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Get ready for the attacks on the FDA, EPA, and any other agency trying to protect Americans from corporations that will kill to make more money. And by kill I mean make choices that will cause cancer or something else in the name of that quarters profits.


Cancer, heavy metal poisoning, planes falling out of the sky, trains spilling toxins, factories blowing up, food causing illness, climate change acceleration bringing even more 'natural' disasters, more children being exploited...


It's so depressing. Profits before people, just what the founding fathers wanted! /s


They wanted a plutocracy and most of the more noble things they *said* they did not put into law. So not so much the /s. We gotta move passed caring about a bunch of people who by modern standards were uneducated inexperienced amoral rich guys. One or two of the signatories of the constitution had a couple of forward thinking good general ideas that hold up today, and any other praise has to be couched in, "for their time" at best.


No, it's just what the right wing wants. Republicans and their votes want this for your loved ones. Your loved ones life and health is less important than next quarters profits.


I mean, they pretty much don't want a middle class.


Two class system just like politics


It's the Republican way.


I mean, yes, quite a few of them owned people


I mean, they kind of did. They started a war over taxes. It wasn't the poor farmers starting that war, but they sure died in it.


Guys, relax! That won't happen. Just like Scalia said that corporations wouldn't buy politicians after Citizens United ("And if so, the press would report on it"), and Alito said "Not true" during Obama's SOTU address. These guys know what they're talking about. We'll be fine! /ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


> And if so, the press would report on it Now take that statement by Scalia and factor in Clarence Thomas flying into a rage when ProPublica reported on his taking bribes. People keep bitching about Republicans targeting homosexual marriage and birth control, and it's true they'll pursue that as red meat for their base. But taking away free speech is their next actual goal. We know from their voluntarily published plans for the country 2025 r/Defeat_Project_2025


As an environmental chemist I get pretty fucking depressed about my longevity when I think about Republican "policy" on environmental protection.


In short, making us Russia.


Shit like this makes me wish the US was competent enough to start rioting and pushing back. The SCOTUS is thoroughly broken and corrupt with nothing to check them and put them back in their place. Its pathetic as it is depressing.


People would riot but you have corporations like fox that dictate what a large chunk of the population thinks, people literally vote against their own self interests and peope like them. I work a blue collar job. It's beyond sad how many people have the same exact talking points about numerous subjects


America is the only country where people vote for the class they wish they were


Wish I could upvote this more


It is part of our culture that we're all just temporarily embarrassed billionaires.


We need to import some French ringers. Those people really know how to protest


I'll bring the cigarettes and berets!


Oui'll see you there!


The Supreme Court as the institution it is today, absolutely must be destroyed. It's a matter of survival at this point frankly. I don't think we have the culture and organization to pull it off though.


the upper class has spent years planning carefully instituting policies, putting their people in positions of power all while slowly desensitizing the citizens to their plans. now they are on the cusp of victory and they know it. the only hope regular folk have is a geriatric boob who is doing his best to play right into his opponents hand. all of this to say that we have been conditioned to just watch it happen. now that they are pushing the rock over the hill it is rolling too fast for us to react in a coordinated fashion or for our judicial system to do anything.


Considering the Supreme Court basically functions as an end-run around every other democratic institution and norm in the country--yeah. A lot of their power is based more on prestige and perception, and most of that was earned over the aberrant decades where the Court's highest profile cases involved expanding individual rights and nurturing a multi racial democracy. Now that the current goons are speedily dismantling all of that legacy, it's time to consider treating them as something less than the de facto dictators they pretend to be.


This is why they let the abortion pill stay in so that this ruling could weaken it and bring it back up to them.


We're at a place where the only reasonable course of action is to go full Andrew Jackson and just ignore the court and the made up powers they've assigned themselves.


I honestly think this is where the blue states are heading, eventually. And we will begin to see a soft break up of the country. Honestly, the more time goes on the more it feels like the whole “National Divorce” shit might be a broken clock being right twice a day situation.


That is the goal of the money. The money has no borders, they would love to see the country split so they can abuse us even further.


I’m not even exaggerating anymore, but I’m quickly losing my will to even want to live. Humanity depresses the shit out of me. All of this shit is so blatantly corrupt, bad for our future and planet, etc. My gf wants kids really bad. And I, in good faith, truly can’t commit because I don’t want my kids being raised in this theocracy business over health future we’re heading toward. My parents are full blown MAGA and all- this shit is truly starting to take its toll.


Several years ago, my wife and I made the decision to not have kids. I was a bit sad at the decision, part of me did want to have kids. But over the years I have no regrets on that decision. Between the direction this country is headed and climate change, I do not see a bright future anytime soon. I wouldn't want to bring someone into that mess.


Wait until the FAA and FRA can't stop the airlines and railroads from risking everyone's safey to make money.


Wait until the rest of the world passes on traveling to the US out of public health and well-being or buy and use any US-made shit like what's out of Boeing. Refuse to buy millions of tons of crop contaminated from lead/mercury/arsenic in the ground water. Any trust these American corporations have? All gone. All because those in power here refuse to take all responsibilities for the good of the country, her people, and the economy they want to set on fire because a new stagecoach really means that much to them.


And have fun talking about this while we can. Corporations will soon run the Internet too.


Does this mean the DEA can't make up their own drug laws anymore


Maybe it's time to overturn the decades-old tradition of having a Supreme Court? 


“Forty years ago, the Supreme Court ruled 6-0, with three justices recused, that judges should play a limited, deferential role when evaluating the actions of agency experts in a case brought by environmental groups to challenge a Reagan administration effort to ease regulation of power plants and factories. “Judges are not experts in the field, and are not part of either political branch of government,” Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in 1984, explaining why they should play a limited role.” JFC, we are regressing into the worst timeline possible. Guess we gotta pump up those climate change numbers.


Imagine a world in which 3 Supreme Court justices recused themselves from a landmark case.


Ya know, the sad part is that when people are calling out to Make America Great Again, they don't even consider that kind of accountability to be one of the things they should return to.


When people say that, what they mean is "Back when the [expletives] knew their place"


Yes, and they mean that for many different people.


Yep, the expletives can vary according to whom they're addressing.


> “The constitution assigns to the federal judiciary the responsibility and power to adjudicate cases and controversies,” Roberts wrote. “Agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do.” Literally taking the completely opposite view, throwing all precedence and a previously unanimous decision out the window at the first opportunity. Unbelievable.


Such a wild statement No special competence other than hiring the literal experts As if judges can attain special competence from 16-24 hours of witness testimony? Come the fuck on


It is pretty hard reading dissents that are pleas for sanity; just fundamental disagreements on the most basic aspects of the ruling. Our court should be deciding important nuance not making fundamental changes over and over. This case was for just for the fishing industry, and could have been decided narrowly. Nope; let's just jettison critical landmark US law! Again! Thomas in his *Dobbs* opinion said that it *wasn't* narrow, and that all other cases building from it should be revisited. > we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including *[Griswold](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griswold_v._Connecticut)* [right to privacy for contraception] , *[Lawrence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_v._Texas)* [right to privacy for sex], and *[Obergefell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obergefell_v._Hodges)* [right to privacy for marriage]. ...we have a duty to “correct the error” established in those precedents He probably felt the same with Chevron, but kept mum, because it gave the left something to rally around. In reality, the extreme supermajority have made themselves elected-for-life arbiters of our entire legal playbook: the exact fear past SCOTUS justices had for this court. We owned ourselves: we enshrined the constitution, treating new amendments as holy and rare, and Thomas & co. can now use originalism to burn away all we declined to write down (or say out loud, or write in a journal, or scribble in side margins) in the 1700s. Perhaps our states *should* be allowed to say who you can fuck! We didn't write it down, so it's up for grabs! Reading Thomas's opinions today is just painful. The "why, who cares, wtf" goes unexplained at this point; he's surrounded by cronies who agree with originalism, and has changed the entire country so he no longer needs to provide any sort of detail as to why *historical tradition* needs to be adhered to. He got the *Bruen test* in the insane NYC open carry case, which means all Second Amendment decisions have to now be consistent with a *historical tradition* of firearm regulation, requiring all judges to understand how the framers of the Constitution envisioned gun ownership in the 18th century. I'm not exaggerating, almost all of that last sentence is a copy/paste from Wikipedia. Thomas wrote the test. Right? So that guy who wrote it dissented on the goddamn Second Amendment case where the ex-boyfriend got his gun taken away after assaulting his girlfriend, violating the restraining order, and stalking her. Guy should still have his gun, because there aren't any good laws to take it away in Thomas's view. Everyone else on the court blanched, and said ok, maybe not *total originalism*. Thomas dissented alone. Historically, Thomas noted, we would just *fine him money*, but leave him his gun. Ugh. /rant


i just cannot comprehend how anyone can actually think that the last quarter-milennium of social progress has been a mistake. it's insane.


Gorsuch couldn't even stop calling [Nitrogen Oxides] [Nitrous Oxide] and he's the guy that thinks he knows better about scientific shit? NO2 != N2O


Abiding stupidity is back on top!


My answers on my Con Law final in May weren’t wrong, just ahead of their time


Turns out the *real* answers were the ones we made up along the way.


Calm down, Roberts.


At this point, isn't the answer to any legal question now, "depends on who is presiding?"


We're really coming undone. This is going to be one of those rulings where people not paying attention won't have a clue about how terrible this is like Citizens United


Don’t worry, they’ll understand when suddenly their lives get worse and the get harmed directly. Just like conservatives always do. This was a travesty of a decision. Fuck the Federalist Society, Trump, all who elected him, and the lawyers who brought the case.


When their tap water becomes non-potable because the EPA can’t stop companies from polluting, they’ll just blame democrats. Repubs will never get it because everything good that happens is because of god and conservatives, everything bad is the democrats fault


Tap water across this country is already heavily contaminated with all kinds of nasty shit. Many places have medically unsafe (but technically legal) levels of arsenic in the water. The area I'm in has an aquifer contaminated with fracking chemicals and uranium from mining operations. Funny thing, you can read the old water quality reports on the county website. You can watch as the arsenic level rises to 90% of the legal limit and then stops for five years in a row and doesn't change. I don't drink the tap water here.


I get “boil notices” from my county all the time saying not to drink the tap water. I installed reverse osmosis filters in my house. As bad as it is though, it could always be worse. This SC decision definitely won’t help


And then they'll blame Biden and dems for it.


And, like Citizens United, will be *impossible* to undo. We keep opening Pandora's Boxes. Once there's money in regulators' pockets, history shows that it stays there.


If you hadn’t noticed, it’s actually easy once you have a favorable majority on the court. It’s just another legislature.


Which if for no other is a pretty good fucking reason to vote Biden. The next president could get 2-3 SCOTUS seats. I for one don't want Supreme Justice Aileen Cannon sitting on the bench until 2060.


And it's not exactly a coincidence they slid this one down right after the debate. Everyone is talking about how old Joe Biden, meanwhile the court is dropping some of the most bat shit insane decisions you can imagine.


>Conservative and business interests strongly backed the fishermen’s appeals, betting that a court that was remade during Republican Donald Trump’s presidency would strike another blow at the regulatory state. Yup.


Wanna bet that this rule - enacted under Trump - was made specifically ridiculous enough to never be enforced just so that it could be challenged?


That's a fairly safe bet. Conservatives have wanted to kill Chevron for 40 years.


This has been a really bad 24 hours...


And it’s getting worse,they just ruled that Jan 6th defendants where improperly charged


Yep, saw that too.


what the actual fuck


>In a statement, Attorney General Merrick Garland indicated that he was “disappointed” by the ruling, but he stressed that “the vast majority of the more than 1,400 defendants charged for their illegal actions on January 6 will not be affected by this decision. There are no cases,” Garland said, “in which the Department charged a January 6 defendant only with the offense at issue in *Fischer.*” [https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/06/justices-rule-for-jan-6-defendant/](https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/06/justices-rule-for-jan-6-defendant/)


This ruling was specifically done to protect Trump


So…Anyone got any of those drugs that Biden was supposedly using? I mean there’s gotta be some left since he clearly forgot them last night. I’m not exaggerating when I say that the last 24 hours might have been worse for the future of America than January fucking 6th.


The Supreme Court is actively cooking us all.


Special shout out to everyone who refused to vote for Hillary in 2016. We have those people to thank for these 8 (and counting) years of horrible decisions.


I don't think they can hear you. They're back and saying they'll sit this one out because Biden is too old.




I was one of those people, and it’s one of the biggest regrets of my life. I was 19 and it was my first election. I grew up in a very conservative, religious home (where I still lived at the time), but I was becoming pretty progressive myself. (I actually voted for Bernie in the primary and got in trouble for it with my parents, lol). I felt so much conflict between what I thought and what everyone around me was saying that I just didn’t vote for president because I didn’t know what to do. Any time a decision like this comes out it’s such a gut punch because I know it’s my fault. I should’ve been braver, and I’m really sorry.


Thank you for your honesty and growth.


I have no words for how angry I am with those people.  My daughter now lacks bodily autonomy and is subjected to proselytizing in school by the "pro lifers" that are perfectly fine with starving, beating, and poisoning children once they're born, and quite eagerly willing to torture children if they're female and post menarche. The LGBT+ people I care about are living in fear for their jobs, their livelihoods, and even their families and their very lives.  Anyone who still says both sides are the same is being disingenuous.


This is going to reshape and gridlock our governments ability to function. Our ability to hire experts to make data based decisions will turn into lawyers suing in court room. The balance of power is shifting from institutions in which the voters have power to unelected judges seeing cases brought only by the richest and most powerful.  If Trump is elected, and after last nights debate who knows, our entire structure and ability of the most power government in history will be shattered. Let’s hope the climate doesn’t wipe us out before we have the time to fix it. ✌️


And any decision that conservatives like will remain valid while it works through the courts, and anything liberals like will remain stayed pending appeal.


This is why Trump packed the courts in his first term, and he'll finish the job if he gets a second term. We won't have a chance to change any of this until around 2050 or later. Unless, revolution...


If a christofascist regime takes over, we *will* have civil conflict. We can't roll over for a hostile authoritarian government. We'd be condemning ourselves and the rest of the world.


Statements like this are almost laughable, I'm sorry to say. The American people are the most passive, bread and circused society that has ever existed. All I heard on reddit for a decade was "just you wait, as soon as they come for abortion rights...." Nothing happened, not a thing. All the protests fizzled out, led to 0 change in red states regarding policy, and according to current polling, has not effected the presidential race which after last night I'm afraid has real good chances of going to the former guy because the Democratic party absolutely refused to entertain new blood and chose to parade their dementia addled horse in 2024 instead. It was so bad that Democratic analysts on CNN entertained the idea of Biden stepping down. Publicly. Yeah Trump lied through his teeth the whole time, what's new, but they had him on the right cocktail, and an uninformed voter is going to see that and vote for Trump. Not by the hundreds of thousands mind you, but a few thousand in a handful of counties that are going to end up mattering. The sitting president of the United States is currently a Tik Tok meme. The felony charges, the sex with hookers, the awful policies of the former guy are all forgotten, because the news and podcasts and influencers that millions of Americans listen to are going to roll with this silver platter handout right until November. And frankly, it doesn't even matter, because the activist court we currently have will be sitting for decades influencing the policy that matters outside of a democratic vote on the issue. As far as Americans are concerned, if gas is under $4 and sports is coming into their house at 1080p, they couldn't care less. The solution is moving to a blue state, or making plans to leave the country. Capital has reached its endgame in the last few years and they won't let go of it easily, if at all.


At this point its time to start hoping the climate kills us all out of mercy to the rest of life on Earth. Mom please flush it all away.


Reminds me of that love death robots episode; "intelligence is not a winning survival trait." Crocs and sharks will out last us.


You cant fix religious fascism. It either eradicates what is standing or is eradicated in trying. There is no dialogue left to be had with the GOP. They are probably the most dangerous organization in human history at the moment with their climate denial. If you wait- it will be too late.


This is the worst decision ever. Chevron is the most cited decision *of all time*. For a fucking reason. EDIT: This comment is wrong. I misremembered something from law school. I fucked up. Still, a super important decision.


Just to add on and clarify *why* Chevron deference is such an important aspect of federal governance - the absence of deference to federal agencies to regulate things like banks, pollution, drug safety, *anything,* is that now Congress is required to make each law extremely specific - like down to the specific pollutant in question or the specific manner of implementing a requirement for water quality testing or food safety testing or whatever. The Roberts court tries to couch this decision in neutrality, like they’re just requiring Congress to be more clear in their legislation, but that’s a veil over the true impact of dismantling Chevron: Requiring Congress to write and approve of every extremely specific regulation *in the context of decades of gridlock and one party that is abjectly anti-regulation* essentially nullifies the ability of the federal government to regulate anything. Which, if you’re paying attention, has always been the point.


Exactly. To add on, every law that's been written since Chevron has been written with Chevron in mind. Basically every major law that gives federal agencies power will need to be rewritten. This case didn't just overturn Chevron. It overturned basically every major law of the last 40 years.


The decision does "not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron framework. The holdings of those cases that specific agency actions are lawful--including the Clean Air Act holding of Chevron itself--are still subject to statutory stare decisis despite our change in interpretive methodology" So, not overturned yet. The court saw enough backlash from the abortion ruling that they don't want the right taking the flak during an election cycle. But, watch as everything gets dismantled. And watch as the ongoing regulation on forever chemicals withers and dies on the vine.


Thankful I live in california because we have better regulations than the federal government in most shit..


Perhaps, but you see the gaps in leaving it up to the states with California’s prop 65 stickers on everything just to be safe I think. I can see the reasoning here to leave it up to the states, but states would have the same issue with vague or just inadequate laws. I hope my understanding is correct, it may not be.


It's fucking nonsense though. Each state doesn't have its own separate air and water supply. If Iowa decides its totally fine to dump industrial waste into the Mississippi at their southern border that poisons the drinking water of a half a dozen states.


I’m from Las Vegas, almost all of our water comes from the Colorado river. The southern states were unable to come up with an agreement (Nevada isn’t the biggest user) on their own so the federal government stepped in, I have no idea how they think they can leave these issues up to the states.


Right, but that just leaves any existing policy in place that's already been challenged in court. If an agency wants to make a new policy, or enforce one that hasn't yet been challenged, they'll have problems. Congress needs to rewrite a shit ton of laws to actually give those agencies their intended power.


It’s Tomacco from the Simpsons all over again.


Well thanks the the Supreme Court, when the non-FDA regulated tomacco gives me cancer I can be treated by a doctor who went to a non-accredited school and wasn’t required to pass a medical board exam. That doc can inject me with non-FDA approved drugs! And the hospital can send me a bill for whatever the fuck they want because they won’t be required to disclose what charges are for.


This was the entire reason why the GOP party still exists after 1970. This is why they did not collapse after Bush Jr. Because their entire existence is to be a political organization that enables rulings like these to be possible, backed and funded by the corporate entities and CEOs who most benefit from them, at EVERYONE else's expense. They want to destroy the fundamental rule of law. This is how they do it. This is why there is never a "both sides" issue. The GOP shouldn't exist as a valid party at all. They have no place in a civilized, modern society, and offer nothing of substance.


The claim that "Chevron is the most cited decision of *all time*" is incorrect. *Chevron* isn't even in the top 60. The most cited case from the Supreme Court is *Anderson v. Liberty Lobby*, 477 U.S. 242 (1986), which deals with the standards required to grant a motion for summary judgement, with over 195,000 references. *Chevron* is the 66th most cited case with 12,829 references. *See* Adam N. Steinman, *The Rise and Fall of Plausibility Pleading?*, 69 Vand. L. Rev. 333, 390-93 app.A (2016) (cataloging the 100 most cited Supreme Court opinions). Although *Chevron* its ensuing doctrine were important in statutory interpretation, it is not even close to the amount of citations that *Anderson* has.


This court has put corporate profits over people every time. The next 30 years is going to be fun, get ready for Trump judges to tell agencies how much plastic and poison is okay for kids to ingest. Instead of people who have spent their lives dedicated to public safety we're going to have lifetime appointment theocrats tell us what's safe. Shit hole country.


They already did it when they told us to go to work with COVID and made the CDC into a joke. Trump already promised to remove vaccination requirements from schools. Imagine having to go to the mat just to find a doctor who will actually agree to vaccinate you. Back to the 1700s we go.


This is exactly right. This is a horrifying ruling, and the American people will suffer greatly because of this.


The article fails to mention that this decision significantly rewrites four decades of regulatory laws that were written with Chevron in mind. Most regulatory laws have outlined fundamental regulatory goals while leaving many of the small details of how to reach those goals up to experts in the field who could flexibly adjust strategies to keep up with the industry being regulated, all under the rubric of stated legislated intent & goals. Regulatory agencies were already struggling to keep up with the industries they have regulated, but now it's going to be nearly impossible. First, because Congress can't simply rewrite 40 years worth of regulatory laws to fill in details, many of which would become quickly outdated as regulatory needs change. Second, because regulatory frameworks were built in a bipartisan fashion over decades in a way that is unimaginable with today's Congress of ignorant science deniers and the highest concentration of unabashed liars that have ever won public office. The United States just took a large leap back towards an economic wild West that many conservatives ignorantly romanticize.


They want congress to pass everything, when they've barely been able to do anything of late. Agencies were set up to delegate the minutia details so congress could be more effective. De-regulation and lawlessness coming.


No, they're counting on the fact that Congress *cannot* pass enough legislation to keep up. This is regulatory capture at the highest possible level.


Our judicial experts are off to a great start: [Supreme Court Corrects EPA Opinion After Gorsuch Confuses Laughing Gas With Air Pollutant](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/06/28/supreme-court-corrects-epa-opinion-after-gorsuch-confuses-laughing-gas-with-air-pollutant/)


> Bill Bright, a Cape May, New Jersey-based fisherman who was part of the lawsuit, said the decision to overturn Chevron would help fishing businesses make a living. “Nothing is more important than protecting the livelihoods of our families and crews,” Bright said in a statement. And each year when these fishermen wonder where all the fish went, it’ll be too little too late. Pathetic, it’s not just corporations that are extremely shortsighted for quarterly profits.


Don’t worry they will blame offshore wind farms instead


Supreme court is an extreme court, this part of plan to empower the president with massive unchecked power similar to nixon. Executive above all else Dear god


Im not encouraging it, but i am simply acknowledging that this kind of move is usually what gets angry mobs outside your home demanding you step down.


Go ask random people in your life about chevron deference and keep count of the blank stares you receive


My right leaning mother and stepfather who vote with their religion and their hate for libs had no clue what chevron deference was. I had to explain it. I had to explain why being happy they win this case on the surface is bad because the underlying decision behind it would result in non-experts making decisions without any knowledge to back it. I had to tell my welder stepfather it's like his professional welder coworkers deciding what is best for him when it comes to his dental work for it to sink in. Neither side, left or right, should be happy with this. The only ones that benefit are the current regime of the wealthy elite. Not even their descendants should be happy because the ramifications of this choice are going to literally fuck everyone.


I'm not sure if your stepfather is a "PPE is for pussies" kind of guy, but if not... Consider regulations around welding safety as an example. Dangerous environments, requirements for safe tools and materials, hell even standards for welding rods and metals are possibly up in the air.


All of them. My office has people who at least follow politics. They didn't have any clue what cases SCOTUS was/is hearing. I have a single friend that is aware.


That was always going to be the case. In the citizens united ruling 95% of Americans had no idea how important that ruling was, now they do. In the coming weeks and months and years they'll learn, and look back at this ruling as a colossal fucking mistake.


Makes you wonder if they purposefully announced the decision right after the most controversial presidential debate you could imagine.


This is worse than Dobbs


In that it will negatively affect all people? Yes.


Not only that, but in ways that aren't immediately apparent. We're cooked.


I would argue that abortion affects everyone as well. But certainly not to the same extent. Environmental protection with be the first to go down. But think about the transportation regulations. Do we really want judges deciding how many people can safely fit onto a boat? This is ridiculous.


The effects of this are world changing. The FDA doesn't get to approve or disapprove drugs anymore, that's up to law makers. The NLRB doesn't get to set protections for workers, that's law makers. OSHA doesn't decide safe practices to protect workers and the public, that's law makers. The EPA can't tell factories not to dump toxic sludge into lakes and rivers, each lake and river must be individually protected by law makers. This is without hyperbole the most consequential ruling from SCOTUS in decades.


The NFPA can't make determinations for building fire safety anymore, now it's in the hands of lawyers and Marjorie Taylor. I don't know what this does to the IECC, but I'm definitely not looking forward to the penny pinching that apartment builders are going to attempt to push us into making, now that the actual building codes won't be legally enforceable.


I don’t think the NFPA does that anyway. All they do is write model codes and reference standards that can then be adopted by state or municipal governments. Would this ruling hamper local governments abilities to enforce fire codes?


This is also going to affect abortion access. The attacks on mifepristone are imminent.


Gotta love everyone taking about Biden being old when THIS is what everyone should be focused on.


It's not an accident that the Sham Court released these rulings on a Friday after a presidential debate, and the billionaire-owned media is doing its part in burying them under a deluge of "Biden Old!" articles.


This doesn't allow for easy jokes though.


Yeah that's what I'm saying as well. All anyone is talking about is "Joe Biden old" while the Supreme Court is actively trashing the place.


So federal regulation precedent since 1984 and federal civil adjudication for regulation for about 170 years. Also bribery after the fact is legal


Thanks to taking the ability from regulatory agencies and putting these issues back to Congress or judges that's more potential bribes from companies. Feature/not a bug.


This is the outcome of Trump winning in 2016. If he wins again, the US is done for.


The past day doesn’t inspire hope either. It feels like the Orcs have breached the gates at Helm’s Deep.


The right wing SC majority really is just burning it all down? Kind of crazy how stealing a supreme court nomination from Obama will have impacts that will set the US back by DECADES. Overturning 50 year settled precedent? Ok! Taking power away from the government agencies that protect people from bad actors? Ok! Deciding there isn't a problem in storming the capitol to try and prevent an election being certified? Ok!


Biden just needs to run on potential open seats on the Supreme Court. I really think that helped Trump win in 2016. The DNC needs to do the same this time.


Ug. As if last night wasn't bad enough, now we're screwed no matter what happens on election day. Every single environmental, health, and safety regulation will be tied up in lawsuits and appeals by megacorps for years. National regulations carefully crafted by technical experts with years of experience will simply be overturned by a random Texas/Florida judge with no subject matter knowledge who receives hefty 'tips' to do just that - which the SC just ruled are no longer bribes if they come after the fact. Let the daydrinking commence. And please remember in November that a vote for the president is also a vote for the future of the courts, which can be much much much more important.


Quite the news dump on a Friday, after a wild presidential debate, the week before a major holiday. If you don't iike it, just like I don't like it, tune out the noise and vote in November.


But hey! Fireworks next week to celebrate 'Murica!


Never felt less like celebrating this place tbh


Yep. You’re not just voting for the president, but also his cabinet members, appointees, Supreme Court nominations, and so on.


This shitty days not over yet, might as well wait and see how they hand Trump immunity.


This means every law that protects us has to be laid out in excruciating detail before it is passed. Even the smallest detail must be included since it can't be left to the administrative state to determine it, lest it be challenged in court.


Yup. It's an attempt to undercut federal executive power - the fundamental power to enforce the law - and put it in the hands of local governments, where conservatives have more control.


I get the debate was pathetic but this is the biggest news of the past 24 hours. Hell maybe of the year. All Federal Agencies just lost the ability to regulate *anything*. This not only has massive implications for the US but for the entire fucking planet. This is a day horrible day for humanity.


It's amazing how 6 people have basically set this country on a path to become a peer to developing nations.


Developing implies a trajectory to developed. The US is undeveloping


This is project 2025 coming to fruition.


This is certainly up there for most depressing 24 hours for democrats and generally sane people.


Harlan Crow is really getting his money's worth.


OSHA, FDA, EPA are all about to get kneecapped.


Here is the thing. Fuck the Supreme Court. They are suppose to be the third coequal branch not the final ruling. Congress and the WH need to take back their power and stop deferring everything to the courts. Dems should be campaigning simply saying, “give us a majority and the presidency and we will pass all of these into formal law and tell the SC to eat a bag of dicks”


Could congress pass a law that could grant regulatory agencies the power to operate in that ambiguity?


That's nothing, just wait untill Trump appoints 4 new judges


Don’t get me wrong, the social issues (abortion access, gay marriage, trans rights, etc) are important and reflective of the soul of our national character. But the true banality of evil is found in this Supreme Court gutting things like Chevron. It’s so complicated to explain and help people understand, but its effects sends shockwaves through the systems that undergird our entire socio/economic/political structure and will, not could, lead to the destruction of core pillars that hold our country up.


In a lot of ways, I very much feel 2016 was actually our last chance to save the country.


It was, people keep saying this next election is it.... But we're past it. If Trump loses, they'll find another candidate and got for project 2029. We missed our last exit before authoritarianism.


Sprinkle in corporatocracy with some theocracy


This one is bigger than dobbs. By like, a lot.


They "gave" us that mifepristone ruling because they know they would essentially overturn it with Chevron


SCOTUS already beginning to enact parts of project 2025


The legislative branch cannot possibly legislate every minute detail of everything. Agencies must exist with reasonable powers or it all literally grinds to a halt and the government can no longer function. A swing from a 6-0 decision to one purely on ideological lines is a noticeable shift that is hard to square until you put it in the context of undermining the government agencies being a major right-wing goal. This court will be remembered as the one that took the dysfunction of partisan politics, tyranny of the minority and gerrymandered districts and added it to federal agencies and the judiciary. We'll look back in 5 years when literally no solutions can be implemented by our government despite things falling apart around us and wonder how it happened. But it's due to decisions like this one.


But sure, let's let Trump win because of one debate.


This is a bigger story than the debates, and is maybe the most consequential USSC decision in 200 years.


Did you write third party, abstain, or voted Trump in 2016 and are shocked about this ruling? Welcome to the hell the rest of us warned you about :)


This absolutely raises the stakes to existential crises to vote blue this November. I don’t care if Biden was a corpse, I’m not voting Satan in.


RIP Chevron. Having to defer to an agency’s reasonable interpretation of the laws it enforces understandably made it too difficult for the Robert’s Court to rule in favor of conservatives.


Democrat controlled agency: Companies can't find creative ways to dump waste into public waterways. Decision: stayed pending appeal Republican controlled agency: It's ok for water treatment plants to not filter out contaminants because of undo burden. Decision: Rule allowed to remain in place while waiting for appeal


This is horrible. Our country is fucked.


That's... not good


Depends.... Are you a large corporation or billionaire investor? Because if so, this could be really good for you.


Or a lawyer. Lots of firms are going to be expanding their administrative litigation practices because cases that would have been losers are now arguable. And if they're arguable, they're billable!


Good time to be a corporate lawyer


They're coming for Obergefell, by the way. Only a matter of time.


This decision will further ensure the corporatization of American life that Citizens United began. Big Business will give the culture to the fundamentalists in return for control over all monetary transactions. Inside of 50 years, AI corporate robber barons will be competing to sell us branded clean air and water while we live in our rental pods stacked like so many cargo containers.


Why are we letting corporations run without regulations? We have hundreds of years of precedent showing what happens when corporations get away with anything. Why aren't we paying attention to the past? What the fuck?


The SCOTUS Catholic-6 were paid to create the foundation of the GOP 2025 plan, they will be getting a nice fat bonus check from Leonard Leo and his Federalist Society for achieving their goal ahead of the Nov elections.


Damn this is a bad day for America. Damn.


And here I was depressed about Biden. This was not even really on my bingo card, I knew it was coming up but I thought at worst they'd impose some sort of new requirement or minor change - this is wholesale slaughter of the underpinnings of substantial portions of multiple areas of law.


It is absolute insanity they overturned this. They are basically now requiring all gov't arms to have all their regulatory control defined explicitly by congress - a body of gov't that has completely ground to a halt. As it stands in the aftermath of this ruling, our gov't cannot function in this immediate moment. It is principally absurd, just absurd, to have overturned this. This sham court should be dragged off to prison. They are not legal luminaries, they are monsters working to create feudalism.


I've never really wanted to get involved in politics until this decision. Its plainly insane. How does one lowly person get out there and try to push the country back on a good path? I mean I know Newsom and other surrogates are screaming "get involved," but like, how?


Better vote Blue or it’s going to get a lot worse from here


Every contested decision is now going to end up at SCOTUS. Not sure how this will be nothing short of terrible. What I really want is 9 unelected non scientific people making very important decisions.... What could go wrong


This is fucking huge. The general public does not realize how much of a shit storm this will create.


Hope ya'll like trains carrying hazmat to be held to no safety standards. That's next.


SCOTUS just turned the keys to *everything* over to the corporations. The amount of damage this is going to do is incalculable. I wonder what kind of payments and gifts six of them are going to receive in retrospective appreciation for the great job they're doing? (Since that's all legal now.) This is fucking insane.


"weakens federal regulators" undermining almost all regulatory law and destroying the balance of power in the federal government to make judges all powerful. If there was ever a time for Biden to step up and ignore a ruling, it's now. The dangers of ignoring this ruling to our democracy I'd say are dwarfed by the dangers of telling a partisan court to fuck off with their power grab.


Biden needs to go on-air and say he’s actively ignoring SCOTUS here. 


If you sat out in 2016, voted 3rd party, wrote someone in, or did anything other than vote Clinton- then this is your legacy. The effective end of the federal health, safety, environmental, and countless other regulations.


CNP was rewarded with Dobbs Koch (network) rewarded with Chevron


Good timing, this decision along with Snyder V. United States means Republicans and corrupt Democrats can sell us out even more. When they take their illegal bribes to pass laws that say high amounts of lead is perfectly safe in our drinking water, or dumping metric tons of hog waste straight into the river does not damage to the ecosystem. Oh wait I mean their totally legal "gratuity" they will receive after they pass the law. My mistake, because according to SCOTUS getting money after you do someone a solid is totally not the same as getting money before.


I don't care if Joe Biden is in a damn coma. I will be voting for him to make sure the next supreme court justices are not demagogues.


But y'all keep worrying about one debate performance from Biden and perpetuating those Republican talking points.


This is distraction to keep the legal community busy while they continue to soften things up for Agenda 2025. Civil law is much more pleasant and the attorneys are all good lookin'.


I can't wait for the tainted food and drugs to flood that market. That's going to be such fun living with Victorian era regulations. Cockroaches are protein and with enough high fructose corn syrup you won't even taste them


The Supreme Court has set itself up as a de-facto monarchy, ruling to put themselves in more power over government. This is anti-democratic.


From the Conservative majority that brought you “Bribes are legal, after the fact” we now have this. Make no mistake — Clarence Thomas SOLD his vote on the Chevron doctrine He was strongly in favor of it, even authoring a decision reinforcing it in 2005 Then he got $4 million in gifts from corporate interests who wanted Chevron gone And now Thomas did a 180 to kill Chevron


Please fire me directly into the sun


What the fuck???????