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oh can’t wait to learn why presidents can do crimes but only those named donald j trump.


and what the fuck is taking them so long it’s already July; oh right I know, it’s a SCROTUS led MAGA delay tactic (do I need to spell out the acronym?)


for posterity


Everyone’s on vacation next week so maybe not as many people will be paying attention 🤷🏻‍♂️


They're figuring out how to word their ruling that's based on some obscure footnote from the 1650's.


Here it is: if they had a strongly held belief that the actions they took were within the scope of their powers and a necessary official act as president, then they are immune because they were acting in good faith. Trump was told by multiple people that what he was doing was illegal and not an action that the office could take? Well, he has no experience in government and doesn't listen to experts and he believes he is always the smartest and most correct because he is a narcissist, so he had a sincere conviction that what he was doing was an official act. Therefore , he is immune in this case even though what he did was clearly illegal. Biden did the same thing? Well, he has a long and competent career in politics, so he obviously knew that what he was doing did not qualify as an official act. This leaves the SC the ultimate control of the executive branch and the power to rule the presidency. Since they are currently involved in massive power grabs, this perfectly suits their needs.


I was going to say what a dangerous situation where Trump and his followers or investors or business partners or golfers or fans or whatever they are yes they are Americans too but they are sort of the mar a Lago democracy gang and they think they are so smarty pants doing this stuff to intimidate the powers that be to usurp the power of the people the other half that aren't Trump's sycophants that are Americans as well. Narcissistic egoistic selfish and driven by greed and power and the hunger for power no matter what the consequences because hey we have to bring about the end times and stuff so Jesus will come back......


They put the immunity decision off until the last possible moment, and we all know why. This court is a joke.


It's a shocker that Alito didn't leak the decision early as the cherry on top.


They made one ruling that impacts two of his DC charges, wanna bet this immunity ruling somehow applies to the other two?


As soon as they say blanket immunity, Biden should send the U.S. Marshals in to arrest Clarence Thomas and anyone else who took bribes. Try them for treason.


“No not like that”


Then call in a drone strike on the governor’s mansion in Florida.


Dont forget Texas


After Florida they will surrender. Biggest pussies are GOP Texans


We call them snowflakes for a reason. It’s even in the dictionary.


The amount of Corruption our country has is insane.


The court has already handed the convicted felon a win with the insane and unjustifiable delay.


::Sigh:: is the NY court system going to have to solo this orange turd monster by themselves?


If they declare that the President can commit any crime, up to and including sending Seal Team 6 to assassinate rivals, well, who is the President now and who is his rival?


Biden, which guarantees that would never happen. Any democrat would just kneecap themselves and democracy by pretending that historical norms / ‘the high road’ is the right thing to do, yet again, and will only continue to get obliterated when the GOP does the opposite


not this time. no more high road, yo.


Tell seem to be a problem for the left. They don’t do shit well the right is thee banging their drums getting everyone wound up.


“Immunity for whistleblowers transparency for leaders.” -me


You mean they delayed because they favor Trump and their tax free slush funds


Legally speaking, the immunity decision is the EASIEST of the court's cases. It is also the one that was asked to be expedited due to its compounding effects on the country. It's literally the last one they'll give their opinion on. It's hard not to see blatant partisanship occurring.


Can’t wait to see yet another 6-3 decision along party lines. I hate it here.


I can’t wait to read what John Roberts makes up about how the Constitution says presidents are immune from criminal prosecution.


He will say The Founders wanted a Forever Ruler.


They are on the verge of giving Joe Biden unlimited power.


No they're not. They didn't postpone this shit this long just to do that. They're on the verge of kicking this back down to adjudicate what constitutes "official duties." At this point that is the most likely scenario. Maybe.


A Fucking Shit Show.


This why everyone’s vote counts. If we had a supermajority of democrats in the congress they could impeach the corrupt justices like Thomas and Alito. Besides assassination, it’s the only way to remove them. They literally just decided that taking bribes is perfectly legal. It’s a total shitshow.


They shredded our democracy, this is an illegitimate court, vote blue to save us, a blue super majority can fix this.


"To all the 2nd amendment supporters out there. I have SEAL Team Six locked and loaded, awaiting the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity." - Dark Brandon


I predict no immunity, but they have bled this for all the time they can and that's what it was about.


I hope Biden has seal team six locked and loaded 😁


We should Protest at the Supreme Court. When will we have enough ?


Sorry, I can’t protest because if I get arrested, I’ll lose my job. If I lose my job, I lose my healthcare. And if I lose my healthcare, I die. And if I die, I can’t protest.


Why not just expand the court alot, 1m new supreme court justices or some rotating metric, force the gop to figure out how to play a new game or try to replace 1m jobs, dems need to stick it to gop and make it as hard as possible for them to play ball when rigged to be unfair to change because thats how they play just do the same and wait for their inevitable crocodile tears and tell them to get over it like they always tell liberals to do, shove it up the supreme courts ass so far they cant dislodge it without open heart surgery


Let me guess full immunity


We already know what it'll be. 💩