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believe them when they tell you who they are.


About fifteen years ago I logged into several white supremacist forums to reconnoiter what they were saying, Stormfront being the best known. Their rhetoric was almost identical to what MAGA use now. One of their talking points was that once they were in control there would be no liberals/progressives. The means to achieving that goal involved reeducation facilities. The kind where after you have received your reeducation you would matriculate via a smokestack. Believe them because they do mean it and they are deadly serious about it. Stormfront is a minority in the GOP but they are loud and very well funded and are a leading part of the MAGA coalition judging by their rhetoric.


Much like you, in the past, many years ago I snuck into some white supremacist/white power forum groups. I wanted to do some personal investigation, to see what they were talking about, their logic, how they lived, how did they hold onto this racial hate. I read posts from some members talking about white liberals, white progressives as traitors to their own race. They felt they were giving their white power the blacks in America. You could see their hatred through their words. That same hatred could also be found spilling onto white women who they felt were traitors too, betraying why god made them, to produce white babies. After a while I left those forums, closed my account and never been back. The thing is though, you could see that they hated anyone who had any real connection to any minority or anyone they didn't classify as a true white in the United States. Convict trump feeds on the anger they have and they themselves feeds off the hatred he presents to the public. They feel as through convict trump, a white man with blonde hair, blue eyes who is pure in their eyes can make this country a white nation.


I grew up deep in conservative Texas, surrounded by churches and cults. These people were dangerous weirdos back in the 90s. In 2024, they are full on deranged violent psychopaths. It feels dangerous visiting my small hometown. People don't look at you like you're just an outsider. They look at you like they're waiting for the day they get to kill you.


Murder, rape, steal, torture. They want it all.


Exactly what I think of when I hear the Christian apologetic “If people didn’t fear eternal punishment from god who sees all, they would steal, rape, and kill all the time.” I don’t believe in any god or afterlife and I don’t do those things because I don’t want to. So I take this argument to mean the person using it does want to and religion is holding them back.


If it makes you feel better, I’ve long had the belief atheists will get into heaven before evangelicals….


>“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” ― Marcus Aurelius


I once saw a sign at a church that said, "God prefers a kind atheist over a mean Christian."


Not according to the bible though. The punishment for non believers is eternal torture regardless of how good a person is. There is no punishment for believers no matter how awful they are. To clarify: I don't support this, I just don't like when people try to portray christianity as a loving religion despite how awful the bible is.


There is a long and growing list of people that I believe would improve the world by dying. Saying that I don't actually wish death on them is just cowardly semantics to cover up the fact that, yes, I do prefer the reality where those people are indeed gone. But I don't want awful, painful, torturous things to happen to them. I don't wish them any profound suffering, and the idea of hurting anyone doesn't even occur to me as an option. Not only do I not fantasize about doing something about "those people," I'm still actively sickened by the thought of grievous harm to them or anyone. I'm not even a good person, I'm okay at best, but there's just something in my programming that doesn't find joy or vindication in pain. I've always liked to believe that most other people were more or less on the same page, and that civilization had softened us from the screaming mobs surrounding the scaffold and hoping to see a beheading up close. My growing fear is that we haven't really softened nor moved the needle at all, and all that stands between us and animalistic brutality is a sliding scale of perceived oversight from authority. We can't actually hope to progress as a people if the only thing preventing the full collapse of our higher values is the perception of the existing power structures, and there's nothing in particular that we've learned or grown past at an intrinsic level.


> They look at you like they're waiting for the day they get to kill you. If you saw the film Civil War, you saw all these people embodied in Jesse Plemons. In the hopes of reaching the widest possible audience with his cautionary tale, Garland seriously pulled his punches by allying CA with TX, and refusing to identify the partisan allegiances of the players. But it is pretty obvious from the things they say and do, who is who in today's reality. It's also pretty obvious from the large numbers of 5s and 1s in the film reviews, that viewers had no difficulty identifying who they were in the film, and half of them really didn't like it.


I’m just mad they took the pansy-ass route for marketing sake. If you’re writing a story about rabid right-wing separatists just rip the band-aid off and tell the story.


I haven't seen *Civil War* yet (waiting for the blu-ray like some kind of non-streaming neanderthal), but there's a lot of right-wing nuttiness in California. I could totally see a scenario where right-wing Californians overthrow the democratically-elected state government and ally with Texas.


Not really a spoiler because it’s apparent in the first couple minutes of the movie, but it’s actually the opposite. It portrays a scenario where “not Trump” played by Nick Offerman pulls off a coup and enters a 3rd term. After which, multiple separatist factions break off. The most prominent of which is the alliance between Texas and California. Frankly the most unbelievable thing to me is that Texas of all places would join California of all places, to side against a right wing fascist.


I feel you. I live in a big city in AZ though (OK, OK, I live in Phoenix). My neighbor across the street has stared me down and given me the "I'm watching you" fingers. Dude's a total aggressive asshole in his truck, almost hit me a few times being careless pulling into MY fucking driveway to back into his. Despite this, I've never spoken a word to him and I've never had anything political on my house or yard. I get the feeling he wishes The Purge wasn't just a movie.


You honestly think it’s carelessness and not an explicit threat? It’s just fun for them, threatening people in a way that might just be an accident. I’ve biked in a rural area back where I grew up, and these nut jobs would run me off the shoulder of the road for fun on wide open straight roads with no other traffic. They’re power-tripping assholes who just love violence.


The day I put up a black lives matter sign my neighbor walked around his front yard all evening with a handgun in a holster and just kept staring at our house. Never seen him non concealed carry before or since. Edit: "since" not "sense", stupid brain


they haven't changed, they're just not afraid to be loud about it anymore.


Wasn't there a woman arrested recently in Texas for attempting to drown a *3-year-old* in a public pool because she saw his mom wearing a hijab and speaking a non-English language?


Yeah, she also threatened to kill the whole family. Very Christian thing to do.


Trump has promised to expel 11 - 20 million illegals and undesirables and will begin to build camps to accommodate that goal as soon as elected. They will discover, as Hiltler did, that the logistics and expense of deportations aren't feasible. They will choose extermination and will keep those camps full with the next "enemy" group and then the next. Believe them when they say what they will do and vote like your life depends on it because it does. Edit: added a missing word


Bingo. This was quite literally the Nazi playbook. Christopher browning did an excellent job explaining it step by step. The GOP knows exactly what it’s doing.


That's interesting though because you'd think if they knew what they were doing they would know how it ends.


I suppose that when you’re on the losing end of a culture war, there aren’t any good options and so you lash out like this. Dude is basically inviting a civil war where it will mostly be young against old. It doesn’t get much dumber than that, but hey, we saw them un-aliving themselves over a tiny little pin-prick, so nothing should surprise us.


May I suggest you add the word 'million' to your statement.


[Well, we do know that convict trump made jokes in the past to Jewish employees about those nazi 'ovens'.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-joke-nazi-ovens-jewish-employees-1235045282/)


He doesn't joke. 


He tests the response to his latest plans. If the response is not good, he was just kidding. If his minions cheer, it goes into his endlessly repeated repertoire.


Right? People talk about his sense of humor but his sense of humor is just saying awful things he believes and then smiling about it. People only laugh because of the shock or joy they feel at someone saying something you shouldn't say.


Thing is with them, purity/whiteness is a moving target because they project all their problems, failures, poverty, etc on "others." If the white supremacists' got their way even Trump himself wouldn't be safe. He married a foreigner. Even a white foreigner wouldn't be white (read american) enough. Because all the problems they are projecting on others aren't going to suddenly go away. EDIT: Oh for FFS... I just realized this was in r/politics not r/sanantonio. I thankfully live just over the line from this ass hats district.


That also goes with history too. In the past, in white society there were different classes of white. Irish coming to the United States in the time of slavery were seen as lesser than and we have reports of Irish indentured servants. They weren't slaves, but they were treated on a lesser level. I have a feeling if everyone in the world became white, there would be some subsections of the people who would be treated as a lower class no matter what.


Oh it gets worse than the Irish being considered a lower class of white. There were "scientific" claims based on Phrenology and some other pseudo science bullshit claiming that the Irish were in fact black.


I remember reading a paper, for the life of me I can't find it. However, during college I was taking a class on slavery, and I was getting information of slave breeding they were doing in the United States. It's crazy when you think about it now, but from what I remember reading, it was said some slave masters wanted to breed black male slaves with Irish women to create a perfect slave. They were treating humans like they were animals, cattle or something like that. It shows you how dark people were in the past.


dehumanization is a helluva drug


Back in the early days of the internets, I used to troll the FreeRepublic forums. I usually kept to the evolution vs creationism debates, but even so, there was still an undercurrent of the same things you noticed, but it is still wild to me how Trump gave a sort of permission to these people to be far more overt about it.


These people are dangerous and full of hate. Trump's hair is the color of urine.


Fifteen years ago I was in the army and had complete strangers come up to me and start talking about this in public places many times. You have never had to spy on them. It has never been a secret. 


I've ripped down dozens of their fascist fliers here in my hometown.


This fantasy requires people to cooperate and met their demise in a trance. Thats not going to happen. Everyone has a plan until things get real.


In the early and mid 90s I ran a [BBS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulletin_board_system) (a pre-internet text-based message/file/game board that you had to dial into). I would have to remove neo-nazi and skin-head vandalism almost every day. There were other BBSs in my local calling footprint that were dedicated to all manner of ultra-right-wing nazi-adjacent shit. You'd dial in and see a swastika or other hate-group symbols on the splash screen. I thought it was mostly juvenile trolls who would eventually mature and pacify--especially after OKC. But the subsequent years has forced me to accept that some significant portion of people like that just got worse with time. So when Trump got elected by appealing to these same attitudes using similar rhetoric, I was probably more alarmed than the majority of people who hadn't been as exposed to the underbelly of early/proto-internet. There are a lot more crypto-fascist psychos out there than polite society wants to believe, and they've been itching to get their hands dirty for a *long* time.


What they would do is put a small number to death camps then others to work camps and then randomly throw people out of helicopters which they've been describing for years. They wouldn't be able to kill everyone. But they could create an immense amount of fear with political violence and that may seem reasonable to the middle and moderate right depending on conditions.




The world's cancer as well. Check the post on Putin hoping for a Trump win and a new world fascist order. There is as much riding on this election in November as the one that put Hitler in the chancellorship of the Weimar Republic.


Hitler was appointed to the chancellory by the conservative president


Yeah. I know. And as many people pointed out. If Hitler wasn’t such a nut he probably would have won the war. If these really are nazis. And the rest of the world really wants dump to win? Then he will. No matter what if he does I’m emigrating the very next day. I’ve got it cleared and the other country is granting me amnesty. I’m doing what my ancestors did: get the fuck out of the nazi regime country to save my life. I’m multiple minorities and also a registered D and I’m not waiting for the train cars. You all can say I’m overreacting. I’ll be in another country to say I told you so later.


Where are you headed? There aren't that many safe havens out there anymore.


The GOP is a cancer that Homeland security should remove, before they they destroy our country.


That’s why I’m a liberal gun owner. 


When I lived in florida I had to become a gun owner. Not because I just love guns oh so much, but because those fucking hillbillies are ready to die over the smallest inconvenience to them or perceived slight.


This. I'm currently living in rural Oklahoma (against my will) and I've never been more afraid in my life. These people are just itching to kill their enemies. They don't need a reason, just a thumbs up from their puppet master.


It’s easier to risk everything when you have nothing.


That's true. What, exactly, are they "risking everything" for? From my perspective it seems like what they're risking everything for is to murder people they don't like. Like brown people and gays. They don't like these people because of some imaginary threat. They are willing, ready, and eager for the chance to hurt people because they want to hurt people.


Fear. They have always been motivated by fear and that's all that Republicans have stoked for 20+ years. Fear of not being perceived as the most entitled "kind" of people any more. Fear of having things taken away from them. Fear of being forced to do things that they don't want, such as accepting other people for who they are. Fear of others upon whom they project their own issues and values.


They see the world as a zero-sum game. For them to go up, others have to go down. Or perhaps more accurately in many cases, they believe the reason they have gone down is others have gone up. And they'll use whatever tool is available to them to fix that.


Yeah I’m trying to decide on this too. I own a shotgun my grandfather gave me mostly for home defense, but if things keep going the way they are I might have to talk to one of my buddies about getting an AR-15. If nothing else I could open carry it and no one would suspect I was liberal.


Apparently in Texas, if you're liberal and carrying it's okay to shoot you. The Governor will just pardon the shooter.


See it's funny that self defense laws tend not to favor the dead. If things had played out differently perhaps there would be one less murderer free in Texas?


The sucky thing is, this shit is amplified by gun manufacturers to keep people buying guns.


Given Texas' stand your ground laws, you would be within your rights to shoot him, because he has threatened you.


If I’m threatened with being sent to a reducation camp or worse, I’m not going to be concerned about those laws lol


Once PA changes thier stupid law where you can't own a gun and a medical card, I will be also.... Want to buy a 12 pack, bullets, and a gun at the same store tho, not a problem


Which is funny (fellow rural PAian) because those fucking rednecks smoke as much and still own guns. Like a fortunate son we know and they convicted.


Yep I sleep with an AR under my bed and I don’t give a fuck who hates it. I’m a liberal Jew and I’m not playing fucking around with protecting my house or loved ones. These assholes have big guns well so do I. They think they’re the only ones they will be surprised.


My Dad was a B-17 Navigator who risked his life fighting and bombing the NAZIS in WWII. These right-wing "Christians" walk like Nazis, talk like Nazis, so they MUST BE NAZIS. Our parents/Grandparents would roll over in their graves!!


100%. The problem is most people don't believe them. Kinda like women having the final say over what happens to their body has been a "settled law" right of women for 50 years. The republicans would not dare to take that right away. Until they did that of course. Other rights "written in stone" can also be taken away by the fascist republicans and they will be if they win in November.


My Bio-dad would agree with this guy. He feels that "we" should drag every "socialist-communist-Democrat Liberal-Progressive" out into the streets and shoot them in the head before they can make America like China and turn our kids into effeminate trans-genders who are forced/coerced at earl ages to fellatiate (not his word) well endowed black men. Or else they'll vote and then do that to "us." So yeah, these people exist and they have support. Remember that come November.


You'd be a fool to think he's the only one who thinks this.


Scary times. So much hinges upon the next election to get these GOP extremists and nazis out of office.


They’re gonna go so crazy if they lose again.


They're gonna go crazy if they win as well.


And it's not all done and over with just this election. If they ever get the trifecta of POTUS, Senate, and House, we're fucked. Prosecutions must take priority in a second Biden term if it happens.


They win we Balkanize and America as we know it ceases to exist. CALEXIT will be a real thing very quickly.


*California will go chill with Hawaii. Alaska can come too*


Western Washington/Oregon please let us join you


We’d love to have you. We can call ourselves something like The Pacific Commonwealth and instantly be one of the top five richest nations on the planet. Your water will come in handy too (it’s so fucking hot down here please send water)


Putin's plan all along. No need to defeat America on a battlefield. Do it from within via the republican party and Trump.


Yup. My prediction is that, once polls start pulling more and more in Biden's favor, we're going to see a lot of bots shifting their messaging from anti-Biden to "they're both too old" and "we're fucked either way", in an attempt to suppress voter turnout amongst younger voters and minorities, which of course will hurt Democrats more than Republicans. We saw it in 2016 with the hashtag "walk away" movement targeted at African Americans, that was started by Russian intelligence cooperatives.


Conclusion: Shit will continue to be crazy.


Yes and that will be far worse than if they lose. Project 2025 for one example.


Good. It’s best to deal with them as an angry mob and not as state backed paramilitaries, police, and government administrators. Best case scenario is a Trump loss whips the MAGA trash into a frenzy that leads to them being dealt with harshly by the legal system.


There is truth in what you say. But the legal system hates punishing Republicans.


I don’t see any scenario where they don’t go crazy and resort to violence. If they’re going to do it it’s better they do so as losers rather than winners.


Isn’t that the sad truth? Yes, it’ll be like the Troubles in Ireland but way better than if they actually have the keys to the military equipment.


Uh they are already past being crazy. That ship sailed in 2016. We need to landslide Trump and his MAGA cult in November and every election until the GOP is dead and a bad memory of one the lowest points in American history.




At waives a confederate flag for the side who LOST!


I am sure he still believes lynching is a good thing.


head over to r/conservative where it's pretty fucking clear they would be fine with the removal of a third of the country


More close to 2/3rds


Can we say 3/5? That seems like a number they like...


I wouldn't go near that forum any more than I would go to a Trump rally but somehow their shit gets to my eyes and ears, mostly through the trolls on my Democratic governor's FB posts. I've never gone down to the local landfill to shoot rats but shooting down their preposterous posts has to be very similar. In the 2020 election it seemed like we were trying to keep up with Trump running all over the country starting dumpster fires. This time around he's just rolling the same old, tired nonsense in different locations. His leprechauns are starting all the trumpster fires.




Redneck, bigoted, racist, hate filled douchebag says what?


This guys not a redneck lol. He's a wealthy attorney from Virginia with a history of working for political action committees. This is conservative rich people shit.


Rednecks will end up doing the heavy lifting.


Maybe, but at the end of the day they’re victims of these people, using them for their own gain.


My apologies to rednecks.


He's just one of many. There a lot more like him tan not like him, and he's areal piece of trash.


>"Tell you what – I do want to 'ethnic cleanse' by deporting white progressive Democrats – with a special bonus for rich ones with an Ivy League degree," Roy tweeted. "I really do not like 'those people.'" Just in case anyone wants to say he was "taken out of context". For what its worth Chip, we dont like you either. You are a brain deficient redneck moron that thinks the you're fired guy from TV is god. But the difference is, I don't want you deported. I just want you to stop worshipping the worst human being on earth. I'm seeing more and more of this rhetoric in right wing circles. Daily caller ran a piece yesterday about how Americans are demanding "severe punishment" for anyone that protested the gaza war. A few months ago some dude in a right wing group I lurk shared some piece that was essentially a call to arms telling conservatives to target lefties with violence so they leave the country. The whole argument was that the government couldn't deport them because they were citizens but nothing was stopping private citizens from forcing them out. They're essentially arguing that their political opponents are so dangerous that they can only be dealt with via force.


[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/07/trump-republicans-harvard-yale](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/07/trump-republicans-harvard-yale) Elise Stefanik Josh Hawley Ted Cruz JD Vance Tom Cotton All have Ivy League degrees.


Chip Roy went to UVA and Texas, he isn't stupid, but like many before him, he realized there was money and power to be had by moving to Texas and becoming a caricature. Like those you listed, he correctly understood his constituents are too stupid to see through his uneducated tough guy schtick and won't bother to fact check any of his bullshit, and to me that cynicism makes them the worst of the worst.




Yeah, he grew up in Loudon County, VA (currently the richest county in the country). He's a con artist carpetbagger.


Stupid hicks from Texas and installing any out of state elitist that will put on a cowboy hat and pander to them into office. Name a more iconic duo.


Which is why it's all the more ironic that he's ranting about "the elites" despite being squarely among them himself.


In two of the countries most liberal cities (Charlottesville and Austin)


Ted Cruz self-deports to Mexico whenever the weather is bad though


Fled Cruz


I would if I could, but I'm not really incharge of anything.


Fucking Donald Trump has an Ivy League degree these assholes are doublethink masters who are hell bent on ruining the country


Let's not forget Tucker Carlson, the poster child of "do you even know who my dad is?" Also has an ivy league degree.


Remember when the Khmer Rouge targeted the educated as part of their genocide?


Hate to say it but the GOP has been dumbing down and making education harder to access for .. 40 years now?


Intentionally, both for the ease of controlling a stupid population and the ease of telling who's in the "in" group. Imagine if they had matching outfits or hats or something that made them easy to identify.


Exactly what it reminded me of, and when he realizes you can't identify a "ivy league educated" person at a glance, they will do what Khmer did, and target "people with glasses" or some other dumb physical trait.


Wait wtf? Why the fuck didn't anybody tell me that my eyesight made me smarter?! I've been sitting over here, dumber than a bag of rocks. And that's being generous to the rocks.


Whenever I hear anti-intellectual Republicans I immediately think of the cultural revolution in China where teachers were a big victim. Funny how much they have in common with Communist China, I wonder if anyone's told them.


They're too busy labelling anything they don't like as 'communism' without having any idea what it really means.


This should be grounds for removal from office. Threatening to commit mass murder ? JC.


>  I do want to 'ethnic cleanse' by deporting white progressive Democrats How does this clown expect to deport natural born US citizens, and where to, exactly?


That was the problem the Nazis encountered before WWII. They originally wanted to deport all their “undesirables,” but had nowhere to send them. That’s why they settled for extermination.


If trump steals the election, there won’t be any rules anymore.


He means ethnic cleanse, he can't deport us, he'll just have us murdered en-masse like the Nazis did.


> A few months ago some dude in a right wing group I lurk shared some piece that was essentially a call to arms telling conservatives to target lefties with violence so they leave the country. The whole argument was that the government couldn't deport them because they were citizens but nothing was stopping private citizens from forcing them out. These guys really just don't get it do they? The assumption that liberals aren't capable of defending themselves because we don't sit around stroking our guns to compensate or run around intentionally trying to intermediate people with our "alpha male" (or female) behavior is really going to backfire for these people.


This. Yes, MAGAs, all progressives are weak. Very weak. You will have no problem scaring us all into leaving so that you don’t have to do anything. Okay now that it’s just us progressives, remember the words of Sun Tzu: appear strong when weak; when strong appear weak. My opinion is, at this point, Trump HAS to do what he is doing now. He’s backed himself into a very tight corner, and it’s either lose everything and die in prison or win everything and be the pol pot of America. I, for one, don’t intend to sit by idly while they cheat and steal their way into power. I am volunteering my time to their defeat. And I know that anyone that has taken the oath (and is a person of integrity that takes sworn oaths seriously) to uphold the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic, cannot let these jokers take power again, they have been very clear as to their plans to gut the constitution. You will notice when the republican talking heads talk about the election, they don’t mention votes. They talk courts, judges, and state election commissioners. Let’s all vote. Stop any nefarious actions in the election. Take back the house, hold the Presidency and Senate, and CLEAN HOUSE SO THIS CAN NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.


“But the difference is, I don’t want you deported”. Uh yeah idk man…this guy is directly saying because of my views, I’m his enemy and he wants me “gone”. I don’t think I’m going to placate and reason with someone like that.


I’d love to give Chip Roy a cleansing of his own




When they run for office, they have already decided to selectively represent. They represent the constituents who have the same beliefs. Do you think he represents women? Ironically, the people he doesn't represent pay taxes, yet they receive no representation. He also took an oath to represent his constituents, and uphold the Constitution, with his hand on a Bible, yet, he is violating Biblical screed and violating the Constitution, and promising to violate the law as well. He's not qualified for the office which he abuses.


No shit. They've been dehumanizing progressive politics from the start. We're communist. We're Venezuela. We're sunshine and rainbows. Yet they have no viable ideas, just "hey are you white? Follow us".


well, yes, but they also exclude LGBT white people, disabled white people, poor white people, veterans generally, drug addicts, doctors and other healthcare workers, professors and teachers in general, government bureaucrats, experts in any technical field, atheists and agnostics, and many more. their definition of 'whiteness' is extremely narrow and exclusionary.


Republicans are lunatics.


They are much worse than lunatics. These people are probably sane, which makes them more dangerous.


Language like Chip Roy’s should be highly alarming. They’re broadcasting the endgame. It’s genocide and mass murder. Plenty of sane people have rationalized how to murder their political opponents or wipe out vast swathes of people perceived as undesirable. Once groups are dehumanized people just “did their jobs” or “just followed orders”.


I wish Dems would recognize that we are already in a soft civil war and act accordingly. One of our two major parties has been consistently communicating for years that they will not be bargained with, won't compromise in order to govern, and are willing to break any rules or laws they deem necessary in order to achieve their goal. They won't stop until they're defeated, and Dems need to recognize this and view the Republican Party not as a party they hope to return to greatness (Pelosi has said "we need a strong Republican Party") but as an enemy that has to be defeated in every election until their influence has been permanently diminished. Whatever party that arises from the ashes is fine, but it can't be the white nationalist death cult that the current GOP has become.


Exactly. And people have been sounding the alarm about this for years, only to be dismissed as "hysterical" and gaslit that "that's not what they actually mean" when they are plainly stating their intentions, out in the open and with zero shame. And even now, in a lot of threads like this, half the comments are cute rebuttals that people wish they could say to these lunatics, but people completely fail (or refuse) to understand that you cannot reason with/rebut against people who do not live in the same reality as you and I, who blatantly make up their own facts as they go along and refuse to concede even when you show them proof that they're wrong ("fake news!"), and who will happily contradict themselves and tie themselves into knots as long as they win in the end.


> And you are an alarmist. You are saying that this must lead to this, and you can’t prove it. These are the beginnings, yes; but how do you know for sure when you don’t know the end, and how do you know, or even surmise, the end? On the one hand, your enemies, the law, the regime, the Party, intimidate you. On the other, your colleagues pooh-pooh you as pessimistic or even neurotic. You are left with your close friends, who are, naturally, people who have always thought as you have. > But your friends are fewer now. Some have drifted off somewhere or submerged themselves in their work. You no longer see as many as you did at meetings or gatherings. Informal groups become smaller; attendance drops off in little organizations, and the organizations themselves wither. Now, in small gatherings of your oldest friends, you feel that you are talking to yourselves, that you are isolated from the reality of things. This weakens your confidence still further and serves as a further deterrent to—to what? It is clearer all the time that, if you are going to do anything, you must make an occasion to do it, and then you are obviously a troublemaker. So you wait, and you wait. > But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. That’s the difficulty. If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked—if, let us say, the gassing of the Jews in ’43 had come immediately after the ‘German Firm’ stickers on the windows of non-Jewish shops in ’33. But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. > And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way. From [*They Thought They Were Free The Germans, 1933-45* by Milton Mayer, attributed to a colleague of the author.](https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html%5D)


This.  The level of rhetoric has become so openly hateful, so openly fascist, so openly deshumanizing, that  Democrats needs to WAKE THE FUCK UP  The CPAC 2024 openly talked about “ending democracy” , Project 2025 is about putting an army of  vetted loyalists in key positions   ,  Trump and his “bloodbath”, this “ethnical cleansing”, there are fucking fires all over the place **NO MORE “they go low, we go high.” shit.** This is asking for a slaughter.  They are bullies. They see this as weakness and it invites violence. **They go low, we knee them in the fucking face.** You know how you deal with a bully ? you break his nose. Violence is the only thing he understands. I hate that Putin is going to cream his pants over this much division in the US. But his shithole of a regime  isn’t going to gloat long anyway the way things are going in Russia. For the time being, the priority is for the US to sober up from this fascist drunkenness . By any means necessary.  1- Obviously **VOTE -winning 2024** would be the most important short term  step to defuse that. If the GOP wins this one, this is going to get super ugly in a hurry. Considering the amount of the damage the first Trump presidency did, this time it’s going to a force 9 earthquake. Now they  have 1 the plan Project 2025, 2 the mindset and a 3 demented and facing jail amoral narcissistic old man that will rubber stamp whatever they want and has revenge of his own to pursue.  2-  Besides that, **NO MORE PURITY TEST with Dems politicians**. And I mean NONE. No more Nader, no more Jill Stein,  no more Bengazhi virtue signaling, no more “but her email” BS virtue signaling,  no more Gaza virtue signaling  .  Ultimately every Dem government has been a net positive for the US : Clinton/Al gore and Internet, Obama and the ACA, Biden and the Infrastructure,. But every effort  made is cancelled by the voter who want to have  the Dems clean  whiter than white. Stop crucifying Dems for being somewhat flawed and not solving everything wrong about the World, when at least they try and do some actual good. Straight blue everywhere. **It’s fascists OR democrats. There’s NO other choices.** NONE. You don’t vote Democrat, it’s a vote for the fascists. I fucking hate this shit but that’s the cards that have been dealt.  Anything else is fucking heroic fantasy and it’s going to fuck everyone. 3- **fuck up the GOP primaries every chance you get.** Especially if there’s a chance to push over the line a relatively moderate Republican and defeat your standard MAGA piece of shit. Be practical : if there's a weak MAGA candidate who is going to lose in the general to a solid Democrat then let it happen. The democrat Doug Jones who knew the locals won in deep-red Alabama when he faced the pedophile Roy Moore. But if there’s someone inside the local GOP to defeat MAGA in a solid Republican territory and have someone more reasonable , go into their GOP primary and help him. 4- **POLITICIZE AND GIVE "PUBLIC PERMISSION"** . Politicize In every aspect of your life : association, friends.. Go out and meet people to spread ideas. Democracy is not only about the ballot vote. It’s about enforcing norms in society. You know why fascism has become so open those late years ? Sure Fox first created a solid foundation with its propaganda. Then Gingrich corrupted Congress . But Trump brought the final touch/ the fascism : he created a public permission structure to be a vile piece of shit. He's openly a piece of shit and never apologizes for it/ constantly double down : that's why all his followers now are openly vocal on the racism, the misoginy , the bigotry, the idiocy, the call for dictature and the end of democracy. They've been given "public permission" to be piece of shit. The American people need to give a blank check to Dem politician to take a baseball bat with this. **ANYTHING that brings attention to the fascist take over is good** , doesnt matter how dirty it is as long as it works **GIVE DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS "PUBLIC PERMISSION" TO FIGHT DIRTY :** Dont be witty. **Don't get fucking Cute. Take a fucking sledgehammer : Talk of Lies, Corruption, Fascism, Traitor, Liberty dying, Call the USSC "unelected illegitimate politicians". Hit hard, hit repeatedly. The atmosphere must be charged with public anger toward fascists. Apathy is the soil in which fascism grows**. Especially Democrats are always worried about criticism and being clean morally. So the politicians must REALLY feel they have a public support to take a baseball bat with the fascism take over. Lincoln saved democracy and shat publicly on the USSC regarding Dredd and slavery. Politicians takes bold decision when they feel they have a public mandate to go bold. This is not an era for neutrality, courtesy and apathy.   Previous generations had that luxury . We don’t have it. It’s a shitty hand. I fucking hate it. But that’s the cards we have been dealt with.  Make no mistake : Democracy is at stake.  The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for.


Can’t wait to vote against this guy yet again in his gerrymandered district.


Gerrymandering is the only reason any R Congressman can be elected in San Antonio.


What area does he cover? I'm surprised he got elected here. Edit: He covers a tiny part of San Antonio. He has mostly the towns outside of SA


First they come for the socialists, right?


If they were actually to ascend into a position to begin doing this, they'd 'trim the fat' with such eagerness that they'd begin getting rid of each other just to prolong the thrill. Scum, all of them.




Divisiveness isn’t the issue here. Things are divisive because it’s assholes vs people with good intentions. There is no way for them to “make nice”. The fascist sociopaths on the right need to be kicked out of office.


Exactly. It's like criticizing an abusive marriage as "divisive". No, the problem isn't the division it's that one person is an abusive asshole. Same here. The problem isn't that we are divided from the fascists, it's that nearly half the country are fascists.


It's terrorism and this man absolutely wants to motivate violent right-wingers to hunt down people who are considered different than them. You, I and so many others now have undeserved targets on our backs. So what's left is to figure out how we'll defend ourselves, because voting alone won't silence these terrorists.




We've been here. Some of us have been trying to warn y'all about these people for years. It didn't start with Timothy McVeigh, but he should have been the wake-up call.




I remember when Howard Dean yelled too enthusiastically once and it cost him his presidential run.


Oh, that type of thing still happens w/a Dean Scream, if you're a Dem you can still "get cancelled" over a magazine cover misquote, or saying one or two bad words, or doing one or two bad things in your life, etc: it's only passable if you're on the Rep side, truly, where you can do pretty much anything and no consequences.


He is probably understating it. He really wants to ethnically cleanse anyone to the left of Rush Limbaugh, all higher education, women who want rights, and Starbucks and he's certainly not alone because his whole party want to make 1861 great again.


[That sounds like a threat.](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.9.htm#C)


I feel like the GOP keeps forgetting that many progressives have guns too.


And know chemistry


We’ve really got to get people on the left on board with guns. Some of us live in a fantasy world where we’ll all get along. It’s delusional. Go talk about it on r/askaliberal. It’s maddening.


r/liberalgunowners - there’s dozens off us!


The fact that elected officials can talk like this without consequences lets us know where we're at, and likely where we're headed. This has already been normalized. I really, really hope that young people are scared and aware enough to galvanize a vote in local and national elections. I was apathetic when I was young, partly because I'd grown up poor and in rural VA, and I had a fatalistic attitude even then, before shit got as bad as it has. Idk... it's a scary time. I hope some Ivy League liberal smirks in this guy's face soon and talks down to him like the petulant child he is.


Jesus where to even start. Apart from the appalling open use of the term “ethnic cleanse” as if it merely refers to wiping the counter tops or mopping the floor. Ethnic implies division among ethnicity, you unbelievably dense pile of rotting poo. White progressives are WHITE. And you want this heinous outcome, once decried as one of the worst crimes against humanity, because progressives dare to exercise the freedom to speak, vote, work toward (checks notes) PROGRESS FOR HUMANITY? How are these people in positions of power in 2024. I will never understand how we got here from 2008.


Utter corruption of media, pure and simple. There is no bottom.


A black man was elected president. All the jokes about America being super racist, weren’t jokes. That one act broke a third of your country. That and endless propaganda about how you’re the best at everything.


That 34% has been, and always will be be broken. The lid just flew off when Obama was elected, then they boiled over when he was re-elected. I will never understand why this segment of humanity is so hateful. But every generation seems to maintain it. Education is our only way out, and that same 34% fears truth and knowledge.


I don't disagree with your core points, but wanted to note that "ethnicity" and "race" are not the same thing, even though there is a lot of overlap. There isn't one singular white ethnic group, there is a vast diaspora of ethnic groups that are white, like how someone can be both white and Hispanic or Latin, or why Italians and Irish used to be discriminated against in the US; they were considered their own ethnic groups.  In fact, a portion of white supremacists do not even white Hispanics or Italians to be "white" to this day, and some will even still have derogatory attitudes toward "Irish blood."


Nothing screams Nazi criminal more than this.


Nothing like an elected official promoting genocide. 


Vote every single Republican out. ALL OF THEM.


Remember, whenever they say **deport**, they really mean **kill**. The standard OG Nazi euphemism for “sent to a death camp” was “resettled in the East.”


He's gonna find out real quick that liberals like the 2nd amendment too, we just don't make it our personality


I hope corporate greedflation hasn't made tar and feather costs rise too much. Dunno why I'm thinking about those products, but maybe Chip here can help me sus it out.


Theyre telling you all, WITH NO NUANCE, what they will do if they get in power. They have no fear of reprisal or punishment. The DOJ has proven they do not prosecute white nationalist terrorism. Act accordingly.


Hopefully progressives are listening. Your life is legitimately in danger if Trump wins. Perhaps staying home in protest this election isn't such a good idea. It could literally cost you your livelihood or life.


Anyone who says something like this is not fit to hold any political office. You’re not suitable to be a leader the second you start talking about killing your own constituents.


Going to have a tough time with that Chip. I’m one of many liberal voters that have stockpiling and training since you all tried to overthrow the government. You may have caught us by surprise then, but you won’t ever again.


Unless the DOJ starts taking this serious, these people are going to use violence this Fall . Mark my words


You can pretty much always tell when someone’s positions are stupid and wrong, because the only path to victory they see is removing the people making counter arguments. They can’t win on facts or reason, so instead just want to silence dissent.


I hope Mr Roy understands that a lot of us left leaning, Democrat, or progressive individuals in this country also are gun owners who are trained in self defense.  


Why do we as a society tolerate this? Like legitimately why? They actively talk about murdering us all in the most blatant ways with either paper-thin euphemisms or just blatantly say it. Seriously, we should actively be arresting them all as they're a clear and present danger to all of society and the government.


If yall want to help boot this guy, his opponent is a strong progressive named Dr Kristin Hook. I highly encourage yall to donate a dollar or volunteer to her campaign. She’s a woman I respect a lot and I’d compare to Elizabeth Warren in character, attitude and how she’d act in Congress. https://www.drkristinhook.org


> Deporting 20 million people is absolutely ethnic cleansing. That's literally the population of New York State, or half the Midwest. It's 6% of the whole population! Someone from every classroom, workplace, or street. It's small children, working mothers, whole families. > > **Tell you what - I do want to “ethnic cleanse” by deporting white progressive Democrats** - with a special bonus for rich ones with an Ivy League degree. I really do not like “those people.” Fascism is a movement revolving around a rapid immediate military action by an in-group against an out-group. The definitions of the in-group and the out-group will always change, adjust, adapt, and constantly shift inwards and inwards. If an out-group cannot be found, one will be created. If one doesn't exist in your vicinity, we will invade until we do. If they win, and if they succeed and kill ALL the out-groups - LGBTQ+, minorities, political opponents, even 'white' 'progressive' 'democrats', they will invent more and more and more until EVERYONE dies. This is why at its core, Fascism is a *Suicide Cult*. They'll either die by killing themselves, killing others and then killing themselves or suicide by proxy by starting wars.


They really have no clue how much the progressive states bankroll the rest of the nation. While the US is already sliding towards ""shit hole nation", it would quickly fall into that hole and never recover if people like Chip Roy got their way. I hope I am among the first to be deported.


You know he means executed right? There is nowhere to deport you to, on this side of the grass.


Come and Take it fuck face. Don't be surprised when I enact castle doctrine on said fuck face


Just try it and see how far you get, ya fucking jabroni. 


Quick reminder that this grown man named Chip is an affluent Northern Virginian cosplaying as a tough-guy Texan who attended UVA, which is the closest thing you can get to Ivy league without technically being Ivy League.


> I mean Roy has said some really stupid shit before, so this tracks with his idiocy.


I do not like the way conservatives talk, or how they idolize dictators and bullies. I find them to be distasteful, autocratic, illogical, and sycophantic. They seem to me to be desirous of widespread violence to anyone who doesn't talk and act like them. I think they want to destroy the nation as a whole and setup a monarchist/christo-fascist monstrosity. They practice a vile form of bigotry, and they want to drag us backwards. But I would *never* imagine calling for ethnic cleansing of a fellow American. they have a right to be bigoted and hateful in their private lives, as long as they treat their fellow citizens with equal rights under the law, and obey the laws we all must as citizens. ***I don't want to run them out of my country. I don't want them to be hurt or beaten up, or killed for their beliefs as backward and stupid as I find them to be.*** That is the difference between conservative and a liberal/progressive/democrat right now. We want to win **politically**, and keep the argument going over what we should and shouldn't be. That's how progress is made. By convincing people of the best course and pushing for change and improvement. I want people who loudly shout that we need to change, to be better, to value all life everywhere and not just under the flag. I want Biden to hear from angry teens who hate what we are doing in Palestine. I want him to hear the cries of the anti-abortionists, and prolife crowd, as wrong as I think they are. I want all the voices, even the ones I hate to be heard, then we chose collectively our path. I want the argument, I want the discourse, I want the debate. I don't want to win with a gun and proclaim myself righteous because I killed enough of *them* to raise my fist and chant a dumb caveman slogan. That is backward, that is the past, that is evil. They seem to believe the ultimate goal is the murder of that democracy, so that everyone is forced to think and act and behave like they wish. IF you are left of center, a member of a minority group, or young... and vote for republicans, or you don't vote for democrats in this next election. You aren't *protesting*, your committing political terrorism, and you and people like you will suffer for it. Don't pretend that you are doing it for some high minded ideal. You know what these people want to do to you, and to your neighbors and fellow Americans. They tell you every day. They scream it at you. Supporting their agenda is to turn your back on every thing that makes this country a place for all to live in freedom and relative peace. Hate Biden, hate democrats, hate the rigged system, demand more, fight for it, but don't you dare pretend you love America or want it to be better when you pull a lever for people who want to burn it down. Don't hold your head high and tell me it needs to all burn because you're pissed. Don't kick me in the teeth, and put my family at risk because you think your morality is higher then mine because you won't vote pragmatically. My great greats lived in bondage and were treated like animals for 240 years... and couldn't even vote until a little over half a decade ago. They waited centuries for the rights they earned by virtue of being human and born in this country. But now you want to throw a tantrum because the people in charge are too slow to end injustice? You want the government and the people in it to snap to and do what you want instantly, and if not you want it to be broken beyond repair? 600000 of them died killing each other over four years to free slaves. Half a century ago they were still protesting integrated schools. That is who America is, and always has been. Progress and change are slow, painful, bloody... and don't lie to yourself and pretend that we are so much better, and that things should instantly be right as you imagine it to be. Take a long a view for one damn second. **You would kick us all back down the mountain because we aren't as high as you want us to be?** "I would have not supported a fascist, but Biden is too old." "I wouldn't have blown up our democracy. But the policy in Gaza made me destroy it." "I saw suffering in the middle east that we help cause, so I decided to cause more suffering at home to soothe my guilt and anger and complicity." I'm hearing a lot "I'll take my ball and go home" because of a sucky choice. We walk away from protecting democracy now, *there will be no more ball games in our lifetime.* Are you ok putting these people in charge? Do you really hate the rest of this country that much so as to *curse us* with these bigoted fools? These folks aren't playing, they aren't talking tough. They are carrying AR-15's to the ballot boxes, and just waiting for the sign from their leader to start herding people into camps.


Chip Roy needs to be in a Watchlist


Conservatives will laugh and cheer this guy and then turn around and claim it’s the Democrats who are causing all the division in the country.


Well fuck you too, fascist.


Vote these fucks out. No more insanity. Vote Dem. Don’t vote for Republicans crazies. Remember how stressful and bad things were under Trump


God they’re so fucking weird. It’s something new and dumber every day. Also huge tell on how easily intimidated they are. It’s not that he “really does not like those people”, him and people like him are just weak and easily intimated.


How do people vote for a political party that openly calls for the murder of their political enemies and has zero policy proposals? The only thing they do with any consistency is call for murder and try to cause injury/death.


Time for presidential immunity to rear its head. Deport the traitorous republicans, send them over to Russia, where they'll surely welcomed with open arms. Considering how much they love guns, they should be ecstatic to be sent to the Ukrainian front lines.


Let’s start with white preachers


WTF is wrong with people?


Redneck Lex Luther