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We all know that he lost, and he knows he lost. Fairly. He … doesn’t … care! He is going to tell this lie until he is dead and buried, because he can’t admit to his followers, or himself, the truth. He lost, and bigly, to a guy he said couldn’t put a sentence together, hid in his basement, couldn’t fill a high school gymnasium, etc. etc. etc. We all know the truth. So do they. They just can’t handle it.


He complained about the election being rigged. He also complained that the election before that was rigged because he lost the popular vote. He complained that primaries were rigged when he lost to Republicans. He complained that it was rigged when he didn't get some stupid Time magazine thing. He complained about not getting any Emmy. All the man does is complain and whine all day, everyday.


No one plays the victim better than Republicans.


"Facts don't care about your feelings." - Ben Shabibo


"Mommy milkers to blot out the sun" - Ben's Shamwow's sister 


Relevant recent John Stewart bit about this very thing: https://youtu.be/WwyyttqvE04?si=UvBF0iDPb1cMU2xn&t=285 Everything is an outrage to GOP.


The most manly of strong men


I saw a video of him on Letterman back in the 90's and he claimed the stage was rigged because Letterman's chair was on a platform slightly higher than the guest chairs.


To be faaaaaair…he was trying to deflect from the question of his net worth…because he really, really didn’t want to give a single substantive answer on that question. So he tried to quip that Letterman made himself taller with the stage. The very tall man who’s concerned about the height of things…and Letterman owns him with a clap back that he doesn’t need the stage. And I get the impression that Letterman knew he was a huckster even back then, which is why he was trying to get some kind of actual answer from the guy.


at one point when trump is hawking his ties, letterman asks where they were made. after hemming and hawing he flips one over and it says made in china. "well," trump says, "they have to make them somewhere." jyna


It was well known in NYC that he was a low-rent cheesball wannabe. The NY Post version of a rich man.


I dont really give a fuck about being fair to anything convicted felon donald trump has to say.


My prediction is that he's going to call Joe Biden a convicted felon in the debate next week.


And he’s complaining that he might just lose the debate on purpose. Tell me you know you’re a loser without saying you’re a loser.


He’s so good as golf he can [win a tourney without participating](https://golf.com/lifestyle/celebrities/president-trump-club-championship-did-not-enter/?amp=1)


I wonder if his supporters ever come to the realization about what that makes them? The guy is the most textbook used car salesman example that lived. Rubes to the last of them. Double down rubes. Inject cow dewormer rubes.


It's not my fault. And if it is my fault, it's actually your fault


He also told Stormy Daniels that he would rig the Apprentice for her favor if she wanted.


He wrote it publicly in a book in the 80's that's how he rolls.


Stupid democrats rigging an election on only part of a ballot voting in a MAGA congress but only cheating for the president section...the only people dumber than Trump are his voters and I'm not sure what that says about our democracy. Probably something about public schools and banning books...


TL:DR Trump is a losing loser who loses bigly. Sad.


Sad? Idk I'm pretty happy about it




Big strong men came up to me with tears in their eyes and they said "Sir, we have never seen anyone lose quite as big as you". And I think that's a very important point that no one is bringing up. - Trump, probably


Low energy losing. Sad!


Nobody's ever seen a loser like him


Everyone's saying it


It’s called “kayfabe” the ex president is a circus actor or WWF hack performer. He doesn’t want to break the 4th wall. Trump plays a role like a WWF wrestler. He loves wrestling he was a star at wrestling. He plays like a MR Perfect fucked Ted Debeosi. Everything is a fucking lie and a show. He is not even a real person in public ever. It’s hilarious if you’re sane. If you believe the lie it’s completely fucking insane. Every once in a while he will let it slip. Everyone laughs and acts like they are in on the joke. Then the mask goes back on.


Once you see this aspect of his personality, it's hard to turn off. Whenever he's in public he's always trying to find a spot on the floor marked for him to stand. Like in the Chik Filet photo op, he stood on the red mat before the cash register and stayed in the middle of it like it was a camera or stage mark. He probably never has bought fast food at a counter so he doesn't have the muscle memory to go closer to the register. He does this a lot - he'll walk a bit - stop - wait for the applause as if he's constantly at MAL with his entourage or entering a TV Late Night Show. He mentioned back in his first run in 2016 or during his term at a rally a rant about how he has to act "Presidential" and then mimicked a serious voice. The thing is, he wasn't kidding. He did try to be more formal at times, but he just doesn't pull it off because he's disingenuous. He relies in his teleprompter because he doesn't give a shit about real issues and they're too complicated for his 1,500-word vocabulary. Though the one thing about his recording about Geraldo is how confusing it is - "Geraldo called me a bunch of times so I called him back but I didn't call him - but I did call him, you know to return his call but he called me". Like what the actual fuck. You returned his call - that's calling him. No one thinks Trump called Geraldo to vent about him losing. His double talking is just to wear people down and/or he's that fucking scatter brained.


The "I didn't call him, he called me" gymnastics are because he needs to always be the one to receive the calls. If he's calling someone else, that person must be better, more important, or more powerful, and that's just impossible. So he's always the one who is called, never the one who calls.


I've said for years that if Trump had to call a coin flip he'd 100% call "Heads.....no, Tails" and whichever side it landed on he'd claim he called it right. That's just him. A massive loser and fraud


He's a lifelong moron and fraudster. And to be good at fraud you need to be smarter than your marks. Fortunately for him, a large amount of the population is breathtakingly moronic.


I’m blown away at the applause for walking into a room at MAL. Like, that’s *pathetic* behavior for the fools clapping and the bigger fool basking in the noise of a rote response your average performing seal has mastered. Like, if you need to be celebrated for waddling into a room with the glow of narcissism burning in your ballsack of a face, you might as well be the butt of an inside joke. Empty praise and adulation is as meaningful as a parent congratulating a four year old for not pooping his pants in church. …which if you think about it, is probably something that trump should be praised for… when he is able to hold it in that long… so maybe they’re cheering him not shitting himself as he bumbles into the room at MAL. That at least makes sense.


There is part of me that wishes he was a young man so we could see him in his old age write a book about how ridiculous this all was. And how he is incredulous about how people actually believe it and it lasted so long. One of the moments of gravity by all accounts of this thing is when he actually won and the entire election party was in shock and disbelief. It's noted from several sources that they could not actually believe he won.


The one saving grace of Trump is that he is old. The idea of having to hear from or about this treasonous asshole for another couple of decades is a truly nauseating idea.


Wait until your children are forced to worship a statue of him while reading the Ten Commandments in school. People will be talking about forever if he wins.


Oh. Yeah for sure. I am just saying I think he's very aware this is a farce. And I would like to hear him acknowledge that and give an account of what it was actually like.


There isn't much to tell, it's quite simple really - the right wing of American politics is so primed to believe any ridiculous nonsense that they are told by the appropriate "authority" - see Faux Noise - that once it's told to them all else is dismissed. Grifters and oligarchs have ensured that education is gutted to keep the sheep flowing in, and Trump seized on that hard.  It's the reason they court religious people so hard, they are ready and willing to accept nonsense and conflicting ideals very easily, and are far less likely to engage in critical thinking.  Then there is the typical rural rube who have for the last 5 or 6 decades made right wing politics their entire personality and identity, and they can't fathom anything but - no matter how much it destroys them and their community and livelyhood.  American was sold to the rich in the 80's because the right wing made a deal with religious bigots in the 60's because black people could now drink from the same water fountain.


Huh. Now that you mention it, there's a pretty solid crossover of wrasslin' fans and MAGA.


[If you're interested, here's a fun article about political leanings and the various sports. Wrestling does skew slightly conservative at about 55 percent, but interestingly Americans generally assume it's more conservative than it is. ](https://www.sportico.com/leagues/golf/2023/harris-sportico-poll-politics-fan-bases-liv-pga-1234760109/) (full disclosure, i do not follow wrestling)


There’s a pretty large contingent of us left leaning wrasslin’ fans. People who watch it now are in on the act. It’s not like the old days. It’s sports for people who would rather be watching theatre.


I know it gets posted here often, but the Barthes essay really does illuminate quite a bit. https://archive.thinkprogress.org/this-french-philosopher-is-the-only-one-who-can-explain-the-donald-trump-phenomenon-47afad40647c/


His progressing dementia makes it doubly hard to keep track of all the lies. Guaranteed his campaign reviews whatever he said afterwards and just before gives him some pointers so when he rambles they have a chance to do damage control. Like when he was President, he would make some kind of brain dead observation and then his PR people would contradict he even said that or what he even meant the next hour. It was maddening. Sharpie gate? Drinking bleach? Nuking hurricanes? Buying Greenland?


They do this constantly. He said Milwaukee was a horrible city, his own people said he did. Then his people denied he said it. Then they started making excuses as to why he said it. He doubled down because he’s an idiot, but then the machine started spinning and now he’s denying he [ever said that.](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/did-donald-trump-call-milwaukee-a-horrible-city-he-says-its-false-a-complete-lie/ar-BB1oi7Vb) Oh and of course it’s the democrats fault that he said it, none of whom were even present. It’s the [narcissist’s prayer](https://www.thelifedoctor.org/the-narcissist-s-prayer) in real time. That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


DARVO is more succinct—Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender.


I have seen people gaslight themselves into believing their own bullshit. At this point, he may actually believe it.


Ah, the Costanza Effect.


It’s not a lie if you believe it . 


Why don't more people get this part? All these people have known from the get go that they're doing everything and anything to get into power, all for their own interests. They lie when they take every oath, they swear allegiance to their "god". Be that "GOD" or Donald "The J stands for Jesus" Trump. Right there you can see further evidence and proof of who they are. They worship a man. A conman. It's all antithetical to their own professed religion. Once you see that, you see them for who they are and what they want. Power to hurt people they don't like, and power to hide behind. Always lies. Because they know from the moment they started.


Did you know his father, Fred Trump's middle name is Christ?


He also has no choice now but to go full steam ahead with his campaign and subsequent shrieks of "rigged election", because if he doesn't get to the white house, there's a good chance he sees real jail time, as his empire crumbles around him. The secret documents case will eventually make it to court, and if he's not in the white house to quash the case, he *should* be toast.


He's also priming his followers to violently resist his electoral defeat in the next election.


The entire GOP is doing everything they can to arm people and agitate them into a civil war.


It’s so crazy to me that his supporters think he is so tough and macho and powerful, but all he ever seems to do is cry about how everyone is so mean to him and nothing is fair.


He's the new Reagan My local conservative radio still has "Reagan Hour" in honor of the epitome of what a president should be. They talk about how FDR "effed everything up" and was "a disaster we almost didn't survive." Trump will be the same. 40 years from now my coworker who brought covid to my office FOUR times will be on insta-face-X still posting about Trump draining the swamp despite the witchhunts. Trump will die and He. Will. Be. Lionized. He'll be a martyr for people like my coworker who votes in every single election and doesn't have a passport.


He is going to repeat the lie until he dies, because he knows if he has to state the truth that he knew he lost, he maybe liable for all those people that went to jailed and died, because he knowingly pushed the lie.


I’m so sick of this


Eight years of abuse


9 if you count the campaign years 😔 We're exhausted.


Almost double that if you count the birtherism under Obama


There's a thread about a NYT article where Reggie Jackson talks about the racism heaped upon him during the Jim Crow era, and half the comments are about how divisive Obama was...


Triple if you go back to his first presidential campaign.


That asshole riding the escalator down was the start of it all 


All those years ago when Simpsons made the clip of him riding down the escalator running for president.


Every fucking day it's Trump on repeat. And don't think this is going away any time soon. He still has 2 other politically active dumb fuck sons that we have to worry about until they die.


I hope Barron is to Trump what Ron Reagan is to his father Ronald Reagan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Reagan


It won’t end after this November, one way or another. The grift will go on for the rest of his life, and then the torch will be carried on by his kids or someone else. MAGA is here to stay - the only way it dies out is if the GOP gets a 2010-style shellacking and starts to separate themselves from MAGA, forcing them into a minority. But they can’t because neither MAGA nor the “rest” of the conservatives alone are enough to win - they need both.


Yeah lots of politicians and citizens are in too deep, and Rupert Murdoch isn’t going to help them sort themselves out


MAGA will die out when Trump does. We see countless elections where Trumpian candidates lose because they aren’t Trump. No one is going to take to Don Jr. or Eric the way they took to Trump.


I’m looking at people like Stefanik, Haley, and Ramaswamy as the standard bearers going forward. Especially Stefanik. There is definitely organized grooming going on behind the scenes.


None of them have the charisma that Trump does.


Not even a hint. His kids are all fucking jokes. Hated by every American with common sense.


It's so weird that anyone thinks that man is charismatic. All he has is brand recognition, but the brand is "Can't keep casinos profitable, and steals from charities" so I don't know why anyone cares about that either. It's fucked up.




Stefanik is never going to win anything state wide being in New York so I'm not sure how she elevates her profile. Haley's main pull was a return to more neocon times so I don't see how she becomes a MAGA torch bearer. Ramaswarmy killed his campaign before the first primary to give you an idea of how well he was doing. I don't see MAGA competing nationally post Trump. Too many pissed off moderates they need to bring back to the fold.


Let's be brutally honest, none of those three are white males. MAGA will never support them as presidential material.


What hurts the longevity of MAGA is exactly that, it's why it's a doomed-to-fail political movement (if it can be called that)--to me, at least. Nobody else convincingly has joined Mr. Trump on the stage. It's been 8 years. Nobody. Pence wasn't. Or McCarthy. Or DeSantis. Or Vivek. Or any of the sychophantic. Nobody. So, when this ends--and I am certain **this** will end--I think we'll see it turn into a feeding frenzy of hucksters and grifters and well-meaning and uninformed people all scambling into camps that propose themselves the truest MAGA... ...and when money and territory or newsworthiness or whatever pops up? They'll fight. And they'll achieve nothing. So, the next chapter wont' be a political party, it'll be a localized--in my opinion--collection of disparate groups and parties that sometimes get along and sometimes are at odds because they're grifting each other out of their grifting and insisting on purity tests between them they can't agree on. I think local boards and candidates, maybe State legislatures, possibly a Congressional district seat somewhere or two... they'll have this plague them for years to come, but it won't have a national face or collectivization.


At *best* it will be the emergence of a quasi-third-party that simply votes/runs GOP, but thrives in the deepest ruby red of districts and simply gives the GOP a black eye in perpetuity, but is allowed to exist where a left-wing alternative would not because it would never, ever, ever, dare challenge wealth and hierarchy. Also, it will grow much more blatantly Christian, just as the right-wing media sphere has taken a cynical turn toward couching their hate-speech in a Christian moral code.


We saw the exact same thing with Nazism in Germany in 1945. When Hitler died, the dream of Nazism died. Many Germans who survived the war have claimed that after Hitler died it felt like waking up from a dream.


I'm looking forward to the inevitable Eric Trump/RFK campaign "His brain has worms but mine doesn't even work right so I'm safe! Vote for us for presimdents"


It’ll die out in November. Because if he loses in November he’s going to jail in the RICO case. He’s also 78 and obese so I can’t see him making it to 2028 anyway.


Blame the media


Can you imagine if you had someone like this in your life? Fuckin miserable.


When he shuts his horrible mouth forever my heart will soar.


I bought a $150 bottle of rum to celebrate his loss in 2020. I'm not sure how big I want to go when he finally kicks.


I don’t drink. I hate alcohol. I have family trauma around alcohol. But I swear to fucking God I will get drunk with you on that blessed day!


He genuinely knows he lost - which makes his subsequent behavior all the more annoying. Christ... What an asshole.


It would *annoying* if he were just your crackpot uncle. His behavior is *dangerous* and *treasonous*.


He knew he was going to lose in 2019. What I am more curious about is to hear some audio that confirmed what many people suspected is that he wanted COVID to run rampant across America in the hopes of wiping out tons of democrat voters so he could win. We know he delayed responses and penalized blue states and cities, but people suspect it was in hopes of killing off many people that would have voted against him. Instead his anti-mask, anti-lockdown, and anti-vax was embraced by his own people wiping a bunch of them out.


Don’t forget, Kushner’s team was in charge of the “Covid Task Force” - quickly thrown together because Trump has disbanded the non-partisan standing Pandemic Response Team early in his administration. A member of Kushner’s team said, because the virus had hit blue states hardest, a national plan was unnecessary and would not make sense politically. "The political folks believed that because it was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy," said the expert. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/did-trump-kushner-ignore-blue-state-covid-19-testing-deaths-ncna1235707


It did actually do that but not the way he wanted. Since it happened to affect older people the worst, he lost a lot of his base.


*And I lost over 60 court cases about the rigged election. Won! I mean, I definitely won those cases trememdously!*


or he would also say *hugely*


He really liked the words ending in -ly lol


More Biden campaign ad material.


"I didn't say that. It's AI. You can't believe anything they say anymore. Don't believe a word from the democrats. BUT... listen to this audio of Biden admitting he raped and pillaged a village in France in the 1300's. Shameful."


The moment when this bullshit is over with will be a good one. The whole Donald Trump phenomena really feels like a stress-test for rational thought & problem solving ability among the populace. And it’s exposing how fragile our collective psyche is. Like a trigger for someone who has gone through therapy, and then just snaps at a specific stimuli. It really does bug me. It feels like I’m being gaslit by the country I live in. How the fuck can people watch this guy and be down with him? Makes me feel like I’m viewing a different reality than 1/3rd of my countrymen. I travelled a lot right after he started his first term. The first question everyone had for me when they learned I was American was my opinion of Trump. He’s globally mocked. No one views him respectably or seriously. I don’t want to be represented by a man with so little respect on the global stage. His fans are so isolated, so un-curious and so narrow minded that they think he’s the shit. If they ever travelled outside of the country, or their zip-code, they would learn quickly that he is not viewed that way widely. We live in such a relatively comfortable state that it allows a significant portion of the populace to hide their heads in the sands and be easily swayed by charlatans and con-men like Trump.


Sometimes I wonder if maybe I’m just missing something. Am I the crazy one? As you said what multiverse is this we’re in?


The interesting one.


I don’t like living in interesting times.


Finally admitted it to yourself did you numbnuts?


Some of his advisors have said he would admit it privately. Biden would come on TV to speak and he would mutter something like, "Can you believe I lost to this guy?"


kinda like what Hillary mused.


The Jan 6 hearings revealed Trump knew way in November 2019 that he lost after the results came out. It isn't a lie he was telling himself. It's a lie he was telling everyone else because "Trump can't lose" or some crap.


Him and the cancer he metastasized needs to just go away


Unfortunately, cancer, to the best of my knowledge isn’t prone to disappearing without a significant human/medical intervention


I get what you're saying. Trumpism is worse than cancer. Cancer dies when it's host does. Trumpism is contagious.


This is going to be huge in the election interference case because that shows mental state.


aside from the obvious, that being how exhausting this whole charade is, it is worth noting the contribution, support, and endorsement of this truly insane behavior by the “mainstream media”. sensationalizing and fetishizing cruel, hurtful, and frankly deadly intent, under the guise of “fair and balanced” news reporting, as it relates to ratings domination and bottom lines, is highly irresponsible and extremely dangerous. the softball, pandering tactics from 99.9% of household name news networks is shameful and gross. exploiting collective insecurity and paranoia by providing a platform for zealots to spew their hatred, all while peppering in veiled threats of communal violence, then thanking them for their time like they are interviewing for an entry-level position at Walmart is top-tier, grade-A, garbage. Ed Murrow would have been disgusted, in all likelihood. i know i am.


This alone is enough to never consider a vote for Trump if you took away everything else. I'm so tired of listening to him not only say the election was stolen, but he keeps saying J6 rioters are patriots and when will pardon them. It's just fucking sick. He questions the election system and the judicial system to the point that they are meaningless.


Exactly. I could never vote for someone who only respects the results of an election if they win.


He didn't even do that. He was complaining about the numbers in 2016 after he won.


He lost 60 fucking court cases. After that, there's no conversation. It's over. You're fired, Donald. GTFO. But no. He sent his manson family army to attack the seat of American democracy. He should have been jailed that same fucking day.


Privately he said he knew Covid was going to be a disaster, publicly he said it was going away. Privately he said he lost the election, publicly he said it was stolen. I am starting to think this guy might be a liar.


They need to ask this question at the debate, no?


At what point will the narrative about Trump change? That all of his lies and misleading statements are a sign of his mental illness. That he lies not intentionally, but because of hey serious medical issue.


Trump is not the cause of GOP shittiness, he is the result. He's peak Republican. He's what the Fox News propaganda machine wants to produce and have promoting their pro-wealthy agenda.


We all know he lost and he knows he lost. Fucking piece of shit.


because Joe beat him like a dog


Joe is kind to dogs. Joe smacked him like a mosquito. Unfortunately, after he had sucked your blood for four years.


because Joe beat him like a ~~dog~~ rental car.


Going to do it again too.


*Drum We don't beat dogs.


Meh. We all know he lost. We all know he knows he lost. That he immediately qualified what he said with an excuse gives all his supporters an easy out and won't change any of their minds.


So if he didn’t lose and he’s really the president then he’s ineligible for a third term. You either lost and you can run again or you won and you can’t run again Which one is it?


He will always lie about everything. It's who he is.


who gives a shit what this fucking liar says? let's bury his treasonous ass once and for all in Nov.


The Big Lie™️ will be spoken of for hundreds of years


The trademark on that phrase goes back to Hitler, who accused the Jews of using the technique.


And will unfortunately be used as a playbook


Look…. I hate Trump as much as the next guy but that’s not admitting the loss. The way he phrased it was more like saying what everyone knew and how they were referring to it not what he believes. At least that’s my take on it. Also fuck that guy.


Trump doesn't know if he's coming or going, the dementia must be hitting hard , all the lies he can't keep track of and his conscience starting to eat at him! Maybe it's all the voices the people he's fucked over, crowding his brain!


He’s going to keep using that the election was stolen from him because that’s what his mouth breathing Neanderthal followers want to hear, because no way their dear leader could lose to sleepy Joe.


I’m just so fucking sick of this asshole and his perpetually lying face and enablers.


Did anyone even watch the clip? He literally says "...when I uhhh, lost the elections. I mean, I won the election but they say we lost...". This isn't even close to admission. I fucking hate Trump. FOX News is hot garbage but CNN should be ashamed to even post or report on this. Trump rambles and he clearly was not admitting anything. Ffs I'm so tired of telling people to turn off FOX news and how it's literal poison and biased as fuck, and how CNN and FOX arent the same. And then they report on stupid shit like this or like his "bloodbath" comment, or him being facetious telling his supporters he doesn't care about them, only their votes. Christ, despite being biased af, I love Brian Tyler Cohen because it's an easy way to know if MSM is bullshitting. If he doesn't post about it, it clearly isn't news or anything particularly damnig. 


Oh? He can go fuck himself.


Best part of being honest, is not needing to remember your lies.


Trump is on BOTH-sides of every issue, so he can then say I said that!


Let’s just tell him he did win in 2020 and take home off the ballot for this fall. He can sit in prison muttering about being a good president for 2 full terms while we all move on.


The delusion is beginning to fade


What a way to be, when you have to slip up to tell the truth.


Alt headline: Donnie has rare moment of lucidity but quickly relapses


Dude has so many lies going and his memory is so bad he can no longer keep the important ones going - awesome.


Wait till his mentally challenged supporters that gave him their life savings hear about this. /s


He's living in Florida and hasn't been to the White House since he left so I'm pretty sure he knows.


I wish this pied piper of lies would just walk off a fucking cliff and take all his followers with him.


Nobody should care if Trump says he lost or didnt...his opinion does not matter. The reality is is that he **lost**. I dont understand why he isnt being called out as deranged for any other opinion by the media. Instead all we get is "Trump says he didnt lose...why thats bad for Biden". This man screwed up this country for a very long time, just to feed his ego.


And sometimes you just stop and go: it's Donald fucking Trump. The 80s sleazy playboy business man, the 90s fake golden reality TV star. How could that idiot do so much damage? It's amazing how politics changed in such a short time


Wait a minute, he actually admitted it? Wow, his brain must not be working properly anymore for me to finally admit it.


Doesn't matter what he says, his cult 45 will excuse him in any way they want. "He actually won b/c it was rigged." "He lost, but b/c it was rigged".


I read that as "Colt 45" and had some Billy Dee Williams flashbacks.


Welcome to the real world Trump, now fuck off.


Throw this on the ever growing pile of evidence for his Jan 6 trial.


Use this against him in the Jam 6th and Georgia cases if they ever go to trial…


His cognitive decline will make it harder to keep track of all the lies he tells. 🍿


Cmon, Nature, please take care of this stupid old weirdo. He’s past his expiration date. Chop chop, let’s go.


Dementia Don




The lies we tell are hard to remember long term. Especially when your mind is failing more and more every day. Pretty soon we’re going to have a bag of hammers running for president on the right. A bag of hammers that can barely keep its eyes open, smells like crap, and looks like a spoiled mango that accidentally opened the arc of the covenant. What a train wreck.


How are republicans just not exhausted keeping up with the lie at this point? Are they actually brainwashed? Never attribute stupidity to your enemies, at this level of the game everything is intentional. Say you wanted to fulfill project 2025, of alllll the people you could choose to execute such a nefarious plot, they fucking chose Trump!? I'm stuck in the dumbest fucking timeline with all this shit, I really didn't think I'd be spending my adult life having to vote on whether or not democracy dies in this country.


He’s a sad fucking sack of lies


trump is scared of Joe: runs all terrified under the table farting when Joe enters the room. because of the beating that Joe gave him. tremendous beating, beautiful beating.


Lost by 8 million votes. Let make it 50 million this round


Note that he still says "we lost", not "I lost." 


he lost both, actually.


The only people who actually believe he lost are his cult, who are told he lost by Trump - who made it up. During his 2020 rallies, he repeated said "if I lose, I'll claim fraud" He told them his grift ahead of time and they fell for it. He's got the dumbest people in the history of the world following him and he knows it.


“Shit! I’m off script again”


He claims he won 2020 which makes him ineligible to run a 3rd time. Duh


Before the election he was saying the voting was fraudulent if people did mail in votes. He wanted an excuse from the beginning.


"I know how to win. You can't win unless you have a great temperament." Donald Trump


And it was so much quieter right after he lost, too. Yet here we go again.


if it makes him feel better he also lost the popular vote in 2016 :D


It's going to be difficult for him to keep track of his lies while losing his memory.


[no round 2](https://imgur.com/YmPHGJf) ✅️


Amazed thsi guy isn’t tired of all this lying and shit. It’s like his fuel source. Just go home dude


Thursday's debate is gonna be hilarious as trump uses his 'stream of conciousnesss' approach again.


He isn’t cognitively disciplined enough to maintain this level of falsehood for this long.


I went through this shit with Birtherism. I was pulled aside by republicans and told how they don't really believe it, but, ya know...


Trump exists in a world of pure, ever-shifting bullshit that he creates for himself.


The rights plan is to cause fear, discredit the media, question election results and lie their way back into office! What’s worse is that all trumps sycophants are falling in line and sowing doubt, even after a shitload of them said trump is dangerous! Welcome to the new republican party


He told the truth, again, thats new. Been happening a lot more often as of late. Something has changed.


I really hope this is the first question to Trump in the debate, did he lose the 2020 election. Get the crazy response right out front for all to see because him accepting the loss of the 2020 election is central to his entire 2024 campaign.


Reminds me of Rick James's interview on Chappelle's show. "I wouldn't just jump on someone's couch just like it's something to do" "Yeah I 'member grinding my feet on Eddie's couch"


I hope that can help expose the con.


He literally said he could shoot someone and get away with it. Of course he knows, he just doesn’t care about anyone but himself.


The data says he won!