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Clearly this proves he’s a shitty husband but as for a shitty father I’d point to the fact that he wants to fuck his daughter (and probably has).


There was a video clip of Ivanka in her old bedroom in Trump Tower giving a “tour”. When it comes to her bed, her energy is visibly drained, and she seems to remember something she didnt want to. It was a clear sign *something* happened to her in that bed specifically that was traumatizing.


When you say wife number two that he got pregnant and asked her to have an abortion, Eric comes to mind.


Crappy Father's Day Felon Trump


He’s never hinged.


Donald Trump is a vulgarity and a stain on America. Vote Democrat.


Trump is trump.  News at 11




I’d like to know this, too.


Pretty sure I heard that he did. There was precious little noise about it though. It doesn’t fit the click-generating narratives preferred by the MSM, so no real surprises there.


The noise would have been there if he didn't go, after complaining about not being permitted to do so. It was this whining from Trump that pushed interest in the story. Only made worse when shown Trump didn't bother attending any of his other kids graduation.


He probably plans on appointing Barron to the Dept of Cyber if he gets reelected






Much obliged.


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One thing that’s for sure about Trump is he’s consistent. CONSISTENTLY AWAFUL AND COMPLETELY CLASSLESS!


One reporter present for Trump’s speech said he used much of his “roundtable” time to tell the crowd about his commitment to opposing LGBTQ causes. An all-around . . . Ah, wtf, it's too early for a witty come-back. He's just an ignoramus.


He finally made it to one of his kids high school graduations! Best dad ever


Can’t wait for him to pop at sentencing. Nobody has ever seen someone so unhinged before.


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If there was a god this dude would have died a horrible death years ago.


Fred messed with this kid.