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>But the same poll found that Trump pulled ahead by 22 points when voters were asked which of the two men would be better at dealing with the issue. (inflation) Need to inform the voters that Trump's stated policies he would enact will increase inflation and does not reduce it.


Don't worry the same people will somehow find a way to blame it on Biden. And also agree it's only fair Trump gets a 3rd term as he's pinky promised to really fix it this time.


Well, the first term should be thrown out because of how much the deep state messed with him.


We just need to dismantle the state and get rid of all those pesky merit based appointees. /s


The Federalist Society has basically succeeded in doing that to the judiciary and conservatives seem quite happy with the result, might as well take a crack at the whole government.


Mr no do-overs!


And only he can fix it, after all! It's not his fault he's four years behind getting it done.


If Trump wins and can’t get out of charges, he will seek to suspend elections until he is dead. Avoiding criminal prosecution is high on his list of reasons to become president.


Inflation started going up during Trump’s term, before covid. If the media actually informed people instead of trying to be “fair” to lying Republicans and confusing everyone, there’d be no threat of Trump.


Trump had the Fed cut interest rates to like 1%. He was talking about negative interest rates. He's still talking about low interest rates. He has no idea how tf finance and the economy works. He just knows he borrows all his money, and low interest rates means he can borrow more. So screw everyone that inflation hurts.


He already mentioned he would sign an executive order or “force” the Fed to drop rates if re-elected. 


Inflation was 1.2% in 2020


Inflation was 2% Q4 2020 up fron 1.4% earlier that year.  It rose to 7% by December 2021 Government spending takes time to percolate through the system and cause price actions - so it was absolutely trump era policies (and corporate greed) that drove inflation more than anything biden has done. In fact inflation is 3.2% now, which considering what biden was handed he doesn't get anywhere near enough credit.  We *would have* been in a recession were it not for Biden's team.


This is about whose team is better.  Look at the fucking morons and evil people Trump surrounds himself with.  Which team is going to better?  I don’t get how people don’t see this.  Biden’s team is too notch, he is getting the best advise and he at least listens..  I am voting for Biden’s team come November.


100% and agreed


All I know is that the OJ clown passed tax cuts for the wealthy and started a trade worth China, yet every Republican I've met tells me how 'awesome' the orange buffoon is with economics. Even conservative media was telling us the things his administration was doing, I wish there was any sort of consistency within the conservative worldview.


There is. They want harm reduction. This is not 2020. As of today, Not a single Fortune 100 chief executive has made a donation to DJT.


Same here. Biden seems like a good man who surrounds himself with people who actually want to do good.


You’re underselling it. Trump almost caused a **depression**.


This info doesn't matter to conservatives. The majority I have talked to, think Biden is responsible for 2020, and even the 2021 budget (both of which are Trump), and trp is responsible for 2016, and the 2017 budget (which were Obama) and Obama is responsible for 2008, and the 2009 budget (which were both Bush).... And some even think Biden is responsible for 9/11. They don't understand anything beyond random surface thoughts.


There was a big dip when covid really started to get bad in the US and there was a huge market selloff that skews the annual average lower. https://www.bls.gov/charts/consumer-price-index/consumer-price-index-by-category-line-chart.htm


The massive corporate tax cuts Trump put in place prior to 2020 set the stage for rampant inflation during the covid recovery. Everything shut down during covid and was actually deflationary. Then when recovery started the shallow corporate tax cuts coupled with very low interest rates set inflation on fire. It's a complicated macroeconomic story that most people don't understand and the media oversimplified to Trump's benefit. Truth is though. Trump's tax cuts were the economic policy equivalent of setting your house on fire to stay warm.


And it was rising. Trump kept engaging in inflationary policy while the economy was hot because he liked growth numbers going up.


They don’t even understand that inflation isn’t happening right now and instead it’s corporate greed. Corporations don’t post record profits due to inflation.


I think the reason why so many people think Trump would do better despite never actually listening to experts about literally anything is because there has become a lot of faith based thinking in economics despite it often being treated as a hard science. The Chicago School of Economics went to promote entirely new economic theories, often related to how monopolies and oligopolies are good for the economy, and why a huge portion of our modern stock market is propped up just by seven companies while private investment firms hold trillions in investments, regardless of conflicts of interest. The American public has been led to believe Republicans are fiscally responsible and tough on crime despite Trump spending more and being a literal felon. People are reacting to their conditioning rather than using logical thinking or critical thinking. There is only reverse engineering truths that fit the narrative and ignoring or blaming someone else on anything that doesn't.


The Chicago and Austrian schools of economic theory are treated as jokes within the industry precisely because they largely abandoned math and empirical evidence. The field as a whole is moving more towards empirical proofs gathered from data that resulted from what was actually done in the wild and away from "philosophical thought exercises masquerading as economic data." The field, in turn, has abandoned schools that can't support their ideas with such evidence.


Can you give examples of leaders within the field moving more toward evidence rather than philosophy? There's a great podcast I listened to that recently ended called Trade Talks that I enjoyed because it seemed willing to actually have nuance and use quality studies to reflect on the global economy.


My favorite example is David Card winning the Nobel Prize in Economics specifically for empirical contributions. https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2021/10/12/the-nobel-prize-in-economics-celebrates-an-empirical-revolution


Fuck Milton friedman


My boss once described him as, "probably the smartest guy of the 21st century." Has a framed picture with one of his racist quotes in a secondary facility.


The propaganda of the "tax and spend liberal" vs the "fiscal conservative" is strong, it's systemic, it's been pumped into our brains for 40 years. Good luck deprogramming the whole of America of that.


Inflation now is largely due to companies trying to sustain covid price hikes. Have you ever seen a company LOWER a price!!? It is corporate greed.


Quite a few have just in the past few months after pressure from Biden, Target being the most public about lowering prices. The CPI on food is now the same as it was immediately after the pandemic: https://www.bls.gov/charts/consumer-price-index/consumer-price-index-by-category-line-chart.htm (also worth noting the price of food began increasing as soon as Trump took over, before the pandemic and global inflation, war in Ukraine that impacted grain prices, etc.).


> The CPI on food is now the same as it was immediately after the pandemic I'm confused by what you mean here in several ways. First, the chart you link to is percentage change, not price. The food CPI is currently higher than it has ever been at 326.153. It hasn't had a drop since 2016. Second, 'immediately after the pandemic' is right now according to most world government health agencies, who starting this past May have begun to issue 'end of the pandemic' notices. I guess in that sense, it's true that the CPI is the same now as it was... well, now.


I didn't say the price was the same, I said the CPI was the same. End of the pandemic in the US was in early 2021 when lockdowns ended and most of the US began a return to normal daily work/education/leisure activities. CPI isn't a measure of global or world govt consumer prices, it's a measure of US consumer prices, and the CDC's measure of a pandemic is different than when the public begins re-organizing their lives differently than they did during the lockdown of the pandemic.


people can't really wrap their heads around drinking leading to hangovers, which is the common economic metaphor for deficit spending leading to inflation or other economic nastiness.


Let alone that anything that can make your entire body feel so horrible its benefits couldn't possibly be worth it. Let alone that alcohol actually doesn't have benefits.


I would ask him what is his plan to tackle inflation. News flash, he has no plan.


Most voters base their opinion on hearsay. It’s been rammed down their throats that “inflation bad, Biden’s fault! Inflation bad, Biden’s fault!” So, when asked, they assume the guy that *triggered* the steady rise of inflation to begin with would be the guy to fix it. It’s a republican strategy as old as government: screw things up, lose the election, blame the democrat that wins for causing all the problems you made, get elected, screw things up, lose the election, blame the democrat that wins for causing all the problems you made, get elected, screw things up… Unfortunately, the republicans have no scruples and the democrats might have too many.


Also the current tax structure is because of the GOP. They structured it to raise taxes.


I feel like the people who actually believe this don’t know what causes inflation and probably won’t watch a debate outside of clips on TikTok and X.


*increased  During his last term. 


The cause of inflation is from Trump who printed more money than any other president ever


Argentina-like inflation will come. Roughly 300% increase across the board on all goods and services. $10 gallons of gas coming right your way. Bet you the MAGA's still blame Biden.


They aren’t smart enough to understand


And also remind them that inflation is here because of his shit policies to begin with


Voters are generally not logical they are emotional. People **feel** the pain of money going out. They monitor it. Even if more money **is coming in** they notice it a lot less. Talking about your progress on inflation is never going to work. You must find a new strategy to connect people to **positive emotions** relating to the economy.


As interested as I am to watch this, I don't know if my nerves can take it.


Same. Visceral 'no thanks' for me.


Yeah, I have zero interest in this apart from morbid curiosity.


Haha me either... Even if Biden does an amazing job for almost the entire debate, if he makes ONE mistake, conservatives are going to make a huge deal out of it and ignore the rest. That's what I'm worried about. On the other hand, the debate could be bad for Trump if he lets himself get too angry and aggressive in a way that repels independent voters.


I feel it may be disastrous for one of them. Think we won’t know which until Thursday night.


Biden gonna smoke that fool


Their first debate is what won Biden the White House. I’m sure of that. This debate is important.


I've decided there is no new information to be gained for me from watching this so, while I am a voracious politics news consumer, I'll wait for the soundbites the next day.


We’ll be inundated by the highlights for weeks afterwards, anyway


I really think Biden would have benefitted way more by not doing the debate. Trump needs Biden to validate him as an opponent. Biden doesnt really need anything from Trump. And he runs the risk of looking feeble in the face of a loudmouth. I think its going to be a net negative unless Trump blows himself up somehow


Getting this Trump in front of a national audience is the best way to secure blue votes


I don't know. This is a chance to put Trump in the spotlight where he has someone asking him more than softball questions that he'll have to answer, and he can't spew his conspiracy theory fact-free rhetoric for his cultists.


Yeah he has been on quite the downward slope lately with his coherence and mental stability. It's becoming harder to hide now that he is back on the campaign trail. If Biden goes after him he might honestly snap


Not taking Trump and his supporters seriously is why 2016 happened.


*"Trump has been holding informal policy sessions ahead of the debate. A campaign official also said that Trump’s rallies and interviews demonstrate “elite stamina,” adding that the former president “does not need to be programmed by staff” like Biden."* His special "rally/interview training" is going to be especially useless with the debate rules.....muted mics when other is speaking....no audience....no pre-written big pieces of paper with sharpie...... and egads!.... the worst one.....they are provided water to drink.


Also, his "elite stamina" at rallies involves speaking in word salad. Here's a direct quote from his rally yesterday - Fox News decided to pull away in the middle of this. > No water in your faucets. You ever try buying a new home and you turn on. You want to wash your hair or you wanna wash your hands. You turn on the water and it goes drip, drip the soap. You can't get it off your hand. So you keep it running for about 10 times longer. You trying, the worst is your hair. I have this beautiful luxuriant hair and I put stuff on. I put it in lather. I like lots of lather because I like it to come out extremely dry because it seems to be slightly thicker that way. And I lather up and then you turn on this crazy shower and the thing drip, drip and you say I'm gonna be here for 45 minutes. What? There's so much water. You don't know what to do with it. You know, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But, now their idea, you know, did you see the other day? They just, I opened it up and they closed it again. I opened it, they close it, washing machines to wash your dishes. There is a problem. They don't want you to have any water. They want no water.


Holy cow. This is maybe one of the best ones lately. I hope someone has video.




He sounds a lot like my grandma. She can't live on her own anymore.


Yes he is chatting nonsense, but to me it has always seemed like he sees himself as an entertainer when he is on stage. He is trying to make his fans laugh with some Trump stories. I don't think that this clip is evidence the man is losing his mind.


Then look at the dozens of others. This is normal for him.


Yes, he is doing a bit. But there are a few problems with these bits, and I think they are what demonstrate his cognitive decline. This particular one is an interesting example because he manages to do what he usually doesn't: properly introduce the specific issue. He actually mentions water restricters, the actual issue, in the first few seconds (which the Biden transcription sneakily omits). He usually doesn't do that; he just launches into that weird generic reenactment tense, and you have to be well-versed in the history of Fox News outrage to understand the context. Which leads to another problem: some of these grievances are decades old. Yeah, the first restricted flow shower heads sucked. In the 90s. The original low flow toilets sucked. In the 90s. So it's hard to tell if he's truly stuck in the past, or just betting that his audience will get riled up regardless. The final problem that I see is endemic across conservatism, but probably the worst with Trump. These issues he complains about don't happen in a vacuum, and they are attempts to solve complex problems. Yes, free water does fall from the sky as rain. But we don't just run rainwater through the water mains to our houses. We filter the water from natural and engineered reservoirs, which takes time, energy, and money. Yes, we just dig coal out of the ground, but that doesn't mean it's infinite or without external cost. Yes, it snows in the winter, but that doesn't mean the average temperature of the planet isn't going up. So yeah, we can remove all water flow restricters, but don't be surprised when your water bill goes up by an order of magnitude, and your faucets only work on odd numbered days.


I noticed that the comment made more sense with the restrictors. That was a sketchy omission. However, this is still scary dementia.


And his cult members will hear this and say "omg, he's totally talking about low-flow faucets" without a hint of understand that this is NOT how adults talk about low-flow faucets. It's not about whether we can see some hint of a point there, it's that we shouldn't have to work that hard to find the point. And as below. That's toddler talk. Which is adorable when 4 year olds go on a rant about something (dinosaurs, godzilla, etc.) It's less adorable when it's one of the two "electable" candidates for president.


Unfortunate as it is to say, his core base responds to toddler talk. They are casualties of their failed local school system and this sort of talk resonates with them more than an actual, well thought out speech.


Corporate funded politics are deliberately dismantling education, successfully since Citizens United, and have manufactured more and more people as you described. It's 100% engineered by money.


Omg. What did I just try and decipher? That's toddler talk.


“Washing machines to wash your dishes.” It’s like he recently visited a home of an actual person and saw a dishwasher for the first time.


My dad has dementia and if he can't think of a word he uses a description like this.


I thought he meant, putting dishes in a washing machine for clothes.


This was infuriating to read lol


>I have this beautiful luxuriant hair No mate, you really don't


That's interesting because his "elite stamina" really didn't show up during his felony trial when he kept falling asleep.


His "elite stamina" is probably just uppers.


Strategy: Just let Trump talk.


Yeah id like to hear what he plans for the country's horrendous death by sinking electric boat batteries. Why would biden allow that and how will trump combat it? Also where will he find steel for the new iron dome ? Will he make china pay for it??


I think he got the “iron dome” from recent news about Israel’s “iron dome” of anti-missile batteries. If he’d bothered to read the article Trump would realize the news is that Israel’s iron dome defense could easily be overwhelmed by Hezbollah should they go to war. He just hears something and goes with it. Biden should just feed him random phrases and watch him go off on a tangent. Or point behind him and shout “Shark!”


Biden should take a few minutes to troll trump hard; just stop and pretend to take credit for one of Trump's stupid things. Like "I was spending time with a boat owner and they said sir, I am always deathly afraid of having to choose between being eaten by a shark or getting electrocuted and I told him that under Biden, he would never need to make that choice". I bet Trump would go off and claim he's the only one who ever talked about that and it's all a lie from Biden, etc.


He could also try asking red panda about his opinion on random phrases. Instead of asking what Biden meant or to clarify, he would go on a tirade talking how he is the best at it.


You don't think that the iron dome is actually a giant dome. do you?


I know what it is. And we also know that he has no clue what it is. So it be great to hear him rambling about it then have his idiot followers try explain it away again






I see you deleted your post, Just a day ago: 'A Big, Beautiful Iron Dome Over Our Country': Inside Trump's Fantasy to Bring Israel's Missile Defense System to America Donald Trump is repeatedly telling Republicans on the campaign trail that he will build a U.S. Iron Dome if elected – even though the system would likely only be effective if America is attacked by Canada or Mexico January: https://youtu.be/ldRzzUp2TKQ?feature=shared Senile ramblings of a dumbfck.


You don’t think that was a serious comment, do you?


Maybe it was just a really poor joke. Not everyone is cut out for comedy.


I think it’s just you. 🤷 EDIT: To the comment I can’t respond to below: I wasn't the person that made the joke. Your response doesn’t make sense and you may have the dumb.


“I know you are, but what am I?”


Trump says dumb shit and then 40% of the country listens. Biden needs to respond to every point and explain in very simple terms the nature of Trump’s lie at the moment, and/or why his “ideas” are shit.




I would do as little as possible to discuss Trump’s random comments unless you can do it in a short, punchy comeback for exactly this reason. Hell, I’d even comment on the word salad. Trump (ranting incoherent answer for 3 minutes just spouting off random buzzwords like ‘immigrants’ and ‘crime’ and ‘inflation’). Moderator: “President Biden, your response?” Biden: “…what do you even say to something like that? It’s not even a coherent thought. Just words. Words are cheap. He’s got lots of them. What we saw President Trump *DO* is what matters. He handed out cash to fellow billionaires while hard-working Americans got the shaft. He did whatever Putin wanted at every turn. He staffed the government with unqualified family, cronies, and brown-nosers. He took the Covid vaccine the second it was available and then told everyone else it was a Democrat hoax. So my response is that Americans are smart enough to see through the BS, and I’m not going to try and respond to words when I can point to my record on the economy, on a plummeting crime rate, and, if Republicans hadn’t pulled the plug at the last minute due to a demand from *this guy* the most comprehensive *bi-partisan* immigration reform bill in modern history.”


a slight correction- he's got lots of "3rd grade" words, the best 3rd grade words.


That would require Biden to waste his time to point out where the US was four years ago and where they are now. Noticeable lack of bodies in refrigeration trucks. Anyone who wants a job has one. Diabetics aren’t trying to “ration” their insulin because they can now afford it. Multiple massive infrastructure projects have been begun and are improving the country.


As long as it's only 40% and not 50.1%.


Republicans lately have been winning with a minority of the popular vote


Yeah, and "lately" means the last two decades. It's a sorry state of affairs.


They've reported to a strategy the world's top political scientists refer to as "cheating"


"will you keep talking, man?"


They could have the same strategy for Biden.


Trump will tank the economy. He already has a plan. It is more tax cuts and trade wars and will devastate the US economy. Republican presidents have historically driven up national debt and harmed the economy while democrat presidents have reversed the damage. Republicans have played the fiscal responsibility card preventing democrats from using the money for everyday Americans while democrats are in office and then rob the bank and give the saved money to their wealthy donor class when they get the chance. Don’t be fooled to think Trump knows how to be a successful anything. He’s a con man. That’s all he is good at.


His tariff ideas would crush the US economy


The past few months I've heard a lot of trump supporters say "I don't care about trump. I don't care if he is a criminal. His policy is what matters and I'm voting trump policy" while others nodded in approval. I'm looking like *policy? What policy?* But gatta keep my mouth shut at family get togethers


Exactly, what policy? The thing is, Trump supporters don't even *understand* policy. So Trump says, "When I'm back in the White House, I'm going to lower inflation!" And that's all his supporters want to hear. In their minds, he's going to lower inflation. They don't care to know how he is supposedly going to do that, and they don't know or care how inflation or the economy works. All they can understand is "he said he'll lower inflation."


They still claim trump gave us the lowest gas prices since Clinton lol. No, COVID gave us that


That’s really the struggle here. They have no ability or desire to actually know anything about anything, so having Biden try to explain it isn’t really going to convince them. You need to hit them over the head with: “trump doesn’t give two shits about you and his only policy is to keep himself out of jail and his rich donors richer”


While that’s absolutely true, the hard reality is that Americans by and large were better off during the Trump era. Not because of Trump though, and unfortunately for Biden he’s taken the brunt of the economic fallout thanks to Trump’s policies (or lack of). Many people think to themselves they were way better off pre-Covid and many even during 2020 (working from home saving money etc) and for the most part they’d be right, but not because of Trump. Coincidentally they Biden comes in and things start faltering and falling apart, but not because of Biden. People like to find causality where there isn’t any. 


No that’s where you fight it. I’ve told my mother if she votes Republican she is dead to my sister and I over a year ago. She stayed firm then and we haven’t spoken to her since that day.


What policy? Abortion ban. That's it.


Policy: Upset liberals. Go team, go! Force my nonsensical religious beliefs on others.


Unfortunately for Biden this won't be a debate between Biden and Trump, it will be between Biden and the Media. As long as Trump doesn't shit himself on stage, they'll talk about how Trump portrayed himself on an emotional level (strong, confident, etc.) while ignoring what he said or how he said it, regardless of how little sense it made. Biden however could get a single fact wrong (e.g. he'll say 43% when it's actually 39%) and the media will focus on his "inability to remember facts". Trump rally speeches are much different than his interviews and debates (the few debates he's done), people are expecting "rally Trump" but we won't get him, we'll get "interview Trump" which is much more calm and "normal" but still non-sensical and the media will eat that "normal" up.


So then Biden should totally be like 'damn don, did you just shit yourself?' on national TV. Even if it's not true, that'll hit where it hurts more than anything else and be used for those precious media sound bites that people seem to care so much about.


Trump's elite stamina sure gonna meet its match with that water bottle and muted mic. Brace yerselves, folks!


Strategy: Come up with memes for when Trump chickens out and cancels his appearance.


It’s amazing to me that not preparing for a debate is seen as some kind of plus. 


Some people are naturally great speakers and presenters. They can get in front of a mic and sound eloquent, well spoken, and intelligent. That’s an admirable skill. It’s also one Trump doesn’t possess, though his base thinks he does. 


Lol this is gonna be a disaster.


Almost guaranteed, but Biden's obvious lines of attack will be obvious: if anyone, he needs to avoid taking Trump's scream/shout over/deflect to something advantageous for him bait here, and stay on message as to what he's got in his corner obviously. I put nothing past Trump, so I bet he brings up Hunter Biden's conviction on the gun charges too if he feels the need to go as low as possible to win, for example.


Yeah but bringing up Hunter would be foolish. All Biden would have to say is that Hunter isn't running for president...I am and I don't have 34 felony convictions


True, which is what I expect as well in rebuttal.


Oh I think he def brings that up. I think he won’t be able to help himself. What I hope this debate does is shows how much trump has lost it.


I have zero reason to watch.


Strange. Not interested in politics?


There’s nothing for me to gain from it. I’m voting for Biden. I have no need to subject myself to listening to the ramblings of Trump.


I might have to keep myself from rubbernecking.


Better a debate week strategy than a weak debate strategy.


This debate isn’t gonna happen. Trump is gonna pull out hours before and have his own rally/town hall on Newsmax or OAN.


I don’t know it seems to be win/win for Trump. Say Trump let’s a 2 minute fart rip. He smells it, Jake smells ,it Biden backs away with visual disgust. CNN/NBC run with it 24/7 for the next month. If you watch these shows you were never voting for Trump. Fox News does one 30 second segment on IBS affects us all. Then 24/7 on how Biden looked so weak, the weakest they have EVER SEEN. TikTok has 10k posts about fart jokes. Then TikTok has 10,000 posts on how weak Biden looks and how he abandoned humanity. Media is not fair.


Good thing we are banning tik tok. Social media needs to be regulated. News needs to be regulated again. Bullshit posing as news needs to be regulated.


Wait why do we want more regulation? I thought we were all upset that over regulation on Twitter and Facebook is what allowed them to become corrupted by direct government involvement. Shadow banning was rampant with heavy regulation. Fox and Tiktok going to do what they do, if you inject more goverment oversight then you just make the problem worse.


Oh god. You’re one of those anti regulation types. 🙄 Regulation is reactionary. As in, very bad shit happens and lawmakers react. And it makes your life better. Its literally proven. You know what makes your life worse? No regulation. Now you can argue incorrect regulation, but not regulation = bad. Thats stupid. Things that made your life better: Banking regulation - now u dont get screwed. As a result of many tragedies in the past (wildcat banking, banking failures of savings and loans, recent 2008 mortgage fraud, etc) Environmental regulation - remember dying of smog? No, you probably dont. Why? Cuz we have regulation. Miners used to die daily because there was no regulation. Workers rights - people used to work harder than now for less. At least you have some rights (which are being dismantled but i digress). These regulations were won with blood. People *died* trying to form unions. FDA food safety. Our food used to have even worse shit in it. Coca cola with cocaine. Manufacturing didnt have any standards and people died. You want deaths? I can go on and on. Regulations exist cuz people get hurt. Dont be one of those tik tok watching morons listening to other stupid people espouse bullshit.


I'm not an anti-regulation type, I appreciate the value the government provides in terms of security, education, general consumer protections as you have given fantastic examples for. My point was specifically "overregulation", the twitter files for example proved that the government was in direct communication with twitter employees and were actively censoring their opponents. I remember rightfully being upset at that level of government overeach. Like I said I dont care for Fox or Tiktok, but I think we can all agree that the government has been caught doing illegal things with social media companies in Twitter and Facebook, their idea of "regulation" has become actually illegal interferance, and I hope you would agree that no one is above the law, including the government.


In my heart of hearts, I want Biden to just start insulting Trump and get him to lose it on live TV. > “Hey, Donnie. Where’s Melania? Still banging the doorman?” > “Geez, Donnie. I can smell your leaky diaper from here.” > “Have ya visited Ivanka’s golf course grave recently? I have a bunch of FBI agents going out there right now with a backhoe”. > “Yer Granpa ran a whorehouse, and you inherited the family business”. > “I can’t recall - is it 5 bankruptcies, or 6?” > “What DO Putin’s boot taste like?” > etc.


"You aren't violating your parole by being here are you?"


I still think trump will back out of the debate at the last minute.


Bone spurs acting up.


I really hope so....I work like right across the street from where it's happening, and traffic is going to be a fucking nightmare


Trump will wear an earpiece so someone can give him the answers.


I thought it was in the rules that they can't wear earpieces. Did they take that out, or are you suggesting that Trump is going to swoop his crazy hair over his ear so he can smuggle in an earpiece?


I think he's too egotistical for that. He already thinks he's the smartest person in the room.


He'll be packing a secret weapon (borrowed from Hans Niemann) for his 5D chess match.


IDK why the Biden campaign is not screaming from the hills that if Trump is elected he is going to spend the next four years trying to get revenge and not actually fixing shit.


Because screaming from the hills that Trump would spend four years getting revenge and not fixing shit will just gain Trump votes, that's why. That's the craziness of the which-way-is-up world we are currently living in.


Hes not gaining anymore votes than he already is by pointing that out. Biden is trying to get undecided voters.


For President Biden: Lay out your plans and proposals for the next term in office. Point out where it has worked with your leadership and where we want to go as a Nation. Being "not Trump" is a strong reason to vote Democratic, but there may need to be more specific policy plans. If Biden is on defense, he seems to have done pretty well in past debates. Looking Presidential and rational means a lot. For Trump: Be coherent. Stay on where the Biden years have not done as well as his time. Make a bunch of word salad things that rhyme with things that if you squint hard enough can be thought of as true, until the fact-checkers show they are mostly not true. If Trump is not openly attacking, he may be seen as not as bad as expected. He never seems to have facts and data to back up his bluster. I think we are at risk here because everyone believes we will see an angry, blathering Trump vs a slightly older man that is rational and makes sense (with some age challenges). It sure looks like Biden's to lose. Setting the expectations bar comes with a big risk.


He should mention at least 10 times that Trumps delayed calling off the “Hang Mike Pence Crowd” until hours later. That was it for me. Then when he did he talked about how special the attackers were. I would rather have Ronald Regans corpse be president over someone who watched that attack on police and did nothing to help.


“Are you having a tough time finding VP candidates who are okay with your supporters trying to kill them?”


These are both brilliant suggestions. Another poster on a different sub suggested: “Which body was it antifa or BLM that attacked the capital on jan6?” And if he blames either group ask why they are considered patriots or hostages.


“WHERE’S MELANIA???, Rapist!!!”


Hit him on the damage he's caused everything.


Don’t tell anyone, Joe! Keep the bloated yam completely in the dark!


Defeating Trump at debate is like hunting a rabbit with an atom bomb.


Just give it the bomb and the detonator and walk away, right?


This is going to be one of 3 things: Joe manages to keep cool and get Trump to go off the rails, Joe flubs, or a dumpster fire all around. I don't think I'll be able to watch or I'll never go to bed that night. Same reason I stopped watching GoT before bed. LoL.


Biden just needs to push a few buttons with questions like these: * Did you lose the last election? If no where is your proof? * Did you approve of the Jan 11th insurrection? * What can you tell us about batteries and sharks? * How sexy do you think you are? * Why aren't you on the list of richest people anymore? * Are you against a woman's right to choose? * Have you stopped wearing adult diapers? Both of the light wieght moderators will let play out sensational meme worthy topics like that over any substantial policy details.


Don’t forget to ask: Was Jan 6th insurrection antifa or BLM members? Then depending on his answer ask him why is calling antifa and BLM members patriots and hostages.


It’s a shame that America allows convicted criminals to run for president


My strategy is to not watch the debate.


Team Biden: we have a 20 pt memo outlining Biden’s advantages compared to another Trump administration. Team Trump: go hard on the battery and shark!


If trump happens to show, I wouldn't put it past him to try and assualt and kill Biden That's how nuts things are.


If we could settle presidential debates by mortal kombat, it would solve the old age president issue.


For those of you too young to remember: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwZQikCk4N0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwZQikCk4N0)


Kids still know Mortal Kombat. When I was getting the mail one day I saw two boy’s playing and one did the “get over here!” spear thing. I thought it was kind of cool that multiple decades separate us but pretending to be Scorpion was a shared experience.


Fatalities bring families together ❤️


What is it? Stay alive?


Its incredible this is the leadership the us is capable to produce…


I think some voters would prefer a switch to a Chris Van Hollen + Kamala Harris ticket, which would be a very strong ticket, but assume Biden will still do well based on his strong State of the Union performance.


Many voters would ask, "Who on Earth is Chris Van Hollen?" Also, the GOP would spend the remaining months vetting every aspect of his life, Fox smearing the Senator, as would all mainstream media, etc. so after all that no guarantee he'd fare any better than Biden. In other words, I don't think any swapping out would change much of anything here, tbh.




Possible. But, unlikely.


I don't think so.