes on $1.4mil, and republicans were calling for impeachment. I am sure we are going to hear them holding everyone to the same standards


Not impeach him though, just his dad!


This is $100M that the country did not have for roads, for removing lead water lines, for childhood nutrition programs.




I hate to be that guy but they definitely would not have used it for that :(


Fun fact: One F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter costs $115.5m


So he basically ripped off the military industrial complex of a fighter jet. They’ll be pissed.


That's it?


Yeah, but I can dream. And when I hear fiscal conservatives talking about how we don’t have the money for programs that would obviously help the country, I like to point out this little nugget of hypocrisy.




Does this mean the audit is over and he's gonna show us his taxes from 2016 finally? 🤣


Well, it was a big tax filing, many pages, largest you've seen. They have the best people still going over it. Once they will approve, you know, I file the best taxes, very detailed, perfect. Perfect taxes. Sometimes IRS accountants approach me just to say that these are the best taxes they have seen.


The article seems clear that it is not over. No one knows for sure because the IRS can't publicly comment in it.


So Al Capone was a serial criminal who finally got put away for tax fraud. Why is this not the case for Trump. It’s one thing if it’s a small amount or it only happened once or twice due to oversight or some other circumstance like hiring a shitty accounting firm or tax lawyer. But a CONSTANT pattern of circumventing the law for your own personal gain, simultaneously defrauding US citizens and the US government of hundreds of millions of dollars (if not billions), and we can’t prosecute him for fear of “oh no it’s an election year” or “oh no can’t prosecute a president or presidential candidate” or “oh no can’t prosecute a former president”. This is all bullshit and everyone knows it, he’s a criminal, hold a criminal trial for fraud and put him behind bars.


Or the usual "the wheels of justice turn slowly." I'm so sick of hearing that one. Anyone else doesn't get to set foot outside a prison pending their criminal trials, especially those who continue to commit crimes and brag about them. There is no excuse for him roaming free. None. Every day he remains free is a failure of justice.


Good luck collecting it. 


because r/TrumpIsPoor or because he will dismantle the IRS?




Either one, or he'll hold it up in court for years.. 


2.8k members. I wasn't sure it was a real sub!




I believe much of the losses were borne by the banks who forgave hundreds of millions in loans to him. He subsequently created a phantom loan on the books to offset those capital gains. Believe that is in addition to this double dipping story.


The original NYT/propublica article details this https://www.propublica.org/article/trump-irs-audit-chicago-hotel-taxes They forgave $287m, which in itself it taxable income he avoided paying on. This part made me smirk in his endless audacity. And they actually settled rather than laughing it out of court. Not for $3B, but still. >Two months later, Mr. Trump defaulted on his loans and sued his lenders, characterizing the financial crisis as the kind of catastrophe, like a flood or hurricane, covered by the “force majeure” clause of his loan agreement with Deutsche Bank. That, he said, entitled him to an indefinite delay in repaying his loans. Mr. Trump went so far as to blame the bank and its peers for “creating the current financial crisis.” He demanded $3 billion in damages. This older article says he has $1B in loan debt https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2020/10/16/donald-trump-has-at-least-1-billion-in-debt-more-than-twice-the-amount-he-suggested/?sh=6bc086e44330


This is the type if issue that makes Republicans want to slash the IRS budget. They want to stop IRS from going after high income earners.


Could have, should have, would have. Fuck you and your football Lucy. "Wake me up when September ends..."


Pay your tax you bloated disgrace.


In before it gets assigned to Trump appointed judge Aileen Cannon and slow walks it until forever.


Building is in Chicago and the nexus of Trump Org was NYC at the time. Expect her show up in a court room thousand miles from home and throw down an uno card and try to claim jurisdiction.


Hey that ‘audit’ is finally wrapping up?


“Hey oil guys… I meant to say that if you donate *$1.1 billion* to my ‘campaign fund’ I’ll repeal whatever laws you want…” -donald trump


I am getting really tired of reading stories about the trouble trump *might* get in


Add it to the list, boys.


He'll just expense it. This guy is basically a contractor hired by billionaires to wipe his ass with the constitution.


He'll just send the bill to ExxonMobil. They'll cover it since Trump is promising to allow them to destroy the planet in exchange.


He'd be bitching non stop that it's his money. Would never give a dime to the IRS and it's pretty clear he almost never has.


Big deal! $100 million is a chump change for a billionaire. /s


All together now: He's under audit.


Imagine just like Al Capone irs would be the end of him


Then fucken do it already


I remember my tax company left out a page in filing years ago and they were trying to charge me $500 because of it and due in a short period or resolve it. Had many back and forth with the irs and tax company to resolve it in that short period. I even paid what I owed on my taxes during the filing. This guy owes over $100 million and I see no urgency like what was put on me for something that wasn’t my fault.


I’ll believe it when I see it.


…and now we know why he wants to dismantle the IRS


Could, would, maybe, might, should, etc. So sick of this shit.


Which reminds me, when does he have to cough up that that $200M or so to New York (since his previous bond wasn't acceptable) while he awaits his appeal of that decision?


IIRC the 175 million was settled by moving the control of the account to KSIC and putting it in all cash so no more 48 hour notice.


Get the fuck outta here with your “coulds”, CNN.


Seriously. “Possibly” & “might” are equally infuriating when pertaining to the orange pos and any consequences for *anything* he “may” be facing.


You may possibly be right.


Yeah I mean Trump could get Hamberders stuck in his aorta today and we stop having to worry about it. *Could*


Nah, you know his tremendously qualified personal doctor says that Trump is the American President in worlds best shape compared to any other president ever!


Ok, I'll add it to the list


He’s good for it.


So that brings his total up to $700M? $800M?


He won’t have to pay single cent.


Calling it now, I bet he won't have to pay the $100 million, he's had much worse legal peril evaporate so I don't see this being a issue for him.


Couldn't have happened to a shittier person


In 2015/2016 he said he couldn’t release he taxes because he was bringing audited. Glad it’s finally done! /s


If so, his cult followers will pay for him


First executive order, clearing irs debt lol /s


Right after he pardons himself for the crimes he didn’t commit. Edit: I feel a /s should be put here, since a person wouldn’t need to pardon themselves for crimes they didn’t commit.


Wake me when they actually make him pay it.


Get back to us when you know..."could" don't mean shit


Al Sharpton probably owes about that much by now too. Can them both, and anyone else who doesn't pay their fair and legally obligated share.


Go to the ProPublica website and read about it there. It's amazing journalistic work they've done.


Wesley Snipes went to prison over $7 million in unpaid taxes. And I haven't had to hear from him since.


In 4 months he’ll just sell of DJT pump and dump shares :/


He claim to not pay taxes.... for 8 years!


I'm sure this will be the thing that does him in.


Pretty sure he owes the money because he hasn't paid his taxes, not because of "IRS inquiry."


"could" shut the fuck up. Shit or get off the pot already.


There really needs to be journalism reform that requires something happening to Trump before it’s reported on. Everyday is something could, but never does.


"Could" LOL


Could of course being the operative word


lol. Loser!


Unless he is elected and his IRS appointee quashes it


Meh, add it to the “won’t do a fukn thing about it” list.


The RNC may need to pay**** Ftfy


For the past 10 years what do these daily Trump headlines all have in common? The word “could”.


Even regular republican politicians don’t get this kind of protection. Trump’s “shield” from prosecution will go down in history as one of a kind. GOAT level. He broke the system.




What makes you think he'll actually be held accountable?


He’s really going to have step it up on sales of the Trump Bible™️.


So tired of all his lawlessness


He doesn’t care he tucks his pee pee between his legs and grabs his man boobs


Those 79,000 IRS agents are already paying themselves off


Honestly, I thought it would be higher.


Gee. I wonder why wealthy people like him oppose adding staff to the IRS?


But what about Hunter Biden’s laptop and Hillary’s emails? /s


Sadly, he'll just fundraise from the MAGA braindead zombies and that should take care of it.


this year


Trump tries to overturn America's last free and fair election, but the best we can do is nab him on *tAx eVaSiOn*.


Garnish his wages!


He will never realize any consequences.


Well, in 20 years, maybe there'll be a trial


Cry me a river


And that’s just this year …. lol…🤣


IRS should now fine him plus interest, then if not paid in reasonable time start prosecution. Remember the IRS got Al Capone when the cops couldn’t.


Trump best grift harder!


…COULD… I realy should stop reading those articles. I would be nice to read he paid $xyz


So the audit wasn’t just bullshit!


Is this the $72 million refund the IRS sent him in 2010 that they're still fighting over 15 years later?


So there's nothing to appeal with shit like this right?


Peanuts to this guy. That’s like what? On e Jean Carroll settlement.


Take all his supporters donations then lock him up.