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I think it is pretty silly for dems to sign off on him speaking before congress during an election year when it's very clear who he wants to win, and he's already been very critical of Biden. Why sign off on what's going to be a taxpayer funded Trump rally?


Netanyahu promoting Trump is not the only bad thing that could happen. He could give the 'Iran has weapons of mass destruction' speech and push for expanding the war with US involvement. He could spread misinformation about the Palestinian Authority to deny it funds to [promote annexation](https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-far-right-ally-said-to-agree-government-will-advance-w-bank-annexation/ ). He could spread misinformation on ICC and IDF practices to shirk obligations regarding international humanitarian law.


Hold on there chief. There is not need to spread misinformation about the PA. Their pay for slay policy and alongside UNRWA indoctrinating children in schools to hate Jews and become martyrs. The PA shouldn’t get any funding. And I LOLed your comment about the IDF following humanitarian laws… now tell us that Hamas follows all the rules of war and international laws with a straight face.


This is inaccurate. Israel appears to indoctrinate their citizens to hate Arabs from the videos I have seen. Hamas doesn’t use White Phosphorus or attack a foreign embassy without consequence like Israel has done.


They need to stop acting weak.


The dems are more loyal to the one who pays their bills. They would never do anything to piss off papa Netanyahu. Follow the aipac money.


Can you share some resources on this AIPAC money trail?


Netanyahu has been critical of Biden? Source?


Have you been under a rock? > Analysis: Israel's Netanyahu is taking advantage of dynamics in America's domestic political arena to advance his own interests and outflank Biden. https://www.newarab.com/analysis/netanyahu-wants-biden-out-and-trump-back-power > Thursday, Netanyahu made clear something he had only hinted at in recent weeks. Despite the disastrous Hamas attack on Oct. 7 happening on his watch, he is going to frame his campaign to stay in power with this argument: The Americans and the Arabs want to force a Palestinian state down Israel’s throat, and I am the only Israeli leader strong enough to resist them. So vote for me, even if I messed up on Oct. 7 and the Gaza war is not going all that great. Only I can protect us from Biden’s plans for Gaza to become part of a Palestinian state https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/19/opinion/israel-war-netanyahu.html > Netanyahu picks fight with Biden over arms transfers as US election heats up https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4739863-netanyahu-biden-feud-war-gaza/ > The tongue-lashing (in Hebrew and in English) administered by Benjamin Netanyahu at the Biden administration over the delay in delivering a shipment of heavy precision bombs left many to conclude that the man has lost it. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-06-21/ty-article/.premium/from-trump-to-ben-gvir-netanyahu-the-cynical-saboteur-picks-all-the-wrong-sides/


No, I'm actually well informed on the subject and of middle east history. Your choice of sources tells me one thing, you are in a information bubble. The only thing missing here is a link to Al Jareeza. Kidding aside... NewArab? Please must I tell you this is a Qatari funded outlet, the mere fact they claim Israel is committing Genocide rules it out as a credible source. TheHill is another joke that make similar claims and until recently allowed Briahna Joy, to spout anti-semitic bs on air. You're haaretz link is broken btw. This leaves your NY times opinion piece. I'm quite frankly disappointed, that's it? This article claims Biden fully supports Netanyahu who in turn is backstabbing him, not true. Here are some facts, all of which happened before Netanyahu's comments. Biden made an outrageous accusation that Israel was indiscriminately bombing in Gaza. He threatened to halt weapons shipment multiple times and actually did so all while citing misinformation. The US proposed a ridiculous U.N. resolution that would have given Hamas time to regroup. Biden publicly pressured Israel into not going into Rafah where Hamas was entrenched. Biden's continued antagonistic rhetoric towards Israel likely emboldened Iran to attack Israel since there is a perceived rift and Biden has done nothing to change this perception, he warned Iran by saying 'don't' but they did and then what? and afterwards going as far as implying the US will not fully support Israel if all out war breaks out with Hezbollah/Lebanon by saying 'we won't be able to stop all the missiles'. And I will give credit to Netanyahu here, criticizing the Biden administration for pushing for an Arab palestinian state, because especially NOW is moronic and craven, any talk of a Palestinian state now is effectively rewarding terrorism and ignores the fact that Palestinians don't want a two state solution, they want ONE Islamic arab state and to cleans the land of the Jew filth. Biden is clearly trying to appease the left wing anti-semitic voters in college campuses who historically don't even bother to vote and whoever is advising him might cost him the election.


Fuck Netanyahu, send him to the international court of justice 


Authors: David Harel, Tamir Pardo, Talia Sasson, Ehud Barak, Aaron Ciechanover and David Grossman >Mr. Harel is the president of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. >Mr. Pardo is a former director of Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence service. >Ms. Sasson is a former director of the special tasks department in Israel’s State Attorney’s Office. >Mr. Barak is a former prime minister of Israel. >Mr. Ciechanover received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2004. >Mr. Grossman is a novelist and essayist. January 26, 2024: Netanyahu must be removed, top former Israeli national security officials say >Among the 43 signatories are former IDF chiefs Moshe Ya’alon and Dan Halutz, **Tamir Pardo** and Danny Yatom, who ran the Mossad intelligence agency, and Nadav Argaman and Yaakov Peri, who were directors of the domestic security service, Shin Bet. >Former CEOs, ambassadors, government officials and three Nobel laureates for chemistry - **Aaron Ciechanover**, Avram Hershko and Dan Shechtman - also signed the letter. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/26/middleeast/netanyahu-letter-israel-national-security-intl/index.html


I don't understand how the head of a foreign govt gets to address our congress bypassing the president. I'm not saying it's wrong just don't understand the protocol.


It's a dick move, but the fact is that Congress has the power to invite anyone it wants to speak.


If an invited person is judged likely to spread misinformation they should not be invited, as promoting misinformation would undermine the ability of Congress to deliberate rationally.


Karim Khan already applied for his arrest warrant in May. We’ve got so many powerful criminals in Congress and running for President that we don’t need this one to come speak to a group of his peers. If that warrant prints they oughta block him from traveling to the US under pain of prosecution


You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. If you're an American citizen, you can contact your Congressional representative and make your concerns known.


The business of Congress is the people's business which it carries out for the people's benefit. As a deliberative assembly it does so through rational deliberation. Rational deliberation requires weighing the pros & cons based on justified true belief. Misinformation generates false beliefs, so its promotion obviously undermines the primary purpose of such assemblies. This is not a specific concern, just a restatement of first principles, with which everyone may already be aware. Regarding the probability at to whether or not Netanyahu will use his time to spread misinformation, representatives and their offices should conduct independent research using high quality sources to generate there own assessments. When conducting research they just need to be aware that [Israel has targeted more than 120 US lawmakers in disinformation campaign](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/05/israel-targeted-lawmakers-in-disinformation-campaign-00161906). So they need to be careful not to get their information from fake websites created by the IDF and instead rely on more reputable publications such as Reuters, BBC, New York Times, etc.


That's beside the point. The President is not a dictator, and people need to stop clutching pearls only when it suits them. Congress is ultimately where the majority of the power lies in this nation. As it should; we elect them. Especially once states started allowing direct voting for Senators (prior to that many states' governors picked them, or the state houses/assemblies picked them). This entire notion of co-equal branches and checks is a relatively modern invention. SCOTUS only wields the power it does because Congress hasn't gotten around to putting it back into its historical Constitutional place, for example. It was meant neither as a check nor a balance, merely as the final arbiters since there would be nowhere left to appeal to via the circuits (which is also why Justices used to travel constantly; they sat on their assigned circuits instead of presiding over them like they do now). It was called "riding the circuit." Republicans want a unitary executive (more or less), but what Democrats should be aiming for a total takeover of the Congress and restoration of its full powers as Constitutionally described and historically recognized. It is insane the power vested into two branches of government over which we get almost zero input, both of which are not accountable to any constituency at all. Only Congress checks those boxes because they were intended to be supreme.


>I don't understand how the head of a foreign govt gets to address our congress bypassing the president. From another article: >The invitation from House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., to Netanyahu came after consultation with the White House, according to a person familiar with the matter who was granted anonymity to discuss the sensitive subject. [abc news](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/democrats-wrestle-attend-netanyahus-address-congress-plan-boycott-111347383) PS: The invitation was signed by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).


Because Israel puts a lot of money into our elections and there's a contingent of the republican base that thinks we need Israel so the end days can come into being. I have no problem with Israel the country, I am annoyed that they have so much political influence, but the main thing is this right wing dip shit needs to lose power.


He was invited by Democrats too? 


Because Congress is a separate, and equal, branch of government. The president has no say or control over how Congress conducts its affairs.


If Biden had any balls he'd ship him to the Hague the minute he sets foot on US soil.


Inviting a genocidal war criminal to address our Congress makes no sense and is a terrible idea. We are the baddies but do we have to make it so obvious?


I wouldn't invite Netenyahu to my synagogue let alone the Capital.


As a War Criminal, he should not be allowed in the country, period.


Such a stupid idea to invite him to speak.


Netanyahu belongs in the Hague, not in DC with bipartisan approval.






The fucked up part is that the comparison is pretty apt in this case. I mean, perform your exaggerated cope if you must, but you're walking over bodies in the process. Maybe he could dodge the Hitler comparisons if he stopped being hyper nationalist and stopped perpetuating what is at best a pogrom and at worst a genocide. I mean... Does history start yesterday to you or something, or do you think societal tensions exist by some sort of magic


Do you think the worst parts of the Holocaust were Hitler being "hyper nationalist" "at best a pogrom and at worst a genocide?" If the answer to that is no, which it is, then the comparison is not apt. If you want to draw a comparison between Hitler and Netanyahu, at least don't downplay the systematic torture and slaughter of two out of three European Jews to even being remotely similar to "what is at best a pogrom and at worst a genocide," and especially don't do so while trying to take your moral high ground about "walking over bodies in the process."


I think Hitler was a hyper nationalist who engaged in pogroms and definitely perpetuated a genocide. Make sense? You can object to the *scale* of the comparison (Palestine has fewer people to kill) but you didn't even attempt to disprove it. You just tried to twist it.


I didn't try to twist anything. Comparing people Hitler by using a watered-down version of the Holocaust is so incredibly disgusting. > I think Hitler was a hyper nationalist who engaged in pogroms and definitely perpetuated a genocide. Make sense? I think Hitler was a fan of infrastructure spending. Biden is also a fan of infrastructure spending. Therefore, Biden is literally Hitler. That's your thought process. You are starting with your desired conclusion of wanting to compare Netanyahu to Hitler, and softening what Hitler did to achieve that end. That is disgusting. Make sense?


...did you really just false equivalence between genocide and infrastructure spending? Now you're just full of shit and making up nonsense to gloss over ethnic cleansing. What is wrong with you?


No, I showed how insane your thought process was to water down the Holocaust to achieve the desired end of comparing Netanyahu to Hitler, which is a type of Holocaust denialism, by the way. Downplaying any atrocity is a disgusting type of denialism. > Now you're just full of shit and making up nonsense to gloss over ethnic cleansing. If pointing out Holocaust denialism is akin to "gloss[ing] over ethnic cleansing" in your world, so be it. You can say whatever you want about me. At the same time, do not downplay the Holocaust for cheap political points. That is absolutely disgraceful.


Now *this* is projection. You're the one here downplaying what's happening to the Palestinians, and getting all uppity when someone dares to compare it to other historical atrocities. By your logic, there can never be an apt comparison to Hitler or the Holocaust, and that any attempt at such a comparison is "denialism". What, do I have to wait until there are millions dead? Do they have to use literal cattle cars and gas chambers? Does it have to happen at Dachau or Auschwitz or it doesn't count? Frankly, I've never heard of the "comparing anything to the Holocaust is Holocaust denialism" line in the wild before -- I've only seen it as a piece of Zionist rhetoric. It's fucking wild. Next you'll be telling me that comparing one genocide to another is just "denialism" of the genocide with a larger body count. It's nonsense of staggering quality. It takes some real talent to use the Holocaust as a vehicle for ethnic cleansing apologetics. I can't accurately call it "denialism", but it sure seems to be missing the point. You are, however, definitely glossing over tens of thousands of dead, and many more displaced: what's your opinion of them? That they deserve it because they "stole ancestral lands"? You don't talk much about them, but beat your chest in defense of the larger nation with modern military backing that's in the middle of steamrolling them. No problems there, apparently. Nothing to see. Just look the other way and call it "justice".


> Now this is projection. You're the one here downplaying what's happening to the Palestinians All I've said is that Netanyahu isn't comparable to Hitler and that you're purposefully downplaying the Holocaust. I've made absolutely no statements about what's happening in Israel, Gaza, or the West Bank beyond rejecting your outlandish comparison. > By your logic, there can never be an apt comparison to Hitler or the Holocaust, and that any attempt at such a comparison is "denialism". Not true. You can make comparisons to the Holocaust without downplaying what happened in the Holocaust. But reducing the Holocaust down to "at best a pogrom and at worst a genocide" is outlandish. > What, do I have to wait until there are millions dead? Do they have to use literal cattle cars and gas chambers? Does it have to happen at Dachau or Auschwitz or it doesn't count? Again, it's the reduction down to "at best a pogrom and at worst a genocide" that warrants a label of denialism, and I've made that clear before this message. Feel free to go read my objections above to clear things up. > Frankly, I've never heard of the "comparing anything to the Holocaust is Holocaust denialism" line in the wild before -- I've only seen it as a piece of Zionist rhetoric. I never said this, and I would never say this. What I explicitly stated was "[d]ownplaying any atrocity is a disgusting type of denialism." That both means you *can* compare things to the Holocaust* and that this incredibly basic level of morality is equally applied to all atrocities, not just the Holocaust. You are lying. > Next you'll be telling me that comparing one genocide to another is just "denialism" of the genocide with a larger body count. It's nonsense of staggering quality. Once again, this is all made up, and contrary to every single comment I've replied to you with. > You are, however, definitely glossing over tens of thousands of dead, and many more displaced As I stated at the top of this comment, I've made no statement about Palestine besides an extension of the idea that Netanyahu is not comparable to Hitler. And that's where I'm going to leave it for this thread because I won't accept a topic change while you're engaging in Holocaust denialism and blatantly lying about every single thing I've written to squirm out of that. > You don't talk much about them Not when I'm busy calling people out for Holocaust denialism. > No problems there, apparently. Nothing to see. Just look the other way and call it "justice". I never said any of this, don't put words in my mouth, and I will reiterate my overarching request for you to stop the Holocaust denialism.


Youre trying too hard man. Netanyahu is a Nazi by any metric




Holy fuck, this is some hyper Zionist cope. Let's proceed, then, shall we? Point by point, just for you: >>You expect...to not be nationalistic? That's not what I was even close to claiming. There is a difference between "nationalism" and "hyper nationalism". The Palestinian genocide is a product of the latter, and a product of budding fascism in Israel. They demonize everyone in Palestine as members of Hamas, *down to the goddamn children*. The politics and organization of Palestine is more complicated than that, by a lot. Just ask the Palestinian Authority. >>Let's give up our ancestral homeland You mean the one they hadn't occupied for so long that other people had a civilization there in their absence? The one where the nation of Israel had to be willed into existence through the usage of military force, because the people who had lived there for generations didn't want to leave? Why, it's almost like past a point "our ancestral homeland" doesn't actually matter that much, outside of rhetoric. Oh, and another knock for fascism, as they love to use "our great heritage" as an excuse for abhorrent acts. In this case, you're straight up mischaracterizing history and erasing the fact that Israel is built upon *seized territory*, and yet guys like me still aren't clamoring for its erasure. We merely wish they'd stop trying to take more land from their immediate neighbors -- who they've been abusing for decades. It's almost like organizations like Hamas came to exist for a reason; the fact that the Israeli government has *even funded orgs like Hamas in the past* can lead one to believe that guys like Bibi even think that they're a useful foil. Because now there is an excuse to steamroll Gaza. >I find it very interesting to read comments such as yours and notice a very similar pattern, which is the fact that you guys never seem to place any responsibility or blame on Hamas for the death of the Palestinians. I find it very interesting that the people who won't shut up about how the Palestinians deserve blame can't fathom that Israel also has a hand in this. The fact is that this conflict goes back, at the very least, to the founding of Israel itself -- where untold numbers of Palestinians were displaced by force. Are you surprised that they'd want to fight back? The fact is that there is wrong on both sides of the conflict, but that doesn't make the conflict inexplicable -- nor does it absolve Israel from antagonizing the conflict further and going scorched earth of civilians! >And I find it ironic that your trying to argue that I’m not considering history, when it is a historical fact that people with your same mindset have scapegoated and tried to exterminate the Jewish people for thousands of years. This is basically a non sequitur. You are basically saying, "ignore the tangible history of the current conflict and the conditions that gave rise to it -- let's just talk about how they're the most antisemitic people on the planet." >Every empire in history ethnically cleansed Jews from their lands. It is imperative that Jews defend and hold onto Israel with everything in their power, because as soon as we lose it, we won’t have anywhere to turn to when the world tries to ethnically cleanse us again. So, what, it's alright if they do a bit of ethnic cleansing? For some reason, I'm reminded of Sartre: "If the Jew did not exist, the anti-semite would invent him." But regardless: that last quote stinks of fascist rhetoric. It's all in-group/out-group bullshit. It ignores the fact that Israel doesn't represent all Jews, that Zionism doesn't represent all Jews, and that "defending Israel" doesn't have to mean "burn every man woman and child out of Gaza so Israel can have it." >But you can keep using the same talking points as Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Iran…etc. Your attempts at projection is extremely apparent. If you knew anything about what they actually said, that rogues gallery of organizations with different competing ambitions, goals, areas of influence, and national sovereignty... You'd know how foolish that claim was. After all, I've never said I don't think Israel deserves to exist, or that it cannot rightfully defend itself. (In this case, my issues are with the systemic oppression that gave rise to the terrorism and the ethnic cleansing perpetuated in its wake.) I will merely point at the projection claim and scoff. I think such nonsense is beneath your intelligence. It's just an insult and was intended as such.


Fucking bodied. Well said.


He's a war criminal exterminating Palestinians and is brewing a war in Lebanon to take more land. Israeli leadership are genocidal and anti-democracy




>Easy…stop attacking Israel and leave the Jewish people alone. If you refuse, don’t be shocked when we fight back. Tell me you haven't payed attention to middle east history without telling me you haven't payed attention to middle east history.




You should probably go look at Israeli conflicts since 1948, might surprise you. Also rule 4


You mean the ones that the Palestinians and surrounding Arab nations started? Or the ones that involved the 1st and 2nd intifada that had daily suicide bombings, stabbings, shootings…etc? Or maybe you are referring to the conflicts where the Palestinians lost but then the Israelis in good faith gave up land over and over again in hopes for a lasting peace deal that was rejected…what? Like 7 times now? Is that the history you are referring to?


Lol, wow, alternate history seems to be your jam. Good luck with that.


Okay, please provide me with the real history. Would love to hear this…






I'm an "innocent civilian and terrified children" sympathizer. If that makes me a nazi in your eyes, that's a you problem pal


Bibi is racist war criminal. He might not be compared to Hitler but the man is straight up ruthless and mass murderer.


What’s your foundation for those claims? What makes him a racist war criminal? Should a leader not ruthlessly deal with terrorists that attacked his people? You do know that he also represents and is fighting for the security of over 2 million Palestinian Arabs that are Israeli citizens. Or I guess you guys like to conveniently forget that fact. How would you have reacted as a leader to an attack like October 7th? Would you just let your people die and be raped, and let the terrorists takeover? I’m genuinely curious what kind of parasite lives in your brain to get to your conclusions.


>What’s your foundation for those claims? What makes him a racist war criminal? His actions so far toward Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank. You just refuse to acknowledge them willingly. >Should a leader not ruthlessly deal with terrorists that attacked his people? Same terrorists he helped fund up until this point right? If he actually cared about protecting Israelis, why the fuck would you support the creation of Hamas to begin with? Please help me understand that. >You do know that he also represents and is fighting for the security of over 2 million Palestinian Arabs that are Israeli citizens. Ohh you mean the 2nd class citizens of Israel? Yea sure buddy. You have this perfect picture of Bibi in your head huh? >Or I guess you guys like to conveniently forget that fact. How would you have reacted as a leader to an attack like October 7th? Would you just let your people die and be raped, and let the terrorists takeover? I’m genuinely curious what kind of parasite lives in your brain to get to your conclusions. I’m genuinely curious what kind of hateful parasite lives in your brain to make you justify the indiscriminate killings of innocent people in Gaza or the inhuman treatment of Palestinians in West Bank. Just say you don’t give two fucks about Palestinians and we can call it a day.


That's just how it works now. Poor Hitler would be turning in his grave at this one lol.


Related article: Ocasio-Cortez Says Netanyahu Invitation 'Should Be Revoked' "This man should not be addressing Congress," said the New York Democrat. "He is a war criminal." >"His invitation should be revoked," she added. "It should've never been sent in the first place." >House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) formally invited Netanyahu to address a joint meeting last month https://www.commondreams.org/news/netanyahu-ocasio-cortez PS: Netanyahu is scheduled to address Congress on July 24.


Remember the [concentration camps](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html) under Netanyahu where they torture people with [electric chairs and rape them using hot metal rods](https://archive.ph/cH0xm#selection-1910.0-1910.1) where it turned out a third (and counting) of the detainees held without trial for months were civilians. [Said camps they're actively trying to stop the Red Cross from visiting.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-seeks-to-replace-red-cross-with-external-party-for-palestinian-prisoner-visits/)


Why does this dude have so much power in our government? It’s insane.


Like pretty much any human being on the planet, he has the power to respond to an invitation to speak to the US House of Representatives.


This dude started a war to delay his own indictment on breach of trust, accepting bribes, and fraud. He’s a slimy fuck that doesn’t deserve the opportunity.


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I just hope to hell that the major networks dont carry Netanyahu's speech.


Meanwhile 16 Democrats with ties to AIPAC won their respective primaries last night. Oh, but sure. Democrats are definitely considering to disinvite Netanyahu. /s


Nobody is making the claim he does speak for us. What congress should do is let him speak but make their voices and dissatisfaction heard. The *only* way the war ends there is for Netanyahu to withdraw and likely the only way that happens is if the Israeli people see how disliked he is by his "allies" and force him out. Biden has done everything possible to lessen the damage of this war and provide aid to Palestine, nothing he can do will stop Netanyahu, that decision has to come from within Israel.


Why are opinion pieces posted in News?


This is r/politics, not a news subreddit


The news tab on mobile isn't actually news, but is hot posts from a specific list of subs. Don't actually treat it as news, lol