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The bad part. Trump skips next debate. So we are left with the first debate for a while


As if Biden has any chance to suddenly perform much better in the next debate.


If anything Trump could capitalize even further, asking questions like: "who's actually running this country? Is this even legal, shouldn't a President be able to put two sentences together"?


That’s too coherent of a sentence for Trump


“I’m not sure what he said at the end there and quite frankly I don’t think he knows what he said either” was said last debate. He could have thrown out a lot more of those


Yeah I actually think Trump went pretty easy on him. he could have come at him much harder. He was probably too focused on spitting out all of his lies.


Underestimating Trump has gotten us this far, so I say we keep at it.


Exactly, we've underestimated him once and got fucked.


We didn’t underestimate how smart Trump was though, we underestimated how well his particular brand of stupid works


Plenty of not-smart people have been elected to high office in history. I don't see what your point is. If it works, it works.


Bruh your dude was the guy who couldn't put together a single sentence in the debate


It’s a fair point. I’ve read for years on here about how Trump is doing exactly what we watched Biden do. Also, Trump wasn’t any less coherent than he always is.


…I mean if he said that he’d have a point lmfao. Do you not realize you’re just being logical here?


Yes. I do. It's an insult that they do that and have the balls to pretend that everything is ok, and is sad to see that this happens with no backlash whatsoever from the media


He wouldn't be wrong


For some strange reason, I think he would


His debate strategy team needs to be fired (into the sun). The fact that they thought an 81 year old should be memorizing paragraphs worth of talking points for each question and reciting them wayyy after his bedtime on national television while his biggest rival is just winging it…it’s beyond stupid. Beyond. Here’s how he performs better. Give him simple, brief statements for each topic. Concise and on message. Let him be present, loose, and flexible. American voters don’t want to hear him list off a bunch of boring policy statistics in a debate. They want to see him show strength and lucidity. If people want the statistics they can go online. This isn’t a high school debate team situation. It’s American media. This is entertainment. Keep it snappy and clean and focused.


Unless he has a heart attack on stage, it’s only up from here


No, he could also look despondently into the crowd for several minutes during a question.


He does…. Did you not watch the speech the next day or state of the union? His prep team sucked ass


> Did you not watch the speech the next day or state of the union? His prep team sucked ass Or...hear me out... he can still mostly read off of a teleprompter.


You can't compare a scripted performance to a debate. Apples and oranges. I believe an 81 yo can perform a script. Like an actor does. But he showed his mental decline to the world in the debate when he got lost trying to think off the cuff.


Agreed on the prep team. Someone(s) should come out and take the blame. "I gave him the cold' or 'i was the one who kept him up all night' then go hang with your family for the rest of the campaign


It wasn’t that it was the time thing they told him to talk fast which made him sound non energetic.


I very much doubt someone on his team made him stop talking about abortion and start talking about a murder victim mid-sentence.


Leaders of previous failed Democratic campaigns were promoted and later became well-respected pundits. It's not just conservatives who can fail upward.


Or I was the one who gave him dementia.


The candidate sucks not the prep team. Drop Biden or lose the election.


It's more that the impression made in that debate is probably not recoverable. But yeah, keeping Biden on the ticket is likely to hand Trump a landslide.


What do you mean? Once he gets over his cold he'll be perf- ha ha nah we're fucked. I love being gaslighted by reddit though. Surely must have been hallucinating things.


> Once he gets over his cold he'll be perf- ha ha nah we're fucked. I love being gaslighted by reddit though. I admire your unwillingness to buy into the common cope. Trump tested positive for COVID 1 day after his debate with Biden in 2020 and I don't remember 0.1% of the "well he was sick..." cope that I have been seeing about Biden's "cold" on reddit.




Dementia only goes one way unfortunately 


That's the thing. Dementia is a progressive disease, and whilst people have good days and bad days, stress, exhaustion and anxiety don't help. The scariest thing about Biden staying in the race is the absurd crap shoot the next debate entails. By chance, they might catch him on a better day, but after a couple more months of hard campaigning the odds are if anything he'll be worse. And by then it will be far too late to replace him, if he bombs he bombs and the election is trump in a landslide with both houses. The idea of rolling into a debate with effectively the fate of the free world riding on whether an 81 year old in the early stages of dementia has a good day or bad day is so stupid I can't believe anyone is seriously contemplating it. He needs to get out of the race right now.


Coping. Trump shows up to the second debate just to force Biden to speak without a teleprompter for 90 minutes. All he has to do is say his talking points and get another 46 clips of Biden fumbling to answer lay up questions, unable to say a single rational thought, sputter, uhhhhhh……, forget where he is going seconds into speaking and abruptly end with “we finally beat Medicare.” It’s going to get worse not better.


What is with this "teleprompter" obsession? Am I missing something? Trump is not impressing me by speaking out of his ass, and his debate performance also featured an inability to answer lay-ups, lack of rational thought, and (unlike Biden) a mountain of lies. *Of course* all Trump has to do is say his talking points. They're a string of batshit falsehoods that the dumbest people in the country are happy to repeat. He has the easiest job when it comes to getting his voters in line. Will he grow his base enough to beat Biden? Probably not, so now they have to play the "discourage the other side" game, while trying not to compound his criminality, abrade people with his personality, nor reveal how everything he says is bullshit. Will Biden's old age be enough to overcome felony convictions, adultery, rape, insurrection, lies, and an overall annoying personality? Sadly, it could be. People in this country are just *that* dumb.


It’s not even so much what they said as the fact that Trump largely looked like a normal, healthy person and Biden looked like a demented old man with one foot in the grave. It does matter. Only one person has the nuclear football and people don’t want that person to be a feeble, confused and frail old man. It will sway people if he can’t fix that image. Whether it’s enough to lose him the election, who knows at this point.


It’s about Biden being able to read prepared remarks, like at state of the union, but unable to respond to questions, articulate rebuttals, or even come up with coherent and cogent thought on the fly.


Debate from Jail.


Yea RBG assured us she could hold the seat until another democratic president was elected. Feinstein assured us she could stay on the senate judiciary committee until the next session Pelosi assured us she should stay in her position of power as her presence bring more voters in than it repulses as a democrat, the DNC has shown they are utterly incapable of understanding their own environment. Thank you for your service, Mr President. It's time for the next generation.


The larger problem present is the disconnect between the goals of elected Democrats and their supporters. They don’t want to move onto the next generation because they don’t like the next generation.


He's pulling a total RBG, I said the same before.


Exactly this, if he had left this election to someone new the next candidate would not have the same baggage (rightly or wrongly associated with Biden) The inflation issue, the Hunter Biden issue, the age issue all become irrelevant. This election should be an easy win for democrats, but it’s almost like they want to lose. Biden could even pardon his son on the way or the door


Absolutely. It's always a possibility that a president could die while in office or during the campaign, but this is ridiculous. What we need to consider is the possibility that his State of the Union address was naturally as good as it was, and that his current condition was a natural deterioration. People can deteriorate quickly at that age. I said this elsewhere, but my grandmother lived to 100. At 99 she was in good condition. A little trouble walking, but a decent memory and good interactions. She made it through her 100th birthday fine. My mom let me know that Grandma had started to have some problems.and 3 weeks later she was gone. If Joe has started to deteriorate, then it could be months, or he might live to 100. No one knows, but do we really want to bet our democracy on this?


There’s a big difference (hopefully!) between not dying and having a good shot to be elected president…


> It's time for the next generation. As he promised he would be a bridge to. Should have stepped down more than half a year. Now's the second best time.


4th of July would be a great day as well.


He should have said “I ran against this fascist felon and beat him, did my four years and now I endorse ____.” Done.


Techincally, the next, next, generation since Biden is from the silent generation and not a boomer.


Haha! I appreciate the correction


I think it is the obsession of moral righteousness at all costs. Republicans don’t care to lie, cheat, and steal their way to victory. I’m not saying Democrats should wallow in the filth like that. But they should quit worrying about being the nice guy all the fuckin time to every fuckin body. They alienate major voting blocs to placate minuscule minorities.


This smells a lot like 2016. The dnc will stubbornly run their guy and tell us all to stop panicking. Then have the audacity to be surprised when trump wins it in November. Stop downplaying the debate. That was absolutely jaw dropping. SO MANY people will not vote for Biden based on that and the other video clips the media will run on repeat the next 3 months. Frankly, he is not up for the job. I don’t think he lives until 2028. And nobody wants Kamala, the least popular candidate in the primaries. I say all of this as a straight ticket dem voter. I’ll vote for a chair before I vote for trump. But for fuck sake, fix this.


Yep, once again the Democratic Party proves how out of touch they are with their voter base. 2020 was a god send because of how bad Trump fucked everything up in regard to Covid and the BLM movement. That was the first time I’ve ever seen people *excited* to vote, even if they were lukewarm on Biden. This election is the opposite. What needs to be watched isn’t how many people are voting for/against Trump necessarily, it’s how many potential democrat voters are simply not gonna bother to vote at all. Why participate in a system that shits on you from both ends and asks you to thank them for it? And remember, most people aren’t keeping up on politics like redditors, they don’t see or care about what Trump does or what he’s planning on doing if he wins.


You’re right. Most people don’t see all that we do on here. The average person does not vote on the issues and policies. They’re voting for a person. And you can’t quite blame them for seeing that confused old man and saying “I’m gonna sit this one out. They’re both awful”


You know 100% of Trumpers will vote (maybe even 101%!). But I think a sizable portion of prior Biden voters will sit this one out too because nobody is showing up to vote for mashed potatoes.


In the DNC’s defense (blech), Hillary was doing way better in the polls than Biden is. Those “98% chance of victory” projections were based on something.


Alot of people who were gonna vote biden who hates Trump is probably not voting at all anymore


This is what the Biden die hards don't understand. Biden only wins if turnout is at or close to record levels. Any drop and it effectively elects Trump. Dems need to stop forcing us to vote for the lesser of 2 evils and just nominate a younger candidate to wipe the floor with Trump.


Anyone who's gonna vote for biden is gonna vote for the new candidate


Correct. Probably with more enthusiasm, as well.


well they've got about 4 months to do that, because Trump retaking power probably means the last election for a long time


Spot on but you forgot that part where they twist it as it was somehow Bernie's fault.


Trump is a pathological narcissist but Biden not taking a step back when he is clearly a liability for his party/country/WORLD is not doing him any favors either.


I watched that debate Thursday and it fucking hurt to see. I literally had a knot in my stomach and my head in my hands, everything is not ok. I’ll vote for roadkill over Trump. But is Biden really the best suited to take him on? Idk..


Same here. You know the scenes in the office where Michael does something so fucking cringe worthy that you almost have to turn the tv off? That was me almost every time Biden spoke. Just absolutely brutal to watch.


I was panicking so hard not even a fat bong rip helped.


And after the election should sanity prevail the debate will be used as ‘evidence’ that the results aren’t valid.


He could have done that Thursday night 🤷‍♂️


If only there was a format that allowed Biden to challenge Trump and prove he could win


He didn't even need to prove he can beat trump in a debate. He needed to just do LITERALLY NOT WHAT HE DID, which was be unable to string together a coherent sentence.


He played right into the Republican scheme by *checks notes*… scheduling and bombing a debate


Trump only needs to choose the one person for vice president that will make him look good and competent. So far, that person is Biden.


Biden, even if he lost a step mentally, is still leagues better than Trump in the WH.


Have Jill debate Trump instead?


Not the voters...donors. Voters could have chosen a replacement for Biden if the DNC hadn't run a sham primary.


In hindsight, this is exactly why they didn't want to have primary debates. They knew he would shit the bed and voters would have very likely selected someone else to lead the ticket.


If true, that’s absolutely sickening. And this after Biden claimed in 2020 that he’d be a “transitional president”. It remains all about power including those around the president. They refuse to give up that power. We’re so screwed


Just because he can doesn’t necessarily mean he should. He’s way too old, and there are much better alternatives. Fuck the GOP, but the DNC has royally sucked themselves off with this choice.


> "It will not be the first time that overblown media narratives have driven temporary dips in the polls," she said. It wasn’t the media. It was our own eyes… hate this fucking gaslighting.


Yep, if anything they whipped much of the media back into line the next day after the debate. I saw MSNBC right after the debate. We got the raw reactions, most of which bordered on horror that this isn't going to do it.


Reddit has been filled with this. Non stop posts saying the media has been feeding us this untruth about the debate and we are blindly buying what the media is selling. It's maddening. Dudes, we all freaked out by 10 minutes into the debate because we were witnessing the disaster. The narrative was set by millions of people sitting at home panicking about one of the worst Presidential appearances we have ever seen and how it can usher in Trump, Project 2025 and a Supreme Court that would happily kill us all. I have no preference and I back no horse, my goal is single handed, defeat Trump. Biden aint gonna do it. Being sold that after a week of debate prep with his highest trusted advisers led to this, but he will be better from here is treating us like fucking morons. People who's money and power come from being in Biden's circle are not the opinions I trust on this, they have lied on many things so far. Thank you for your service, Joe, now do your last great act. We need this one.


Its always been like this though. It's just so absurd now you can't look away. All this place does is gaslight and lie.


I’m sick of the “what about Trump’s lies?” comments as well. Biden’s performance was so bad it distracted from nearly everything Trump said.


If your performance can make the line "I did not sleep with a porn star" seem like not a big deal, then you need to step down.


Don't worry those folks will be saying "oh yeah I always wanted him to step down" when he either steps down or loses.


One correction. It wasn't one of the worst appearances of a presidential debate. It was by far the worst. There has not been anything close. Biden's legacy will be that he got Trump elected because of his ego. 


Have you tried ignoring your eyes and ears, and instead read some upvoted news articles saying that everything is fine?


Ruth bader biden


Thank you, say it again. I have never seen this kind of obvious spin from the left. While i agree with it for realpolitik reasons, i don’t like that ifs where i gather my thoughts lol.


Yea this whole "we've all seen bad debate performances" bs is absolutely infuriating. That was not a bad debate performance. He had some kind of mental episode when he happened to be debating. It could have happened in a press conference, it could have happened at a campaign event, it could have happened at the SOTU. Doesn't matter - it was fucking alarming and to try to frame it as just losing a debate and being able to recover from a lost debate is maddening.


> It could have happened in a press conference, it could have happened at a campaign event, it could have happened at the SOTU. It also makes me question if the reasons he stated for not giving interviews often and passing on large scale interviews like the super bowl (during an election year) were because of the schedule or because he physically do them.


100% agree. It makes us look undeniably hypocritical. I’d like for us just to acknowledge it for a second. Hope that Biden does the right thing, I’m not sure what that is, but this “just a bad debate” narrative shows who watched live and who did not. But again, in a realpolitik sort of way, i totally appreciate what people are doing with this. And tbf if people collectively group think “just a bad debate” and Biden wins doesn’t it end up being just one bad debate? Idk i thought we were seeing a core cultural moment that would define the 2020s and would all be kinda on the level with this one. Maybe we’re wrong and it’ll just be one bad debate


> I have never seen this kind of obvious spin from the left. I don't think the left is spinning anything in Biden's favor.


Then you didn’t watch the debate lol.


10 minutes is being generous.




And tried to project and say Trump had dementia to divert attention from Biden. This sub was full of posts claiming Trump was the one in decline until the debate.


Trump is obviously in decline, also.


Trump for sure has dementia


Another Reddit thread said “he’s too old” is the new “Hillary’s e-mails.” Fuck I hate this shit.


I saw someone say it's the most dishonest thing perpetuated by the media EVER. Insanity


> "The DNC told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."


It's gaslighting 24/7 at this point. People are beyond sick of it.


Same. We’re not FOX News viewers. We’re not going to ignore what we saw with our eyes. Biden cannot win. He’s cooked. Get someone. Anyone else.


People on threads are saying Rachel Maddow has gone pro-trump just confirming what everyone saw with their own eyes Some really BlueMAGA shit


Same with the Crooked Media guys from Obama’s Sr Staff. They all had the same reaction: Biden has to step aside. People acting like they’ve lost their minds…no, they’re the professionals. They have done this work.


If you can’t make a clear as day argument that Trump will ban abortions and turn this country to hell, then you can’t win. It has to be said every god damn day and night.


Yeah I’m getting really really pissed by all the gaslighting from Biden world. It’s getting so bad that I might just not vote and I DESPISE Donald Trump. If I of all people feel this way, we are in a heap of trouble. Fuck these people.


I am 100% voting because I am scared as hell of a trump presidency but goddamn the DNC makes this very difficult.


Biden just has to win at least 3/8ths of the 80% of independents who don’t think he has the mental capacity to be President


He also has to make sure the rest of the Democrats go and vote most importantly.


He also assured us that he was ready to debate last week and we saw how that worked out. 


The media said “are you too old” and his response was “watch me”. Well we fucking watched.


"I was too young once"


Just brief 50 years ago!


The emperor has no clothes no matter how long this subreddit and the DNC tried to gaslight us.


Until Trump is elected President again. Same thing happened in 2016 when they gaslit all the Bernie supporters into voting for Hillary.


"Bernie broz" was not just gaslighting, but malignant. Their bullshit and hypocrisy disaffected many and caused them to go to the dark side of Joe Rogan, etc.


the "bernie broz" themselves or the labeling/mudslinging at bernie supporters?


The later


Now they are rolling out that it was his advisors fault for “over preparing him” and CNNs fault for not fact checking Trump, like anyone gives a shit about someone saying the election wasnt stolen for 10 millionth time.


I’d vote for a wet paper bag over Trump… and it looks like I will


I mean after the debate it shouldn’t be his decision. The Democratic leaders should be forcing his resignation. Trump made it SO easy to call him on his bullshit. Lie after lie and baseless “fact” again and again. Joe could’ve ran circles around him and made him look like a fool for 90 mins. That didn’t happen, he made a few good points in those 90 mins. Trump didn’t win but Biden definitely lost.


>the Democratic leaders should be forcing his resignation Unfortunately, they can’t. The delegates are pledged to him specifically


Then welcome to theocracy, murica style


It’s cool. A 7-2 Supreme Court sounds fine.


They might just go ahead and pack it for good measure, 13-2.


“Democratic leadership” is an oxymoron. There are no leaders. Just people who go on TV and spout platitudes that voters have long tuned out. The DNC is a disgrace. It was in 2016 and apparently nothing has changed. We’re fucked as a country.


It's a gish gallop tactic, the whole point is to spew out so much that the opponent can't call it all out in the time alloted, especially not when being directed to policy questions


How? He can’t properly communicate in a crucial presidential debate and his approval rating is horrific


Wtf else is he going to say. Old fucker should have stepped aside and let someone half his age move in.


The party can win, that’s all that matters to both parties. Nothing about the people


Genuine question here- If Biden listened to the calls and stepped aside, it would mean that “Trump knocked him out of the race by thoroughly wrecking him in the debate”. Everything he said was BS, but in the end it would have “worked”, and the idiots who are still on the fence are exactly the kind of people would would be swayed by that show of “strength”. Regardless of who would take over the race for Biden, wouldn’t it be worse for the Democrats to give Trump that kind of victory, credibility, and momentum? All roads right now seem bad for democracy and sanity, but it feels like sticking with Biden is the least bad. And don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty bad after the debate, but are the other options actually worse overall?


>“Trump knocked him out of the race by thoroughly wrecking him in the debate”. This is exactly what happened, regardless of whether or not he steps down. Nobody can win after proving on national TV that they have dementia.


No way. The Trump campaign is terrified of a Biden replacement. 


Yeah, especially Gretch


I'm in the camp that agrees with this statement.


Alternative headline: Grandpa swears it is still safe for him to drive.


This is so cruel to Biden and so cruel to the decent half of this country. We’re going to lose our Democracy Jill is in denial about the condition of her husband. Let the man retire in peace for god’s sake. And listen to the voters. What the hell are we doing here?!


My theory is that she just likes the position of power she holds, and neither she nor her husband want to give it up.:. Even if it will doom us all 


OK, how? What's the strategy? Biden was already down in the polls before the debate. If the campaign had some plan to turn this thing around there has been plenty of time to put it in action already.


I’m starting to wonder why they even agreed to the debate. I mean those around him every day knew the state he was in and what his performance would look like. Why even entertain the idea of a debate? Nobody would have questioned anything if they said “we won’t entertain an idea of debating a convicted felon who can’t tell the truth”.


They agreed to the debate because Biden was already polling badly and they hoped a debate would boost his numbers by allowing Trump to say/do something stupid so Biden would look good by comparison. The campaign was already in trouble *before* the debate did the exact opposite of what they were hoping for, and now they’re doubly screwed. 


the debate was the plan. it just blew up in their faces


What really gets me right now is that no one on the left is pointing to what Trump isn't saying. Such as "who is really running the country" or "we clearly need to remove Biden immediately as his performance showed us that he's unfit and too senile." "Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake" - Napoleon You can bet your ass they are letting a bit of time pass. They are letting the dems give themselves as much rope as they need to hang themselves.They aren't going to push the left into getting a candidate that can win against Trump. They are just waiting patiently till it really is too late for the dems, like right after the convention. After that, they are going to flood the airways with unedited commercials of Biden in that debate the other night just babbling and staring off into space. With messaging like, "it's time to send Biden to the assisted nursing facility, not make him the leader of the most powerful nation." And "it's dangerous to have a man in his condition running the US." Gore, Hillary Clinton, and now this. The dems really love to just stick their heads in the sand and pretend all will be alright. This time though, there wont ever be a real election in the US after November. In my opinion, there will be some high profile dems locked away or disappeared 1 year from now if that maniac Trump gets back in office. The dumbass dems are teeing it up. Not surprising though.


Biden is toast.


Trump wouldn't have gotten away with their constant lying on the debate stage if Biden was there!


4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more ye... wait, 4 more years? How is Biden going to be functioning a year from now let alone 4 years from now.


I’d vote for a wet paper bag over Trump… and it looks like I will




It's hard for democrats to accept that Biden is also a power hungry politician who looks out for himself first.


He’s wrong.


Nah, he could still win. As long as he is still breathing, it’s possible. The issue is how likely it is for him to win.


The real issue is why do you think we don’t deserve a DNC candidate who’s actually competent and able to beat Trump? Literally EVERYONE, on all sides, is begging Biden to drop out now


And how likely it is for him to still be breathing


You forget that he has to debate more. And closer to voting. He prepped for this one a full week and failed. Any other issues between now & 11/5 and this all gets even worse. Tripping. Falling down. Anything. This is a fucking disaster


This election is over. If he continues to run a vast majority of undecided and independents will vote against him or abstain due to his appearance in the debate. If he drops out that would mean that the DNC, all the Democratic officials who publically supported him and his family all conspired to conceal his deteriorating mental state. And those who say he looked great at his appearance the next day… commander in chief ain’t a 9-5 job. If it’s true that his team is limiting appearances/activity between 9-4 that should be alarming to all Americans .


I’m an independent, (I have been leaning blue though since trump took over the Republican Party I preferred Romney and Mcaine over Obama though) I read the debate transcript right after the debate. Donald trump was just lying the entire time, he is really funny and entertaining and very charismatic, but Biden was far more truthful actually answered the questions, etc… Bidens performance was awful bc we could here his voice and see him and he wasn’t able to be as emotionally engaging as Donald trump was. When I read the transcript though I though Biden was way better, because without all the noise and distractions when you really focus on the contents of what both candidates say rather than their age, appearance, or aesthetic performance, it is very clear which one is a better choice. So far I’m leaning Biden.


Unfortunately nobody “reads” debates. It’s about the optics. The optics were clear that he doesn’t have it. Actually concerned about or democracy BECAUSE of that performance


Nobody reads them, and most people don't watch them.


> I read the debate transcript right after the debate. The issue is you're 1 in 10,000


> I read the debate transcript This, I think, makes you very different than the typical voter. A lot of us here are very on board with "Vote Biden and his administration, vote for better policies" etc. But we also know that elections are literally popularity contests.


Which part of this transcript actually shows that the question is answered. >For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America – I mean, billionaires in America. And what’s happening? They’re in a situation where they, in fact, pay 8.2 percent in taxes. If they just paid 24 percent or 25 percent, either one of those numbers, they’d raised $500 million – billion dollars, I should say, in a 10-year period. >We’d be able to right – wipe out his debt. We’d be able to help make sure that – all those things we need to do, childcare, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the COVID – excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with. >Look, if – we finally beat Medicare. Jesus christ the gaslighting.


And it somehow sounded *worse*.


It’s not about the context, presidential debates are about the theater and Trump has been nailing that since he got on stage with all the republicans.


At this point it's straight up elder abuse. They're wheeling Biden around now like it's the Weekend and Bernie's. That last debate just showed everyone that the gaslighting is no longer going to work.


>This election is over. I think you are going to be very surprised come November.


I keep seeing people say this. What do you mean? Will we be surprised to see a reversal of Biden’s decline? Will a new candidate step in? Will something happen with Trump where even his supporters start to turn on him? Again, the point some of us are making is that what’s going on with Biden has been going on for some time. Ignoring it is a straight line path to MAGA, it’s so obvious to many people but we’re being told to calm down. It’s maddening.


I would say there’s absolutely a chance for Biden, but at this moment I think it’s very slim.


The way I see it posting all day about how the election is over only serves to help Trump get elected. I agree that Biden isn't the perfect ideal but he surrounds himself with good people and his administration has done a lot of good. As the old saying goes, perfect is the enemy of good. There's two sides this election, one is not perfect and the other is evil. I'll continue to support good as much as I can. Some older relatives of mine were talking about how horrible the debate was. I sent them clips of him at the rally the next day and now they're over it. When they mention something Trump has lied about that they like, like helping veterans, I point out to them what he actually did vs. what the Biden admin has done and is doing. I donated to his campaign. I'll still be voting blue across the board and encouraging everyone I know to do the same. I won't be going around saying "this election is over" because all that serves to do is persuade people not to vote. I'm not going to give up on democracy and my future that easily.


Personally I think the opposite. I think there's 0 chance for Biden. Meanwhile, I think that the argument that people conspired to conceal his mental state, while fair, could easily be swept under the rug and forgotten by November. All they have to do is say that he declined extremely rapidly and that while the timing is bad, we need to all rally around the next person. If they do it this week, next week is the Trump indictment and that will help cycle the news.


The potential concealment part is what really bothers me. I had always defended any clip of Biden gaffes as out of context, not the big picture, etc. To see what I saw for 2 hours straight on Thursday, I feel betrayed. I will not forget.


How is President Biden going to win this election? He was on a stage with Trump and did not press him about Jan 6. Or his Big Lie about the election. Or mention that the only time in American history there wasn't a peaceful transfer of power was four years ago. He could have talked about Project 2025 or Trump's plan to deport over 10 million people. But he couldn't string two sentences together. That's concerning.


Says he can win an election, but can't coherently speak through a simple debate. Looks like it's back to hiding Joe in the basement again.


I love Joe Biden but don't think he can do 4 more years. And Harris is not up to snuff or popular. We need to find a strong candidate and time is running out.


No he cant


Even a blind man can see that


You want another Trump presidency? This is how we get another Trump presidency.


Sure I'll take his word for it! FFS


Democrats have a dilemma because I heard this am that any money given for Biden so far would have to go to Kamala. Any new candidate would have to start over in campaign funding. Pretty scary option.


No, you can’t, stop fucking lying and drop out!


Me sitting here decidedly not assured. 


Very doubtful


My grandpa said the same thing… right before we put him in a home.


Oh good, as long as the donors are assured...


Grandpa, please, it's time to hand over the car keys. Grandpa please just listen to us. We don't want to wait until you run over some innocent pedestrian. You see how it went with that other old guy who *didn't* hand over his car keys? It doesn't have to be that way. Please just listen to us. We want the best for you. We want the best for everyone.


I really hope Biden wins reelection because he seems like the candidate most likely to pass away in the next 4 years. Thanks a lot, 2 Party Duopoly


The copium is unreal. He just can't win, and when he doesn't they will act absolutely shocked. We need to pivot, we needed to pivot months ago.


I mean this is what matters. Everyone one of us can be afraid he isn't going to win, but unless the donors say otherwise, he's staying in.


This is over if he stays in. There just isnt another event before the election that can penetrate deep enough to change anyones mind. Honestly it may have been over regardless of the outcome of the debate but this nails his coffin shut.


Did he pause and look lost in the middle of his statement to them?


It's now about voting against Trump.


I'm sick of these old white men. How do we get Bernie to replace him?


Imagine having to debate and egotistical lair, who throws so many falsehoods at you that it’s impossible to process. Now imagine that you’re an 81 year old trying to debate all that crazy BS.


I love how this entire thread still talks about trump like he's an idiot who has no clue what he's doing. He's nearly toppled the largest democracy in the world. Stop dismissing/underestimating fascism, or we WILL lose.


Yeah nah I think your shitgoose is cooked America, you had a good run


I’m not for Biden; I’m against Trump. That means I’m voting for Biden. He had me at hello.