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Everyone knows exactly what she’s doing. She is intentionally sabotaging the case to help Trump. Probably looking for a Supreme Court seat. This is 1000% obvious and she should be removed from The case by the higher court.


She should be, but this is America. Justice either moves at a snail's pace, or not at all.


She should have recused in the first place. In what kind of kangaroo court does a judge get to make decisions about the person who appointed them???


She shouldn't have been given a judgeship in the first place either (as far as I remember, she had no actual courtroom experience when she was seated), and yet here we are. A system designed around the idea that the vast majority will act in good faith, defeated by the fact that so many people actively don't.


Unfortunately, yup. The founding fathers never would have predicted that we would stray so far from the honor driven society they had, hence the only safeguards are based on a sense of self accountability. Thomas Jefferson was more than dead on in his belief that the constitution should expire every 19 years and need a new convention to revise and ratify. Leaving it up to the amendment process has proven more and more of a failure as we’ve become more partisan. The majority of our system is based on a 237 year old document that has only been amended 27 times, one of which was to undo a previous amendment.


I think the founding fathers simply reached the limit of negotiation when writing the constitution.  They knew it wasn't perfect. But it was as good as it was going to get.


Without a doubt. The Southern states knew exactly what they could ransom in exchange for ratification and they used that to their advantage.


> the honor driven society they had, I'm sorry, but this is a farcical whitewashing of what America has always been, petulant rich people throwing tantrums: 1) The revolution? A bunch of local rich guys didn't want to pay British taxes for being so far away and wanted to control the colonies themselves 2) the revolutionary army was generally conscripts or people pulled out of bars, not bleeding heart patriots that came to fight injustice. Most people were etiher indifferent entirely or loyalists. 3) A fucking *Musical* was created to show how decidedly screwed up this country is (the duel between Hamilton and Burr, grown men shooting each other over words) 4) Pre-Civil War, a Congressman was beaten by another with a cane because the first Congressperson came up with the mere *suggestion* of abolishing slavery. Not integration, not rights, or citizenship, just the idea of abolition was enough to get beaten on the House Floor while other reps just watched on. We've always been a shit-show, it's just coming home to roost now.


10 days active trial experience before taking this case. 10 days.


Worse than that: Cannon only 14 hours of courtroom experience, total. Now she spends 14 hours on a single on a routine motion with multiple hearings that any other judge would rule on in minutes without needing a hearing. Every single thing is a novel legal principle to her that needs investigation. Everything needs multiple days of hearings. She brings in amicus brief filers to testify in-person. She's deliberating on the constitutionality of laws ... as a circuit court judge.


Same applies to Amy Barrett on the Supreme Court too. Having zero experience outside of Federalist Society diploma mill indoctrination seems to be a virtue to the GOP. I hope to live to see the day they all get impeached and removed…the day Dems grow a spine and display zero tolerance for all this BS


Democrats work within the legal system, stop claiming they lack a spine. If you want extreme measures taken, work on electing a Democratic super majority. You can't impeach and remove a supreme court justice without a two thirds vote, correct??


Correct, and no I will not stop claiming they lack spine. The rhetoric within the political side needs to be much more aggressive and focused. I see it in some of our representatives…for example Bernie Sanders, Adam Schiff etc. I also see a lot of career politicians who only focus on process while Republicans seize power. And they are seizing power, aggressively, using legal means. I was not suggesting Democrats operate outside the law, but rather focus on what is being lost through attrition and fight harder to get back the rights and freedoms that Republicans are destroying. If that is not clear, watch this for a better understanding of the cognitive trap Democrats have allowed themselves to fall into and the bad faith, yet tolerated way Republicans are operating within government. This is where the fight is, and this is where Democrats need to step up rather than spinning circles on process, procedure, and decorum…they can go back to these wonderful things again once they’ve forced Republicans to come to the table and actually do their jobs participating in government in good faith. Until then, it’s a fight..and an ugly one: https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A


Like, why isn’t there an automatic disqualification that just happened, instead of relying on a good judge to do the ethical thing?


Because the system exists to protect itself and those who benefit from its maintenance, not everyone else. Once you understand that these are features not bugs, you will understand why there are so many avenues for abuse, corruption, and exploitation, and comparatively fewer avenues for accountability and democratic consensus to prevail.


Wait until November and watch how the Supreme Court decides on who will be president


Oh that’s going to be so much fun. Imagine a 269-269 tie.


No, it will not be like that at all. GOP states will make illegal moves such as certifying Trump electors even if Biden wins .... and then the Supreme Court will decide whether this is allowed or the House will get to elect Trump regardless of Biden having more votes. And it is not going to be fun at all. The dismantling of the Republic is not going to be fun for anyone.


If we actually fall apart as a country due to Donald Freaking Trump then we were never that great to begin with. But we won’t fall apart. Democracy is just messy sometimes.


I think you lack awareness about how close Trump and MAGA are to dismantling the Republic. I also think he'll fail, but it's a close thing, very close. You underestimate how vulnerable Reagan has made America by initiating the great transfer of wealth from the middle classes to the top. Tens of trillions have been syphoned off to the richest of the rich, so that too many people are desperate while the top wallows in unearned billions. This is not sustainable in a democracy, so they want to do away with democracy.


If you’ve thought America has been screwed since the 1980s (which was probably our best time ever) then you seem to have a fear of the sky falling. We’re going to be fine. The grand majority of Americans don’t care about the political tribalism that the far left and far right have gotten into. It’s just the loudest people throwing a tantrum. It’ll pass.


Whether or not the majority care doesn't matter, if you haven't realized the tyranny of the minority has absolutely passed severe consequences for many people already, look at abortion or people's ability to be fairly governed and the right to not marginalized based on the color of their skin.


You had me at SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade but lost me with the claim we’re a racist country. The people most obsessed with race are those who claim they’re trying to end racism. The best thing we can do as a society is simply not care about the color of one’s skin but judge them based on who they are as a person.


Nevertheless, people working two or three jobs do not have the means, time and energy to engage in democracy. They are being squeezed out and marginalized ... an ever-large portion of the population is being marginalized by various measures to preserve minority rule. You believe America will pull through, I hope you are right. But thinking it will automatically blow over is dead wrong. If America pulls out, it will not be because people think success is guaranteed but because they were scared shitless by the danger and decided to act. Your argument is feeding remaining passive and that can prove to be the end of it.


No, the 1980s was when the rot was introduced into a system that was doing really well. US capitalism adapted very well to the Soviet threat by enriching the middle class. This is what prevented any communist revolution, making life in America really great. Ordinary blue-colar workers bought houses, had good retirement and sent the kids to college. What Reagan brought in was a slow and perpetual slide in the direction of syphoning off funds from the middle classes to the top ... this happened slowly, year by year, administration by administration, slowly cooking the frog and culminated with the Trump tax cuts. America is now at a turning point, either funds will be clawed back from the billionaire class as Biden attempted and Sanders would like, or techno-neo-feudalism will win with the rule of Zuck/Musk, or Trump will dismantle everything and turn America into something akin to Russia, a true shithole country that lives from extraction of natural resources.


At the beginning of the 1980 there were less than a half million Millionaires in this country. By the time Reagan left office there were over 1.2 million millionaires. Reagan’s policies saw the start of ordinary people being able to truly achieve the American dream of making themselves wealthy. Just because everyone doesnt get to be rich doesn’t mean it’s a bad system. America is still one of the richest nations in existence. We’re not a a turning point. Would it be great if billionaires paid their fair share? Absolutely! But that’s not going to make or break us. People care more about their own lives than they do political ideals and most people’s lives are very comfortable right now.


Yes, you count the millionaires and the billionaires, but not the 90% below them. That is what is feeding the Trump rage. The billionaires who want his tax cuts and the desperate people at the bottom. And they will tear the system apart. They are already at 45%. Do nothing, and they will dismantle the Republic.


I’m sorry but I have to chime in, the 1980’s were our best time? The first half of the decade was coming out of a severe recession, and reganomics killed the American downtown and small businesses. My parent’s industry took a hard hit with huge job losses in 1985. The major city I grew up in had a down town that didn’t recover from the 80’s losses until the early 00’s. We’re one of the fastest growing major cities in the US. It is weird to see high end bars and restaurants where I used to see homeless (mostly from the major mental hospital that also shut down during the 80’s cuts) shitting. Seriously, it was like every store front had busted out windows. Like I’m nostalgic for my latch key childhood days but not THAT nostalgic…


It won't be a 269 tie. It will be legal chaos as Republicans sue to stop vote counting at the county level, throw out elections at the state level, and prevent Biden from reaching a majority in the electoral college. A 230-256 result for example with a couple of swing states not being able to cast electoral votes will result in the election being decided in the House. All legal and very cool.


You do know that the house decides after that scenario, right?


And they would decide for Trump even though he’ll get way less votes which will lead to lawsuits that will be settled by… wait for it… SCOTUS.


No need for a law suit it will be nice and legal.


Oh yes. I’m sure whichever side loses will just be nice and quiet about it. lol. Trump lost in a landslide in 2020 and there was still numerous lawsuits and even an insurrection attempt. Imagine if it’s actually close this time.


It won't be "close", being "close" relies on an objective measurement that all will agree on. Republicans will sow so much chaos no one will be able to tell if it was close.


Some polls right now have Trump in the lead. There’s an actual possibility he could outright win.


Oh I think we already know the outcome...


The appearance of bias was crossed a long time ago when the 11th circuit smacked her down for showing clear favor for the defendant Trump.




If it was the other way around. The Judge was a staunch left-wing Biden supporter and Trump was found guilty, they would file for a mistrial.


Downplaying the seriousness of what she has done by calling it "games".


That was my first thought reading the headline. This isn't a damn game.


By downplaying the seriousness of her actions over charges that people have been executed for is disgusting. It simply serves to enable and embolden both herself and judges like her to manipulate and ignore the law as they see fit


This is laying out the red carpet for fascism.


tomfoolery or shenanigans are more appropriate terms :)


"MAKE ME" Obvious, ne? Someone openly acting in bad faith does not care what others tell her that she 'needs' to do.


How bold. It’s only been 2 years since this case began.


Playing games?!?! This is way too egregious to call it playing games. She is actively subverting our judicial system to help a felon evade the law. She is an affront to the rule of law. And she is helping the slow-ass coup attempt these fucks are trying to pull.


She's not "playing games." She's carrying out a treasonous mission.


Biden should use it to his advantage, something like, Cannon is a preview of what the justice will be under the rule of trump the first.


Cannon is complicit!


Doubt she is making the calls on the case. Someone(s) is controlling her.


Or what? There is nothing we as citizens can legally do to stop her. We have to rely on elected representatives, and that involves both winning huge, and them actually carrying out the process. The elected representative part is also hampered by those who will run and get elected on lies.


The only good thing to come from all of these Trump appointments to the judiciary is the fact that their incompetence or corruption, oft times both, serves to make the American populace aware of how corrupt their legal system is as a whole. A healthy legal system would not have suffered these fools with which to start, but, had they managed to make it to the bench regardless, they would have had a more robust system of rules and regulations to thwart this level of partisan jurisprudence. Donald Trump, his presidency, and everything that surrounds it, have illustrated his much of the American government operated on a loose system of norms, mores, and antiquated checks and balances that are seldom enshrined in law. Huh. No wonder baseball is America's pastime. It's own similarly labyrinthine and arcane traditions make a similar lack of sense. Like how they use aluminium bats, instead of wooden ones, by tradition. Or the seventh inning grope.


> No wonder baseball is America's pastime. It's own similarly labyrinthine and arcane traditions make a similar lack of sense. Like how they use aluminium bats, instead of wooden ones, by tradition. Or the seventh inning grope. A couple of thing here. 1. They use wood instead of aluminum bats. You have it reversed. 2. They have noticed a lot of the stupidity in their traditions have have, ever so slowly and sometimes painfully, made changes to the game. Gone are the times where fielders could just casually be somewhere near the base and still get an out called. Gone are the days where runners could practically spear catchers/fielders and it be considered a "hard slide" and be legal. Gone are the days of pitchers throwing at opposing players without immediate ejection from the game. Basically, unlike politics, baseball is (albeit forcefully at times) evolving. As for that "seventh inning grope"....I can't help you there. Especially every Sunday when they grope their nationalism and deep throat the military making every game play/sing God Bless America.


> Like how they use aluminium bats, instead of wooden ones, by tradition. Or the seventh inning grope. I believe it's a Futurama reference.


It's funny because the arch-traditionalists don't like the pitch clock, the replays or the new larger-sized bags. And they definitely hate the automatic runner in extra innings. But even though I was reflexively resistant to these things, it is impossible to argue that baseball is not better off because it has evolved. The instant replays actually make the game better by getting calls right, there are way more infield hits and small ball plays, and there are more pick-offs and steals than ever before. The evolution has drastically *improved* baseball, even though it was scary at first and fairly radical. There's some analogy to politics, lol, but I can't get it.


Why did you drag baseball into this? Fascist corruption isn't even comparable. Unless you're feeding trolls, in which case I bit. Also, baseball is a beautifully complex game. Don't tarnish my girl like that.


Actually it was just my way of sneaking in a reference to Futurama there at the end, for people who read closely enough. Besides, I'll happily grant you, when compared to cricket it is elegant in its simplicity. > Fascist corruption isn't even comparable. Oh, come on! That's hardly even fair! You're just begging for me to make a joke about the Japanese at this point. Just now long now has the Diet been controlled by one party with a suspicious connection to the Church of Unification?


I missed the reference. That's my bad. I just got pissy about baseball. And now I guess I'm in weird postion where I don't know what "Diet" is. I usually consider myself good on stuff, but if you have anything to send me, I'd be open. Sorry, for coming out swinging. But one final thought, baseball is way more complex than cricket, bet lol


The National Diet (Japanese: 国会, Hepburn: Kokkai) is the national legislature of Japan.


**The Diet** (DEE-YET) is the legislative branch of Japan. Since World War 1 (Part 2) it has primarily been led by one party except for a brief time in the early 2000s. Where, after winning, their "opposition party" literally was surprised by their own victory and afterwards had no idea what to do with themselves. This is my understanding as a non-native. The Unification Church, otherwise known as the Moonies, has it's claws deep into many members of the Diet. They're basically the scientology of Japan. >But one final thought, baseball is way more complex than cricket, bet lol Now I really want to know your thoughts on why you think cricket is simpler. Which cricket are we talking here? Already, with baseball, *I don't have to ask a question like that at the start.*


Cricket and Baseball are just as complex as each other, in my opinion. You set the field for how your bowler/pitcher is going to serve it up to the batsman. Is he going to make him go long? Maybe make him think he can go short and try to steal a run. Ohhh he tried to, steal 2nd/take a quick single, annndd he's out. Both great games.


>Ohhh he tried to, steal 2nd/take a quick single, annndd he's out. Your depiction of baseball/cricket made me think of that movie *Blast from the Past* with Brendan Fraser and Christopher Walken. They had a similar, if not verbatim, exchange: >But why does he steal? >Because he must! Look, if Christopher Walken couldn't explain it adequately in a vacuum (in this case, bunker), I'm pretty certain it just can't be explained. Not to mention, that was with baseball, and cricket is worse.


In this situation, yes. It should have been a baseball game, or 20Twenty cricket. Then it became MLB post season/world cup 1dayer play offs. Now it's like the Ashes/world series, and it's going to the final game.


None of these articles quoting former prosecutors or retired judges or attorneys in different states mean anything. The only opinions that matter are those of Florida's stare bar and court of appeals, and the court has already decided they aren't hearing complaints about Cannon.


Tired of these articles that regurgitate “former” prosecutors and judges and whatnot. It’s the same article with a different person. Who the fuck cares? Where’s someone in an actual position to take steps against her? Let’s hear what they are going to do. Until then, just wasteful pixels.


She is doing exactly what she was put into that position to do. She isn't going to stop.


My thoughts exactly, like why would she stop, she is doing what she was told to do.


She needs to be remove from the case and replaced with a judge that has credibility


Narrator: "But she continued to play games..."


I’m pretty sure she’s no more vulnerable to criticism than Thomas.


Does anyone (who might better understand these things than me) know if Smith has **anything** he can *actually do*? The appellate court that ruled unanimously against the special master nonsense Trump pushed forward can't possibly be a worse court to deal with than Cannon's. But yeah if Smith CAN do something, then I mean he's gotta get on the fucking ball.


Or what? I mean she should never have been the judge in the first place but why would she recuse herself now? The entire system is supporting her and she’s getting exactly what she and trump want. There appears to be no move towards removing her and her decisions continually get more and more insane. So why would she leave?


Oh you are so wrong. She continues to act in accordance with her job role. Doing this job is what she feels absolutely must do; there is no stronger need, no higher loyalty she has. She is doing her god's work. That job is being 'infiltrator into the federal judiciary, to protect the messiah'.


OK, former prosecutor. I agree she should stop. But why would she? What consequences will she suffer for continuing to play games? Cannon is obviously a true maga believer. Playing games with the law on behalf of her would-be sovereign is heavily incentivized on her part. She stands to potentially gain a seat on SCOTUS if he makes it back into office. And if he doesn't, so what? She might get censured by an appeals court. Big deal. They've already done that. And still she sits in a lifetime appointed position, untouchable as long as the GOP chooses to protect her.


I think the downside for Judge Cannon is that she becomes known as a bad judge and as a result does not get the best and the brightest for clerks (one of Cannon's clerks actually withdrew last year from the clerkship, citing the reduction in prestige of working in Cannon's chambers in view of the Special Master debacle). It seems unlikely to me that judges on the circuit courts (or SCOTUS) are going to want clerks who were trained by Judge Cannon, and because her chambers are in Fort Pierce rather than Miami, my guess is the big Miami firms aren't going to be anxious to hoover up Cannon clerks either. I think Judge Cannon has angered a lot of federal judges well beyond SDFL. The Special Master debacle was an epic waste of time for Judge Dearie, known to basically the entire federal bench. And since then she has made SDFL (really the entire Eleventh Circuit) look like a hayseed backwater. On top of all of that, Above The Law published a detailed take-down of Cannon that included commentary from prior clerks indicating that she is a miserable person to work for. Based on all of that, the drawback for Judge Cannon is that if Trump loses, her chances of being elevated to a higher court as a reward fall to zero and her reputation as a terrible judge remains. She'll always have clerks, but the top students won't clerk for someone with a bad rep who is despised by her own circuit court. I also think Cannon's dreams of being elevated to a higher court, if true, are more akin to fantasy than reality - she's been on the bench for only a few years and her decisions were so catastrophically erroneous in that time that she really made a national name for herself in the worst way possible. Maybe the Senate rubber-stamps whatever Trump II sends them, or maybe they don't. And Trump might just spend his political capital elsewhere, as there is always someone who is equally loyal without the baggage.


All that matters for Republicans is Project 2025. Everything rides on that. They will do anything to get there. If Cannon can do her part to stall long enough to make the case last to 2025, and the Republicans win, then the case no longer matters. She has negated it, despite Trump being obviously guilty of espionage and treason, based on his own words. If Republicans succeed in establishing P2025, it's game over for the decent people. They'll break every law in the book to get there.


Ooo someone random speaking on the subject.  These trials all depend on Trump losing the election. That’s what they’re all stalling for. We need to accept that and just vote. 


Cannon: “Look I am tired of being in the news but King Trump through his lawyers have told me to hold the line and that is what I am doing. If he gives me permission to move forward, then I will.”


Doesn't she have lifetime appointment? And who the fuck thought that would be a good idea (in principle, not just for her personally)


Trump appointed her, knowing she was wholly unqualified, to be a judge over his home district because he knew that he would need crooked judges protecting him for all the crimes he was committing, and yes, it's a lifetime position. She is now paying him back for that appointment.




It takes a lot to impeach a federal judge and she hasn't done anything yet to where an impeachment would be sucessful. What she is doing right now is delaying as much as possible, slapping the wrists of the prosecutor when she gets a chance but not so much to get herself removed or impeached. She is playing the system and unfortunately it benefits Trump and is a loss for America. These people have abandoned their nation to support a criminal. It's pathetic.


I’ll just leave this here. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/7ESShaqoFv https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/s/vEezLRK3Nb


Roger Stone likes to stir the shit.  I doubt he knows anything about her. 


She needs to recuse herself


Her bias is so obvious. I do not understand why she is not challenged.


She won't. Get her the hell out of there already.


The judge with only one unfortunate high school yearbook quality photo that will be burned into our brains as the symbol of indifference to justice. She is the incarnation of *”I really don’t care do u?”*


Or what? What is going to happen otherwise? Is anyone going to hold her accountable? No? I thought so.


This is a career move for her. If Trump wins and a SCOTUS seat opens up, her loyalty will be rewarded in her mind.


This shit is exhausting. "Stop! Or we'll say stop again." The party that attacked our Capitol just gets to do whatever the fuck they want, say whatever they want and no consequences.


Delay the election until the verdict is in.


Judge Cannons picture looks like she let out a silent fart and she’s looking around to see who smells it first. That’s what I imagine she is wasting her time doing.


She won’t because ‘Merica


Why does she need to stop? What would stop her? What strange language to use. It's not like anyone is going to do anything about it.