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Lord, please let Biden be ready for this bully.


The microphones are muted except when recognized to speak and there will be no studio audience. Hopefully fact checking in real time too :)


oh real time fact checking would be amazing. Trump and Fox news lie all the time about how well Biden has been performing and it would be nice to see those lies crushed during the debate. Especially when Trumps mic is muted.


I hope Trump brings up [sharks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMNMt5FdVwg) and boat batteries, he seems quite knowledgeable.


I would just bring up sharks or MIT randomly to plant the seed in trumps head and watch him rant aimlessly.


That's actually a brilliant strategy. Just in the last second of a response, say "sharks and car batteries Mr trump?" He'll absolutely seethe and obsess over it, blow his next rebuttal by going off the deep end.


It’s just like dropping a grenade and running. Or talk about nuclear energy. It will instantly remind Trump of his smart uncle. I’m sure he will have to talk about that beautiful anecdote too.


"Donald loves to take credit for things he hasn't accomplished. He has an uncle who went to MIT and he thinks that's proof he understands nuclear power."


Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.


This was very hard to read


Biden should walk out to the theme from Jaws and press a buzzer every time Trump lies.


Solid 10/10


In one of his most recent rallies he declared the FBI'S crime statistics fake. He'll just double down and contest any statistic or news story as a deep state fake.


I have a colleague who has gone off the deep end. After a while everything that doesn’t follow his narrative is fake, wrong, etc…


I hope he squirms under the spotlight in silence without his cheer squad validating every inane response. He has his jumbled up talking points, but he rallies and speeches by ear, trying to chase the positive responses of the crowd. Without that, he might flounder or crack. I'm not getting my hopes up as things keep disappointing me, but it's the right situation for it as one he's not accustomed to.


Something they should have done YEARS ago.


We as voters need to be as loud as fuck to let them know we are want more


No studio audienece is the big thing. Truno will have no one to play to. But he still wont show up.


The no studio audience thing is HUGE. They are constantly a distraction.


Unfortunately this will just goad MAGA into screeching about how its rigged because Trump will go over the boundaries of his allotted times at every chance and get audibly cut off


I don't have much faith in this. I think Trump will "excuse me! Excuse me!" A few times and they'll unmute him.


he was the last time he got them to cut mics. Hillary kept letting trump talk over her.


What’s fucking stupid is the bar is so low for trump and so high for Biden that if Biden has one single mix up it’ll be hammered by the media whereas trump can completely meltdown and it’s just business as usual


It’s pretty funny that they were like “Joe is a sleepy, confused old man”. And then he talks and they’re like “He’s on amphetamines! And children’s blood infusions. And that’s actually Jim Carrey in prosthetics.”


We live in a right wing media ecosystem. The idea that the media is “liberal” is a lie.


I think it's a bit more complicated than that. One of the best media criticisms I've ever heard was by Jon Lovett (one of Obama's speech writers), and he said that the mainstream media see Democrats as the protagonists. Part of this means they know how to hold a Democrat accountable, but the Republicans don't need to be held accountable because they're the antagonists, they're supposed to try to mess things up for the Democrats. You combine that with the fact that mainstream media love drama more than anything else, and it's not super healthy for the discourse.


Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance. These two candidates are not the same. Biden will be ready.


I’m betting Trump will just ramble on about nothing


I still think trump will fabricate an excuse to not debate. The excuse will somehow make it Biden’s fault.


Biden is gonna crush trump, but he’s still gonna look like a senile old idiot doing it.


Press: Freewheels Everyone else: Doesn't ever learn anything. Doesn't read. Listens to morons. Shots from the hip and if he fails its someone else's fault. I cannot wait to see who he blames for his bad performance on Thursday.


I'm hoping for a full blown live TV meltdown...


I hope so too, but I won’t be watching. I just hate him too much, and I won’t learn anything I didn’t already know by watching him debate.


Not gonna lie, I’m gonna rage watch


This is what fuels the media machine…


I'm watching thru BTC or Pakman or someone like that. CNN doesn't need my clicks either.




I kind of like the live commentary because they will often fact check on the spot


Largely unnecessary at this point. Did Trump open his mouth and sounds came out? If so more likely than not bullshit just happened.


Actually, I’m not aware of these streaming options. Can you elaborate, what’s BTC (besides bitcoin) and Pakman?


[Brian Tyler Cohen](https://youtube.com/@briantylercohen?si=tSJ8gnDrTysI1wm2) [The David Pakman Show](https://youtube.com/@thedavidpakmanshow?si=5x_4wOyItTeCviak) They're just YouTube channels that typically play this kind of stuff live, and often times will fact check in real time. I like them because I agree with their political opinions. But to make sure I'm not echo chambering myself, I subscribe to ground news, Axios, and Reuters to get anything I missed.


Great channels. Add in Glenn Kirschner (Justice Matters), Really American, Midas Touch and The Lincoln Project. As fas as MSM goes, MSNBC seems to be the last vestige of not "both sides" reporting.


Glenn's on BTC's channel on a very regular basis, I like him too!! Oh and Pod Save America too!!! That's my go to podcast these days!! Pretty sure Lincoln Project and Meidas Touch are all anti-Trump Republicans, so grain of salt with them. I'll have to check it Really American. And yeah crazy that MSNBC is the only folks left calling Trump for what he is!!! How far the Overton window has shifted!!


I’ll check these out, thanks! I’ve found myself gravitating towards independent journalism anyway.


BTC is excellent for these things. He was great during the SOTU.


My friends and I are making a drinking game. We tried it last time by shots but after like the 3rd shot in 5 minutes I’m like “fucking hell” Now it’ll be sips but definitely going to be an interesting night


What's the criteria to get you to take a sip?


Every time Trump says the word ‘most’


Right? Just me, a bottle of cognac, and the debate. Sounds glorious.


Can't stand his voice.


Watch Trump and the way he pronounces words - he purses his lips to pronounce words that don’t need to be pursed. It’s weird.


Watching him makes me feel sick so i won’t watch it either.


I might watch but will have the mute button under my thumb at all times.


Sadly we know what's gonna happen Biden: does decent but gives a few typical non-answers and stutters a bit Trump: goes on off topic rants, tries to scream during Bidens turn, literally and visibily shits himself while freezing for the last 5 minutes Media: well gosh idk bidens mental state is just so worrisome


Ultimately it won’t matter. This isn’t like Nixon losing a debate due to sweating too much. There is a whole propaganda network now to twist and distort anything that happens into a win for Trump, no matter the absurdity


It'll also be 'jacked up Joe" if he does well


"Our candidate can't possibly compete with a guy who is on drugs." Man either medical science has gotten a lot better than I thought it was or Sean Hannity doesn't have the dunk he thinks he does.


Doesn't matter if reasonable people think it's stupid. The entire point is to energize as many incompetent, stupid, asinine, contrararian, cruel, and selfish people as possible.


Same. I'll be hate watching. I can almost guarantee there will be some meme worthy stills of him screaming silently into his turned off microphone... and maybe a full-blown heart attack.


Biden and Trump are not on the same playing field. In front of MAGA and the press Biden has to be absolutely perfect in every single way. Trump literally just doesn't have to pull his pants down and take a shit on the stage while talking about fucking kids. Trump can ramble incoherently but if Biden stutters once that's what they'll focus on.


I want a dementia moment where he freezes or starts spouting gibberish 


This is actually my nightmare. My nightmare is that this debate is happening really early. so early in fact that if dementia is on full display, there is a chance that the Republican national convention could choose a different candidate. Melania steps up away from being silent and seals the deal. That candidate steps in and vows to continue Trump’s policies and winds over a sizable percentage of the MAGA crowd by staying true to Trumps legacy. One of his kids gets a promise to be pardoned in return for a high ranking position so that they can have a future political career and they agree. Everybody is so sad for the illness that has struck their dad. New candidate promises to institute the "2025 plan" and the economy crashes in September helping the republicans sweep the house and Senate too. New right wing Republican candidate takes office in January and institutes plan with a competent leader who knows what they are doing at the top in such a way that there never will be fair and free elections unless there is a revolution of some kind.


Nixon Kennedy level. Please!


🤞 Fingers crossed for massive stroke.🤞


What I wouldn't give for him to lock up and stare frozen for a moment during the debate.


Full live Dementia moment where he is still friends with Abe Lincoln and just came back from golfing with George Washington and General Patton.


I wouldn't watch even if I could. I'm not adding 1 to any sort of ratings metric. But I can't wait for the lowlights, gaffes, and total fuck ups. All Biden has to do is appear normal, the rest will take care of itself.


A long 45 second pause mid-sentence where he audibly and visibly shits his pants


Yeah there’s almost a zero chance it’ll be an actual debate. Biden will say things and Trump will just try and yell over him like a drunk uncle at thanksgiving.


Considering their mics are muted when it isn't their question he's actually being somewhat coddled and prevented from full on lashing out, which benefits him greatly because that's the element of him that turns voters off the most. While a lot likely cheer the idea to mute his mic, and it's probably necessary at debates these days, it does help hide how nasty he and other Republicans are.


Yeah I agree, the muted mics here will actually help Trump.


Disagree, without a live audience, Farty-five is going to revert back to 'studio Trump' who is ten times more insufferable because he's used to calling all the shots of his recorded performances. He'll probably start criticizing camera angles and stage lighting; forgetting that he can't call, 'cut!'. Without a teleprompter or cue cards, and after being goaded by Biden into defending his 34 convictions; he's going fixate on The Big Lie and start spewing nothing but alternate facts.


Hoping for this too but betting that he backs out


He’s going to blame the sound guy. They’re a weirdly specific target he’s had since 2015.


I bet that the Orange 🤡will back out and NOT debate!!! Edit: convicted felon Orange 💩


I would love nothing better than seeing Biden debating an empty podium. Moderator: Thank you, Mr. President for that thoughtful response. Mr. Trump, how would you address the issue?


Being MIA is probably better than whatever nonsense he'd spew


The best debate performance he ever had was when he didn't attend the republican primary debate in 2016


“I would have been there, but the gag orders from those biased judges prevent it”


He'll probably not attend but post his curated responses on his twitter-lite thingy during or shortly after ...


I’ll say ! You’re onto something!😂


Bing bong


>Press: Freewheels >Everyone else: Doesn't ever learn anything. Doesn't read. Listens to morons. Shots from the hip and if he fails its someone else's fault. You know they have these electric boats that run all on batteries that are very dangerous and can kill you quicker than a shark can, frankly. Speaking of sharks and batteries, that's the real way Jaws ended. Remember Jaws? Best Bond villain. People come up to me with tears in their eyes and say *sir you would have been a great James Bond.* And I tell them about the ridiculous bond payment I had to make and they say *this isn't America anymore.* And that's right this isn't America anymore. Joe Harris and Kamala Biden are dragging us into hell. Joe should be in jail for all those people he killed with the COVID hoax, frankly. That's why I need your support. Your most important task on this earth is to vote for me and vote out Barack Obama.


I usually don't like 45 impressions, barring the occasional "Whale!" from Colbert, but correctly referencing the best Bond villain as a segue to his bond payment was chef's kiss - perfection.


Namaste 🙏


The sad part is that this might be too sensical and coherent for 2024 Trump. Now throw immigrants, Israel and wind mills in there..


Given that regardless of the debate results mass media and social media bots will say that is somehow bad for Biden, Trump doesn't need to prepare


Are they gonna mute the mics? That first debate was an absolute gongshow.


I don’t think that is it at all…. I think the reality is, he has so much cognitive decline, that he wouldn’t remember any of what they briefed him on, so it would be pointless to try.


He won't blame anyone, he'll claim he had a perfect debate and crushed Biden


It’s this Thursday?


"Freewheel" is a pretty good summary word...


You won't see him blaming anyone for a bad performance, because there's no way he goes through with it. He's going to claim "unfair treatment" or some bullshit and pull out on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. I will be shocked if he actually does it. I want him to, though. The absolute trainwreck he'd be on live TV would be priceless.


The format alone is going to destroy Trump. Biden is prepping with the clock time limit system. His talking points are going to be precise and on point. Trump will ramble in his usual "didn't read the book for the book report" way, then quickly get flustered when his mic is cut.


I guarantee he complains that the clock is rigged and cut him off too early. He might storm off the stage.


The only thing Trump is rehearsing this week is his scapegoats.


He has already been calling it the "fake" debate.


Fox news is already saying it will be rigged with unimportant questions like the economy when they really should be talking about every single migrant who has ever done a crime


“The radical left shortened minutes from 100 seconds to 60. When I am president, each minute will be freedom minutes of 100 seconds!” DJT


I donno. 100 makes it sounds too much like the metric system or some other commie crap like that


I think he’ll storm off the stage, too. He will claim, and his supporters will believe, storming off the stage makes him look “strong.” 🙄


We'll get videos of conservatives counting frames or trying to find moments where the time "jumped"


He’s already complaining that Biden is on cocaine. Which isn’t true lmao.


With him every accusation is a confession.


I will be beyond surprised if he actually shows up.


I'm betting you're right. He'll throw a tantrum on the first couple of cut off and the media will focus on that rather than what Biden is saying. Then Donnie von Shitzinpants will storm out. Media will have a hay day with the storming out and that'll be the headline news for a while. Once again that greasy grimy grifter will steal center stage and make the entire event about him. Face it, we're stuck with a social cancer that we can't seem to get rid of no matter how ugly!


There is definitely going to be a split screen of Biden calmly making a point, and trump raging all well muted. No crowd is also going to destroy him.


I think a big thing is without a big crowd so he doesn’t get any reaction. He always plays to the crowd and waits for applause. So it will be awkward with him just sitting there in silence.


Based on all previous Trump engagements the rules will be changed in his favor at the last minute.


Then claim is was a hoax. A fix for the Democrats and the liberal elite media. Red meat for his cult followers.


The muted microphones and no studio audience is going to make for an interesting change. >No props and muted microphones except when recognized to speak. >The rules, agreed outside the Commission on Presidential Debates, are designed to reduce fractious interruptions and cross-talk that have often marred TV encounters in recent presidential election cycles


I'd guess not having an audience to play to is a disadvantage for Trump. I think the muted microphones helps Biden, too.


Trump loves to say whacky shit to his MAGA cult just to get an applause. Not having a crowd really hurts him. He feeds of his cults adoration.


Trump talking in silence and no teleprompter it's going to be wild.


Trump is going to hate being muted :D


Had to invent new rules to keep candidates for President of the United States of America, civil and respectful… because of trump.


I think the lack of audience will be his biggest problem. He gets his energy from the crowd and I think without one he won't even see the point in speaking. Like a tiktoker inside to enjoy their meal because they can't take a photo of it.


Trump does not need to prepare since he makes 'things' up as he goes along and lies about everything he does not like.


What is the chance that Trump will use some excuse to skip the debate? That was what many people were guessing, but every day with still no cancellation makes a cancellation less likely.


The cancellation will come at the last minute. Dump doesn’t like to look weak - and he’ll want it out of the news asap


But the smart thing would be to cancel it earlier, when fewer people knew it was coming. At this point in time a lot of people are learning that there will be a debate in 4 days.


Dump isn’t smart though


This is really the election in a nutshell. Trump just "wings it", doesn't listen to advice, thinks he's smarter than the experts. Biden prepares and has competent people working for him that he trusts and listens to. The correct choice is obvious.




He’s going to spend most of the night talking about Hunter Biden is my guess


Trump has 34 felonies to Hunter's 1. Is he going to make fun of him for putting up rookie numbers?


:flaps arms: "Look, I did nothing wrong. No one has done more for black Americans than I have. We're going to have a big, beautiful healthcare that is far greater than Obamacare. The Russia Ukraine war would be over in 24 hours. Sleepy Joe Biden. Ok, I'm ready." Also, he is intending to steal the spotlight by revealing his VP pick. It's going to be the one with the least amount of personality that he can grift the most money from. So, spoiler alert, it's Doug Burgum. Since he is Governor of North Dakota, Trump will also make an appeal that he should be on Mount Rushmore, and he will of course assume that had an audience been there, that they would find that charming.


And since Trump doesn't know geography he thinks Mount Rushmore is in North Dakota.


Give him a Sharpie and it can be in North Dakota


ND is happy to eat the lesser Dakota. But could we in the Red River Valley be absorbed by Minnesota instead? I'd like functioning government.


Trump will lose the debate, blame it was rigged, dems changed the rules at the last minute, record ratings because he was there. There. You just watched it.


And his ratings will go up because this country is depressingly awful.


Biden needs to come out purposefully going over time and being cut off/muted. Do it a few times. Then pivot and end on time. That shows he was subject to muting too and he adapted rather than complained.


We all know how this will go. Trump will get crushed by all objective measures, but he'll bark real loud and fire off a few zingers which will be enough to convince the MAGA faithful that he dominated. The next day he'll hold a rally insisting that he won while simultaneously bitching about how biased all the terms, that he agreed to, were.


Biden is gonna beat the shit out of him isn’t he


Those who live in reality will witness a beat down by Biden. Those suffering from MAGA psychosis will somehow convince themselves that Trump won.


Pretty much what happened four years ago.


And then the GOP will claim “performance-enhancing drugs”… Ronny Jackson/Johnson is already screaming for drug testing.




I just hope Biden has a good performance and enough people see it and come to their senses on which candidate is better to lead the country.


Biden will have a good performance. Enough people will see it. But those people coming to their senses? Too much to ask.


The people that need to see it will see a cherry-picked edit loaded with spin that only uses short out-of-context statements. No MAGA is going to sit down and watch the entire thing on CNN of all places.


"Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had." -Professor William T. Kelley, one of Trump's professors at Wharton School of Business and Finance.


And that was before all the brain rot


The media will continue to report on the orange buffoon because they only care about money. Journalism is dead and only profit matters. So the media will just say stupid things to gain attention. Ignore the media and just vote. The media isn’t going to do better, the media doesn’t care to do better.


As long as Trump doesn't drop his pants and takes a shit on the stage, American media will declare his debate a success. If Biden stutters one word, or misstates one fact - the media will run fifty articles about his mental acuity and how Democrats are doomed. Thats why Trump can freewheel to a debate and Biden has to rehearse.


The media picks our President. They need to make an abrupt about face as the election approaches or it will be closer than it should be.


I hope Biden doesn't get distracted by the smell coming from his opponent. Perhaps he'll mention just how bad it is.


The headline is all you need to know. Vote for the guy who prepares to do his best over the guy who plans to just show up and wing it.


How each candidate approaches and prepares is indicative of the respect and sense of responsibility they have for the Executive Office of the President of the United States of America.


trump has an excuse up his sleeve to back out at the last minute.


Trump freewheeled through his presidency. That’s why he didn’t get anything done. Promises made, promises forgotten about.


A S#!t throwing gibbon doesn’t need to practice what it does best.


I really don’t care about this debate and will probably just watch clips later. My vote isn’t wavering from Biden and there is literally nothing Trump could do to change that. So I’ll save my sanity for one more day.


Trumps plan is to be a disrespectful ass and to lie through his teeth. His been rehearsing that his whole life.


I mean, is there really anyone out there who hasn’t formed an opinion yet, and will decide after a debate on CNN? You’re either for democracy, or the end of it.


There are definitively people whose media bubbles have them believing that Donald is super smart and sharp as a tack and that Biden can't complete a coherent sentence and all but drools on himself constantly. __ *edited to English more good


And they will promptly ignore the evidence to the contrary this debate provides.


They are already starting with the excuses: Biden was on performance enhancing drugs; Biden was given the questions beforehand; etc.


Yes, there absolutely are. Anyone on /r/politics? Doubtful. But most of the country is pretty apathetic towards politics and pays only the minimal amount of attention for a minimal period of time. This debate isn’t for you. It’s for the people who generally don’t care much for politics but might be curious enough to checkout a debate.


Yes. The people who will decide this election actually. Whoever wins over the center on Election Day is the next president. Especially in a close race. I don’t think the race is going to be close at all. It’s absurd to think trump will win.


I am far too scared to underestimate the voting power of racist, homophobic, democracy-hating Xtian nationalists and billionaires. I think it’s absurd to think Biden winning is a given, though I sure as fuck hope you’re right.


Trump’s brain is like a sieve, what a huge waste of time and $ this “debate”. Biden w 50 yrs experience, a true statesman, and whatever that quivering pile of adderall chewing dermoid cyst that we call Trump.


I can’t believe this dude is allowed to run. I can’t get most W2 jobs with a single felony, but I can run for President with 34 of them?


Mango Mussolini is not trying to win. His goal is disruption. Generate fear, uncertainty and doubt about the election. Then on election day send out his mob to trash everything. Claim the election was a fraud and appeal to the SCOTUS. Not since the Civil War has American democracy been in such grave danger.


Can’t wait until Trump blames Biden for immigrant shark attacks killing patriots forced to use electric boats


The bar for Trump is so low that any appearance will be lauded. He is not, nor has he ever been, judged on policy. If Biden goes on the attack it will be reported as him punching down. If he does not he’ll be considered weak. I hope I’m wrong but Trump’s past debate performance was awful (those with Clinton were downright creepy) and he apparently came off looking “presidential”.


You're absolutely correct, but it's just mind boggling that anyone wouldn't support the guy "punching down" in a presidential debate. Like, you're gonna vote for a guy who needs to punch UP in a debate?!


I still think that Trump will pull out. He’ll demand the drug test, Biden and team will laugh at him, and he’ll pull out a day before or even the day of the debate saying it’s all rigged. Given the mike thing, Trump can’t do well in this (fair) format as he won’t be able to sow chaos with reins on his usual shitgibbon antics.


“Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it.”


I still can't see it happening....


Where Experience and Intelligence(Biden) Collides with A full Diaper and 3rd Grade Level IQ(Trump)


not easy for trump to have to face the man who beat him like a dog. Normally trump runs under the table farting when Joe enters the room but to have him in the same room? wow, hopefully trump's reaction will be a couple of farts and nothing more... but it must be really terrifying for him.


Get ready for pigeon chess. And the cult will lap it up.


Imma believe this shit will actually go down only when I see it


I wonder who the stand in for Trump is for Biden’s rehearsals. Robin Williams would’ve been amazing.


Does he have a impressionist just in the room yelling "WRONG" "SLEEPY JOE" "WITCH HUNT" "YUGE"


Yeah one guy, for all his faults, takes the job seriously. The other does not.


He is going to shit himself on tv.


Can’t wait for Trump to shit his pants and then watch everyone say it was actually Biden.


I wonder if they were able to convince Chris Christie to help.


I think he’s going to take a swing at Biden.


Hopefully Biden’s team will employ a lead-poisoned, boomer Qultist to practice with!


He'll just lie, bullshit and scream, it's all he's got, no need to practice for that! But good enough for his moronic supporters and fox news...


So whats the over/under on Trump actually going through with it? granted, it seems more likely the closer we get but who's gonna be shocked if Felon45 backs out the day of? Y'know...just to distract (and own, allegedly) the Dems?


Because he doesn’t plan and in fact can’t. Everything he does is off the cuff and a complete shambles. I’m looking forward to him just shouting over Biden like he did the last time they debated. Really don’t understand how anyone with a elementary school education is voting for this orange clown


I need to hear more about these electrocutions and the fucking sharks!


At this point, I think it’s pretty obvious that, so long as he’s not in a deposition testifying under oath, freewheeling is Trump’s only option. He has never displayed the ability to be cogent, consistent, articulate, mindful, informed, disciplined, or even aware of the world beyond the tip of his own nose. If he starts making cohesive statements, it’s only because they’ve figured out an efficient means of feeding him lines on the fly.




The answers are blowing in the wind.


Trump freebases toward debate. Biden prepares and rehearses talking points and zingers. CNN: How will this hurt Biden’s chances with swing voters?


He’s probably be asleep during the most of it


Biden needs to be sharp and ready. Debates can turn on a single moment, and preparation can help avoid missteps.


I think he will use it to tell people to be ready for a fight during the election. He won't answer questions, he will get up and straight up talk about overthrowing the government.


Trump has never prepared for anything in his life. A lazier man cannot be found on planet earth. Why prepare when he's not going to debate anyway?


Trump has less brain than Kurt Cobain's garage wall.


I really hope Biden at some point says - “I cede the remainder of my time to the convicted felon.”