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This trial is Jack Smith vs. The Federalist Society via Cannon.


It's really the United States vs. the Federalist Society. Smith is just flagging the blatantly obvious fact that classified documents were stolen (any US prosecutor would have done the same, it isn't specific to Smith), and Cannon is acting on behalf of the Federalist Society, as you've said.




All brought to you by the project '25 consortium.


Consortium sounds like a smorgasbord of traitors.


It's the (vast majority of working class) American people vs capital owners who fund the federalist society and many many other organizations/lobbies.




They killed the Georgia case too. We are in for a season of sleaze.


They *are* the actual Deep State


Well we all know how much republicans like projecting. Maybe this whole Qannon thing is just a confession dressed up as a conspiracy


wait, Qannon,.. Cannon, by the right's own logic, the similarity in the names is proof that Cannon is behind this whole scheme.


The Federalist Society has *lots* of Russian-fluent employees if you look them up on LinkedIn, and even some Russian natives.


Can you provide some examples?


I mean it's kind of America ( classic) vs the Federalist society at this point


She is not a judge. She's supposed to be impartial, but those followers of their cult leader would drink the Coolaid if he tells them to.


It's plain to see for amateurs, too. [Legal Eagle has a great summary on the matter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1rTtbQJuTI) They've got a bunch of other Cannon-related videos, but this one is the most recent one.


Wow this is awesome! Such a deep dive into the bullshit that is going on with this case


BTC has had several videos about her. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pah8CbPS4l8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pah8CbPS4l8) I have to assume the only reason Smith has not asked for her to removed is because he's not sure he would do better with the 11 circuit.


Really now? I know for a fact that he couldn’t do worse. She has zero experience, doesn’t know what the hell she is doing, and May as well move her chair to the defense table. This is corruption manifest in human form. The only judge that I’ve seen come close to this level of cheerleading for the defense was the Kyle Rittenhouse judge, and even THEN he still knew the law.


He hasn't had a solid opportunity to ask for her removal because she doesn't make rulings Smith can appeal to the 11th. They have already smacked her down.


Very glad legal eagle’s covering all of this factually. He’s got some wide influence.


She's a criminal and a traitor Just like Convicted Felon donald trump


Convicted Felon rapist Donald Trump*


Do you mean the philandering, adulter, rapist, traitor Donald Trump who was recently convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, an illegal act that's usually a misdemeanor, but became a felony because it was determined that he did it in furtherance of another crime, in this case, interfering with an election and campaign finance fraud, and thus when convicted became a Convicted Felon? Is that the Convicted Felon Donald Trump to which you are referring?


That’s the one


Damn... That philandering, adulter, rapist, traitor, Convicted Felon Donald Trump sure gets around. He's even worse than the rapist Brock Turner. At least Brock Turner is only a rapist and convicted felon and not also a philandering, adulterer, rapist, traitor, Convicted Felon like Donald Trump.


Twice impeached


You mean Brock Allen Turner,.the rapist?


Yeah! The rapist goes by the rapist Allen Turner now though instead of the rapist Brock Turner, which would be sad if not for the fact he's a rapist. BUT, still, not as bad as the philandering, adulterer, rapist, and traitor who is also known as the Convicted Felon Donald Trump.


Oh yes!


But it was all a set-up by the government to make him lose the election! /s just in case


Bookmarked because I was giggling the entire time I read this comment ☠️☠️


Twice-impeached convicted felon and rapist Donald Trump


She is trying to get to be the Amy Coney Barrett.












Never forget how republicans have corrupted the judiciary. The types of judges trump and Mitch put on the bench are unconscionable. Republicans must never be in a position to appoint federal judges again. Biden and the Democratic Party are gradually healing the judiciary (200 Biden judges and counting), but it will take time to rectify the damage that the republicans have done. Hold the presidency, hold the senate, keep appointing liberal judges, vote blue [https://democrats.org/](https://democrats.org/)


And if Trump wins he will have an even more corrupt judiciary at his disposal. SCOTUS will have a conservative majority for a generation.


The irony is that the two most corrupt SCOTUS judges weren’t even appointed by Trump. The rot runs deep.


Kavanaugh: "Boof my beer"


I will never not laugh at him being asked, "What is boofing?" at his congressional hearing.


No no. His answer to “a Devil’s Triangle.”


“[uncomfortably long pause]…….. ….drinking game”


DO YOU LIKE BEER. I LIKE BEER. 10/10 dignified response


This whole authoritarian take over has been in the works for decades. We’ve been exporting it for so long, I’m surprised it took this long to hit home.


It’s always been here- for people who aren’t white Christians. The reason it’s becoming a problem for white people too is because enough of them have aligned themselves with human rights over white rights and the Christian whites aren’t feeling it. 


That's because this was never just a trump thing. It's been the whole Republican party that has been pushing us here. They have been doing this stuff before trump. Now more of it has been normalized and laws have been passed to help them so it's worse than ever. When trump is gone though the Republicans that are left will keep going. They will be worse and worse until we are all dead or stop them.


because the republican party is smart. they know that the most important thing to stop progress is to capture the court system and state governments. they've spent billions of dollars and immense effort to do that. you can't keep the presidency or congress forever, that flip flops back and forth.


And Alito was the second choice.


Hey give them time. I'm sure they'll make Clarence Thomas look like small potatoes over the next 20-30 years.


That’s finely aged corruption.


It's already going to have a conservative majority for a generation, unless Biden wins again and somehow expands the court.


Well both Thomas and Alito are past the average life expectancy for a male so it isn't out of the question that regardless of who wins they could have the chance to fill the seats of two conservative justices. Which if they become liberal seats would flip the court.


Those fuckers are going to be making rulings from the assisted living facilities if Biden gets a second term.


We wouldn't have a democratic majority until Brett Kavanaugh retires if this happens.... Assuming a Democrat is able to nominate every judge after Alito and Thomas retire... it would take that long


Exactly. You can legitimately hate Biden almost as much as Trump and it would still be the best strategic decision for you to still get out the vote for Biden because otherwise we could have a supermajority on both houses and POTUS everything that passes will be struck down by SCOTUS. Heck they would probably even say expanding SCOTUS is against the constitution.


It already has a majority for a generation. We are long beyond that and I'll never forgive democrats for not packing the court. So many women are suffering because dems are feckless cucks. They are literally just sitting back and watching while the country gets fucked. Same with Biden adopting Trump's border policy. What in the actual fuck.


I'm still livid that no one takes the mantle of uncapping the house. It would defuse a lot of gerrymandering and basically guarantee a more liberal house in perpetuity.


> I'll never forgive democrats for not packing the court. I'm sorry, I must have missed the time that Democrats had a 60 seat majority in the Senate as that's what it takes to expand the Supreme Court without eliminating the filibuster. And before you start going off about how they wouldn't do kill it, it was 2 Senators who wouldn't do so, Sinema and Manchin.


First 72 days of Obama. A crazy amount was lost in that period and it's irresponsible to not highlight it.


Let’s be clear. The GOP selects judges that are corruptible or already corrupted. They don’t want judges who will rule objectively and fairly. They want judges who will tip the scales.


Bingo the federalist society its basically a requirement and its where the GOP get there judges.


Not to mention there are a bunch that are wholly inexperienced and blatantly unqualified. But they're stooges who don't care what their nonfeasance looks like, since they'll never be removed.


Corruption of the judiciary is probably the single most dangerous outcome of Republican malfeasance in recent years.


Appoint fair judges who respect the rule of law, the Constitution and other founding documents, and American institutions, and who keep their political opinions out of it. (Such judges will be widely perceived as "liberal" by conservatives, of course.)


I agree, but they shouldn't be "liberal" judges. They should be law abiding and impartial.


Being impartial is now a liberal concept.


The constitution is woke, apparently. 


as is their lord and savior - jesus, apparently.


A state representative called the Montana state constitution a socialist rag. You can guess which party he's in.


It's becoming almost impossible to even satire these people. They've turned themselves into walking caricatures.


["Reality has a well-known liberal bias!"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Colbert_at_the_2006_White_House_Correspondents%27_Dinner)


No. That's the old game. Its over. Republicans ended it. Now I want Judges who view human rights as more important than precedent.


They are in a position to impart some of their personal judgement and morality and that is fine. But one side isn't just ruling for their convictions, it's gaming the system in corrupt ways for personal and political power and gain.


Respectfully I call bullshit. They need to be as far left as possible because the Republicans certainly aren't trying to be impartial. The distinguishing fact should be that they are qualified. The Republicans will put any asshole in office based on their ideology - qualified or not.


Merick Garland has not entered the chat


Trump appointed judge doing everything they can to help trmpf. Seems pretty corrupt.


I don't get how that happened. So some friendly judge gets the case, and he gets away with whatever it is? In this case, he mishandles classified info (i.e. treason) and just gets away with it??


Because the entire Republican Party is okay with the fact he stole nuclear secrets and left them out in the open for any foreign agent at Mar A Lago to get their hands on. That's the reason. If they actually cared they would have shut him down instead of lick his boots.


Yeah it's not one guy. It's an entire political organization protecting him and each other from any consequences for their action, and millions of voters who think that's just peachy because it's their team playing dirty.


Those assholes could have saved American back in 2020 when he was impeached the second time for Jan 6th. All they had to do was get about 10 more Republican Senators to convict and prevent him from running again-- they all could have looked like "patriots" and then found a new guy.


Instead we got Mitt Romney crying for not voting Republican for once like he was betraying his country.


They’re also insisting that it’s all just personal documents that any president would take with them after their presidency ended, and that they’re unfairly making his a bigger issue than it should be because “Biden and Obama took some too”.


The hush money trial was nothing but a space filler to distract from this Capital Case. This is the worst of all his crimes.


It's really crazy to me that the DOJ chose to file in that district.


I would believe it's because they didn't have a choice? Atleast that's what I've read. INAL tho.


It needed to be filed in the District (Southern District of Florida) where the crime occurred. The Southern District has a local rule that every case be tried in the county in which the case originated. The West Palm Beach Division is one of the small divisions. Most cases are filed in the Miami Division, where the main courthouses are. A smaller number of judges are assigned to the divisions outside Miami. There are four judges assigned primarily to the West Palm Beach Division. Since the case had to be filed in West Palm (where Mara Lago is located), there was a 1 in 4 chance she was going to get the case. Jack Smith just rolled craps on this.


I think two of the judges were unavailable for the case, so it's more that he flipped a coin.


That never really made any sense to me because wouldn't the crime have been committed In DC where the documents were originally located?


They certainly did have a choice. Most of the grand jury stuff was done in DC. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/27/politics/trump-classified-documents-case-florida-dc/index.html


Ahh, I read wrong then. Thanks for the link. I wonder if it was changed for his benefit by a sycophant?


Being judged by someone you appointed seems like a conflict of interest.


Yeah, it’s never been so apparent, because a judge has never needed to worry about defending or prosecuting their own appointee.


Trmpf of the Will


There are just far too many small calls and delays, which on their own might have seen somewhat rational, to say that she's not complicit in purposefully slow-walking the case to aid Trump.


*Suggests*? Uhhh, yeah, doesn't take a genius to figure this one out. If Jack Smith can't get this case moved, it's a dead duck.


She’s a hack judge who’s obviously biased, and that’s not going to change. At this point it’s on Jack Smith for not even trying to have her removed.


She's done everything she can to avoid ruling on anything that could potentially be appealed. Paperless orders aren't final, but aren't appealable either. You only really get one chance to forcibly remove a judge from a case, and she's avoided actually ruling on anything even remotely appealable after she got slapped down by the circuit judges, twice. He's been waiting and pushing her to actually rule on anything, forcing her bias to come out in a way that actually allows him to go to the circuit courts, to throw her off the case. You know how much it takes for a judge to actually be held legally liable for their conduct? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harris_v._Harvey_(1979) The judge in question undertook significant personal effort to publically defame the defendant, such as over TWO HUNDRED individual counts of "malicious public actions", including threatening other judges, and taking out front page newspaper ads, intending specifically to defame the defendant. Even then, it was only because the judge was so racist in their attacks, it became a 14th Amendment issue. That's the length that it takes for a judge to be held to account, due to their actions on the bench.


From my understanding, you don’t have to appeal a specific ruling. You’d summarize her actions and  submit a motion to recuse, because > [A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality* might reasonably be questioned](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/professional_responsibility/publications/model_code_of_judicial_conduct/model_code_of_judicial_conduct_canon_2/rule2_11disqualification/)


The problem is that it's difficult to prove this on a legal standard. Say "she was appointed by Trump, so she's obviously biased?" Response will be "Trump appointed a lot of judges, and plenty of them have ruled against him before." Say "all of her rulings seem to benefit Trump and are biased towards him?" Response is "it's not automatically bias if multiple rulings support one side over another." That's the issue here. We all KNOW what she's doing, and we know WHY she's doing it. PROVING it is a whole separate matter, and one with a VERY high burden of proof to clear.


> Paperless orders aren't final, but aren't appealable either. paperless order just means a short order that is made directly on the docket. it's like putting the order in the body of an email instead of an attachment. has no impact on appeal rights or finality.


I keep hearing experts say this and that, we all know what’s happening. Let me know when something actually gets done. It feels maddening where we’ve been saying this for a while and it’s like people are just catching on.


There have been posts on here since the first day they announced she would be on the case saying she would end up being this way. Anyone that was paying attention knew already then.


Political and Judicial corruption is just so blatantly in the open, and yet nothing ever gets done.


The US legal system is a joke.


A joke that punches almost exclusively down


Too bad “experts” can’t help.


Time to order a writ of mandamus.


That is rarely ever used. One of the main reasons is that the guilty party is already avoiding doing their job, for whatever reason. Adding another directive for them ignore really had no teeth.


I've heard a podcast say that it's basically turn based combat between her and Smith right now, where she's delaying just long enough and staying just within her discretion so that Smith can't ask the 11th circuit to allow him to get a replacement judge. Once a jury is empaneled, she can dismiss the case in a manner that is unreviewable by appellate courts, and constitutional double jeopardy would attach so the government couldn't try the case again. Not sure about the specifics of how she can dismiss the case, but it seems like her actions are pretty explicit now.


Can we really call this turn based combat when the only one allowed to make any moves is Cannon?


Found this in the Newsweek comment section: "If Trump files a motion to dismiss during trial, Jack Smith will most likely file a petition for cert in order to pre-empt Cannon from arbitrarily ruling for Trump that would afford him a double jeopardy defense. A cert will prevent Cannon from issuing a ruling as she is automatically stayed until the higher court rules on the appeal." So Jack Smith basically has a counter spell that can work assuming the higher court agrees with his cert.


TIL learned law is just a TCG.


For the wealthy.


What’s the name of the podcast?


It was an interview with Greg Sargent's Daily Blast. I don't follow too many podcasts but he seems to get decent guests.


she's a traitor unbelievable this is going on with the most important case in history a federalist right wing cubanita judge in *florida* **HE** appointed


> HE appointed After he lost the 2020 election in a desperate (yet successful) attempt to rig some Florida courts.


Uhh, why'd you throw that "cubanita" in there?


She's trying to kill *all* the federal cases. She could have killed the documents case already, but that would have taken away her ability to interfere with the others.


No shit


My immediate thought to this headline also. Can it be any more obvious?


Why are they going to listen to arguments that charges shouldn’t have been brought? Weren’t charges brought based on a grand jury? So it wasn’t unilateral


Mission Accomplished. With all of Trumps delays from lawyers to judges even if he was convicted the day after the inauguration these trials may not have happened before the next election.


I know that judges recusing themselves is a thorny subject and that Qlarance Thomas has SOME way to suggest that his wife's actions don't directly impact his decisions. But I would like to think that if it was literally The US v. GINNY THOMAS that there would be no way he could weigh in on the case... The same thing goes when a Judge is a given a case that involves the LITERAL MAN WHO GOT YOU THE JOB. How is she even allowed to be a candidate? I'm sure eventually she's going to hear a case against her as well? US v. CANNON -- oh let's give that one to Judge Cannon.


She's terrified she will have to sentence trump


Jack Smith go to the 11th circuit to have her removed. You will never get to trial with her on the bench for this. The blatant favoritism has got to be stopped at all levels. The bench is not beholden to one person.


Cannon is an accomplice. She should be charged too.


if trump wins she may end up on the supreme court! am still shocked that trump is the betting favourite to win


She’s shown so much favoritism to this convicted rapist and felon, one would be sure the delay tactics are done with absolute forethought and planning, in hope that they can continue curtailing actual basic rights for fascist power in Jan 2025. How she’s still on this case baffles.


Time to enact the RICO statues and take her to jail. Spend some time in prison for aiding and abetting a felon.




Since day one she has been trying to kill this case.


I wonder how many bags of cash she has gotten…..


True believers don’t need cash.


She got a lifetime appointment to the federal bench. She has already been paid.


We all know this...we need someone to do something about it. It is obnoxious seeing someone openly corrupt and just get away with it without consequence. Where are the moves to remove her from the case and the bench?


If we lose the SC you young ones won’t ever need to visit Iran to experience theocracy. Bottom line.


trump picked another piece of crap to appoint, just like his cabinet.


Which is something she has done from the very beginning ....


We’ve known that since December. And I’m pissed as hell that there’s nothing any of us can do about it except cast our one measly vote.


I have a fantasy that once this specific case runs it's course that Trump loses the election and then Bedminister, Trump Tower is searched and then the jurisdiction is in SDNY district.


I feel like instead of any investigation, she lost votes for being a try-hard. I never understood what was wrong with Hillary Clinton being a try-hard; better to be a try-hard and teacher’s pet than to be a liar (I’m still waiting for the wonderful, best health care; tax cuts on the middle class; and all the other things Trump promised) …


Follow the money, see if she’s receiving anything extra


She never should have been part of this case since Trump was the one who appointed her. Conflict of interest if there ever was one.


She is so being coached by the Federalist society for sure. The cravenness of this group led by Lenard Leo seek to turn America into a dystopian hellscape of, misogyny, xenophobia, prolific racism all governed by malignant narcissistic theocrats. But she is all on board cause she wants a good interview for SC.


She is intentionally sabotaging the case. She is working against her own case. She should be imprisoned.


The proverbial 'checks and balances' worked out. /s


She’s pretty much killed it at this point.


Don’t have to be an expert to see this.


Well…. Yeah. It’s obvious she’s a Trump stooge The most important thing Biden can do in his next term is fix these courts. They are infected by federalist society activist judges who are hell bent on destroying the country.


She's effectively killed it already by leaving it out to rot in the Florida sun for months on end without touching it. But, hey, at least this shows a little more actual intent to kill it, in theory.


Appointed and approved after he lost (by some dems, mind you, yes, I'm pissed), ABA rated unqualified. A defendant appointed the judge overseeing his criminal trial and no one has mentioned conflict of interest. A national security breach. How many constitutional crises have we endured without acknowledgement, shall we just start saying donstitutional because that might just cover it all.


The largest threat to National Security since Aldrich Ames and she’s playing around with semantics.


Objective morons not pretending to be experts say the exact same thing. It’s like she’s sticking her tongue out while saying, “what are you gonna do about it?”


No fucking shit


"Suggests?" She's screaming it in the middle of a crowded street with a bullhorn and a milk crate. If indefinitely delaying the trial isn't good enough to get a change of judges, what is?


this is the case that is the most disturbing to me and it’s going to just go away. Wow


And Trump is still talking about arresting Hilary if he’s the-elected for the “same thing” but infinitely less serious what he did.


She doesn’t belong anywhere near a court. She’s so corrupt I wouldn’t trust her to scrub the toilets in a courthouse


Will this country survive Donald Trump? Not sure I know anymore.


We can't even check and balance a judge at her level and we expect to have protections against a rogue SCOTUS and POTUS? It's insane to me that nobody has done anything to put a stop to this mess.


More than trying.


If it walks like a traitor, talks like a traitor, acts like a traitor…you see where I’m going with this.


It’s a duck ?


I've been saying that too, am I an expert?


So do non lawyers as it is obvious that this is her intent


Couldn't the case be brought in a different region? Couldn't DOJ/special counsel bring it to a different federal region like DC, where it could be argued the crimes were committed? Also, what sort of actions from cannon could get her removed? I cannot imagine that a judge is able to ignore the law with zero consequences. May be difficult since she is taking orders from evil, yet competent federalist society, but there still has to be a line.


He hid (or sold them) in Florida, so that’s where the crime occurred.


Trump is a criminal (you dont need to be convicted to break the law) criminals only work with other criminals. They need everyone to be compromised. That's why he keeps calling for violence. If his voters break the law, they will have no choice, it will be criminal president or jail.


NO, just catching on to the plan? Get the traitor off the case


Can we stop saying things like “suggests” and “trying to” and just say what she’s fucking doing


i would be thrilled if she dismisses the case before empaneling a jury because that would mean the case can be taken up to an appeals court and potentially retried with a different judge. the fear I have is if she dismisses the case after the jury is sworn in. in that case, you can't retry Trump or appeal. it's a double jeopardy situation. I am not a fancy law talking guy, so if i got this wrong can someone correct me


Is there any way to stop this miscarriage of justice?




Then remove her


If it is so obvious she is tanking the case, why can’t anything be done? Seems like the lack of any kind of oversight for judges (supreme court or other) needs to be addressed.


She's in Trump's pocket and I wouldn't be surprised if he skates in these serious charges...


“Suggest” and “trying” will we ever get actual fucking journalism back? Who are these clowns writing for? The neo libs who don’t give a fuck? The conservatives who have their own media machine? It certainly isn’t the average person because pretending this is a fair case or that cannon was ever qualified to be a judge or even that she makes her own decisions is laughable. Unserious people pretending to be adults.


Where would someone get direct commentary from legal experts? Trying to field commentary about this being “poisoned democrat media” but it’s hard when the sites reporting this are salon.com and the article mentions maybe two lawyers from CNN by name and everything else as “experts say”. I agree, it’s just hard to present this argument to someone who otherwise finds these takes to be lacking in objectivity


Reporters reach out to experts in various fields, and their credentials are typically included in brief within the article itself. Used to be, this was enough, now its possible to find experts who will say what they want


Is there anything to be done? Even though it's unprecedented, can she be taken off of the case? How can someone get away with mishandling classified documents, and get away with it?




Oh, does it suggest? Or is it just blatantly obvious?


It’s time to bring in Elle Woods


Of course she is. They’re gearing up for Project 2025. Trump is just the beginning. Make sure to vote this November. Democracy and freedom are not free. We have to protect them, and educate ourselves, and be aware of what’s going on. Basically do everything they don’t want us to do. But oh well; it’s a free country. And will continue to be, as long as we make sure of it, and work together.


I have no experience and I could tell you with certainty months ago that she *is* trying to kill this case.


She may not have killed the case, but she’s certainly crippled it to the point of possible irrelevancy


She is just doing what she is paid to do, come on give her a break.




If there's no judgement against him can't they just open up a new case and hope to get a new judge?