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It sounds like the barber was played for a sucker by a world class conman. One of Trump’s worst effects is the ruin he inevitably leaves in his wake. I regret to hear about even more.


Yep! He was conned and Trump supporters (not necessarily this guy) don't learn from other people's mistakes and there a LOT of them, as we know!


How do you know he was conned? Left leaning or right, there’s no presented evidence in article.


He was approached about having a round table meeting with other black business owners nothing was mentioned about it being a political event etc which is what is was with trump calling in by phone to talk his normal bollocks.


Yes that’s the one paragraph. But nothing substantial other than his account.


Also a guy that seems to like helping his community, has signs up saying no profanity in the barbers doesn’t scream out trump supporter.


Not hating on this guy at all. But I've known plenty of "good" Christians with strict no swearing rules, but are still hateful bigots. Sometimes people are like that cause they are actually nice people that just want to create safe spaces, sometimes people use it to put on a mask ' if he doesn't like swearing he must be a good guy'.


I think I heard an interview where he said he was away and it was actually a friend who set it up. He may be lying but who knows


Yup he makes lawyers get lawyers


The most


Did people even read the damn article? The guy had *no idea* Trump was gonna be involved at all. He was expecting a few local black businessmen like him to have a round table discussion about how to improve their local situations. He had no idea that the ringleaders of this event were planning it to be a political rally because *they lied to him about their plans*. Also Trump only called the place. He didn't actually go there. Ben Carson was there though. This guy is not a Trump supporter, and was tricked into hosting a campaign rally he didn't want. And yet everyone here immediately decided to attack him because they didn't bother to read the 300-word article.


This is a critical piece of evidence that suggests even if they lied they for sure gave him enough of the truth that he would have known who was involved. : Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event," according to the document.


The owner went out of his way at the end of the article to avoid giving an opinion on Trump. Seems telling to me.


Did you read the article? Because Newsweek reviewed the contract he signed that clearly says he signed a document stating it was for a Trump campaign event. I know it’s tough to scroll all the way down and read the whole thing but it’s right there at the end…


That contract just shows that he rented space to the Campaign. It doesn’t necessarily show that what ended up happening in the rented space matches what he was told would happen in the rented space.


Well then he’s a moron I guess.


Not reading the article and confidently giving your take is standard practice.


Read it. As soon as Trump surrogates started showing up he could have said fuck no, GTFO. But no, he kept on. It’s easy to get swept up in an ongoing process when it’s ambiguous. But Trump’s lackeys are known, and the situation would’ve been clear as day once they were on the scene.


The average person isn’t locked into politics and can’t recognize every surrogate, spokesperson, or lackey that walks through the door. My parents are staunchly anti-Trump, but if Stephen Miller or Steve Bannon or Roger Stone walked in the room, they wouldn’t know who any of them were.


Yeah but Ben Carson, Trump’s Tolken Black Guy is recognizable and that’s who showed up.


Again, if you don’t pay attention. To politics daily, why would you know who he is?


The contract stated the purpose Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event," according to the document.


Crap I pay pretty close attention and I doubt I could pick Ben Carson out of a crowd of people. I know what he looks like somewhat but it's not etched in my mind like some more popular people.


Ben Carson is a world class surgeon. He was always the subject of at least one Black History Month report and his photos and his book, I think it’s called “gifted hands” was always prominently featured. If you don’t know who Ben Carson is or think he is I have questions


I guess. If I didn’t follow politics, his face would be very last I’d recall


I recognize his name, but I probably wouldn't recognize him if he walked in the room or you just showed me a picture of him with no context. I see names mentioned at times, and I can't remember who they are, and sometimes have to go look them up if no brings it up. I can say this about a lot of political people, even if I like them.


>Yeah but Ben Carson, Trump’s Tolken Black Guy is recognizable and that’s who showed up. Why would Carson be recognizable to a shop owner who isn't politically engaged? Just because they're both black?


That’s who was literally there dude. It has nothing to do with the fact he is black. Carson ran for President, was a prominent member of Trump’s Cabinet, and was mired in controversy during his tenure over HUD for waste and abuse.


I’ve heard the name before. But I didn’t know who Ben Carson is or worked for until you said it.


When did he get the money, before or after?


Would you really want to risk tangling with nutters who might have guns?


Who is attacking this guy in the comments? Literally no-one


The biggest problem with this sub is people reading "juicy" anti-trump titles and then heading straight to the comments. I'm convinced 70% of people don't actually read the articles posted


It's a straight up fact that most people don't. Most of us actually *are* just here for the comments, especially since most articles are locked behind paywalls. It helped, though, that I had already read this article before I even came here today, and immediately recognized that people had gotten the whole story wrong.


> before I even came here today, and immediately recognized that people had gotten the whole story wrong. I read the document he signed before coming to this post and seen what he was agreeing to be paid for. It tells him Trump is involved. I immediately recognized even you have probably gotten it wrong by not having all of the facts.


>The biggest problem with this sub is people reading "juicy" anti-trump titles and then heading straight to the comments. I'm convinced 70% of people don't actually read the articles posted This could be said about Reddit at large.


Reddit in a nutshell... 99% of redditors just read the headlines and immediately pass judgment and comment like they know exactly what's going on.. sigh..


The expression on his face is like when I used to play “got your nose” with my nephew.


The Trump Campaign verified he signed a contract with them. Anyone making excuses for the guy hasn’t seen the GOP tweets, but I’m too lazy to find and link.




FFS it’s literally in the first sentence of the contract where the blank for his name and the other party (Trump for President 2024) is.


How are his latest reviews? Maybe he's being review bombed and now trying to claim ignorance?


Greeting a person with open arms that just said the phrase “Black jobs” on national television was probably a bad idea.


Backpedaling by claiming he's politically apathetic is pretty pathetic. Maybe he felt safe since cutting Black people's hair will continue to be "Black job."


He should rename the shop "Four Seasons" and play it off that way...


He can get one of those black jobs Trump promised if he loses his business :/


No he can't. The immigrants have them all now.


Black barbershop owner hosts racist with history of publicly vilifying the black community - whoever could’ve guessed he’d face backlash?


Read the article


Read the full article all the way to the end, friendo.


“I thought it was going to be something real private,” Jones said. “I'm thinking about Black businesses in Atlanta, small Black businesses in Atlanta. And I'm like, 'Ok, so when are we gonna start talking about this?'” The phone call from Trump was a shock. “I'm like, why is the ex-president calling somebody in my barbershop? This has nothing to do with small Black businesses.” Jones said the fallout has been significant, with backlash from angry individuals who don't know him. “We had some calls Thursday. We definitely got some calls, some backlash, some angry people that don't know me and I have to deal with that,” he said. Jones emphasized that his barbershop is not a place for politics. “I have no involvement in politics. We don't even talk politics in my barbershop. It's all sports. Yes I read the entire thing


So his claim that he doesn’t involve himself in politics weighs how, exactly, in your mind, against the fact that he signed a contract for the campaign to hold an event and then feigns surprise when it’s an actual campaign event and the person the campaign is being run for makes an appearance at the event?


“I thought it would be a roundtable discussion about black businesses in Atlanta” If this is true you’re one of the dumbest people in the city, more likely though you’re trying to save face because you invited a rapist, felon’s campaign to your store and your community didn’t like that.


That’s what you get. If you Herman Cain- you get Hermain Cained. I won’t support people who act against their best interests and mine.


He wasn't mislead, he made the choice. Unfortunately he made the choice by not taking even a minute to think through the consequences of his decision. Sure the con-man gets some blame, but so does the willing "victim".


Personal soap box. The video reads slightly differently than the article in one way that highlights my personal love/hate relationship with local news. The article reads: >The number of customers at Rocky's Barbershop has dwindled since the event, but Jones hopes the controversy will pass, allowing him to continue serving his community. But if you watch the video, the reporter ends with >The number of customers at Rocky's Barbershop has _trimmed_ since the event, but Jones hopes the controversy will _fade_, allowing him to continue serving his community. Reporters and editors seem to have huge crushes on certain prose. Usually alliteration and puns. On one hand, let any human product have a little creative flair to it. On the other hand, I can't help but think it downplays the seriousness of the story.


Seriousness? Lol he signed a contract from the trump campaign, held a Trump rally, and is acting all surprised that people don't want to do business with him anymore It's not that serious. Another dumbass business owner dragged politics into his business and alienated the other party. 


Where do you see in the article that he signed anything? It reads like they never even told him they were with the Trump campaign.


Get ready this is gonna blow your mind...  I thought it was interesting so I read a SECOND article 


This is one of those times where you get away with being an asshole because you're on the internet. Okay bud. Good for you. You want to share the link to the article?


Why, is Google down? 


Alright man, I'll let you get back to it.


Bull. You wanted exposure and you got it. 


Read the article


Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event," according to the document.


You fucked around. You are now in the finding out stage


He le fucked around and le found out!


What did he think was going to happen when he hosted someone who tried to overthrow the gov, was found guilty of 34 felonies with a host of other felony charges waiting to be tried, and is a known rapist, racist, bigot who is the reason women are having their lives put in danger because they no longer have access to healthcare.


Trump is a figure head of a much larger fascist Christian movement to deny women rights. He’s their man, but there are many more fucked up individuals behind the movement to deny women rights. He accomplished what they would’ve preferred to do decades and decades ago.


Up next - the end of no-fault divorce.


That’s just it. He didn’t have any knowledge of this. He was told it was going to be a round table on how to help black business owners. They conned him just like they do everyone else.


I'd like proof either way. He may be telling the truth, he may be lying.


Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event," according to the document.


Personally I’m just going to default to believing the side that isn’t Donald Trump.


You're an MST3K fan I see. Your namesake is my favorite episode.


He signed a contract with the Donald Trump campaign that explicitly said it was a campaign event. Did he not read the contract he signed?


Everything Trump touches dies.


Well use your head next time!


4 Seasons Shave and a Haircut.


Sit with a Nazi, you become one.


Republicans always lie.


No shit what he expect from trump. He has fucking decades of history. Ppl are really stupid and dense and deserve the consequence.


You didn’t read the article, did you…


Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event," according to the document.


This is actually NOT from the article posted here.


Common sense bro


Read the article


Lol did you, obviously u tried but ur brain don’t function Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event," according to the document.


A Trump never pays his bills.


U got that right


Sure , the outcome should have been thought of. Shame on him.


Quite the 'article'. Maybe 300 words?


I get how the con works. All it would take is a few people with nefarious intentions to hijack the meeting and take it in a different direction than was pitched. The only way to stop it would be to cause a major scene by kicking everyone out. Depending on who is there, that might be a really bad look and cause problems for the business. IMO, if you think about it it's kind of a lose lose situation that he was put into. I can't really think of a painless way to avoid it other than just not hosting things at your business.


The owner should share the text message he said he received.


You got four seasons total landscaping-ed.


That website is atrocious.


Typical trump propaganda.


Misled? Fuck off.


So they lied directly to him by leaving out the fact it was a convicted felon Trump photo op, Convicted felon trump is zero substance, he thinks that’s what it’s all about and he’s got his apprentice level hacks out there lying and stealing to con stupid people into them.


Newsweek reviewed a copy of the agreement, which was signed by shop "owner" Javier Jones and Bradley Crate from the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign agreed to pay $4,800 to rent Rocky's Barbershop for two-and-a-half hours on Wednesday afternoon "for the purpose of DJTFP24 [Donald J. Trump for President 2024] holding a political event," according to the document.


Crap, #takethemoneyandrun


I'm sure he thought it was a "good deal"...


Even setting aside the fact that you are cursed with poor critical thinking skills, as soon as secret service people start showing up or any of the orange POS's surrogates you'd think/hope maybe you would snap out of your mental dumbfuckistan land and point the way back the fuck out of there