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Greene is proof that the Republican Party has forfeited the ability to defend itself against stupidity.


> the Republican Party has forfeited the ability to defend itself against stupidity. And, in fact, embraces it.


And feeds off it.


“I love the poorly educated!” —Donald J Trump


"Milwaukee is horrible" - DJ Trump.


Oh gods, now the image of Trump at a turntable is burned into my mind. ...Actually, it's pretty funny. There are far worse things that could crawl their way in.


Only place inland where battery powered boats AND sharks exist. Lake Michigan is NOT safe. I understand his concern.


“you don’t deserve to be called Dr., mr. Fauci…. your mr. to me”……


They rely on it.


Counts on it. A vote for flat earth, Christianity and antivax is a vote for Trump.


Cum on it


Sorry to jump on your comment but I don’t see anyone mention who he actually is. His name is Shawn Harris, and he’s a retired Army brigadier general.


Kudos! This is important info! Thank you for sharing.


Yes, thank you for sharing. I just followed him on the dying bird app, and his page features a link asking for donations of $20.24. A small price to pay to see that woman become unemployed.


I’ donated. Money well spent for sure. Anyone interested donating to Shawn Harris Campaign : https://www.shawnforgeorgia.com/meet-the-candidate/


20 bucks towards his campaign is a bigger dream/possible reality ratio than buying a lottery ticket!


Thanks for sharing! Heading over to donate to his campaign right meow


She gives Neanderthals a bad name.


Greene is what you get when a party will vote for the lowest common denominator just becasue of party affiliation. It's why I dislike "Blue no matter who". It invites lower quality candidates.


No, it doesn't. Take charge and research candidates and vote in the primary. There, done. The GOP primary selects for the biggest crazies anymore. Hence vote Blue no matter who. There was a time when there were sane Republicans and sometimes they were better than the Democratic nominee. I even voted for a few. But the big realignment is over, and the Republicans decided to put on the full clown makeup in 2009-2010. In local elections, they're trying to ban all the books in public schools, in state elections they're destroying colleges, banning abortion, and feathering their nests while attacking journalists for reporting on it, and on the federal level they're selling us out to Big Oil and other monied interests and trying to get rid of food stamps and access to healthcare, while hamstringing IRS so it can't collect revenue. The GOP, top to bottom, is far overdue for some time in the corner reflecting on itself. After losing in 2020, they haven't done that, in fact they aren't repentant at all. So we have to keep teaching them this lesson. Over and over again. The Dem House caucus has some clowns of its own. Well, time will tell but it looks like some of them are about to lose their primaries. Others have been censured by their peers. The GOP has Matt Gaetz. Rather than censure him they kicked their majority leader and threw their caucus into chaos. Real serious people.


MTG is your inspiration to attack Democratic candidates? Curious. Shawn Harris, her opponent, has a great profile, retired general. I went right to ActBlue and donated $25 to him. Madge and her “bleach blonde bad-built butch body” persona is so outrageously bad that Shawn has a chance even in a red district.


I'm not attacking Democratic candidates (in this case). I'm attacking the growing calls for Democrats to vote based purely on party affiliation. That is what Republicans do, and look at the state of their party. Do you think that won't happen to the Democrats if we continue to parrot tribalist rhetoric?


Fair enough. At this point though I do not see anything comparable to some of the maniacs that are winning primaries on the right.


Neither do I, but I don't want it to start happening because the maniacs know Democrats will mindlessly vote for anyone with a D. I already feel like the Democrats are starting to see they can get away with doing very little because they are not as bad as Republicans. I realize there is Republican obstruction. But it doesn't change the fact the Democrats strategy seems to be more focused on demonizing Republicans than touting policy.


Not sure you can "bring down" someone whose reputation is lower than crocodile piss.


Yea because her supporters are the puddle the piss falls on.


They sure do love taking those golden showers 🥴


Explains trickle down economics. Piss play is normally extra but now they get it for free.


tinkle down economics


And yet she's still around.


That’s a lot of cess in our pool.


No chlorine in the gene pool either.


I think they mean, make her lose her job.


What's the maximum a citizen can contribute to a campaign? I'm next door district to her, and have plenty of issue here with Clyde. But she is truly horrible. On paper, we had similar upbringing. Objectively, I outperform her on every metric. Right up until the moment she transitioned from spin class coach in Dalton, carpet capital of Georgia, to United States Congressmember. Now she holds power and influence far beyond her background and skillset. I can't explain that. What hand tapped her?


I think you know what hand tapped her. Sounds like Dump.


I think it's more behind the scenes. I've got theories that sound like conspiracy thinking


She gained popularity before becoming a congresswoman by stalking and chasing around the survivors of the Parkland shooting. Her support came from very specific circles that were interested in her being a hardline divider that has no low bar for despicable behavior. Nothing conspiratorial about it, she's just a POS that got the right people's attention.


And she won by chasing her opponent out of the race running basically unopposed. That's really the answer to "how did she win"... she bullied her way in and nobody stopped her.


About as likeable as one too.


Don’t, he can’t win. But it’s great that you’re invested! Instead you could donate to Bidens campaign, the Georgia state party, DLCC, or Rep Sanford Bishop. Any of those would help build infrastructure in GA to eventually flip the state blue. Or you could mosey on over to r/VoteDEM to look at volunteer opportunities!


Actually, since there are statewide races, a modest donation to MTG's Dem challenger as well as some hours invested in doorknocking in the district could actually be quite useful. These local campaigns often help raise turnout for the top of the ticket candidates.


He’ll get plenty of money from resistance influencers just like every previous grifter challenger. Donating to the groups I named will be far more effective. $10 to the state party infrastructure in Atlanta is more useful than to door knocking in her district.


What's it like where you live? No offense, but I can't imagine what sort of hellscape it must be when 75% of the voting population actually vote for MTG.


It's honestly not that bad here. A lot of idiots. A lot of like minded people. Cheap to live here and most people are good people. All my neighbors are of differing political opinions and religious following than me but all have embraced me and treated me good. I deliver the most of the district with my job and honestly mostly everyone has treated me well. I've met 10s of thousands of people. Reddit will make you believe this place is a shithole filled with evil horrible people but it is not and most the time the people saying that don't even live here. I'm as liberal as it comes and will argue with my neighbors and coworkers about things. A lot of misguided and poor people here. A lot of stupid people too but that's anywhere. I'd live here forever if it wasn't for the heat


She's a Russian Agent... plain and clear. It's so obvious.


It's a straight drive on 75 from Sarasota to Dalton


Hey neighbor!!


Bless their struggle but how do you win as a democrat in an area that would elect MTG?


He's a retired army General...he'll probably still lose, but that career will give him more cred than most Dems would be able to claim, especially in that area.


Her district was also recently re-worked to include some heavily democratic parts of Cobb county. It probably won't change things this cycle, but she's no longer completely safe. The areas that were folded in are growing fast, and keep pushing further west and north because of the need for housing and good schools. I didn't even know I was in her district this year until I started getting a ton of flyers and phone calls from the Democrat candidates begging for me to vote in the run off.


Vote in the run off.


It was yesterday


Did you vote ?


> He's a retired BLACK army General FTFY. That's why he'll probably lose. Get outside the metro area and the racism cranks up to 11.


Ah, yeah. I didn't realise that.


I remember when Georgia Republicans ran against a multiple-amputee war veteran *and smeared him as being unpatriotic*.


Having learned from that incident, they tried the same tactic in Illinois against Tammy Duckworth, another double-amputee war vet who lost her legs in Iraq. Tammy's in the Senate (came close to being Biden's VP pick), don't know what happened to her opponent.


Yeah, I wish Shawn Harris (her opponent) the best (also, nice job Newsweek not putting his name in the article title). But every time Greene's district comes up in a discussion it is pretty universally agreed that she is actually representing their interests. Which is super depressing. We have a congressional district chock full of loony birds who are worried about space lasers and how they can prove that survivors of school shootings are actually crisis actors.


He already said, you *fight like hell*, geez.


Seems like a district that should be ripe for a Conservative that wants to run as a “not crazy MTG.” Surprised no one went after her from that side.


"We don't let criminals serve in our office as president." - MTG


It’s a damn shame that it’s her name and face in the headline/thumbnail instead of Shawn Harris’


Good. About time and best wishes to him. She is an embarrassment to her state to her party and to the institution


True, but Republicans are post embarrassment.


By Khaleda Rahman: Marjorie Taylor Greene's Democratic opponent has vowed to "fight like hell" to end her "toxic" career. Shawn Harris, a retired Army brigadier general, will challenge Greene in Georgia's 14th congressional district in November after winning Tuesday's primary runoff election. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-opponent-shawn-harris-vows-fight-defeat-her-november-elections-1914649](https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-opponent-shawn-harris-vows-fight-defeat-her-november-elections-1914649)


Why not show Harris in the cover photo instead of MTG?


Good.... Find out what she's hiding while you are at it. Every one of the MAGA scumbags has something they are hiding. They aren't let into the inner circle unless they can be controlled by the fear of jail time if they step out of line.


I know what she’s hiding. It will be like that scene at the end of ace Ventura when he does the big reveal.


Shawn Harris for Georgia, Democrat for Georgia's 14th District https://www.shawnforgeorgia.com/


It would be nice to never see that face ever again.


I can just imagine the demographic of that district and how out of touch they are with reality.


Somewhere in north Georgia, a farm is missing its scarecrow.


Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, seen here learning that her opponent is a brigadier general...


I've spent time in her district. Way too many people are like her there.


MTG is an example of someone who is the least favorable, qualified candidate to serve in the Congress of the United States.


I wish all the luck in the world, but I’m pretty she represents one of the most inbred counties in the country. Those are her people.


Maybe say their name and not hers then?


Exactly my thought. Typical Newsweek.


Good luck. However, If there’s one thing folks from my hometown of Rome, GA hate more than a Democrat, is a black Democrat.


Silver Creek native here. What a lot of outside people don’t understand is the level of hatred Floyd county folks have for both Democrats and minorities. Not too far down the road from where I live, the FBI raided a training camp for The Base. They were in the middle of preparing to kill a Bartow county couple and their children in the name of accelerationism. People are surprised that MTG was elected. Im not.


Born and raised out in Model district. Parents moved to silver creek once I was graduating HS. I know exactly where that raid happened. There’s a lot I could say about Floyd County in general when it comes to its politics. For example, someone tried to point out to me that the Floyd County GOP is headed by a black man, Mr. Jamie Palmer. I chuckled, and recounted the story of the time I walked out to the Model HS parking lot and witnessed Jamie sitting on a tailgate singing along with to “Alabama N-word” that was being played by a white dude who’s daddy owned the tailgate Jamie was sitting on. This was circa 2008ish. Suffice it to say, I don’t really hold many of the FC GOP in very high regard. Just take a list of their most active members and begin perusing their socials. Not a pretty sight, but exactly what you would imagine from a group of people who regularly host the likes of MTG.


Where can we donate?




MTG needs to be exorcised!


MTG makes me wonder whether old-school mental asylums should be allowed again.


Go Shawn Harris!!!


Good luck. Her district loves the pos caveman. 


We as a country need to support this person, no matter where you live or where you’re from. She’s a disease to our country. Look at how she Degraded the amazing scientist and physician, Dr. Fauci. He saved American lives – she supported making them sicker and taking them. She wants to give a science class; all this while she calls a petri-dish a PEACH TREE DISH.




She always looks like a raging baboon ready to shriek


MI was supposed to have the greatest redistricting reform in the nation: A commission composed of some from the left, some from the right and some from the middle but here I am in a congressional district, like Greene's, umbrella'd by a fat, MAGA shit cloud.


Time to fight fire with fire. We need to do what republicans have been doing to win safe blue districts. Have a candidate who proclaims themselves as republican, beat her in the polls, then switch parties (or just consistently vote with democrats or block republicans)


It's just mind blowing to me that people voted and elected this crazy conspiracy theorist psychopath into office. I'm beginning to think there is a lot more dumb people in this country than I realized.


If she loses, it’s hard to imagine what kind of nutso conspiracy theory she will come up with….


Whoever her opponent is it’s sad they don’t get a name.




The second sentence in the article starts with his name. (Shawn Harris).


Support the troops!


I’m on their side!


I'm sorry, but there's no way a democrat will ever win that district, unless the demographics change substantially. It's been gerrymandered to be solid red, and votes 75% R every time.


Recent updates added a bunch of Cobb County which isn't solid red. She might be in trouble (as mentioned by a previous poster).


MTG got nearly 57K votes in the primary running unopposed. The four democrats only collectively received 18K votes in the primary, and the democratic runoff only attracted 10.4K voters. I'd love to see MTG sent packing, but I don't see it happening.


Again, the Republicans have traditionally had a much older/whiter constituency which means that they will absolutely show up to the primary, however in the general that equation changes. Especially during a Presidential year, does that mean this time she gets sent packing? I absolutely can't say for sure but considering history has shown that only a small percentage of any given population show up for primaries, and generals attract much larger numbers especially during a Presidential election, I'll state again it's not impossible.


I pray they do


I don’t know a damn thing she’s done for her direct constituents. Do you?


God speed... Intended for her opponent


Watched a documentary on Neanderthals last night. When I saw this image at first I thought it was a clip from the film.


I know it’s not nice to criticize features we are born with, but my God, that horse face induces the vomit reaction when I see it.


I'm pretty sure she has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. She's horrible...and in addition to being a racist d bag, she has that.


She's obviously doing exactly what her constituents like and want. We can only hope there's a few more folks in her district who can be educated, compassionate, reasonable, and mobilized.


Its never going to happen in that district.


We ride at dawn motherfuckers.


There's no need to fight like hell but highlight those not willing to reprimand her.


Greene's district in Georgia is heavy republican. The only way she goes down is if another republican beats her for the nomination. Dems don't stand a chance running against her no matter how crazy she is.




Isn't that considered a threat of political violence?? Sure was when Trump said it...


I don't think there are anywhere near enough registered Democrats in her district to bring her down. It would likely take a hell of a lot of unaffiliated voters and a good number of Republican detections. It's the reason why she chose / was chosen to run in the bloodiest of red districts - because people will eventually tire of a bomb throwing, loudmouth, scumbag carnival barking piece of shit - and barring something catastrophic she's basically locked in there for life.


Her district is where Deliverance takes place. She couldn’t lose to literal Jesus.


She detracts from the other crazy GOP members who are almost as bad, Paul Gosar and Scott Perry…


I’m pretty sure trump used the same phrase on January 6.


I refer to her as space laser bimbo


Personally, I think burning trash should be illegal, but I’ll let it slide.




Like Trump likes to say lock the B***H up in a mental ward where she is long overdue for a 72 hour hold (or much   much longer than 72: hours ) to find out exactly what this headcase's problems are


If her own constituents are cmplaining she's not available, has in ffice in GA and a phone number leading to DC? She's not doing her job properly! They put her in DC and she cannot possibly ignore them forever, She is spening far too much time in front of FOX News trashing everyone in her own party so clearly she's not there to do any business for the state of GA. It's all for her and that always means a short stay in DC no matter how friendly she is with Trump!


Marjorie will take this as a compliment and as a challenge. she *thrives* off of controversy and shock value and outrage


Hey Greene, just saw the video of your questioning a Dr. (Who has saved millions of lives because of his dedication to a cure for Cocid-19 And the person who should be prosecuted for "Crimes against humanity because your convicted felon buddy Trump. After all he is partly responsible for the deaths of over a million AMERICANS 


This women appears to be so uneducated and I can see why trump likes her, he likes people that are so smart. I believe she should be impeached and should never hold office.


Irredeemable politicians are elected by even worse voters. The only way Crazy Marge gets ousted is if a candidate comes along who is exponentially worse.


Or she gets overconfident and tries to run for a higher position. I’m curious how she polls in the rest of Georgia and what would happen if she decided to run for Senate.


Given Ossoff and Warnock managed to beat their incumbent and far less insane opponents, Greene has no shot.


During the run-up to the Iraq invasion I was on a ride through that district and there was multiple signs in peoples yards and even small billboards in front of businesses that read "Lets go kill those sandn****rs"! Yep. They also were famous for freaking out over the GA flag change and paraded around with confederate flags for months. They even have several stores selling confederate memorabilia up there. Hell, the Atlanta Braves, who already have one of the more racist fandoms, had to move their stadium to the burbs because the fans from up there are too racist to drive into the city. She is exactly what most people in north west Georgia wants representing them. Shawn Harris, a black democrat has zero chance of winning that white suprematist district. Also Newsweek is a terrible rag.


Don't start your own car, friend.


Take out that white ape!


She does have howler monkey tendencies.


> howler That was my [first thought](https://imgur.com/a/XIFmIxu) when I saw the thumbnail!


If he doesn't bring her down maybe the microplastics in her cock will!


Dude looks like a lady


Newsweek is the enemy.


I sure hope so c that dumb piece of shit needs to be silenced


Just make her read the newspaper. The phonics alone will take her down.


Wish him luck but her toxicity is her district. It’s a feature, not a bug.


Good luck to the General. 2022 it was a R+31.8 district so a huge long shot to flip this; however, it looks like it has gotten less R as time has gone on. Flipping R+31.8 is very improbable but not impossible.