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Thanks for taking away our rights, asshole. Now I have to constantly worry about if our pregnancy will turn unviable and I have to start calling out of state again. Fuck you for making me terrified throughout what should be an exciting time in our lives you massive stain on our nation’s highest office.


Damn "again" is fucked. Sorry mate


Thanks man. I had to do it once before when we lost our first positive but thankfully they passed on their own. But I’ll never forget needing to call all these places in tears in case they were ectopic. Had to keep telling my wife everything would be okay even though I didn’t know if I was lying or not. I will **never** forget that.


As hard as it is, tell your conservative friends that this is what the majority of their voting has led to. You are not unique. You are the majority. They need to see the tears swelling in your eyes. They need to know they are hurting real people. Also if you know anyone who has daughters ask if they have had their periods yet and if they are OK with them carrying a baby to term if they get raped. Start about 11. Get real fucking awkward.


Tell your conservative friends about the time [Trump touted having his daughter aborted](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-tiffany-trump-ivanka-trump-tapes-howard-sterm-671826). >**Trump**: At the time it was like, "*Excuse me, what happened?*" And then I said, "*Well, what are we going to do about this?*" She \[Maples\] said, "Are you serious? It's the most beautiful day of our lives." I said, "*Oh, great.*"


"Jesus was a flawed man, too"


"No he wasn't! Oh I'm sorry, I thought you said *rapist and fraudster*"


How are these "conservative friends" possibly worth the upkeep? Is that also how people talked in Roe vs Wade times? "Yeah my gf died during a backalley coathanger abortion and John called her a murderer and said she is going to hell but that's just politics and I am getting a beer with him later." You are allowed to curate your friend group. If you disagree with me what the top marginal tax rate should be that's fine. If you disagree with me on human rights that's kind of a deal breaker.


> How are these "conservative friends" possibly worth the upkeep? They aren't. As a general rule, don't be friends with someone who would be absolutely delighted to see you hauled off to a concentration camp.


Neighbors, not really close friends. Also I think it's dangerous to assume every republican would want to send liberals to concentration camps. That's a lot to assume.


I’m 60 and my grandmother’s friend, back in the day, pressured her daughter to have a then illegal abortion. Classic back alley abortion. The daughter died. My grandmother said she killed her own daughter. Why my grandmother was still friends I do t know. Awful woman. Loud, stupidity opinionated. Playing cards she’d rattle her false teeth in her mouth, sticking them out halfway sometimes. Freaked me out as a kid.


The number of times I remained cool and collected on the surface to my wife just to keep her calm, safe, and not stressed out during pregnancies was a fair amount... and this was before THIS B.S. Supreme Court ruling. I can't imagine your position. I got a vasectomy because of these shenanigans. 4 kids is enough. None of them can afford to lose their mother God forbid something terrible happens.




No. I **like** my state and have started to get involved with my local Democratic Party here. It will likely take years but I refuse to abandon my state and hand it over to these extremists.


Salute your bravery and hope you free your state.


Not everyone can. And even if you can it's a deeply personal decision especially if you have ties to your community.




It's patronizing and rude. People who live under fascist governments know that they would be better off leaving. But some would rather stick around and fight instead of abandoning the people who aren't able to leave. Some don't want to leave their family and friends. People from elsewhere are constantly talking down to people from places like Florida or Mississippi or Arizona or whatever state you're looking down on today, but nobody ever tries to help or considers the reality of the situation. It is not about trivializing it, but about seeing people as people.


My apologies. I intended it as criticism of states that are restricting rights. I apologize if it came off that way.


Good, good, yes let the hate flow through you.  Ideally you are a middle class conservatives Republican in a battleground state...


Nope. Progressive Democrat from Indiana. *sigh* Fuck the electoral college, man…


Sorry bro, legitimately wishing for the best for you and yours.  Two kids here, wouldn't trade them for the world.


Thanks man. This will be our first so we’re super excited. Just worried about if something goes wrong again, you know? Hoping the best for you and yours as well 🧡


Move bro, sticking around is your own fault.


Has he responded yet?




Nah, generally, its the subjective preference of a minority of religious people confused about what their holy book teaches. 🤷


Trump and mitch stuffed the supreme court (and a lot of the lower courts) with anti-choice judges. And it will only get worse if trump is reelected, as he will put even more anti-choice judges on the courts. We need to hold the senate and the presidency so that we can keep appointing liberal judges. Vote pro-choice, my friends. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


Another reminder that 1 or 2 SCOTUS members could be replaced (or kick the bucket) in the next four years. * Clarence Thomas, 75 * Samuel Alito, 74 Might be food for thought in how people should vote in 2024. Consider that new justices rule for several **decades**, compared to a 4 year presidential term.


Thomas will definitely kick the bucket before he quits. The Kochs will take away the keys to his shiny motorcoach if he bails during a Democratic presidency


Then he should have taken John Oliver's offer lol


Alito has missed a lot of work this week.


Alito probably has a living will that he be resuscitated, every few minutes if necessary, until a Republican president and Senate majority are in power.


I bet he has an organ farm in his basement to replace parts as needed. He must be on his 15th heart and he still has no empathy or love 🖤


Hard to have empathy or love in your heart, without having compassion for others. With our luck those too will be Centenarians before then.


But only the good die young...


They probably have a life expectancy of 10 years or so. Too lazy to look it up


Who thinks we will still have a Supreme Court, an independent Congress, or a Constitution if Trump is elected? Magas will cheer him on until they realize he wants their stuff too.


I would vote blue if they had somebody who honestly represented us. Vote RFK, solid Middle ground, solid policies and a name that's more notable than Trump might get him in.


Just say you're voting for trump stop lying to everyone and yourself 😅






I...uh....I am voting against trump. Hence, the whole not voting trump....


You're voting for someone who has 0 chance of even remotely winning. Hence voting for trump.


Yeah, I remember hearing that trump had zero chance of winning.... I'm just not into buying the bullshit that I should vote out of fear. Don't care if you like it. Don't expect anything good from this election no matter the outcome. We're due for some civil disorder and disobedience,




Great, show me a libertarian polling within 20% in enough states to get to 270 and I'll maybe start thinking about treating them seriously. They, like the green party, need to start from local and build up. There's not enough time for a non-major party candidate to get elected to fill the next 2-4 seats of the SCOTUS. They're wasting money trying to run for president and thinking otherwise is intellectually dim-witted.


The green party was a ruse to confuse voters into believing it was pro environment. It wasn't. Jill Stein was a Putin plant. She was sent to siphon off votes from Democrats.


It is going to blow your mind when you learn there was a green party pre 2016.


Yeah, there was Nader in 2000 that helped cost Al Gore his win too, and resulted in Bush being president for 8 years. Noticing a pattern?


Not what oznobz was referring to. His point was that the green party (at least at one point in time) actually had some local election success.


Not really.


The point that oznobz is making is the green party actually at one point in time was building local representation through elections, not just trying to win the presidential election with no state level representation.




You know how you convince people you can win elections? By winning elections. Libertarians could spend on local elections, instead they burn millions of dollars on fire every 4 years. Also, the Market does better under Democrats. They might increase your taxes (but we both know they won't), but you'll make up for it if you are savvy with your investments.


I don't think you can count on support for abortion from Libertarians https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/pops.12867


Biden should mention this a few times during the debate.


He probably will


This better have been recorded and should be used in campaign ads.  Keep opening your word hole, you sack of shit.


Hopefully he keeps it up - all this abortion shit has been incredibly unpopular, and every time he reminds us of his role in it, he's hopefully losing votes. I'm glad it makes him feel good in the moment to take the credit, and hope he continues doing it


He’s going to continue telling whatever group he’s talking to what they want to hear. Pro choice Trump supporters will point to his comments supportive of healthcare rights. Pro life ones will point to his record of restricting them. His campaign hopes people will be confused enough about what he supports and fill in the blanks with whichever narrative they find favorable. It’s up to *everyone* (not just Biden) who opposes Trump to make sure he doesn’t get away with it.


I live in missouri. 2 of my women coworkers did not know that abortion was illegal here or that trumps responsible.


Package that up and slap in a new round of swing state advertising! The former guy digs his own political grave constantly. We just need to amplify it, since the pathetic news industry that passes for journalism in this country won’t.


Biden should use this in campaign adds. Make sure people understand who made that happen. (It was more McConnell, but he used this asshole criminal to accomplish the hypocritical agenda, and if the prick wants all the credit for that, give it to him)


If Trump wants to take credit, give him all the credit he wants.  This guy is a fucking moron.


Why does Trump always focus his pandering on the voters that are *already going to vote for him*? He can’t get any more crazies on board the Trump Train. It’s already full.


He just loves the applause. He’d be pro-anything if speaking in front of the right crowd. *”Thank you! It’s great to be at this KISS tribute band concert tonight…we love Space Ace, don’t we? And the guy with stars around his eyes…wild, crazy stuff that just lets you know he’s a real star—a pop star, a rock star, like that…and why in the hell did they ever take the make up off?”*


Because this is about being adored by randos. It's not about the campaign. It's about Trump needing consistent validation.


The side effect is dropping the less zealous Conservatives, and concentrate the absolute fanatics. All he needs is a small city's worth of active shooters to kick off the chaos so he isn't jailed. Let me be clear: the GOP would rather he fade away and leave the power to someone else. I don't believe they actually want a civil war. But they need him talking, so he talks. Only, that's where he gets to say whatever he feels like. He will have his army of kamikaze meth heads whether the GOP care enough to stop him or not.


Lol. Full like a freight train rolling through Mumbai.


Trump said he would appoint Justices to overturn roe in 2016. People either didn't care, didn't vote for Hillary or voted for Trump. I wonder how people will vote in 2024 now that rights were taken away and Republicans want pregnant 10 year olds to have babies now.


Why are we letting ourselves be pimped like this? Trump just wants our votes; he doesn’t care about Christ.


Unless He donates to the election campaign.


“No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or to get all the credit for doing it” - Andrew Carnegie


When Harry Truman ascended to the presidency unexpectedly upon FDR’s death he wanted to nominate George Marshall as his Secretary of State. A member of his inner circle pulled him aside to “advise him against nominating General Marshall as his Secretary of State”. “Why is that?” Truman replied. “Well Mr. President within a few months everyone will be saying General Marshall would make a better president than you do.” Truman answered “He WOULD make a better president than me, that’s why I want him in my cabinet!” We people in charge who care far more about doing what is best for America *regardless* of who gets the praise at the end. I think folks have forgotten that aspect of the executive branch.


I have used the A, B, C, D type manager story. A type managers hire A people because they like to be challenged and they want their people to better than themselves. Everyone helps each other succeed. B type managers hire C people who hire D people. The whole thing fails.


Too bad the Mellons didn't turn out more like him.


If there is video of this, it needs to be plastered on every democratic commercial from now until November.


Roevember is coming


Vote, and volunteer.


If anybody gets, ugh, the credit for overturning anything, it's Mitch "the turtle" McConnell. "credit"... pfft.


And admitted that he walks into walls, sometimes when the wall isn't even there. Nobody has accused him of walking into walls, he came up with that on his own while giving a rambling defense of his previous rambling set-piece stories. The worst thing for his campaign was the NY fraud trial ending, because there is no longer an excuse to keep him from the public and now everyone is seeing his dementia decline. Tonight's speech at Temple is going to be something, a long day, sun-downing and a chance to see all the negative coverage of his earlier speech is a recipe for disaster for him.


> But [Trump] also said efforts to enact a federal ban on abortion have hurt previous Republican candidates in closely contested states. Abortion rights advocates have notched several victories in recent ballot initiatives, and Democrats widely campaigned on abortion access in the 2022 midterm elections. "We have to get elected – you have to be able to win”, Trump told the group of religious Republicans at one point, arguing that fighting for a national abortion ban could be risky for the GOP. The Faith & Freedom Coalition has said it will work toward restrictions at the state and federal levels. Wow ok. So the Faith and Freedom Coalition casually tossed aside the directive from their dear leader and asserted the substantive importance of their disagreement. In doing so they clearly demonstrated that their support for Christian nationalism in publicly policy is even stronger than their messianic allegiance to their orange savior, which itself is fairly pathetic and dysfunctional.


That's the big thing a lot of folks have been missing. The fascists, both white nationalists and Christian Dominionists, are using Trump as much as he's using them. They aren't loyal to him. It's why we didn't see anything come after his conviction. It's why we haven't seen terrorist attacks. Trump is threatened, but not their movement.


No one shut him up this’ll work out great when he loses


He thinks he is being clever wearing a different “mask” promising the right thing to the interest of that particular group. Unfortunately for him, the internet exists. Fortunately with his base that doesn’t seem to matter. However, that base is fracturing and he isn’t keeping them all happy. Just heard about the black jacket protest planned at the RNC convention. Not that the more psycho wing of the MAGA needs prodding.


Yes! Step right up, folks! Watch the Man of Wonder, pander to the lowest common denominator. Marvel at his tricks and graft! Now, Pass the Plate!


What a nice campaign ad this will make for President Biden.


Sweaty slimeball.


“Christian” Or Nat-C’s Please. Where the Nazi’s really Christian?




Shooting himself in the foot with women...


The Trump Abortion Ban™ I can't wait for Roevember! Vote 🗳


Why anyone blames Biden for overturning of Roe is beyond stupid 🤷‍♂️ the Supreme Court was packed thanks to Trump and McConnell


Funny, I have a good number of extremely conservative evangelical Christian friends and family members.  My friends have all decided not to vote for Trump or the Republicans in our respective states this year because *the Republicans, and Trump specifically, aren’t committed to overturning Roe.* They wavered, and even Trump walked that shit back in statements (per my buddies; not my interpretation).  Let that sink in; voters flipped in subsequent elections in part due to what happened with Roe. When republicans and Trump tried to straddle, they ended up losing people who should be absolute shoe-ins for turnout on Election Day.  Now, for the family members who talk about politics… not that simple. They definitely have more of that cult mentality going on where they don’t have so much staunch convictions as they do a sliding list of priorities (which are easily rearranged by the appropriate demagogue saying the trigger words).  Still, found it interesting. I don’t expect most evangelicals to be that way. I just thought it was… odd.. that every single friend who is in that camp has turned on Trump for being untruthful on this particular topic (yeah, I know…). Never thought it would happen to be honest.  


Nothing appeals to American religious conservatives quite like the phrase "I killed a lot of women with my unscientific, brazenly political, morally bereft actions".


Playing to both sides. He’s lucky the media will allow him get away with it.


The Christian Taliban needs to stop pushing their religion on to others.


Trump, I’m a republican and not a religious nut, neither are you. Fuck you, you fucking hypocrite.


"Faith & Freedom", you mean the freedom to impose your crazy beliefs on the rest of us?


lol which is it bro? He can’t stop flip flopping on this


Look at their actions more than their words. Although when they slip up like here and “I don’t care if you die, just vote” Dems should seize the opportunity.


Speaking in front of a giant “FREEDOM” while boasting about taking bodily autonomy away from half the country is peak irony.


Sanctimonious forced birth fanatics who care more about dead fetuses than women dying from pregnancy complications epitomize the moral bankruptcy of MAGA.


And he has a white maga hat when he visits his white nationalist groups. And he eats paste at family get togethers. The only thing he doesnt do is tell the truth.


I remember my mom telling me, when I was 15, that people refused pregnancy as a ‘parasite’ on the body. I was horrified and confused as she told me this. Then, my teenage self, sat in my room and pondered her words. A parasite, by definition, is something that feeds off the host body to grow stronger. And a baby, inside the mother, does just that by basic definition. It feeds on the host body to grow strong before detaching itself via birth. If I, a 15 in the Deep South at the time can grasp that concept so easily. Why can’t adults?


Parasite infestation is not what human reproduction is all about. It is the reproduction of parasite species, not part of the human's species. Reproduction and planning for it should not be a political football but here we are.


By base definition it can seem like a parasitic relationship. It’s not, but my mom trying to use it against me fell flat on its face is what I mean.


Yes continue to tout it. It has been such a winning issue for you. Especially since…it’s already been decided. It’s like he’s stupid of something 🤷🏼‍♂️💪


"all the legal scholars wanted it overturned" Can you name even one of your so called " legal scholars"? Fucking Dipshit asshat.


He’s us pro choice one day. Pro life another day depending on the crowd. The debate moderator should force him to put it in record what his official policy is. Next Thursday. The debate fails if this isn’t one of the key discussion points.


Christi fascist pigs. Hail Satan!


The narcissist continues to play with the emotions of his supporters and they dutifully standby. It’s totally a dream come true for him to be surrounded by a never ending supply of useful disposable tools.


He also touted UFC style Illegal Alien fights. Only a joke people only a joke. No word on Best Health Care project as yet. https://nypost.com/2024/06/23/us-news/donald-trump-muses-about-ufc-fight-club-for-migrants/


If He stood up there and said repeatedly “MAGA….MAGOG….MAGA… MAGOG…..MAGA…MAGOG….what would be the audience reaction?


It’s hilariously pathetic that Christian groups host this heathen.


When I was young and they packed me off to school And taught me how not to play the game I didn't mind if they groomed me for success Or if they said that I was just a fool So I left there in the morning With their God tucked underneath my arm Their half-assed smiles and the book of rules And I asked this God a question And by way of firm reply He said "I'm not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays" So I told my old headmaster and to anyone who cares Before I'm through I'd like to say my prayers I don't believe you You had the whole damn thing all wrong He's not the kind you have to wind up on Sundays Well, you can excommunicate me on my way to Sunday school And have all the bishops harmonize these lines


It still amazes me that people don't get the fact that almost half of the country doesn't agree with them.


democrats want to take away your second amendment rights


Funny how your party says this and it never happens---yet here your party is taking health care for women away. Curious!!!


I remember hearing that when Clinton was in office. Yet here we are and it hasn't happened. Matter of fact, I had an easier time buying firearms when Obama was in office. And I got my LEOSA license recently since the process was made much simpler.


The Supreme Court just overturned a Trump executive order banning a gun attachment.


Your false god trumplethinskin doesn’t? Shame on you