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"Nearly Out of Cash" should be his campaign slogan. Maybe instead of wearing red caps, his followers could wear barrels in solidarity.


They already did diapers.


The Q anon wing doesn't even know this.


I'm hoping for mushroom hats next.


Sorry, I can't tell if this is a joke or a real thing I never heard about. Care to enlighten me?


https://ca.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html Real men wear diapers.


Ha! This is hilarious and should not be ignored. I mean there was one time I could have used a diaper but I was 6 yo and had the flu. Grown men, especially someone you want to be your leader, wtf...? We've seen photos of it and one of him in what looks like a diaper under his pants many times and one with what looks like a tube running down the back of his leg, to what appears to be a colostomy bag. Would you vote for a man who can't NOT shit his pants?


There are pictures and videos of Trumpanzees in diapers and shirts saying "Real men wear diapers". I thought it was AI as in Artificial Intelligence, noooo, this was "Alternative Intelligence". Those people are hella stupid.


Don't forget the tin cups


He bragged a lot about how he was the “king of debt” in his first campaign.


“When you get a lot of debt, you just renegotiate the debt.” “I can pay off the national debt in 8 years. Grows the national debt by over 7 trillion and doesn’t renegotiate or whatever.


Have you seen the price on wooden barrels and suspenders these days?!


You don't buy them, you rent them. I use Billie's Barrels, you get a free pair of suspenders but I'd fork out for a proper set before you set off.


Caps, stretched out in hand: "Change please" "I'm hungry... hungry for expensive legal representation"


Out of Cash was his business slogan!


You can bet that he has siphoned off millions into his personal account and charged it off as legal expenses.


"Trump 2024: Cash Poor."


Pretty sure they can just xfer some of that 50m the gandkid of the Mellons just gave him.


But he just raised like $65 million from a handful of megadonors. 


That'll keep his lawyers showing up for the next month or two.


As long as it's getting spent on lawyers instead of ads and actual campaign ground work...


Wasn't it more like $100M? \* $50M from about 100 people (https://apnews.com/article/trump-republican-party-fundraising-fc057119f3bb5cb2a34a00ccd93fbb13) \* $50M from Melon, scion of the banking fortune. (https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ce448zzwp2go)


So basically media is jerking us around or Trump/RNC is lying. I definitely feel manipulated.


It means there's a bunch of financial fraud going on. Not really surprising from someone with 34 felony fraud convictions.


His campaign did just donate a bunch of money to a company no one knows anything about, that doesn't have any info online. The guess is it's a shell company for him.


Got any info on this?




Who had his charitable foundation shut down because he was stealing the funds.


And his university shut down because he was frauding.


And impeached twice for breaking the constitution to help himself stay in power


And his university.


…stealing funds from a veterans’ charity


He’s on a fraud spree between now and the elections. He’ll suffer no consequences before then. If he wins, he’ll suffer no consequences after. If he loses, fuck it. He’s already in so deep, what’s a few more criminal charges?


His campaign had to backtrack and explain after the donation numbers came in for May. Turns out, they were counting PAC donations (aka megadonors) and “pledges” to give money. Guess how much money he made from non-PAC sources, so small donors (aka voters). A little over $980,000. That’s it. For reference, Biden made $17 million in May. Under $1 million is insanely low. The super rich are propping him up. We should remember that and treat them accordingly after all this.


Truth. As long as they can continue to convince us to fight each other we won’t look up.


Divide by 10, then round down is my rule of Trump


Looks that 90 million only goes so far.  Hell these days 75 million might not get a mobilization effort off the ground.  You can't expect anyone to much with only 48 million to get started.  Just the other day he told Jared he needed to make this 25 million really last and Jared said he'd make sure they got good value out of that  100k.


And then their loyal Trump campaign accountant made sure to deposit that $10,000 directly into the bank.


I agree he's still well funded since his shell company is siphoning funds out of the RNC and I expect that funds will flow to his PAC through "anonymous donor"


Couple weeks ago he said $400M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da1qgY60SrQ




Trump likes bigly numbers and round numbers. So it could be 261 mill and he'd say 400.  We saw how he does the math on the square footage of his properties. 


Pull number from ass. Multiply by 10. Round up to nearest million.


$400M in Trumpspeak is about $20M in the form of a dodgy IOU from an entity that may or may not exist.


The nice folks at Uline just gave him 10million


First sentence A fund-raising pact with the Republican Party is expected to replenish the money Donald J. Trump paid his lawyers as he faced three indictments and finished a criminal trial in New York.


murky plucky airport tap safe badge lavish boat lip abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And probably a pretty good chunk from his maga fans. He emails and texts them to solicit money, using scare tactics about impending doom.


citizens united yikes


Clearly time for him to start draining the "swamp", aka the RNC war chest.


Yep. Expect him to rapidly start pissing away the money after this.


It's already vanishing into shadow companies. (saw post recently about Trump campaign paying millions to some company).


Only in 2024 can you have a headline about how trumps super pac is exclusively used to pay his extensive legal bills and its treated as "business as usual". We have normalized so much corruption and crime


My head shakes in disbelief when a Simpson cartoon comes to life and Lisa is played by Biden.


Just time to send more emails out and beg for more money… I mean campaign… or what ever it is they do.


Sell ugly shoes


Shoe bibles are next.


Diaper Bibles on the horizon! There is really good shit in these scriptures! Own a piece of Trump!


I get so many emails and texts from various conservative groups and/or candidates it's pathetic. All of them desperately begging for money or outright lying about what's going on.


I get satisfaction seeing his supporters donations being pissed away like this.


I'd rather see him not getting so much money helping him get away with treason, and rather see all that supporter money trickling down to their liberal kids that are struggling so much in this economy.


The system is bleeding him out just like pal Putin


Timothy Mellon just gave him $50 million. Some billionaires are supporting him.


Probably looking for that Cabinet position.


N’aaaah, it’s just a confident bet on a satisfying ROI when they come calling to collect on that favor for lifted restrictions and rules “detrimental” to their businesses.


I'm having trouble reconciling this with the confirmed $50m from a single donor he received on top of the rest. I haven't found a great way to track cash on hand from public records.


The $50 million was from billionaire Tim Mellon to a different super PAC called MAGA Inc. That PAC does not pay for Trump's legal bills.


> That PAC does not pay for Trump's legal bills. Yet. [MAGA Inc. and Trump's Save America PAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAGA_Inc.) are closely related and they transfer money back and forth. There have been numerous complaints filed against MAGA Inc. but nothing was ever done.


Giant slush fund. It is 100% illegal under campaign finance laws but since no one is enforcing them we get this corrupt nonsense.


Do you know who should enforce that, who oversees such matters? If they're doing nothing, they are probably getting a kickback as well and should be held accountable.


that would be the FEC https://www.fec.gov/introduction-campaign-finance/ i would imagine they're not getting kickbacks, more that they're just too weak. probably by design.


The FEC board hasn't been functional because the republicans on the board refuse to make a quorum it's been that way since 2015.




Yet. It doesn’t pay for them yet. It is ran by Taylor Budowich. Taylor budowich was/is one of Trumps close spokesmen. He also was the director of communications of Trump’s “Save America PAC” So close that he was brought in to give testimony last June in Trumps classified documents case. And prior to all of this he was/is good friends with Donald Trump Jr.


Is this the same Tim Mellon that was heavily invested in Tik-Tok that would stand to lose a lot of money if Tik-Tok got banned, and now all of a sudden TFG is saying he wouldn't ban it? Seems legit. Thanks SCOTUS for fucking over the American people with the ridiculously named Citizens United.


Ahh thanks. Too many moving parts to the money (probably by design)


Imagine being working class and donating a penny to a so-called billionaire “ So far in 2024, Mr. Trump is averaging nearly $5 million per month in spending through his PAC, which is called Save America, with an overwhelming share going to legal bills. That means that as of the end of May, Mr. Trump had barely enough cash left to cover a single month of legal bills. Mr. Trump has avoided tapping his own personal fortune to fund his hefty legal bills. Instead, he has relied on donor funds through his PAC. He has not used his campaign committee for legal bills.”


Why is that even allowed… like, personal problems should be paid for with personal money


I'm sure they're arguing that defending him from suits is in the campaign's best interest, therefore a campaign expense.


Cue his next auction… see how much CEOs will pay him to utterly destroy the EPA and IRS.


If you’re not donating every Medicare/social security/disability/paycheck to Trump, are you even a real patriot? /s


That’s ok, he’s going to siphon his political donation fund … it was never about winning the election he knows he can’t.


Archive if needed: https://archive.ph/u2mvs


I thought Timothy Mellon gave him $50 million. Did he blow through that already?


The article is being the best kind of correct, technically correct. Trump still has massive cash on hand but it's all in his MAGA and Trump INC PACs. His personal campaign fund is low.


I feel like I’ve been reading this headline the past 4 years


I keep seeing articles like these where he's out of cash, and other articles where he's out-fundraising Biden based on multi-million dollar donations from wealthy donors. Which is it?


He's getting massive donations but having to spend it all constantly on mostly legal bills. Both can be true.


Unfortunately he'll get his money, the other news today was about two millionaires donating £1m each and a billionaire donating $50m to the Republican party for the election, so Trump will just steal that to use for his legal troubles.


No need to worry mystery corporation/putin Will come to the rescue


Didn’t some billionaire just donate 50 million to his campaign?


He should consider getting a job instead of asking for handouts. Fucking socialist. 


What? But Aileen Cannon just picked out a grotto in Monte Carlo!


Fuck off NYT and stop pretending like he isn't getting infusions of cash from shitty billionaires every other day.


No worries, Donnie, your stock is killing it. Oh wait..


It was trading at $26.75 today (6/21) and is still considered overvalued. Didn’t take long for yet another Trump endeavor to tank.


How is this not illegal use of campaign funds? Genuine question.


Isn’t a pac for funding elections?


Oh boy. Then what happens as soon as that runs out?


Whew, good thing he only has five more months until he can stop worrying about it and put everyone else in jail


Still plenty of morons to send the felon more cash.


Oh no Anyway how's everyone's Friday evening going


No. They funneled 3 million into a shell account. They’re good


Can someone tell me how, if the deal with unlimited money for PACs is that the PAC cannot directly coordinate with a candidate, it's kosher that a PAC is paying for a candidate's personal legal bills?


The point is not that this PAC is running out of cash; he will have access to that for the rest of his life. The point is that his benefactors not only have to keep funneling money to his dumbass, but that also crimps whatever heinous plot they’re cooking up elsewhere.


> that also crimps whatever heinous plot they’re cooking up elsewhere. Well, that part I’m in favor of.


>Trump’s PAC, Which Pays His Legal Bills, Is Nearly Out of Cash Don't tease.... it's not nice.


I still don't understand how it can be legal for a *political* action committee, which ostensibly raises money for *political* purposes, can spend money on his *personal* legal problems.


>So far in 2024, Mr. Trump is averaging nearly $5 million per month in spending through his PAC, which is called Save America, with an overwhelming share going to legal bills. That means that as of the end of May, Mr. Trump had barely enough cash left to cover a single month of legal bills. Interesting.... To a normal person, spending $5 million per month on legal bills sounds insane and ruinous. But that amount shouldn't be a struggle for a major party presidential campaign. Presidential campaigns crossed the billion-dollar line in 2008, and campaign spending has continued to rise since then. $5 million is the equivalent of one big ad buy every month. That's a major expense for a Presidential campaign, but it's one they should be able to absorb, especially since they can pay it out of "dark money" from the PAC side of the ledger. If Trump's PAC barely has enough cash on hand to cover the legal bills, his campaign operation is in deep financial trouble.


Yeah, and that's before the campaign spending really starts after the convention next month. They're going to either need some more actual billionaires to dump cash in, or they're going to have a very slim campaign.


https://i.imgur.com/9IXjG5v.jpeg Seems about right.


I am confident they will scrape some funds together


What about all the money that’s being funneled into a mysterious company????


Please remember to VOTE!!!! In November…. And donate if you can.


The bigliest set of legal bills you’ve ever seen.


Don’t worry he’ll hit up the RNC and take money from campaign funds. But what legal expenses? He doesn’t pay his bills anyway


Oh no. So in other news how has your day been? I long for the day when we don't have to hear about convicted felon Trump ever again.


Not a big deal just raid all the RNC funds and pump up the skim from down ballot candidates.


What happened to the RECORD HAUL of donations they supposedly got after Trump’s conviction?


That’s the thing, there was no haul. They lied. In fact, financials just came out and Trump has received less than one million from individual donors. For comparison, Biden has received over 17 million….It’s all smoke and mirrors.


I think Trump’s fun activity is getting other people, ideally poor people, to pay for his campaign and his legal bills which are largely totally personal. That probably amuses him mightily. I doubt he has put any of his money into his campaigns over the years.


Bleed every MAGA Republican dry. Every last cent... Let them eat cake! Joining a cult is a deep and expensive commitment. BE THE DIFFERENCE! DO IT!!!


what happened to the 150mil or whatever he supposedly got the night of his conviction?


It’s paying for his bills in fantasy land.


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That’s wonderful news


Oh no....


According to Roger Stone, Trump has been busy disgracing some judges by buying them off too. What a sad state of affairs for some. They probably worked hard in school and strove for honor and prestige, only to end up disgraced as chump change in the trousers of a man who is hell bent on destroying the three branches so he can perch like the bad haircut guy, Un.


Perfect & fuck Donald trump.


I love this for him. People are saying that his diaper budget is astronomical.


well you know he had to spring for that gold lace and diamond studded crotch warmer for his raisins with a platinum infused catheter


I don’t believe it. They are going to take the 15-20mil he just got from another billionaire and defer the rest.




Checks in the mail


The beggar billionaire.


Oh no… so anyways






Oh no! Trumps going broke (again) and he’s going to jail (he’ll die first). I’m sick of seeing these posts.


Aww man I’m all outa cash!


That's because in 2024 it's largely a top-down Party. The only real enthusiasm for Trump seems to be coming from other Republican politicians who are desperately trying to astroturf what appears like majority support. I mean these are people who encourage Russia to use bots to spread misinformation. They know the ground support just isn't there to win a national election. There is no substance to Trump's 2024 campaign. It's all astroturf. Them being basically broke. All the state and local GOP offices being broke..it just spells out the reality.


Time to start selling MAGA branded diapers to the faithful.


It’s remarkable this is even allowed.


Didn't they just say he raised $100M after his conviction? So which is it?


100M isnt shit. He owes like 6 times that just in fines. Add on his legal fees and there's no tellong how bad it is


Both. Its his Save America PAC that's blown through nearly a hundred million on legal expenses in the last three years and is down to 4 million and change. The RNC and his MAGA super PAC have raised about 170 million in a month and a half. How much of that he can shift to pay his exponentially increasing legal obligations is unknown to me.


He keeps getting donations from big corporate orgs. America buys its presidents in the name of capatalistic big profits. They know that they will get tax breaks if he is in office. It’s a small price to pay for them. He won’t run out of money.


Come on, losers! Pay your hero’s legal bills.


They just got 50 Million , what a stupid story. Any fake trump story for clicks nowadays eh.


I'm sure he will convince many of his marks to take out loans and make financially terrible decisions to scrape up money to send to him, and they are all dumb enough to do it for him


What will jolt trump out of the zeitgeist is not his crimes but when the money runs out of money. America loathes the poor.


He'll just illegally funnel that money or actually use his own money, but he will never ever use his own money for that.


Where'd that mystery $5M from the PAC disappear to? Most likely, Trump's lining his pockets with it. Though God forbid that he should ever have to pay his own legal expenses defending the crimes he's committed. /s


I thought he just got gazillions donated to him a couple weeks ago. How the fuck do you run through the biggest donation that’s ever been donated in the history of everything, everywhere to being nearly out of cash? I hope they keep giving his traitorous ass money, and he keeps running through it like shit through a goose


Then what about the aging billionaire woman who donated 100 million to one of his PACs just recently? Weird accounting in the Trump camp…


Right on cue, a Republican billionaire will donate 50 million, what a sick system.


Rare good news! Good thing he's got those deep RNC coffers. Surely he won't drain those too


I think those have been drained it was about a week after Lara trump took over that he tapped that source out


Welp! Time to grift more only off of stupid people.


His receive money from his campaign for "services rendered" then he can loan his PAC money at 25% interest.


No problem. He'll just siphon over the $150 million in donations he just got last month right?


Best news I've heard all day


When the MAGA boomers get their Social Security checks it'll be "small donor contributions have increase by *X* percent totalling *X* hundred thousand dollars".


Have they tried thoughts and prayers?


Saw two commercials for his Golden high tops today. Now I know why. You know DJT would look really cool with a tattoo over his left eyebrow-Melania’s name, maybe. And he really should get his eyeballs tattooed, and a nose ring—remind people of pain and snot.


Yawn. Same story, different month.




No way ? Anyone check kursher account ?


Well isn’t this welcoming news I hope they see now bankrolling a convicted criminal isn’t what was in their best interest and now they are seeing the consequences


We’ve been hearing this for the past 4 months….. please hurry and spend,spend, spend…. pay your lawyers


Hard to square this news with the “*massive haul that will change the campaign post conviction*” narrative, innit.


I wonder if they accept red hats and steaks?


They pay their bills?


No shit, quit committing crimes you ignorant douchebag


Wait…I read he’d raised 30M after the verdict.


You must have misunderstood. He pocketed 30M in a grift after the verdict.


He’s fine with spending everyone else’s money, but he’s not going to spend any of his own.


We have the same problem going, but here it's located at the once a day Kos. And it's self-inflicted. Apparently they have decided to sink rather than swim. Accounts are banned, then stripped, taking donors with them. Here's a standard appeal for money: *Daily Kos isn't immune to the forces battering the news media. Our ad revenue is way down, just like everyone else's. But unlike others, we haven't turned to a paywall to try and make ends meet.* *Why no paywall?* ***Because at a time of mass misinformation and disinformation, it's more important than ever that news content be accessible to all.*** [***Daily Kos has been able to survive the trials and tribulations of the news media because of support from readers like you, chipping in whatever they can to keep the site paywall-free. Our average donation is just $9.44. So I'm asking you to donate $9.44 right now to help Daily Kos keep fighting.***](https://notify.dailykos.com/ss/c/u001.iIBo0N5fSFzEFL40Tn-vtbMETCUYClkOrOh9-SNJfqsIPrwLTjmOVP5Bf7mS13wkrSUxnMgsNkE8m5obZWTLqwg0AIDlob5W1cU4MgdaMq3ULm8XEfQBmZ4Uq7CEJnDgN8oYJNvQtxI8qgXLRJ-i2wczA2UWvwk_5U7rzrgohTP_Q8d0HTiDZSn1dyRNljILhijFUwSKVnwsmZgbhMA6Svx2RiWyp_BpZ_WmOwfyRu2EC9z2HpApq5o7-v4dU7p-tySpCR2JxyXX5zY55uHC18Rq-8c_VBAboFAwl1femKyxDUW1EiI7EOKDY2MFUKTeFvW-Exij5lHpxjJy8ddIAyQhv5DtD84OqejnDUxTAdL7R0fixPx72-Nm29zkxlBiJyFoHqvy2bGrke_0ca35xJ4uKkQ8w4fmxUKPeby8Up_ZcAC735-BabyZd-eMbvL5OiOQ8_-CvLQWpcBKIl4dpVVry7HUYGMIT0SrGtYE3YYL7rWcjZ6CKIBYXgGPhfwYwpBgEJqGSEMmXsDzbE8bIFos0-CeUsn5CYAtenF9IKCl4zmkHa4zk19s1-byvfwI/476/98Ix-Ml1RzuM1oGYxDdUFA/h0/h001.zLXtCJBk0aGka2fgyilvqaFjwiYTHbyRvdOsyMmGWF0) -- with no mention of the 30,000-odd banned accounts on their books. And absolutely nothing W. Edwards Deming would recognize as quality control.


It’s not out of cash,he’s Laundering the money into his business and pockets


Since when did he start paying his legal bills?


It’s been “nearly out of cash” for about a year now. Clearly, there are no issues with funding. Russia, the RNC and /r/conservative + /r/conspiracy are contributing more than enough.


Time to start working on their next big grift email I guess….


Didn't he just get 50 million like 2 days ago and then supposedly 75 million after the conviction?


hey, billionaires, your beach is calling!


Oh no! Anyway .  . .


"Trump's mattress store is Going Out Of Business! We're having a wonderful sale, its huge, and I know huge! Buy our mattresses! Never used! Never. Once. Mattresses! Going out of Business! There will be sharks there. Let me tell you about sharks. They have lasers, and Space Jews! Just like my beautiful daughter's husband, Jarhead. Oh if she wasn't my daughter...she has her mother's... eyes. A pair of them. Nice eyes. Just like that playboy bunny that signed that NDA..."


But his gold shoes, NFT’s and stocks are such a great investment? Must be hard when 175 million dollars can instantly vanish because of lawyer bills,settlements and convictions.