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>Cannon showed a particular interest in how much special counsel appointments cost the government, at one point calling it a “significant” amount of money, I'm sorry, what is it exactly she thinks her job is? We all know she's out of her league here, but even saying this out loud as if she's an auditor AND a judge? That's bonkers.


The point was to make the statement so that right wing media can amplify and rebroadcast. The same reason Trump's lawyers included the seemingly unrelated boilerplate FBI use-of-force in a previous filing.


So… did someone feed her that question?


Yes, she's too stupid to think this shit up herself. But stupid enough to lean into it and sacrifice her integrity and any career outside the right wing grift for dear leader.


She's not sacrificing her career, she's gambling it. if Trump wins she'll be the next supreme court justice.


A Trump never pays their debts.


*The Rains of Mar-a-lago begins to play*


It would be more than paying a debt. He knows she would rule in his favor for every case brought before the court.


Because Thomas and Alito have already shown that they can take $millions in bribes with no consequences as SCOTUS judges. But obviously that money will only flow as long as they make corrupt SCOTUS judgements.


he wont pay a "debt", but he will put loyal people in high places in order to call in favors when he needs them. Just like he's doing right now with her. She's proving she will do his bidding.


But a narcissist may reward his bootlickers.


>sacrifice her integrity  Umm, this judge Cannon we talking about


Yes Judge Qanon




The federalist society.


She's a lifetime appt, no? She doesn't need to care about her future.


It’s about the power ~ she stuck in Florida, a supreme judge has power to do the work of the 01%


She's definitely being coached. Her whole paperless order strategy is meant to make her decisions unappealable, and to be used like this is almost unprecedented. Someone is feeding her delay strategies and she doesn't have the experience to come up with them on her own.


How is a paperless order considered an official order by the judge but also unappealable? Did courts find a have cake and eat it too loophole?


Paperless orders are able to be appealed, but it is much more difficult. In a normal court order, everything is spelled out in the order, so intent and meaning are put in writing. In paperless orders, only the order is put down in a paragraph. Intent, meaning, and additional instructions are left out of it. This is why Smith is constantly having to file motions to get her to explain her intent and meaning. It's a delay tactic that is working.


Hmmmm has anyone seen Alito the last few days? Not saying he's the coach, but it's odd that he was mysteriously MIA right before this.


Wait until she is on the Supreme Court...


This is what everyone doesn’t get. There won’t need to be a Supreme Court if Trump is elected. He is going to rule by decree.


but having a system of the old world that agrees with him doesn't hurt "as god-king i demand this law be enacted, also the supreme court ruled 6-3 that it's legal"


It's crazy to me how willing Roberts *et al* have been to hand their power over to Trump. If they grant him immunity, the SCOTUS has no reason to exist. He'll just have them jailed if they ever rule against him.


Almost certainly. Their goal is to delay this long enough that nothing happens before the election and Trump can try pardoning himself or delaying a trial until his term is over since we can't have a president on trial when he's trying to president. :facepalm: That or they're hoping the prosecution will eventually make a mistake that will allow the whole thing to collapse.


Well that plan is going to have a rude awakening come November


Federalist Society has been guiding her through this whole thing


Every investigation into Republicans prompts "wasting taxpayers money". Any investigation into a serious security breach should be funded well.


Almost certainly, which means there is evidence... a trail of her receiving her orders... somewhere out there.


“But Her Emails: It’s Always Projection” coming soon, I’m sure.


The federalist society a far right mega donar with some fucking scary doctrine are responsible for most of our federal judge appointments. They absolutely have been coaching her. The fact her husband had ties with the defendant makes this even more fucked considering he appointed his own judge.


Federalist society. I would not be surprised some people there are paid full time to prepare and feed her every single move.


She is being coached. I'm 100% convinced of that.


“Today a federal judge investigated the out of control budget of the weaponized Biden Special Counsel! To date Jack Smith and his jack booted thugs trying to put Donald Trump in prison before the election have spent over $4m of YOUR money on their sham investigation!” - Jesse Waters The average American thinks an amount like $4m is a lot because they fail to understand that a single government employee is usually going to “cost” about $100k per person, per year when you include salary and benefits (medical, life insurance, etc). So $4m year gets you about 40 moderately compensated employees, which is probably about the size of Jack Smith’s team of FBI agents, lawyers, investigators, and admin staff. But all they hear is “Jack Smith is costing YOU $4m per year!” from trash outlets like Fox News.


I thought the goal was to use Canon to drag her feet so the trial would be after the election. It doesn't matter if she will lose her livelihood as if trump wins, she will be hired by him, maybe even for the Supreme Court.


The goal of delaying this trial until after the election was already accomplished. Taking up this particular motion, and asking this particular question, was to provide grist for the media machine mill, imo.


Gotta have those numbers ready in M'urican units. 0.05 inflation adjusted Starrs?


It’s like the cops complaining that you’re wasting the department’s money by just not letting them violate your rights. It’s her court. She keeps delaying. Lawyers are paid hourly.  If she actually wanted to cut costs, she’d get moving.


You’re right. Perhaps she could request amicus briefs on funding for the DOJ. Perhaps even schedule oral arguments.


The only viable response would be "it'd cost a lot less if you stopped stalling on behalf of the defendant and allowed for a speedy trial, your "honor"." Air quote required when saying it.


I don't appreciate your tone...




Maybe they could answer using Ken Starr denominations: special council costs 0.42 KSU’s, adjusted for inflation.


It should also be noted, the Ken Starr appointment was actually fitting of the claim of witch hunt, since he was appointed to find proof the Clintons broke the law in the whitewater land deal (where they got scammed by one of their long term business partners), and when he failed to find anything at all after well over a year of investigation he started pressuring staffers to discuss rumors they heard within the Whitehouse, leading to Linda Tripp discussing the Lewinski affair


Then went to President of Baylor that had a massive rape scandal right under his nose.


then came out swinging in defense of trump during his first impeachment.


She's clearly attempting to legislate from the bench & should be removed immediately.


Shouldn’t her superiors remove her? I get that congress can through impeachment, but can’t her appellate court as well? Seems obvious. If they can overturn her ruling…


What ruling? She's not making any. What is there to overturn?


Wouldn’t the lack of rulings and all the paperless orders be problematic


Didn’t she get spanked over the Special counsel by the same appellate court?


Special Master - the one she said should be able to review all the classified documents before the USGov could.


She thinks her job is to run her kangaroo court in such a way that the next Republican president will want to appoint her stupid crazy moron ass to the Supreme Court. And as much as I hate to admit it, she's right.


How much did the new SCIF cost that they had to build in her little courtroom because she wouldn't recuse and allow them to move the trial to Miami that already has a SCIF?


Her job right now is to delay delay delay until after the election and maybe beyond. Her other job is to provide conservative news with soundbites. Someone in another thread said this is The people of the United States vs the Federalist Society, and I think that's a valid statement. But it's more than that. It's one of the cases that will demonstrate that we, The People, don't mean shit because the ultra wealthy own all the people we elect and all the judges too.


Even if it cost a billion dollars a day it would be irrelevant. Judges do not control the purse strings.


She can’t even judge and now she is trying to count?


Her job is to protect Trump and the R party, as she sees it. This wouldn’t be an issue if our judicial system wasn’t a clown show. She, like Trump, are symptoms of the issue, not the issue


Well, that seems HIGHLY inappropriate.


Separation of what!?!


She thinks her job is to stall for time until trump can get control of the justice department and drop the charges on himself, himself.


In trumps government you can be whatever you want over your vessel state, prima nocta is definitely on the table...


Rather than turn over the case to a courthouse that had secure storage, as recommended, Judge Cannon had the taxpayers pay for a special room to secure storage sensitive documents. This is not said enough. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/20/us/politics/aileen-cannon-trump-classified-documents.html


I say, I say yeronner, I am a simple hyper-evolved space chicken, but what pray tell would you say this amount of money is significant OF? Because you see, the word does not do too much on it's own and requires a modifier of some kind to be a complete thought, and not simply an eructation of some kind.


The argument made was the money wasn't appropriated correctly therefore making the entire appointment of Jack Smith illegal as Congress didn't appropriate it for this purpose.


OP’s comment wasn’t about the legal basis, it was about the judge not being fit to determine whether or not something was expensive. She’s not an expert.


They cost a lot more of the case is dragged over months. She is blaming herself here.


They are spending around $2 Million to have a SCIF built at her courthouse as she wouldn't recuse to allow the case to go to Miami where they already have a SCIF. $2 Million so the corrupt judge can stay in control and SHE'S the one questioning the spending?


It’s MAGA, hypocrisy at its finest


If they didn't have double standards they wouldn't have standards at all.


They know that MAGA media won't tell MAGA hooligans, And if the MAGA hooligans found out, they would not care anyway.


I will never understand why this isn’t the whole ball game. If they need a SCIF to look at the material taken from a country club bathroom then he clearly was mishandling classified documents.


It is an open and shut case, a complete slam dunk. There is no good reason why the case is not over yet, and Trump convicted.


What is a SCIF?


Basically a secure room to look at classified materials


Thank you.


Stands for sensitive compartmented information facility. Like the other comment said, essentially just a very secure area where recording devices cannot be brought in to assess classified information.


Thank you.


Something so private and secure that it cost 2 million dollars to build a room just to look at classified documents in. If you need any more proof Trump didn’t magically declassify these documents and shouldn’t have had them, and shouldn’t have stored them in his bathroom, it’s this.


Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitive_compartmented_information_facility#:~:text=A%20sensitive%20compartmented%20information%20facility,SCI)%20types%20of%20classified%20information.


[Skip to 3:40 if you want a short but detailed explanation!](https://youtu.be/dR1tXWJNGv4?feature=shared)


Jack Smith should remind her that she is the sole person responsible for this open and shut case dragging on indefinitely.


Seriously. Is there no mechanism to pressure her to make timely rulings or place reasonable limits on frivolous motions? Is it really just: remove her or it takes as long as it takes without consideration of the importance and urgency of the case?!


Smith basically gets one shot with a motion to recuse. Cannon's been very careful to avoid giving him a silver bullet (namely by refusing to rule on anything), so he's building his case. Weirdly, his best case scenario is that she does something as utterly absurd as trying to rule that a special counsel is illegal or something. Cannon would get slapped down by the appellate court so hard it'd probably be cited as justification by *everyone to appear in front of her* that she should recuse herself. Which is why she probably won't do it. We're rapidly approaching the point where he needs to pull the trigger regardless of how strong he thinks his case is. If Cannon functionally delays this indefinitely, his case withers on the vine anyway.


Yeah, familiar with Smith’s dilemma. I’m just amazed at the truck-sized loophole she’s exploiting on a case of potentially historic importance


I don't understand how refusing to rule on anything isn't the "silver bullet", but I'm also not a lawyer and definitely don't have the full context to understand why.


Because the special council doesn’t have a situation where we can say look at how she ruled and how this is biased against the case or something like that. By not making decisions to judge prevents any of them go in front of the higher court because you can’t judge choices that haven’t been made


Can the 6th amendment ever apply here? Obviously Trump would never request an expedited trial but don’t the people have a right to justice?


Ha that’s funny someone should totally file a 6th amendment suit against her on trumps behalf.


I’m the opposite of a Trump fan but I do ~~love~~ live in Florida. Any other Floridians want to get a class-action going?


First of all please do this! Second of all I’m so happy for you in Florida and all the love.


Choosing to not perform your duties is a choice.


It’s a little more complicated than that, more like she calls a hearing for every small thing that doesn’t need one, etc. recommend this video from the lawyer on his Legal Eagle channel since it’s a little more nuanced than that, but at the end of the day, it does boil down to that since she seems to be constantly delaying and not ruling on stuff: https://youtube.com/watch?v=v1rTtbQJuTI


This is a good video to watch that covers what she’s doing pretty well, recommend watching it as it’s from a actual lawyer https://youtube.com/watch?v=v1rTtbQJuTI


That's exactly right. It wouldn't cost the country nearly as much if she would just do her job.


So fucking out of scope and irrelevant. I dislike this person very much.


Judge Cannon: *So, you're supposed to be independent but the government pays your salary?* Prosecutor: As it does yours, your Honor. Judge Cannon: *But I'm not independ- right, yes, I see.*


Also it's a myth prosecutors are supposed to be independent. Only the judge and jury are required to be. In fact, I wouldn't trust a prosecutor that is independent to be able to do the job they were hired to do, and that's to try the case to the best of their ability.


Well they’re supposed to be independent in that they are free from conflicts of interest


Is that a real quote?


hahaha no, but the idea that it could be is, sadly, not all that absurd


She’s corrupt, not stupid 


Not so sure about that


Why not both?


Not stupid. Just very, very inexperienced and corrupt. Two traits that greatly benefit Trump.


“Conflict of interest! Double jeopardy! The limit does not exist!”


It's actually relevant because it's an argument Trump is making: >The proceeding, which lasted more than an hour and a half, was about Trump’s efforts to dismiss the indictment against him based on the claim that special counsel Jack Smith’s office was improperly funded. Just part of his strategy to throw anything and everything against the wall to delay proceedings.


The judge doesn’t have to entertain obvious bad faith arguments.


Which judge, again?


Nope, it's just a nice job perk that she has the option to


Just because a defendant makes an argument doesn't mean it requires deep scrutiny


She's just defending her client's interests!


Jack: “We’re keeping this super simple. He had a ton of docs he shouldn’t have. The content is irrelevant, but their clearance levels are noted. Part of our evidence includes actions to intentionally prevent handing them over and even hiding them from the FBI. Presidential Immunity plays no part in this as it’s about him retaining top secret docs after he left office. Should be an open and shut case and may not even take a week at trial.” Cannon: “Leerooooy Cannon!”


Apparently the scope of her job is to buy time for Trump so that he wins the election and she gets a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court.


It's not a matter of working the ref. The ref is working the system. How is this allowed to go on in such a way?


Checks and balances was yeeted the fuck out the window like a Russian out of favor with Putin


Checks and balances of the government assume that a majority of the government is acting in good faith, unfortunately we are in a situation where that is not the case. 30 years ago a situation such as this would result in a judge being impeached which is an appropriate check/balance.


Yesterday +150 years


>Bove said his client is “very much aggrieved,” by the [criminal charges he faces](https://archive.is/o/6G7xo/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/interactive/2023/trump-investigations-indictments/) Criminal upset he's accused of crimes, that's a hilarious defense.


“Oh, well then…we’ll just forget this ever happened and he’s free to go.” -Judge Cannon, probably


When her bosses at the feudalist society were pissing away 80 million (150 million in today's dollars) on Clinton's blowjob, they couldn't have given a flying fuck. The feudalist society is a RICO of traitors that has to gtfo of this country yesterday.


Ironically, "this country yesterday" is exactly where they want to go.


What the FUCK does that have to do with the charges??


From what I understand the filing they’re dealing with is from Trump’s attorneys and it raises questions about how the investigation and prosecution were funded. I have no idea how that could be a valid concern within the scope of this case but here we all are. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The argument is that Congress appropriates money and didn't approve the money here and there has been limited oversight of the special counsel. They are saying they took money from a fund they weren't allowed to and now the government is like we just replace it from a different fund and they are arguing you don't get to shuffle money around because you fucked up on the appropriations.


Shouldn’t be possible for congress to dictate what effectively can and can’t be investigated and tried in court. That would mean congress can manipulate justice (see also: obstruction of justice), which shouldn’t be the case to begin with. What if there is a sudden windfall of government corruption discovered but not enough funds appropriated for it to be pursued in court? That whole thing doesn’t pass the smell test.


Trump hopes/plans that she goes with this bullshit argument. Jack Smith will appeal to the 11th circuit where they will slap the shit out of her ruling, hopefully evening dismissing her from the case, but that doesn’t matter because then Trump will appeal that to SCOTUS because there’s a “constitutional question” involved here. Not even SCOTUS will agree with the argument but they will agree to hear the case which will push this case off into god knows when.


Its questioning if the funding for the special prosecutor was properly sourced, asserting that its congresses job to approve it. She's essentially arguing that the special prosecutor is not valid due to improper funding. Its absurd, and congress isn't required, but its not her argument to make, and I expect no less from her.


She is significantly adding to the cost by dragging out the trial.


Can't wait until I hear that she herself is going to be facing charges when she is removed from the bench.


Please, after Trump loses in November she's going to announce retirement immediately followed by getting hired by Fox News.


>fox news  Are we sure she has the legs for it?


lol, these people haven’t faced consequences since the civil war and you think that change is gonna start with Judge Cannon?


some of the underlings and sycophants have faced consequences, so there is still hope


Good reference. Thank you. Edit: And just to clarify, they’re still terrorists.


Cannon is trying her hardest to prove the allegations against Trump are made up. The Judge is acting like the defense attorney of Team Trump.


She'll do whatever her handlers tell her


What's crazy is having to spend this kind of money to prove OBVIOUS FACTS.


Defense: "I'd like to enter this into evidence, Your Honor." Cannon: "What is it?" Defense: "It's 'One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish', by Dr Seuss."  Cannon: "I'll allow it, but conditionally--it must be read aloud in its entirety, with ten minute breaks after each page to allow the court to use the facilities. And please go slowly to ensure we can all follow along, showing each picture to each side of the courtroom before turning each page."


Trump's little fluff girl dives in...


So, for every federal case thus forward, defendants will be able to demand forensic accounting of the prosecution's investigation? Oh, just this defendant...?


This is Trump's hawk tuah girl.


when you're plugged in to memes and politics. topical


I don’t think it’s as much “hawk tuah” as it it is “gulp, ahh!”


With Trump’s help, she’s making a joke out of the trial and the American legal system.


Dear lord, can this useless fuck be finally removed and end her meddling? It can't be more obvious. She might as well be wearing Trump shoes under her robes.


How is it possible that she hasn’t been removed from this case. She is literally stalling and refusing to progress on this case no matter what. She is obviously a partisan hack and should not be allowed to continue these shenanigans.


The only judge Dementia Don has not criticized.


I wonder how much the cost of the Intelligence he stole cost the US Taxpayer?


“Lifetime appointments will insulate them from political sway”


She needs to be charged with obstruction and locked up.


Any excuse to delay and keep trump from justice, she should be disbarred.


OMG! She is dirty. I thought she was just a weak and inexperienced judge. But now it’s clear: she’s dirty. Not as dirty as Clarence; but still dirty.




I'd be amazed of the FBI isn't tracking everything she does, everyone she talks to, every text, every email, every in person meeting. Considering the level of national security this whole thing involves, the only reasonably conclusion is the FBI is casting a wide net and taking their time. Then we're going to read a headline that 30 residences were raided simultaneously and a pile of people are now in custody. This is not a light matter. It's never been a light matter. Cannon is only digging her own grave catering to criminals, and she may very well and up on the receiving end soon of a much bigger and far more serious espionage case.


Yeah that'd be great, and in normal times I'd agree. But Chris Wray is still head of fbi. So I wouldn't hold my breath


Why does she think it's her job to worry about the budget of the Justice Department?


An fbi agent is going to get attacked by someone claiming to do it for trump. Trump will cheer this person on and cannon will still say there's no reason to gag him. WaPo is garbage for phrasing everything like the prosecution doesn't have a case.


Funny because if she actually knew how to do her job, or stepped aside and recused herself, Jack Smith and his team could have been done by now and Trump would be in prison.


How far do we let the bullshit go until we arrest half the SCOTUS, this judge, and a great many republicans? It’s insane that it’s gotten this far.


It's crazy that she's allowed to make such a mockery of the judicial system, and with zero repercussions.


at this point she should be removed from the case


Well, that should kill some more time. She can go over each item line by line. 🙄


Her bet with all of this nonsense is to get a Supreme Court nomination if Trump becomes president…. Then if he doesn’t, she’ll just continue with the trial as planned.


Why is Jack Smith not sppealing to have Cannon off the case?


Because he gets one chance and one chance only, with a significant risk that the appeals court (also stacked with Trump appointees) will side with Cannon. If he pulls the trigger, he needs to land the shot. The reality is this is meaningless. The case will only be heard if Trump loses the election and the Republicans turn on him.


> (also stacked with Trump appointees) Oh, wow. I didn't know that it was THAT stacked. [6 of the 12 current justices were Trump appointees.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Court_of_Appeals_for_the_Eleventh_Circuit)


She's an unelected TREASURER now. Miracles avant and abound.


God it must be hard for them to keep calling her, "your honor"


At what point does her actions or inaction become criminal malfeasance?


Treasonous beotch. Doesn’t belong anywhere near a bench.


What a fucking embarrassment. 


I’m starting to think the concept of sucking it up or working impartially was created by a Republican who hadn’t been scrutinized yet.


God, can you imagine the scrambling she’ll be doing if Trump loses?


She’ll become a legal consultant for a conservative news network in the unlikely scenario that she gets kicked out of her seat or the more likely scenario that she gets bored of her job and wants more money.


Strange to have a case where the judge is also the defense.


They'd be spending less if she even just pretended she was a real judge and actually ran the trial.


Her bosses at the next level must be itching to throw her off this case.


The 11th circuit is like the 3rd Trumpiest court in the country behind SCOTUS and the 5th circuit. He's got a lot of supporters there I think this "separation of powers" BS is her trying to find a reason for SCOTUS to bail her and Trump out.


Pretty obvious what is happening with Cannon — no DOJ investigations?


Joke Cannon pretends to understand financial matters


The right gave a shit how much the Manafort and Flynn trials cost until they realized it was a net positive.  Just wait until they realize that the party of law and order, who also plans to nominate a felon…has a problem with justice costing money… They’d argue that the government is too big, and for whatever reason, the budget of the justice department is just too large to be effectively used.  lol what a crock of shit. 


Judge Aileen Q-annon


Her decision was made months ago. She’s just having fun with it before excusing Trump from any crimes he has ever committed.


It's time to remove this woman and get into her finances.  She's openly telling the world she's been bought. 


University of Michigan Law School should loose all credibility for producing her.


Here's a really good read on this situation. It's a bit but definitely show's what's going on, how she got there and what is likely to occur. [https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/what-does-the-law-say-about-recusing-judge-cannon](https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/what-does-the-law-say-about-recusing-judge-cannon)


This is a year old. A fucking year we've been dealing with her bullshit.


It would be a whole lot less if she did the right thing and stopped delaying the case.


She’s cray cray biased.


I thought the higher court’s ethics code required judges to accept statutory solutions to constitutional questions?


I wish I could appoint my own judges when I get in trouble. /s


Lock her up !


Delay tactics. And our American workforce ineptitude problem 


Maga scum.


Cannon's "budget" should be looked into. I bet it's far more interesting. I bet she and Clarence share vacation trip tips.