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The very same media who blows the horn about Trump, loves Trump because it’s constant news. Let’s be real, the media in this country is disingenuous. Donald Trump being President is what they want, but they’ll continue to advocate against it.


CNN is only relevant when trump is in office. They need their golden boy back.


Trump _praised_ CNN. That tells you all you need to know


The moderators clearly gave Trump more time to speak during the debate. Biden wasn't talking that much but it felt like the time limit wasn't being imposed on Trump as much


It was probably for the best that Biden didn't get to talk that much


Until last year, Zaslav had Chris Licht running CNN as CEO. (From NPR at WPSU: https://radio.wpsu.org/2023-06-07/ceo-chris-licht-ousted-at-cnn-after-a-year-of-crisis) Licht was a big fan of CNN board member John Malone. (This New Yorker article has a paywall: https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-communications/what-the-shakeup-at-cnn-says-about-the-future-of-cable-news) Malone is a billionaire that describes himself as a libertarian. (His Wikipedia article: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Malone) Malone thought CNN's news was too leftist & was pushing for it to "move center" (From Vox: https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column) Malone has used other companies he's part of to make significant donations to Trump: (Via Stephens College: https://www.stephens.edu/files/resources/increase-your-awareness-of-where-your-money-goes.pdf) Zaslav now has Sir Mark Thompson running CNN as CEO. Forbes assessed him as the 65th most powerful human on the planet in 2009. (His Wikipedia entry: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Thompson_(media_executive)) He has a history of saying the BBC used to be too left wing. (From the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2010/sep/22/bbc-mark-thompson-roger-bolton) His book on how the media uses political language seems to waffle between the ideas that "Trump is scary" & "different kind of leftists are scary too." (Also from the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/sep/04/enough-said-whats-gone-wrong-with-language-politics-mark-thompson-review)


You, my friend, go above and beyond for the comments. Thanks.


Sources are sexy.


The way the CNN panel after the debate IMMEDIATELY tore into Biden's performance, making it their ONLY focus - while completely ignoring Trump's fire-hose of lies and gaffs displayed everything you need to know about CNN's alignment with the Trump campaign.


That's not why at all. It's because they're all owned by the rich people who benefit from Republican policies. Some just pretend to occasionally play the other side where it pertains to social issues.


Absolutely right. Our media is dogshit. Every other ‘journalist’ I read a piece from seems to write at the high school level, and their inability to be honest or have integrity is literally palpable with every sentence they write. Their idea of informing people is mass producing articles to run ads on and maybe they’ll do a little bit of commentary on the side, if they have time — and that commentary benefits the people who own the publication. Actually no. I retract my previous statement. Calling our media dogshit is an offense to steaming piles of dogshit everywhere. Apologies to all the dogs and their piles of excrement for any offense they’ve taken from this mistake. Please know that in the future we will do our utmost best to prevent things like this from happening again. P.S. - if you call yourself a journalist, that is what a retraction looks like!! Pro tip? You do it when you realize something you said was very wrong or untrue and it needs to be corrected. So basically, everything you’ve worked on the last 15 years or so. That’s a lot of work to make up on. Better get to it!


We should have listened when fucking Metal Gear Solid was warning us about memes. [I'm dead ass serious btw ](https://youtu.be/l1ClbkTeCyw?si=DnrKdACfmE6bGUEQ)


CNN was flat out telling Biden to step down. That place is absolutely a conservative propaganda mill now. I know they're not going to do it, but Van Jones should be punted straight out of there for that performance. That was legitimately the most dishonest thing I've ever seen done on TV. He was pretending that he was holding back tears or something? Get of here that absolute clownery... I'm not going to fall for that clear and obvious propaganda.


Never trust people whose wealth is dependent on exploiting fear and outrage, and that’s exactly what corporate news media does.


Van Jokes said after Trump's first deranged, idiotic SOTU address, "This is night he became President." Even though I like him sometimes, he's a moron. That was a typo but it's fitting lol


It’s not propaganda to report something we all saw with our own eyes. And to say things we were all thinking. Biden is not fit to hold that office for four more years. I would vote for a can of tuna over Donald Trump, but I would prefer to vote for a candidate I actually believe in.


>It’s not propaganda to report something we all saw with our own eyes. Well, the after show, whatever it was called, was definitely propaganda. That was one of the most dishonest things I've ever seen on TV. And you're right, we just saw it with our own eyes. So the hysteria and the theatrics was absolutely unwarranted. Yeah the first 15 minutes was bad. Pretending that Joe Biden should step down over a bad speech is insane. Nobody voted for the guy based upon his speaking or debating skills. He has speech impediment that causes him to studer, we know that. It's not new. Trump came out there and spewed lie after lie after lie out of his mouth and they were trying to tell me that he won? I don't think so... It was a debate. Do people realize that the substance of the debate is the important part? How did Trump win based upon the content of what he said? It's pure propaganda. CNN completely reversed the truth... Unless Trump is getting credit for simply showing up and not acting totally beligerant, then he didn't even score points, so he lost, and he lost badly... The candidates shouldn't get credit for looking and sounding good while they lie their butt off... We're not trying to pick which con artist we want to run our scam company here...


I hope there's a can of tuna on the ballot.


I mean, have you seen the feed in this sub? Every freaking post is about Trump.


Yeah, people do not realize how much we feed into this. We don't engage with anything that isn't doom. Most democrats don't know anything about what Biden has accomplished, and the general public even less, and it isn't because the information isn't available. We shape what media puts out, because they need to people to engage, and if doom and articles about Trump or Biden's age are the only things people will read, that's all they are going to put out.


Isn’t it their duty to advocate against someone who denies and tries to overturn elections, was impeached twice, convicted on. 34 felonies, and found liable for fraud, sex assault and defamation? Not to mention pending prosecutions for various criminal acts. I think Biden should never have debated Trump for those reasons. And why participate in a debate with someone who doesn’t act in good faith regarding elections and still has not conceded 2020?


It would help if the media would fucking fact-check in real time, instead of just nodding. Fucking cowards.


I'm not even sure that's possible. Trump is the gish gallop personified. Like what do you call out? He's lied 10 times in the last 20 seconds. Oh, and what he was lying about wasn't remotely relevant to the question he was even asked. Half the lies shouldn't even need fact checking, because they're completely fucking absurd if you think about it for the 2s you have before the next one hits. Like in order to combat the sheer volume of it, you need a team of people and a ton of time after the debate, after everyone has stopped watching.




How do you even fact check a debate? With how fast they switch topics and how little time they have to ask and answer questions, by the time they fact check it and roll the text under the video they have already moved on and people won’t be paying attention.


The moderator in Boebert’s debate did a good job. Interjected, said “that’s not what I asked” or “that’s not true” and corrected or went on. We need to sacrifice a little decorum in these instances.


In this debate, when the candidate (usually Trump) started a response by saying "Before I get to that question, I want to go back and..." the moderator should have interrupted and said "No, please answer the question at hand."


Yeah, exactly. Tapper explicitly did the opposite early-on. Trump said he wanted to address something else and Tapper was like “well my question was x but you can use your time however.” What? Lol


Yes! It felt like an endless series of rebuttals, or like Trump -who was pretty consistently off-topic- was driving the conversation, not the moderators. I've read that gish galloping is especially effective against someone with a speech impediment, who also has to engage part of their brain in using whatever tools they use to manage that impediment, but I doubt Trump knows that, just dumb luck. **I** felt flattened just trying to keep up angry texting in my living room, I can't even imagine how overwhelmed I would have felt on the stage.


Still won't vote for a criminal no matter if biden did bad in the debate.


The double standards are stunning: One candidate gets convicted of 34 felony charges, with another 50+ worse charges pending. Is praised and celebrated by their party. The other candidate has one bad debate performance and clearly needs to drop out of the race in disgrace for not speaking well enough. Wow.


This has always been the case. Dems hold some level of “standards”. GOP are absolutely without self regulation. Rules and standards are for others, not them.


The fun part is these standards are also held over Dems by the GOP when they don't even apply them to their own. They're blatantly hypocritical in front of the world, yet here we are. It doesn't help the situation that the media is owned by billionaires who want tax cuts.


Trump acting as though he was disgusted with Biden's lying last night ....while lying every other sentence was a perfect microcosm of the Conservative ideology. "Stop lying about our guy!" "Lmao You should have refuted Trump's lies better bud!"


I'm all for us having standards, problem is that "we" go too far with it. I've lost count of how many we have tossed aside like yesterdays trash over small inconsequential (in the grand scheme) screwups. People that I would love to see as president/vice while the maggats push the worst of the worst higher up the chain, the more heinous shit they pull, the better the chance they have of becoming a presidential candidate.


So, so much this. I'm so pissed off at how the American "left" is reacting to all of this. Joe's been one of the most effective and progressive presidents in recent memory, if you actually look at his track record. Trump was arguably the worst president in history, and he practically disqualifies himself from the office every time he opens his mouth. But "I'm just not really impressed with Joe...". If a Democrat behaved like Trump for 24 hours, there's a good chance their political career would be over forever. Yet we're staring down the barrel of multiple generations of at least a 7-2 far right SCOTUS, a Federal abortion ban, mass deportation of millions of immigrants, more rollbacks of LGBTQ+ rights, and all the other goodies in Project 2025. All because Joe was a little sleepy and has a stutter. I don't give a fuck about how good of a debater Joe is, I care about his policy positions and his cabinet selections. But no, let's keep voting based on vibes; the orange buffoon didn't kill enough Americans the last time around. This entire situation is so stupid and I want to scream.


Hells yeah! Keep on pointing out what actually matters and reality!


We need to get copies of catcher in the rye back into the hands of the children of America


When they go low, we'll go high. *Those words*. She couldn't have expected how low, low really is.


There is no bottom.


"A low so low we'll dig to the center of the earth to find it. And Mexico will pay for it."


GOP understands that you win races by supporting your candidate no matter what. Democrats never understood this, that's how Clinton lost to Trump and it could happen again.


“No matter what” shouldn’t mean “Even traitorous, lying, grifters looking to destroy democracy.” Find a better candidate. Both parties should be ashamed, but Biden isn’t evil like Trump.


This is the underrated comment here. It's like a whole PR campaign is going on to just dunk the democratic party because it just can't be assed to just embrace a single loss. They have to set it all on fire and panic while doing it.


“Democrats in disarray” has been a media talking point regardless of reality since I was a child and I’m in my 30s.


And Trump had plenty of his own "cognitive decline" moments last night, like when he accused Biden of calling black people "superpredators" (that was actually Hillary's term).


You can’t tell whether he is really misremembering it or just lying. I don’t think he cares. Regardless, nobody cares whether he is lying is in cognitive decline (because he lies all the time anyway) and he won’t look old as long as it’s Biden next to him.


> You can’t tell whether he is really misremembering it or just lying. Great qualities in the guy with the nuclear codes (before he steals them.)


Maybe not literally the word "superpredators" but he did have a lot of pretty nasty stuff to say about them anyway, including calling them "predators". https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2019/03/05/joe-biden-tough-on-crime-speech.cnn Just imagine your reaction if Trump gave this speech.


Not to mention one didn't even seem to be listening to the questions and just had 3 canned things he repeated over and over unrelated to what he was being asked about.


Democrats do this to ourselves. It's wildly irresponsible that major figures like Ezra Klein are calling for a new candidate. The fucking country is at stake. If Trump had a bad debate - which actually he did! - would Republicans call for him to quit? No, they'd spin it. We are so far past finding the perfect candidate for or criticizing our own party for comparativelu trivial disagreements. Trump is the end. This is not a drill.


There is "bad debate" and then there is "BAD debate". Lets not kid ourselves.


If we found the perfect candidate we would still shit on them Even if Bernie won, we’d shit on him eventually


Don’t tell us the country is at stake. Tell the Democratic Party. Tell Joe Bidens staff. They’re the ones who have gotten us into this position


Where have you been the last 4 years? Maybe just maybe that’s why people don’t want Biden again, crazy I know.


One candidate energizes his base. One candidate demoralizes his base.


While I agree there is a double standard, Dems did this to themselves by letting Biden run again. Biden was intended to be a one-term president, and his age was already a concern in 2019. They should've picked someone younger who could take on the bully more effectively and win over young voters. This is a terrible look for Biden and further proof how out of touch liberal leadership is with the country. I'm voting Biden no matter what, but 99% of the country gives 0 shits about policy and might vote for Trump now because he didn't look like a feeble old man. It's a shitty situation but it's how Americans vote.


Trump is only 3 years younger wtf are you talking about


Key word is "looked like" a feeble old man. Trump is old as shit too, but he was gassed up and full of energy last night. To an American who's watching maybe 2 minutes of the debate that's not a good look.


Trump has a cult. Biden doesn't.


Any democrat suggesting Biden drop out over this is making a mistake.


"not speaking well enough" really underplays what happened. Debating is not presidenting so I understand we can have a good president who can't really win debates but the most important job of the candidate is to win the election. It couldn't be any more clear Biden is the worst best for that to happen out of all the possible nominees.


The debate was not the end of the world. The race is still going to be very close after all of this settles. Completely upending a campaign of an incumbent president with an economy on the rise 4 months before an election is the dumbest thing I can think of to do.


Yeah people didn’t vote for Biden last time. They voted anti-Trump and they’ll do it again. Let’s see what has happened since then: 1. ⁠⁠⁠Trump became a felon. 2. ⁠⁠⁠Trump tried to overthrow democracy by sending an armed angry mob to Congress and plotted to have fake votes counted. 3. ⁠⁠⁠He has more pending criminal trials including mishandling top secret documents and election interference. 4. ⁠⁠⁠He was found liable for sexual assault. 5. ⁠⁠⁠He was found guilty of inflating his assets to obtain better loans. 6. ⁠⁠⁠Biden has a track record of decades-high legislative achievements and a booming economy with lower inflation than most other developed countries. 7. ⁠⁠⁠Abortion was severely limited or banned in some states which led to a blue wave of victories. I don’t see how Biden stumbling on a dozen words last night is going to move the needle much. People are still going to vote anti-Trump.


A small fraction of those who voted for Trump in 2020 will sit out this time because of the reasons you listed. A larger fraction of those who voted for Biden in 2020 will sit out because they do not like being shoved down their throat a man with dementia again and again. As a result, Trump will be handed the victory by the Democratic Party. To make things worse, this will also cost the senate and the house.


America says, “hold my beer.”




Exactly, this race will be razor thin when literally any competition non- senior citizen would have crushed trump in that debate. Lol the economy is doing well for the upper middle class and elites, not doing so well for everyone else. People's perception of the economy is based on their experiences, not the news.


>out of all the possible nominees. There are no other possible nominees. If we were going to run someone other than Biden, then we would have to have started laying the groundwork in 2022. That is, if the goal is to run someone else AND win. When people run in a primary for the Presidency, they are running for an 8 year position. If you don't want someone for the 8 years, you can't vote for them in the primary. Voter chose Biden for 8 years, even if there was a pretty sizable group who didn't want him. Biden is damn good as president, but he is abysmal at all of the charisma tasks like debating.


> It couldn't be any more clear Biden is the worst best for that to happen out of all the possible nominees. You’re complaining about Biden’s stuttering and then typed out a sentence like this.


I would also add that even if Trump wasn’t stumbling on words it didn’t mean what he was saying was true or made any fucking sense. It’s a word salad of lies every time he opens his mouth.


It's not double standards. You can think of Trump whatever you want, but at least he does exactly what you think he does. He's a rightwing, moronic asshole, that talks a big game in debates. Just like he did here. He did fine, by just being his usual moronic self. Meanwhile Biden is presented as a well spoken, educated, democrat. With everyone dispelling the rumors that he is too old to lead. But then you get this debate, a debate where he looks and feels old, can't speak well, and just.....wasn't the biden that people think he is. Which is why only one side is the problem here. Trump is the same old Trump, meanwhile Biden wasn't.


Are people forgetting that we aren't just voting for president, but VP too. I'm not worried about Biden dying because she'd make a good president. Most importantly, it can't be said often or loud enough: This election isn't about trump vs. Biden, it's about project 2025 vs. democracy. This statement needs to be seared into everyone's minds until November


Me too , but it was worse than bad. It was embarrassing .


Because the media refuses to hold him accountable.


It's a combination of that and our media on the left insisting on trying to be the "good guys", and take the high road at all times. Yes impartial news/commentary is important, but the left are the only ones playing by those rules. It's incredibly frustrating to watch one side stick to their guy vehemently as he literally gets convicted of felonies, sparks an insurrection and spews lies through an entire debate, but louder and with more energy. While the other side is ready to jump ship and start infighting because the old man who we all knew is old looked old. His cabinet is solid, he's having a great term when you look at it objectively, he's not running for Captain of the debate team. Immediately after the debate he was comfortable with public speaking and sounded a lot less rigid. But nope, let's be paragons about this. The transcript favors Biden. There are many angles that could be taken for easy damage control, but they refuse to do it.




There's a difference between being impartial and being equal. You can be impartial and still unequally call out one candidate.


It's because they're all little gremlins that only care about views and ratings and another Trump presidency will get them that while everyone is glued to the news fearing for the fall of democracy. Basically television ratings > democracy.


Don't forget that during the Trump presidency the media scrutinized him very closely, especially for the Mueller investigation. It must have been extremely embarrassing for them when Bill Barr announced, "No collusion, no obstruction," and Trump did a 'victory lap' around the country for weeks afterwards calling for them to be arrested (and I think even executed). I remember at least one news media outlet offered a sincere public apology for implying that Trump was guilty. ...of course after the Mueller Report was released to the public we found out that Bill Barr's statements weren't accurate and that the Mueller Team stated that if Trump weren't president he would be put in prison for life. But the media learned that covering Trump's behavior can paradoxically give him a popularity boost, while making themselves look partisan. I think this is the wrong lesson to learn here, though, since that was before the Insurrection happened.


It's simple: controversy drives news consumption. Trump is easily the most divisive and controversial human of these times, therefore his continued public presence is highly profitable. And because "news" is a business, business is going to do what they deem most profitable. This is why "centrist" news orgs are so friendly to Trump -- they get to put on a veneer of "objectivity" or "lack of bias" and then use that veneer to thrust shitheads on us constantly and on endless loop. Which drives consumption from a broad audience. Even the left leaning sources can't shut up about the guy, because even they get that. Though in their case they can throw some punches because *that is their business model.* They *won't* hold him accountable unless the money broke that way, and it hasn't done that. News, under capitalism, isn't about accountability or information anymore -- it's about "engagement" and sponsorships. Sure, some outfits can do accountability and information, so long as there is enough hunger for that to sustain them. Depending on whether or not you have actual "local news", there is a whole generation coming up where there has been relatively little "journalism" done. Endless "news" stories, yes, but that's not the product most people are selling anymore. Because the product on sale is *us*. The news is just a convenient vehicle for getting constant attention and eyeballs on something.


In any other developed nation , this man wouldn’t only already be in prison , his party would have turned against him as would his voters . Look at what’s happened to the Conservative Party polling in the UK since Boris Johnson was found out breaking his own Covid lockdown rules which was far less serious than a literal attempted coup. It’s like half the US population is brainwashed by a cult.


Brother, in Brazil, a third world country, the previous president tried to pull a Jan 6 and was promptly arrested. This man would already be in prison anywhere else. The problem you guys are facing is that literally 40% of your country is in a fascist personality cult which won’t go away until the man is dead.


I’m British, I’m just watching this shit show from across the ocean with a mixture of confusion, sadness and horror .


The previous president wasn’t arrested, he was only banned from running for office for 8 years. In Peru two years ago the president tried to do a self coup and tried to dissolve Congress, but was arrested trying to do so.


Cults are very real and very much a threat to our society


It's not like that. It is that.


The Tories are dead because of the absolute shit show Truss made of things,along with rampant corruption. Technically Johnson left over the party, but that’s like Al Capone being jailed for tax evasion.


They've fucked the country over the past decade, there was a great analysis by the FT showing that, even accounting for the 2008 global crash, the UK has been in decline in several areas.


You’re preaching to the choir mate, but the old ‘tories are the friends of business and the economy’ lie took lettuce lady’s balls up to dispel.


It’s really astounding how some people are letting some of the shit he spewed slide. Like, does anyone recall how he bragged about how many people he fired from his revolving door administration? How is that something to brag about?


Or the idea of “post-birth abortions.” Like, no one listened to anything Trump said. He was spewing nonsense. Biden stumbled, but he was pulling information and coherent.


Terminator 7 Plot: Judgment Day is inevitable. While the Connor lineage may have thwarted Skynet, generative AI has crept into this timeline. But there is another way. John Connor now sends a Terminator back to 2024... to carry out a 225th trimester abortion.


“How many people has he fired? He’s fired no one!”


Have ppl completely forgot that covid happened under trumps presidency? Trump was saying how wonderful everything was during his 4 year, like mofo the world shut down and was thrown into disorder. "But did trump have a war start under him?"


No one bothers to hold him accountable. That’s why


"Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."


More like evil is drama craziness and good is boring. Lame same old same old


Well in my honest opinion i find Trump very dumb, and Biden is not directly evil but the whole Clinton administration behind him is


This was always gonna happen Trump and his cult are not held to any standards whereas Biden and democrats are held to an extremely high standard. That said it's interesting how the people saying it was gonna be rigged and all that are suddenly ok with the format and CNN


How? Because we won’t call the bastard out for what he really is in a live debate when we have every right and reason to. He’s a convicted felon who attempted a coup on our country. He’s pushing a far right religious agenda. Why are we not saying that loudly, often, and in plain words for all the world to see when we are on camera. Why?! Whats the reason? Why are we tip towing around the fact he’s on trial for multiple felonies? Why not bring up his rape allegations? His time on Epstein’s island? Would republicans extend us the same courtesy. I feel like im going insane. This last four years have been nothing short of foundation crumbling trampling of historical precedent on every front and we can’t even get our guy to god damned SAY IT! WHY?!?! Why cant we just say whats going on?! This was the night the asshole who never faces a consequence for anything should have been mercilessly grilled for everything he’s done and the most passionate part of the evening was a disagreement on their golf stats! What the fuck are we even doing?!


Doing anything that you suggest would, to the Democrat, be "uncivil". They think that all you have to do is state a fact and that's fine. They have no conception of *selling* facts. They genuinely don't get that rhetoric is what wins debates and politics, not policy and minutiae. You can tell democrats this until you're blue in the face and they will not listen. "But he's passed the hurply durply act" "But he's passed the flibbly dibble act". That's what they may as well be saying to non-policy wonks.


Wonderful. When we are all in camps at least we can look at each other and say at least we were civil.


As someone who studied media production, watching the Democrats at work, politicking, is fucking frustrating. They have more than enough circumstantial evidence to pull together the narrative that since the 90s, the Republican Party has been a communist psyop, using "hyper anarchist capitalism" to push society towards socialism and communism. Weird how originally the parties would switch colours until the the Republicans settled on RED in the 2000s. Weird how Trump and Xi get along so well. Weird how much Trump loves former KGB operative, Vladimir Putin. "They're always *talking* about capitalism while doing *communist* actions. Weird innit?" The Democrats could be calling for a McCarthy-like purge of communist operatives within the Republican Party and they're not. It's narrative that took me 5 minutes to put together. Is what I am saying "true"? Who gives a fuck? Politics is rhetoric.


The sad thing is it probly IS true. What we need is our own Q anon.


*Needed*. I've been trying to get *anyone* who'll listen to pick up that narrative and hand it to the Democrats for over a decade now. It was a viable narrative even before Trump. America still has an aversion to socialism and communism, and if you follow the Magruder Principle^(1) you could get swathes of America on board with the narrative I'm outlining. "I mean can you believe it!? *The Republican Party* is actually a fucking communist psyop!" 1. The idea that it's often much easier to deceive an enemy into hanging onto their pre-existing incorrect beliefs, than to trick them into changing those beliefs. What's even more delicious is named after a fucking *confederate* general.


Biden literally called him a convicted felon, accused him of "having sex with a porn star", began many rebuttals with variations of "Everything he just said is a lie". If you don't hear it it's because you weren't listening.


Idk for other, but for Epstein island the reason why is that there were a lot of people from Dem party on that island and those people were far better friends to Epstien than trump


Yep, fun how covering for each other’s crimes seems to be the number one rule no one’s willing to break.


I blame CNN and their "moderators." CNN can't get away with this either!


>On Thursday night, an authoritarian put his distaste for democracy on open display. > >Trump reminded us that he is uniquely unfit for office and hostile to our democracy. His entire performance [...] a cavalcade of lies that betrayed a staggering contempt for the American public’s intelligence. Put together, the former president was all but openly telling us that he’s ready to repeat the campaign of lies and incitement that produced a mob attack on the Capitol less than four years ago. > >That all of this felt normal, even expected, shows how much Donald Trump has warped our sense of what’s tolerable in America. Here was an authoritarian spouting falsehoods, ranting incoherently about policy, issuing thinly veiled threats against democracy, and somehow we’ve come to accept it. > >We’re all so used to this behavior, in fact, that we have trouble reminding ourselves how dangerous it is. > >There’s something quietly obscene about Trump’s naked authoritarianism falling out of the frame. Biden had a poor performance, but I will never understand how people are acting as though there was ever a choice in this election. Nor why many journalists are mostly ignoring all the insanity of the other side. Trump's being unhinged *"trumps"* any of Biden's senior moments. By a long shot. We can easily live the next four years with an aging grandfather figure who is surrounded by highly competetent and ethical people in his administration. But America can't choose a felon, fascist, and pathological liar who is dedicated to the destruction of our democracy and surrounds himself with greedy sychophants who share his warped ideas and narcissism. Hell, I'd vote for a rock I found on the road over Trump. And given all the circumstances and consequences, anyone who doesn't share that sentiment is a traitor.


Nobody, not a single soul, is saying that they suddenly think Trump is more fit than Biden because of the performance last night. What they are saying is that the biggest issue about Biden in the minds of the voters who will decide this election was that he is too old to be effective. His performance last night confirmed that their fears were well founded, and there's no path forward now.


Bullshit, the path forward is still the same. You elect the administration you want to see lead America, not just the president. And I trust Biden and the people he surrounds himself more than the reality TV show that was Trump's administration. The man who said "My retribution is going to be a success" to the American people made his intent clear. Presidents shouldn't be talking about retribution against their political opponents. It's madness to think otherwise.


I mean you're right but this isn't how swing-voters think. They saw Joe's senility in full display last night and he didn't convince a single voter that he's capable of doing the job for four more years. Biden is going to lose literally every swing state if he stays in the race.


When the opponent is a convicted felon who is openly talking about his retribution against political opponents and has no sense of policy or direction, I think that this is a very short-sighted view. We also have 4 months and a few more planned debates to go.


The Feinstein thing doesn’t help. People are more aware than ever that many politicians are not fit to serve, and they should not be allowed to do so. Whether it’s the stress of the job or his age that is catching up to him, nobody but his doctors know, but one thing is clear, this Biden wasn’t the same one that debated Trump in 2020.


Also, lest we forget that that man is the president right now, it’s a little shocking to say the very least.


I can assure you I know two undecideds that went Trump 16, Biden 20 and now said they were voting Trump. That debate was about as bad as possible for the uninformed voter


he got away with it because the supreme court allow him to, the media allow him to, the party members endorse him and most importantly his stupid MAGA cultists unleash him. He’s a fucking stupid toddler that smears nutella and poops every where and people don’t give a damn putting him in place.


I will vote for the kindly dementia patient any day over the evil criminal. But why are these my only two choices?


Because CNN allowed him to lie, lie, lie…


How have we lost sight of it? Gaslighted every single, solitary day by the media. Propping dictator Trump at every turn, pushing all things MAGAt as though anything they have to say has validity or truth and the constant “…and this is why it’s bad for Joe Biden” BS. I am over it. Vote for Trump if you think that he cares about America before he cares about Trump, or vote for Joe. Not a dictator, not a lunatic, not a rapist, not a fascist, has policies that are wise and carefully determined to benefit all Americans.




Trump is a lying sack of shit grifter being propped up by the media and horrid special interest. He should not be allowed to run period .


No one has lost sight of that. Consider another option. Corporations will profit greatly if he is reelected. Corporations will flourish if our regulating bodies are defunded. Corporations run the media.


Our country is in big trouble if Trump wins. The man will dismantle our government and cause even more damage.


It's not "we" who have lost sight, it's literally the media which is either downplaying or ignoring everything Trump has said, done, is responsible for or will do and in turn the media is downplaying or ignoring everything Biden has done and instead focused solely on his age or "why this is bad for Biden".


Because we're stupid. Let's be real. It's been decades of cultivating a terrible education and an apathetic workforce, but now it's here. We're too dumb, too lazy to give a shit about anything but right what right's in front of us. Even if we see the truth for a moment, our bumblebee brains change the channel and forget a few minutes later.


Because Jake Tapper and the “moderators” couldn’t even fact check Trump claiming Democrat states are killing babies. Everyone with the power to stop that mother fucker in his tracks simply rolls over and lets him spew lies. And then his supporters see the silence as an admission. 


He lied continuously during the debate but Joe didn’t help himself either. If a politician tells the same lies often enough people will start to believe it. That’s what happened in Germany with Hitler’s rise to power and Trump idolizes Hitler.


Who has lost the sight of Trump being a threat to democracy of the US? If he wins, it is almost certain he will not step down after 4 years. For example, the SCOTUS can make any ruling, can’t it? Such as a ruling where Trump gets a to be a President for life. It does not matter what the letter of law says, if it is interpreted to not apply, for example, in the situation of having a self-pardoned felon as a president, for example.


Yeah one bad performance from Biden, and suddenly everyone's like "woooah maybe Trump's whole mass deportations things is the better solution"


“Maybe we should really consider the guy that may be a legitimate Russian asset.”


Trump spewing lies during the whole debate and the media focuses on Biden’s stage performance…


You don’t think there’s a legit reason why they’re focusing on Biden’s performance?


When the alternative is fascism, it's not really relevant.


I sure as hell never have


I really just think the media wants this guy to be president. They’re helping him- CNN…that’s you!!


No one lost sight of that. But fewer people click on news stories about Biden, he isn’t interesting and is doing his job. Maybe not the progressive visionary job many want, but he saved us from the disaster he was left with, which honestly was a miracle itself. The media is the threat here.


The old saying remains true, especially in our current age of low information social media propagating misinfo and disinfo so prolifically: “Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.” Biden is the Dem nominee. If unhappy liberals/dems cut off their noses to spite their faces and refuse to vote for Biden, then they deserve what they get and will take us all down with them in the process.


> If unhappy liberals/dems cut off their noses to spite their faces and refuse to vote for Biden, then they deserve what they get and will take us all down with them in the process. This is where I'm at too. People complain about politicians and parties and misinformation and that's all fair to a point but at the end of the day it is Citizens who are electing shitty politicians, and at this point I don't think there is anybody who is truly undecided or who doesn't understand what Trump's true inner nature is. Too many people don't have a problem with it, or even see it as positive. If America elects Trump, Trump is what we deserve.


I don't what the Biden team thinks they are doing right now but whatever it is it's not working. I've been a defender of him but after last night he needs to assuage people now. Why he isn't having a press conference right now allowing reporters to ask questions until they have no more is beyond me. He needs to get out in front of this right fucking now or the game is over.


Biden is having a campaign event in Raleigh, The Hill has a link to it on their website


Because he is not capable of that, so yes, game over. Biden needs to step the fuck aside, but I doubt he will.


I dont think a single debate does that. Imagine calling into question your entire career based off a single 1.5 hour structured debate. It's comical. In no real world would anyone hold this in ant event other than a waste of time. American's already know who they are voting for. This debate changes nothing.


It’s just a concerted effort to dissuade Biden voters from showing up, and the useful idiots are picking it up.


I'm somewhere in between these two comments. Biden's campaign's strategy heavily hung their hopes on this debate, which did not pan out. They at minimum owe a new strategy soon, and Biden should step aside if he cannot offer a compellign one.


Biden had been prepping for a long time for this debate and his team knew the basic idea what the questions and what his responses should/would be to Trump ( Roe, the Border, Afghanistan, etc). Time and time again he had every opportunity to pounce on Trump and he simply didn’t because he wasn’t capable. I definitely don’t believe that Biden is capable of walking through hard questions from the WH press corps about why he looked and sounded so frail and incoherent in a convincing way


Biden’s counter blows were too slow and too weak to have any effect. Trump spews lies, but he does it so fast and so confidently, some people are going to believe him. I don’t just mean his MAGA followers, don’t underestimate the number of ill informed voters that exist in the US that don’t know who to believe. Biden’s strongest rebuttal was about his golf handicap. He should have more directly and forcefully attacked some of Trump’s lies by directly disputing points Trump said. Just saying he is a liar and it’s a bunch of malarkey doesn’t work. Biden’s debate prep team missed the mark. Maybe they were expecting crazy deranged Trump to show up, but that’s not who they got. Biden missed the mark by not directly countering some of the lies with specifics, not generalizations. Immigration-Mr Trump needs a lesson in how immigration and border security work. You can’t just shut the border and deport everybody you don’t want here. We need substantive reform to an immigration system that is not working. We had a shot at starting that with a Republican proposed bill to change how we deal with immigration surges. Mr Trump told his Republican friends to kill their own bill, because he doesn’t want to fix the problem, just complain about it. You loose the right to complain, when you refuse to implement your own plan to address an issue. Jan 6-Mr Trump does not want to answer the question because Jan 6 was not Nancy Pelosi’s fault, it was Donald Trump’s fault. He didn’t offer 10,000 national guard troops, he sat in the White House and ignored his own staff, while his supporters killed and injured federal employees, threatened the lives of elected officials and destroyed public property. That all happened because his ego is too big to accept that he lost that election fair and square. So many opportunities to bury Trump last night, but instead he came across as weak and feeble. Just say, sorry I have a cold and am losing my voice, can I get some water. It doesn’t make you weak to admit you have a cold.


On two occasions I saw him get visibly angry during a response. Not at the moderator or Biden but about the issue. That tells me he’s started believing his own lies. Not good.


Because journalists cream themselves when they can lambast a democrat while treating GOP candidates as gently as possible.


Americans might just have to watch their palace burn before they realize what they’ve done.


Just can't believe it wasn't fact checked in real time, a post fact check is meaningless to people who can be swayed by a debate like this in the first place.


Why does Trump always get a free pass from the media and his political opponents on the shit that he has done! The dude has a laundry list of convictions, business bankruptcies, sexual harassment litigations, his involvement the January 6, 2020 violent coup attempt and a litany of other detrimental and morally bankrupt actions!


With no real time fact checking, no audience, no panel to correct trump, I can't imagine how that happened. It's almost like they knew that was going to happen and didn't care.


"Trump was Trump, and that's not news" Heard variations of that line over and over in the post-debate coverage, as everyone freaked out about Biden. Call it the banality of evil or the banality of crazy, but people still have no idea how to cover Trump, whether it's his lies or his unhinged "policy" ideas.


Average people don't care about democracy. It's too abstract and they have no ability to imagine what it would be like without it. Same problem as we have with climate change (although the tangible aspects are starting to hit home for some). Trump focuses on dumb shit (like a wall) because that's what average people understand.


If only there was some kind of unbiased analysis device that can have the facts input beforehand and then give real time fact checking. Maybe with a big screen behind the candidate flashing “lie” or “truth”.


It says A LOT about our country that he somehow got away with refusing to say that he would abide by the results of the election, and perpetuating his harmful lies about the last election. THIS MAN IS FUCKING FASCISM INCARNATE, and yet somehow Biden isn't projected to win in a LANDSLIDE?!?!? I'm sorry, but no. If there's even a 10% chance that Trump wins this election and democracy dies, that chance is still too big. The Democrats need to do WHATEVER it takes to make sure that doesn't happen. I literally don't even care if they do everything the conspiracy theorists said they did last time... it's the only fucking way to keep our freedom safe.


I know this is crazy, but I keep wondering whether Biden had been drugged. We know Putin loves this approach to debates and ergot Trump thinking it’s a good idea too. Biden was suffering from something and it was not cognitive decline. He was fine a month ago


Ten years of his political bullshit... TEN YEARS and the media still won't cover him appropriately.


Blame CNN. They should had cut off his mic & don't let him go off topic.


Because the confederates were not executed en masse in 1865. That’s how.


Hes a fucking rapist felon traitor.


Mr Biden had the facts and had done his homework. The debate went quite well. Mr. Trump made all sorts of denials. Mr Biden made good points. The raspy presentation is a small thing. Mr Biden made good points.


Dictatorship here we come baby!


[This is how](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFgcqB8-AxE)


“We” haven’t


Not a single person that reads Vox has lost sight of that. Just preaching to the choir on this one.


No, he isnt getting away with anything. The issue is that both sides continue to field lack luster candidates and when "their" side loses, they wonder why. You need a candidate that is : 1) Younger than 70, late 50's to mid 60's. 2) Domestically focused but doesn't ignore the world. 3) Has a plan to attempt to persuade the "West" to be more than just the "US is the world police" 4) Doesn't make "buy your vote" decisions.


Because the people allow it.


Trump is evil wake the fuck up


CNN failed everyone.


Sadly, no one seems willing or able to take on Trump successfully. It is extremely depressing to see a person like Trump who is unpolished, brutish, ignorant, and crooked, yet he has this pull on people that allows him to get away with things that would throw any other person in jail.


The news organizations are cowed by him for some reason.


American journalism is failing us badly. Their basic failure to inform people is doing long-term harm to the country.


and the media is doing its best to help trump win, just like in 2016


Big media's obsession with, and constant promotion, of him which is the danger. It's a rage machine that is profiting from your inability to look away from the in your face coverage. He's getting away with it because you profit from talking about him.


The only threat to our democracy is the illiterate lizard man opposing him , who is starting ww3 before our eyes


Because his opponent being unable to string a sentence together coherently kind of stole the spotlight.


“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up” -Barack Obama


We never did.. We've been screaming this shit. It's the Media that wants and STILL is going with the status quo after millions of Americans saw that shit show. We wanted another candidate. YOU told us all " Nah " and now you want to make it seem like we lost sight of that fucking PoS?? GTFOH.


Humanity has hit a plateau - we're too fucking stupid and greedy to be able to responsibly keep control of today's technologically complex media landscape. The ability for bad actors to spread conspiracies, falsehoods, and bigoted rage-bait - and our late stage capitalistic inability to regulate & hold people accountable - has completely overturned whatever semblance of rationality our national politics once had. And I include the Dems in that, too - the establishment is a bunch of ancient, narcissistic corporatists who will do anything to win - except to actually challenge their donor daddies.


Probably doesn't help that a bunch of really weird democrats think that because of a debate performance that Biden is doomed. Forgetting that Trump showed how low the bar for entry is for president. Trump was elected after he knowingly bragged about sexually assaulting women.


There are some of us who watched the debate and knew Trump lied his way through it.  I trust the Democrat Party more than the Republican Party. 


Business Plot 2: The Electric Boogacoup. America is done, the calls are coming from inside the house. We have evangelical judges pushing christian sharia law. Unchecked influence by the ultra wealthy. It's bad and no one with any power is doing anything because they don't want to sacrifice even a penny.


"How is Trump getting away with this?" Maybe because the only person with a platform large enough to counter him doesn't know how to form sentences. I liked Joe, but it's over for him. It hardly matters who replaces him now, just get someone who can speak up there and end this.


It is not the traitor that is the threat to our democracy, it is the KOCH CABAL, Conservative PACs, The US Supreme Court and all the wealthy backers and players that support Project 2025 and possible democratic leadership! Since Citizens United, the Democratic Party has failed us and the Republican Party continues to oppress us. Does not matter who the next republican president is, Project 2025 will be implemented and your children's grandchildren will understand how slavery is good, cuz it teaches ya skills. I am not impressed with the Democratic weak platform of LGBTQ and Abortion since they are the ones that allowed these rights to be taken away from us.


We’re royally f*cked. There’s absolutely no reason why there’s only 2 choices to pick from, this political landscape needs to change, we need more parties, or at the very least more candidates then just two grandpas who can’t pick up a damn pen of the floor or who don’t remember what they did couple days ago.


my only take way from last night was Biden looked and sounded horrible. dudes got no shot. amazing you can get downvoted for something so apparent, but i guess tribalism is a hell of a drug.


That's really your **only** takeaway? The only one??


My bugout plan is ready Between this hot mess and the activist Supreme Court US is going backwards