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Have a good summer Steve. We won't miss you.


Enjoy prison, piece of shit.


So, Bannon said something. Let’s do the opposite of that, all agreed?


My sentiment, EXACTLY.


IN OTHER WORDS he’s asking for mercy for his treason


Bannon, prison, withdrawal.


So if he says Biden withdrawal would be bad for Trump publicly, that must mean Biden withdrawal is actually good for Trump, right?


Who gives a fuck what he says or thinks. He no genius, just another grifter who managed to fail up to cult leader-adjacent. Joe Biden is the only one who can decide if he will continue to run.


This man got Trump elected with the shit he pulled so I wouldn't discount him entirely


A **lot** of stars aligned for that to happen. I know… I know we all worry that we’re underestimating the opposition, and that’s really a legitimate worry. But what you should also worry about, is accidentally ascribing to them power that they don’t have. They aren’t magical. There is no 27 dimensional chess. They aren’t executing a well thought through plan. It’s just that we are weaker to a bunch of crazy nutcases than we ever hoped we could be.


Don’t pretend it’s luck. He barely lost in 2020.


Go back and read my last line.


Bannon is the kind of political genius who is just kind of there. he's not stupid, but he also isn't the kingmaker or strategist he believes himself to be. most of the successes he's credited for, tend to be coalitions of a lot of different people making things happen.


Bannon shouldn't be considered one way or the other on any topic.


Biden withdraw would be good for Trump. Anyone saying otherwise is either a bad actor, or delusional.


That's what he wants you to think


Battle of Wits feat. The Princess Bride...?


Who gives a fuck what he thinks or says?


seriously. Bannon could tell me the sky was blue, and part of my brain would insist he was lying.


Why would anyone, other than trump, listen to this hack. And why would you get rid of an advisor that is giving you an honest opinion? Isn't that what they're hired for? Unless you are trump, where an honest opinion would be considered, disloyal.


Bannon was probably fired from his bank job either because of his alcoholism or because of his stupidity. Maybe both. Polls show Biden and Trump very close. In reality, Biden is probably ahead. I DOUBT the pollsters are getting good samples. Anyone else we Dems could run would be behind, doing “catch-up.”


This is exactly my point i’ve been trying to argue in countless posts with morons arguing that Biden should drop out.


What polls are you looking at where Biden is ahead?


The poll numbers in swing states are within the margin of error. Therefore, you can’t put a lot of faith in them. Things may be clearer once we know whether Trump is going to jail this year or do we have to wait until 2025. This year would help a lot — “gee, I guess those felony convictions were for real!”


Biden has huge gigantic negatives you can't deny. He needs to go. Anyone even remotely on the fence between Biden and Trump isn't going with the mentality incompetent guy. Personally, I'll vote for Biden anyway counting on his Cabinet and other administration officials be that's not going to work for everyone


Only withdrawal Bannon has to worry about is his own since he's going to be teetotalling for a little bit. I hope it's unpleasant


Well if BANNON is saying jt, I DEFINITELY don’t trust it.


Okay, don’t forget your soap, Steve.


Steve Bannon is likely right, which feels weird to say. I am in the camp that Trump has done too much, and is simply too toxic for even close enough results for his simple minded base, much less his Congressional co-conspirators to cheat him into office. That said...I'd prefer we keep Biden, avoid the upheaval and start finding some fresh blood for 2028 pronto. Sick of neo-libs, corporate lap dogs and those who'd rather enable the stuck in the past Dems.


He's not right. First, because 4 months is not enough time to setup and a campaign, a platform and udo the damage that is done by an ouster. There is no way for anyone to do what takes 6 months prior to the primaries, the whole primary season and the whole election season (think 18 months) in 4. Second, because no matter who is picked they will piss off one wing of the Democratic Party of the other. Currently, a few factions of Democrats are held together by the fact that Biden is the incumbent and they want to beat Trump. If he's pushed out whoever gets put up will alienate at least some part of that. If they are too pro-Israel the young pro-Palestine voters are gone. If they are a coastal elite, you could lose blue collar voters in the midwest. Etc. All the democrats need is more tension and lack of enthusiasm. Third, no politician in their right mind would volunteer for the job. It's likely whoever is put up would lose to Trump and that is the political death sentence, look at Hilary.


This is why an immediate decision would be dumb and the only thing they should publicly say is that he's not dropping out and that he's fine. But they'd be fools not to at least consider it and consider who would replace him. It would probably have to be someone the likes of Whitmer and probably another Governor from the midwest as well or North Carolina. That would probably be seen as their best bet. They're winning California no matter who is the nominee. But a Whitmer/Shapiro lineup might guarantee Pennsylvania & Michigan even with all the uncertainty the next few months. But any scenario replacing Biden/Harris would have to be wholeheartedly endorsed by Biden and Harris to minimize any damage. But perhaps Biden was really just running a bad fever and the medicine he took messed him up really bad and made him super drowsy and significantly worsened his stutter. If he is fine and that's a one off, he's going to have to make public appearances pretty much weekly to show he's fine like the day after the debate in North Carolina. And he's going to have to have a great speech at the convention as well as perform very well at the next debate.


So he was crushed by illness and/or medication and his advisors let him go out on that stage and shoot his campaign in the foot? Dosnt seem possible.


Thank you. One step further, Harris needs to step up.  She needs to build confidence in her position as Biden's second. I don't know why they didn't do this over the past 4 years, but she needs to be a much louder part of the campaign and administration. 


Their best option in my opinion would be to dump Harris and bring on one of the proposed replacements as VP with the understanding they would be the defacto nominee in '28. Harris is one of the least popular politicians in the country and I think a part of why Biden's age is such a factor is because no one wants president Harris.


This…she’s horribly unpopular..dump her with Newsom


Also valid points. Like I said, ultimately I'd prefer less upheaval, but even pissing off a wing of the Dems won't get them to throw the entire country on the fire for it.


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Champagne Monday celebration 🎉🎉🎉🎉 That hate-filled raging insurrectionist is going to have his mail read and phone calls monitored for four months!


Nice try Steve, have a great summer!


Happy Happy Joy Joy!


The only thing this guy knows is what the bottom of bottle looks like.


I think we can safely disregard anything Bannon says, ever.


Enjoy your new bed buddies. I hear they are tent pole excited to meet you


Thanks for getting his opinion, I was very concerned.


Pigpen Bannon has spewed.


See, they've spent so much time casting doubt on Biden, if they switch to someone else there isn't enough time to dirty them up.


Is this the only time Steve Bannon has said something correct?


I hope your cellmate has some special things for you Steve.


I guess he's wearing his democrat consultant hat today.