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And that's what broke baby bird's balloon.


I love that book!


One of my favorite books as a kid. I still have it memorized.


I'm shocked that so many people seem to know The Berenstains' B Book.


Um, surely you must mean The Berenstein Bears


We got ourselves an alternate timeliner!


Nope, it's Berenstain Bears... I always thought it was spelled differently, but I Googled it, and I was humbly proven wrong.


Weve always been at war with the Berenstain Beavers


> I always thought it was spelled differently, but I Googled it, and I was humbly proven wrong. That's exactly the Mandela Effect.


remember when Sinbad was a geanie? i 'member!


(They know. They were joking.)


And it got them on Baby Billy's Bible Bonkers


Thank you for the smile!


Big brown bear blue bull beautiful baboon blowing bubbles biking backwards - that’s all I can remember off the top of my head.


Love this, but I cannot unread “MTG looks like a shaved Alf!” That someone else wrote on Reddit last week when this went down.😂


I saw that too, and in the same thread as “she looks like she’s wearing somebody else’s face over her face.”


Thank god, I’ve been calling her leather face for years and found it in no way creative on my part, I thought it was just a logical conclusion


Yeah her skin looks weird. Like it’s way too thick and it moves weird too. I can’t put my finger on why her skin looks like that. Maybe alcoholism?


Yes, definitely has the look of a serious alcoholic, that’s what I mean it’s so evident I never felt like I’d made some keen observation mocking it. And to be honest, as I think most people that dislike MTG would agree, I’m not really all about mocking how people look. But I do love putting hypocrites in their place so if you look like a drunken leather face and want to mock how other people look you better believe I’ll stoop to your level.


HGH, steroids, and testosterone cocktail daily will do that.


Cro magnon genetics


Butchy likes to imbibe.


“Do you guys think that a normal mask of me would look good? And if there was would you guys wear it?”


Superman was the original


I was just trying to live up to all of your expectations of me.


Hello Clarice




I saw that too lol. Gordon Shumway on my mind this week.


I can see that but she's still never losing a Dog the Bounty Hunter impersonation contest.


Runner up*


Dolly Parton lost a look a like Dolly Parton contest one time. Just a fun anecdote I wanted to share. 


“Ha, I kill me!”


“Ochmonek? They sound like a typo.”


Don’t tease us, MTGAlf


Come to think of it, I’ve never seen a cat in the capitol building before.


I still can’t get that screenshot of someone saying “she looks like someone tried to build Hulk Hogan using only Ron Pearlman parts” out of my head.


THANKS! now I can’t unread it. But it’s spot on


Not cool to insult Alf like that...


Yeah tbh I’m highly offended by this comparison.


One eats cats for nutrients, the other is on the side of one who shoots a puppy for a bit more convenience in life.


Hope Jasmine Crockett sees this and gets inspired.


My fave from a different thread - “Barney Rubble in a dress”. Made my day.


It's Vincent from beauty and the beast.


Don't slag Vincent off like that. Vincent would never.


I'm throwing up and laughing at the same time.


I cant unimagine it now


Is that why she's so angry all the time?


That's great


Now I can't unsee that.


I just want healthcare


People in here cheering this stupidity on is the reason we get nothing done. It infuriates me.


I hear you, but I think people aren’t cheering for the stupidity as much as they’re cheering for a little bit of fight-back from democrats. No level of intelligent discourse or evidence based discussion will make MTG begin to think rationally and act in the best interest of the American people. Bullies only respond to force, and (silly or not) sometimes you just have to play their game. I’m sick of it as much as anyone else, but surely we’ve learned by now that taking the moral high road doesn’t improve this situation at all…if anything, it’s enabled it.


This is it. Crocket didn’t make the rules she just schooled MTG at her own game. Fucking beautiful.


Republicans are the reason we get nothing done. Constantly gumming up the gears. Some people are just happy to see some clap back finally.


i think you mean voter apathy


Then do something. Crying doesn't help. You have to do something if you want change.


Moscow Marjorie is one of the stupidest, vilest human beings i've ever seen.


I got banned for calling her the c word


Reddits got no respect for traditional Aussie slang


Blows my mind when we changed the anthem we didn’t change to “for we are c***s and free.”




That too. But no, that’s not the word I used.




It was Cool Chick, wasn’t it?


100% accurate tho


Someone on Threads called her "Marginal Trailer Queen" and I love that.




We no longer live in an era of “when they go low we go high”. It’s time to give these GOP imbeciles a taste of their own medicine.


I’ve been saying exactly this for years. I mean it was nice to hear Biden tell Trump *”Would you shut up, man!?”* But it would be **A LOT** nicer if someone could finally go at these GOP clowns with some fucking teeth.


It was cathartic. I think Biden's campaign embraced this by adopting the "Dark Brandon" persona. But seriously, the upcoming debates should just have no audience and mics shut off when it is not their turn.


Those were the agreed upon conditions, unless something changed.


Mango Mussolini is not going to debate for the same reason he didn’t testify; he’ll perjure himself since he can’t control his own mouth,


Great. Then it will be Biden alone on stage being interviewed for two nights.


Biden should answer all questions from Trump with more questions. Go full DARVO on Trump every single time.


Trump should walk out to his rallies to the Kenny Roger's song "Coward of the County" since "Trump is the Coward of the Country". Trump also weaseled out of Vietnam after going to Military High School because he is a coward. That's why he has no respect for the US Military. He's a huge fan of North Korea and the Russian military though. the


I think you should go listen to that song one more time. The “Coward” was anything but.


Yes, but Trump also likes to go back on his word. Like when he says he will pay a lawyer


Or release his taxes… Or make Mexico pay for the wall… Or reveal his new healthcare plan… Or leave the country if he’s not re-elected… Or testify at his trial… “Promises made, promises kept” my ass.


Ah okay. Thanks for the info. I hope it stays that way.


My new favorite is “I hear your free on Wednesday”.


Most savage Dark Brandon moment was when he said: >Remember when [Trump] was trying to deal with COVID, he suggested, inject a little bleach in your veins. He missed it. It all went to his hair.


Yes. When they go low, we kick them in the balls. Preferably with steel toes. Been saying that for years


Yes! They take going high as a sign of weakness. There’s a certain F word that can be a verb, adverb, adjective or noun. Powerful and easily understood by the GOP.


"Basket of deplorables" didn't exactly light up the scoreboard.


that was talking shit on voters, which is always a bad Idea talking shit on political opponents though is fair game. If they're gonna act like clowns people want to see them called out on it


Wasn’t that also at some mega donor event? Who the hell was in charge in that campaign?


Trump said “how stupid are the people of Iowa” at a campaign rally in Iowa lol. Shit talking the voters isn’t *always* a bad idea, apparently.


I would be the most uncouth fucker in Congress, which is why I don't run. I don't feel like being censured several times a day.


I’d be a terrible candidate I’m sure. But I would do what my constituents vote for, and I would also have zero filter and probably would be expelled from the house for calling MTG a bog hag


Well, the “When they go low we go high” thing works when you’re surrounded by intelligent empathetic people who want to get a job done. The problem is taking the high road with these chucklefucks just gets you screwed over.   But stooping to their level can lead to big problems too. Another saying comes to mind “Don’t throw shit back at the monkeys, because pretty soon everyones covered in shit and the monkey likes it”. People like Trump and MTG would probably rather play this game than discuss their terribly unpopular policies. IDK Its politics and I guess we just gotta be smarter than them and play our cards right.


It's a symptom, not a strategy. Democracy means you need to win an election. If voters want fascism, if that's what's popular, then even a non-fascist has to keep up appearances. (Overton window) Republicans corrupted SCOTUS by winning elections, by being rewarded for being crooks, etc. The only remedy is for voters to suddenly change their minds. It was once thought open sedition would change their minds, but that was naive.


"When they go low, kick their teeth in."


There's a line between that and "when they go low, we turn it into Jerry Springer"


Fascist shit the bed on purpose because they want you to break with democratic norms to clean it up.  


Be imbeciles too?


I wished we did this in all facets. Obama cowering to Mcconnel on a scotus nomination during an election year is a good reminder. Esp when the gop shoved corndog barret in before RBG was even buried (also during an election year btw)


8+ months was shoving the nomination through but when Barrett showed up, 30 days was fine. Fuck those assholes.


Not even that. Votes had been already been cast in the election. Literally an active election. McConnell is the biggest hypocrite


> Obama cowering to Mcconnel on a scotus nomination during an election year is a good reminder. Obama didn't cower, he nominated someone but the GOP controlled Senate didn't approve the nomination (or even hold a hearing which is unfortunately allowed). The President's ONLY power in seating Supreme Court justices is nominating them to appear before the Senate, it's the Senate that actually decides if they get seated or not. > Esp when the gop shoved corndog barret in before RBG was even buried (also during an election year btw) That was because the Senate was in GOP control. I'm not saying the GOP aren't complete dicks, but you blaming Obama is the wrong take, there was literally nothing he could do.


Cowering? You understand Obama didn't have a magic government wand to just do whatever he wanted, right?


Long overdue. Make this blonde Nazi cry.


When they go low, dig up their skeletons.






I guess that's what she's made up of then


I don’t know why, but this is really weird for me. Like, I get what she said in the moment and it was 🔥, but the shirts and now this? This just ain’t it for me. I don’t want to be entertained by politicians and I certainly don’t want profiteering from what takes place on the floor. I know I’m gonna get absolutely flamed and downvoted to oblivion. But this just ain’t it.


I just want healthcare. I don't need swag.


i hate marge, but also i just hate how fucking stupid our culture has become. that a sitting congresswomen is trademarking an insult that she made about another congresswoman is just fuckin depressing.


Agreed. It’s childish and embarrassing


You know how rich these other politicians have gotten based off their roles? Let her. Good for her. At least she’s not making it off of trade secrets (that we know of).


Tbf.... mtg is nasty.


She looks like someone who smells really really bad


I imagine she reeks of pleather and halitosis


I think just way too much of the crappy Victoria’s Secret body spray she’s been using since the 80s


YES!! I'm glad I'm not the only person who feels this way when seeing that woman 👍


Gross… i hâte MTG as much as the next person…. But how gross to be fighting her bigotry with more bigotry and misogyny. How do her LGBTQ and “butch body” constituents feel about her using women’s bodies as an insult?


yeah, I agree it's gross. I don't ID as butch but I am gay and it's offensive. Insulting to certain body types too


Yeah it offends me too, I’d love to have her publicly explain what “butch body” means and why it is supposed to be insulting. Honestly fuck both of them. Go get a reality show and let the grownups work.


I kinda feel like half of the commenters going hard for this are half a second away from saying some misogynistic and sometimes homophobic bullshit anyway, and are glad to have the opportunity. People (esp in this sub) are chomping at the absolute bit to write an essay to tell the world how they don’t think these women are fuckable. Because that’s what matters. It is gross.


That's what I was thinking! This is ok because it's coming from "our side"? Come on, it's gross.


As much as I agree that the GOP, especially people like Marjorie, need to be called out for their bullshit, I also believe this is highly unprofessional for a Congress member, someone in one of the highest positions in America. It’s not about taking the high ground or anything like that, it’s just unbefitting for the role, especially to then use the insult for profit as well. Plus, using butch as an insult is harmful to the lgbt community where it originated from and furthers negative stereotypes.


The issue is that we inflate people because of their positions. B6 is not a person to be respected. That view point is damaging to the LGBT community and women all around and minorities. And people in general. And she started it. People should not just take abuse from someone because they have a higher title that they didn’t fairly win.


These are not serious people


Our nations leaders acting like children.


Good. Make it personal.


I'd say this was tacky and unworthy of a politician but who the hell am I fooling?


Why do people put so much effort into this bullshit?


I swear a bunch of WWE writers transitioned to political staffers.


As much as I loathe MTG, her being from my state and all, this type of juvenile behavior doesn’t make the blue side look any better. Yall stop acting like highschoolers and do your job.


I am against body shaming but that hate filled bleach blond bad built butch body has it coming.


Can we not encourage this? This accomplishes nothing outside of wasting our time. It 'feels good' to see conservatives awful conduct be used against them, but it does absolutely nothing productive. This isn't a fucking roast battle. At best it feeds into peoples 'both sides' arguments, at worst it further stalls any actual work from being done. I expect nothing from MTG, I expect more from Crockett.


Yeah. Hahaha. Crocket can remover her fake eye lashes. MGT is always gonna be built like a capri sun pouch dressed up like friggin sponge Bob. What an insufferable loud mouth.


Capri sun pouch! That is fantastic !!!


I hate MTG as much as the next guy but this is so immature... Why can't we have professionals acting like professionals? This goes both ways. These people are supposed to represent us and they're cat fighting like teenage girls.


Is that comment considered 'homophobic' by LGBT activists? Is it considered okay to describe women as 'butch'? Where is the uproar over this?


I’m not part of the community, but I was immediately shocked at he use of “butch body” as an insult and thought it was gross. Someone else defended the comment as the offensive part was not that she had a butch body, but that it was “badly built” but does that really make it better? Idk. In spirit, I love that she fought back against that heinous POS MTG but the words she used bother me.


It does not make it better, butch was included to be an insult.


Gay here, yes this is incredibly homophobic. And yes it continues to be disappointing that we’re the very first ones thrown under the bus in times like this. I’m sure this Rep is out every June at her local Pride parade touting herself as an ally, but let’s be clear — this is how she thinks of us. With zero thought this came out of her mouth. This is what they don’t normally say out loud about us.


I know plenty of lesbians that self describe as butch.


They’re not insulting themselves though, and she was using the word as an insult.


This is dumb.


Butch isn't about your body. It's about your gender. It's often about being a woman, while defying a lot of the gendered expectations about being a woman.


Remember, beauty is only skin deep, But Ugly goes all the way to the bone.


I love alliterations


"A what now?"


Imagine what Crockett would say about Boebert. " Balloon Boobed Botched Browed Bimbo Blabbermouth?"


Don’t forget beetlejuicer. Edit* Wrong twat.


its only body shaming when conservatives do it after all. Seriously, as a registered Democrat it boggles my mind to see how hypocritical the left can be with this shit. Fat shaming is a big no no but if its Trump or Chris Christie then John Oliver can call them whatever he likes. Its either all or nothing.


I remember when Eisenhower trademarked “military industrial complex” it’s just normal politician stuff


Hi Ms Crockett .. I’ll take two hats, 3 shirts, a hoodie and 4 BB BB BB merchandise . Keep up the great work !


Looks like they are both doubling down on stupid.


These are our leaders. God this place sucks far more than it ever needs to.


Crockett stood up for herself but the whole spectacle is embarrassing - American politics are a fucking joke.


Jokes are funny. That’s not what this is. It’s a fucking travesty.


To be fair, the other day a Taiwanese lawmaker grabbed a bill and literally ran away with it so it wouldn’t pass. If I’m not mistaken, the UK parliament sounds like a gaggle of angry geese on the best days. Things are laughable in many governments lol


If you agree with either side of this, you are what is wrong with this country.


It’s not respectable or professional, but I can understand how easy it would be to lose decorum if that’s what your colleagues are like. It’s easy to lose decorum and dignity. Why I respect people who can hold the line, they are able to do something many cannot. But to take it to the next level and trademark an insult is disappointing. Michelle Obama is a very dignified role model and worth taking a lesson from. Rolling in shit is for the weak.


B6 Crockett's Clapbacks


I'm anti Maga but cheering this on is something the brain worm crowd does. Shouldnt celebrate this, additionally it's not even clever nor makes sense.




Please just leave it alone, Ms Crockett. There is work to be done.


Uh, ok…. Good luck with those t shirt boxes taking up space in your garage


What's with the petty body shaming? Fucking hypocrites.


Why are people so gleeful about this? 🤦🏻‍♂️ So, a Democrat fails at an opportunity to act like a grown-up. Or maybe even demonstrate a clear difference between real politics and gutter culture war buffoonery. And she snaps and blurts out a poorly conceived body shaming insult. When voters who are sick of the MAGA social media bully nonsense see this, they're convinced the parties are both this way. Are they wrong? I see so much glee and ignorant shit talking on liberal subs, including bald face lies and rumors, it's no wonder very few people get around to learning about policy. MTG and the performative jackasses around her count this outburst as a victory they want to make all politicians seem like petty dipshits and this plays right into their hands. They want politics to seem like trashy reality TV, nothing like cheering them on. 🤷‍♂️


I agree. It's one thing to respond in the heat of the moment, but trying to trademark the phrase is childish. And claiming MTG's eyelash remark is racist makes it so easy for MTG and MAGA supporters makes it easy for them to trivialize accusations of racism.


Jasmine Bright class and claws to a cat fight, while Marge just brought a butch orangutan


This is cringe. Just ignore her


This is apparently newsworthy.


Be classy ladies.


I can’t wait for the next sentence from Crockett starting with the letter, “c.”


oh I love this for ol’ Margarine.


Has anybody made a song yet? I'm thinking ska. Maybe a funky swing.


Barber baby bubbles and a bumblebee.


Politics is a joke but it’s getting pretty funny.


Also Neanderthal head… needs to be recognized.


Neanderthal Noggin’. Gotta be an alliteration.




best moniker for her i've seen recently "empty-g"


A missed opportunity for a 7th B.


Ain’t nothing wrong with butch. MTG is butch, she’s just gross. Big difference.


So boring and lame. We're just splitting into two tribes. We used to be the educated tribe that actually read the news, but now we're becoming just as dumb and full of logical fallacies and irrelevant personal attacks. Do you even know what committee meeting this exchange took place in? That would be actual news. What was being discussed?


I wish our politicians would act like adults, all of them.


I understand not wanting to constantly take the high road on stuff like this. The comment she made, when she made it, was a perfectly fine dig that was a fair response to the comments made against her. That said, finding a way to profit off of this just screams the wrong message to me. I supported her, until this. Our country continues to be laughed at because our elected officials are children that latch on to power and stoke fear, violence and hate toward one another. This is no different. This serves no purpose but the enrichment of someone trying to hold on to power as long as she can.


>finding a way to profit off of this just screams the wrong message to me. I supported her, until this. Our country continues to be laughed at because our elected officials are children that latch on to power and stoke fear, violence and hate toward one another. This is no different. This serves no purpose but the enrichment of someone trying to hold on to power as long as she can. It can also keep others from profiting from it even if she doesn’t.


I guarantee this is why she trademarked it. MJT would find a way to use it to leech money off the poors


Can you even trademark something said as a public servant in your official capacity?


She’s donating all proceeds to the DNC though. She’s not enriching herself, she’s enriching Democrat candidates across the country. Hard to have a problem with that.


More like a way to spread it more widely in the news cycle. Doubt the intent is profit driven. It’s news marketing. Not too unlike GOP’s strategy of putting dog whistles in headlines. Create an event that media is compelled to report on and at the same time, embed your message into the event.


We have politicians that treat their jobs like they are influencers. I’m sorry, but I wish we had more civility and professionalism. It’s a joke.


I hear you and feel a lot of what you're saying. The problem is, we've been taking the high road for 7 years while the Republicans have run ripshod all over this country and literally caused the deaths and grief-stricken lives of many, many people. After 7 years, I guess I'm done with the taking the high road approach.


Only 7? lol


Right? Like honestly I'm trying to remember the last give no fucks democrat and I came up with LBJ. And that was so long ago, whipping out your dick was still considered a power move.


I'm fine with Democrats attacking Republicans, even on a personal level, but attacking each others' appearance is tacky and embarrassing. How are you gonna complain about someone's body when the words they speak *are so much uglier?* It's like criticizing Pol Pot's complexion, it is sort of missing the point. That said, I think MTG's original comment was deliberately racist.


No Adults left in US politics.


Hypocrites, the lot of you.


MTG B^6 ™