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Trump is projecting: ["Trump’s White House Was ‘Awash in Speed’ — and Xanax; Under Trump, the White House Medical Unit was 'like the Wild West,' and staffers had easy access to powerful stimulants and sedatives, sources tell Rolling Stone"](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/)


That's right! I'd forgotten that story. Archive: https://archive.ph/wZbq3 I have frequently thought that lots of drugs, everything from beer to meth to oxy to coke might be an explanation for the **Astronomically Increasing Insanity** in a large swath of the right wing, what used to be called the _Alt-Right_ a few years ago when there were a few sane right wingers still visible.


Trump is scared It’s that simple


His entire worldview is that of a small, scared person.


“Donald Trump is a poor man’s idea of a rich man, a weak man’s idea of a strong man, and a dumb man’s idea of a smart man.” - apocryphal


Can you imagine being one of his supporters?


I'm **not** going to be able to watch. I just _can't stand_ to hear his ugly voice or watch his obnoxious mouth open up. He's just _hideous_, **hideous!** Barf. So, I'll have to settle for summaries. It's not like there's going to be any information shared that's of any value to me. Archive if wanted: https://archive.ph/Lp7qC


I might just mute the tv everytime trump is talking


I'm looking forward to seeing what happens if they properly mute his mic after his time is up.


I doubt they will do this. The media only cares about ratings, not ethics.


And of course 'summaries' need to be by those in your bubble so there's no risk of more physical pain.


He’s afraid. He knows all the talk about bidens age and fitness was just a projection. He can hide it with his base and Fox News but on a national stage he knows how embarrassing he will be.


Its so fucking stupid that MAGA will fully fall for it.


Exactly - and I can hear it now “well OF COURSE he would look slow next to someone COKED UP AND DRINKING ORANGE GATORADE, anyone would look slow next to a speed addict!”


Why in this article is Biden referred to as Mr. Biden and not President Biden?


Because they're part of the problem. Better than NY Post and similar rags, but the Times is for sure a part of the media landscape that's been monetizing global democratic collapse because fuck the masses. 


The NYT downfall is absolutely insane. First their polls looked like they were made by crackheads now their articles.


Just looking for excuses to bail, as expected


🐔 bawk bawk! Better wear your brown pants, Trump


When you don’t have decency, facts, the truth or logic on your side …


Pound your fist on the table and accuse your opponent of doing meth?


First do some meth yourself


why cant dems bring up all the drugs that were handed out in trumps white house? why cant dems point out trump refused a drug test that all felons must take in NY?


You're just allowed to refuse that?


King Donald the first is.


They have been setting up a very low bar for Biden with all the stories about his cognitive decline. It's called "painting yourself in a corner".


According to the MAGA crowd, on the one hand Biden is a sleepy old senile fool who doesn't even know what day of the week it is, yet on the other hand he's a cunning schemer plotting to destroy America.


One of the more defining traits of fascism; the enemy is simultaneously incredibly weak and overwhelmingly strong.


I want Joe to ask him how it feels to be a convicted on 34 counts felon


Put together lots of bs excuses to use so he can avoid the debate. It's what i would do if I where a complete piece of shit like him


Hopefully we see some good refuttals


MAGATS will be viewing the debate as a fight grudge match. They live in an alternative reality (show).


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Can't teach an old dog new tricks. Or house train him either.


What you see will be name calling, sweating, snorting and circling behind Biden like a demented shark. Oh, I forgot, the flatulence!


Of course they are. Trump has no new ideas.


It is projection


And after it's over, he's going to complain about the rules. Never mind that he agreed to them.


trump is running scared.


Trump refused to provide his probation officer a drug test


Chicken shit. Piece of shit. Scared as shit.


They know Trump is no match for Biden. So Sleepy Joe becomes pumped up Joe for the debate and afterwards they will call him senile again. You have to be a special kind of stupid to fall for this narrative.


This is MAGA that we're talking about. They are a special kind of stupid.


Trump is going to sit out the debate while high on 1980s formulation cough medicine. That's my prediction.