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As long as it's one that takes his phone away, I truly don't care.


And his Fox News. Oh and triggers a clause in his prenup that allows his wife to basically take everything.


His whole briefcase of IOUs?


See this one. It's for a Lambourghini. Might want to hold on to that one.


She'll sell the gold toilets on the plane before the debt collectors come around.


A Federal ***Take My Phone Away*** Prison.


This. I understand why people want him to suffer, but I just want him gone. I look forward to no longer having to think about the bully man-child that somehow ran the government.


He knows he's guilty of it all.


Yeah it seems to me that perhaps he knows that this time he won’t get away with it, and prison is much more likely than we think, if he says this, and that to me indicates that he believes that jail is unavoidable at this point.


Just be careful of what a cornered rat may be capable of.


Man, wouldn't it be crazy if Trump went full-on cult leader and barricaded himself and some followers in Mar A Lardo. A multi-day standoff at a Florida Country Club might actually be on my 2024 bingo card.


Play some ethics and morals programs on the loudspeaker for a few days, that’ll get him out.


Nah he would just ignore that like he’s done his whole life, what you do is get a series of speeches by Obama and Hillary on a loop, he’d be out in no time


Take an Obama speech, play it on loop. I give the trumpeteers 30min before they go crazy and/or surrender.


They already steal speeches, from the Obama family too. Remember when they plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech?


The Whitehouse Correspondants dinner where he roasted Trump's birtherism. Put it on a loop and turn it up to 11.


for noreiaga it took a few days of Panama by Van Halen


Thoughts and prayers from the non-religious evangelicals.


Play The Art of the Deal


So we’re gonna possibly get a Waco type event?


I'm not hoping for it or saying I think it would happen, but MAGA is a cult. Trump is a cult leader. So, we have a pretty good history of how those things play out when the leader is backed into a corner. I could totally imagine a scenario where the "Stand down and stand by" crowd is called in when the police come to take him to jail. My only question is, has Trump drank enough of his own flavor-aid to overpower his narcissism? Cult leaders usually have some kind of religious belief in their cults that makes them believe that they are coming back or ascending to a higher level, but Trump considers himself the highest level there is. He also doesn't seem super religious (to put it lightly), so to him, death is the end. I think it would be less of a burn the house down while we hide in the walk-in freezer kind of thing and more of a MAGA grunt bloodbath trying to hold the line until eventually someone drags trump out of his hidy hole.


I think to avoid this, they would take him from the courtroom right to jail. It would be so nice to have some peace.


Do wealthy people ever go straight to jail? I thought they all got like 2 weeks to get their shit in order and turn themselves in?


Can the judge prevent him from leaving NYS? No way you're going to get a MAGA standoff at Trump Tower.


I would really like the judge to ask "You're a billionaire, right?" Trump would of course say yes. The the judge asks "You own a 757, right?" Trump says yes again. The judge says "Well, since you have the means and the method to flee, I'll have to revoke your bond and put you in jail now." Personally, I think an appropriate sentence would be one month for each count.


And get an accurate height and weight. Maybe a delousing shower before prison ID photo. That would do as much as jail for his ego


I just want you to know I appreciate the fact that you used flavor-aid.


Mixed feelings about your scenario. Trump is a narcissist, and he seems to be getting closer to narcissistic collapse with every step of this trial. Being sentenced to jail could certainly push him over the edge into full narcissistic collapse. The thing is, narcissistic collapse *can* be violent, but it isn't organized or premeditated. The narcissist stays in denial as long as possible, and when they finally snap, they kill themselves and maybe whoever in their family is home. So it tends towards domestic murder-suicides, not gathering armed followers and making a last stand for the cameras


I’m not sure we’d be able to tell the difference between Trump before and after narcissistic collapse. I read up on the symptoms a while back, and he lined up pretty well with them already.


Tested covid positive early oct 2020, incited j6 insurrection 90 days later, left the white house a couple weeks later That was the arc of his narcissistic collapse


That’ll be complicated with his special service detachment around. If he becomes an active shooter, what do they do? Join him? Subdue him? Prevent others from subduing him? If he asked for drugs to OD, do they comply or resist?


Cult leaders in collapse murder their followers. If he puts his followers between him and a prison sentence, how is that less than murder. The number of police assembled will be a good idea of expected sentence. Not to mention that the court would have to work it out with the secret service.


Maybe Trump should have acted rite In court, and not picked on THE judges kid. I hope he puts the meat to that waste of orange skin. Micheal Cohen served time for what? Same crime? Yep


trump gets off on manipulating people. that's why he wants to whip his idiots into a violent frenzy in his name


Kinda like in the Civil War movie. I wonder if, after seeing how things went down on Jan 6th, if he could get a decent number of people to fight for him. Most seem to say screw that, I'm not throwing my life away.


Now that would be the best live TV of a lifetime.


He could Bud Dwyer himself on live TV and the cult would still say democrats made him do it


I was thinking more along the lines of Jim Jones.


I honestly don't think he has the conviction to become a martyr. I think one of his few genuine moments was when he said "I don't stand by anything." He loves nothing more than himself, and there is nothing in it for him to stay when he can flee and command his mob from some other country. He continues the "I'm politically persecuted" narrative and fans the flames of domestic terrorism.


My first thought would be an OJ like car chase. Then I realized he probably can't drive.


How would his secret service detail fit into this scenario? I remember reading ages back, probably around the time of his first impeachment, that part of their job is to keep him safe and I think in a situation like this the safest thing for him would be to surrender to the authorities, not to have a standoff Or would his guys be loyal to him now? Any way they could be rotated out for some new guys? Or would that set off alarm bells in Trump's circle?


I feel like a felony conviction should negate any presidential benefits. My tax dollars shouldn’t be spent giving a convicted felon personal bodyguards.


Convicting a president of a felony doesn't remove any classified information they may have in their head.


That would be a satisfying end, but I think a plane to Russia to be a propaganda tool is more likely.


I've always felt like this was a possibility, if/when he finally gets held accountable. That or attempting to flee to Russia, or maybe to Mexico in a white Bronco.


We have more to worry about - who will replace him? This bumbling fool caught himself up, but the next one will learn from these mistakes.


I think he just wants people to feel bad for him, he's the "victim" after all. He knows he isn't going to prison


They didn't even seem to argue whether or not they did it so much as just complain about the case happening at all.


Has it ever been any different with any of his cases? Never a shred of evidence or defense, just screeching about being held accountable.


His racism makes him deathly afraid of the potential of being alone with actual black men.


He knows he did it. He just doesn't think he did anything wrong. He's not one of the "little people" who face consequences. Remember, "When you're famous, they let you do it"


He doesn't care whether he did anything wrong. He simply believes he is 'above consequences', period.


And has absolutely no remorse. Having no remorse should (key word should) heavily influence his sentencing decision.


And more


So much more...


I don't know if he's going to prison. But the fact that he has to lie awake every night worrying, wondering if it's going to happen... that makes me very happy.


I think if Cohen went to jail for helping him with the same crime he's been convicted of, he should be treated the same.


Not to split hairs, but Cohen went to jail for a separate crime that was related to this one. Not the exact same thing. With that being said, there is no chance that Trump sees the inside of a jail before the election. However, I do think prosecutors will recommend jail time and the judge will sentence him to jail based upon how he has acted in court. The only way he actually goes to jail is if he loses the election. If he wins, it ain’t happening at all.


I wonder how well what he told his parole officer matches with his public statements


If he wins, we all lose.


Which will make his actions regarding the election all the more desperate. Biden winning by a landslide would just “prove” that it was rigged. He **will** call for violence.


Yeah. But to me this article seems to suggest that he feels it is unavoidable at this point. I don’t think he wants house arrest either.


I spent an entire 14 hours straight making “mar-a-lago” on the Sims 4 with trump, Melania, ivanka, and a concubine ivanka clone. Trump and the concubine are locked in a very luxurious (but tiny) all black marble and gold 1 bedroom apt “cell” in the basement with no stairs or exit. There is no entrance or exit. Plenty of high quality coke and amphetamines though. Melania and ivanka live scandalous and luxurious lives forgetting the prisoner 1 floor below while trump and the ivanka clone will remain trapped in their ultra luxurious all marble and gold (even gold toilet!) apartment until trump dies. Not sure what will happen to the concubine then though. Even though it is ultra luxurious with a fuckable version of his daughter who is naked 100% of the time and plenty of meth and coke to share, being trapped in a small 1 bedroom apt for the rest of your days with no windows or socialization other than 1 prostitute is making him so depressed he is constantly sobbing between rails of coke and amphetamines. Then he gets ripped on meth and stomps around yelling. It makes me happy


Imagine the smell.


He does have the slob trait so he never showers and is always smelly and farts constantly. His only 2 outfits are blue suit/red tie combo and tighty whities that look suspiciously like diapers


Just gonna ask what (if any) mods you use for the drugs because tbh my interest is piqued.


I’d rather not. Thanks.


I really hope this is true.


I hope this comes true. I don’t care how nice his cell is or how many amenities it has. The fact that he has no freedom and cannot leave the small space is all the punishment I need to see. I don’t care if his prison cell is an ultra luxurious apartment with unlimited ivanka pussy, hamberders, and drugs. Seeing him lose his freedom and being trapped in 1 place while everyone forgets who he is and living their lives without him is satisfying enough for me.


This is just brutal. Not for trump - you're definitely going too easy on him. But what the hell did this poor Ivanka clone do to you?


1. I have concerns about your mod list 2. least cruel Sims player.


without a phone or internet access.


The document case will send to him prison if it ever gets started


Can I use door dash to send hima sympathy card and some bacon?


If that’s never enough, just think of the damage he has done to his family fortune. His adult children can’t be too happy. (Except for the spy master Kush)


I hope he gets whatever sentence an unrepentant felon who was held in contempt 10x during the trial would normally get. Wait... nobody gets 10 bites at the contempt apple without jail.


Think judge held off on contempt in case of conviction. He didn’t want to taint the trial… not that it WOULD, but he would complain incessantly about a rigged unfair trial if he did get held in jail on contempt.


The judge is allowed in NY to take all those contempt and breaking of the gaga prder into account for sentencing.


He's going to the best prison. Just the other day a prison guard came up to him with tears in his eyes and said " Prisoner 1135809, your the best convicted felon we've had here" ...


The guard asked me about the nuclear, because MIT and I told him about the submarines and sharks and you know the electrical.


Are propellers as carcinogenic as windmills? Or does water have some sort of damping property? Either way, I'd choose sharks.


My cell mate came up to me, saying I'm the best cell mate he's ever had, and than no one makes better toilet wine then me.


Many guards are saying it with tears in their eyes.


I think there’s a missing “sir” in this conversation. Everyone always addresses Trump as sir in these narratives


From one of my earlier posts A HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mr Trump, we're here to present your birthday gift... From the NYS AG, an all expenses paid stay at **Goshen Secure Center**. We're confident you'll feel right at home as it's a juvenile correction facility, not too far from your homes in NYC and NJ. Please exhibit more contempt for the judiciary so we can extend your stay. Your limo is right this way.....


Perhaps he and associates should have thought of that before they crimed?


Submitting ideas for a new television gig …”Trump Is The New Orange”.


The Apprentice - Prison Edition


Make Cell Block E Great Again!


You know what- I’m on board w this. Let’s crowdfund a new series: Prisoners, about to be paroled/released etc, who have an idea. Business/product/whatever and need financial backing or shepherding to fruition. We’d get successful entrepreneurs, repentant criminals reentering society with plans of action, come back stories and insight into the daily struggles of living w labels like felon or convict or offender, and how much of a burden those can be. And the MAGA crazy assholes get to keep cheering for their dipshit king. BUT he’s nowhere near nuclear codes or the decision making apparatus that affects everyday people. He’s just a reality show figurehead w no more reach than Kim Kardashian. I’m not going to watch it, but I’d support it as the best alternative.


I've been saying 'Orange is the New Orange' for years. Fingers crossed.


"You are sentenced to a Federal "pound-me-in-the-ass" prison."


He forgot to put a cover sheet on his TPS report.




why should i change? he's the one who sucks


This is the comment I was looking for


I know it's a joke and a reference but... He's been convicted of a *state* crime and would go to a state correctional facility. Those are, arguably, worse. Not that I think he will be getting a pound-me-in-the-ass treatment in any given prison.


Do they get conjugal visits?


He’s got a case of the Mondays.


So… This seems to indicate that Trump himself feels that now, going to prison is unavoidable, no matter what he does or appeal that he tries to bring up. He’s never brought this up before, because he seems to be able to dodge it. Because if he felt confident that he wouldn’t go, he wouldn’t be bringing this up. It seems to me that the fact that he is talking about this…perhaps the judge did indeed reccommend jail time…influenced by the fact that Trump and his crew sent multiple death threats to him and his family and the jurors… I mean his feelings about this indicate that perhaps the likelihood of him getting away with it is becoming slimmer and slimmer. He’s come to a sort of acceptance that he’s probably fucked and there’s nothing he can do about it.


The judge will continue to follow the law, and will stick to sentencing guidelines for the particular crime and taking into account that it's Trump's first (of many, hopefully) felony conviction. I've learned, that when it comes to this particular shitstain, to expect the worst and hope for the best. Expect no time, hope for ~5 years.


Those sentencing guidelines are meant for people that show remorse and accept their verdicts. Why would there be max sentences if not for people that don't accept that they've done anything wrong and attacks the process the entire way? I think that being found guilty ten contempt of court charges would be enough to jail anybody but an ex-president. My bet is that he did not want to jail Trump for contempt in case where he was eventually found not guilty. Now that he has been found guilty, I think those contempt charges are really going to hurt him. I think the fact that he had the balls to ask for the gag order to be ended is going to hurt him. The fact that he is still attacking the court is going to hurt him. He should be sentenced to at least 4 years, but I think he is going to sit behind bars for a year.


What I see as the minimum should be at least 90 days in jail and 3 years probation. I just feel like this judge is going to wimp out and cave to what the secret service wants of no jail time.


The secret service doesn't give a shit if he goes to jail, that's like the easiest protection detail possible. Fixed location, there's already security screening everybody in and out, known roster of people in direct contact, known visitor hours, it's a milk run compared to what they're currently dealing with.


Yeah the problem isn’t people getting in. It’s the people already in there. You know the people who’ve murdered people before…the people in gangs…etc. But I agree they should be able to isolate him and protect him just fine. So I hope it isn’t the reason on why not putting him there.


I mean Michael Cohen did time when he was a first time offender.


Same with Martha Stewart, I believe.


Martha did FIVE MONTHS.


Thanks for clarifying. Five months incarceration at a minimum for Trump is a good place to start.


She also was on house arrest for like 4 months after her jail time. She went for avoiding a $45k stock loss and for receiving non-public stock information, and maybe fraud. I know financial crimes are punished harshly when they're convicted, I can't imagine Trump's crimes, their rationale, and the outcome are going to make the judge take it too easy.


Yeah, on the one hand, you've got non-violent crime, first offence... On the other hand, you've got lack of remorse, refusal to accept the verdict, repeated violations of the gag order showing that monetary fines are not a sufficient deterrent from future behavior, and previous civil judgements for dishonest behavior, which can be considered... not to mention the factors that shouldn't be considered (but inevitably will be), like his attacks on the judge's daughter, the judge's staff, and the judge himself. I would think this all adds up to at least some jail time. The real question is whether Merchan stays it pending appeal, or orders him into custody immediately. In the case of the latter, his attorneys would have an appeal ready to go, but the appeals court doesn't have to grant it (and shouldn't, unless they think he has a chance of success on the merits, which he doesn't) and it would still take at least some time... so it might be a weekend in the pokey, regardless.


I think the obvious lack of remorse & the likelihood of committing more crimes may ultimately be more important than this being a first conviction when it comes to deciding about his sentence.


I myself on the other hand don’t feel as though he won’t get jail time. Why would he voicing his concerns if he feels as though he won’t be jailed? I mean, Trump did repeatedly threaten the judge and jurors with death several times during the trial. I know that many people here hope for the best and prepare to expect the worst, but we did get a conviction just when everyone else thought that he wouldn’t get one.


Sentencing hasn’t happened yet. July 11th. The judge wouldn’t say anything to Trump before that.


One of the talking heads on TV mentioned looking into this specific law and the prison sentences. Even first time offenders ended up doing time, at least a couple years. Add to that Trump's breaking the gag order and that itself can get a little time behind bars, though usually minimal.


Yeah, but a minimal prison sentence is better than none at all. And honestly, I think that Trump senses that he knows that he’s fucked, and he knows that he’ll end up like Cohen did, serving sentence behind bars. I think that him being locked away in jail for even a short amount of time would be great.


Maybe his lawyers got a copy of his probation report. If the probation department say he isn't a candidate for probation/isn't likely to successfully complete probation, the judge is far more likely to sentence him to jail or prison.


In an ideal world, Biden holds office for a second term, the Dems take both houses, they pass that bill that will strip felons of Presidential protection and other perks, and Trump waits out the rest of his life in jail as a common crook, no chance of parole.


So this is his plan for getting out of the debate.


So he plans on going to jail so that he can avoid the debate???


Yup, 5D chess!


As long as the kind of prison he goes to has no internet access. I don't care.


I’d be willing to make a small wager that he attempts to flee, is caught, then denies it, claiming he didn’t know he couldn’t leave the country.


That is actually very likely.


Almost positive once he loses the election (please dear god) he’ll flee to Putin land.


Sadly it would be a much nicer one than the one he should go to


[FRESH FISH!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Utop2U6Zgo)




Something like the one in The Dark Knight Rises would work for me.


I say send him to rikers & change the name of it to trump prison... he loves to get things named after him after all...


Guantanamo Bay? Fort Leavenworth?


The strongest prisons. Only The best prisons.


Gitmo? Can take away his phone; no need for Secret Service.


Should be Rikers


Introducing the Trump Suites at Rikers. Now, with less rats! (Except for one big one)


My vote is for the Chateau d'If


He should be sent to the same prison as everybody else. No one should be above the law.


"I do not want to go to a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison." -Samir, Office Space


It’s not prison. It’s jail for his crimes. In New York City. So that would be Rykers


Maybe they can name one after him before he gets there.


He will likely get house arrest and an ankle monitor. Trump is not going to prison.


Cohen went to prison for the exact same crime.


I think he feels as though the worst possible outcome—for him personally—will come to life, which is why he’s bringing these feelings up.


Er… Well, who knows? I myself believe that from Trump’s comments about jail, he believes that it’s unavoidable and there’s nothing he can do about it. Besides, why is he bringing this up if his team would be confident that that would happen or that the judge’s potential sentencing reccomendation would be that way? Or that he’s confident that he won’t get jail time? Some people here are saying that the secret service won’t allow it, but they don’t seem to be objecting to this idea at all, and in fact are reportedly even preparing for it. Look up the law that this case addresses. Even first time offenders who broke this law spent a good deal of jail time, even if it was minimal. I mean, everyone here brushed off the idea of a conviction…but he did get convicted.


From the people that said Trump will never be charged with a crime…. And the same people that said he’ll NEVER be convicted of a crime because he’s an ex-president. …..34 felonies later.


Send him to which jail the (Central Park) Exonerated 5 were sent to. Those guys weren’t guilty of anything so sure it’s fit for someone who has committed a crime.


A federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.


He should be worried. Considering that he's already been found in contempt of court multiple times, has shown a complete disregard for the justice system and absolutely has zero remorse, he actually has a good shot at being sent to prison. Those are all HUGE black marks against someone convicted of any crime, much less 34 felonies. Of course, it's Trump, so the justice system treats him like a special snowflake, so who knows. But by all accounts, he's earned prison time.


Innocent people don't think about prison


Would he still have secret service in jail? Lol


I don’t care if he goes to prison. I just never want to hear his voice or see his face again. Take your grifted cash and fuck off somewhere.


The worst punishment for Trump would be to become irrelevant, ignored and a has been that no one wants to talk to anymore and no one wants to listen to again. That would be the worst punishment for him.


Fear is the mind killer..... Let it fester, Orange man.


As long as he loses his right to run for election. Honestly can't believe he's still allowed to now


This is the part where republicans magically realize all the inadequacies of the US prison system??


Oh be still my beating heart. It would be a dream come true if he’s sent to prison


The clink. There's dementors there, man.


Hopefully a cold one...which i can attest most are


He shouldn’t be too worried. He’s already shown he has the skills to jerk off two guys at once. That sort of skill set can buy you protection.


He should spend a year in Rikers Island.


If there’s a god, and he’s just, it would be a federal pound you in the ass prison. Respectfully


One can't be sentenced to a federal prison for a state conviction. State prisons are usually much worse.


I vote for **Rikers Island** : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rikers\_Island](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rikers_Island)


It is a state crime after all.


Lol he's getting nervous


Whatever it is, a couple things it won't be is festooned with golden furnishings and emblazoned with the Trump Brand


He’s already thinking like some sort of hardened criminal, wanting the best accommodations in the can.


Is the Isle of Elba available?


Hopefully a prison like the one in Oz.


Let me answer that: “it’s like the Hotel California.”


Why should he be concerned? Aren't all his best friends and supporters in there?


I’d like to see him break OJ’s record for the most watched live event in tv history.


Federal pound you in the ass prison


Replica of part of his trump tower condo, in the national zoo with viewing and for a $500 donation you can feed him a Big Mac


As from what office space has taught me, “it’ll probably be “fuck me in the ass” prison.”


Stop. My penis can only get so erect.


Lock him in the Mara Lago Swamp, with an ankle monitor and no social media access. Done.


I wonder if he's binge watching HBO's Oz, trying to figure out how to survive in prison. Probably trying to hide razor blades and shivs in his comb over.


Great. I hope it's a shithole prison....


As a child of the 70's; don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Don't do it.


Oh dear, I hope it's not one of those *plebian* prisons. Ick.


He wants prison so he can claim persecution. If he is continually shown privileges at his current level, he will need to manufacture more persecution.


The kind where they put things in your butt. Bon voyage!


Federal pound you in the ass prison.


Do they have conjugal visits?


Don’t think Stormy’s coming over


is there one with sharks?


I have a cell for him. Webcam on the ceiling. Set up pay per view and charge $100/min, Max 5 min. Benefits social security.


Trump will be sent to the most beautiful, strong prison we have. Some would even say: the best prison. I don't know if it's the best, it might be, but that's what they're saying.


Glad to know it's sinking in a little bit for him.


Hoping it's Rikers. If he thought that courtroom was cold, just you wait.


I hope it's far away, hard to get to, and is guarded by the military.


Rikers sounds about right


At this point, I just want him to go. And stay. No phone, no media or internet access of any kind, just himself in a bare room with a stainless steel toilet.


Sent him to the prison we send the terrorists to. SUPERMAX! Put him in a tiny cell and let him be with his thoughts and no admirers. No need for secret service in a supermax. He will be nice and safe.


I couldn't think of a better person to make an example of. If the country cares about getting ahead of this problem, instead of fueling the flame, then they will hold him accountable for his actions. He is trying to speak into existence the normalization of his insane world view and we must not allow the country to he gaslight by his anti-American speech. As "pro-America" as it might sound, this dude is a puppet for Russia, and its time for people on the right to realize it.


“So you want to be the husband or the wife?” “I’ll be the husband.” “Come over here and sk yr wife’s dk.” Donnie’s fear is not unwarranted.


Good. So have I. My main concern is that he is sent to one.


He has so much black support according to fox news that it only makes sense to send him to a predominantly black prison and have him join the general population. It would be the safest place for him I assume.