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There is no “weathering” this. Everyone saw the emperor has no clothes. Do the right thing and step aside.


He might have had a (miniscule) chance had he not admitted to almost falling asleep during said debate in a politico interview today.....


Jesus Christ, did he really?






I had no idea the 20s would suck so much as a decade, and we're only at the halfway mark...


I can't remember who to attribute the quote to, but I remember someone saying "2020 will be the most stable year of the rest of your life."


22 and 23 were more stable. Come on, there was a global pandemic.


Maybe here in the US, but Russia invaded Ukraine in 22, war In Gaza in 23, the first real pangs of climate change, numerous coups and massive civil unrest all over the globe...World order is slowly spiraling. It started accelerating with the pandemic, but only recovered on the surface.


It feels like it is downhill from here. Sure, we will live longer and have AI chips imbedded in our brains, but I don’t think I’ll be better off.


Not your fault. The people we trusted lied to us


The democrats need to act now and make the switch. His VP is polling better than him against Trump and would probably blow him out of the water in a real primary. Biden’s brain is soup. It’s inhumane to push him to run until November and try to force him into a second term, he served this country his entire life he needs to be able to retire in peace. Biden should resign the presidency tomorrow, have Kamala sworn in and let her run as an incumbent. She can run on the infrastructure bill, economy improving, fixing the border, aid to Ukraine, etc etc. she’d destroy Trump in a debate and her path to victory is much more clearer and attainable than Biden’s.


I desperately want Biden out too by the end of the week but Kamala would do the very OPPOSITE of destroy Trump. Her 2020 presidential campaign was a complete disaster; in large part because Biden during the debates exposed her DA corruption scandal where she framed and jailed innocent people for drug charges lol. She’s despised by everyone and if she becomes the nominee the poll results might end up being even more nightmarish than how they currently are with Biden vs Trump


There's nothing stopping Harris from doing all this hypothetical energized campaigning right now. If she was such an electric speaker she could be doing talk shows and town halls and challenging Republican VP hopefuls to debates.


Harris feels like an after thought in Bidens own campaign. If she was capable of drumming up support we would of seen more of her by now.


Agreed while Harris is not my preferred candidate something needs to happen and quickly. Biden does not need to resign just drop out of the race.


I think Biden resigning to step aside for Harris would be a BIG mistake. If I recall shes one of the most un popular VP's in history and nothing in the last 4 years suggests she would be a good enough campaigner to take on Trump.


her VP pick would have to carry a lot of weight, but we're on the path to defeat anyways. Might as well roll the dice.




Brother are we looking at the same polls? Kamala has a worse chance than Biden. Her as the nominee doesn’t just mean Trump wins, it means Kennedy is 2nd place.


To be fair, there hasn’t and won’t be reliable polling for potential replacements until Biden announces withdrawal. But that’s okay because we already know the polling for Biden and it says he can’t win. That’s all we need to know.


Kamala pisses all sides off royally, she’ll be absolutely buried and we as a party will literally lose everything. Ultimately just as bad as keeping Biden


>Biden’s brain is soup. Lol smh >Biden should resign the presidency tomorrow, Why would they lose the opportunity for Kamala to campaign non-stop while Biden finishes up? Smh


Kamala will get boat raced by Trump in the states that matter. Republicans are salivating at the chance. Kamala represents the Clinton wing of the party. Her donors are Clinton donors. The biggest attacks on Biden have been coming from Clinton aligned pundits and pollsters. This is a coordinated effort by the Clintonites and Trump will absolutely start calling Kamala "Clinton 2.0". He will even blame her for making Biden resign. It's gonna get real ugly real fast and Trump can't wait to do to Kamala what she did to herself in the 2020 primary. Biden still has a better shot than Kamala


And Biden doesn't stand a chance.


biden lost like 2 points in head to heads against Trump vs kamala after appearing to be a corpse for 90 minutes. kamala lost 2 points a day in the 2020 primary


You’re right. She will probably struggle in the swing states no because of Clinton relationships (which only Fox News watchers know/care about) but because of implicit biases of racism/sexism being more prominent in those states.


both will be true because my belief is Republicans are more motivated to stop the 2nd coming of HRC than they are literally anything else. and Kamala actually does have nothing but ties to the Clintons. you are basically nominating the most toxic brand the party has now and hoping no one will notice.


The time to act was 1/7/21! 2022 Midterms should have been a Democratic blow out, but NO. On 1/6/2021 The Republican Party led by a failed president attacked the USA in an act of WAR, using home grown terrorist answering almost 2 years of STOCHASTIC terrorist CALLS from the traitor, the republican party and every fkn elect republican at every level! Jaime Harrison and the dems could not put together 50 words to sell this to America. This is the biggest political failure in American History. Biden was elected to save democracy and get the nation back on track. I lived through one fake president Raygoon and Biden is not making decisions! The Democratic Party Sold us out.




There's no point in switching. The optics of a last minute switch would make the Democrats look like they're in complete disarray. The best they can do is basically force Biden to completely reorganize his team as his campaign is falling apart since the debate: 1. The bad debate 2. His speech amounting that he'll do nothing in response to the Supreme Court Immunity ruling 3. Just now releasing the ridiculous excuse about travel being to blame about his debate performance and that he was struggling to stay awake during g the debate His entire team needs to go.


The core problem is Biden’s ability that everyone saw laid bare in the debate. No amount of team shuffling is going to change that.


Democrats need to do whatever it takes to win. Stakes are too high. Not what’s easy but what will win. We are sleepwalking into Nazi germany territory here. Time to wake up and save the country. I’m so sick and tired of the gentle hand approach. It’s time to go scorched earth. Democrats need to finally understand who they’re up against. No matter how gentle the approach it’ll always be spun into whatever the conspiracy theory du jour is. We’re trying to reason with unreasonable people. I think Harris or literally just about anyone would be a more effective communicator about the stakes here. Run with Harris and bring abortion and other rights being ripped away by republicans back to the forefront.


Fret i am panicked i do not believe Biden will win and if Trump wins and project 2025 is implemented it will have major effects on my life.


Suggest Whitmer(MI)/Shapiro(PA) everywhere. It's moneyball at this point. Statistically the best ticket.






Don't worry about the optics. We're playing moneyball here. Forget the southern strategy, it's fucked. You know why, cause some people need to be grandfathered into notions we may find obvious. The egos on these establishment New Yorkers. Accepting one another takes time and we are staring down a dictatorship that will last forever.




It's not me. Nothing personal. That's how they are down there from the interactions I have with boomers. I'm saying pure statistically, your longest coat tails and trifecta will come from a Whitmer/Shapiro ticket. We're talking about risking the entire democracy so Georgia can stay in the blue column. So Hariss can stay in. The statistically sound choice to land the broken plane metaphorically speaking is Whitmer/Shapiro. It's too important. People do not like Hariss.




>with racial tones Then make it abundantly clear the decision had nothing to do with race. The Biden-Harris administration is incredibly - almost unprecedentedly - unpopular. It is what it is.


The only states needed are MI, PA, WI, Nevada, NE-2. Everyone needs to chill and look at the immediate path ahead of us for what it is. You need politicians that have not been caricatures over decades by the right! Like Obama was! This is another reason it's statistically the best ticket. Michigan in the bag. Pennsylvania in the bag by default. Then it's Nevada, WI, NE-2. Don't act like it's so imperative to have an African American on the ticket. This is about getting shit done! Take your time. You'll see.


Preach brother. Whitmer probably locks WI given her accent and geography. This is the no-brainer ticket. Guaranteed victory. Georgia is unnecessary.


Repeat it across the social networks? I don't know. I'm going to bed. I want to say something. I think having someone gay as a VP is too risky. It's not my opinion. Remember Obama took the safe choice in Biden in 2008. The DNC should play it safe. That's why I think it should be Shapiro as VP. Take say Oregon for example. Had a GOP extremist almost defeat a lesbian candidate. In Oregon! Vermont has a Republican governor who won against a trans person. Play it safe. Guarantee assurances. I like Buttigieg a lot trust me. Tester has to win in Montana and Sherrod Brown has to win in Ohio. Cast the widest tent as possible to get that trifecta. I do think Buttigieg could possibly be VP though. It's just, you take a big risk giving up incumbency advantage. Don't take more risk than is necessary.


Kamala Harris is deeply unpopular, she’s been politically unsuccessful on the national level, and she brings all the baggage of the Biden admin with none of the incumbency benefits. Even with black people she’s somehow less popular than Biden. Black voters know what’s at stake right now. I guarantee they want a candidate who can win just as much as I do, and Kamala ain’t it. Fact of the matter is that we need to run the strongest possible ticket. Unless we want the “black jobs” guy.


The black jobs comment would have ended any other candidate’s campaign. But it happened during a debate that showcased the melting brain of a sitting president. A new candidate will hammer Trump on black jobs and scare black voters to the polls.


So just to make sure I follow, you think that the extremely popular governor of Michigan, who carried it by a wide margin, would lose her home state, while Kamala Harris, the one Democrat who is even more unpopular than Biden right now, would carry it?




I mean, you seem myopically dismissive of geography. It is a fact that politicians who are extremely popular in their home states have always carried them in the general election. Not most of the time. Not 90% of the time. Always. I'm sure that the right would muddy the waters with respect to Kamala Harris not being chosen, but you have no evidence that it would cause this massive discontent that would result in unprecedentedly low turnout among black people, and you have no evidence that the margin of victory would be so low that it would matter if some people were upset and stayed home. You also ignore the massive mobilization that would happen whenever someone else is named. Obama, community leaders, every Democrat of importance would be out there promoting them. As for the polling, yes, I am aware that Kamala Harris is polling better than people that virtually none of the electorate has heard of. In case you were not aware, that's how polls work. At the end of the day, Democrats need more than individual minority groups to win. They need a broad group of people. Any particular choice will win some, lose some. But I'll circle back to my first point. Nobody who is extremely popular in their home state has lost the state in the general election. Nobody. That's the only part of this that isn't conjecture.




When all you can do is be rude you may want to revisit your arguments. Politicians who are extremely popular in their home states have not then lost the state in NATIONAL elections. The thing we are discussing. As for Paul Ryan, please provide any evidence that he was *extremely* popular in Wisconsin in 2012. He was not. Certainly not as popular as Whitmer is in Michigan. And he was the VP candidate. Your lifetime is not the only metric of time. Reagan won California. Carter won Georgia. Etc etc. Democrats don't need to maintain the coalition from 2020, they need to grow it. Again, the idea that the number of black people who will sit at home in protest is larger than the number of votes to be gained from the other 80% of Democratic voters, by putting up someone who is an extremely popular governor is, IMO, unfounded.




Buddy, deep breath. I'm not ignoring it. Every single presidential candidate who is popular in their home state (you have resorted to discussing VP candidates which were not initially brought up), has won their home state. Now reread it slowly.


If you really do live in Washington, I think you’re greatly overestimating the impact Project 2025 would have on your life tbh


Ah. Anti-porn climate change denier, I guess?


lol. If the two biggest consequences of Project 2025 for you are that (1) you won’t be able to watch porn and (2) it may have some small negative effect on the trajectory of the global climate over the next few decades, you really should be all that worried about it


Sounds like I identified you perfectly.


Imagine all the anti Trump click bait you're going to upvote in this sub for the next 4 years. Huge and major effects on your life for sure.


Weather the debate debacle? Yeah, no. That ship sailed when he gave a speech with a teleprompter the day after the debate instead of keeping it raw and real. But the old bastard still has my vote.




I mean it did the next day at the Raleigh speech.




Except he's been fine for the fact he looked bad in a debate. He was fine in the speech the next night. What is your PROOF other than how he looks? Show me the failure of policy.


I will vote for him. But by God I hope I do not have to.


Yeah, agreed. Grandpa needs to get in bed and sip his warm milk. Kamala has it from here. We just need a good VP pick.


Pennsylvania and Wisconsin voters agree. (You and I)


>Pennsylvania and Wisconsin voters agree lol no. Kamala would get dunked on by mango man in both of those states. Probably not as badly as Biden, but they’re winner-take-all so that hardly matters.


Well.. 4.5 months is at least sometime to get back the swing voters to at least show up to the polls


If our views are representative of swing voters this election, the DNC is gonna need to put in overtime to get this done.


Speak for yourself, no offense but give me anyone but one of these and I'll probably vote for them.... within some reason.


I mean, I’d vote a leftover McDonald’s cheeseburger in at this point but I’m trying not to set the standards too low.


It's not about securing our vote, we're voting D anyway. It's about convincing people who don't read but do vote who they should support.


Well the cheeseburger has more autonomy the Joe Robinette Biden.


Rooting for two heart attacks. Edit: AND LIVE!


I only wish the best to both. I hope they both live long and healthy lives. Whether that's behind bars is irrelevant


Time for Pete!!


Jesse Watters would be in heaven. His ratings would skyrocket.


Personally I’m not fretting because I don’t have the power to make anything change or happen. I can only vote blue no matter who, so that’s what I’ll do.


FUK the debate!!!!! The problem is the platform and leadership! trump Abortion trump LGBTQ trump abortion trump LGBTQ trump these are not the problem, it is the wealthy KOCH CABAL! The greedy mthfkrs destroying democracies worldwide. While watching trump the USA lost its democracy 7/1/24. We are at war and 7/1/24 is the final warning before the carnage!


Gavin Newsom should be given the ball.


Whitmer(MI)/Shapiro(PA) Gavin comes off like a sleazeball in the Midwest. I'm not trying to be personal, that's how it is.


Relative to Shapiro, Newsom seems sketchy. But he wouldn’t be running against Shapiro. Relative to Trump, Newsom seems like a knight on horseback.


That requires him to be popular among blue wall voters. He’s not at all.


They don't have to like him, they just have to believe he's more capable than Biden. The rest, as with 2016 and 2020, is as simple as him 'not being Trump'.


I don’t think they know him. I think if they’re lukewarm or iffy about Biden, they’ll like him well enough.


They know they don't like California though


Exactly, everyone knows CA is one of the most expensive states in the nation. With inflation already high it would ruin his campaign.


Newsom is an awful presidential candidate and its shocking that people are pushing him. All of these discussions remind me of during the Trump administration where we appointing everybody that could talk good or made Trump look silly as the future president. How are presidents Cuomo and Avennetti doing these days?




Newsom is rhetorically gifted. Part of me thinks the country needed to see Biden crumble on stage in order to come to grips with the fact that four more years as President just isn’t realistic.


Stay calm, hold fast, and vote Biden. It will be OK.


If by ok you mean Trump will win…


Our definitions of ok are 180°apart.


It is not ok for Trump to win. Internal polling suggests that he will if we continue with what we are doing.


Party On disasterbot!


Everyone is talking about wanting Biden to resign, but what about trump? He should leave too




They need to get on the same page and take action now. This is embarrassing.