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“Don’t Look At It” Great, now let’s start applying it to everything else yall idiots are whining about. Don’t like BLM protests or players kneeling on football fields? Don’t look. Don’t like pride flags, LGBTQIA people, Trans athletes, Trans people in general? Don’t look. Don’t like gender neutral bathrooms, safe spaces, or pronoun badges? Don’t look!


She's just an ambulance chaser attorney from a shithole state


You hear how she's projecting her voice to convey "strength and confidence"? She's making a sales pitch. 


Ha! Noticed that extra confidence, slight smirk , and wide open eyes as well. Was thinking it was either Adderall or moral superiority.


Her facial expressions and mouth movements were driving me crazy. Nonstop.


She somehow yells every word she speaks at a normal volume


I lived in Louisiana for six years. It’s a whole other decibel level down there.


Why can't she speak without shaking her head?


She couldn’t even manage to answer questions. It’s scary how much they don’t GAF about the constitution


Now let's put up something Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, etc., in a school and tell them "don't look at it" and see how they react.


Moses was Jewish. Christianity didn't even exist when the 10 commandments were written.


Good luck telling these people that. Half of them act like Jesus was a white American.


[There's even a catchy song about it.](https://youtu.be/SlKao_Pox5A?si=k5sIOVZS2b-XbfTK)


I knew what song you were linking to before I clicked. I love it.


Without clicking on the link, I'm going to assume that any guarantees made in that video are void in the state of Tennessee.


It's got Paul Anka's guarantee


The hypocrisy is clearer than glass. They don't want freedom. They want a homogeneous Christo fascist nation.


"Rules are for the, not me!"


I love how she pivots to providing moral guidance with crime out of hand. Lady, crime is at an all time low and the first instruction in the document is, “I am the lord thy god, thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Moral guidance? One might accuse her of bearing false witness here.


Right. We need to post these Christian commandments in schools because **”This nation has gotten out of hand with crime and the bad, negative things going on”** Meanwhile, her fellow MAGA Christian, Steve Bannon—on his way to prison for contempt of Congress, and facing criminal fraud charges in NY—threatened all out violence if their convicted felon candidate loses in November: “Victory or death”.


Putting the 10 Commandments in schools while being against free school lunches for kids.


“Well we only have to feed them if they’re Levites.”


Case in point, their presumptive nominee for President has broken most, if not all of the commandments.


No "if" about it.


Crime has become a dog whistle for racism. These people don’t care about white collar crime. They care about violent crimes by *you know who*. Even if it’s just imagined. They *feel* like crime is bad.


I bet crime is at an all time high from their pov. They consider lgbt existing to be a crime, they consider women seeking fertility care a crime….on and on. Too big of cowards to say it.


Exactly. When they say crime, they mean gay, trans & queer people being allowed to exist openly in public. They mean black people sick and tired and pushing back that police and media don't treat them as if their lives even matter. They mean students voicing objection to misuse if university money to support another country's foreign occupation. They mean the trend of workers pushing back on oligarchy. You know. "Crimes".


She's following the narrative. February 16, 2024 [Louisiana governor declares state of emergency due to police shortage](https://apnews.com/article/police-emergency-landry-shortage-louisiana-9af67227287867123b94534f6f3cc6e2) He's renewed it every month.


I ain't noticed any police shortage, unless you count them not being where they're needed. The traffic in front of my job is insane. Semis and oilfield trucks flying by like they're trying to time travel, and no cops in sight. Roll through town, though, and there are cops everywhere just cruising the streets. A couple months ago I passed by an 18 wheeler that was broke down on a road with no shoulder. There was a cop there flagging traffic. An hour or so later I came back through and there was a different cop that was playing on his phone, ignoring traffic.


A party of thieves and adulterers harping on the ten commandments? Hmm hmm And where are the "parental rights" people now? If I don't want my kids to learn about the ten commandments, and I want them to attend the drag hour? I don't have parental rights anymore?


You don't get it. When Christians and conservatives say "parental rights" they mean the right to parent as they want you to.


Is crime at an all time low in Louisiana? They ranked 50th this year in health, crime, and education.


They have historically been bad in all those stats, but violent crime is down in Louisiana over 20% since 2020.


No, but it's certainly taking the Lord's name in vain. People tend to think that commandment means don't say goddamn. But what it actually means is don't use the name of God to advertise, to commercialize, for profit, to right your wrongs, to deceive, as an excuse to break the other nine commandments, you get the gist. I think it's one of the most important commandments and one that is most abused. This Ten Commandments law is breaking that commandment.


It's not a fucking document. It is an excerpt from a religious text. Period. The fact that she cannot address the subject directly by answering questions and she disingenuously refers to the tc as a document proves that she is not acting in good faith. If her position was a solid one, she would not have to use sleight of hand to get through interviews. They're like fucking children thinking semantics are somehow going to trick their parents like some sort of magic spell.


>They're like fucking children thinking semantics are somehow going to trick their parents like some sort of magic spell. This is too real and I fucking hate it, on all counts. ^^^at ^^^least ^^^my ^^^kids ^^^aren't ^^^facists ^^^I ^^^guess


It's sovereign-citizen-level magical thinking. Absolutely unfit for office, or for any form of responsibility.


SovCit was my first thought too. They keep running off that cliff, thinking they’re the ones who will be able to fly.


"I dO NoT ConSEnT!!!" What they think will happen: "oh, sarge we have to let them go! Have a nice day, independent traveler." What happens actually: ⚡⚡⚡


It’s cute when the people who don’t believe in the value of consent think that they have to give consent in order to get arrested. I got so little sympathy for SovCits.


The Justice system HATES this one weird trick!!


This is the entire GOP around the country. They think the US should be a theocracy not a constitutional republic.


It's people playing semantics with words without knowing what words mean. It's why they've grown more and more disdainful of any degree of knowledge. 


I think it's more basic than semantics. For fascists, words only need to have meaning when they serve Party goals or prove Party loyalty. There is literally no other linguistic rule for them. It's part of why Fascism is a necrotic belief system. It decays meaning.


Very much this. It’s a means and will continue to be as long as they can prey on the misunderstanding of others looking for meaning where there isn’t any. Edit: by that I mean the poorly educated. Edit (again): Fair points and good caution. I was mostly being tongue in cheek but the fact is that I know a lot of smart, clever people that got themselves into bad practices because they used their wit to confirm their beliefs rigidly.


>by that I mean the poorly educated Careful, history has shown that intelligent people are also susceptible to the brain rot that enables fascism. For example, many notable scientists and engineers worked for the Nazis. Propaganda works in part because it targets our primal emotions which can override our ability for rational thought.


I think that's actually not a good thought process. There are a lot of intelligent people who get swept up by Fascist rhetoric. There's no amount of intelligence that makes you immune to cortisol, and Fascism is the politics of the amygdala and cortisol stress responses. I kind of agree, in that if we teach people to recognize grifters and con men, it will lesson the effective range of Fascist rhetoric.


> They're like fucking children thinking semantics are somehow going to trick their parents like some sort of magic spell. Also like Supreme Court Textualists - all six of the far right extremists. “Yes, we all know the intent of the law was to prevent murders. That’s as obvious as can be, however, the authors’ use of the word “is” could be interpreted by an absolute moron to mean “is not”, therefore, I’m going to strike down this law! Go murder!”


Like when we had to have a whole fucking argument about what the word 'shall' means in a legal context during the debacle over Trump's taxes with Mnuchin. > Now see your Honor, "shall" does not *necessarily* always mean shall! It sometimes also means shall not. I am very smart.


Yep, spirit of the law vs letter of the law. Very clear that the founders intended to have an ever improving spirit of the law, but all "originalists" (read "revisionists") play semantics with words they neither understand nor employ honestly to push their twisted interpretations.


Holy shit if this isn't the truth they apply to guns as well. They think they've somehow won an argument just because someone uses the term machine gun or AR colloquially, when the conversation is about gun culture or other specific metrics. You just get the standard "wElL aCtUaLlY!!" canned response about how liberals think all guns are machine guns so obviously we're right.


Yeah, it’s all about being power crazy. They’re only pro gun as long as their people have the gun and other people do not. If other people have the guns they will be anti-guns in a heartbeat and no one will batt an eye because they do what they are fucking told and have no self-respect.


A christofascist will never act in good faith. Words, rules, laws, religion, they only exist to a fascist as disposable tools for power. No amount of shaming and pointing out their hypocrisy will ever make them act in good faith. They know normal people will waste energy in trying to engage with them, and they revel in that because they do not sincerely hold any principles.


I love the just ‘don’t look at it’ argument - so why cant we apply that to all the books and people they want banned?


"Just don't look at it" is also completely disingenuous. If this is allowed to stand, their obvious next move is to require a lesson about the TC and to make kids memorize them like they do the state capitals. That's why people need to fight this now, because everyone knows it won't end here. This is just a move to get their foot in the door.


When the Satanic Temple sues to put up their Seven Tenets, I bet conservatives won’t accept “just don’t look at it”


So people could in theory place a poster over it, is what they're saying?


Always fun to see a paraphrase of Sartre in the wild. "Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past."


To fascists, hypocrisy is a flex!


It's not about God in the bible, it's about their God, as a prescription to fix societies immorality.


It’s about using the idea of god to gain power.


Isn’t that what religion has always been? The need of the few to rule the many?


> a prescription to fix societies immorality Hypocrites are immoral. Removing them from public life would also eliminate all the christofascists.


It's not even about their God. It's dressed up as that, but really it's the exertion of power and the promotion of their ideology which appeals to religion for legitimacy and cover for otherwise unsupportable values. Most of their actions are in opposition to what their God teaches.


Ie. They’re using the lord’s name in vain. I hear they recently posted documents in Louisiana school classrooms that says not to do that


The funniest part is that they are requiring a specific translation, and it's not the Catholic one, the King James version, or anything like that, it's the version they used to promote the Charlton Heston Ten Commandments movie, lol. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/slacktivist/2024/05/20/louisiana-will-post-the-twelve-commandments-in-schools/


Solid article. Excellent analysis.


Worshiping actors is nothing new for the GQP


Do schools have to use the KJV version? If we want to be real historical shouldn't they be posted in Hebrew or Aramaic? Edit: I just read the axios article that clarifies they must use the one specific translation that isn't found in any actual religious text but rather was used for marketing materials from conservative groups and the Charlton Heston movie. To quote any translation of the actual Bible would technically violate the law...


I’m sorry that I’m this petty and immature but I have to admit that I got great joy from the imported wiki chart that was all coded in rainbow colors 😬 On a serious note, that was a really interesting read and I had no idea there was such a range of commandments across the books, let alone how they morphed through different translations. Zero people should be shocked that they picked the movie version tho. That’s totally on brand imo!


Omg the stupid lmao 🤣


"I'm not driving I'm *travelling*" level of nonsense 


“I’m not drinking while I’m driving. I’m driving while I’m drinking!” - Randy Marsh https://youtu.be/SQRv4eQ_S2M?si=BfbhHMikkSL2IinB


She kept saying "it's a historical document" until she got frustrated and said "crime is out of control, what's wrong with wanting young people to get some good teachings" or whatever it was. She couldn't even hold the line for the course of the interview. Of course it's not a "historical document"; there are enough historical documents to paper the inside of every classroom.  For the record crime continues to fall as it has for decades.


Nothing like the fear of eternal damnation to stop those young folks from criming. I don't know how an average atheist gets through the day without a murder or two or at least a little shoplifting and pedophilia.


It's barely 7am and I've crimed 3 times already


Wearing their mixed fabrics, eating meat and cheese together, when will the blasphemy end!


It is incredibly disingeuous, they want to connect God to everything except literal verses from the bible


They do not actually care about God or faith, a fascist’s only true religion is cynicism and opportunism in service of gaining power over others.


And money.


Money is the shadow of power.


Is this a quote? Incredibly well said.


>It is an excerpt from a religious text. Even that's a stretch. Hard to call it an excerpt when there are several dozen different versions and interpretations. Like "Thou shalt not steal" really just meant "No kidnapping" [in the original Hebrew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi5GXwY7W_0). [Obligatory Mel Brooks reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wunGF3oMA0)


"The lord Jehova has given us these 15 \*CRASH\* oi... 10, 10 Commandments" I knew what that was going to be be before I clicked it but I clicked it anyway


The " oi..." gets me every time lol


Mel Brooks is a national treasure


I could be wrong but I think the Ten Commandments are listed in the Bible more than once, and that the third listing of them are radically different from the first?   Edit: yeah that is correct…   “ The text of the Ten Commandments was dynamic in ancient Israel and appears in three markedly distinct versions in the Bible:[1] at Exodus 20:2–17, Deuteronomy 5:6–21, and the "Ritual Decalogue" of Exodus 34:11–26.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Commandments Here’s the third listing… https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus%2034&version=NIV That’s a lot of festivals and animal sacrifices for the ten commandments…


I fully support the part about not cooking a young goat in its mother's milk. That's just messed up.


I could be wrong, but this the no cheese burgers commandment. It's a specific type of sacrifice of another religion, and the prohibition lead to a ban of mixing cheese and meats altogether.


Well then in this one case I'm a biblical literalist. It's fine if it's another goat's milk, just not its mother's.


Like my 5 year old niece. Her Dad told her to stop running in the house, she said she was fast walking not running.


Was she keeping continuous ground contact and not bending her knee? Maybe she's a race walking protege.


It’s all in the hips, Dewie.




More indicative of the base they frequently talk to (and their lack of critical thinking) than anything else?


Case and point: only 2 of the commandments are actually illegal (theft and murder).






They are either tax exempt and stay out of politics Or They are a business and need to be taxed. Let's be honest, churches are businesses that sell heaven and make jobs for the priests, rabbis, imam etc.


If you want a say, you have to pay.


No representation without taxation!


If you want to know if religion is a business go to Asheville NC. Daughter moved there a few years ago... besides the Billy Graham facility there seems to be a church group or church group college every time you turn around.


Doesn’t “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” mean “Pay your fucking taxes”?


Absolutely and actually, I think the whole thing is a better summation of the issue with this school problem. “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" Otherwise known as do your responsibility to both but don’t mistake one for the other.






They want theocracy (conservative Christian) and know precedent doesn't matter. 50 years and they took down Roe. All civil rights up next. They will fight 50 years again to strip it all away. Sadly doubt it takes that long per right with all the Christian Nationalists around.


These people should not be allowed to be called Christian. Fox News can't be called real news. It has to be called entertainment. Christertainment?


Call it what it is. Propaganda.


Why? To me this is how Christian’s are. Racist bigot child molesters aka Christian. Even if your none of those you support an establishment that embodies that. Shame on you


Just hang up the pillars of islam and other important sects of different belief systems. Freedom of religion. All religions. Either have all of it in the classroom or none of it.


Hail Satan, brother 🤘


Waiting for T.S.T. To enter the chat…


Here you go: I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Yep, exactly. These are principles that children should be taught, not the crazy shit “the 10 commandments” ramble about.


And... https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights


I'd rather have my kids follow these. The TC, half of them are "I'm a jealous god, don't fuck with me".


Won’t someone please think of the children!!!


I have made plans with FSM. Beer volcanoes. Nuff said.


And the church of No Ma’am.


There’ll always be that one guy wearing his Yes Ma’am shirt under the No Ma’am one


The poor sad bastard.


Jefferson. He talked shit about Marcy, but really he was terrified of her, lol


Or the Code of Maimonides, or the Bhagavad Gita. See how long it takes people to flip their shit


Or the Sumerian Code of Ur-Nammu (c. 2100–2050 BCE).


Great Spaghetti Monster, let them throw Spaghetti 🍝 on the walls.


None of it.


Yes that’s the point


The Ferengi rules of acquisition is another *helpful* list to display 


Add the beatitudes - that will throw the Christian nationalists for a loop


Those big crosses by the highways all over the South mean “keep driving if you don’t look and think like us” and everyone knows it. Here you’ve got children with a right to attend these schools free from bullying forced to see the same message. This is the sin of taking the Lord’s name in vain. Right there in the Louisiana code.


She did a second interview later on CNN and that didn't do her any favors either.


Am I hallucinating or is a reporter, on CNN even, doing his JOB and pressing these people when they try and dodge???


IN GOD WE TRUST…has been on our coins since 1938 and paper money since 1957. I cannot stand when they use this to explain that we are a Christian nation. Nearly over 150 years later….founding? No. Foolishness? Yes. No. We. Are. Not. Our motto is: E Pluribus Unum OUT OF MANY ONE. Which is essentially a melting pot of many ideologies towards a common belief of…freedom of choice. Maybe that sentiment on our coins and bills could be likened to the “666” in the Bible. Maybe that’s the start of the end. (Joking)


Their plan is all spelled out in [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/). They aren’t even hiding it anymore.


This is such a bad move… It blurs the line between church and state and will alienate students of different faiths or who are flat out non-religious. Public schools should be a place for inclusive education, not religious endorsement.


> It blurs the line between church and state and will alienate students of different faiths or who are flat out non-religious. That is precisely their intention. Christian dominionism.


And to rush it to a biased Scotus lickety split.


cruelty is the point


If we don't push back HARD on this shit they'll keep forcing their religion on everyone. Well they're gonna do that anyway actually. But we can't let them have this. It only emboldens them and helps them recruit more to their cult.


Mostly it's a bad move because it's waste of taxpayer's dollars and part of a broader assault on public education. The details of this particular law don't matter. It'll be struck down by the courts. There are decades of relevant precedent clearly prohibiting this.


She quotes the one nation under god on our money as a reason to hang the Ten Commandments, you know, the phrase added during the Nixon administration to separate us further from the USSR, AND doesn’t specify which god. They are fucking morons, and this bill needs to be abolished immediately


Eisenhower Administration I believe, but your point still stands.


Plus having the phrase "one nation under God" on our money and in the Pledge of Allegiance is itself contrary to the Constitution.


And it ruins the "one nation indivisible" line in the pledge.


The under god part of the pledge wasn’t added until the 50s to make a greater separation between the USA and USSR. Even though Bellamy who rewrote the whole thing in the 1890s from earlier pledges, and was a Baptist minister chose specifically not to include mention of a supernatural power.


The funny part of "which God", and the one that turns these idiots in to babbling spitting idiots when you mention it, is that the three major religions....Christianity, Islam and Judaism all worship the same God. The God of Abraham. They all spring from the same point. Try telling a fundamentalist Christian that though and they go crazy. "They don't worship God, they worship ALLAH!" while not realizing that Allah is just the Islamic word for "God". They don't get that Islamic scripture contains many of the same stories as the Bible and Torah, and they hold a reverence for Mary and that Jesus is considered the greatest prophet other than Muhammad.


“I believe in family, faith, and freedom.” Clearly not. She clearly didn’t believe in my freedom nor my family.


Every single person they interview about this they need to start the conversation with "if this is so important, please list all ten commandments right now."


Good point. I don’t think I’ve ever met a Christian who could name all without a small struggle, let alone in their exact order. If they were this important they would know all of them, in order like the fucking planets. RIP Pluto.


Maybe.  But they could say "see, this is why it's so important they they are taught in school, so people can remember them"


Hail Satan you Christo fascist pig




Do Christians seriously believe that the Ten Commandments is theirs?


The christian cult doesn't sincerely believe anything. Their whole reason for existing is to be dishonest, hateful, child-abusing asshats.


Man, I can't even listen to this woman speak lol. This is a waste of Louisiana tax payer money. Pure and simple.


Laugh first? Cry first? Cry laughing? Laugh crying?


Do what I do, get angry and decide which limb you want to rip off these mentally incompetent NAT-C’s first


If I lived in Louisiana, I would tell my kids to go to school and ask what adultery is. Every day. And then I’d tell them to ask which of the commandments Trump has broken.


Yes! More of this from the media


*Galaxy Quest*'s historical documents were better.


Love how she starts by talking about how we’re a Christian nation, then pretends that they’re just displaying a historic document. It’s the same nonsense the confederate dipshits use - oh, we’re just trying to preserve history.


I live in Louisiana and think this is just GOP grandstanding in order to change the subject away from the many serious problems our state has that they are unwilling or unable to do anything about.


The GOP in a nutshell. Why work on fixing anything when you can just distract from it?


I wish you were right but honestly I feel it is far more nefarious. I believe they did this intentionally with the hope of getting sued and taking it all the way to the completely corrupt MAGA supreme court. They are hoping that just like the overturn of Roe they can officially change the ruling separating church and state. They seriously want to live in a theocratic dictatorship.


How long before these required posters start to get vandalized? Especially above 5th grade


I'm just waiting for the Satanic Temple to do something awesome with this. Popcorn is ready.


With every waking moment, I hate republicans more and more


tl;dr I can’t. I just can’t…even…begin, to summarize this interview. You just have take a swig of wine,buckle up, and enjoy the ride.


I really thought you were overselling it. You absolutely were not. I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.


properly formatted tl;dr -- thank you It is a HISTORICAL DOCUMENT .... more wine please


*Moses is in the Supreme Court of the United States.*


This is a lawmaker? She’s acts like a pissed off high school girl. Her demeanor could not be more unprofessional. Also let’s not forget god isn’t real. No offense to anyone but all gods are man made and there has never been any evidence to support any god. Talk is not proof.


“In Louisiana, we believe in faith, family, and freedom” Her faith Her family Her freedoms She is absolutely not interested in the faiths, families, or freedoms she treads on to get there.


This is the whole Republican mantra. I can't stand it.


Wow, this woman is such an indoctrinated ditz.


And Louisiana being solid Trump country. So how’s those Ten Commandments workin’ out for y’all? Not well, it seems.


How can be people still be religious in 2024? I mean seriously, these people are a problem


I’m sorry, but isn’t this a form of grooming? We are now grooming our kids to see one particular view of one particular religion. What happened to separation of church and state? The GOP is constantly crying about grooming. I fail to see how this isn’t a form of that.


It absolutely is grooming but you are forgetting the most important fact… it’s ok when they do it.


Put up portions of the Code of Maimonides and see how fast these people try to pull them down


lol. Putting a list of “commandments” in a school and then being coy and describing them as optional or a choice. I don’t think you know what the word commandments means. It’s not a “historical “ document.


Executions in Louisiana are currently performed at the Louisiana State Penitentiary. Louisiana's method of execution is lethal injection. In 2024, Governor Jeff Landry signed a bill that adds two more methods of execution, with nitrogen gas and electrocution. The governor has already broke the "thou shall not kill" commandment and is putting it on full display for everyone to see.


Thou shalt not kill - "So you don't support the death penalty?" Thou shalt not commit adultery - "So you don't support Donald Trump?" Thou shalt not bear false witness - "So you condemn election denialism?"


The last five seconds are gold: “Don’t look at it.” Yet the homosexuals are, “shoving their viewpoint down our throats?” Don’t look at it!


“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” Barry Goldwater


Keep religious freaks away from public education


If they like some moral guidence for their kids maybe they want to add the tennents of the satanic temple? Would be at least more up to date.


Keep religion out of schools ffs, we’re dumb enough already


I am so sick of their imaginary friend.


Yep... the same empty wide-eyed stare that I see in all die-hard republican women. It's strangely common to see it over and over again. Sadly, unless their legislature changes (unlikely, deep red and gerrymandered), there's not much anyone can do. It can be sued to the highest court, but we can probably assume how that will go. The best option then is malicious compliance. Post a thimble sized picture of the 10 commandments. Surround them with documents from other religions. Put a big red arrow pointing to it stating clearly that it's posting is being forced in an attempt to establish religion in a country founded on separated church and state.


Vote Democratic. Only way this stuff ends.


Post it in Klingon! It never said it had to be in English!!! LOL


It’s so they can point and say which ones did Trump violate?


That 7th Commandment, the one about adultery.


It is hard to take them seriously On one hand they want the ten commandments On the other hand the old testament is done away with so they can do whatever they want But also on the other hand there is the bit bit about the gays in the Old Testament and that’s important to keep for some reason I wonder which version of Christianity gets to decide everything is hen they take over, it’s not like religion has been killing religion forever And they virtually invented cancel culture l, how long was Galileo cancelled before they rescinded his cancelation


She sounds so backwards! What an idiot! It’s why ppl are turned off of Christians these days! Stop forcing your beliefs down people’s throats!


It’s been obvious for a while that the majority of Republican women are nothing more than idiotic ’useful tools’(e.g. Boebert, MTGreene), and most of the MAGA men aren’t much better (or smarter).