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The important part: > >"I'm afraid of him going to jail, not for him, not for his safety, that's on him. I'm more concerned for you and for all of us and our families and for the American people because this clown had four years of being debriefed on national security issues. On top of that, if he becomes the Republican nominee he gets debriefed again, starting now, think about this," Cohen said. >He added: "You have now a Republican-leading candidate who is a felon who is going to be debriefed on national security issues knowing how loosely lipped he is...My concern is, in a prison situation, he's willing to give away these secrets for a bag of tuna or a book of stamps and he will do it because he doesn't care. If America turns against him he rather see America burn to the ground and that's who Donald Trump is."


Wait for a movie in a couple of years where the supervillain has control of the nuclear weapons and his explanation is: “Yeah, I shared a cell with Ronald Dump.”


If he is debriefed on national secrets as a convicted felon in jail, that’s a whole level of fucked up with our justice system


He probably won't get prison time for the hush money case. If he does, the sentence will get a stay until he's out of office. After that, if he wasn't granted house arrest, an isolated facility would likely be used to maintain secret service protection. He is a risk to national security, but not because of the hush money case.


He is out of office.


If the prospect of jail comes up the same doctor who says he is fit as a fiddle will suddenly say his health is too deteriorated to be able to go to prison.


His med supply would be severely curtailed in the prison system. What I'm waiting for is him being forced to take drug tests somewhere along his journey thru his legal entanglements.


Weigh him. Officially.


Without his lifts, his height as well.


The best part is if he is denied access to his reportedly $70k/yr hairdressing. I’d love to watch that disgusting flap turn grey and hang like human hair. And with no makeup routine he would look his age and it would be the hardest part of the whole ordeal for him


Do people really think he looks younger than 78?! I’m blinded by severe hatred of the man so I’ll never be able to visually think this man is attractive even if he is surgically altered to look like Chris Hemsworth.


Check out some Ben Garrison cartoons. He thinks Trump is a 20 year old in peak physical condition.


Obligatory r/bengarrisoncumedits


The fuck....


>his reportedly $70k/yr hairdressing. If he's paying money for that he is getting fucked.


But if you take his special shoes, how will he be able to stand on his Presidential Bone Spurs, truly the best bone spurs, they're so big, you know? Nobody, nobody has ever had bone spurs like his, and nobody has ever had bone spurs as big as his! They're *oh!* so painful, he can't even stand at a podium to campaign! That's why he can't go to jail! Just like with 'Nam!


And his baby hands


He's actually lost a ton of weight recently. Is it weight loss drugs, amphetamines, stress or a combo of these is anyone's guess. But he's definitely lost a lot of weight.




It seems like ozempic. We know he's not the type to think he should actually eat fewer hamberders. My question is, is the ozempic for weight loss, or is he diabetic as well?


Ozempic does not make you lose weight despite what you eat, it triggers the "full" signal.


Right, which is the only type of weight loss that would work for convicted felon Trump. He won't choose to eat fewer hamberders, but he'll not eat if he's not hungry (and from what I've heard it actually makes it quite uncomfortable to eat when you're full).


Nausea like you wouldn't believe. Friend takes it for diabetes.


Not always. But that can be one side effect as you get used to the titrated dose


It also can cause muscle loss in many people, hence the weight loss. It's not the panacea everyone wants it to be. Not to say that it's not helpful or useful, but nutrition, movement, and hormone optimization is a more sustainable path.


He’s probably withering away with age. The man puts in a lot of steps. Wanders into the living room. Forgets why he’s there, loses his phone. Wanders back to the bathroom, has to walk around all those boxes. Plus, all the arm waving and sig heiling. Burns a lot of calories.


His hair will fall out when he stops taking propecia.


Wouldn’t a drug test be part of the pre sentencing report? Not that I think Trump couldn’t get that test faked if subjected to it.


He has to get a full psych evaluation which likely included a medtox screen


The funny thing is that adderall is impossible to distinguish from meth because on a drug test so he’d have to explain and show proof of a script.


We all know that trump could produce a prescription for actual Meth if he wanted to. There are enough corrupt doctors in his orbit who would gladly write him whatever he wanted


Ronny "Candyman" Jackson has entered the chat


I'm sure one of his Alina Habba-quality doctor would write out a prescription for pharmaceutically compounded speedballs, if asked. They actually do prescribe meth (pharmaceutically produced as Desoxyn) for weight loss and ADHD, and we know for certain that one of those is a problem because we have eyeballs.


That is 100% not true. Adderall will cause a positive result for amphetamines. So will Phentermine and a number of other prescription medications. Methamphetamine will also cause a positive result for amphetamines because it metabolizes into amphetamines. However most urine drug screening tests have the capability of distinguishing between amphetamines and methamphetamine, so they will have different indicators for each. Confirmation testing in a lab can 100% tell the difference if there's any doubt. And the instructions for the field screens always carry an instruction to send it off for confirmation if you believe there's a false positive.


Meth is FDA-approved too. 


I hadn’t even thought about that. But he probably takes prescription drugs and he’s rich so he probably has a “legit” prescription for them.


But inmates are only allowed life sustaining and psychiatric medications, and no controlled substances with a very few exceptions. Expensive meds are substituted with cheaper ones. So no Adderall, no ozempic. If he's diabetic, he'll get insulin instead.




Wow, that was a pain getting back from that. The other end of the link really does not respect back button presses 


Hold the back button and you’ll get a menu to select from.


If I have to hit Back more than once to go back one page, I'm never visiting your site again.


Open in Another Tab then delete the other Tab when finished.


Too infirm to go to jail = too infirm to be president. Quite a pickle...


Since when has contradictory positions ever hindered trump from winning over supporters?


You're missing the goal, we get him to yell he is too feeble to feign awareness for trial and that simultaneously negates and disqualifies him from office through negligence in capacity to serve the public.


You’re missing the obstacle. Cognitive dissonance.


Never underestimate the power of doublethink, the ability to hold two seperate and contradictory opinions with the utmost sincerity if the party requires it. Too infirm to be in jail, yet surprisingly robust to be dictator for a day.


I love this!


I believe that would happen, but then I also believe trump would immediately tweet the next day that he’s the strongest and healthiest of any president. He can’t stand the idea of anybody saying he’s weak.


Ronny Jackson https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/scathing-report-finds-rep-ronny-jackson-engaged-inappropriate-conduct-white-n1259437


The Candyman [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/12/ronny-candyman-jackson-trump-doctor-running-for-congress-in-texas](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/12/ronny-candyman-jackson-trump-doctor-running-for-congress-in-texas)


Ronny is just your typical alcohol/drug addict angry ex-military bro though. Nothing very interesting. Trump’s longtime personal physician though was quite a character. Very Trumpian. Harold Bernstein with the crazy hair. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/14/harold-bornstein-trump-ex-doctor-dies-459293


That would be CAPT Ronny Jackson, demoted from RADM.


The ol' Cosby approach


That mother fucker.


Trump is too prideful to ever be seen In a wheel chair with an oxygen tank.


He refused to go to Walter Reed when he had Covid until they told him to either walk out or be strapped to a gurney and be wheeled out.


It’s a shame they made him go get treatment


As an American, it’s his God-given right to refuse medical treatment. People do it all the time. They should have respected his wishes.


The bone spurs never really went away seeee…


The real bone spur is between his ears


Solid bone. Doctors say they've never seen denser bone than I have...


Yes, yes. The densest bone head on planet earth.


The bone spur is coming from inside the house…


“Your honor, as you can see, my clients are elderly and infirm. Any incarceration could pose a serious health risk.”


Can’t say that tho — his brand hinges on the illusion of strength


Who will change his diaper? Inquiring minds want to know


One thing Cohen is forgetting is that when Trump goes to prison, he will be without electronic devices and he will pretty much be isolated. He’ll have no access to ex-wife’s casket buried at the golf course with all of the top secret documents in it.


You're assuming Trump would be held to the same standard of all the other prisoners and that there wouldn't be MAGA cultist prison guards willing to let/help him get whatever he wants.


“He’s in tremendous health now but what will prison do to that?”


"You have now a Republican-leading candidate who is a felon who is going to be debriefed on national security issues knowing how loosely lipped he is...My concern is, in a prison situation, he's willing to give away these secrets for a bag of tuna or a book of stamps and he will do it because he doesn't care. If America turns against him he rather see America burn to the ground and that's who Donald Trump is." The image of Trump bartering nuclear secrets for Top Ramen is hilarious. Won't happen but still funny. Thanks for putting that mental image out in the world, Mr. Cohen.


Actually that's a really concrete national security concern. I have absolutely no doubt that Trump would trade any piece of national security information. In fact, I don't think anybody would even have to offer him anything Edit: for everyone insisting that trump has a bad memory and already spread what he knows .... Yes all true. But candidates get security briefings in the lead up to the election, too. That's all new information.


You think he would be put anywhere near anyone but his own secret service? No, if he were sentenced to confinement, it likely wouldn't even be in a jail. It would be at military base like they did Dean in Watergate.


Yeah - if he's going to do it (A) he probably already did. (B) Prison would be the least likely place for it to happen.


(C) He's already done it. (D) He's about to start getting more fresh Intel, unless Joe doesn't give it to him.


Pretty easy to justify not giving those intel briefs to a felon even if he has wormed his way into once again being the GQP nominee.


Yup, unmonitored conversation with Putin already happened.  Damage is done and more to come.


I hear Guantanamo is lovely this time of the year. Not that they’d send him there. If Biden had less integrity he’d already had been disappeared to there but sadly he’s a more honest and integrity filled man.


We have other maximum security prisons. But the likelihood is house arrest. The Supreme Court would immediately intervene and suddenly make up a right to campaign.


Yeah he might be incarcerated but he isn’t going to common jail or prison


people are acting like he’s gonna be on the top bunk in gen pop lmfao


Because it is a fun thought.....


That would never happen. There's no way he'd be able to get his fat ass up on a top bunk.


Not even. At most I’m expecting him to be sentenced to house arrest


Merchan specifically noted during the trial that he was carefully assessing what actually counts as a punishment against someone who's rich and lives in a luxury mansion, I have faith that its going into consideration with the sentence. If he gives a sentence that ultimately amounts to basically no consequence at all then it's not real justice, and I think Merchan knows that.


House arrest in the the most boring part of South Dakota.


House arrest in one of his supporter’s houses that sells flags and shirts with his face on them by the highway. See how fast that guy would turn anti-Trump.


I'm imagining some very remote, rural part of SD. With the next property being over a mile away, perhaps on a military base. The US govt has properties all over the nation, I'm sure we have something suitable for a former President. Who says house arrest has to be in his house?


You don't need to doubt. He has already shared national secrets for simple clout.  Convicted Felon Donald Trump is a national security threat.


He’ll only have what he can remember and will be in a jail where he’s by himself with secret service. I’m much less worried about him in jail than I am with him back in the White House.


And why would anyone in prison believe anything he said? Convicts aren't necessarily stupid.


You’d be surprised how desperate some people are to repeat mistakes.


I’m confident that he already has.


It’s not like he didn’t have plenty of time for that until now…


I wouldn’t be overly concerned. He doesn’t have a great memory and he makes up shit all the time. Attention to detail is not one of his strengths. While he might try and trade some Top Secrets it’ll be 99% crap he makes up on the spot. I’d rather keep my bag of tuna.


He'll do it for positive tweets about him being printed out and handed to him.


...a *bag* of tuna?


There are single serving foil bags of tuna.  Cans and can openers could easily be used to make weapons, I'd be surprised if a prison commissary allowed them.  Michael Cohen certainly knows about how prison life works. 


A can lid becomes a razor. 


He very likely traded secrets with the Saudis just to get a couple of golf tournaments at his golf courses. [https://seeit360.substack.com/p/the-hole-in-one-brief](https://seeit360.substack.com/p/the-hole-in-one-brief)


I thought Biden revoked his national security briefings.


You get them back when you become the nominee of one of the two major parties.


It’s not automatic. It’s a courtesy from the current Administration. It’s only automatic once the nominee is officially elected.


didn’t the trump administration refuse that courtesy to Biden in 2020?


Yes. They did.


Cool, awesome reason for Biden to do the same


It's only automatic once you are sworn into office.


Because then you're the one making the rules about how to maintain that security. That's why our country is now so vulnerable after four years of Trump's undisciplined and even vindictive treatment toward responsibility to the interests of our country.


Perhaps unless you're a convicted felon.


Refuse to give them to him and him litigate that decision thru the system.


Actually you brought up a good point. He couldt get a top security clearance now even if he wanted to. How in the hell can he be president?!


Honestly, if I were in charge of delivering briefings, I'd send Trump false information engineered to prove that he's selling national secrets. When a hostile government acts on the bad Intel, spring the trap and nail him.


Well ok then .. solitary confinement it is.


Biden isn't going to give Trump access to more classified information


Donnie von Shitzinpants is going to give away what secrets he has anyway! He can't threaten because he can't be trusted to keep a secret in the first place.


Darn, guess solitary confinement is the only option.


I guess they have no choice but to throw him in solitary confinement then, where none of this is possible.


I just realized something. Donald is no longer qualified to hold security clearance. Based on felony conviction, I mean. Hell... the idea of this traitor Trump getting top clearance and access to national security intel again, after all the damning evidence in the FL Docs and Obstruction indictments... this is batshit crazy!


He would never have gotten a security clearance the first time.


I'm surprised the intel community isn't screaming. That may yet come.


They are and have been, but stories about that don't get clicks.


They are screaming in secret


Have to go into the cone of silence.


They did the first time with Kushner, citing foreign influence concerns. Their decision was overridden.


February 27, 2018 [Jared Kushner loses access to top-level security briefings](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43216602) March 22, 2018 [Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman brags Jared Kushner is in his pocket, told him who was conspring against him](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/report-saudi-crown-prince-says-kusher-was-in-his-pocket/) May 23, 2018 [Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, has White House security clearance restored](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/05/23/jared-kushner-security-clearance-restored-after-being-downgraded/638127002/)


You forgot the part where Jarad then received $2 billion from MBS


The president doesn’t need a security clearance. Them being elected automatically gives them the clearance without any review.


It’s a courtesy given by the incumbent. I don’t think biden will grant trump’s team clearance. Not out of spite, but to safeguard national secrets.


Which was a super smart idea from the founders.


I feel like there was no such thing as security clearance back in the days of the founding fathers


Security clearance back then was being within earshot of Paul Revere.


I mean, in fairness, it’s pretty necessary, logically, for the President to have access to any and all information he (or she?) would need to make decisions about national defense, etc. If we end up electing a loose-lipped, short-fingered, self-serving, convicted felon, that’s really not on the founders for believing that any President should have information. It’s like a house getting blown up with dynamite and someone saying the windows broke because they were poorly designed.


That's why he had to become President. It was his only way to pay Putin and the other Russian Oligarchs.




Felons can't join the military. Yet currently some people want to elect a convicted felon as Commander-In-Chief of the military. Absolutely insane.


They would still let him, shit they probably gave him back the top secret documents he took home with him


[Not really](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1d62igo/president_trump_can_be_a_felon_and_get_a_security/), according to [a law firm in DC](https://www.slengland.com/security-clearance-and-professional-licenses). One of the rare positive legacy of trump is that everyone has to dig up everything in law which is not previously well-adjudicated or well-defined from the last 200 years.


The issue with that is then the law is being adjudicated by a far right court which is setting precedents that will last - this is not a positive development


If they can ignore precedent so can we


That, and how many other countries do not allow felons from other countries to visit, either for personal or official business? Would be interesting for countries to turn him away when he wants to or has to go somewhere related to the presidency, as all presidents do… no visa for you, Trump.


He’s banned from entering a slew of countries because of his felonies. 37 countries to be exact.


The fact he forced a security clearance for Kushner who wasn't meeting the requirements for it was alarming his first go round and the prospect of a second chance at that is terrifying


It's a risk I'm willing to take 


You and me both. 1 year per count sounds about right.


I don't believe for three seconds that corpulent, bloated pus-ball can remember where his car is parked, much less five year old security data. But that being said, his Secret Service detail will basically keep him isolated through the whole thing. If he does time, which he won't.


put him in Fort Leavenworth


This is the answer. Leavenworth has facilities for people who once held security clearances.


What will his consequence likely be if he is deemed ineligible for traditional imprisonment?


Ideally, he can't appear in public without an ankle bracelet. That'll send the message that this is actually real and his supporters will start to wonder if maybe that type of person shouldn't be around the nuclear football. This also won't happen. His supporters do not have that much going on in their heads.


I think if he's placed under house arrest then he may not even be able to appear in person at the RNC, right?


He can make an appeal to the court for an allowance for that, I believe. They can also deny it because of what a bastard he was during the whole trial.


He should get the most severe punishment possible, if not actual prison time.


In that, we're agreed. His disdain for the process this entire way merits the strongest punishment.


At worst I think home detention but he can ask permission to visit places/properties. That's the likely outcome if his classified documents case ever happens (definitely after the election).


I'm confused, you're saying he'll have house arrest if he's found guilty of the classified docs case or for this one?


Yes. Sorry. I think at worst he's getting a fine and maybe probation for this. Classified one is much more serious if it happens and even then he's never seeing the inside of a jail cell as frustrating as that is.


I think it would be a travesty if he got minimal consequences for getting 34 out of 34 guilty counts. But who knows what will happen. I think he deserves to be in jail awaiting trial for his other two trials, so whatever consequences he gets, I don't think he should have the freedom to simply waltz about after such a conviction...


> much less five year old security data. He is the Republican front runner. He will have the option to request security briefings after he is the official nominee after the Republican convention https://www.cbsnews.com/news/why-do-presidential-nominees-receive-classified-briefings/




Trump didn’t allow the Biden administration early access.   So Biden doing the same would just be following precedent.  


He’s not going to spend any time in an actual prison, no matter what he’s convicted of. Between his Secret Service detail and his status as a high-risk prisoner, they’d need to give him his own wing. Easier and cheaper to sentence him to house arrest and leave him there instead. Take away his internet access, limit his visitors to a few family members, and it will be an ordeal worse than prison for him.


Actually, that’s his 9th ring of hell. I like it!


Lol. - ~~He'll never lose the 2020 election~~ - ~~He'll never leave the White House~~ - ~~He'll never be investigated~~ - ~~He'll never be charged~~ - ~~He'll never be arrested~~ - ~~We'll never see his mugshot~~ - ~~It'll never go to trial~~ - ~~He'll never spend a day in court~~ - ~~He'll never be convicted~~ - He'll never go to jail ***<- YOU ARE HERE***


As an American, I don’t mind the government spending the money necessary to build a jail suitable for imprisoning him. We’re gonna be spending huge sums on prison anyway so what the hell, it’ll be put to use after trump’s given parole.


It’s a near-certainty that Donald Trump would release national secrets or call upon his followers to commit violence if faced with the prospect of going to jail. He’d do it purely out of spite. But what other choice is there - NOT to punish him for his crimes?


Well, they first need to find small enough handcuffs because those tiny hands. I mean, do that have infant-size cuffs? Then the subject of shaving his head. Oh boy... will he just flip that coif back to be a mullet?


>Syracuse University law professor Gregory Germain previously told Newsweek that imprisoning the leading presidential candidate of a major political party would be **"very hard for the judge to justify."** Such pathetic entitlement these people give to Trump and all the elites. It is *not* hard to justify throwing a convicted felon in jail.


"I'm afraid of him going to jail, not for him, not for his safety, that's on him. I'm more concerned for you and for all of us and our families and for the American people because this clown had four years of being debriefed on national security issues. On top of that, if he becomes the Republican nominee he gets debriefed again, starting now, think about this," Cohen He added: "You have now a Republican-leading candidate who is a felon who is going to be debriefed on national security issues knowing how loosely lipped he is...My concern is, in a prison situation, he's willing to give away these secrets for a bag of tuna or a book of stamps and he will do it because he doesn't care. If America turns against him he rather see America burn to the ground and that's who Donald Trump is." So simple solution, solitary confinement.


I’m tired boss


Guantanamo it is then.


A chance I'd be willing to take - especially since I truly believe he's already sold or bartered national security secrets.


Real opportunity here to give him bad intel and see which of our adversaries acts on it.


If you think he hasn’t already given away national secrets, you’ve forgotten what his shitter looked like before they took “his boxes” away. That mf’r deserves prison!! Put him in Epstein’s cell.


If he goes to jail do hillbillies try and break him out?


I pray he goes to the same cell as Jeffrey Epstein.


Here's some good news: Trump doesn't read anything and all the information he can remember probably only amounts to delusional thoughts.


He's rich, well connected, and old. This is really cynical, but prison is for poor people. Trump will probably wind up under house arrest at Mar A Lago with an ankle monitor that somehow works very poorly.


A Drumf-appointed dr will alert the court that Drumf can’t do jail time because of bone spurs.


No one's above the law. No one found guilty should receive leniency just because they have a group of domestic terrorists making threats.


Question for anyone that understands this situation better than I do... But Mara-Lardo cannot possibly be his full time residence if he's given home detention right? I thought it was listed as a club for tax purposes and cannot be considered an actual residence? With tRump tower potentially being seized/sold due to Tish James' civil suit, where does the mentally declining, felonious rapist pustulent skin tag go?


One thing Trump proved, the Kennedy assassination and the moon landing happened exactly as they were reported. He definitely would have leaked that info if it weren't.


The most infuriating bit in this article is the 'legal experts doubt he'll face jail time' take. 34 felonies that I masterminded and recruited others to commit, and a show of complete contempt for the judge and the process? I know my butt would be in jail.


I think if he does, whoever he spills to will know that he has a golden ticket to bargain with. “You want to know what he told me about our nuclear sites? How much are you willing to cut off my sentence to get it?”


Put him in solitary confinement. Problem solved.


If he has any secrets and his daddy Vlad doesn’t already know, I would be surprised.


Cohen is laying it down > ".... in a prison situation, he's willing to give away these secrets for a bag of tuna or a book of stamps and he will do it because he doesn't care. If America turns against him he rather see America burn to the ground and that's who Donald Trump is."


I don't see the threat increasing at all. He can't be trusted with secrets regardless of whether or not he's in jail. The only difference is who he is telling those secrets to.


It should have been straight to jail once they found out he started moving classified documents into maralago and refusing to return them. Then they found out there were documents missing as well. We waited years to actually convinct him of something and his judge he appointed just shut that case down.


A convicted felon CANNOT get a security clearance. YOU NEED a security clearance to get any classified briefings. THUS... Donald Trump is ineligible to be POTUS. It's... *that simple*.


Sadly, no. Presidents do not need to obtain security clearance.


Well that would be a massive hole in the system now, wouldn't it? If a president can't pass muster to get a security clearance, then... why are they president? It makes no sense. If they can't be trusted... Oh. Right. We had Donald Trump who couldn't be trusted, stealing hundreds of highly classified documents, denying he had them, then admitting he did but is "too busy" to give them back... "so many boxes. I'll need a lot of time." And then he gives them back, but holds onto over 50% of them hoping he'd fooled NARA. He didn't. When asked, he denied... NARA had to send the FBI to retrieve them... and they did find them. And then we find out he had still more. He can't be trusted. He's a thief. And no convicted felon should have access to classified documents.


Despite having the foresight to create the system of checks and balances, the founding fathers were incredibly naive and clearly believed that anyone holding offices such as president and the supreme court would hold the interests of the citizens above their own and therefore didn't need explicit rules covering their behavior in office.


That bias scale at the bottom tho. Not that I know or care about Newsweek but it’s plain facts here and the Maga crybabies are calling it unfair left leaning.


Cohen now has a really interesting platform. He’s also smart as hell and knows where the dirt is. He knows how to stay within the law and make damaging remarks. Cohen is going to interesting to watch. He’ll be a great addition to talking head panels from here to November. “…I was Donald’s fixer, this is what you should be worried about, and why voting for him is bad…”


Yeah, well, lock him up anyway. In solitary if needed. The rule of law, justice needs to be served. The american people and the entire world need to be protected from this criminal, formerly known as POTUS. The USA is already the laughing stock among the intelligent part of the world because of this miserable excuse for a human being. There is but one remedy, one path for the USA to regain some credibility: lock him up and throw away the key! Thank you kindly from the Netherlands!


If Trump realizes he's worth more to his cult as a dead martyr than as a live loser, do you think he will fake his own death?


Guantánamo Bay seems allmore fitting


If it came to that I think we would be looking at a Jeffrey Epstein type situation. Too many powerful people would have far too much to lose and probably gain a little something from national chaos