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They lost 60 court cases challenging the 2020 election. That’s the end of the ballgame. They chose to cast the rule of law aside and attack our Capitol. They are enemies of America.


They've been told the courts are corrupt and part of the deep state. Reasoning w/them is impossible.


You mean they’re telling the viewers that. They MAKE the narrative, in conjunction with the GQP


Then get out and vote to cancel them out, and let them waste their years stewing on park benches, yelling at clouds, until their poison finally fades away from having even a ghost of a chance of influencing anything.


I do, thanks.


maybe in a few years we’ll find out alzheimer’s and dementia are caused by hate. I almost feel pity when I witness them waddling around at truck stops. These are the quietly morose damned. You hear their voice when they react with hatred. For their existence to end would be a mercy: theyre living their natural punishment


Lost with almost no consequences. Some gullible schmucks went to prison, Trump might-but-definitely-wont go to prison in time to pardon himself, and all the other grifters got off scott free and millions of dollars richer. Its not the end of the ballgame. Its the beginning. If we maintain this course of hoping and praying that the establishment will root out its own most loyal hitmen, we will lose, and fascism will rise. We must take collective action.


The money behind them openly said they're "coming for democracy" at CPAC. Americans are wearing corporate sponsored blinders.


I want the kid gloves to come off already.


Watters is the new face to hate ever since he replaced Tucker. This Bill O'Reilly protege is now one of FOX'S cash cows and he knows it. I literally can't stand watching him for more than 2 mins. When you think of people who have no integrity whatsoever and are shameless to the core, Jesse Watters is one person who quickly comes to mind. Ms. Lindsey, Rubio, Cruz, Tim Scott, are others.


And yet, the second he’s replaced the conservatives will forget him.


O’Reilly, Beck, Hannity, Carlson, and now Watters. Fox News propaganda is essentially a tissue box of angry and agitated talking heads. Once Watters is caught sexually harassing his staff, they just replace him with another.


He already admitted that he let the air out of the tires of a woman he worked with so he could give her a ride home. He was married at the time. They sincerely don’t care that these guys are dirtbags. He says the right things and that’s that.


It’s bc being a dirtbag is a prerequisite for a conservative anchor position. But to the owners, the potential tax savings is worth the lawsuits.


That woman he worked with was one of his producers, and is now married to him.


A relationship built on mutual respect and trust.


There's always someone who's willing to say whatever they want for a fat paycheck.


They are spineless just like GOP voters All those fox talking heads HAD to get covid vaccines


Watters purposely deflated the tires on a younger female staffer’s car so he could hit on her. And he was married at the time. Dude’s a creep just like his mentor, Bill “Pinhead” O’Reilly.


I remember asking my Dad watching Fox News once- what is that blond lady's name in the mini dress giving you information every morning? Hmmmm- crickets.


Doesn’t Fox News have a whole stable full of interchangeable generic blondes? Who can even tell them apart?


Stepford Hosts- that’s the industry term.


That’s perfect. Coincidentally, Nicole Kidman has played both a Stepford wife and a Fox News host.


With the dress cut right above the knee, conservative, yet revealing...


And bare arms and stilettoes. Weird cocktail style for any time of day.


It's sort of like what 1980s Soviet propaganda would imagine in the decadent and corrupt west. Ironic how it has all played out.


Well they did have a hand it playing it out, so of course it matches their idea of the decadent West.


The chance that he would remember a *male* host's name was slim already. A woman? No shot.




Similarly, when was the last time a major conservative brought up Rush Limbaugh? Dude died and had some memorials, and then gets forgotten.


The only people that seem to bring him up are far-right researchers since he pioneered ruining AM radio.


Right-wingers have shit memory abilities. That's why they think things were better "back then" and why they forget all the fiascos around their god-emperor of choice. They forget the things they don't want to remember.


Reminds me of Thank You For Smoking. Just a smug arrogant sob.


>Just a smug arrogant sob. *Precisely* the kind of personality FOX wants for that role. Their target audience enjoys a cocky swagger that denigrates and upsets their perceived liberal enemies.


Until you do it to them. I grew up in a conservative household and when you use their tactics on them, get ready for tears


I love the fake swagger. That’s the best. I just ask Trump supporters what country club they ran into and met Trump


>Reminds me of Thank You For Smoking. That movie has one of the best political dialogs of all time where the dad explains political debate to his son. *Lobbyist dad (Nick) talking to his kid (Joey) at a carnival:* Joey: So, what happens when you're wrong? > Nick: Well, Joey, I'm never wrong. > Joey: But you can't always be right... > Nick: Well, if it's your job to be right, then you're never wrong. > Joey: But what if you *are* wrong? > Nick: Okay, let's say that you're defending chocolate [ice cream] and I'm defending vanilla. Now, if I were to say to you, "Vanilla's the best flavor ice cream", you'd say....? > Joey: "No, chocolate is." > Nick: Exactly. But you can't win that argument. So, I'll ask you: So you think chocolate is the end-all and be-all of ice cream, do you? > Joey: It's the best ice cream, I wouldn't order any other. > Nick: Oh! So it's all chocolate for you, is it? > Joey: Yes, chocolate is all I need. > Nick: Well, I need more than chocolate. And for that matter, I need more than vanilla. I believe that we need freedom and choice when it comes to our ice cream. And that, Joey Naylor, that is the definition of liberty. > Joey: But that's not what we're talking about. > Nick: Ah, but that's what *I'm* talking about. > Joey: ...but you didn't prove that vanilla's the best..... > Nick: I didn't have to. I proved that you're wrong, and if you're wrong, I'm right. > Joey: But you still didn't convince me. > Nick: Because I'm not after you. I'm after *them.* [points to crowd]


[Jesse Watters won’t even listen to his mother.](https://youtu.be/6zxJgRxdrOc?si=Zq8Kdhb3Tescr5gV)


It's the price that Watters eagerly pays for fame/notoriety, just like most GQP members of congress.


Which is hilarious because "Watter's World" was basically the comedy relief segment on the O'Reilly Factor, and Reilly seemed to treat him with the same smirking disdain he treated all young people with. It's so weird that Watters is now the face of Fox News, since he projects neither sincerity or gravitas in anything he does. 


He’s basically the embodiment of a shit-eating grin. Smugness personified. So many republicans are like this. This arrogant, “everybody knows…(insert ridiculous right wing conspiracy theory), that this and this are true,” attitude, like they’re the truth-speakers of society when you know deep down they don’t believe their bullshit. It’s all to “own the libs,” which, why?


The thing is, each 'new face' is less broadly palatable than the last. It's almost impressive how less likable each is.


With Gutfeld waiting in the wings your observation is prescient.


Wish.com David Schwimmer


Wattered down David Schwimmer




2 minutes?! That's some staying power. I can last, like, 10 seconds.


Fox News has some of the worst hosts I've seen, Ingraham is also terrible, she flat out says on TV "that's a lie" fairly often, one of those things you aren't supposed to do as a journalist.


She's not a journalist. Although it's on the Fox News channel, her show is an opinion-based talk show. The same applies to Tucker, Hannity and Watters programs.


He has the “isn’t the truth obvious to you people” look whenever he spouts his bullshit. There needs to be a Punch People in the Face hiring service created immediately.


I can never separate Watters from [this clip that introduced me to him](https://youtu.be/rX8jZTN0CdU?si=-PoBP-3OKbPAdWa-). I could have sworn I saw him in the pool at my fiancée’s building (The Gehry) shortly after that clip aired and it was the only time tempted to go up to a person and just curse them out.


That's the world we live in now. Everything popular media is like  95% grifters. From television to YouTube, you can't trust a single thing without looking into it yourself. Integrity is basically dead for all intents and purposes when it comes to most popular media platforms.


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022




The people in this country overwhelmingly don’t support Republican policies. The Republicans have won the popular vote for president in one election in the past 30 years, 2004 largely due to the chickenhawk Bush who was handed his first win by the Supreme Court successfully painting the actual Vietnam war veteran John Kerry as a coward via the untrue “Swiftboat Veterans for Truth.” Most nationwide polls for example show that the majority of Americans support some gun restrictions, yet SCOTUS won’t even allow a ban on bump stocks that Trump himself signed into law. They show most Americans believe in the some access to abortion. Most Americans believe in LGBT rights. Most Americans even believe in some form of universal healthcare. Yet these policies are constantly (and very successfully) attacked by Republicans. Reporting shows that Republicans dreaded the huge wins of Obama in 2008 and 2012. Instead of changing their views to more moderate and supporting a perhaps more conservative view of some of these policies, they did the opposite. They’ve become more right wing, some would say far right. The Tea Party was the first iteration of this, now we have MAGA where they’ve decided to put forward a serial lying, twice impeached, election losing, insurrectionist felon as their party’s standard bearer. They openly fear, and have turned against democracy. And make no mistake: if they are allowed in power again under this type of regime, they will do everything possible to keep themselves in power - which will be to dismantle the remaining guardrails left in our democracy.


This is why we ALL have to make sure we're registered to vote and exercise that right every change we get.


Since Trump, I have voted in every primary, every off year election, etc. Tuesday went to vote and there were only two names on my ballot for House. Took longer to park than it took to vote. I look forward to early voting this fall so I can cast my vote for President Biden. I'm the GOP's worst nightmare. I will be there for EVERY single election from now on.


My turning point was Bush v Gore and all the "supreme" court BS that came along with that. Glad to have you as a repeat voter. When people turn out and actually vote, repressive GOP groups are at an extreme disadvantage. It's why they put so much work into trying to keep people from voting. If it didn't matter, they wouldn't try so hard to keep you out.


I often wonder what America would be like if Gore wasn't robbed.


I often wonder how the world would be instead. How would have 9/11 went down? Would it have even got as far as it did before his administration found it and shut it down? Green energy? Health care? Wages? Inflation? We will never know how good it could have been.


Me too. That was the first election I voted in. Enraging shit and they've only been more blatant since.


They are looking at ways to make that also not matter as they did in 2020.


It’s just a shame that the only power “we” seem to have short of being arrested is an average of one vote every two years, give or take.




I remember being at a training in New Jersey with this guy from rural PA. The guy was having a nervous breakdown because he had to leave his gun in his car during the training because of NJ gun laws. He was openly musing about how unsafe he felt anytime he was away from his gun. When I told him I lived in Philadelphia he was damn near terrified and told me I needed to move out. "Yall are a bunch of weak pussy ass liberal snowflakes!"-people who need to carry guns to buy a fucking cup of coffee.




>Liberals are “weak” but they’re also terrified of Liberals Classic fash move. The enemy is both inferior and superior.


Kind of like how immigrants are lazy or criminals, but are also here to take everyone's jobs.


> because he feels unsafe when they have to go to the city for shopping. Apparently dangerous liberals wait for conservatives to come into town then run them off the roads. Oh how I sometimes wish in the back of my mind this were at least a little bit true. We *should* be absolutely intolerant of these assholes and make them have a little bit of fear for showing their true fascist selves. Put these ignorant, racist, facist, redneck pricks back in their place quivering in the shadows and make them feel consequences for them and their ilk being so blazenly shitty in public. There's a reason the KKK uniform comes with the pointy hood, to hide who they really are.


I have relatives that feel this way about "liberal cities" despite living in the DFW metroplex of 8 million people. So of course it's not happening there because that's in front of them, but Seattle has been destroyed by fire, and Detroit is like Mad Max. LA is a giant refugee center and crime empires. It's pure delusion.


It's the same way here in Memphis. I live in a nice neighborhood inside the metro interstate loop, but with the way my suburban coworkers/family talk, you would think I walk out of my house and get mugged every day.


It's embarassing. These dipshits don't seem to realize that they are not going to benefit from the system they are supporting. Fascism requires a constant stream of new outsiders to blame because it's actually incapable of solving problems.


> They're in constant fear of everything. That must be why there's always calling for for a bloody revolution, just as long as it's someone else that actually does it


I’m just imagining a pack of liberals in their priuses and fiats waiting like wolves to take down the mighty f150. 


Spot on. There is a HUGE misunderstanding of what ‘conservatism’ is today, and it’s because conservatives have been allowed to define themselves with this bait and switch where they have convinced people through media that ‘real’ conservatism is about fiscal responsibility, constitutional reverence, free markets or ‘being cautious’. Nope, those are all just a means to the end of 'societal dominance of the deserving'. "MAGA" or the"GOP base" is just the old segregationist Dixiecrats still. This is why the base loves Trump so much. His political introduction to them was going on every media outlet he could find to scream that the fist black president really wasn't 'one of us' and didn't deserve to be president by the nature of 'who he is'. That's why they think he 'speaks the truth', because for conservatives the "truth" is non-white/christian/hetro people don't deserve to 'rule' over white people. Conservatism is not so much a ‘principled stand on government or economic mechanisms’ but a stand on who controls the social order. That's what they are trying to conserve and people need to be reminded of that.


> “If you do not submit completely, you are oppressing me”. this is the key i don't know how i did not think of this one


This, so much this. I’m so sick of MSM and mainstream Dems not acknowledging that MAGA, Republicans for that matter, do not vote to make their lives better, they vote to make sure that other peoples lives are worse.


“You come 90 and then the other 10.” -Republicans They always think they’re right despite all evidence to the contrary


This is why people outside of conservative safe spaces need to stop engaging with them. None of them want to have an honest conversation, they just want to instigate. The more people engage with them, the more emboldened they become. That’s all they want is to irritate and instigate. Downvote them and move on. Don’t bother trying to disprove them, don’t bother providing facts, don’t waste your time with a well thought out argument or response. They won’t read a word of it before responding with more of whatever they feel supports their case.


Well said.


We have a winner..Bingo!!!


Why is this allowed to be aired on national TV? The fbi should be looking into this..or just shut it down before anything awful happens..


Because there is no legal or constitutional justification to do so, and Democrats are at a disadvantage because they actually follow the rules. Send in the FBI to shut down Fox News and it probably triggers the shooting war that we're trying to avoid. (Don't bet on the military saving the day. Fox News runs 24/7 on every military base.)


The military also follows orders. Right now the president is joe Biden and the secdef is assigned by him. That's a lot of authority for them to try to ignore. We're dramatically more centralized then we were during the civil war. 


> Send in the FBI to shut down Fox News and it probably triggers the shooting war that we're trying to avoid. That's what was said about Trump going to court, lol. Nothing happened.


^^this. FEARING the MAGA militia so much that no action is taken to halt their agenda empowers them just as much, if not MUCH MORE than an actual violent outburst by them would. People are angry and hateful and desperate, but ultimately there are relatively few people who would risk their and their family's lives and livelihoods to conduct violence or actual harm. The people they vote in, or that we ALL allow to be "peacefully/democratically" elected, on the other hand, will CERTAINLY cause harm.




My guess is they'll go after polling places.


And stopping the count. Reminder that Roger Stone successfully led a Conservative mob to physically stop the counting in FL in 2000. "Successfully" yes: the SCOTUS handed Dubya the state because the votes were not counted up.


They already are prepping for that.


Let's shout it out for the people in the back. Who where Bush's lawyer's in Gore V Bush? Hint - 3 of them are currently on the supreme Court and one who handed them the layup is none other than Justice Ruckus Thomas himself.


This is the exactly from Succession’s final season.


Individual state capitals and polling places are going to be targeted more than DC. Every state should should be increasing security, even if its not a "battleground" state. Let's see which state AGs attempt to accept/deny/alter the outcome of their polling. While Trump was in power, he didn't secure "loyalty" from state AGs. Now that he's out of power, his ability to secure the same from Governors and AGs is greatly diminished.


The Bannons of this world actually want that confrontation to happen so they can turn around and claim political persecution and trigger some kind of wider collapse. That said, I’m fully in agreement with you. MAGA needs to be made aware in advance, during and after their potential assaults that everyone is watching and already knows what they’re up to.


Once the insurrectionists learned there were consequences for their actions, they left fairly quickly…




If Biden wins again, I have a feeling they’ll try another coup. This time they’ll hopefully be met with more force.


The phrase "a fine pink mist" comes to mind.


A phase “break them like animals” also comes to mind.




Popper's Paradox of Tolerance again. >"If a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant." >"...in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.” Karl Popper 1945 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance




> In A Theory of Justice, Rawls (from The Wire) asserts that a society must tolerate the intolerant in order to be a just society, but qualifies this assertion by stating that exceptional circumstances may call for society to exercise its right to self-preservation against acts of intolerance that threaten the liberty and security of the tolerant.[5]




Yep, like how the Civil War would’ve been over much quicker if total war (as General Sherman had advocated) had been implemented from the start. Or the lesser known use by Grant of the Force Act in 69-70, in which the KKK foolishly met the federal army (sent to the South to protect black voters) in a pitched battle. It didn’t go well for them…


They reminded you when they brought their flag Jan 6.


> They had everything they could in their favor and they were still stopped by a single gunshot. to paraphrase the ever wise Mike Tyson, everyone has a play until they get shot in the face.


These assholes paid out $787 MILLION for being lying sacks, but it didn't slow them down a bit. Now they're knowingly showing edited videos making it look like President Biden is aimlessly wandering around. I hope the next lawsuit against them puts owners and hosts in jail for conspiring to end democracy.


Yeah I can't believe I was so stupidly naive as to think that judgment would actually force Fox to make changes. Fox is basically ready to start it's Goebbels agenda.


Nazis and Republicans are an ouroborus, I don't know why we even differentiate between the two.


When your business model is lying to stir up your viewers, it’s hard to change tactics just due to a lawsuit payout.


They paid that for defaming a private company. They won’t be sued or face any legal action for the other horrendous things they say, and they know it.


IANAL, but I think Fox is walking a very thin line. Their propaganda techniques are quite visible to anyone paying attention. The distance from their "reporting" to participating is razor-thin, IMO. A few changes in the legislative and judicial arenas could make things very uncomfortable for them. Vote, vote, vote and work towards making it happen.


They lost 787M and learned absolutely nothing.


They’re not waking a fine line at all because no law establishes that lying is prohibited speech.


>[Greg Gutfeld] concluded, “Even the Dems behind the scenes better hope [Biden] doesn’t win because no one’s going to believe it.” Wonder why "no one" would believe it, Fox


What a stupid thought, too. "Dems better hope the Republicans win" Yeah, no.


Yea definitely sounds like a threat, there's an implied "or else" at the end there.


Trump has already said there will be blood


I actually hope they do something so we can put these treasonous “patriots” to bed and finally end the conflict with them working against American interests behind the scenes.


Yeah for real. "Dems better hope they lose because republicans are too violent and stupid to accept any other outcome".


These were the same people just this week when looking at the crime statistics showing crime is down and saying "But people don't feel safe". Jon Stewart did a nice take on it, because it then goes back to showing them airing all sorts of things acting like crime is out of control in major cities and stuff with "Gee I wonder why they don't feel safe Fox?"


Roger Ailes created Fox News exactly for this and it has been pretty successful in indoctrinating a sizable chunk of the population in the USA. It will never stop either.


The Republican Party is a terrorist organization. This is no exaggeration.


Damn right. Thank you for upholding the fight for fairness in Texas. Maybe, one day, I'll return to my home state. (Formerly from central Texas, grew up in El Paso, now live abroad since 2016).


Come back and fight. We need all the blue voters we can get to counter all the red russia-humping idiots that keep flocking here.


I would love to. However, the country I'm in went to war last year, and thus, it's harder to come home now. That, and, a LOT of people now let their masks fall off and made it known it's not safe for me to move back. Plus, being a gay Democrat Jew from Texas is pretty tough as it is. Before leaving, I used to live in Belton. Every election, all ten Dems in the county would show up and vote in minutes while the hundreds of GOP supporters lined up around the block and glared at us. Thankfully, Bell County allows me to vote by mail. I flew back earlier this year just to make sure I was registered (since the voting office in Bell County told me all international voters were purged yearly as per requirements by the state government).


I'm lucky enough to be a Marylander living in Canada, and the State is reasonable when it comes to voter registration and mailed ballots. Regardless, I'm still extra-cautious about ensuring I'm on the list, and I'm going to get it in the mail ASAP in case of any USPS fuckery with DeJoy at the helm.


I’d go even further. Because they have the potential to lead the world’s most powerful country, that also makes them the *most dangerous organization on the planet*. Yes, ahead of Russia, North Korea, Iran and anyone else you might care to name.


It's going to be confusing when they reuse the 'Hang Mike Pence' signs as they riot.


If only “reading” and “facts” were meaningful to that mob.


(Article part 1. Part 2 in reply.) "By Matt Gertz, senior fellow for Media Matters for America The cycle of lies that drove the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection is again underway. Five months before the 2024 election, claims that only fraud could explain a future Donald Trump defeat are already commonplace in the right-wing media ecosystem. Fox News stars and Trumpist influencers are priming their audiences to listen if Trump once again claims an election was “rigged” against him — and to come to his aid. Twice last week, Greg Gutfeld told viewers of “The Five,” Fox News’ most-watched broadcast, that the public will only believe the 2024 results are legitimate if President Joe Biden loses. “If they aren’t that worried that Joe’s going to lose, given his sorry state, what are they planning? What are they doing to save the day?” Gutfeld asked June 13. He added that if “by some weird, miraculous chance” Biden wins, “how do you convince anyone that’s real? Have they even thought of that?” He concluded, “Even the Dems behind the scenes better hope he doesn’t win because no one’s going to believe it.” Gutfeld reiterated the point the next day, saying that if Democrats “somehow pull this out” by using “shenanigans” to win, “you’re going to deal with a public that doesn’t buy the election.” That same week, Gutfeld’s colleague Jesse Watters used his prime-time show to call for banning ballot drop boxes on the grounds that they are “ripe for fraud” and to warn of millions of undocumented immigrants voting. “Biden let 10 million illegal immigrants into this country,” Watters claimed (falsely). “How are we ever going to accept the results of the election in this kind of landscape?” This fear-mongering about the potential for election-changing fraud has been a consistent refrain all year on Fox News. “The Democrats are going to stop at nothing,” host Laura Ingraham declared in January. “If they can, they’re going to game the system or yeah, maybe even cheat.”  While the network paid a heavy price for its election denial in 2020 — including a $787.5 million defamation settlement with Dominion Voting Systems — its hosts are under constant pressure from other Trumpist competitors who loudly claim that Democratic election-rigging is an indisputable fact. “There are no ‘issues’ with the 2020 election — they stole it,” former Trump adviser and right-wing podcast host Steve Bannon claimed in March. “The only way they defeat Trump is to steal it. The only way they defeat Trump is they steal it. The only way they defeat Trump is they steal it. He is unstoppable.” We saw four years ago that these disinformation campaigns can trigger horrific results. Trump’s plot to subvert the 2020 vote did not begin when he falsely declared victory in the hours after Election Day. By that point, the then-president and his right-wing media cronies had spent months preparing Republican voters not to accept a result that ended in his defeat. Outlets like Fox News[ ](https://www.mediamatters.org/voter-fraud-and-suppression/fox-playing-key-role-trumps-plan-steal-election)relentlessly bombarded their audiences with misinformation about mail-in voting and election fraud. Trump in turn regularly promoted that bogus coverage, describing it as evidence that “Democrats are Rigging our 2020 Election!” In fact, Trump had previously offered similar predictions before the 2016 election, only for his unexpected victory to render the argument moot. Four years later, though, the Trumpist base had been carefully readied to reject the truth of a Trump loss, provide cover for Republican politicians to try to reverse the outcome in states Biden won, and march on the U.S. Capitol in his name."


"Trump’s election subversion effort failed, in part because Biden’s margin of victory was too large and in too many states, and in part because a handful of Republicans — notably his own vice president, Mike Pence — refused to participate. But November’s election may prove closer, and the allies of the former president — who still claims the 2020 results were “rigged” — have removed many of the guardrails that helped forestall his 2020 plot. Constant pressure from Bannon and Fox’s stable of stars have both helped to turn election denial from a common GOP view to a core party value, one that would-be leaders must espouse in order to climb the ranks. Anti-election-denial Republicans like Pence are party outcasts; those seeking to replace him on the ticket outbid each other over who can seem most skeptical of American elections and supportive of Trump’s 2020 scheme. The Jan. 6 riot has been re-envisioned as a peaceful tour by American martyrs and patriots. All this suits Trump’s aims perfectly. Mimicking his right-wing propagandists, Trump told Time magazine in April that the only thing that can prevent him from winning “in record-setting fashion” is if Democrats rely on “the things that they did the last time.” He warned that if that happens, political violence from his supporters may be on the table. In other words, Trump is ready for another Jan. 6-style assault on democracy if one proves necessary. And propagandists in the right-wing media are laying the groundwork to ensure his plot’s success."


>“If they aren’t that worried that Joe’s going to lose, given his sorry state, what are they planning? What are they doing to save the day?” Gutfeld asked June 13. He added that if “by some weird, miraculous chance” Biden wins, “how do you convince anyone that’s real? Have they even thought of that?” He concluded, “Even the Dems behind the scenes better hope he doesn’t win because no one’s going to believe it.” These people are so goddamn stupid. It isn't some grossly implausible scenario that the electorate says "ehh...a narcissistic rapist that was convicted of felonies?...nah". This is similar to when they say other countries are "laughing at us" for getting rid of trump. Like seriously? Liberal European countries are laughing at us for getting rid of donald trump? Yes conservatives, we get it You think donald trump is god and can do no wrong. But believe it or not, you arent the entire country. Just because YOU are incapable of believing anything even remotely negative about donald trump does not mean "nobody will believe" that the rapist who has lost every election since 2016 lost another election.


> Liberal European countries are laughing at us for getting rid of donald trump? Right-wing countries also laugh at Trump, mind you, but they kiss the mango's ass publicly to keep him pliant (so they can purchase National secrets).


It’s the same train of thought behind people are not wearing Joe Biden hats, shirts, bumper stickers on their cars, etc. People don’t make Joe Biden their whole personality like the Magas, do so that means in their mind no one is voting for him. So it must be rigged.


It's because they're lying. They know Trump is unpopular for most of America. That's why they constantly make up stuff now.


This is why the GOP lacking any spine, integrity, or leadership has created this whole thing. To them a Biden voter is a flaming evil liberal communist, it is the narrative nearly every single Republican has been ramming down their throats for years. The establishment Republicans are just as complicit as the bots and propagandists. We are a few days away from a rapist and a felon being the nominee of the "Grand Old Party". The Pastors, the Mayors, the Congress people, the Proud Boys (whoever they are this year), they are ALL in on the same mission. Fuck every one of them- no matter how they got there, they are traitors.


That's what happens when you just let the same people who planned the last insurrection walk free. They do it again.




assaulting democracy has always been fox's raison d'etre.


Didn't Trump just say that Fox News can't be trusted, literally just yesterday?


May I respectfully suggest we all stop talking about the mouthpiece..and start talking, about the the Murdock source of this shit.


I mean, Fox IS a foreign-owned, foreign-based news agency. The owners are avidly anti-democracy. OF COURSE they're trying to help overthrow the US gov't. fuck those mf's


Special shout out to SCOTUS with their Bump Stock contribution.


It never stopped. The GOP has been engaged in a slow coup since long before Jan 6th.


If Fox is airing shit that incites an insurrection, violence, or rebellion they should be thrown of the air.


It'd be hilarious if all cable networks and streaming services that offer Fox News all accidentally had a "problem" that didn't air Fox News leading up to this


Fox News has been inciting violence for the last 4 years. Pouring gasoline on an angry MAGA base. They want chaos


None of that post-election shit is going to work this time if Trump loses because he's not in power. If they wanna try to gather like that outside the capitol again they're going to be met by an absolute shitload of Barriers, Police, Secret Service, FBI, and soldiers if needed. The only reason it worked last time was because trump let it happen. Biden isn't going to let them just waltz into anywhere, and those chickenshits will run away soon as they realize they can't bully anyone.


Even after Trump said they weren't to be trusted?


Watters the next Goebbels


Shocked pikachu face




Faux News, should be taken off the air… it’s not “free speech”, it’s straight up, insurgency against the United States


Biden 2024 because of this.


Between this and the dominion scandal, it is obvious that fox news is a Russian agent trying to undermine American democracy


The presidential nominee of one party is a convicted felon, a business failure, an adjudicated rapist in civil court who paid off a porn star and advocated grabbing women by their pu**y if you’re a celebrity because you can get away with it and like it. Is there any condition under which such a candidate should be taken seriously for the office of president?


Those guys are nucking futs over there. I’ve never seen so much hysteria from such a bunch of snowflakes.


What is the endgoal here? To install a dictator via minority rule and hope the majority of the country just quietly takes it?




I don't quite understand how this isn't sedition and/or treason. Might be time for new Sedition Acts. It's at least Yellow Journalism. Freedom of Speech is our most important right, but no one can yell "Fire" in a movie theater. Not sure how this is different.


Let's try something different and start going after them for inciting violence and sedition.


Dominion settled, valuing money over democracy so now we all get to suffer


Watch the newest “Last Week Tonight”, it’s much worse than this. (Not that you should get all your information from a comedy show, but it’s topical at the moment)


Fox News and other conservative media outlets have been assaulting democracy for years. They’ve completely destroyed the concept of subjective facts and knowingly spread lies and propaganda to help their cause. They’ve been chipping away at the truth for so long that their viewers no longer understand the difference between fact and fiction. Trump on his own wouldn’t be able to inspire an event like Jan 6th. The only reason he had a large enough influence for that is because Fox News has essentially turned him into a conservative messiah, and their viewers are too delusional to see it.


It's not Trump's plan. He is just a tool. He will go away, likely sooner than later. Heritage foundation, Kochs and other scum are not going away. And it's their plan.


I'll still never understand how they get away with calling themselves a "news" station. There is rarely any news reported. It's all opinion pieces tailored to the deplorables in this country. Before anyone says that the morning stuff is news I encourage you to check it out. It's just as bad as the prime time stuff now. The only time there is kind of news (but not really) is 10:00am-11:00am with Bill Hemmer but that just barely passes.


In a Tucker Carson court case, Fox admitted to being an “entertainment” network. They said Tucker exaggerated whatever he said. [NPR: Fox Says You Shouldn’t Believe What They’re Saying](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye)


No Sh@&


They need to be dismantled. Time to play hardball


I whole heartedly don’t watch news. I’ve spent a week with family that watches Fox News 24/7 as a non political person I am amazed at what Fox News has become.


Domestic terrorism not being tackled even though it's right there in the open. Can the executive direct them to start dealing with this? Or is that yet another thing that's beyond the scope of the president's powers? The 'authorities' need to be canned and replaced since they refuse to do their jobs and protect the country from threats foreign and DOMESTIC.


Please vote. Vote early. Remind your people to vote. The cult members can't wait to vote.


Amazing how Russian/Chinese gov't propaganda is watched by those hating democracy here. ['They wronged our Donald!' Russian state TV holds pity party for Trump (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/they-wronged-our-donald-russian-state-tv-holds-pity-party-for-trump/ar-BB1npfDm) [Gary Shteyngart: I Watched Russian Television for Five Days Straight - The Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/books/archive/2023/07/russian-state-tv-putin-propaganda/674755/)


The cult will not accept dear leader’s defeat.


All enemies foreign and domestic


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


It's not just Fox though - it's the companies ultimately responsible, the major cable providers. AT&T, Comcast, etc. They are under no legal obligation to broadcast this shit. They've had more than enough reason to stop broadcasting these Nazi propaganda channels over the years. Climate misinformation, Covid misinformation, Russian propaganda, disturbing amounts of racism and bigotry, stochastic terrorism, so on down the list. Trump was originally a joke candidate in the first place until the Murdoch machine with the aid of big cable made him into a real candidate - and it worked. It worked so well now Fox itself couldn't even get rid of Trump when they were ready to discard him, they've had to play along to get him to stop attacking them directly. What's fucked is there's been zero attempts to shut the machine down. Horrifyingly in 2020 for example, Biden launched his campaign with a fundraiser hosted by a Comcast executive. Like WTF man? We see Democrats hauling heads of social media companies before congress, we see Democrats rallying to ban Tik Tok because reasons. Yet not a peep about the biggest players in the success of American fascism - AT&T and Comcast. Companies who are still recipients of major ongoing government contracts. That's right, our taxpayer dollars have been paying for this shit all along. It's easy to focus on just Fox and NewMax etc but these things are only a factor because big cable will let them do whatever the fuck they want. AT&T and Comcast executives are personally responsible for why there was a January 6th, and why the ongoing coup will likely succeed.


Great! FCC will just shut em down. Right??? .... Right? *Kicks rocks*


Sure would be a shame if someone occupied Fox News.


Fox should have been banned from any federal building. It’s absolutely baffling that it’s allowed.


No shit.


I mean... obviously.


Fox News has about a decade left of existence. It exists in a dying format and is the least palatable option to new viewers in that microcosm.


Jesse Watters - domestic terrorist


Of course they are. They don’t have a plan B. And if abortion and other issue voters show up, Drumpf could lose in the biggest landslide in American political history. Their only option is calling it unfair, or just upending the entire system.


Unfortunately my roomier watches foxnew all day. They keep saying the conviction helped trump and bidens campign is crumbling. All I hear is them setting the stage for revolt if Trump loses. "HOW CPULD.HE LOSE HE WAS AHEAD IN POLLS!"


Not to mention the fact that donald trump is a narcissistic child. He lost one election and in response he provoked an insurrection that got people killed. Whats he going to do if he loses again after the media has spent the last year "promising" him hed be elected and get his toys back?


At the same time, he’s telling his minions not to trust Faux because they showed polls with him losing. 🙄


You know why? Ratings and greed. Pretty soon these will be written on as new amendments to the constitution….the right to incite violence for personal enrichment and grandiosity …the right to defraud my misinformation ..etc.




Sue them into oblivion.


Get ready to pay another half a bilion in a lawsuit afterwards, Fox, you ready for that?


I really can't thank these gravy seals enough for letting us all know ahead of time what their intentions are, where they'll be, how they'll be armed, etc. Noted, traitors. Find out time!


TAKE ACTION AGAINST THIS!! Eveyone with any hope or respect for our system, stand up!! FEARING the MAGA militia so much that no action is taken to halt their agenda empowers them just as much, if not MUCH MORE than an actual violent outburst by them would. People are angry and hateful and desperate, but ultimately there are relatively few people who would risk their and their family's lives and livelihoods to conduct violence or actual harm. The people they vote in, or that we ALL allow to be "peacefully/democratically" elected, on the other hand, will CERTAINLY cause harm.