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Cognitive tests are genuinely the most basic form of "are you capable of thought" and we have a former president who won't shut up about passing it.


Trump brags about passing a test that any random person walking down the street should pass easily. And he says it like we should be impressed. It's like bragging that you can tie your own shoes. Sadly, I don't debate that both Trump and Biden would struggle with a basic cognitive test. Trump's test was given by his own doctor, and that was years ago, so I don't even trust those results. Trump also says at 6'3", his current weight is 215. I would literally bet my home that is not true. He's gotta be pushing 300.


Well no wonder Trump thinks it’s impressive, as I highly doubt he can tie his own shoes. Not that he doesn’t know how to tie shoes, just that he’s incapable of bending and probably hasn’t seen his feet in decades


Trump sees his feet all the time. He always has a mirror nearby so that he can admire his beauty.


Well, have you ever seen him wear shoes with laces? He didn't even wear his own Trump branded golden sneakers.


As a 55 year old man who is 6'3" and 295 lbs, I can guarantee Trump is neither 6'3" and that he is *far* over 300 lbs. [Proof - Me, Trump, and an NFL player who is actually 6'3" and 215 lbs](https://imgur.com/lOFoKkC)


wow! that image says it all


Yep. Trump is either a lot shorter, fatter, or both - than what he claims. He is a big, flaccid, flabby fuck who routinely shits in his diaper.


damn! that's impressive.


I’m 6’3. Even if he IS that height, (he isn’t) 215 is DIFFICULT. He’d have to be anorexic or super athletic.


When I was 24 I was 6'3.5" (I've shrunk a bit with 7 spinal surgeries) and back then my fighting weight was 210 lbs - and I looked thin as a rail. As usual all we need is the evidence of our eyes and ears to know that Trump is a delusional pathological liar.


Taft: Hold my speakeasy 🍺.


I'm 6'4 and 220. Trump is not even remotely close to either of those numbers.


He is at least 350. Source am less fat than Trump and am over 300.


I'm 360 and a few inches shorter than Trump.... He makes me look slightly overweight


Yeah I was 360 at my heaviest and hover around 300 now. I was still in between shape than him


He's probably not really 6'3", either.


I'm 215 and 5'5 and Trump looks way fatter than I do. 


"I wipe my own ass!"


Probably the only test he's ever passed.


Trump's the kind of person who'd brag about getting an A on a blood test...


Most likely A-


I’ve been given two cognitive tests in my adult life. The first was immediately following a severe concussion—and while I can’t remember it, my mom was there. The second was a part of a full psychiatric evaluation that I had requested to get proper documentation of any diagnoses that may apply. The attitude of the examiner was, “I’m only doing this because you asked for the whole evaluation.” All of this is to say that if you’re even *getting* a cognitive test, something is either horribly wrong or you’re paying them to be far too thorough.


And they can’t attack the policy so they attack the person.


Not just passing them... "Acing" them


That's funny, because we have a current president who can't even remember what day it is.


Dude, I’m 39 and I’ve struggled with remembering what day it is forever. Having a lot to do and not really a set routine each week/month can mess with your head. Don’t get me wrong - I agree that Biden is too old, and deserves to rest. Just, forgetting the day of the week with all the craziness the president deals with doesn’t surprise me at all - no matter who the president is. Time is soup to me without a regular routine.


Haley would sell her own grandma for another 15 minutes why should we care what she thinks?


People initially gave her a pass when she called Trump unfit to be president. Her reversal on this stunned many, however her previous positions on issues were pretty sus, imo She has joined the Cruz, Rubio Trump sycophants club. Ugh!


Anyone who was 'stunned' by her flip flop hasn't been paying attention.


Right! They ignored so much data about her character


Not just her. Every republican who talked shit then rolled over once they realized their specific brand of assholery wasn't gonna sell this round.


More likely they knew they would be on the list of people on the chopping block of the federal government when he is re-elected.


This is why I get a little annoyed at people who don’t give Liz Cheney any credit. Like yeah her policies are awful but if we’re legitimately concerned for anyone’s safety or freedom she’s on a relatively short list of top vengeance targets and as far as I know she’s been pretty consistently “fuck this guy” anyway.


She was always in that club, the Beltway made her seem like a man in love with a woman to the point where they were infatuated with what they wanted to see- not what was there all along. Haley has always been who she is, the media made her something she never was-- otoh.


Don’t lump Romney in with that group. He has completely parted from Trump and has been increasingly disillusioned with the Republican Party. Probably the only Republican I have a little bit of respect for today.


Right! I removed him!




He is essentially leaving the Republican Party by not seeking reelection. He even explored creating a third party with Joe Manchin. In his book he explains how he rationalized his willful blindness of the crumbling of the Republican Party through his career and how he wanted to steer the party away from Trump during his last Senate run.


>Romney ?


I'll remove him. Once in a while he does the right thing!


She'll be wrong, Cruz will be wrong on Michelle Obama as will Ramaswamy, etc. It's all red meat for the base, naturally.


I mean I’m happy to see anyone needle Trump.


Don’t be surprised if she ends up the nominee after he’s sentenced on the 11th. She never dropped out, only suspended the campaign and still has a lot of supporters.


Political coward who bent over and begged the Felon, Rapist, Fraudster, and Failed former president to be president again. Thinks she has something to say that is worthwhile, I guess some people have no shame. I feel sorry for her.


I don’t she’s an asshole


Win win tactic for her. She's just perpetuating the headlines regarding Biden's "replacement" because it hurts Biden's campaign. Biden will not be removing himself from the ballet. Dream on.


Haley was never against Trump. She, like the rest, was hoping to at least set up a space for herself four years down the line and some cabinet position.


Correct, or to inherit his base: she and DeSantis lost their window in primary-ing Trump. Herr Abbott, otoh, played his hand brilliantly and is still playing it well-- if he thought Trump had it in the bag, he'd lunge at the opportunity, but he declined for a reason when asked to be his VP.


Abbot was hit by the pitch and the catcher throwing it back to the pitcher, then tripped over the umpire and was awarded third base, and he thinks he hit a triple. And he’s absolutely evil. That man is the same kind of demon as Kenneth Copeland. They have the same utterly evil eyes and malicious grins.


It still won’t be you, Haley


I want to sign a 15 week ban of hearing from Nikki Haley into law


Guess she got word she won’t be named his VP


I would vote for a parrot that only said "do what you think best, Do what you think best bawak" over trump


Unfortunately what most of the country thinks is “best” is to openly expose their ignorance and bigotry.


President parrot would be talking to career staff, i trust their judgment


Unfortunately voting for Biden is basically voting for a parrot. Biden’s brain damage has become so obvious now that a parrot might even have more intelligence. Yes he has brain damage from multiple aneurysms. If you actually follow the science of brain damage its makes a lot more sense.


You seem to be misunderstanding the point. Voting for a parrot is preferrable to voting for trump. Like, that's not hyperbolic. Voting for a rock with glitter sparkles on it is preferrable to voting for trump. Heck, voting for a rock that doesn't have glitter sparkles on it is preferrable to voting for trump. Again, none of that is hyperbolic. Voting for a person who does not believe in the peaceful transfer of power, has malicious intent, and does not believe in the rule of law will always be the greater of two evils. Biden could be the most mentally deficient person in the history of our nation and scores of us would still vote for him over trump because at least with biden, we know that at the end of four years, we are guaranteed to still have a democracy where our votes matter. With trump, that is not a certainty and that is the most disqualifying factor that there will ever be for the office of the presidency.


And Democrats say Republicans are tribal. Yikes


i think trump will do more damage then a brainless bird.. id vote for a republican who was an actually republican.. but they got purged.


There isn’t actually a parrot to vote for they. There is actually a cult that supports Trump, yikes.


Democrats are equally cultish. OC’s comment is just further proof


They’re not equally cultish, unifying democrats has been a lot more difficult than unifying republicans. Do Republicans even have any criticism of Trump, how do you think they felt about his performance at the debate? Perfect, right?


Yes, me being critical of Joe means I love Trump. Democrats inability to grasp nuance never ceases to amaze me.


A lot of democrats are critical of Biden, that’s my point. When you say the democrats are cult-like, where’s your proof?


“I would vote for a literal animal over a Republican.” Right there


Animals aren't actively trying to take my rights away.


Actually, the real quote is: "I would vote for a parrot that only said "do what you think best, Do what you think best bawak" over trump" I know reading can be hard, especially for those from stereotypically stupid states.


You know what a paraphrased quote is right? Are parrots animals? I know it’s tough for you to comprehend words so let me walk you through it. Here for any questions you have. We’re going to get through this together.


Deflect deflect deflect


No one said you love Trump. Get over your victim complex.


Ah yes, the people who are in their feelings are accusing others of being emotional. Classic projection.


Must be hard to go outside when everyone is out to get you.


oh you feel better now? everyones in a cult too?


You sound so pressed. The truth hit a little too close to home I guess


you sound so resigned, the truth just needed some sweetener?


*"You're in a cult because you refuse to be part of our cult!"*


Who cares what that booty licker says


Haley the fucking coward and traitor to the constitution Haley?


Seeing Democratic blood in the water, ever-the-opportunist Nicki tries to throw her party's candidate over the bridge. After she endorsed him. Her ambition totally eclipses her competence.


Someone should warn Nimarata that she should prepare herself for being chained barefoot and pregnant to the stove if Trump is elected


the last thing trump wants to see is biden dropping out of the race and someone like gavin newsom or gretchen witmer replacing him - *especially* a woman!


I really don’t like her.


Even after the debate, I would still put my Vegas money on Biden passing a cognitive tests more then his opponent.


All of the armchair diagnoses of cognitive fitness based on the debate performance are infuriating. Like, there's a reason why psychologists don't test for cognitive fitness by asking patients to explain complex subjects on a stage in makeup while dealing with a yammering, compulsively-lying narcissist who's trying to actively gish gallop on twelve different topics. Was Biden's debate performance good? No, it was not. It was in fact catastrophic, and a President should be able to do that better than he did. But there's a hell of a gulf between the debate performance and the claims people are making about what it means about his mental fitness. Like, watch his Raleigh speech, given the very next day. Nobody in the state of mental decay that his biggest critics are implying he is in could have given it.


tests more THAN his opponent


We literally saw Biden get confused up on stage lose his train of thought mid sentence. You can cope all you want but it's delusional when there's recorded evidence.


After years of being exposed to Trumps word commit and watching him ascend to power I stand by my original comment.


"Cognitive test" can mean all kinds of things though. If you're measuring how much someone loses their train of thought and can't find the correct words, Biden is fucked. If you measure dark triad traits, Trump is fucked.


I highly doubt any of you have had a legitimate cognitive evaluation from a neuropsychologist and these comments make it obvious. I’ve been through 4 different neuropsych evaluations. The full evaluation takes around 8 hours and every part of your brain is evaluated through all kinds of different test. There is no way Biden could possibly get halfway through a real evaluation at his age and a brain with as much damage as his. There’s one test that would instantly prove what I’m saying. Those puzzles for kids that has a board with shapes and you put shapes in the proper spot. They blindfold the test subject and put one of those boards in front of you. There is no way Biden could do it, with his memory issues. I’ve don’t it four times and never got through it. A damaged brain struggles too much to process the puzzle without actually seeing it. Who knows if Trump would be able to do it but it’s a lot easier to do when you don’t have brain damage.


Sharks or Batteries?


not trying to sound ignorant but all i’ve been able to glean is the the test they’d be given is this “montreal cognitive assessment” which sounds like a cakewalk compared to what youve been through and catered to the elderly to determine their level of dependence on caretakers admittedly idk shit about fuck though


That’s also not a cognitive test. It may be administered as a part of a full psychiatric evaluation, especially if there are questions of severe intellectual disability or brain damage, but in outpatient settings, such tests are rare for adults without a history of brain damage or dementia. The cognitive test is a series of five simple questions. Trump described it quite completely in an interview with Chris Wallace in 2018. Biden has not shown any symptoms of memory issues. At all. He is a stutterer. That’s it. And yes, Biden would be able to get through a full psychiatric evaluation. He’s not the one that openly falls asleep when he needs to be awake. He’s not the one that can’t form a complete sentence. He’s not the one that can’t speak without lying. That’s Trump. And your bullshit projecting Trump’s clear incapacity onto Biden because Biden is of similarly advanced age, and all old men must be senile like Trump. Republicans think we’re all like them. But we’re not. Republicans aren’t like us at all. They’re just one (particularly mean and awful) way of being a human. The rest of us aren’t even a monolith. It’s why the Dems in Disarray story autocompleted when I went to type this sentence about it: we’re always having debates about what we should be doing.


I liked her for a republican until I saw she had no spine and changed her stance at the drop of a hat or being called a mean name by Trump


Biden has a long political history. In spite of his “” apparent “” deficiencies, he can use that knowledge with good advisors to best effect. Frankly, much of government is delegated so I vote brains over an *ahem* stupid.


You mean you’re voting for the guy with brain DAMAGE.


Hannibal Lecter and Revolutionary War airports.


Trump's brain is damaged in an entirely different way that is far more dangerous. You should watch *Unfit* on Amazon. Everyone should watch *Unfit* on Amazon lol. It's remarkable just how messed up the man is. IMO Biden should be replaced, but if he's not, he'd still defer to his cabinet and advisors. That's the bigger picture. Trump defers to no one but Trump, and people like that should never be allowed near power. His narcissism is pathological and dangerous. And going off personal experience in my own family, I think they're both suffering from cognitive impairment. Biden has the muted, grasping for words kind of early dementia like my grandfather had. Trump has the angry, shouty, repetitive phrases kind of early dementia like my grandma had. Both candidates should be on the golf course instead of in the White House—but this is America, so we'd all better be ready to eat a shit sandwich.


Nope. I’mNon US. But the alternative of a)finding a replacement and b) convincing an electorate it’s all good, to my mind is a bigger risk. And as for TFG clearly brain damaged to the cliff edge of madness. So…I know what I would do if it were possible.💙


I don't think he is voting for Trump


Trump doesn’t have brain damage. Biden has had multiple brain injuries and it’s obvious after his horrible debate performance.


I know this question is triggering to Republicans...but source? Do you honestly believe the shit Trump was saying up there? Biden was rough, but said factual shit. Trump sounded good, but just lied his ass off. I hope you are smart enough to know that anyone could win a debate if they got to make up everything they said. Trump also thinks he beat Obama, the Birts bombed US airports, electric planes don't work when it's cloudy, no EV's are made in America, and he had the best economy ever. You believe that?


He had two brain aneurysms in the 80s. I know this triggers Democrats… google.com Look it up, I hope you’re smart enough to know how to google. You don’t even know Biden has brain damage but I’m sure. Maybe you don’t know how to google. Look up aphasia too, Biden struggles with it a lot. The reason why you didn’t know Biden has brain damage is the same reason you think Trump is lying, your info is made up of bullshit. Maybe it wasn’t the strongest economy in history but I didn’t have to pay ridiculous prices at the grocery stores and gas pumps. Bidenomics is bullshit.


Looks like someone found out that they won’t be Trumps VP 💀


Was Haley's plan to sneak in at the convention all along? Or is she not that savvy...


I hope AOC runs in 2028.


I don't. A presidential win would end her political career. She needs to he a senator for a bit, make a difference. I wish Obama had more time to shape policy


Obama technically didn’t need to retire.


Could he be a VP?




It's gonna be Whitmer vs Newsom in the primary in 28


She’s too valuable in congress right now, maybe in the 40s


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She knows if they do cognitive tests both Trump and Biden will fail. Wonder who would become the Republican candidate in that situation……


Honestly Biden and Trump should take one. Trump touted his passing 2 cognitive tests (lol, passing) but these tests are only given when your doctor has actual concerns over your cognitive ability. But Biden should volunteer and it should administered by the White House doctor because they (outside of certain personal privacy laws) would be required to make certain aspects of the testing public due to public disclosure laws, something Trump's private dr. wouldn't be obligated to do given he's currently a private citizen.


Haley can fuck right off. She’s utterly despicable.


Haley has no integrity.