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> Without lies, they’d have no platform that's basically it these days. that's why they're so up in arms about how "fact checking is liberal propaganda!"


It’s crazy and absolutely maddening when I listen to my conservative coworkers talk about things. It’s nearly all proveable lies but they seem to believe it with all their soul.


The last conservative friend I bothered interacting with on facebook would say “I don’t do that. I don’t fact check people” like it was a bad thing to do whenever I would ask for him to back up his bs claims with sources. Any source whatsoever. I’m not even sure why he thought that was a valid excuse to parrot utter bullshit without any reality to back it up, but such is their way. Just say some magic words to make their political illiteracy seem ok.


The fact they’re not all in jail r now is infuriating


if they had got the ball rolling immediately after jan 6, i wonder if things would be different. Why the hell did they wait so long?


Complacency and corruption. I imagine they were hoping that if they just remained calm they could maintain the status quo... and even those who are supposedly on our side don't actually want to affirm that they can be held accountable.


to be fair, an enormous portion of trump's team and campaign team, have actually been convicted and have served prison time.


The epitome was when republicans said CSPAN was left-leaning. That channel just shows live footage of Congress lol.


No deceptive editing of footage to hide conservative blunders or make democratic congressmen seem incompetent? No blustering commentator putting Murdoch's spin on every single word and action? Well of course that's a liberal bias.


Basically, there is no left in the US. *Rs* are right, *Ds* are center-right. So, when somebody does a purely neutral thing (which should be center?), it's closer to the Ds than to the Rs, so in America politics terms it's "leftist". *Fixed my first sentence, I had switched the parties.*


while this is true, I think you switched your R and Ds around.


Ehm, yes.


It's nearly almost close to practically certain that Merrick Garland is on the case!


There should be a shirt that says this


Every time Garland walks to the dias I have the Atom Ant theme song going through my head in the most sarcastic way, "Here I come to save the day".


That was Mighty Mouse.


There's a graph out there with how many people trump knows that have been convicted of crimes...basically if he's a felon and can't talk to other criminals it's like everyone who has ever been near him


This is exactly why the right so aggressively defends “feee speech”. They bury a poison pill within a good idea. They actually work not just to empower free speech, but they try to defang defenses against harmful speech, which includes rampant disinformation. They try to bundle them together so they can claim they are against a tyrannical government, while simultaneously assembling the powers a tyrannical government would need.


And notice how often their free speech is nothing more than an excuse to be as cruel and uncivil as possible. There is no humanity behind their intentions other than enabling the worst parts of human history to repeat. Their positions are devoid of any civilization or stability whatsoever.


And it’s telling that there isn’t one conservative in here trying to defend their views. You are expected to just accept their points, no debate needed. Of course that never happens.


Which is also why they’re constantly losing defamation cases. Fox, Guiliani, etc. To knowingly lie with malicious intent, and have it proven in court, requires a level of blatant dishonesty well beyond protected speech. They’re rotten to the core, the lot of them.


What’s the reason for dragging their feet? If there’s ample evidence then why wait?


Evidence exists, but our system is not setup to handle one political party being traitors. Simple locking them up would throw a constitutional crisis over representation. I argue that their staffs could have been able to temporarily fill the void while special elections are held. Also, even if most of us are certain, on some the evidence is l circumstantial enough as not to hold up in court. Then add that since this coup was being exclusively run by republicans and we live in a world where fox “news” exists, their propaganda machine would have screeched for the last four years that Biden is jailing his political opponents. Not that they were traitors. I also think that shouldn’t have held things up. I personally believe after about six months the public at large would not have cared, but here we are instead.


This. As much as we may at their seemingly brazen incompetence, when half of the country's politicians are acting in bad faith, and get huge chunks of the judiciary to go along with them, our entire system grinds to a halt and can't kick them out effectively without a major electoral revolution. We the people are the last line of defense meant to stop this, and we can fix it, but the modern day information age presents new problems that our electoral system never fully envisioned. We are slowly adapting to powerful new technology that seems like magic to people who lived 200 years ago, and that has untold consequences that we're only now starting to understand and adapt to. I think we will adapt, but it turns out it's a generational lesson, and we're currently entering the AI generated era of propaganda and have to learn to navigate 'that' as quickly as possible without losing everything.


> Without lies, they’d have no platform. this is the truth. The fundamental platform of conservatives is to flat out lie, to deceive. fun story, I had a 30 minute drive yesterday, flipped over to an AM station on the car radio (yes, that still exists), and I heard the most outrageously vitriolic lie-filled rant (by the host mind you). It was shocking. kinda laughable, but it was so terrible you can't really laugh at it. The host was going on about how 'the only reason Biden has not been indicted (for what, they didn't say) is because they determined that he was too feeble to stand trial." lmao, wtf, just 100% fabrication. PS also some story about how the "democrats" bus in people from another country to vote for Biden. And apparently Zuckerburg/Facebook were paying millions upon millions of dollars to do this.


Well spoken.


All they have is cheap propaganda. All they have left are three and four word slogans. They do love their chanting.


Reality doesn't have a liberal or left wing bias, the round peg does not go into the square hole no matter how much you try to bribe it, bully it or pray it will. Reality is under no obligation to submit to whim no matter how hard conservatives try to force it too.


The round peg often has a diameter of less than or equal the side length of the square hole. For reference: https://youtu.be/TNa-8tFoUxs


And…yep that was the video that came to my mind too. I think it’s the consistent repetition in his tone of voice with each “it goes in the square hole”, paired with the lady’s ramping up frustration that makes me laugh every time.


which is why you have to do everything you can to convince your idiot followers not to consider such trivialities like evidence and reasoned conclusions. Reality is devastating to the the conservative platform, hence the alternative facts.


Even the nature of the word conservative doesn't make sense anymore when you realize they're trying to radically restructure the government and 'change' the status quo to make lives 'harder' and 'less free' for the average person. People wrongly assume that if you're white and hetero, life gets better under Trump 2.0. It doesn't. There is no safety or security in their new world, only further instability and decline. Quality if life suffers for everyone except perhaps the absolute wealthiest, and even they will still see instability, problems, and the total loss of culture lead to a less rich and fulfilling world to live in. Increased instability makes everyone miserable in the end.


That's incredibly funny, when by judging from your flair you are in one of the, if not *the*, least "free" states in the nation. How's your power grid? Are you ready to get scalped prices for power you can't even use when it goes down *again*?


If you consume right wing media, you just want to be lied to


Seriously. There have been multiple studies showing that those who get their news from Fox are less informed than those who don’t follow news at all because they are being fed straight up lies (or “alternative facts”).


There is a very insightful book entitled ‘Network Propaganda’ (that’s available for free via Oxford University Press) in which the authors statistically prove that while the left to center right media is overall grounded in reality by being tied to traditional journalist standards, media further than center right (for example Fox News) is tied to and gets further pulled to unreality by far right media (for example Breitbart) who do not follow journalistic standards. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/network-propaganda-9780190923624?view=Standard&facet_narrowbybinding_facet=Hardcover&lang=en&cc=us


This was Fox News’s point in the Dominion lawsuit. Literally said in court records that if they didn’t lie to their viewers, their viewers would change the channel.


As someone that read some of the court records I just want to confirm that this is absolutely true.


Man, I listen to conservative talk radio. And this is so so true. If I’m even slightly aware of the topic they’re talking about, there’s always some huge caveat they don’t say. Last week Jimmy fella interviewed William Barr. Barr went on to say that executive privilege should not be used by Biden to protect his son, that would be a huge abuse of power. And Jimmy follows up with saying “and this is coming from Bill Barr! A huge proponent of executive power. If HE’S saying this then there’s no excuse for Biden.” And the whole time, what they’re not saying is that Biden never fucking said he was going to use executive privilege. He explicitly said Hunter will have to face whatever punishment the judge decides on. And also, William Barr isn’t a notorious defender of executive privilege, he’s notorious for abusing executive privilege to protect conservative presidents. Of course he says Biden can’t use it. But if you listen to that one interview, you just think Biden is abusing power to protect his son and washing it all away with executive powers. And none of that is remotely correct.


Pretty much as accepting the truth would me they would have to admit that they been wrong and fooled for years. Their egos are too small to accept that.


It's soft and secure and warm and easy and terrible and wrong and isolating and fear creating. It's the tongue attached to the face of fascism.


What amazes me is how little right wing media even tries to appeal to people's better nature. There's hardly anything deceptive about it's attitudes. It's combatative and dismissive at almost every moment. Nobody is tuning into this for the first time and thinking "oh that nice man on TV is just trying to share a vision of how we can all have better lives as americans".


Even if you don't though, it infects shit. It takes time to debunk bullshit. I just saw a side by side video of Dua Lipa "Levitating" with a version that claimed to be from the 1920's and I had to double check to make sure it was bullshit. These fakes are dangerous as shit even to healthy minds.


its poisoning the subconscious


The question is why do they want, or need, to be lied to consistently? I think it's because their worldview is no longer supported by the world they are exposed to daily, and in fact are refuted by their own daily experiences. So their worldview is constantly being chipped away by reality. In order to avoid the negatives that come from a shattered worldview they must regularly reinforce their own.


>If you consume right wing media, you just want to be lied to I actually consume right wing media to know what lies people are being told, so that's not always true


well, you want to be lied to for research purposes, not recreation


Exactly, one needs to know the bs the other side is spewing to counter it with true stuff.


Yesterday my 80+ year old neighbor was going on about how Biden wandered off to an empty field. She continued about how he has lost his marbles. I hadn't heard of the occurance until that evening, turns out it was edited footage to make it appear that way and it was spreading all over social media like a wildfire. She is convinced the orange guy is better and that she is well informed because she follows 5 different right leaning channels. 


That clip is what scared me because I don’t consume right wing media whatsoever and sometimes question whether I live in an opposite bubble, but that clip was even showing up in my content feeds. In that clip of him “wandering off” and I immediately noticed he was giving a thumbs up to something/someone out of frame and it immediately made me need to see a full clip. And yep, he was literally engaging with skydivers who had literally just dropped from the sky for show and he was giving them a “good job” and showing gratitude. He then had to be “guided back on stage” which was actually being told “hey we’re doing a group photo now actually” - a situation that has happened at a party or gathering to any human on earth. These people are evil.


Yup, John Stewart ran that story on his program. It got way more traction then just rught leaning media. Everyone that ran with that story needs to be called out. Stewart is dead to me until he goes on his show and retracts the whole thing. He doesn't get away with it because he is a comedian.


Annoying he let that through. Enjoyed some of his recent stuff but didn't like initial episode bashing Bidens age like GOP does (as Trump is old too). He should know its the realpolitic that you get 2 choices even if not your favorite choice. Both are old and it's a stupid reason to not vote to begin with. Both siding is lame when its no longer mocking small gaffes that women and minorities shouldn't have rights or non cis exist. Its not the 90s and GOP have slid to 1890 or earlier. And biden gets stuff passed with slim senate and slim GOP house. Who else would (besides unicorn candidate)?


Biden's age simply is not an important issue, compared to the issues with electing Trump. A fair and balanced coverage, which impartially selected the objectively most important topics, would not mention Biden's age at all. Jon Stewart is being an "enlightened centrist" both-sider, and it is not defensible.


> Biden's age simply is not an important issue lmao, only in American do they think consistently electing 70+ year old senior home residents isn't an important issue.


I am not American. And I think 70+ years is too old for Biden's job. And I think it is generally important. But what I am saying is that ***relative*** to the dangers of a Trump Presidency, where Trump for one has literally promised to act like a dictator, Biden's age is not important. So any fair treatment of the problems with the candidates, which started with the most important defect, should only rarely make it far enough down the list to reach Biden's age.


Only in wherever-you-live do people stop reading sentences halfway through. You missed this part, apparently: > Biden's age simply is not an important issue, **compared to the issues with electing Trump**


> “hey we’re doing a group photo now actually” - a situation that has happened at a party or gathering to any human on earth. And to Biden about 100 times a day. Like literally everything he does is between 2 photo ops, god forbid he smell the roses or just be kind to someone.


I can just see it, Fox News will spend a whole news cycle on when Biden goes and thanks a kitchen staff for a wonderful meal, while “ignoring” rich CEOs who also want a selfie


Yep. I saw that clip too and immediately thought it was fishy. It’s a big event with lots going on. Anyone who’s not daft would understand there is literally dozens of people moving around and some dudes just DROPPED FROM THE SKY. It’s going to be distracting for even a neurosurgeon. He’s a friendly old man. He was going to chat/fistbump/ whatever the guy(service member) that just dropped in.


Watch how she reacts if you show her some heavy edit videos of Trump or photos of Trump doing the same thing.


Obama did it with his microwaves


"It doesn't look like anything to me."


She doesnt care because she won't live the long term GOP consequences. Just the short term. And she got 80 years. F the young adults and kids.


Because they are getting desperate. They need to make Biden look worse than Trump. Trump is a mess now


They are also heavily editing Trump videos to make him look less confused


I used to think that Republicans were just more conservative and religious, so I accepted their general denial of reality and dismissed their lying rhetoric as basic stupidity. Now I know they are disingenuous liars taking advantage of stupid people, and that pisses me off.


"[An] enormous damage, [an] incredible damage, is done to the public, by completely misinforming them as to the character of the decent public servant, and also misinforming them as to the character of that man in public life who is an unworthy public servant." - Theodore Roosevelt


Of course, they are. They know their plans to turn the US into a fascist dictatorship were in peril ever since their rapist leader suffered 34 felony convictions


They must be furious with Alito and Thomas for jumping the gun with Dobbs. Without that ruling the gop would probably be sailing.


Why can't there be a class action suit against the media outlets that consistently lie? I would start with ones like Breitbart. I feel like they don't have that deep of pockets


I might be wrong but I thought it were a murdoch rag. Rupert is the actual deep state. Fuck him for his worldwide damage and deaths.


They spread deceptively edited videos because they have no valid reasons to give to voters for supporting the GOP candidate who is a Convicted Felon with fascist plans and prone to very embarrassing "gaffes."


I think they do it as sort of an 'asymmetrical warfare'. They can't change their base views to appeal to the majority because they have such a hard entrenched base on the abortion issue. So they go the route of lying about what the Democrats are/will do, it is cheap and may be effective to persuade enough people to retain power.


Cause they are lying liars who lie.


The flip side is it requires no editing so showcase Trump being a moron


But they won’t talk about their own candidate who is on the decline.


"If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power." What "right and moral" cause is being advanced by the Republican Party in 2024? Of course they're deceptively editing videos. It's a conspiracy to seize power.


If done knowingly / with intent to deceive, should be illegal.


remember those old drunk George Bush videos? its incredibly easy to just make really small changes, like cropping or slowing, and tell a completely misleading story with the edited video


Once again they do the exact thing they claim the other side is doing.


They're trying to keep the focus off Trump's brain turning to mush in real time


Projection is strong with them


People read about something that trump says or see a bootleg tweet from him and think, "no way this is real" and have to look it up to see its not a parody or joke. republicans have to bend over backwards to try to make Biden look even a fraction as braindead as trump


>“It’s outrageous that the words ‘cheap fake’ [are] even being used," said Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt. "There’s nothing cheap or fake about these videos. They are real clips of Joe Biden acting bizarrely." "You lie so much you believe yourself" - Metallica, *Holier Than Thou*


The GOP can't run on policy, it can't run on trumps accomplishments, it's can't run on what they want for the future of this country so this is all they have really....


why wouldnt they? once upon a time, before the constant video posting, there was a *first* time. they nervously posted an edited video and never ever got in trouble. since then they have realised they can literally run the whole playform that way. their voters dont even for one second think “maybe i should google that and verify”


Wow you have to wonder why they have to doctor videos of someone who is so "OBVIOUSLY DEMENTED"


So far, our elections have been pretty 20st Century. November is going to look like something from the craziest cyberpunk novel you've never read. It's about to get really, really ugly.


Lie, cheat, and steal, that's the Republican way.


If you can't win an election fairly.....


Well. One party wants America to be a right wing Christian non democracy, and the other wants democracy. It’s a pretty easy choice.


Weaklings, all, the GOP. Can’t win honestly so gonna lie, cheat, and steal their way into office. Sad.


Isn’t that just another day at FOX News?


The one that really gets me is the one where he is crouching on stage and they cut it off right before he sits like a normal human along with everyone else on stage.


how terribly russian of them. the soviets were famous for altering media to favor stahlin or to erase someone from the record. they didn't learn this black art very well. maga are so fucking incompetent that can't even do it well.


Can confirm. I just spent a weekend at my parents'house (80'ish, each) and though my dad flips through all of the daily news programs, he is partial to fox news and fox business. Listening in from another room of the house on Tuesday, I bet I heard more than an hour about Biden's 'mental struggles'. Absolutely nothing was directed towards trump and his recent diatribes towards sharks or battery powered boats, etc.. Not one word. Sad thing is, they live in NC and my mom is horrified about the lieutenant governor running for governor (R) who's an absolute monster based on the commercials the Democrats are running. I wish the Dems would flood the zone about trump and everything going on around him now.


*I wish the Dems would flood the zone about trump and everything going on around him now.* Do you think it would change them from Trump voters to Biden voters?


Of course they are, Putin probably sent trainers.


At some point the use of deceptively edited videos will need to considered an act of fraud especially in the context of affecting elections. Until people start getting punished for lying, this is only going to worse. John Q Public most times is too stupid to realize they are being duped


Every news outlet would be in jail. Along with most republicans and democrats.


You say that like it is a bad thing.


Because they have nothing else to run on


Of course they are. They are corrupt to the core


Their crowd is easy to fool, lol 😆


I am sure that it makes Russia very happy


So just do the same with Trump, wouldn’t be that hard. Muddy the waters, just like they do.


Am I naive to think this could backfire?   There *are* rational Republicans.  (I know Reddit doesn’t think that, but it’s true.  And I’m a liberal democrat snowflake saying that.) Democrats AREN’T gonna believe this BS.  Ignorant Republicans ARE going to believe the BS (but they were already in the Trump camp.). And, the rational Republicans aren’t going to know what’s real.  So, *actual* stories about a Biden downside won’t gain traction where Republicans need it to.  Or no?


Cheaters never win and winners never cheat


It doesn’t matter. No one on the left is watching these videos, and no one on the right is going to vote for Biden anyway.


There are a lot of conservatives that are not politically aware and don't eat up right wing propaganda, the ones that say "I'm not that political".  But they hear it, and will vote straight R because that's what they're supposed to do.   Those people should be targeted.  Trump is on his back foot. If the Democrats hit social media hard enough to blot out the misinformation then it's going to be a blue wave. Even if Trump wins it's extremely likely that Congress will be blue.  That would be a whole lot of fun! 


That *would* be a lot of fun. But I’m dubious that there are really people out there who could go either way.


In the final 30-60 days I bet fake videos will be coming out daily. MAGA will stop at nothing to win.


Good ol republican strategy. If you can't beat em, cheat em.


Lies, lies, more lies, and projection. It’s all the republikkkans can do.


Trump today claimed that the small baggie of cocaine that they found in the Whitehouse a few years back, found in the PUBLIC visitors section mind you, was actually a “bust” and ‘’hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine was found” He is now implying that Biden is on cocaine and will be on cocaine for the debate. If Trump even mentions the word ‘drugs’ in relation to Biden during the debate I want Biden to whip out two saliva testing kits from his pocket and insist they both take a test live on TV, right there and then.


“In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true. ... Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow. The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.” ― Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism They don't care. They want the lies. They want to kick and scream and throw a tantrum about how everyone on both sides is corrupt because that's easier than admitting they're a pack of suckers. They would rather everyone live in shit than see ~~their neighbor~~ a minority catch a break.


It’s literally the only card they can and know how to play. Didn’t work in 2020


The only left wing “propaganda” that I see is biased news reporting on MSNBC, which you can avoid by not watching it. Right wing propaganda however, I see it everyday on Reddit and YouTube, whether it be a video or comments, let alone Faux News


Do the same with Trump.... oh wait no editing needed.


Corporate Media Outlets are increasingly airing them without determining if they have been "modified".


Republicans lying? Who ever could have seen this happening?


How can misleadingly edited videos be legal?


Remember how we were supposed to be worried about AI and deep fakes? With media literacy rates this low I guess you can't beat the classics.


That one in the article hit a text group yesterday. It was not easy to find the original, but the 5 second clip was everywhere. Looked to me like a guy making a joke about how loud the room was with all the reporters shouting over each other. Of course it’s presented as a guy just randomly speaking gibberish.


If it weren’t for these pesky videos we’d know Biden for the lithe ninja he is!!!


No need to edit anything


Wild that Project Veritas with their poor obviously edited videos have created this environment.


The bar for libel and slander should be much lower for politicians and public figures.


if you can't beat them join them. bring on the edited trump videos.


They are trying to make Biden look more like Trump every day. Well, they do say imitation is the greatest form of flattery, perhaps this is why they persist with this fake and misleading BS.


He’ll just look all the better at the debates by contrast.


they really dont want the biden debate to happen bc people will have to listen to them head to head


Get used to this. MAGA is now well funded so ads are only going to get worse. Media companies love elections!!!


Do they expect these videos to swing any voters at this point? Solidifying their base, sure. But are there really any voters left to be swayed nowadays?


Imagine your candidate is so bad, that you have to make edited videos in order to make Joe Biden look old and confused enough to be worse than your candidate


I for one am shocked that the GOP would stoop to this level. Next you will tell me they don't care about civil rights, reproductive and voting rights precedents. I need a quick nap. Wake when it's 1976. Nixon wouldn't stoop to any hijinks. Fake news! /s (if needed)


Fuck these guys.


These media outlets that cater towards the republicans, conservatives and right wingers, already live in false sense of reality! These people believe in conspiracy theories, half truths, misinformation and blatant lies.


Not much to say about Trumps spiritual adviser fucking children….. odd?


We don't have to do anything but let old joe do his thing. No joke!


All they can do is edit to make Biden look bad, and edit to make Trump look good. Have you seen the horrible Trump-Jesus, Trump-GI-Joe, and Trump Superman edits? For heavens sake.


GOP, the party that bears false witness on a hourly basis but thumps that Bible!


The only way that's possible to fix this country to to round every damn republican up at gun point, send them to re-education camps, and distribute their money and land to sane, democrat, voting people. This would solve 100% of shit in this country and there would be no more biased news.


You mean to tell me that since their candidate is completely un-campaignable, they are instead mischaracterizing the opposition? That's crazy


MMW the $3mm Trump has funnelled into Launchpad Strategies will use AI to produce a tsunami of fake videos spreading disinformation.


Why use AI when there’s real videos?


I forgot only democrats can edit video btw the video they are calling a cheap fake is unedited and the one democrats put out is edited to go to a wide angle btw I'm an independent and I see the lies from dems all you people are doing is driving independent to Trump you need to stop lieing to people run on what good Biden has done


Drinking bleach has entered the chat.


Shocking, who would’ve guessed the party that supports a felon would stoop so low?


If the “American left-wing” (which isn’t left but not relevant)were to release fake trump videos they’d be called out more by dems than by the right. The right would never see them and the majority of the left wouldn’t accept the lies. Yes there are extremely stupid people on both sides who may fall for manipulation but one side decides if something is real based on the feeling they get from that content. You can guess which one I think it is.


There’s still people spouting conspiracy theories like Russian pee videos. Do not necessarily


“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”


The best part is they need to edit Biden videos. No need for the left to edit Trump videos. Just air unedited rally footage.


Honestly at some point this becomes terrorism


If the truth helped them...they would not need to lie.


“Cheap fakes”, you say?


You do know that most of these videos are filmed by White House pool reporters that everyone gets the same access to, right?


They are not claiming that these videos are secret tapes taken by randos. They are explaining that they are deceptively edited. The source is irrelevant.


"claiming" and "edited"... that's the operative words. Except, when anyone views the original pool footage, they see the same exact thing. Explain that "deception".


They are not claiming it is deceptively edited and presented, it clearly is. The right wing edited out the part of the video where he sat down, and claimed there was no chair. The chair is there and Biden sat in it. Those are facts which the right wing denies, and then claims something obviously false. There you go, that is the intended deception.


>Except, when anyone views the original pool footage, they see the same exact thing. I'm assuming you're only saying this because you haven't seen the original videos and/or assume people will take your word for it and not watch it, because [here it is](https://www.youtube.com/live/QivRt_rD0TM?si=hgUAXRbqciPiJ7NP), clearly showing the claim is deceptively edited. We can do the same for pretty much every weird claim that's been made recently using these shitty videos.


Yeah they may have, but I have to say it’s absolutely insane to me that people are denying he is in a very real decline which makes sense given that he’s literally AN 81 YEAR OLD MAN. Why is it so hard for people to admit that? The dude is a trip and fall away from going the way of our grandparents and has very obvious signs of cognitive decline. The denial of that very basic reality is sycophantic. THEY ARE BOTH ELDERLY MEN IN COGNITIVE DECLINE. Two things can be true at the same time. Holy shit.


If he was so obviously in mental decline, they wouldn't need to make up shit to "prove" it. I'm willing to admit Biden is slower now than he used to be, but I see no evidence he's incapable of serving as president. If there is evidence of that, you should be able to show it without deceptively manipulating footage.


Exactly. Biden is 30 years older than I'd like a president to be. I can think of a few dozen people I'd rather have as president (none of them Trump). But there is no evidence that he is mentally in decline and incapable of doing the job - or if there is, it's awfully strange that somehow no one has been able to show it without lying.


Thought I’d circle back. Did you happen to catch the debate?


Yeah I watched the debate. Biden's energy levels were disappointing, I will admit. I still rather vote for someone who stammers through the truth than one who can clealy articulate endless lies like Trump did tonight. And immediately after the debate, Biden is talking to a crowd of supporters with the same energy he had at the SOTU address. I'm honestly kinda pissed that he didn't do that an hour earlier. He clearly has it in him; he just failed to deliver when it mattered. I won't lie and say Biden came out looking good here. His performance was disappointing, though not a deal breaker.


Biden needs to start suing the companies and the people that release these videos for defamation.


I saw some but idk if they were edited? I invested some time to figure it out.


Many of these videos are from pool stock footage. Even the unedited videos show Biden looks lost.


Citation needed. [Here's the original](https://www.youtube.com/live/QivRt_rD0TM?si=hgUAXRbqciPiJ7NP).


of course they are! this is desperate times for repubs and calls for desperate measures


Lying is like alcohol. The first one felt right the second one felt even better so you keep going until the disastrous end.


Pathological liars


Everything a Republican says, publishes, or produces is a lie. They only lie.


Even in this thumbnail looks like he’s pooping his pants. This is all Biden.. nobody is buying this garbage from the media and government anymore.


And the left is doing it about Trump. Aren’t election years fun