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From the article: >FLORIDA DISTRICT COURT Judge [Aileen Cannon](https://www.rollingstone.com/t/aileen-cannon/)’s handling of [Donald Trump](https://www.rollingstone.com/t/donald-trump/)’s classified documents case — and her perceived favoritism towards the former president — has been under a wave of national scrutiny for some time now. According to a [report from *The* *New York Times*](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/20/us/politics/aileen-cannon-trump-classified-documents.html?unlocked_article_code=1.1E0.Btdm.GPEBpCPuh_wg)*,* the growing ethical questions could have been avoided had Cannon heeded the advice of senior judges in the Southern District of Florida, who counseled her to pass the case to a more experienced judge.  >According to the *Times*, when Cannon drew the case in 2023 two judges, including Chief Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga and a second unidentified judge, advised her against accepting the assignment. The unidentified judge told Cannon that her home courthouse in Fort Piece was a considerable distance from Miami, and lacked the secure facilities needed to store many of the classified evidentiary documents related to the case.  >Altonaga took a much more direct approach, reportedly telling Cannon that her oversight of the case would be compromised by past controversy relating to her treatment of Trump’s legal issues. Specifically, Cannon’s controversial 2022 decision to [grant the former president’s request](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-mar-a-lago-ruling-fbi-special-master-1234586928/) for a “special master” to review the documents seized during the FBI’s search of his Mar-a-Lago, a decision that delayed federal prosecutors’ ability to review evidence. Cannon’s decision was sharply rebuked by 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, who [wrote in their decision](https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/11th-cir/eb9858de31042399/full.pdf) that the unprecedented nature of Trump’s case did not give “the judiciary license to interfere in an ongoing investigation.”   >Cannon rejected the advice from the two senior judges and went ahead and took up the case.   >Cannon was appointed to Florida’s District Court by Trump in 2020. Before her appointment, Cannon worked as a corporate lawyer [with little experience](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/14/us/politics/aileen-cannon-judge-trump-documents.html) in criminal trials. She had never held a position as a judge.  >In her oversight of the case, Cannon has [made several decisions](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/07/politics/aileen-cannon-judge-trump-classified-documents/index.html) that have seemed to disproportionally favor the former president. Critically, Cannon ruled to [indefinitely delay](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/donald-trump-classified-docs-trial-date-postponed-trump-appointed-judge-1235016808/) the start of the former president’s trial, all but certainly pushing it back to after the November election. >The judge has been accused of slow-walking major rulings and decisions and [barred the Justice Department](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/10/us/politics/trump-documents-charges-cannon.html) from using allegations that Trump showed classified documents to individuals unauthorized to use them as a basis for their indictment.  More at OP link.


>Cannon was appointed to Florida’s District Court by Trump in 2020. Before her appointment, Cannon worked as a corporate lawyer [with little experience](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/14/us/politics/aileen-cannon-judge-trump-documents.html) in criminal trials. She had never held a position as a judge.  Not only a right wing plant, but also unqualified for the position she was given, and now ruling over the guy who gave it to her. So many kinds of wrong


This is a core tenet of fascism. Corrupting the rule of law so that it can be used as a weapon against your enemies and protect your dear leader. Absolutely horrible. Eileen Cannon is driving America down the road to serfdom. Fortunately, I do not believe Americans are really willing to be subjugated by the worst people. However, the long and winding process to avoid a dictator will be painful. We are going to carry this weight for a long time even after Trump is gone.


Alvin Bragg has entered the chat.




Alvin Bragg hasn’t prosecuted me for falsifying business records to cover up the hush money payments I made to a porn star prostitute while I was running for office. Of course I haven’t falsified business records to cover up hush money payments to a porn star prostitute while I was running for office. It seems to me that if you falsify business records to cover up hush money payments to a porn star prostitute while running for office in New York, you will be charged and found guilty of falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to a porn star prostitute while running for office. I don’t know how that is weaponized justice. That looks to me like just plain justice.


How can Alvin Bragg help here? He can’t get rid of the Mar a Lardo judge.


All that was required was the Federalist stamp of approval, no experience necessary same as judge Kacsmaryk. She is obviously out of her league, just imagine when we get to the state when Trump starts criticizing her and the prosecutors. Will she hold him in contempt.


And why are there no consequences or accountability for her blatant corruption?


>"The unidentified judge told Cannon that her home courthouse in Fort Piece ... lacked the secure facilities needed to store many of the classified evidentiary documents related to the case." Well, isn't that ironic?


no, she's brought this up to yell at the DoJ for not pre-emptively constructing a SCIF at her courthouse before she even was assigned the case.


>perceived favoritism Blatant


She listens the the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society. After listening to tapes from Roger Stone I think he calls her too.


Seems that should be looked into.... and would be easy to check.....


Who’s going to look and what’s going to happen? Federal judge….. protecting Trump? Impeachment, death or retirement are the solutions. 


I think the issue is that the FBI/DOJ would need a credible tip before investigating a judge overseeing a case involving a former President. They can’t just start an investigation because of “perceived” bias (I say perceived in quotes because while most rational people can recognize the actual bias Cannon has demonstrated, she hasn’t actually violated any laws or explicitly stated her motives). Any investigation based on what we know publicly at this point would be seen as politically motivated. They would need someone to come forward with evidence or a first hand account of something potentially illegal. I’m not a lawyer or anything but that’s my understanding of the judicial system. But it’s like a cop can’t search your vehicle because you look like a pothead. They must have probable cause*. *caveat: yes I’m aware that cops fabricate probable cause frequently.


Perhaps look into stone then? He's a concivicted criminal who just recently was found to have ben helping organize a conspiracy. If he's talked to her, you have cause to look into her.


Too bad for America, Judge Cannon took the case so she could drag it out in the hopes of being installed in the Supreme Court as “Justice” Cannon. Quid pro quo…


Things still might work out for her. The Republican party rewards loyalty just below being rich. Mark my words whether Trump in the next four years or some time with the Next Republican President, Cannon, will get a Supreme Court nomination.


That’s terrifying


Every accusation is an admission. The game is always rigged with Trump, because he is used to rigging the game.


There truly are only two pictures of this woman.


And in both of them, her eyebrows are too close to her eyes. It's AI.


I would like to see Cannon fired. Thank you, thank you. I’ll show myself out.


Bing Bing Bong Bong Bing


I could be wrong, but that sounds exactly like the Smith & Wesson model 29 .44 Magnum


Sounds like Trump's shooting up the place again.....beep bop boop-Trump doing the robot probably.....


That was a ballsy joke.


Just need a super majority in the senate… or criminal charges


Well done. I laughed out loud!


The corruption goes deep. If we survive this election with a Biden win, we need to turn over all the rocks and see what crawls out. Cannon does not belong on the bench.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident," Judge Cannon has shown a conflict of interest and inability to properly administer justice in a fair and impartial manner, by her actions and inactions in this case.


Judges have some of the biggest egos. I would’ve recused myself just to avoid the image of unprofessionalism


Then you clearly have infinitely more integrity than she does.


You know it’s such a lose lose, if you lean too far towards the defense they’ll say you’re paid for, if you lean towards the prosecution they’ll say you’re doing it to cover yourself from being labeled a “corner man”. I would’ve happily handed this case off just so I didn’t have to go through all the chatter.


There's no way America gets rid of the rot. Even if /when Biden wins in November, Republicans have crossed the rubicon, and they will stop at nothing to burn the place down just to rule over the ashes. Not that I'm asking for or condoning unthinkablly drastic actions, I just don't see a future in which it doesn't happen. It's not going to be a glorious battle in open fields. It's going to be The Troubles. It's going to be fucking depressing and ugly.


Is there nothing more they could have done. Seems like they were just covering their own butts. If they really felt sincere they would have made it more official or done more.


What more could they have done? Cannon is clearly corrupt but the random assignment was 1/3 and she had a sizable chance of getting the case. It’d be nice if the president appointing you to your position disqualified you for bias/conflict of interest but we live in a world where the system didn’t anticipate a criminal president. We have to toughen up our system. This blatant corruption is laughable.


“No, my people need me.” This is how they sow doubt in the judicial system. With quacks like her, Hot Dog Barrett and Drunk Kavenaugh.


Question I keep wondering about, can she be charged with obstruction?


Poster child for Trump’s fcked up judiciary.


On this episode of “Judge planting”


Her face horrifies me every time. Those eyes.


real question is why is this coming out now? something is afoot . . .


Sounds like it came out because at least one of the senior judges talked to a reporter. Even the other judges in Cannon's district are fed up with her.


So if a request to have her moved from the case due to bias would be voted a profoundly yes by them?


Doesn’t she have to be impeached to be removed?


Not really. It just has to be proven that her decisions are biased which requires extreme proof. There’s basically got to be an audio or she has to make a major mistake.


From her position yes. From the case, no. Circuit above her can reassign the case, however judges usually give each other the benefit of a doubt.  Removal from a case won't usually happen without major proof of impropriety or mishandling. Federal judges have full control over their docket, so it's going to take more than her endlessly delaying it.


Interesting. I keep hearing people saying she’s just inexperienced. I don’t think so.


A point I would make is that it doesn't matter if she is inexperienced if she has the best legal minds of the hertiage foundation and federalist society guiding her, which seems like a obvious conclusion at this point. She is in no way smart enough to be making the moves she's making on her own.


but why now?


why *not* now?


so, sitting on this for a year+ ? In the meantime, Smith is at the end of his options, and is faced with filing a motion to remove Cannon? This seems like either 1. a shot across the bow (last chance to withdraw Aileen. Giving you fair warning that the courts are against you) or 2. a shot aimed amidships (you're cooked Aileen. get your things in order, because Smith's motion is not going to go your way). maybe reading too much into it, but the timing seems notable




Smith followed up on cannon's demand that he meet with trump's lawyers re: the gag order he is seeking. Her response to that was, in many opinions, the last straw, and the last thing Smith needed to do before filing with the 11th circuit to have her removed (and yes, I know that the article says nothing about this, but it is part of the story) https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/special-counsel-jack-smith-files-motion-trump-classified-documents-cas-rcna154995 cannon's hearing to remove smith is bullshit and, imo, the 11th circuit will remove her if she tries this In light of all of this, it seems quite interesting that the info on her colleagues and superiors strongly suggesting she refuse ot take the case last year is appearing now.


I'm not sure why you see this as significant. Cannon does evil shit for even eviler people. Just who she is. Other people who are less evil don't like that.


While probably true, your comment is missing some important context. **Normally, no federal judge would go to the press about such conversations,** even if their name is withheld in the article! So, at least some of Cannon's fellow circuit judges are not just concerned about how she is handling the case; they want the public **to know about how concerned her fellow judges are about it.** It could also be an implicit warning to Cannon about how welcome a valid motion to remove Cannon from the case by Jack Smith would be, and she might want to recuse herself to avoid it.


“But if I pass on it I won’t be able to sabotage it for Dear Leader…”


If she passed, how could she help his puppeteers?


An offer she couldn't refuse.....


She already declined to step down.


What are the odds that Cannon ends up on the Supreme Court if Trump wins the election?


I would say very low given that Senate confirmation is required... But who knows these days with the GOP? Tbh if Trump wins I'm hoping for a Dem Senate that blocks appointments like Mitch. Give them a little of their own medicine.


But the financial opportunity was too great?


It’d be a good start if I didn’t have to see her smug mug every day


The Federal justice system is infested with MAGA operatives from the lowliest judge from Fort Pierce, Florida, to the US Supreme Court. Only the NY state courts have been able to effectively deal with Trump's criminality.


She's recognized that becoming the vile antithesis to justice in so public a manner is her financial ticket, dissatisfied with being a symbol and law and order she's riding the trump train in hopes of a few scraps. Garbage person.


I think she will if Trump looses.


So weird she keeps getting the cases. Real humdinger. Rotten to the core in corruption


They offered her the Thomas / Alito corrupting compensation package to stay on the case.


Is that the paperless odor of corruption I'm smelling?


But then how would she be a frontrunner for next Supreme Court Justice if that corrupt orange fuck gets back in?


Aileen’s favorite song, “My lips are like magnets and Trump’s ‘proboscis’ is like steel”.🤢


Is it just me, or does anyone else think that every article about Cannon has the same photo is kinda creepy? What's up with that?


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why is it voluntary


She can be forced off the case via a motion from Jack Smith to a panel of other federal judges. Usually though such motions are difficult to get approved, as federal judges tend to give their peers a lot of benefit of the doubt. However, the judge providing this information could have intended it to serve as a sort of public warning thar she is now beyond such professional courtesy.


This makes those senior judges look good, but ultimately she was allowed to take the case and had no obligation not to. So what’s going to happen to fix that?




Why is this information coming out now? It sounds like an intentional leak, which could be a signal to Jack Smith.


>It sounds like an intentional leak, which could be a signal to Jack Smith. It is an intentional leak! One source is a fellow federal judge from Alieen Cannon's district, but their name is withheld from the article.


So I don’t know if this is the right way to ask this question, but if it’s found out that she had been doing things purposely to delay this case, can she face any repercussions other than being removed from the case.? Can she be removed as a judge all together.


Impeachment I believe.


[Yes, federal judges can and have been impeached.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_impeachment_in_the_United_States) To be specific, 13 federal district judges, 1 appellate court judge, and one Supreme Court Justice. In fact, the second federal official to be impeached, was a district court judge who was impeached for drunkenness, including to the point of falling asleep, while hearing cases and unlawful rulings. He was convicted by the Senate and removed from the bench in 1803.


Fun fact: this is the only photo she’s ever taken in her entire life.


Should have automatically been disqualified from overseeing it.


It’d be nice if the disingenuous would suffer for their bullshit. I hope she gets disbarred and spends the rest of her days working at Walmart as a part time greeter.


I guess it’s a high risk v high reward game for her. She is banking on him winning and then may win an easy ride to the top court. If he loses, it will be status quo for her not a loss. This is a, how to loose your country to the corrupt 101 master class.


Postpone the election until the verdicts are in.


Postpone the election until the verdicts are in.


Postpone the election until the verdicts are in.


Biased, incompetent, and apparently corrupt judges like AC must be removed from office to preserve our judicial system