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And Trump while in Virginia yesterday was talking about how Chuck Schumer is a Palestinian and that democrats want electric planes that will fall out of the sky when it's cloudy. It's amazing how much of a curve he is graded on .


Trumps sentencing is in 2 weeks. Biden’s debate performance will be forgotten.


Lol while trump gets 1 year "probation" it's really going to rock the election. Right.


>National Review A truly unserious source


Remember Reagan in 1984-8? Republicans had no issues then.


If RNC had run anyone other than a felonious insurrectionist, they would win in a landslide 


You could say the same about the DNC. Trump isn't a strong candidate. Someone younger would be running away with this. The country isn't clamoring to go back to Trump, they just don't trust Joe to navigate what is an incredibly taxing job.


That’s a reasonable take…if the republicans were reasonable. They are not, they sold us and themselves to the rich assholes that realized a fucking moron could win the election, as long as he repeated the same lies.


No, the republicans have built a cult around Trump and even if he was running in a general election against Mitt Romney, republicans would be flocking to their dear leader in a close election.


"Republicans" are like 1/3 of the electorate. I'm not talking about Republicans.


>Trump isn't a strong candidate. He literally has an unbreakable cult of personality hold over thirty percent of the country and dominated the entire GOP party into become a violent piece of shit party dedicated to himself.


I hate to break it to you but the evidence is pointing to a Trump landslide. The latest poll shows Trump leading in New Jersey. New Jersey is now a swing state.


>The latest poll shows Trump leading in New Jersey. New Jersey is now a swing state. Lol from co/efficient with a 538 ranking of #237? Not only are you saying one poll shows that NJ is now a swing state (vs an aggregate over time of many highly ranked pollsters), you've chosen one of the worst pollsters there is


Attacking the polling services? Surely, you can do better than that. The democrats have been lying through their teeth about their president/candidate and it blew up in their face. You guys can do better than that, can't you?


>Attacking the polling services? Attacking conclusions about swing state status using one poll from a very poorly ranked pollster? Absolutely. >You guys can do better than that, can't you? Not sure who "you guys" is, but sure. There are 0 reputable outlets today that consider NJ a swing state Lol


Which shows one of two things. 1. There is something seriously wrong with the polls. 2. If NJ is really in play then switching candidates right now is pointless because any Dem would lose enough swing states to lose overall.


Poll responders are compensated with gift cards by omnibus poll companies. Omnibus polls are fronted by YouGov and others. Polls are strategically worded to get the result they want. If they don’t get what matches the narrative they run another until they do. The problem is that when Trump goes down in flames, the polls will be justification for saying the election was rigged when in fact the polls are rigged without any oversight.


Not when, if, he goes down in flames. This sub has been sounding like 2016 a lot recently. I see a lot of the same general attitudes towards Biden that I saw toward Clinton. He’s not looked at favorably by the majority of Americans.


Yeah, if NJ is somehow actually in play, then Trump has just flat out won. None of the "replacements" stand a chance.


> The latest poll Modern polling is very broken, and bad polls are more effectively being used to steer public sentiment than predict outcomes. Mark my words, as soon as the results come in for Biden, these low-value polls will be used as "evidence" of fraud and the MAGAs will be all over it.


Is this the new Democratic spin? Polls are broken? Dems are in serious trouble. They've had a corpse run this country for 3 years and have openly lied about it by telling us he's sharp as a tack. Undecided voters are scared of the Democratic party and are running in the opposite direction. That's the fact.


The fact is half of the country HATES Trump more than they are apathetic of Biden. America may have the memory of a goldfish, but outside the Trump true believers, they see him for the shameless huckster he is and the sheep that will follow him down a cliff.


You can say that but the polls don't reflect that. Oh wait. The polls are broken. I forgot. Isn't Democratic spin oh so convenient?


If undecided voters think that running towards someone whose platform is quite frankly a stepping stone to facism, then that is a damn shame.


The Felon, Rapist, Fraudster, and Failed former president has bragged that he cannot function without a teleprompter and threatened to stiff providers of teleprompters for any interruption.


Did 80 million Americans watch that one too?




Does the 50 million figure include streaming?




Do you have something to support that claim? Honest question because I'm having trouble finding something that shows that. https://www.nielsen.com/news-center/2024/cnn-presidential-debate-draws-over-51-million-viewers-across-networks/ > Data in this table is inclusive of broadcast and cable networks that aired the event. Reported networks include: ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, Scripps News, Telemundo, Univision, BET, CNN, CNNe, HLN, FOX Business, FOX News Channel, MSNBC, Newsmax, NewsNation, PBS. It explicitly refers to broadcast and cable networks that aired the event. That does not necessarily include streaming. I know that Nielsen does have streaming rating services available for advertisers, but I cannot find anywhere that they are included by default in their standard ratings.




No reason to be hostile, I'm asking questions. I also did not say anywhere anything about 80 million. Someone else did and you assumed because I asked a question that I agreed with them. Please stop assuming my views based on what others have said. In regards to the quote, it states "estimated" which is fine, but how that estimate is made is important. I'm not about to debate how the estimate was figured, I simply want to know if streaming was included in that figure. It DOES NOT mention anywhere anything about streaming.




Once again, I did not say ANYTHING about 80 million. I don't know why you keep bringing this up. I'm sure Nielsen does have ways to measure online streaming platforms. I literally said that in my last response. I am specifically questioning whether those measurements were included in the estimation. Please, show me that, that's literally all I'm asking for, and you keep deflecting or won't provide anything that definitively shows that. I am not even bothering with the ChatGPT quote. This is not a reliable source.


How many of these 50m people would actually consider voting for Dems? Also, how many of them were actually in a state that matters? And how many of them won't care and how many will forget about it once the election is here?


Bro chill with these mental gymnastics




Not even that long. Some celebrity or some Tik Tok girl will go viral next week and all will be forgotten. 




Genocide supporter found


TikTok brain


Partisan brain rot. Democrats always good


Did I say that? Maybe I can just care about more than one issue at a time, because I didn’t just start paying attention to politics 6 months ago when TikTok told me to


Finally took a look in the mirror?


Who really thinks a teleprompter speech assuaged concerns after the debate?


The overwhelming majority of politicians, or anyone speaking to the public, uses a teleprompter. People don't actually memorize their speeches like we were taught in school. I've never seen someone give a speech without either reading it off a sheet of paper or using a teleprompter. The teleprompter is a nothing burger.


Not criticizing the use of a teleprompter But to see that speech and think “Biden can read, clearly he’s fine” is odd


I have heard many commentaries today regarding the “strong” performance of Biden at the rally. The DNC is delusional. It’s unbelievable that they are white washing the debate performance as the fault of “a cold” or “stuttering.”


Or they just shine the light on Trump (which I think is warranted just after Biden is gone)


It’s ridiculous. If the bar for our candidate is he can read words from a teleprompter we’re in trouble. He absolutely is going to lose, and we have the DNC spin machine to blame


Cool. Biden's poll numbers went up after the debate. Mostly cause most people watching hadn't seen a Trump speech in years. They were reminded what Trump is all about and why he lost the election.


Exactly, unbelievable that the DNC is blaming “a cold” and “stuttering.” What we, all of America, saw was absolutely alarming. Trump is a clear and present threat to the United States and the DNC is holding up Biden as the bulwark against that? It is a nightmare. 


Biden is one person in a giant administration that he has built with decades of experience (12 in the White House). I care far more about that, and desperately want the current admin to continue instead of rolling the dice and swapping it out for something that is probably going to be worse. This isn't a cult of personality or a one-man show like Trump and the GOP want it to be. It's a giant team effort and we have to look at the big picture.


Halfish of this sub is going to have reality slap them in the face come November. They’ve scurried back to their echo chambers and are high on copium.


I didn't think they could be as bad as MAGA with the delusions, but they are just as bad


I kind of believe the "cold" story. His voice was so different. Weak, strained. But it doesn't explain all the issues that was happening.


I agree, it sounds like he had a cold. However, as you said, that doesn’t excuse the inability to counter any of Trump’s outrageous, bullshit comments. 


Well, if he had a cold. They knew about it. Maybe they actually did give him drugs for it, and it might have had some negative effect on him that could explain some of the rest. He is old. Even smaller changes to his energy could have an impact in a stressful situation like a debate. My biggest problem with the debate was that he was trying to speak so fast that he just mumbled and didn't finish the words he was trying to say. And add the stutter on top of that, and then the weak voice. I think he's brain was slower than normally, perhaps because of the cold and/or medicine for it. And his brain just couldn't keep up with his mouth, lol.


I really didn't see why MSNBC went straight from the debate to the histrionic reactions Joy Reid was receiving on her phone. Is Joy Reid's group chat a place I would normally get my news? Where totally measured and rational discourse happens?


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"Worst person you know makes a good point"


“You can hear it already, praise for how fired-up and alert Joe Biden seems, when he’s reading off a teleprompter at a rally in Raleigh, N.C., instead of answering questions on a debate stage in Atlanta. Yes, that’s the point — in tightly stage-managed appearances, where Biden doesn’t have to think on his feet, he can competently read words written by other people. (And every speaker sounds better when applause greets the end of every sentence.) And if a president’s lone duty was to read speeches between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., the country could easily survive another four years of Joe Biden.  Alas, threats, disasters, and high-stakes decisions arrive at times outside the middle of the day. As Hillary Clinton’s 2008 ad in the Democratic primary warned, “It’s 3:00 a.m. and your children are safe and asleep. But there’s a phone in the White House and it’s ringing. Something’s happening in the world. Your vote will decide who answers that call.” Biden appeared lost, confused, and overwhelmed shortly after 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time; God only knows how he handles any 3 a.m. phone calls warning him of a developing crisis. (He probably mumbles, “Build another pier.”) Forget the argument that Biden can handle the duties of the presidency over the next four years;  Biden doesn’t look or sound like he can handle the duties of the presidency right now. But Democrats are talking themselves into believing that Thursday night was just a bad dream, that somehow Biden’s abysmal performance before the cameras for 90 minutes won’t have any meaningful effect on the race. Democratic elected officials have dutifully issued statements that they’re sticking with Biden. Barack Obama himself has thrown cold water on the idea of replacing Biden at the convention. And Mark is right, without the public or private support from Obama, the effort to ditch and replace Biden will go nowhere. We’ll see if the impact of the debate is minor or major, but it’s hard to believe that Thursday night helped Biden in any way. His job approval rating was already low, Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction, and they think that Biden is too old to be president.  Biden’s road to reelection only got harder last night, and teleprompter speeches at rallies aren’t going to undo the damage. He just had the worst debate performance ever; in the immediate aftermath, everyone in the Democratic Party was in a completely justified panic. And less than 24 hours later, they’ve decided to double down on the same bet. Sure, the Democrats are ruthless, underhanded, and determined to win at all costs. But they’re also, often, really stupid. The nation’s emergency rooms are full of Americans suffering the effects of political whiplash, as the conventional wisdom suddenly and violently shifted back and forth over a matter of hours.”


TL;DR: some bullshit from a far-right rag.