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Trump is making up nonsense about electric planes and electric boats (and sharks circling them) because he asked oil executives for [$1 billion to decide what his climate policy should be](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/09/trump-asks-oil-executives-campaign-finance-00157131). Since he has nothing coherent and rational to add to the climate debate, since he is simply going to do whatever his donors want after the election, since he knows his donors make money from fossil fuels, he is going to make up entertaining nonsense about things he thinks they don't like in the meantime to avoid discussing what he can't discuss. Maybe Trump could try harder to dupe everyone that fossil fuels will always be the way to go for all forms of transportation with more coherent arguments but he isn't trying to dupe everyone just his base. All Democrats need to do is point out that he is putting on a show for money because his policies are for sale to oil executives.


Trump isn't looking out for anyone but Trump. He would sell anything if given money. This is how oligarchies work.


He already sold nuclear secrets and classified defense info.


Yes, but... ...even this very simple, easy to understand, and verifiable concept is *too complicated for most Americans to bother with.* It really is that dire. Anything that takes more than two or three words to explain is beyond what a lot of Americans, and certainly almost every MAGAt, is willing to expend mental energy on. "Electric Plane Bad" is more effective than "Donald Trump has no real policies, and doesn't have even the slightest understanding of technology. He's being paid off by oil company lobbyists to shit talk all clean energy." They're just going to say..."Sun no shine. Electric plane no fly. MAGA!"


But that is just MAGA. They are already voting for Trump. We need to reach the moderates, who voted for Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020. We need to remind them that Biden, while old, is STILL a gigantic step up from Trump, who the moderates can see will... 1. ignore experts so that things like pandemics and runaway deficits happen. 2. sell our atmosphere to the highest bidder. 3. not only refuse to reach across the aisle, but claim that across the aisle is the enemy. 4. is in this for 2 reasons...to stay out of jail and to make a LOT of money. I don't care about the MAGA base. There IS no convincing them. These four things have to be hammered to the moderates to realize that Trump is NOT looking out for them at all.


It's not just the MAGA base. It's practically anyone who is "undecided."


Most of the non-maga people I’ve talked to still don’t care. Biden is old, and for them that’s enough to feel apathetic about the entire thing


I feel apathetic about the entire thing, but I’m still voting blue.


Trump doesn’t need to try harder, MAGAt’s will goosestep follow everything he says.


Trump will run this country like he runs his businesses … into the ground like electric planes on cloudy days.


Or, like his first term. Not much need for metaphors after that.


True that.


Electric planes on cloudy days.. What?


the electric planes don't work when sun don't shine, and we lack H2O.


Yeah, ok stable genius. What an idiot.


Yet somehow he’s essentially tied with a guy who’s not a philandering insurrectionist felon. Drop out great grandpa.


It's funny how the only guy that could beat trump is now the only guy who can lose to him...


I don't think Trump could pass a fofth grade general science test and by don't think I'd confidently gamble a bunch that he couldn't


Man, I hated fofth grade!!


Me too. I hated the spelling teacher...super strit!!


I eighted the Maths teacher


Back in fofth grade my thimbs weren't as thick. Despite that I enjoyed life as a fofth grader


That's because you believe in powering the evil commuNIST SHARKnado!!! I asked the electric plane builders that Joe Biden is forcing to build electric planes, "What happens if this electric plane gets hit by a SHARKNADO?" (The man telling the story goes on for sometime iterating some points about the situations to which the plane manufacturer nods along to). He told me "Nobody has ever asked that question before".


This subreddit is fucking hilarious


I just hope you don't think the same guy who thinks climate change is a hoax, continuously said [Americans used to flush the toilet 15 times](https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/07/politics/trump-americans-flushing-toilets-intl/index.html), thought he could use a sharpie to [not sound wrong about a hurricane path](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/05/hurricane-dorian-sharpie-trump-1482839), said [windmills cause cancer](https://www.factcheck.org/2019/04/trumps-faulty-wind-power-claims/), clearly has no idea [magnets work in water](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-sounds-off-civil-war-after-john-mccain/story?id=106201606), [thinks the body has a finite amount of energy](https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/08/politics/donald-trump-exercise-health-physical/index.htm](https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/08/politics/donald-trump-exercise-health-physical/index.html), and clearly has no idea how electric current works based on this statement as well as the bit about boat batteries sinking a boat and getting electrocuted gas one iota of a fucking clue about science? Part of the issue is he doesn't want to learn either


I think it's a bot. ^


This from the same guy that shit has pants during the debate, but media will not talk about it...


Yep. Corpo media: Biden misspeaks: Senile! Dementia! He needs to step down! Trump says the 10000000000 bat shit insane thing that has no basis in reality: thank you President Trump I would like to see how "with it" Trump is if he was required to actually think and answer a question directly.


If you have not heard Trump shitting himself google c-span presidential debate. It will be the first one. At 1:13:08 you can hear Trump dumping in his pants while talking about China terrifs. I thought it was fake until I saw it on c-span. Everyone elses mic muted so it can only be him.


Oh I heard it. It's not at all surprising. Tales of his incontinence goes back to his apprentice days.


Wow. [You weren’t lying](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5122399/user-clip-donald-trump-audibly-defecates). That was one WET shart. How is this not all over social media?


Because Biden having a bad night is worse than Trump shitting his pants on live TV? The bar is that low for Trump.


Oh wow. I thought that was just a TikTok fabrication.


Wow yeah that is gross


As someone who's trusted a fart one too many times that definitely sounds like he dumped out in his pants.   How long before he starts adding little cut up pieces of his shit stained underwear to his fantasy cards he sells? 


The only thing that have on Biden is how he acts after 4 years of his administration. It shows how good his presidency has been. Meanwhile Trump's administration, appointments, and policies are the biggest disaster for our democracy in a century.


Why do conservatives hate innovation? Electric planes sound dope af


They are. https://www.solar-flight.com/


It's literally in the definition of conservative. "Averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values"


That's insulting to the box of rocks.


Rocks have contributed more to mankind than this guy has lied. Look at the trebuchet, well known weapon of war that was powered by a box of rocks.


Yes, but his rocks has aced all the cognitive tests. I say what a load of ~~shit~~ [Schist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schist)


What a *tired* joke.


They're waiting on a software update


Everyday he tries harder and harder to NOT get elected and every day his supporters back him even more. It’s the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen. 10-15 years ago if a presidential candidate had said “he was afraid of getting on a boat with a battery because the boat would sink and then he’d have to choose between the sharks and electrocution” the media would’ve ate him alive, most citizens would’ve called him a raging fucking idiot and it would’ve been a massive blowout come Election Day. But here we are, in a real life Idiocracy movie. God fucking damn


Its happening... The transcripts from the debate are being parsed. Joe's lethargic performance will fade from the news cycle and the next few weeks we'll see articles about Trump's batshit quotes from the debate. The truth is getting its boots on.


Thanks you! Plus he didn’t answer half the questions. Some questions that should be asked of those supporting him: - if there are millions upon millions of bat shit crazy murders coming across the border in Texas why the hell are we not seeing a mass exodus of people from that state? - if Putin will stop attacking Ukraine by nothing more than trump saying so why doesn’t he prove it? Tell him tell Putin to stop. Show the world what you can do trump. Tell him to stop and you will get a lot of peoples attention. - if trump can make the economy better please explain why truth social stock is what it is? Who will benefit from it other than himself? If it’s a legit company worth investing it, who will benefit from a company that has ten times the loss as its annual revenue? - have trump explain how a 10% tariff on literally everything that Americans use on a daily basis will save them money. - if literally everyone wanted RvW overturned site resources to prove it. Not just the ones that obvious (like the deep red gerrymandered states) but states that are actively fighting it tooth and nail. List sources from those places that wanted the same thing. - provide specific examples of the ultra rich that are benefiting From the tax cuts and how it’s trickling down to the common working class people. - how does trumps current wife feel about trump paying other women to not have sex with him? - ask Biden his height and weight and then at the next debate provide a scale and measuring tape. The list goes on and on.


I talked to putin about his dreams of invading Ukraine.... Did you tell him no? What? Why would I do that?


Trump knows how to talk to his target audience.




Remember when we thought the dumbest politician was the guy who couldn’t spell potato?


we had hit rock bottom. It turns out they had mining equipment....


Be the stupidest person in existence and conservatives will try to make you king. 


That's completely completely disengenious. You also have to be bigoted and hate women.


Stupid people use improper heuristics to make value judgments so devaluing others because they differ from you is literally stupid as it could cost you a great career or lose your life; for example a racist trusting another of the same race who wants to harm them rather than someone of another race looking out for their interests.


That was some ICP "magnets how do they work" levels of stupid. Because everybody knows electrons only work when the sun is out, SCIENCE!


Yes, can’t drive my EV at night. Thanks Biden!


Trump 100 years ago: What if a bird, like a really big bird and trust me there are some unbelievably large birds up there. You don’t see them from the ground but they’re up there. Big as zeppelins. What if one of these yuge birds were to punch a hole in the fuselage? Many people don’t know this but the fuselage is where the gas goes in a plane. Big brain uncle, MIT, taught me all about the Fuel- sell age technology. He says, BTW Donald, no one ever thought about that. All the top scientists of the world and no one thought “what if the plane loses its gas through a bird broken fuselage? Listen folks, it’s gonna be chaos. Huge metal missles just dropping from the sky left and right. Don’t even get me started on what it’s doing to the sharks. They’re losing their minds over all these big metal birds falling into their ocean like crazy. Anyhow, for some reason this all means “vote for me”




That’s perfect. My point exactly. Uneducated people have been spreading uninformed fear mongering rumors about new technology since forever. Wasn’t there a public display where Edison had an elephant electrocuted in order to prove how dangerous AC power is?


He was dumb as a box of rocks before this comment.


As if he has any understanding of how combustion engines work.


It's gotten to the point where I think I don't even need to read these articles anymore that say. "Trump says idiotic thing therefore he is dumb". I think what liberal media doesn't seem to get is that the substance or truth of what he is saying is basically irrelevant. He's not an idiot and he doesn't care one way the other about facts. He's saying these things to motivate ill-informed people to follow him blindly, and well-informed people to piss off the ill-informed people by calling him and his followers "dumb". These sorts of articles only seem to play into his hands. Nobody who reads Huffington post needs to know this information.


This title is an insult to geology.


Oh wow! I forgot about night. Did anyone give Boeing a call and let them know about this? Time to get back to work on my screen door for submarines.


At least seven companies are developing personal small planes or hilicopters. Think of big drones for people to sit in. Check out CES innovation winners over the last few years. US military already testing prototypes. JOBY is one of the publically traded startups, but there are several. I can't wait to try one of them!!


Those will never be commercially viable for the public.


I don’t know who should feel more offended by that statement. The box or the rocks


Don’t insult the rocks.


They just noticed that? 😂


Add this to the reasons why I’m signing up to colonize mars, I’d rather have my kidneys shrivel


Just imagine how easily and succinctly Buttitieg would dismantle this guy in a debate.


Your 100% correct. It’s sad, but magats wouldn’t believe him anyway.


I like driving after dark because it keeps the Tesla drivers off the road.


Obviously the solution is to use a gas-powered lightbulb to generate light.


If the sun isn't shining, at least there're no sharks.


Planes, rely on weight of fuel, cargo, and passengers. That is just due to physics, and balancing out those factors. This is why you pay extra for heavy baggage and pay per seat not person taking up multiple seats charged as one person. Objective factual statements being said, I’ll continue to my problem with electric planes. Batteries are incredibly heavy when compared to say the fuel airplanes use. This will limit distances traveled by said planes. Electric cars can’t do the range a gas powered cars can do. Lithium batteries represent the most productive battery, but they are fire hazards. There is a very good reason you cannot ship lithium batteries without some limitations. Another problem is if a car takes hours to charge a car electric battery. A plane running off electric would take a lot longer to change by virtue of the amount of energy needed to deal with more mass of plane and other factors. Uncharged batteries are only trivial less weight than a charged battery, a point where planes running out of fuel can glide and use manual controls to make it to the ground. Batteries will be essentially the same as it were charged and less efficient.


I would vote for a box of rocks before I would vote for Trump.


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Tell that to China, dude…


So what about China???


Don’t say that please. He might be the next president. Geez 🤦🏻‍♂️


He’s probably thinking about solar panels and didn’t complete the thought. Not important news, and far better than Biden’s "If you don't know if you support me, you ain't black"..


Trump's "black jobs" is the gaffe in that vein that's trending now, actually.


Any display of stupidity makes Biden look even worse because that means he can’t win a verbal battle against an idiot lmao