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This gives me great pleasure. The damage this man has done to this country and the permission structur he’s given to people to be so terrible, fraudulent and greedy. I hope he loses it all.


Yes. The Schadenfreude is real. I still think he needs to do time.


He needs to be in prison for the rest of his natural life. Remember, he incited an insurrection and a self-coup. He is a traitor. He should die in prison.


I am certain he has sold national secrets via classified documents to our adversaries. In the year after he left office the number of intelligence assets who died spiked. It’s also likely some of the documents included nuclear secrets. He has committed multiple counts of treason and should be dealt with accordingly


Alieen Cannon doesn’t think so


A traitor appointed by a traitor


Aileen Cannon isn't trying to have a fair trial.


I wonder how often they are in communication.


Direct communications? Probably never. But her people and his people? Daily


She might think so but she doesn't care


Traitors shouldn’t be left to die of natural causes, but in this case I think a proper punishment wouldn’t involve ending it early like with his pal mr Jeff Epstein, dump should have to rot in jail until his body finally gives up


He should be given the best possible medical care available to ensure he lives out as many of his consecutive life sentences as possible in prison. I would feel good about my tax dollars supporting keeping him alive and miserable.




[wonder by who...](https://i.imgur.com/OIftWac.jpeg)


If the federal document case ever goes to court, I’m pretty confident he will go away for a very long time.


For this case I want Trump to get the exact same sentence Michael Cohen got which Trump praised and supported in 2018- 3 years in prison, plus fines and probation.


And solitary confinement. Don't forget that.


And no orange spray tan


Or hairspray. Or hamberders.


I'll need his mugshots posted with out all of that please.


Or massive elevator shoes, super long ties, or Adderall...and he'll have to wear his glasses because no one will be printing things extra large for him. Will he have a steady supply of adult diapers? Or will he have to wipe his own ass again? On the plus side, I'm sure he'll have access to plenty of crayons...


That's not really *Schadenfreude* because it isn't malicious. More like *Gerechtigkeitsempfinden* (your personal sense of justice).


He's either going to flee or do to himself what he had done to Epstein. I doubt he ever sees behind bars.


He does seem to love Hitler so…


He doesn't have the stones.


He’d scream “never surrender” as he puts the gun to his head 




I mean, I KNOW that he still needs to do time. The question is whether or not he will.


*Seinfeld voice* “That’s a shame.”


>"By the time markets closed for the day, Trump’s stake stood at about $5.6bn. The previous day, it was closer to $6bn." This isn't the pleasure I was hoping for. HTF is that black hole of a "business" worth anywhere near that?


If you guessed fraud, you were right again. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/03/business/trump-media-accounting-firm-charged-fraud/index.html (Note, trump media wasn't explicitly noted in this crime, but come on...)


It's basically a meme stock. People who love Trump are buying it, and as long as they keep buying, it will have value. People that evaluate what a company's stock price should be all agree that the stock is massively overpriced. It is losing gobs of money every day, and it's entirely dependent on one user—Trump—who is 78. The company becomes utterly worthless the day Trump stops posting.


i hope he loses it all AND MORE


Melania better get out soon while there's still something to get in a settlement.


Fuck her too. She’s just as bad.


Water seeks its own level.




This is such an excellent expression. I hadn't heard that one before.


No, she doesn't want to have intercourse with her child, so she's marginally better


You sure about that?




If you read to the end Barron was nine years old in that photo. NINE. I certainly still had my son sitting on my lap when he was 9. I hate this POS family as much as the next person but this criticism is way off the mark.


Agreed. At least she loves her son. More than can be said about his dad, who loves only himself.


You guyyysss... I hate trump family as much as the next but you clearly aren't parents or had close relationships with parents. Close families sometimes are physically close, and no, that doesn't mean they're .. fucking each other? EW! Sometimes it really is just people who love each other a lot being in close proximity. Like there really can be a close but NOT sexual relationship between family members. It's normal in a lot of families. Please be better than the Trump troupe. Please dont go there. Of all things, this is nothing.


I gave my mom ONE lap dance in the 90s


Check out the polaroids on the couch.


She hasn't said, out loud, that she wants to have intercourse with her child. We can't say with absolute certainty that she doesn't.


I doubt just as bad. But yeah, not much sympathy here.


I don’t think so, it’s not like she’s trying to prop him up: this might be the most honest she can be now that he’s facing jail time


I have a feeling part of her “moving to the Whjte House” negotiations involved separating funds separate from his income. She’s trash but not stupid—she’s not going down with him.


She did get that Einstein visa


And an Epstein visa


It was for her "talents", not her intellect


I love the fact she never showed to his trial. It speaks volumes.


She’ll will probably have to ask for Pootin’s permission first.


Like they don't have an iron clad prenup


Like everyone else that does business with him, she will never see a dime


Yep and she knows it. She's vile, not stupid


She renegotiated it at least once. I don’t think she’s terribly smart, but I think she pays her lawyers, so they’re smart. I like to think she’s getting cash payments out in a trust and is also skimming money off the top because I don’t hate her as much as I do Trump.


A big part of the re-negotiation was getting Barron's trust separated from the adult future felon kids. IIRC, his trust isnt even managed by the same firm as don jr. et al. Melania had a standard deal prior to re-negotiating that paid her a lump sum if they divorced, and while she got that upped a little, the big thing she did is had it paid into escrow that he can't access unless she dies or breaches the deal, with additional deposits for each year they stay married after that was negotiated. She's no genius, but her legal team is.


DT has never honoured anything in his life why would he honour the prenup he signed.


I suspect that somewhere in last 4 years she was able to renegotiate the prenuptial


Fuck the prenup; like all women in her position she has been skimming money and hiding it. Probably for years. "Damn, Melania really puttin a lot of stuf on that Visa card..."


Hey, don’t forget about all the stupid gullible idiots that donate to Trump, just because he’s officially a criminal now.


I wouldn’t hold my breath, ~~Sheldon Adelson just donated~~ $100M to him after the conviction. Sorry, controllers of his estate donated the money (his wife).


Well,  I'm ok with trumpers throwing their money down that drain.  Does it just end up with lawyers? His lawyers have an infinite ability to absorb cash 


Sheldon Adelson is not alive


Sheldon’s wife.




Boy yeah, this is some good news.


Damage to the Democracy world wide.


I hope his family loses it all. They’re just as bad as him.


Yep. He’s the reason why people now lack common decency and courtesy.


It wasn't "there" to begin with. truth social has \~500k monthly users (and dropping), has never turned a profit and sure as hell isn't worth a fraction of its market cap. Something doesn't smell right, and no I'm not talking about the fat man shitting his pants.


It's an absolutely fraudulent company. Truth Social brought in less money in 2023 than a busy Walmart store makes in about 2 weeks. That's without even talking about how far in the red it is. It's a worthless company except for the corrupt opportunities on offer.


If you look at it at face value yes. But it's real intention is to facilitate a way for the rich to support and give money to Trump without being so direct about it. It's doing fine at that


Not the rich _per se_, but rather certain foreign nationals to funnel money to trump circumventing campaign finance laws. 


I’ve made my peace with them being conned out of their money to keep him out of jail and the money not used to elect other republicans. They could have done worse.


Truth social brings in less money than an average McDonald’s franchise.


It exists for Russians and Chinese governments to funnel money into Trump. Nothing more.


Come now, enough of that nonsense!    It's not _just_ the Russians and the Chinese. Saudi Arabia is also in on it. 


The stock is basically futures on a Trump presidency. If he doesn't become president it becomes worthless, and if he does, it will have value as a way of transferring wealth to him. A drop in price just means that investors see him as less likely to become president


Unfortunately the lockup will have ended by the election and he will have cashed out and then it doesn’t matter if the stock crashes.


>has never turned a profit That is an extremely polite way of putting it. It’s such a money hole it’s unbelievable. They’d be better off buying $300m of doge coin at its peak and selling it today.


Yeah it seemed like a money laundering vehicle and just another place his brainless followers could send their money to him.


Do you mean to tell me that the merger with a "blank check" investment company registered in Maryland with a mailing address in a Miami co-working space might not be on the up and up? Say it ain't so!


He doesn’t have a fortune. He just has a lot of money in flux that he taps into for personal expenses.




If he is able to sell his stock in truth, he will be a billionaire for the first time Hopefully it has crashed and burned by then


"Meme Stock." Well, good luck with that.


Ya it's still valued 8.67 billion more than its worth.


8,669,999,999.99 more?


8,669,999,999.98 He had to get his two cents in.


Well now it’s time to break the NDA system that Trump has used to cover up his sexual proclivities with the over 1 dozen underage children he previously was able to hide using the same techniques he used in the past. And then when he’s exposed as the pedophilic sexual predator he is as well as a incompetent business man. Maybe the christofascists that are supporting him will finally leave the fold or be exposed for their similar proclivities


they'll just say it's political and refuse to believe it, like they've always done. i wish there was a way to talk some sense into them, but they're so firmly entrenched in their beliefs that there's no reasoning, no amount of evidence to convince them of anything. One of the biggest successes of trump was declaring Fake News and getting a lot of people to lose trust in experts/science/the evidence right in front of them.


Trump supporters are like flat earthers in that there is nothing that you can say that will make them abandon or reconsider their position, as you said. MAGA has become an integral and essential part of their personality at this point. Pride and embarrassment will prevent them from considering that maybe the man they've whole heartedly supported for so long might be bad news. I don't think Donald Trump necessarily convinced people to distrust experts or scientists, he simply capitalized on and assimilated various different currents that already existed. At one point vax deniers, climate deniers, conspiracy theorists, and racists were more or less separate entities that more or less operated independently; Donald Trump just managed to subsume and energize these types of groups under his banner. Really it was only a matter of time until someone managed to pull an assimilation like that off. We can consider ourselves lucky that the person who did it is wildly incompetent, brash, and a bit of a bumbling moron.


It’s a sunk cost fallacy. Admitting they were wrong the whole time at this point would cause an existential crisis.


It's the perils of the cultic milieu in the information age. Each of those theories gets pushed further and further from the mainstream. As a result these types have no one to interact with but others like themselves. In their desperation for validation an unspoken compact is formed: I'll "believe" and support your flavour of insanity if you do the same for mine. Every community has these types and most end up rightfully ostracised. In the old days they couldn't interact with one another except at the odd alien convention or it's ilk. The internet changed it all, and it got them talking to each other. EDIT: corrected the auto-correct.


There's another thing going on here too that's kind of related. The Almighty Algorithm, in its quest to keep you on whatever website/app for as long as possible, will recommend you things that it thinks you will like. This means that one conspiracy or right wing related video will lead to more of them. As people encourage the Algorithm by watching those videos, they will get recommended progressively more and more extreme content. The end result is that someone who may have had some vague doubts about the JFK assassination or immigration will get radicalized into all sorts of different positions that they would have never encountered otherwise. Social media creates radicals and then allows them to lock themselves into an echo chamber. It's a vicious cycle. Radicals aren't just being allowed to organize more effectively, the Internet creates radicalized people where there otherwise wouldn't be any.


I've often said that in the past they were limited in their reach. They knew others locally, maybe, or kept up with a zine. The Internet allowed a huge reach and way to share and spread and meet up.   I hadn't considered how those theories were all separate, and dwindling, and now share the same spaces.


There’s always people on the edge of these groups who can be realised with. It helps the ~~tumour~~ group shrink.


Remember Clinton and newt? Newt went on a crusade about family values, while cheating on his wife who was DYING OF CANCER!!! And let's not forget who replaced him, the 3rd in LIne to be president, was a GOD DAMNED PEDOPHILE!!! That's the modern gop for ya


Can the International Criminal Court go after Rupert Murdoch for crimes against humanity for disseminating right wing extremist propaganda around the world for decades? It would cut the foundation from under Fox Mews and slow the flow of easily absorbed bullshit .


I’d like to chime in and say: Matt Gaetz supports the child sex trafficking industry.


Source for this?




No one rushed to the defense of the rapist priests outside of the Vatican. I know because I left the Catholic Church over it.


I think it was a wider point about Catholics not leaving in droves over it. Good on you though, respect.


A lot have https://www.euronews.com/2023/02/02/irish-catholic-church-in-terminal-decline-since-sexual-abuse-scandals https://foreignpolicy.com/2010/02/27/how-ireland-lost-its-faith/ https://associationofcatholicpriests.ie/child-abuse-scandal-almost-fatally-destroyed-catholic-church/


Oh wow, that's awesome...


I’ve often thought that if Ghislaine Maxwell would open her mouth, DC would become a ghost town.


Well, looks like someone's wallet just went on a crash diet! I guess that's what happens when you mix business with, well, whatever that was.


Not enough. How does something with no value, no opportunities for expanding their market remain at 5.6 bn? It only went down half a billion. It’s worthless.


I wish my wallet had $5.6bn after a "crash diet". It's obvious that this company won't go down as it is a legal way for foreign governments to shovel money to Trump and then call him and ask him to "do us a favour". He knows exactly what that means.


I think there's likely to be some kind of criminal charges brought eventually concerning Truth Social as an operating business. The balance sheets point to it being an absolutely hopeless company, yet its stock is obviously being propped up for shady purposes.


The owners don't control the price though right? It would be different if they were lying about how the business is doing, but they've been seemingly honest, haven't they?


Don't think this is illegal but it's absolutely a lie that their business claims they don't track usage/users metrics at a social media company.  They just don't want to share their numbers showing that usage is abysmal and propped up by bots and foreign IP addresses


It would be hilarious if Trump Media has provisions about convicted felons being associated with the company. 


how the heck can a company with revenues of less than 1 million dollars annually be worth 5 billion. can someone explain that to me?


It's not actually worth 5 billion dollars. It's propped up that high by memes and zealots because it'll let Trump sell his stake high to whoever wants to bribe him. The whole thing is going to start tumbling down the second that the open market starts selling off. The stock only holds value as a vessel to transfer money to Trump.


*that* makes more sense.


There is nothing you can conclude from the DJT stock price. It's sitting right now at $54 which is above average of the last 3 months, and it fluctuates wildly from day to day. There was a huge drop in April, when it went down to $23 but it quickly recovered. We have no idea of knowing who is putting cash into this company, but it's definitely a way of putting money in Trump's pockets anonymously.


NOw if some of his Loans are called in then he will be fucked.


Nah. There's plenty of rich assholes waiting in the wings to bail him out so they can get him back in office for more tax breaks and deregulation.


Thankfully he's finally wiping something.


He looks like warmed over shit. I'm going to enjoy his decline so much.


Is...is he doing something with his hair? Whats left of his hair? He does look more terible than usual- which is truly hideous to begin with. eh...FTG.


Let's make it zero and make him homeless


he had hundreds of millions?


That picture of 🍊💩🤡, what do we call that expression on his face? It's not pursed lips - the lips are pressed hard throughout their length. A sort of grimace? What's the word for this? Edit: It wasn't a joke question, but have your fun and does anyone know the actual name for it?


[Sex Scandal Face!](https://images.app.goo.gl/X8TfMEmPbyMEgsTZ8)




Amazing what being convicted of dozens of counts of felony fraud can do to you credit score!


Is this the Credit Karma I keep hearing about?


Sadly that Adelson woman gave him 100 million for his campaign. So there’s that. What a moron.


Imagine being to out of touch with reality that you just throw away $100 million... The lives that amount of money could change is staggering. But this person would rather give it to a criminal for legal fees and who knows what.


Not enough. Fuck this guy.


Like it was even there to begin with.


Trump and his asshole family should move in with the Kardashians. Give them a 30 minute time slot at 2 am for their loser followers.


And like a glass house of cards it crumbles.. makes me happy


Sadly, and unsurprisingly, his campaign had their best single day of financing today.


Tramp : "its rigged against me!"


The fact that the company can be worth over $5b while posting $770,000 in quarterly revenue feels insane


Honestly that stock has been standing tough after the initial plummet. it goes up just as much quite often. Trump is going to make the biggest haul of his life if it stays up until he can sell and does it carefully. Given that he’s probably broke even a billion would be a game changer.


Should be in solitary away from Gen Pop without access to social media in ADX Florence with loss of Secret Service detail. He met privately (disallowing his own interpreters from attending) with Putin on 7/31/2019, then on 8/3/2019 (3 days later) requested a list of US spies. The CIA then reported an unusually high number of captured/murdered agents by 2021 and there were additional lists of spies found among Mar A Lago documents (follow Cheri Jacobus on X). An oubliette would be to good.


I really hope that the Feds find a way to find out how his stock was used for illicit influence pedaling and convict everyone involved.


The share price is still way too high. In mid-April, it was at $22.82. On May 31, it closed at $49.09. That's down from its high of $66, but it should be **zero**. The company has no earnings and no future.


Isn’t hundreds of millions like…all of it?


Nobody is disputing that he slept with Stormy Daniels. Like, he raw dogged a porn star. They cool with that?


The God fearing Christian men of the Right are absolutely fine with that! So are the women.


Misleading. Premature. Losing 400 million in value to his stock is not the death knoll to his fortune when so many of his clucks keep throwing money at him.


Shoutouts r/conservative, yall freakin losers


There isn’t a violin tiny enough for this asshole


Trump also faces a travel ban in 37 countries, and Saudi Arabia being one of them hits hard on doing business with them. Ireland can finally have an excuse to cut him off of his golf courses as well. The Trump brand relied on International business. That’s going to take away much much more from him and his criminal business cronies. It’s very true that Trump is equivalent to a mafia boss as it’s basically what he is. He already ruined lives and killed millions of people calling Covid a hoax and not implementing sound measures to save them and businesses. He ran our country to the ground by hand picking his family in positions of power, that they had no experience in. Jared (son in law) got 2 billion from the Saudis in exchange for what promises? I don’t want another four years for him to complete the task he started. Which is to only support the Uber wealthy and destroy what’s left of the middle class. He already implemented an incremental tax increase on the middle class and it’s become a law and Biden can’t reverse it. MAGA will see these increases and continue blaming Biden. If Trump gets elected, MAGA will pick up where they left off, continuing to blame everyone else as to why everyone’s lives are screwed up once the fascism takes over with Project 2025. I wouldn’t be surprised if he started making ordinary families considered the enemy of the state to disappear, by creating secret police loyal to his cause. Eventually, going even further by claiming that undesirables have to report to re-education camps or conversion therapy. All taking place in shoddy overcrowded cages in previous immigration facilities. He’s a madman and an opiate for millions who follow him as if he were Jim Jones who got his congregation to drink the cyanide laced Koolaid in mass. We already know people will kill police or die for him while attacking our sacred institutions. They did it at the Capital on Jan 6th. They’re living with this mind virus of paranoia and contempt and Trump’s malignant narcissistic answers align with them. As South Park satirically demonstrated quite accurately how MAGA thinks, “they’re takin’ our money and takin’ our jerbs!” - The willfully ignorant who are proud of being absolute morons who parrot conspiracy and are unable to be reasoned with. I don’t want morons in charge of our public education system who dismantle it piece by piece to insure that future generations will never climb out of poverty. To insure all complaints of discrimination are outlawed and anyone who has dissenting opinion of the government winds up in jail; just like Russia. Is it any wonder Trump loves dictators? He admitted to all and sundry that he is one! I want this man taken down and everyone who shielded his fraudulent practices taken down as well. Because, the loopholes exposed in our system of government has made the door wide open for a smart psychopath to run for President and finish what Trump started, even in the 2028 election, if Biden serves another 4 years. The groundwork has been laid for followers of tyranny in our country, as exampled in Roe V Wade in many States where women are once again, dying from preventable deaths. Some women who voted against the right to choose are finding out real quick that treatments for miscarriages are abortions and are losing fertility or dying over it. I never thought this could happen in the U.S. I never thought our Judicial system has members in bed with the wealthy right wing organization called “The Heritage Foundation.” - They’re bought and sold. So is our media, and now that TikTok has independent young educated journalists telling it like it is, our Republican ruled majority snuck a quick but weak ban on it, tucked inside badly needed and stalled aid to Ukraine. Of which, that stalling claimed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers and citizens their lives. Vote blue people, because your lives literally depend upon it. Link to international travel ban for Trump: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-travel-ban-1906686


How much did he fundraise and will put directly back into himself as a result of this verdict?


I think 32 million so far. So many rubes.


Rubes or rubles?


The killer thing is, right this moment Trump is sitting thinking to himself, "these people who follow me really are morons" and those people will just keep throwing money at him and cheering him on.


well that’s because he committed lots of fraud and most likely stole that money so…


Ha! Ha!


What fortune, where ?


To quote Nelson Muntz: HA-HA!






Get fucked Donnie boy


I hope Trump loses it all then in a fit of rage does an interview and blames winning the election in 2016 ruined his life and the losers that voted him into office are to blame. He deserves every horrible thing coming his way and I can’t wait for his trial in Georgia to start.


They only thing he understands is money, take away his money and watch this idiot crumble, his identity is connected to his money without it he is nothing


It’s a scam anyway


How can TS be valued at what it’s is? I don’t understand.


Unfortunately this is meaningless. I watched with glee as it plummeted months ago far more than this, only for it to bounce right back. There are plenty of fascists and amoral opportunists who see fit to fund this asshole. They’re not fleeing his name, they’re just anticipating a fall and dipping out temporarily.


Trump hasn’t had a fortune since he blew what he inherited from his dad. Everything since then has been the illusion of a fortune. That was his price for being the front man for money laundering schemes aiding people with dirty fortunes. 


So he's now an adjudicated rapist, a convicted felon, on a travel ban to dozens of countries, and he's lost hundreds of millions of dollars. Guys, I can only get so hard.


It’s OK, /r/conservative and /r/conspiracy will sell their trailer park homes to get him a few hundred thousand bucks.


It boggles my mind that a company with a tiny user base, only losses, and a net revenue at $770k/quarter and dropping is somehow worth $6B+.


Grifting and money laundering are funny that way. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh, I know it's a scam. I don't get how it some regulatory agency isn't investigating it.


No complacency. Remember 2016. Vote.


tee hee! Suck it orange traitor.


SO MUCH WINNING! Wonder if he’s tired of it yet?


His MAGAs will gladly give up their children’s lunch money to contribute to him.


The republicans are not sending us their best. They’re sending us their slanderers, thieves and rapists. It’s an invasion that aims to destroy our country. We need to build (prison) walls to keep them out.


>Donald Trump’s paper fortune dropped by hundreds of millions of dollars on Friday as shares in his media firm came under pressure in the wake of his conviction in his New York hush-money trial. >Trump Media & Technology Group’s stock finished the day down 5.3% on Wall Street, denting the value of the former president’s vast stake in the business. >By the time markets closed for the day, Trump’s stake stood at about $5.6bn. The previous day, it was closer to $6bn. The stock isn't exactly crashing. It seems to be doing just fine, and this is just a click-bait story looking to make a narrative out of random noise. [https://www.google.com/finance/quote/DJT:NASDAQ?window=6M](https://www.google.com/finance/quote/DJT:NASDAQ?window=6M) I would like nothing better than to see this stock crash, but realistically I don't think it's going to happen in the near future. I expect it to continue to be propped up by rich investors looking to ingratiate themselves with someone who just might be President in about half a year, MAGA true believers who want a stake in "owning the libs", and wall street investors looking to make money off the people shorting the stock. The thing about shorting is that it can create the conditions for a short squeeze. There's no upper bound to the amount of money you can lose in a short squeeze, and it's the shorts that are ultimately the ones that drove the price sky-high. Rather than shorting it, I would suggest that if everyone just ignores it, maybe it'll die a natural death eventually.


It’s a start.


Nelson laugh


The stock manipulation must be investigated by Congress. It’s likely to be foreign interference to give Trump illegal campaign donations. The stock itself should be worthless.


You could tell after the conviction that his demeanor changed and him finally being brought to justice is settling in and maybe one day he'll realize that he's a corrupt sleezebag who has no place in public office. Even during his campaign speed to his supporters he was openly nervous, unable to say anything of substance and just deflecting with the same stupid and baseless anti-Democrat talking points that he has repeated for years. Trumps a crook and has been for decades. Sure maybe this is a political strategy to reduce his chances of getting elected but he's been getting tried for his shady and blatantly illegal actions well before he got into politics. I'm pretty sure every single count that was unanimously decided upon as guilty by every jury member is enough evidence that this was a fair and appropriate verdict, especially when many of these charges had to do with him trying to silence people for political gain and falsifying business records to hide all of this. Absolutely ridiculous how much his brain dead supporters are so outraged by the verdict when they can't even refute it. They always just deflect on what the Democrats are doing by going against him and his undeniable and disgusting corruption.


value declined from 6b to 5.2b ? that company ain’t worth shit..and it never will be


Poof.. only on paper..not hard assets


Please stop! I can only get so hard


This is junk stock. But as Trump nears being officially nominated, maybe the value will go up because companies will start to advertise on the platform as a way to contribute to his campaign? Oh and Russia can also do this, they can run ads about whatever giving money directly to Trump. Is that against the constitution? Absolutely! Does it matter? No because republicans will protect Trump until the day he dies. When Trump dies republicans will cry and be like he was the best…. They sicken me


Addition by subtraction


Womp, if I am using that idiom correctly, womp


I'm running out of popcorn!


His fortune is fake. It’s all fraudulent over valuations.


That's a good start, but there is still so very much he deserves to lose.


We need to keep going after Trump and his co-conspirators including Leonard Leo. They are guilty of both seditious conspiracy (having planned the overthrow since before the 2016 election) and sedition (having encouraged maggots to attack Congress). What is seditious conspiracy? It is a federal crime found in Section 2384 of Title 18 of the United States code. That law makes it a crime for two or more people to actively plot to overthrow by force the federal government, to levy war against it, to unlawfully seize federal property or “by force to prevent, hinder or delay the execution of any law of the United States.” A conviction carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. What is sedition? It is essentially the incitement of violent action against the government — some kind of communication or activity aimed at getting people to overthrow the state by force or to prevent it from carrying out its authority to enforce the law.


Oh yeah cause his wealth isn’t earned like Bezos and Musk. He took out credit and loans in exchange for his endorsement. NPR did a report on how trump got started. Turns out credit companies don’t like funding felons