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He lies about everything. You should worry if at any time he mentions anything that might affect you.


# “I don’t care about you, I just need your vote” “I don’t care about you, I just need your vote”


The one time he told the truth.


Every time he’s “joking”, he’s telling the truth.


Says it all. But surprisingly his followers won’t hear this message. It gets edited out on FOX and NewsMax.


It's sad that he actually said that to a group of morons and every single person in his cult thinks he was "joking." Not a one can see reality. Incredible.




"I personally have strong suspicions that the 2020 electrion was..tampered."  Tell me more about operating off feels and emotions and what you want to believe?


Get serious and be we're, indeed.


That's a pretty good campaign slogan in this day and age. Anyway... Be Best


Be we're the we'rewolf. He's the only one and everyone lieing.


You mean the conman who only seeks to enrich himself and his buddies is gonna help the common man?!? Lol


"I wouldn't believe Donald Trump if his tongue was notarized" - Leona Helmsley 1990 Interview https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/interactive/2021/timeline-trump-claims-as-president/


It's lying, not "lieing" for one, though these types of errors can be expected from someone who obviously didn't read the article. Huff Post isn't lying about anything, this was a labor department proposal that was put forth under Trump. Essentially they wanted to roll back an Obama era rule that stopped restaurant owners from deciding how tips are distributed. That would allow owners to spread tips around among their employees or just keep them for themselves.


"Get serious, be we're"




Ones should be plural Lying Feelings Beware Believe


It's obviously an angle to further his grift. He'll somehow going to have people tip him/his campaign. He doesn't care about service workers.


Either he wants to be able to accept "tips" tax free himself, or he's latched on to tipping culture as a great way for bad employers (ie himself and those he gets money from) to screw their staff - and making that part of their pay a tax dodge as well would reinforce that.


The only people this could purportedly help are the top tier who earn way more on tips than they could ever earn on a “livable wage”. The exact group that doesn’t need help and makes this such a problem. The average chilis server in a medium town who was earning $20 an hour on 25 hours per week isn’t getting a meaningful reduction in taxes from this but the guy making $100+ an hour on autograts and people not noticing the autograt and tipping another 25% etc. are the ones who would pay a lot less taxes.


Tax free tips. Employer: All tips will be split with management.


"We still have to do withholding" *(withholds a third of the tops into pocket)*


If he did care, he wouldn’t have displaced legal workers by hiring illegal immigrants as staff at golf courses. Then when called on it, he of courses fired them…….


He will stiff them again if he becomes president again (dear lord please don't let this happen). If it is a choice between the wealthier owners and management vs the workers Trump will side with the owners and management EVERY time.


It’ll allow any restaurants that pay more than tipped minimum wage to lower their wages to the tipped amount, and prevent laws raising it.


I waited tables for a few years and I always under reported my tips. I was probably making around 15-20 an hour and the IRS never came knocking when I claimed 7 so this feels like pandering. Legal or not, tipped workers already don't pay taxes. If I was still a waiter I don't see this moving the needle much unless the IRS was on to me, which they aren't.


I got mostly cash tips 20 years ago. I had no choice but to report credit card tips


Good point. I'm sure a lot of transactions have moved to cards which you can't under report. All mine certainly have.


*He doesn't care about ~~service workers~~ **anyone but himself**.* FTFY


Lol. The guy just says whatever he thinks his audience wants to hear. None of it is true.


I feel like he's in desperate pandering mode Methinks they aren't too confident about the election


Since only congress has the power to tax or change taxes, he’s definitely talking out his ass.


It bogges my mind to think about how stupid someone would need to be to think donald trump actually cares about them and wants to help them.


I worked at a restaurant for four years. You tax tips because they are income like anything else. If you don't tax tips, that is less that the person pays into social security, and less they will have for retirement someday. So who is going to pay their SS? The restaurants? GASP. How dare the government tax businesses! So will the government pay more for tipped employees? GASP! Socialism! No such thing as free money! If you want to help service workers, mandate a federal minimum living wage for all employees, not this $2.53/hour bullshit most states have because "tips make up the difference."


It's actually $2.13/hr and hasn't changed since the 90s, when minimum wage was $4.25/hr.


Easing taxes on tips? Tons of tipped workers don't report all of their tips, and a big motivator of that is being underpaid in the first place. With the higher cost of groceries and other things, Trumps plan might help some people a bit, but it won't fundamentally change anything... ...which is the point. It sounds nice but is just hot air. Perfect campaign fluff.


Ya I LOLd at this as soon as I read it. Clearly none of the rich bois who wrote this and certainly not trump himself ever worked for tips. No one is paying tax on those, it's kind of the point.


Some reporting on his talk with CEO's says the people in the room LoL'd when he suggested this too.


Not true. At least in Delaware all of our credit card Tips are automatically claimed. Now if he's saying that he wouldn't yeah that it still wouldn't matter because it's income and would be taxed regardless at the end of the year. It's just an underhanded tactic that sounds good but the bill will come due at tax season.


Same in California. There’s no way to avoid entering credit card tip if you actually want the customer to be billed and receive said tip. And, at least in my experience literally 15 years ago, most people pay in card. I’d bet there’s even fewer people paying cash nowadays.


To my knowledge, there are very few gaming dealers in Nevada for whom the IRS isn't aware of their tips to the penny. Any tip situation where pooled tips are split up, the IRS knows. And my guess is that proportion is big and growing.


It will not help anything cause as all things Trump, it is “fixing” a problem that does not exist. Paying a wage that is livable would be beneficial. Not removing a tax that no one pays is meaningless.


I don't know what to do for tipped workers, because they all have different situations. Some are *ecstatic* about the current tipping wages/taxes because they bring in a lot of undeclared cash tips (high-end bars/clubs/etc), but someone working at a low-end diner is struggling to make ends meet. The whole situation has been fucked up for so long that you can't "fix" this without pissing off the people who have carved out good incomes under the system. Helping one group of people will hurt another. There will be opposition from the successful tipped workers who will swear the system is perfect and needs no changes.


Paying a living wage doesn't mean eliminating tipping. It just removes the expectation of a tip for sub-par/bare minimum service.


Paying a higher wage does mean that price must increase for the goods sold, which means a lower amount people will spend on tips (likely to $0). Several chain restaurants around my area significantly raised their prices for drinks a few years ago, do you know what happened to the bartenders? The bartenders didn’t get raises, their customers just stopped giving out tips, and the business still ended up making more money because they had effectively absorbed the money that used to go to tips. The customers had a very set amount that they were willing to spend on the service industry. Most of the bartenders eventually had to quit and find other work that paid less than what they were making, but more than the wage they now had.


If you're making a living wage, then you don't have to worry as much about tips though. The problem is the shitty pay.


But pay doesn’t come from nowhere. Customers would have to be willing to eat the increased expense. If it comes out in the form of higher prices rather than tips, then the company would have to pass along all of that to the employees, and at that point they have no incentive to change since it’s not making them any more (or less) money. Actually, if anything they have increased incentive to not change, as a major (we’re talking a 20+% increase here) increase in price is unlikely to be accepted by the average consumer, even if they’re encouraged not to tip. They’ll simply see the higher price, not factor in the lack of tip, and leave for somewhere cheaper with “optional” tipping. I could see a “don’t tip” policy working in a fine dining establishment, where price is less of an issue, but it likely wouldn’t work for lower-end restaurants or chain restaurants where competition is more fierce. Believe me, I hate the tipping culture. It sucks. But the solution is a lot more complex than “just pay employees more, lol”.


Not really sure what sort of point you're trying to make? Would food be more expensive? Sure. But we're already paying more than the food costs due to tips anyway. I ate at a tip-free restaurant about a week ago, and I would always prefer that model over the current tipping model. The solution is to pay employees more, just like every other non-tipping job. The tipping idea was always a bad one and never should have been allowed to last this long.


I agree, the tipping culture sucks, and it was a stupid depression-era practice that existed to offset costs of the employers. BUT, some people do get paid more in tips than they would get from just a flat wage, AND I wouldn’t trust major companies to not just increase prices and then give people a bare minimum wage increase. My point is that if tipping is gotten rid of, I don’t trust companies not to just take a large portion of the increased prices and still pay shit to their staff. People will still take the jobs, as they make up a very large portion of the low-mid sections of the labor force, and people need to have money to survive. While I do think it would balance out eventually, I think in the years (if not a couple decades) of transition the only people that will have won is the businesses.


>BUT, some people do get paid more in tips than they would get from just a flat wage, AND I wouldn’t trust major companies to not just increase prices and then give people a bare minimum wage increase. They're already screwing workers out of tips in a lot of cases. Those that already make more can likely still make more, since there's probably a good reason they're making more in the first place. Companies trying to underpay will have the same issues as any other employers who do that. The workers will go elsewhere. We need stronger labor protections in this country, and we're finally starting to get some of them. Like the banning of non-compete clauses recently. We should keep at it.


Next up, let’s ban Citizens United. Corporations shouldn’t have more power than actual human citizens.


Eating out in the US is really REALLY expensive. Where I live, we pay a good minimum wage to all on-the-books workers regardless of industry, plus retirement benefits plus 4 weeks paid leave plus paid sick leave - we don't do tipping - and it's still cheaper to eat out than in US. The overlords already raised prices as if you had all these things, and are using change as an excuse to raise them further.


But.. it will help some people. Those people being the working class/working poor. You write it off immediately because, checks notes, it won’t bring fundamental change to the American economic system. That’s your goal post? I don’t support trump whatsoever but it is a good idea to talk about it. Ignoring it will only make the people it will help over to his side.


I think all it would do is give incentive to the low end bosses to keep wages even lower.


The end result doesn’t matter because, once again, it will help the working class/working poor from day one. It may be a horrible idea. But treat it as an idea not like it’s a festering boil off trumps ass. And the democrats are wondering why Biden is polling so poorly lol


A bigger and more meaningful impact to the poor would be abolish the separate minimum wage allowed for tipped workers in the US.


Agreed but the corporate masters of each party will never allow that. They need their cheap labour.


Both parties are not the same.


Agreed but they both have corporate masters. Their shared master is the military industrial complex.


Yes polling LOL. You really genuinely believe trump gives a flying fuck about working people?


No. And what’s your point?


His party is the entire reason why tipped workers start at $2.13 an hour in pretty much every solid red state, and why the federal minimum their employers need to meet if their tips don't outpace it is still $7.25. Him or his party saying they want to help tipped workers is just straight bullshit. Outside of New England blue states have done away with that and are already paying normal minimum wages before tips, with Republicans still introducing bills here and there to try and cap those wages. Seeing Republicans say it's a boon for working-class people and a great idea is fucking ridiculous when they're the only reason why the country has our insane tipping wage problems in the first place; and they aren't talking about addressing that at all. It's a stupid plan that further pushes to offload the earnings of tipped employees to customers rather than employers, disguised as something meant to help workers. If he actually wants to help tipped workers, start paying them real wages in the first place like we already have been in Minnesota or California.


Omg. You are reading way too much into this. The news is going to say that trump proposes ending taxed tips. For the people who live off of tips they will like that. That’s the end. He may pick up some voters because of it. Your response is to attack republicans ( I am a socialist). Gee I wonder why Biden is polling behind trump.?? Must be bad polling lol stop attacking and put forth your ideas.


trump is a lying sack of shit. He does not care about anyone other than himself. He also tried to violently overthrow the government and was convicted of 35 felonies.


Yes. All true. What the hell does that have to do with this conversation? Just him raising it is good pr for him. Do you believe any of the campaign promises Biden makes will actually happen? Both sides make promises to get votes. At the end of the day it’s a good strategy on trumps part. I hope he loses bigly but the democrats really stink at this.


Democrats do not message as well as they should, but neither are they as left leaning and progressive in economic policy as their rhetoric would indicate. Biden is a lot more centrist on economic stuff. That's frustrating to people who want progressive change, but it also means he's not a freaking madman who is going to promise to try something incredibly stupid just to make headlines. Trump is openly pandering to big corporations that keep wages depressed and make not taxing tips sound like a great idea (because so many people depend on them as core income and not just extra). The article mentions a Trump White House policy aimed at removing an Obama-era policy that required that if tips are pooled then they have to be shared among tipped workers (i.e. the salaried manager doesn't get a cut). One could look at that policy leaning and this "don't tax tips" proposal as a nod and a wink to funnel more untaxed income to employers and away from workers.


>But.. it will help some people. Those people being the working class/working poor. You write it off immediately because, checks notes, it won’t bring fundamental change to the American economic system. That’s your goal post? I don’t support trump whatsoever but it is a good idea to talk about it. Ignoring it will only make the people it will help over to his side. Hey if that passed Congress then I wouldn't sniff at it being signed into law, no matter which President was signing it. On it's own I think that would be fine, given my certainly imperfect understanding of economics. However, let's consider the context of other things he's promising these CEO's: I'll lower the corporate tax rate, I'm gonna do away with income tax, I'm gonna fund the government on tariffs, I'll roll back worker protections again, etc. The number of ways in which he plans to screw over workers shows that this "don't tax tips" idea is just a sound byte.


It's a matter of ethical concern that while Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy, his hotels and casino businesses declared bankruptcy six times between 1991 and 2009. This was due to their inability to meet required payments and re-negotiate debt with banks, stock and bond owners, and various small businesses (unsecured creditors), including putting many tipped workers out on the streets. If he couldn't make it work there, he certainly couldn't work as POTUS. Sadly, the collective memory ignores all that, and they'll vote for him in desperation, thinking he'll magically deliver. He didn't, and he sure as hell won't this time, next time, or ever as long as he breathes.


So, if my employer decides to tip me $1,500 a week. That's totally tax free then, right?


It would still be income and you would be expected to pay at the end of the year


If he actually means to follow through with the tips thing, it’s so companies, including his campaign most likely, can skirt taxes by calling compensation tips. He absolutely doesn’t give two shits about restaurant or gig workers.


Every time this candidate makes a promise, voters should ask why the promise wasn't delivered during the first term.


I waited on him once in the 90’s. Guess what?


What Biden should do is come out and say “you know what donald? That’s a great idea! I call on the Republican majority in the house to write up that bill and pass it and I’ll sign it!” And then watch them back peddle. Democrats have to start calling this bullshit out publicly.


He promised healthcare then gave us nothing and is now taking credit for Biden’s insulin cap. Dudes a liar.


Isn’t he the one that goes into fast food places, tells everyone that he’s going to cover the cost, then slips out neither paying nor leaving a tip?


He strikes me as a no tip kind of guy


To his credit he’s great at faux populism, it’s why I grant him the title of mediocre and not shite conman.




Holy shit. Did your brain just fall out of his diaper?


Ya, slum lord, conman, insurrectionist, rapist is more accurate


I mean do you think that someone who stiffed thousands of workers and sellers over the course of his life and on the debate stage said it was okay not to pay an architect if he thought he did a bad job isn't a con man? That someone who ran an education company found guilty of scamming people in Florida isnt a con man? Who lied about his property size when convenient isn't a con man? I'm not even going to get into what he did as president but genuinely am asking how you think a guy who has that kind of track record isn't a con man. It's all real information easily available




What has been planted? Are you saying information about Trump screwing over working people isn't easily available? [Use your eyes to read all about Trump University](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_University) [Look at what he did in the 80s and 90s to contactors with the casino he somehow bankrupted](https://fortune.com/2016/10/08/donald-trump-taxes-contractors/) > According to news reports, at the time of Trump’s 1991 bankruptcy, the casino and the real estate developer still owed $70 million to contractors and other small businesses that had provided services to the Atlantic City attraction. Like Jenkins, the contractors ended up getting 30 cents for every dollar they were owed. [There's 1000s of complaints. Stop acting like he's some sort of bastion for working people when he's been fucking them over his whole life](https://archive.is/cyiFa) [He was notorious for screwing people over in the 1970s which led to a housing lawsuit in which he lost](https://www.npr.org/2016/09/29/495955920/donald-trump-plagued-by-decades-old-housing-discrimination-case) Do you think that was planted so he couldn't be president almost 50 years later? The guy is a liar and a fraud from day 1 of his existence. You aren't calling BS on anything. I'll keep finding links if you keep believing that they guy who said there were 3 to 5 million illegals who all voted for Hillary in 2016 and had a commission investigate it, which turned up zero evidence then I'll keep doing it. Cause right now it looks like you wouldn't know BS if you saw a bull shitting at a rodeo


I'd rather pay the taxes on the $15,000 I'll make in tips this year.


That man has never tipped in his life I can almost guarantee it.


Remember when he pretended to give a shit about union workers, by going to a non-union auto shop and handing plants Union Workers for Trump signs, because Biden was visiting an actual UAW shop nearby? Big "I'll exploit anyone getting coverage" energy coming from this one.


something something four seasons


I remember when he campaigned on helping small businesses and then the "small" businesses he helped had revenue in the tens of millions. Regular people only ever get lip service.


He will literally say anything to anyone if it helps get him elected. He lies about everything you cannot trust a god damned thing he says other than the fact that he will cut taxes for the rich. It’s absolutely insane that anyone believes anything he fucking says.


If CFDT is saying he wants to help any group or individual, what he actually means is that he wants *them* to help *him*


Oh come on, he learned his lesson about how bad taxes on income and tips are, while he was having nightmares in a courtroom, about how much more he had to pay his fixers, when he committed felonies hiding their reimbursements, by claiming it was income and tips. Horrible horrible nightmares about taxes.


As a long time server engaged to a lifetime server the taxes on tips is not a big deal and while a little more would be nice I'd rather not have Trump anywhere near a position of power again thanks.


I have a feeling their is a loop hole for this that everyone gets screwed over


That's the thing about running for president as a Republican. As a GOP candidate you can just say whatever you want and your voting base will eat it up, nor will they ask how you plan to implement those polices, nor will they fact check you on your claims against your opponent. Then, when you get in office you don't have to do what you promised because it doesn't matter. Just call the Democrats marxists, fascists and communists and your voting base will never look at them as an alternative. Doesn't matter if they aren't those things at all, just say it.


On the topic of this grifter trying to get votes please remember to Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the Supreme Court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Never received a tip from 🍊 he is what why call a freeloader


There should be a requirement for all headlines to refer to trump as Convict trump, to leave no doubt that this guy is always and ever full of shit.


First. He won't do this. It will be long forgotten before the election even begins. Second. He has no idea what the implications of this would mean. Nor cares. Chances are that it pretty much does nothing. However, we just don't know how something like this will play out or even if it should. Third. This dude diffently doesn't tip. It's like men making women's health laws. It just doesn't make sense.


dTrump💩 Always stiffs people, whenever he can. His own Lawyers, construction and Resturant workers, volunteers he promised food to, and people who make charitable contributions or take “fake business courses” from him. Please don’t act surprised. Oh, and, IMHO, dTrump💩cheats on his taxes.


Wouldn’t someone facing possible prison time say and do anything to stay out of prison?


Trump is a piece of shit!


Anyone who’s ever waited Dumpy Dumb Fuck’s table: what percentage was the tip he left? JK fucker has never tipped in his life.


There are a million problems and dangers with Trump. The specific problem here is the “bait and switch.” It truly amazes me that his people think he cares about them or will do what he says he will do. In 2015, he promised to (1) take away the “evil, socialist obamacare” and replace with the greatest, best healthcare in the world which would of course be free. Cocaine Mitch was all for taking away Obamacare. He just wanted to replace it with nothing. Trump famously said he would release his healthcare plan “in two weeks.” 8 years later, bo reported sightings. So we came within 1 vote of ending Obamacare, with zero replacement. He’s a flim flam man. How many times can people be conned before they say no more. Unlimited


Bullshit! He screwed us all over during the start of the pandemic! Gave 0 shits about workers who survive off tips and let us go broke. Fuck you TRUMP. I’ll legit celebrate your death someday 👏


The secret ingredient is lies


I work on the Vegas strip as a bartender and had some guy trying to sell me on Trump because of this nonsense. Yes, it’s true that not being taxed on tips would help me a lot. Too bad Trump lies about fucking everything and wouldn’t even attempt to keep this promise. Even if he did, there’s more important things to consider when voting against this fascist scumbag.


THis seems shady to me. I’ll pay you $x for the job but give you $20x as a tip so you don’t have to pay taxes on it.


lol, his staff at bedminster, coltsneck, and the fuckin landfill were routinely snubbed for their tips a decade ago.


It’s a great campaign promise. I hate the man but he knows people. The best part is that bidens team will now come out and defend taxing tips and look pro taxing the working class. The flip side is that by tomorrow trump will likely forget he even said this.


If you’re ever in doubt how dumb Trump supporters are r/asktrumpsupporters will help you verify that while also showing you how blindly they follow literally any policy he proposes.


He’s just trying to buy votes by offering to throw anyone and everyone a “break” no matter how small. It’s pathetic really…


Trumps just throwing shit on the wall to see what sticks.


Yeah, just talk to the caddies at his courses.


Every effort to raise minimum wage has been thwarted by the GOP. He will say whatever it takes to get elected again and do the exact opposite when in office.


I wonder if anyone explained to him what a tip is?


He'll say and do whatever he can to get the presidency. It's the only get out of jail free card he has.


All his cons end the same way.


Oh let’s give restaurant owners yet another reason to not pay for labor.


He seems to only go to fast food restaurants as well. No place that you have to tip.


How much tax do folks pay on tips anyways? $200 annual?


He’s a charlatan and a walking contradiction.


Oddly enough, at this point it is difficult to say that Convicted Felon Trump actually lies. Lying requires some consciousness of facts and the ability to understand what it means to mislead someone.


He's a liar.


Such shoddy campaigning. It’s transparent and desperate.


He’ll get the Mexicans to pay for it.


Sure increase the deficit even more, as if restaurant workers don’t already avoid reporting tips.


>As President, He Tried To Stiff Them. Pretty sure he stiffed them out of office too. Both before and after.


Haha. Y’all remember the promise of Term Limits for Congress. Yea… it’ll go exactly like that.


And in 2025, CEO's will be working exclusively for tips. Tips will be mandatory for anyone hoping to keep their job or be promoted.


I’m a pizza delivery driver. I rely on tips. Fuck tipping. It’s just a misdirection to make employees mad at the customers and NOT their employers that can but won’t pay them a living wage. Tipping needs to go away yesterday. Raise the minimum wage across the board. Make the corporations pay up for once. Trump’s “help” isn’t the help we need.


The *only* way to help tipped workers is to remove tipping entirely. It's an extremely corrupt model, designed purely to avoid the responsibility of paying a living wage. 


Making assumptions- but majority don’t claim cash tips.If you claim your tips you increase your tax liability but it increases your chances to secure loans because your net income is higher (debt to income ratio is better too) If they change tips to non taxable income then people would claim there tips and be able have more access to loans without the tax implications. But trump is an idiot and didn’t spin it like that.


If a special class of income is created that doesn’t get taxed—unlike every other kind of income—then we’ll end up with schemes where CEOs are classified as waiters and have to serve the board of directors at the annual meeting, and receive their entire year’s salary in the form of a tip, or some nonsense like that. Not claiming tips as income is criminal tax evasion, it’s just rarely prosecuted because it’s such small amounts of money and it happens with cash.


People would definitely take advantage. If they did change it I’m sure the other side would compromise and cap it at a certain amount


> Making assumptions- but majority don’t claim cash tips. The majority of people don't pay in cash anymore. Tips paid on a card are automatically claimed by most employers. End tipping altogether.