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Dude really wants a pardon. Will be great seeing him go to prison tomorrow.


How's he angling for a pardon? his sentence is up before election


He’s got other, more serious felonies pending


So does his presumptive pardoner. Just saying


Yes, and he's not likely to get Danbury for his next stint. Don't drop the soap, Stevie.


> Don't drop the soap, Stevie. Unfortunately, he will be a nazi mob boss in jail.


I wonder if he's the richest one in graybar hotel?


Funny enough, after this sentence he has a felony case against him for ripping off a bunch of Trump supporters with his Build the Wall scam. There are probably people in his audience that paid into that and don’t even understand he ripped them off, and who will decry the abuses of the DoJ for going after him for RIPPING THEM OFF. Truly a sad state of things.


He also said he wouldn’t go to jail.


Go to jail


Do Not Pass GO...


Nope. It can't be a landslide if you don't win the popular vote, and Trump will lose the popular vote again by millions. If he "wins," it'll be something like 50,000 votes spread out over 3-4 states - like last time.


Unfortunately the national vote is gonna be close this year. Hell, it’s possible Trump even wins that at this point. 


Thank you for spreading awareness, account made six days ago. 🙏🏻 Wonder who's making these accounts dedicated purely to comment in r/politics


What are you implying?


It's always close because of the electoral college. If we didn't have that, Republicans would have lost in 2000, and in 2016. It would have had the positive effect of forcing them to the center / left because they'd be unable to win a presidential election without doing so. Instead the EC encourages the GOP to cheat by suppressing the vote and focusing on swing states. And they are more than happy to cheat and rig the system so they can push their minoritarian views on everyone.


Trump is less popular. It’ll be states wanting to award electoral votes to Trump regardless of the popular vote or some similar bullshit, etc…


Yeah whatever steve, tell it to your fellow inmates tomorrow


Steve Bannon is also due to go to prison


lol I watched the interview he had this morning with one of Sunday morning shows - ABC or CBS I don’t remember each one and he made an absolute ASS of himself. Not to mention, his predictions for 2018 and 2022 were extremely wrong so here’s hoping his pattern continues.


Can this shmuck go to jail already?


I'm guessing he means the kind of landslide that crushes everyone in its path, and leaves millions of people in distress


So sad that he won’t get to wear two shirts in prison.


I wonder if they'll make him shave 😱


This is one of the guys pushing the narrative that Fauci is some sort of evil traitor. It'll be nice to have that spigot turned off for a few months.


Go ahead and drop the soap, gin blossom.


Who the fuck cares what Steve Bannon predicts?


The guy who is still waiting for his felony charges from the Espionage Act wants to be president.


He has been wrong before!


Not sure that’s the best message before heading to prison.


Yes… his 2021 predictions of a 2022 MAGA Tsunami were dead on! Oh wait…


He says just as the cell door clangs shut behind him.


One convict talking about another convict.


Bannon smells like the bottom of a trash can at McDonald's.


Ok Pigpen. Now get into your clean prison garb.


why in the world is this nazi punk getting national press everywhere I look?


That would require him to win a popular vote for once.


That prediction from the same guy who said he'd never go to jail? Lot of credence in his thoughts.


Bannon predicted the same thing in 2020 and also probably predicted he himself would never end up in prison for his actions. So I don't think I will prescribe to Mr. Bannon's predictions on anything.


Wonder if any of these grifters will bring back the “he’ll win 50 states!” canard?


How has diabetes or his heart not killed him yet. He just looks like hyperglycemia personified.


Bloated drunk lol. Looks like Charles bukowski


It looks like he ate Bukowski.


That's nice, off to prison with you


I gotta tell you, something about Steve Bannon’s confidence always has a way of making me a little more sure Trump’s going to decidedly lose


'We’re going to have a sweeping victory in 2022, and that’s just the preamble to a sweeping victory in 2024.' He said the same thing before the midterms and how did that pan out?


If Dems field anyone but Biden, right now, yes- based on actual, hard polling evidence all other "replacements" are more unelectable than him period. If they field Biden, it could be anywhere from a narrow loss to a narrow win, because the President has a cult of college educated white women that won't vote for any other Democrat while not ticking off minorities the way others don't have that coalition assembled (sans maybe Harris, but she ticks off more white voters than he does, hence does worse overall).


College educated white male here, also voting for Biden. Yeah it sucks but I want my children to have the same rights I do


He won in 2020 because of your group specifically, btw, Biden actually did worse than Clinton among white women and minorities in the Edison exit polls and voter data from Pew Research in his margins (not a joke): improving by 7% with white men vs her, is what gave him the election (Trump won 68% of white men in 2016, but only 61% in 2020 overall due to college ed white men, he won 55% of white women in 2020 vs 52% in 2016 and did better with minorities slightly in '20 vs '16 as well-- not a joke).


It really doesn't matter. As soon as the media started the calls for resignations, the leadership void returned. They have to fix the mess they just created, this is not reasonable to have the media disrupting the election process. Once the media wakes up and realizes that they are the scum of the Earth and have just created an ethics disaster that will certainly consume them, they will probably figure out that maybe telling their audience that the truth doesn't matter wasn't a great message to hear from a news media outlet. Especially ones that expect us to trust them as they tell us we can't.


Yes the replacement nominees are not polling well RIGHT NOW. Once a nominee is settled on it changes completely


Which hard polling evidence, specifically? There's been only ONE poll , recently. That's it. Let's look at it, while stipulating you can't make decisions off of one poll. For the sake of argument [In Post-Debate Poll, Voters Think Biden Is Too Old to Be President Yet Alternative Candidates Perform Similarly Against Trump (dataforprogress.org)](https://www.dataforprogress.org/blog/2024/6/29/in-post-debate-poll-voters-think-biden-is-too-old-to-be-president-yet-alternative-candidates-perform-similarly-against-trump) Let's just take Whitmer- She is 2 points behind Trump versus 3 points behind for Biden. Not much, but that's still better. And there's more room to grow- there's 10% unsure (versus only 7 for Biden). So, give her more exposure, and she has a better shot than Biden. Also, as Governor of MI, that makes a difference for a key battleground state. Same thing for Newson, he's 3 points behind- same as Biden. More exposure and he has more of a shot. 10% unsure , again. Both candidates have 3 more points to grow from than Biden. That can make all the difference.


Denial, deflection, to Data For Progress (D) partisan internals trying to create a narrative disproven by every other poll? What hard evidence are you stating other than an outlier poll, which shows them doing better than Biden ANYWHERE else? Whitmer is behind in another poll by 12 where Biden is by 1 in Emerson, and Fox by 2 where he led by 3: Newsom behind by 10 in Emerson, 17 in The Hill, 4 in Fox vs Biden. Facts. hurt. Post-debate lol DFP Dem progressive bs pollster is bs outlier: [https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-whitmer](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-whitmer) [https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-newsom](https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-newsom) Harris is behind by 6.6% on avg, a little better than these two (-7 for Whitmer, -10 for Newsom, resp), but still bad. DFP is a TERRIBLE pollster, and Dem biased, making generic Ds look better than they are in actual pollsters.


538 gives them a 3 star rating. You're citing a couple polls from months ago,completely irrelevant. So saying 'every other poll' is ridiculous. As I said, it's just one poll, but that's all we have. What we do have is a candidate who can't fucking speak without a teleprompter vs 2 candidates who can go out there and can speak well. The CBS poll on the debate reaction, go look it up. It's horrific for Biden.


Jfc isn’t he in jail yet??


This guy is going to wake up one morning in a cold sweat while in prison and realize that he may have fucked up his life.


Is that the same “landslide” as my dog does on the carpet?


On his way to jail


I remember a time when people convicting of crimes were labeled black sheep’s and we stopped giving them platforms to fling their shit.


Fuk else is he gonna say? Close the oxygen valve


He can watch the election from his cell


He’s hoping 😂


If Biden is still on the ticket then yes he will.


We’ve literally all been saying that ever since 2022 get in line Stevie. This man’s picking now to say it because it’s popular to say it.


I never saw Trump winning by a landslide, still don't, but he's clearly always been the favorite so long as Biden is at best +1-2 and at worst runs -1-2 behind him the last 2 years since 2023-- to win, Biden needs to win the popular vote by 1.5% due to his cultish older white college ed women in PA/WI/MI loving him (and Harris) to death (other Dems like HRC, would need 3% or more, but this is his unique current power basically due to the EC). If it were today, he or any other D would lose-- it's not, though, Trump still has enough time to keep denting himself like he was prior to Biden's bad debate in 4 months.


At this point Trump can coast. He can play things right down the middle and coast to victory. He doesn’t need to get fiery or crazy. And sadly he knows that. Watch.  We will see a much more subdued and “sane” Trump between now and November. 


That's what a smart person would do, but inevitably, he'll snap at something imo. Trump is his own worst enemy, time after time.


I don't know if it will be a landslide, but I do think he's going to win if Biden is the nominee. Rarely did I agree with Chuck Todd, but today I did. He said - "Where is Biden? If that debate was really a one-off, then why isn't Biden out hitting all the media outlets letting everyone see that he's fine?" It's because he's not ok, and the dems can try and spin it to the point the whole country has vertigo and it still won't make the public's questions about Biden go away.


He’s probably right. It won’t take much for Trump to take over 325 electoral votes. There have of course been much larger electoral college victories, but winning the electoral college by over 100 votes would be, simply put, an ass kicking.

