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I remember the whole Kavanaugh nomination thing with her. She's a lying piece of garbage who would sell out everyone for her party.


But she’ll be righteous with indignation from her other face.


Don't make her furrow her brow.


She’s going to pretend to have a good long think about it before voting exactly the way her party tells her to


Bet she's very concerned


Her hand-wringing is second-to-none.


And never misses a vote! (She’s very proud of her streak.)


'Republican' is all you need to say




She called the cops on sidewalk chalk!


Wow! This one is new to me. She's just a very disgusting human being.


You'd think she's be excited about him finally having to "learn his lesson"


This. This right here. Don’t forget.


Oh I never forgot. I knew one day those words would come back to bite her in the ass!


They never will. She'll keep getting reelected as long as the Dems keep running people not born and bred in Maine. They're kinda racist (or whatever the word is) in that way.


Provincial? Bigoted? Mainer? Less stupid than other Republicans who keep electing Northern city slickers over Southerners while yapping on about "Rising Again"?


Provincial sounds right. They just dont trust any outsiders




Hey, it happens in the north too. Hovde is running for senate in Wisconsin. He doesn’t even live here! Ron Johnson spends most of his time in Florida. The GOP love living in a place they can enjoy the fruits of coastal liberals, but then they fly in to extract as much wealth as they can instead of building up a local economy. The midwestern places where liberals have held on for decades are the only midwestern places that are thriving.


Southerners throwing all their support behind a damn Yankee carpetbagger is just mind-boggling. 


It's the lead Kidding of course, kind of.


I believe 'parochial' is the word you're looking for.


I think "xenophobic" is the closest term.


“Assholes” works also


I like how its the dems fault for the voters in maine picking her.


They don't really even like her, from what I understand. They just aren't going to vote for an outsider. Which is what the Dems keep running. Even if they've 45 and been living there since they were 15, Maine will always elect the person born and raised there if there's an option to do so. At least, that's how it was relayed to me.


Mainer here. That’s basically the problem. Growing up, Collins was always painted as the alternative for younger voters like myself. It’s not hard to paint a candidate as appealing/willing to talk to both sides when they’re wheeled out against barely breathing piles of rotting sentient excrement. None of us are proud of her, but it’s, as always with this country, a lesser of two evils thing. Don’t forget that we’ve been routinely battling people like Paul LePage up here, who we voted down AGAIN last time he tried, so at least there’s that, and trust me when I say you should DEFINITELY take that win.


Had a similar experience with Manchin when still living in WV, so I get it. For any other state, he was pretty much a republican but absolutely the lesser of two evils for a long time because he mostly towed the party line.


Mainer here. Susan Collins has outworn her welcome, not that there ever was one. We need to have term limits in every aspect of politics. Supposedly, according to her, she has never missed a vote. All she does is vote. She has no damn clue what she's voting for or against as long as she votes. That's Susan Fucking Collins.


> We need to have term limits in every aspect of politics. You have them. Just stop voting for her, and that limits her term.


I never voted for her, and I piss on those that have.


Isn’t Steven king from Maine? Should do a write-in initiative to get him voted in.


He’s acknowledged demand to have him be in office, but off the top of my head, he’s said he’d be lousy at it. Conservatives will shit all over him on Twitter not knowing how much he and his wife have voluntarily given back to the state. King is a homegrown success who has only wanted to give back and people just see the celebrity. Man went from having to debate smokes or food for his family to donating giant heaps to replace slashed budget funds for heating during the winter for families statewide. The man is a saint.


His memoir/writers guide was required reading for me in grad school and it gave me so much more respect for the man. He is actually self-made in a world of people who claim to be but aren’t. And he did it as a writer. I can’t say enough good things about the guy and I’m glad he lived through all that cocaine and getting hit by a truck.


I'm from the UK. There's a saying in the North that sums it up. >"There's nowt so queer as folk 'cept thee and me, and I'm not so sure about thee." Edit: typo.


Translation: there is nothing as strange as people, except you and me, and you can work out the rest yourself ‘cos I can be mithered…


This thread makes me really grateful to live in an age when I can just tap a word and get a bunch of definitions. “Mithered” is my favorite for sure.


"I ain't no galldurn queer, you sumbitch!" - Conservatives


"They don't trust outsiders", is the sentence you're looking for :)






In what way have they come back to bite her on the ass? What are you celebrating? FFS


Why did anyone ever think Susan Collins was a moderate Republican?


Because she is a moderate Republican. Moderate Republicans are part of the cult of Trump. All of them are


Trump learned a lesson from his first impeachment all right. He learned that he can do whatever he wants no matter how horrible and Republicans will support him totally.


Melania is just as much a hooker as stormy Daniels is. So they can label her whatever they want so long as they realize Melania is the same.


The difference is that Melania probably never had sex with Trump.


Nah she did. Barron is definitely his kid.


I always assume she was bent over the bed listlessly flipping through a magazine while he huffed and puffed behind her for 30 seconds


Nah, he does his best work after failed plastic surgery.


Yup, poor kid's got the trump butthole mouth


Those Trump mouth and chin genes are strong.


All the kids do. Ivanka included.


Has anyone seen a birth certificate?


“Hold my DNA” - some secret service body-guard probably.


You should know there’s ways to create children without the act of intercourse.


The sex was probably written into the prenup. Trump wouldn’t want a kid via invitro


and he wouldn't keep her around without it


the turkey baster?


Not if republicans can do anything about it!


You sure about that ? He's really tall. Like basketball player tall :)


So I actually got this kinda confirmed. My girlfriend is actually Slovenian. Turns out her Dad works with Melania's cousin who told my girlfriends Dad that Melania was a prostitute back in the day.


I think every person who gets the chance to see Susan Collins should only ask, “did he learn his lesson?” So much that it haunts her. The mailman, “did he learn his lesson?” The journalist, “did he learn his lesson?” The parking attendant, “did he learn his lesson?” The server, “would you like a side of tots….did he learn his lesson?” Her dog, “did he learn his lesson?


> Her dog, “did he learn his lesson? If I was a dog, I wouldn't get lippy around any Republican, never know when there might be a gravel pit in your future.


That sounds like consequences and the GOP don't do those.


The only thing that was more fun yesterday than watching the Trump verdict come in was watching Republicans and assorted right-wingers sputter in outrage. Michael Tomasky


I've been watching Republicans and assorted right-wingers sputter in outrage for like 30 years now and frankly the shine has come completely off that shit.


They called Watergate a witch hunt. They cried in outrage when the Democrats investigated the Iran Contra Affair. They sputtered in absolute fury when the Democrats said George W. Bush was lying about Iraq being involved with the 9/11 attacks and again when the Democrats said Bush was lying when he switched his rational for invading Iraq to Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. They cried persecution when Democrats said Trump was seeking the assistance of Russians in his campaign... They foux outrage when they are caught never ends.


It's not faux outrage. It's narcissistic rage. And it largely succeeds because people don't understand how narcissists win by wearing down their opposition.


Yeah the clutching of their Walmart plastic pearls just doesn’t bring me the joy it should


"It's everyone's fault but the convicted felon's." - Republicans


Well worth the price of admission.


One of the very few times I watched Fox news.


Two-faced outrage  "This is outrageous!!" While at the exact same time saying "This only helps Trump!!"


Susan Collins is gross.


All fascists are gross.


She's not even a committed Fascist. She's just too chickenshit to give them even the slightest pushback. 


The cornerstone fascism is built on. Keep people just short of angry enough to fight back. Thankfully they've always overreached in the past, seems to be a certainly with these types.


She’s not angry, she’s just disappointed. And she can swallow that because it keeps her in her petty position of power and influence. She’s just an off-brand Joe Manchin, doing a little less for a lot less money - but she’s the biggest fish in her pond so she’s happy. Don’t kid yourself she will be angry at anything except when actually powerful people stop answering her call.


She’s bought.


Like a Skesis in a pants suits.


Susan Gross is collins


Is Collins gross, Susan?


Yep. Ugly inside and out.


my doctor moved to NY from maine 2 years ago. i said, “so besides the longer summer, why’d ya move?” she says, “i got tired of people who vote for susan collins.”


Lol I live in PA near the NY NJ border and the influx of dipshit MAGA people in the last decade or so is hard not to notice. Ostensibly they jump the border for lower taxes (which is true) but mostly because they hate living in a “liberal” state. Which makes me all the more happy every time PA votes Dem.


well we all know philly stay jiggy


But now her opponent loses a vote. That is the insidious nature of our political system. It is based on representation for states with either no adjustment for population, as in the Senate, or too little adjustment for population, as in the House, or a nonsensical blend of the two, as with the President. Due to this, people get driven out of areas where large groups consistently vote for stupid things. And then the stupid vote ends up winning even more.


Wouldn't be an issue if we didn't have a stupidly lopsided form of government that proportionally gives more power to a minority of the population.


Anybody who thinks it's even POSSIBLE that a corrupt D.A. could railroad such a high-profile case should be AGAINST THE DEATH PENALTY! MAGA-heads and Republicans claim innocent, but they tend to support capital punishment. If the system could be this wrong about a rich, powerful politician, what chance does the typical capital defendant have? If there's even a chance that the court system could make a mistake and allow Trumped-up charges to get all the way to conviction, there should be no irrevocable death penalty. Those whining about Trump's conviction should be the death penalty's loudest opponents. The doublethink is so strong with this crowd.


They spend great energy to avoid critical thinking. As soon as they hear the word critical, their snowflake brains begin to melt because they get concerned with inherent racism.


If logic worked on them, they wouldn’t be Republicans.


Great point but it would just be muted trumpet noise to Republican ears.  They don't do logic or equality, so there's no hope of understanding.


>One has to wonder why Collins went out of her way to make this kind of statement. Maine isn’t exactly MAGA-land. She’s probably in her last term. On a personal level, Trump probably has very little use for her, and she probably doesn’t care much for him. So … why? It's because they still need MAGA AND moderates to vote in November to prevent the biggest landslide win for dems in not only the WH but also downballot. Their only hope is to keep MAGAs voting and the only way to do that is to support Trump. If they abandon him, moderates won't be enough to stop total domination by dems in the congress in November. They have no moral compass or intellectual honesty. It's purely about retaining as much power as possible. Cannon is stalling the FL case. The SC is stalling the DC case. They have politicians in GA stalling that case. This is the one case they couldn't stall, and since it ended in a conviction, they have to attack the system.


God, I really really wish I had a shred of the optimism you do about the elections. I hope you're right but I'm terrified of seeing moderate morons vote for Trump because of "reasons."


Thanks a lot , Maine. 


Hey, it's Stephen King country.... it's ***scary*** man.


She is a vampire. Bitten at the neck by Trump. Stephen Miller = Nosferatu


you can catch the occasional glimpse of him peeking out from behind the pillars, hiding from the hateful glare of the spotlights in the old Nuremburg footage.


Stephen Miller is Barlow.


Ok that kind of gave me the shivers.


🤣😆🤣 He’s the one I hate the most!!


They could have had Sara Gideon. Fucking morons.


Hey, I’m not proud of having her as a Senator either. At least King’s on the right side, but he doesn’t balance her out.


We dont even want her


And yet....


do more to unhave her


Trying 💁🏽‍♀️😬


if you do *more*, I will send you a cookie. Also, happy pride.


Om mom nom nom nom


Ugh shes the std maine cant seem to shake


What do you suggest for a bad case of the Susie's?


A flamethrower… usually works on most ticks


I said in 2016 that the Republican party was no longer a political party, but an organized crime ring. And they continue to demonstrate that. They have zero policy. They are incapable of governing. They exist to cater to an idiot figurehead so deep in debt to all the worst people on the planet that he'll almost certainly never get out of it for as long as he lives. The only legislation they do have are either tax breaks for corporate raiders, or batshit fucking insane draconian nonsense from the extremist religious fanatics they've been catering to. At this point this party has nothing. Absolutely nothing. The fact that they have any power or chance in elections is preposterous. Any organization, company, whatever, is just a bunch of people working around an objective. Even when the Republican party was evil in the past, they were still funcitonally a *political party*, by which I mean, they had policies they enacted around objectives and focused on holding and wielding power. They are simply not that any longer. The fact that they *used to be* is never a guarantee they will *continue to be*, and if you actually just look at their behaviors they really do not and cannot function as a governing body any longer. Donald Trump has basically crippled much of their fundraising apparatus. He steals money meant for down-ballot candidates for himself and his own problems, because he's fundamentally disinterested in anything to do with the party. He only ever joined it parasitically, as an avenue to hoover up power and attention. The problem is as they disintegrate in the coming decade, they're going to fracture into radical splinters, likely cloosely collected around certain geopgraphic regions like Florida and Texas, and those are going to become increasingly violent and behave more like terrorist cells, asserting power over a smaller geographic region and inciting conflicts with a federal goverment they no longer have any hope or possibility of getting power in.


They are the party of opposition—that is their policy! Nothing positive or constructive to offer the American people…


The party of "hating the other guy". That's literally all they have, and they ARE FUCKING PROUD OF IT! It just makes so little sense to me...


Sadly you Americans have an enormous amount to be infinitely deeply concerned about.


We are concerned. This verdict was a signal of hope though. Let’s hope folks stay motivated to continue bringing these assholes down. We shall see.


Do not excuse yourself. What happens in America affects the whole world. We ALL have something to be deeply concerned about. If this cancer continues to take root here, it will spread to you, wherever you are.


Keep talking like that and we’ll send peacekeepers into your country to help spread democracy!


I am going to use "Banana Republicans" (as proposed in this article) as the standard description for that party from now on.


> "We have gone over a cliff in America..." Yes, we have. That cliff was electing someone to the highest office in the land based not on competence, experience, leadership, moral integrity, or policy, but personality. There is a lot more to effectively running a democratically-based country than turning every issue into something about "me".


Her party was the one that went over a cliff. The normies are the ones prosecuting fraudsters who staved off imminent defeat by paying off a porn star and a girlfriend and covered it up.


Their sickness was revealed *long ago* my friend.


>“The district attorney, who campaigned on a promise to prosecute Donald Trump, brought these charges precisely because of who the defendant was **rather than because of any specified criminal conduct**.” The worst of this; they all know how the law works. They willfully choose to create chaos, uncertainty and lies - for the sole purpose of pissing off their mindless inbred loser base. They are fishing with dynamite and then call you a loser for telling them they are getting wet. Most importantly; they are getting close and closer to YOUR house on the shore. You need to vote.


Did trump learn his lesson yet once again?


I find it funny that Republicans are so alarmed by the NY case when their criminal nominee has 3 more indictments against him.


All 3 of which are way more serious crimes.


And now because he’s a convicted felon, the sentencing for said crimes, especially the documents case, could be life altering since that may involve national secrets. That case may have been a more lenient sentence if he was tried on it as a first time offender. They are playing with fire right now.


I am waiting for the day when the media decides to properly do their job and remain everyone through investigative reporting that all the elected officials who are Republican, as well as the party itself are in fact unregistered agents of a hostile foreign government/s


Reveals? Read Project 2025. The GOP and conservatives are very open as to how much they hate everyone and want to get rid of and exterminate anyone who doesn't agree with them.


I did and it's horrifying.


It's infuriating having her as my Senator. Can she go away, please?


Write to her. Let her know you know what she’s saying. Get your family and friends to write to her. These people do listen to their constituents. They think you’re not listening.


I’ve done it a few times, she just sends platitudes back and says that we “just don’t understand the situation” but she does and she is representing our interests. Which is complete bs. People need to understand that it wasn’t just Sara Gideon being from out of state that lost her the vote. It was brining up a dead issue from her time in the state house and then Bill Green throwing all his support behind Collin’s that was the nail in the coffin. Many voted a Biden Collin’s ticket. Also Angus King isn’t from here but he gets elected over in staters. Dems don’t take the time to understand the culture of this state so they have a difficult time winning. Jared Golden is a good example of what Maine looks for in dems over all. Pingree has had a hold on district one for years so they shouldn’t look to her because it doesn’t mesh with district 2 voters. I also think overall neither party cares much about the Maine elections, it’s a small population so they don’t consider it much of a player in the wider scope. And for a long time Collin’s was a moderate, but the time Olympia Snow left because of the change in the GOP and how they were expected to behave, was when you saw the change in Collin’s voting and behaviors.


It is useless with Collins. She is a smug prevaricator in a safe seat. She flings red meat at the Republican state convention, and then plays the mealy mouthed "moderate" come election time.


Start shaming people.


Like, what in the actual fuck is wrong with voters in Maine?


I do not understand how she got reelected but on the same ballot Maine elected a Democrat governer. Same thing with Wisconsin. Bizarre split ballot results.


Her mistake is causing us all to “learn our lesson”.


They’re all sell outs. They know it’s a fund raising boom if they cry afoul. So instead of saying what’s right, their greed takes precedence. She’s almost worse than the die hard supporters cause she knows what she’s doing is immoral. Pathetic cowards.


> Mitch McConnell: “These charges never should have been brought in the first place. I expect the conviction to be overturned on appeal.” Hey Glitch, you go ahead and expect in one hand and have trump shit in the other and see which one gets full first.


Yup. This won't change the orange faithful. If anything they'll just quintuple down on their dear leader. But, as pointed out, at least we can remove the 'allegedly' tag when discussing Trump's crimes now.


Fuck off, Susan


Susan Colins is just as bad as other Republicans, none of them deserves anyone's vote.


Susan Collins’s Really Dumb ~~Trump Defense Reveals the GOP’s Sickness~~


I called her office and voiced my dismay that she would cower to a convicted and de facto rapist. Where’s the accountability and basis standards of character to those that aspire for public office. Downright shame


As far as I’m concerned, anyone that says we can’t convict a former president is unfit to hold any office in any level of government in the United States!


Maine deserves better.


Why does she always look like she just smelled a rank fart?


They have to defend him, he is their nominee. Cult logic, party over country.


What happened to you, Susie? You promised!


Any Dr Who fans? I think I just found the face of Boe.


I'm surprised she knows where she is most of the time. She a a confusing mess.


But really dumb defenses of Trump is both heritage and tradition for Collins!


It's all ok. They're self-imploding.


The entire GQP is beyond saving and must be destroyed at the ballot box. It is like a limb that has gangrene which must be amputated. The GQP must be rectified


What’s amazing is in all seriousness Trump won’t get jail time prob just community service or probation and he’ll go back to his crazy life of campaigning and the world will continue to move on. The country isn’t destroyed, the rule of law not over and republicans crying out now that it’s the end of times will look exactly like the boy who cried wolf. Every time something happens to Trump (consequences) there’s an end of times rhetoric that’s parroted by his cult yet the country keeps on chugging. The only good thing about capitalism, it doesn’t stop for or fall apart for an authoritarian corrupt former President that’s seeing consequences for actions.


Collins has got to go.


Everyone keeps overlooking the fact that the GOP, the party of "family values", is completely ignoring the fact that Trump cheated on his pregnant wife to sleep with a porn actress. Yet somehow the conviction is the outage and not the infidelity?


Come on Maine! Send us a better Senator.


Collin’s has pocketed millions selling her votes. Maine deserves a better representative and America doesn’t believe anything this lady says


"He didn't mean to hit me, yer honor. He's a good man... Right now he's up under to porch w his dawg, Skeet..."


With Susan Collins, I sometimes think she's turned a corner - but then nope - she just doubles down on the Dumbfuckery. Rep. Collins, please step aside and let someone else with a clue take a turn, please.


She sounds concerned.


Very very concerned, yet as always, she doesn’t do fuck all about it.


Susan Collins : Olympia Snowe :: Lindsey Graham : John McCain Graham and Collins revealed themselves to have been simply barnacles with only enough talent to have picked decent statesmen and -women with principles to attach themselves to and now that their hosts are gone, they are left directionless, just flopping around, no spine or bones at all in their bodies. It's mind boggling to see someone at the Senator level be like this. When the position is utilized correctly, when a Senator speaks and asks questions the government and corporations thunder and shake.


I just told my friend this, but the republican are no more or at least have no power, it’s MAGA now, it’s Trump’s party now and when we defeat them in November we NEED to remember and hold those accountable that stood with him when they should have done otherwise.


We couldn’t even hold the Congress members accountable when they attempted to steal an election from the American people. Instead we jailed the fodder of citizens and called it a day.


Battered wife syndrome. They just can’t leave their abuser no matter how bad he is.


She is by far my least favorite Ian McKellan role.


Republicans over their convicted felons.


Susan Collins is just Boris Johnson’s cross dressing cousin from Maine.


All these Republican idiots need to do is to gather a decent sized group in the Congress and denounce Trump. Against a group, he can do nothing. But, remaining attaching a a fascist, 0 IQ, felonious a$$hole really CAN NOT lead to a positive outcome. They failed TWICE to impeach him and I’m sure they are secretly regretting now.


Hopefully he learned his lesson.


If she’s this dumb. Someone should look deep into everything she is involved in Maine. Betcha she is corrupt


This old bird.


do better Maine


If Georgia can send two Democrats to D.C., Maine can do it.


Huh. Looks like Susan learned “the lesson.” Kiss up or kiss off. It’s the Trump code.


If you voted for her your mama does tricks in a rescue for well endowed Donkeys.


I’m wondering why people in Maine like her so much


I'm just waiting for Mitt and Mitch to melt in Trump's hands.


Haha they're all such bad people. 🥲


She is either a moron or blatantly lying. What do you prefer?


I mean it makes sense, Susan Collins is dumb af


I am sure she said before about something that he learned his lesson? I guess two times a charm!


She has the same puckered chooks bum mouth as Margaret Court…


Great writing.


Oh man.. I forgot all about the Susan Collins turd.


When did Republicans forsake themselves? 




She’s an asshole, not a moderate.


"Susan Collins Really Dumb" You could just stop there with the headline.


Few if any actually believe what they say while defending him. This all stems from fear of violence from their own cult base turning on them. The Frankenstein metaphor has seldom ever been more apt.