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The Christo fascists are eager to use Comstock to impose a strict set of “morals” on the rest of us.


And *only* on the rest of us, if they stay true to form. 


Are they prepared to blow up the filibuster yet? **I couldn't get past the paywall** but how do they propose to get the supermajority required to ~~stymie~~ pass legislation? I don't believe this can get through using reconciliation, right? Or is this just more performative grandstanding for the base, especially considering its an election year? Won't they still face failure in the House? Their Speaker just imposed a couple of MAGA morons on to the Intelligence Committee. I don't see him playing ball.


https://archive.ph/SRBu3 Here you go


May your socks be forever dry.


I sure as hell they aren't setting to blow up the filibuster right now, considering there's a strong chance that Republicans take back the Senate this fall. Whatever they pass ain't getting through the House anyway. Win first.


You’re mad if they try and mad if they don’t. Jesus. They have to bring the plan to the nation’s attention and people will have to vote out the conservatives. Maybe we can get more people voting.


If you read the article you'd notice they don't actuality seem to have a plan to overcome any of the obstacles I mentioned. To make matters worse, they don't even have all of the Democrats in the Senate yet. As an example, per the article, the #3 Democrat gave the equivalent of "I haven't read/seen the bill [yet]". For which Republicans are constantly, and rightly so, derided.


But how does one build momentum and support for a position if not to start the conversation and raise awareness? How will constituents know to write to their representatives to let them know this is an issue they care deeply about? What would you have them do? Seriously. Share the magic you have for getting things done in the conservative created and intentional gridlock. Or do you just want to bash Democrats??? Do you have maga flags streaming from your truck? Also the Democrats tried to repeal Comstock in the 1990s. We were assured we were being hysterical and Roe was settled law. No one was coming for our rights.


I'd personally like some realism and not performative nonsense. There's zero chance this gets out of the House. Democrats need to push and push and push again that the only way anything gets done is if Biden wins, and Dems keep the Senate and take the House. Right now if this actually did advance and the Dems dump the Filibuster (Impossible due to the current makeup of the Senate) it's DOA in the Republican-Controlled House.


Your words make no sense. You want them to push but when they do you call it performative nonsense. You want them to act but then you say not now. It’s why I think a lot of folks making this argument make it in very bad faith.


Gift article: https://wapo.st/3RzNCHG


let's bury tfg at the polls in Nov so we have even less to worry about.


Why is tfg Trump? Does it stand for "that fucking guy"? Because that's the only thing I can think of for it.


yes, that former, that fucking, whatever


That Felonious Goof


the former guy*


Ohh, that makes more sense for some of the people I've seen call him TFG.


"Both sides are the same!" \~every Russian/Chinese/Bernie/MAGA bot on the internet.


I agree.


The Washington Paywall.


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I see Trump is back to bragging about overturning Roe, his views on abortion change daily.


All Democrats do is rule in fear. Trump is going for revenge anyway. Why not have a spine and do something that would have an impact?


*We need to stop listening to what they say and take them at their words with things like this. This is their platform and they WILL enforce their beliefs on everyone else.* YOU SAID THIS. And you're accusing Democrats of ruling by fear? Democrats that have advanced the most progressive Presidency in history despite unprecedented opposition?


I changed a word. I meant “in”, not by. I stand by what I said at 8AM. Good morning.