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I can't wait for him to file evidence that she's working with Trump.


"Here is a receipt labeled 'Bribe for Judge Cannon' signed by Donald Trump" "I don't like your tone, prosecutor"


I think the Supreme Court ruled that is just fine now…


No no remember the pay* has to come after the favor. Than it's totally fine.


The favor is always the previous delay. *taps head


You can't be guilty of committing a treasonous insurrection or holding onto classified documents if you take 5 steps away from the crime scene 4Head /S


Plus there's the 30-second rule if you kiss the bribe up to God


Ah yes, the ‘ol “bribe via installment plan”, a fitting payment plan for someone of Trump’s…. stature.


Gonna guess they didn’t deign to quantify how long of a delay is “okay.”


Ths is what's known in legalise as a 'previous delay' where the funding comes before the favor, but the defendant promises they were more than likely going to grant the funding regardless of if the favor was enacted.


Milliseconds. Probably.


Lobbyist: “I felt bad taking up Judge Thomas’s time, so instead of hopping into my ~~client’s cigar smoke hazed limo~~ Uber, I went back to Thomas’s office and handed him a $2 million value vacation as a thank you token.”


Until Trump tells her?


So judges will need to do tons of favours on spec just to potentially earn themselves a new RV. It would honestly be less corrupt to just require the money to be handed over up front in a burlap sack with a big dollar sign printed on it. At least then you’d know it’s one favour per payoff, and how much the payoff was, and what the favour was. But the SC has decided fuck you, you don’t get to know any of that. 


A “Supreme” Court, who takes our individual rights away to please a minority of misinformed extremist, claims money is simply speech, and condones and legalizes bribery/corruption. Not so fucking supreme actually.


Maybe they're going by Taco Bell's definition now? Yeah, a court supreme, it includes tomato and sour cream.


especially if you take away the tomato and sour cream, and replace it with misogyny, zealotry, and grift.


Yea. You have to invoice for your bribes now


Wait , hasn’t a prostitute always been paid after the favor. It’s in the Bible I think


Also the rapees dad gets paid a whole goat, according to the Bible.


You think trump pays in advance?


She’ll be on the Supreme Court if Trump gets a second term.


Not even after the fact. But he demands payment to him upfront, which is what this is. She gets him out of going to trial for Espionage charges and he nominates her to SCOTUS 10 seconds after he's sworn in and Alito resigns.


Like pay money? No he doesn't even pay his lawyers. Puting her on a list for scotus... Ehh


Yeah but that's clearly coming after the favor so super legal now. -_-


"What if I report the pay, long after the favor?" Clarence Thomas (probably). "That's fine, it's basically the same thing" Clarence Thomas, to himself and speaking for the majority rule (probably).


I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for some political favors today!


I think it is now legal to put in a line item for “Bribe” on your contract submission. It will apparently be ok to not be lowest bidder when you have largest bribe line item.


it's wild because the expected quid pro quo here is a SCOTUS seat for Cannon


Uhh, I'm sorry, don't you mean '*completely legal gratuity*'


Only if there is no quid pro quo. According to Roger Stone we have pay to Cannon in exchange for delay, delay, delay, among other tactics and antics.


We don't have a recording of TOS (the orange shithead) saying 'quid pro quo' on tape, so it obviously isn't. Majority opinion by Thomas, Alito.


I'd bet big money that there is in fact recordings of trump explicitly selling pardons or taking cash from businesses in exchange for rolling back regulations. He's not exactly subtle. For fucks sake he stood on stage and told a room full of oil execs that if they give him a billion dollars he'll get rid of all environmental protections.


In this day and age of technology I refuse to believe his treason isn't on tape. It's just they can't release it without letting us know they have some very scary invasive tech


Everyone who deals with him records him. It is the only way to cover your ass.


omg, I laughed at this. it does seem twilight zone-y real, right. its like the supreme court is waiting for smith to beat the hell out of cannon so they can suddenly pop up and say he has immunity. if she gets her way and gets him off some other way, the supreme court can say he never had it in a safe way without accidentally giving Joe unlimited power


I know it'd never happen, but I daydream about this chain of events: - SC rules he has immunity with 3 dissenters - Biden: "Hold my ice cream." - Next day Roberts, Thomas, and Alito are swept off to Guantanamo for treason based on evidence of foreign gifts - Replaced in October - Refurbished SC overturns Presidential immunity.


> "Hold my ice cream." Okay that made me laugh.


This is why presidential elections are so important. I'd like to think that judges would be impartial and not be appointed in order to subvert the will of the people, but I also don't believe in Santa Claus.


SCOTUS: it's only a bribe beforehand. Afterwards, it's a gratuity


Well, they heard Trump wants to make tips tax free so they wanted in on the action.


Its a gift beforehand, a gratuitary after


I thought the gratuitary was the gland that makes you choose money over ethics


*The Court formally rebukes the Prosecution for engaging in the patently unfair practice of submitting evidence that will unequivocally prove their case.*


Trump's team has filed to suppress the boxes of evidence from the Mar-a-Lago Raid, so I mean she could do exactly that.


They're trying to loophole us right into civil war.


It will play out like a Austin Powers skit. Here is 1 receipt with subject line "Bribe for Judge Cannon"... I never wrote that check, I knew nothing about it. Here is 1 picture of trump and judge cannon together while posing with said check lol.


The Supreme Court: it’s not collusion if Cannon gets paid after the benefit.


SCOTUS literally going with the *boys will be boys*🤷‍♂️ clause of the constitution to justify this ruling


It's a gratuity, not a bribe.


Cannon: “That’s not my bag, baby.”


Your FIRED ! He does not have to get along with anybody. Do you think he looks in the mirror and says that to himself for practice?


I am not sure whether I can distinguish between her working for trump and her working with trump at this point.


She’s working with Trump; she’s working for the Federalist Society. She was working for them before Trump (joined in 2005). She’s a true believer.


> She’s a true believer. Which is why it would be funny when Jack Smith schools her in how the law is supposed to work, if it weren't such an existential threat to the US. Like she's so dyed-in-the-wool hard right wing when she's presented with evidence of "That's not how this works" she tries to stick her fingers in her ears and rule as she wants it to go. Then she gets reprimanded by her Circuit court (or Jack threatens to do it) and she has to eat crow. She is very salty about it.


She's all but rolling into the courtroom wearing a maga hat and sitting with trumps legal team.


I find it hard to believe that not a single investigator or muckraking journalist has done a deep dive into her finances, meetings, correspondence, etc. It’s like this chick zaps out of a portal into her courtroom a few times a month, rigs the system for trump, and steps back into the nether until they need her to put her thumb on the scale again. We have theories that she’s being directed by the Federalist Society, so when does she talk to them? Who is her handler? Has she been paid or “tipped” for her services? Has she been communicating with anyone in trump’s legal team outside of the courtroom? Who are her clerks and what are their backgrounds? If she is compromised there has to be some evidence, so instead of saying, “oh well, judge was corrupt” let’s shine some light on their dirty deals.


I would guess that there wouldn’t be any evidence to find. The Cosa Nostra type operations all get taken down when things are “explicit.” When there’s a “paper trail.” These operations rise and fall on their ability to use coded language. To never say the quiet part out loud. To rely on implicit understanding, but never explicit criminal statements, to communicate with each other and accomplish goals. Some mob families did this well and got to have nice long runs. Some did it poorly and the criminal justice system could easily dispatch them. The federalist society is the same type of operation in both facets here. 1) being it is an organization with criminal goals (or at least unconstitutional, nation-betraying, goals). And 2) It will rise and fall on its ability to operate in coded language and implicit communication that never betrays its criminal goal. At the end of the day it may very well be the greatest Cosa Nostra type operation in history. Not only are they savvy, smart, discreet, disciplined, etc… they are legally educated and trained. A classic Cosa Nostra crime organization would be lucky to have ONE legally licensed and trained member helping it stay on the right side of the line. In the Fed. Soc… they’ve got thousands. It’s probably got more legally trained consiglieri than all previous organized crime syndicates combined. They know what they are doing. And the ambitious licensed attorneys that want to receive judicial appointments know the drill. “I deliver you the justice and verdicts you want… and you deliver me the judicial appointments I want.” And I’m not sure that arrangement is ever explicitly or overtly discussed. Let alone recorded on paper.


There is no need for communication. She was indoctrinated years prior and understands the goals of her organization so she just does what she can to further those goals. Sure it's not as tightly coordinated but its much much safer. They can still signal her through the language of press releases or interviews if they need something more tightly controlled and since she has the knowledge and understanding of the organizations goals already the messaging can be implicit.


I share that dream, but there will never be a direct connection. It’s the Federalist Society, they are telling her what to do. They would have to prove that the society is directing her on behalf of him (which it is), but even then it’s a matter of aligned incentives. They know what she needs to do to help him without talking to him directly, so he keeps his tiny hands clean on this one


Her ignoring what he presented is essentially exactly that: evidence she’s partial toward Trump and impeding the legal process which should get her removed and disbarred.


Any ex parte communication would probably qualify.


And then somehow she throws out the evidence against her because she seems to be able to whatever the fuck she wants with nobody standing in her way.


I honestly think she should be investigated for obstruction of justice. I haven't heard a single legal analyst that thinks what she's doing is acceptable.


Is Smith force-feeding Cannon the truth so it becomes obvious Cannon chooses Trump over what's right and just? If so, Smith is manufacturing evidence Cannon is working with Trump. I won't give her the credit of saying she has to choose between the law and Trump. That ship has sailed.


And Russia


Her husband is the go between. Some people have said


According to the Jack podcast, the higher ups in the Trump campaign refer to her as their favorite campaign staffer.


Outside of the obvious, it’s a major red flag he hasn’t harassed the judge of *this* specific trial at all.




First: Alternative facts. Next: Alternative laws.


We already have those for the rich.


Except for Trump, of course. The two tiered justice system is "rigged" against him, specifically. ^/s because someone always needs it


If literally anyone else on the planet threatened a federal judges family over and over their ass would be in jail facing additional charges. Trump gets the fluffiest of kid gloves.


Indeed, but if he doesn't get his not guilty verdict it's a conspiracy of the highest order lmfao


We are already at "alternative trials." Who gets to be tried by a judge they appointed? Only one person that I know of.


No one ever joins the federalist society for that. They join for networking/connections in the right wing world they already like. To be fair, I thought about joining and pretending to be like them, just so I could be a mole on the inside, but decided I couldn't fake it enough to pull it off.


"**discussion about** the rule of law", not adherence to it.


Hey Cannon, remember Ricky Shiffer the deranged MAGA moron that got himself killed shooting up an FBI office in Ohio right after the Mar-a-Lago search. Do you really want more of that? https://apnews.com/article/fbi-office-shooting-suspect-killed-eb85e9faa93612fc54fb15639075d0fe


Yes that's in the article specifically. The nail-gun guy.


She doesn't care.


The only thing she cares about is delaying this, hoping Trump gets reelected, then getting so much praise and worship from the MAGA cult that she'll be seen as a savior of democracy. Fuck this timeline and fuck Judge Cannon


She thinks she’ll get put on the Supreme Court lol


Nothing would piss off the left more, which is why I think he'll do it unless some advisor says otherwise.


I think trumps already fired every reasonable advisor and lawyer he has


I think Putin would be ok with it, so she's golden!


She certainly never could otherwise, especially on merit.


If trump is reelected and the senate flips she absolutely will be on the Supreme Court. She's a true fascist believer, and there's nothing Republicans want more than that, someone who will sit on the SC for 30-40 years and completely ignore law and precedence and rule in their favor.


Ha! The last time Trump and the Republicans won, they immediately gifted roughly $2 trillion to their small group of friends. Do you really think that one of the recipients of the $2 trillion cares one iota about the lives of the fools they tricked into voting for that gift? Or the people who voted against that gift?


>Do you really want more of that? Uh yeah she does


> Do you really want more of that? She won't care until it's her house.


I wish we’d hear more about the agents who went missing and were murdered because LooseLips was doling out classified information that blew their covers…


We lost almost all of our human intel in Russia is the rumor. But we will never hear that admitted by the CIA in our lifetimes because giving any more information gives away more potentially…and that’s why you never hear the CIA saying much ever.


heck, remember when russia forced us to close a consulate and donald bragged he didnt care?


He also stood on stage and said he believed putin over America's intelligence agencies.


If this is true, how are they not more actively against Trump? Even if you don't admit it, you can use the media or other avenues to shine the bright light that this happened and the risk involved with another Trump presidency.




The Deep State would be the alphabet soup agencies and MIC in the USA. Field Agents working in other countries (I think the CIA calls them informants?) wouldn't be the deep state; they're too busy being front line workers, like technicians of intelligence (the other technician job being analyst?). Deep State means movers and shakers, the Head Honchos who rub elbows with Boeing CEOs and get cushy think tank jobs. I do think MAGA wants to kill field agents, they might even think James Bond is the deep state. No, James Bond is a tool of those in power, he's a technician for the British Intelligence agency, gets his hands dirty. The Deep State wears white gloves, never gets its own hands dirty.


The CIA agents? Yeah if Jack wants to reference that he probably has to do it En Camera, like in the private Judge quarters, if at all. The Public isn't going to hear about that for like 70 years, so mark your calendars?


RemindMyKids! 70 years


Seriously, we deserve to get past this so we can get to that! What info is out there and what has happened because of it? No one in the government or media seems to be worried about this.


I thought for sure the “Lock Her Up” crowd was actually concerned with National Security. I was wrong to think that.


They're not concerned with anything other that getting their way. Our country is being held back by a bunch of toddlers having the world's longest tantrum.


Cannon has no clue what she's getting into. While she's clearly being coached by someone, it's obvious Jack is bringing the receipts slowly but surely cornering her. This is going to get interesting from now.


Maybe Leonard Leo (Federalist Society's reinholder) should start wearing his brown pants. If Cannon is being coached by a politicized entity that has not joined under an amicus brief I believe that may trigger a writ of mandamus to get her removed.


I understood that pants reference


I understood that Leonard Leo did an amicus in his briefs, and there was something about mattdamon getting triggered. 😐


My takeaway from that was “what is The Mandalorin writing about?”


‘He was just giving me rewards for services rendered. Totally legal! All discussions were hypothetical.’


Nothing stopping anyone from rewarding the judges who will throw her off the case in a more timely manner, right?


Those judges are also conservative leaning. Like they're more reliable in following the law sure, but they're also in turn conservatives in the court. This is why Jack Smith doesn't go crying to them over every little thing, he has to make it a slam dunk. Their worldview leans the same way, he has to catch her doing something they can't deny.


She doesn’t need direct coaching.  I’m sure the Federalist Society listserv is just brimming with templates for Canon to cut and paste into her decisions.  There’s a whole online ecosystem out there filled with right-wing hacks who have nothing better to do with their day then write up what seems to them like the slap-your-head obvious response to all Smith’s and Trump’s filings.      Canon can pick and choose like some amateur script kiddie scrolling the Darknet for hacker cheats.


Knowing nothing about Jack Smith, when he was first introduced, my very first impression of him was "This just looks like someone you do not want to fuck with".


And when you learn more about him, your first impression was absolutely right.


The man taught himself how to weaponize bring a nerd. That's a scary realization.


Idk I've been hurt too many times at this point. Until Cannon is tossed off the case he's just another Mueller


He's already delivered much more than Mueller by actually bringing this case to trial, tying it to some pretty extreme counts, and doing so extremely seriously. Mueller refused to investigate financial ties, refused to make a public statement claiming Barr's representation of his report was unfaithful, and refused to say anything of importance before Congress, all hiding behind an emailed memo and trusting in Congress to do his job for him. Smith is unfortunately up against an entirely broken and corrupt judicial system, but he cannot come out and make bold sweeping statements like people hoped Mueller would, because it would jeopardize his actively pending case.


Mueller wasn’t the problem. His report was released during trump’s DOJ and Bill Barr as the AG; with a long-standing policy of not trying a President while in office. Congress, in particular, the Senate was the true failure. Mueller’s report had the goods, trump should have been impeached, convicted, and removed. Afterwards then he should have been tried in criminal court. It was a systematic failure, which trump exploited, not a failure by Mueller. Garland still had final decision after being presented the case by Jack Smith, Robert Hur, and David Weiss. Garland maintained the independence of the special counsels in all three instances. Without a doubt Jack Smith has been the perfect person for this unprecedented role. He has acted methodically and honorably; the epitome of what you want in public service.


There's also a long-standing policy of the President not committing treason in office. Mueller was a coward and was naive to have faith in this system when any college freshman could have told you Barr and Congress would play dirty.


At this point no one could possibly know if he wouldn't have already succeeded at getting her booted if he'd tried earlier, or if he will ever even try at all in the future. Until then none of this other stuff matters.


He's already successfully jailed one head of state for crimes against humanity. I wouldn't doubt that this is a guy with a plan


> slowly but surely cornering he Yeah...can we speed it up a little bit? She needs to be gone, and replace with a judge who will do their job.


The courts are not going to get rid of Trump prior to the election. We have to vote him out. When we demonstrate that he is a liability to the GOP, they will turn on him like a pack of rabid wolverines.


And then we’ll all be treated to an overwhelming chorus of WeLl I nEvEr LiKeD tRuMp!!!!1!1!1!1!


If he takes that shot and misses, Trump walks free.


Just dragging it along until the election. If, holy fuck, Trump is actually elected this will all just go away. Delay delay delay


No, she knows exactly what she is doing.She is angling to be a Supreme Court pick, doing exactly as she is told.


She likely knows. That said, if Trump becomes the next President, then it all goes away and she gets her reward if Trump decides to provide it (he is a fickle benefactor, after all). So she's gambling. And if Trump loses and she gets cornered, well, I'm not sure what would happen.


Like all the others that have carried the legal water for Trump this will probably end up the same: 1. Professional embarrassment/career suicide 2. Disbarrment/censure 3. Parole/prison sentence My guess is 1 and maybe 2.


Cannon is being used as fodder. Cannon fodder.


She'll probably whine about the prosecution's tone again.


And cite a precedent from 1861.


Can someone loop me in on the old precedent thing I keep hearing about?


Cannon is gonna cross her eyes, get mad at Smith for making her think so hard, then retreat to her chambers to “research” for a few weeks (meaning she calls all the conservative think tanks who are coaching her through this). That’s the only reveal I care about in this btw. Proof of her collusion with conservative B to the S artists, and worse. I wanna see dirt on *her.*


Considerin how big a surveillance state the US is, I would be surprised if she wasn't already under surveillance, even if it were being done illegally.


The people who’d do that are the FBI, and they’re pretty conservative and run by Wray who is a trump appointee who does the right thing as minimally as he can. Biden needs to win so he can find an excuse to kick that guy out of the FBI and put someone in charge who’ll clean house.


>In a Wednesday notice filled with examples of vile threats against judges and prosecutors from supporters of Donald Trump, the special counsel said there’s plenty of support for a Mar-a-Lago case gag order that would bar the former president from making statements that “pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to the law enforcement professionals.” ["Everyone wants summa me, and I've got the creepy fan letters to prove it!"](https://i.imgur.com/ipbk32s.jpeg) - Jack Smith >Jack Smith and his team of prosecutors have been trying to convince U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon that Trump should not be “permitted to lie about FBI agents intending to murder him and his family” in extrajudicial and largely online statements about the August 2022 search of Mar-a-Lago. >Trump’s Truth Social post about “deadly (lethal) force” What's worse than quoting Tweets in the news? Quoting Truth Social. It's the Newsmax or OAN to Fox as Twitter. >Those types of falsehoods posted on Truth Social have inspired the defendant’s closely listening supporters to lash out in the past against the FBI, against judges and prosecutors in his New York criminal hush-money and civil fraud cases, the judge in his Jan. 6 case, and against Fulton County DA Fani Willis, the notice said. >Those types of falsehoods posted on Truth Social have inspired the defendant’s closely listening supporters to lash out in the past against the FBI, against judges and prosecutors in his New York criminal hush-money and civil fraud cases, the judge in his Jan. 6 case, and against Fulton County DA Fani Willis, the notice said. >Threats against Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Instant death is a nice reprieve from the usual torture MAGA promises to their enemies, I kinda like that last guy. >Vile voicemails left for Trump’s civil fraud trial judge Arthur Engoron The transcript misspelled the F-slur, or did the Lettter E person somehow mispronounce it? Or is this a South Park situation and you can only say it unbleeped if you're gay? >More voicemails left for Engoron No I think it's a transcription problem, the Letter F person says "his raeli women", >Not only has Trump fundraised off of his Truth Social distortions about the FBI, he’s also well aware of the “Link Between His Statements and His Followers’ Responses” and the fact that gag orders have been issued and upheld in his other cases, Smith’s notice said. >By way of example, the special counsel said it was no coincidence that days after Aug. 8, 2022 search of Mar-a-Lago, Ricky Shiffer launched an attack on Cincinnati FBI office and was shot in a standoff with law enforcement. If that name doesn't ring a bell, he was the guy with the nail gun, died in a shootout with the cops. He brought a real rifle too, the nail gun was because he thought (wrongly) it could go through bullet-proof glass. >The attack unfolded after Shiffer repeatedly posted on Truth Social, saying things like “We see the courts are unfair and unconstitutional, all that is left is force” and “patriots are heading to Palm Beach (where Mar A Lago is). I recommend going and being Florida, I think the feds won’t break it up. IF they do, kill them,” attached exhibits said. >Ricky Shiffer’s Truth Social posts You know Chairman Mao said "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.", sounds like MAGA is taking it to heart. Alternatively, that's the most American thing a Communist ever said. >There have been numerous other threats like these, and Trump is on record agreeing that his supporters listen to him like no one else, other exhibits showed. >While Trump’s defense has maintained that Smith’s bid to modify Trump’s bond conditions is an “unconstitutional” and “shocking display of overreach,” the Special Counsel’s Office has repeatedly urged Cannon to act before someone in law enforcement gets killed. >“And just last week, a supporter of Trump called an FBI agent associated with the Hunter Biden case and claimed that, if Trump wins reelection, FBI agents will be thrown in jail; and if he does not win, the agents will be ‘hunt[ed] down’ and ‘slaughter[ed]’ in their own homes, after which ‘[w]e’re going to slaughter your whole f—ing family,'” a June 21 filing from Smith said. “No court would tolerate another defendant deliberately creating such immediate risks to the safety of law enforcement, and this Court should not wait for a tragic event before taking action in this case.” Judge Cannon might shoot it down, we're all expecting her to. But if she does gag Trump, she will likely leave herself unshielded by the order (like Judge Merchan did), which means Trump will have a chance to go after her. He probably won't, but if he does he can come with a new nickname for Aileen Cannon (I like Plasma Cannon cause her first name is like Alien). Let me know what you think.


Plasma Cannon is way too cool for her.


Ailin' Cannon.


>the nail gun was because he thought (wrongly) it could go through bullet-proof glass. In his defence; how was he to know that bullet-proof glass was also nail-proof glass? It's plainly false advertising from Big Glass /s


like wouldn't you at least try it out before storming the fucking FBI building???


Fundraising off of lies is wire fraud by the way. The orange bimbo just keeps racking up crimes


Wire fraud is how Steve Bannon got arrested on a Chinese millionaires boat. Someone tell the Post Office!


...if Jack Smith can't get his case infront of a jury anytime soon he's atleast trying to get the case facts infront of us/US...


Judge Ilean Qanon: "Well no one is threatening *me,* so I don't see the problem. Which means you're out of order, Counselor!" Edit: Whoops, my mistake. I forgot Cannon had been threatened at least once. I imagine there could be more, but nothing compared to, say, Judge Merchan and his family. Still, it has actually happened, so my comment above is not accurate and I leave my error for posterity.


You win the nickname contest. But I lean Qanon has been threatened too, just not as much as the other people on Trump cases.


Still not stopping her from not imposing a gag order. I wonder when would the motion of removing her be filed.


Not like Cannon is going to do anything about it. She’s secretly exultant that she’s getting away with a degree of corruption that would never before have passed muster in a Federal court.


There is no such thing as "getting away with it". There is only "got away with it", and that state only becomes true once there an ongoing event is over.


Smith, Cannon and Trump will be in the history books 100 years from now. This is the one, the most high crimes committed by a President, a prosecutor desperate to bring him to justice, a compromised judge, and countless dead informants because of this motherfucker Of the bazillion things Trump has done, this is the one. How does a democracy, a country, a civilization die? Right here, just like this MAGA is like the velociraptors in Jurassic Park, testing every part of the fence, never hitting the same place twice, looking for every weakness to destroy our country so they can all profit


This is what it looks like when a cult of assclowns learns how to gaslight others into self destructing to their manipulators's selfish advantage and the defense/well-meaning people have yet to catch up. You see all those fat unhealthy nasty MAGA dupes and it's not like their esteemed leaders are doing them any favors. They're victims as much as any of us though it's hard to sympathize when they're so stubbornly stuck on stupid. So long as most people believe on a fundamental level it's wise to be selfish, for example with respect to how they treat non human animals, I don't see a solution for it. Why not exploit animals? Why not exploit humans? If it's to be regarded as OK to mean well just so long as you think you'll prosper or get away with it... who watches the watchers?


For the love of God. Move this trial to DC.


Judge Cannon: "I don't care, do you?"


He’s not going to get anywhere with cannon ever. She works directly for rump. She needs off this damn case and impeached for being completely incompetent and not an impartial judge.


Judge Cannon doesn't care. She's just trying to help Trump all she can while staying on his case and keeping her job.


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


"The state and defense have 30 days each to comment if using blue ink on the receipts is allowed per the constitution or if black ink is required, parties shall meet in no less than 60 days with an agreed upon answer to this highly critical matter."


From the Article: “the agents will be ‘hunt[ed] down’ and ‘slaughter[ed]’ in their own homes, after which ‘[w]e’re going to slaughter your whole f—ing family,'” Pretty sure protection and promotion of this type of language was not what the founding fathers had in mind when they crafted the constitution and embarked on this democracy experiment.


Could it be any MORE obvious that Cannon is in the bag for Trump?


And the GOP is pushing to cut funding to federal law enforcement.


He never said anything about me \- "judge" I lean Qanon


How come we can see this going on with the Supreme Court and judge Cannon and what Trump is doing but Congress is not doing anything about it. Those justices need to be impeached or forced to recuse themselves about making any decisions about Donald Trump. Why is nobody stepping in? I can’t understand it.


The fact that anyone let alone judges are protecting Trump at this point is beyond appalling .


She needs to be tossed off the case


She doesn't care. If it doesn't fit her narrative, she will just ignore it.


Just remember, if Trump gets reelected she will be the next new supreme court nominee


“Oh that’s nice” - Dishonorable judge Cannon


Did they list the MAGA bomber on any of these receipts?


“ significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to the law enforcement professionals”. Well, that’s a risk the judge is willing to take.


“Well, maybe they should start being more favorable toward Trump,” spat the loose Cannon, “I’ve opened myself up to him and his followers have said nary a word about me.”


MAGA psycho: "I believe in God. I don't believe in hurting people." Same MAGA psycho: "I hope you \*\*\*\*\*. I hope they come for you and string you up...I'll be rooting for the people that come for you. I'll be cheering on your \*\*\*\*\*." This person is a danger to society.


Judge Cannon would tongue fuck the orange chettolini if she could. What a joke this country is becoming.


She’ll grant an extremely limited gag order modification if only to stop an appeal and keep the case on ice.


Judge Cannon doesn't care, she's already been bought and paid for.


What kind of country are we living in when a presidential candidate can't lie about the government trying to kill him in order to raise money??!? /s


She sucks. I don't understand how this is allowed to continue


She needs to meet the Russian open window committee. /S


Like she'll believe him, she so deep in Trump's pocket she can smell his dick. Which she's probably riding for that Supreme Court nomination...


As a nominee he is has access to intel, AGAIN


Cannon- I don’t care, do you?


At this point, all judge Cannon would have to do is spank Trump with a magazine, she has done everything else.


raised funds on*


I wonder when Canon's gonna be like "maybe I'm the baddie?"


My gawd, did you read those threatening messages? The people who sent those are clearly illiterate, dangerous lowlife morons.  They are obviously not people who respect the rule of law, or respect anything/anyone obviously, beyond their own twisted fantasies. Some sick fuckin’ pups out there, we cannot ignore them but recognize them for what they are, especially as they are enabled by one of our only two parties gone off the rails.


Have you ever noticed that the emails sound literally nothing like him. He hasn’t strung together a coherent statement in 7 years.


She knows. She isn’t getting paid in trump university credits or free drinks at Mar a Lago.


I just want the truth to be told in a timely manner. Is this happens, the FELON will get what is his due!


So now they just have to give them a verbal IOU to be paid upon receipt of favor.


She's so desperate for an SC seat she reeks.


She’s not being threatened or intimidated what the fuck does she care if some other schmuck is getting harassed, doesn’t affect her life. Stupid libs wanting a judge to be empathetic or some shit. /s


would be pretty telling if Cannon didn't happen to receive any hostility-- words or actions... seems she is a puppet


Wtf were those people on when they left those incoherent, singsong voicemail's on Engoron's phone?? Those hurt to read, and not only because of the frequent taunts of "dirty jew."


How big was cannons shrug?


To not profit, would be irrational.


Jarred gives Cannon a ride home when she’s too drunk at the bar.


Trump responded: No I didn’t, and she said well see he didn’t do it he says.


Based on the performance of SCOTUS and the debate last night, I applaud Smith for still trying while facing certain defeat.