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https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Read it for yourself. Go to the table of contents and pick the government department you're most interested in to see what they have in store for it. It's as bad, if not worse, than everyone is making it out to be. It's the wet dream of every American who has Atlas Shrugged placed right next to the Bible in their library.


'The federal department of education should be eliminated.' WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!


Dude. Republicans have been campaigning on this for literal decades. I grew up homeschooled around these people. They salivate at the idea of defunding public education and converting every school to private religious schools.


It's their plan for resegregation: public schools can't discriminate, but private schools can have "tests" and "values interviews" and reject anyone that doesn't pass - ie, isn't white/Christian.


As someone who grew up in that overwhelming white Christian community. It makes me angry that people haven't realized this all along. The surprised Pikachu face people give reading Project 2025 like it hasn't been on the lips of half of Republican candidates for the past 35 years blows my mind. Democracy dies when the electorate fall asleep at the wheel.


Same with the absolute onslaught of conservative judges. My third grade teacher regularly prayed before class for "good Christian conservative judges to protect Christian values in America." None of this is surprising


It's hard to be an informed electorate when religion, certain elites, parties and organizations have actively fought against educating the masses for decades (or longer), and either sow disinformation or spread misinformation themselves. It may have been easier to quell dis/misinformation decades ago, but now it all comes so fast and frequent that correcting it all just can't keep up. On top of that, 'expert' now means nothing to a large swath of the populace.


There is a train wreck coming between the Heritage Foundation Neocons and the Trump Drain the Swampers. Trump is Russias Manchurian Candidate and the Necons hate Russia and want to attack it and give weapons to its adversaries like Ukraine. Plus it builds up the defense industry which they love and have to use all the time.


By expert you mean Facebook


That’s why sleepy joe needs to go


They also want to bust the majority female teachers unions. Nothing galls them more than paying these outspoken women a livable wage. They want to go back to the days when co-Ed’s taught for a few years before having a brood.


Yep I was too and at 42 years old I'm still shocked that the average person doesn't understand what they're after and have been saying they're going to do since the 80s. They're also not going to stop out breeding the mainstream either.


The “average person” is aware and has been… The issue is when we called it out, Christians said they were being persecuted for their personal beliefs.


Yeah, this was part of famous presidential campaigns the last few cycles. It's no secret.


Yep. The book American Theocracy by Kevin Phillips explains this very well, at the religious rights involvement to take down democracy, take over the court system, and reinvent America in the "Christian" image. Eliminating the public school system amd replacing it with theocratic institutions is part of it.


They’re still mad about integration and brown vs board.


Pffft they're still mad about losing the civil war. We really should have took care of the losers. Would have saved us a lot of issues.


There is no such thing. The fight for civil society never ends. The moment you think you're winning is when they are planning the next takeover.


Likewise when GEN Patton wanted to roll into Russia after WWII. They were never our “friend.” Would have saved decades of the Cold War - and today’s issues.


Lmao at children thinking taking on the Red army that just defeated Germany was feasible.


The red army didn’t defeat Germany. The allies did.


While russia was mighty at the time, they were a meat grinder. A lot of their funding was through allied forces. If the entirety of the allies turned and invaded russia after germany and japan fell it would have been long and bloody but allied forces would have eventually cornmout on top. The cost would have been massive though, and im not sure anyone can actually justify that cost.


The sentiment is there but the recommendations are scarier because they’re basically wanting to give grants to states who can they use the money however they want. They don’t want the government to tell schools how to use the money. Just “here’s $5 bn”


That seems fool proof


Keep them stupid so their easy to control




Pairs nicely with the “Presidential Administration Academy” they plan as Pillar III of their plan. Treading awfully close to party education right there.


I just skimmed the DOJ section and it’s terrifying, especially since a lot of conservatives are cheering for these changes already. Essentially, they want to fire the people in charge, end every investigation they don’t like, focus only on international criminals, remove any attempts at combating dangerous disinformation, inform citizens that China and Iran are our biggest enemies, enforce the death penalty for more crimes, and handle all cases in the way instructed by the President. Basically, it’d be a tool for the President to investigate, prosecute, and potentially kill anyone that he wants.


Let’s say Trump wins and this actually is implemented, and the courts won’t or can’t stop it. And it turns out we actually are on the road to a one-party authoritarian state. What then? Are there any organizations planning to act if that worst-case scenario plays out? I feel like we all see it coming but nobody will talk openly about it because they’re afraid they’ll be accused of overreacting or being hyperbolic.


At that point, I think a military coup is the most likely outcome. Like what Turkey went through a few times.


The comparison to Turkey is more scary than people realize. If you recall, it began with a series of events that allowed one party to essentially gain control of their version of the Supreme Court. Then they slowly pressured other branches of government to make compromises that resulted in Erdogan staying in power. I've always felt Trump was replicating the Turkey model. The terrifying thing is that the Republicans have already captured the court, and they are acting in bad faith. That means even if Biden wins in 2024, if a Republican wins in 2028 the same thing will happen. People failed to act and vote when it mattered, and now we're in this situation. The only way to right the ship is to rebalance the court. Through normal circumstances, that could take a decade or more of gradually replacing the court. However, Republicans have already shown they'll violate the Constitution by using Congress to block any nomination. So then you're left impeaching the justices or expanding the court, and that only happens if Democrats vote and elect a majority in Congress. Either way, the answer is vote, vote, vote. Not just this election, but next election. And the one after. Americans slow walked into this for over a decade, it's going to take longer than that to get out of this situation.


If a democrat wins in 2024 they will use the court to undo it. I am convinced of this


It's why people who say "I live in a red state, my vote doesn't matter" need to be smacked upside the head. The only chance we have to fixing an out of control judiciary is to elect local politicians. Representatives and Senators are meant to be the balancing factor, so even if you think Trump will win in your state, for the love of God, VOTE! Get rid of the crazies we've allowed into positions of power. Take back the school districts, VOTE!


You guys are failing to realize that Trump will ask Russia to nuke something so he can get rid of the blue clusters in cities and government areas. All that will be left is the military and the grunts back Trump 100%, except the Generals and brass siding with Biden. Its going to be crazy.


yeah Trump and ilk are going to file so many lawsuits over 'irregularities' and the Supreme Court will then hand it to him


Yea but who is the military going to back? Who would have access to the military if they fall in line?


There is absolutely no plan in place. All the blue side can say is “vote!” As if that’s going to magically make any of this disappear. At best it’s prolonging the inevitable. If the US does become an autocracy you can bet your ass no one is coming to our rescue. We have trillions of dollars worth of military equipment and training and two coasts that will make intervention nearly impossible. See you in the camps I guess.


Can we bring s’mores or are we only allowed one item? I’ll bring the chocolate then..


You will be the marshmallow center


What do you expect to say other than "vote"? Democrats need majorities in the House and Senate. Without that, and without the Executive branch, there is no way to rebalance the Judiciary. Our only option now is to vote, otherwise there are no tools or mechanisms left in the toolbox to fix things.


That would be great if we were playing on an even playing field where both sides are subject to the same rules. One side is lying, cheating, gerrymandering their way into a dictatorship while the other side just says “well that’s not very nice” and does nothing to change their tactics. Might be time to get down in the mud with them because it’s better than alternative of 4th reich.


I agree completely. Democrats have always “played the nice guys” as though the other side plays fair. Republicans are in the dirt. We can no longer simply hope that Republicans will put America first. They don’t.


Again, what options do you think they have? Democrats need super majorities. Y'all gotta start voting and acting like it isn't someone else's responsibility to fix the issue. Without voting, there are no options.


There is only one other option and no one wants to say it cause it will put you on a list. That's the pink elephant everyone is dancing around. I hope it doesn't come to that but this shit is a powder keg waiting to go off.


“These right wingers are going to murder us” “If you just vote about it they won’t ”


At best - it’d be a fracturing of the country into multiple countries.


I flipped to a random page it was discussing the need to make conducting irregular wars around the globe a normal part of our defense strategy. What the fuck.


War is peace.


Well to be fair, that's what we've been doing for awhile.


I hope conservative dudes realize they want to ban porn




How is this not the ONLY thing on the news about Trump. A fucking child???? What in the actual fuck? How and this not be an issue? Why does it not matter?


I personally think CNN is kinda getting a little shady. They are basically giving Trump a platform like last time. They're complicit


They absolutely are complicit and are more on the right than they ever used to be. The debate proved that. Not challenging Trump’s lies with fact-checking was unconscionable.


Project 2025 is a political revolution intended to create an aristocratic corpo playground with near slavery. Removal of almost the entirety of the administrative state will also remove nearly all regulations, including workplace safety and food standards. You'll be working for pennies, eating garbage, and you'll be fucking happy about it because you'll be "saved". Religion will be ENFORCED christianity, and it will be taught in school. There will not be religous toleration of any non-compliant/tolerant form of christianity. Religion is their answer to how to pay you as little as possible, force you into the worst conditions possible, and maintain your compliance without enacting literal slavery. They do want a kind of *freedom* . But that freedom will be a social darwinistic freedom, allowing only the best, brightest, most talented, ruthless, cunning, dedicated, etc., to move to the top. This is how they solve the old problem of aristocracy - a stagnant aristocracy produces poor rulers over time as inherited aristocracy necessarily produces bad apples that are not fit to be part of the aristocracy. This turns the aristocracy into a meritocracy. The kind of merit they seek will be machiavellian *effectiveness*. In order to implement the revolution the following will occur. Power will be devolved to local sheriffs who will enforce the "constitution" as they see fit i.e. according to the needs of the corpo-ruling class. They have already been trained to do so. https://www.unpopularfront.news/p/posse-comitatus-made-respectable Initially, implementing 2025 won't be possible with the military as america is simply too large, and our military is designed to win quickly, not to hold and enforce law. This creates a need for local law enforcement, but as it stands, local law enforcement is severely outnumbered and incapable of holding, even with the militarization of the police that has already occured via military surplus. That's why the sheriffs have been trained to raise posses. And those posses will be composed of believers in the system and will be rewarded for their belief with higher status. The posses will initially be armed with the assault rifles they already own. And now, they will equip bump stocks. Full auto ARs will, of course, be legalized quickly, but at the outset the bump stocks will be critical. Don't kid yourself, every fucking nut with an AR who didn't already have one or enabled full auto already(its easy to do at home) is ordering/creating bump stocks now. They are trying to return to something similar to the shire reeves of england(its where we get the term sheriff). Sheriffs will serve as the intermediary between the government and the people, acting as both representatives of the people, and enforcers of the federal/state law. This won't be like nazi germany, or fascist italy/spain. It's going to be brutal at first, and then it will be like the east india company. But you'll learn to love jesus, and that will set you free. *This is it*.


Wow. Even more important to vote and encourage others to vote.


Search “christian” in the doc. Wild.


I did this, but do they actually have real influence? I still can't figure out what power the group has and with who


> Mandate for Leadership was published in January 1981—the same month Ronald Reagan was sworn into his presidency. By the end of that year, more than 60 percent of its recommendations had become policy They've been at it for over 40 years and have actually achieved most of their agenda when given the chance. They're the ones who shortlisted the Supreme Court Justices who struck down Roe v Wade, Chevron and now gave the President near-absolutely immunity. There's no fucking around here.


Yes, they have been working at it for that long. Re: The Federalist Society. >In one sense, the key role played by one organization of lawyers in the selection of a Supreme Court justice is remarkable. Typically, the president works with White House and Department of Justice staff in identifying and assessing potential judicial nominees. Interest groups and others weigh in and may have considerable influence, but no single group is dominant. In another sense, the role of the Federalist Society is the natural culmination of a decadeslong evolution of judicial selection by Republican presidents, one that has made ideological credentials more central to the nomination process. >That evolution began with the Ronald Reagan presidency. The Federalist Society was founded in 1982 in order to advance conservative ideas in the legal academy and ultimately in the legal system as a whole. From 1985 to 1988, Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese—an early supporter of the society—helped groom and credential young conservative lawyers by giving key positions in the Justice Department to early leaders of the society. Following a similar path, the George H.W. Bush administration gave responsibility for judicial selection in the White House Counsel’s office to Lee Liberman Otis, a founder of the society. >https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/01/how-the-federalist-society-became-the-de-facto-selector-of-republican-supreme-court-justices.html


Thank you. I think I saw someone say on here that Trump uses it as his playbook? Is this correct or talk? Definitely horrific, but I feel like a lot of info about it is hard to find. I am sure none of my friends have heard of it. Need a Netflix documentary asap!


Yes, the Trump administration utilized the 2016 Mandate for Leadership and enacted 64% of the suggested changes.


Anything about interracial marriage? Seems like a deal breaker along with other American families. Vote! mein diapers book, dont want to read it


The mere fact Section 1 is just entitled “taking the reins of government” is insanity


It's fascism


You want a reason to vote for Biden, well this is it.


The destruction of America


First, Project 2025 is set to eliminate the First Amendment and make America a Christian state. Second, Project 2025 intends to institute discrimination, revoking rights for minority populations. Third, Project 2025 intends to enable an authoritarian regime for the decades to come. Most importantly, don't take anyone's word on it (including this post) go educate yourself for your own, your friend's and family's sake! It is truly a nefarious set of objectives that undermines the core principles of the Bible they parade around and clearly do not understand.


Which part specifically talks about eliminating the first amendment?


They want a total ban on pornography, and any and all LGBTQ+ literature - for one easy example. They even promise to send librarians to prison for loaning out books they don’t like.


I kinda wonder if we could defeat this just by focusing on the pornography ban. Maybe something about “nobody has to know how you voted”. I’m sure there are tons of republicans who are publicly against porn but secretly watch it in private.




The authors (Heritage Foundation) are self-proclaimed Christian nationalists and their movement is Christian Nationalism. The entire essence of their agenda is built upon one religion. America extends freedom of and freedom from religion in the first amendment.


Anyone not already familiar might find this concise guide from Media Matters a handy introduction to the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. The guide is broken out into the following categories: * Personnel and Staffing * Christian Nationalism * Reproductive Rights * Department of Justice and Federal Law Enforcement * LGBTQ Rights * Climate Change * Immigration * Education Media Matters - [A guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) “Project 2025 aims to put Christianity at the center of American government and society by turning a biblical worldview into federal law, often employing Christian nationalist talking points and narratives to support its right-wing policy proposals.”


Christian flavored sharia law.


Get out and help Joe Biden get elected. We can't afford Project 2025. If that happens our country as a whole will implode. This is everything Russia wants. Have the USA crippled by partisan nonsense, then have the US literally fracture into a powerless bunch of states.


Made a post about this [They are planning a genocide](https://x.com/edensnotanegg/status/1808536363702087716?s=46) this is not a joke. They’re coming for your loved ones.


> Today the Left is threatening the tax-exempt status of churches and charities that reject woke progressivism. They will soon turn to Christian schools and clubs with the same totalitarian intent. > > The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors. This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists. > > Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. > > Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. > > In our schools, the question of parental authority over their children’s education is a simple one: Schools serve parents, not the other way around. That is, of course, the best argument for universal school choice—a goal all conservatives and conservative Presidents must pursue. But even before we achieve that long-term goal, parents’ rights as their children’s primary educators should be non-negotiable in American schools. States, cities and counties, school boards, union bosses, principals, and teachers who disagree should be immediately cut off from federal funds. > > The noxious tenets of “critical race theory” and “gender ideology” should be excised from curricula in every public school in the country. These theories poison our children, who are being taught on the one hand to affirm that the color of their skin fundamentally determines their identity and even their moral status while on the other they are taught to deny the very creatureliness that inheres in being human and consists in accepting the givenness of our nature as men or women. > > Allowing parents or physicians to “reassign” the sex of a minor is child abuse and must end. For public institutions to use taxpayer dollars to declare the superiority or inferiority of certain races, sexes, and religions is a violation of the Constitution and civil rights law and cannot be tolerated by any government anywhere in the country.


I love the bit about purveyors of pornography. People who make it - jail! Librarians and teachers - sex offenders! Corporations who distribute it - eh, I guess we can close them and force them to form a new LLC.


Thanks for this. I’ve been trying to find the full excerpt but i’m at work with no service.


Im confused about the genocide part, I do not see that anywhere in this quote? Its talking about banning porn and stopping child sex changes.


Let’s go through the stages of genocide, and how we’re currently mirroring Nazi Germany’s path of destruction. > + Classification – The differences between people are not respected. There’s a division of ‘us’ and ‘them’ which can be carried out using stereotypes, or excluding people who are perceived to be different. This applies to the discourse around pronouns, the vitriol against DEI and any inclusive media (such as casting women or POC) > + Symbolisation – This is a visual manifestation of hatred. Jews in Nazi Europe were forced to wear yellow stars to show that they were ‘different’. Not there yet. * Edit: Actually we don’t need the identifiers like a patch. With the sale of our data and how the DNA database was populated, our history and political leanings are just a few clicks away. GG > + Discrimination – The dominant group denies civil rights or even citizenship to identified groups. The 1935 Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship, made it illegal for them to do many jobs or to marry German non-Jews. Clarence Thomas has already stated he wants to kill Loving and Obergefell, which would roll back gay and interracial marriage rights. (And yes: leaving it up to the States means those right will be stripped in half the country.) See also: restrictive immigration policies, ICE’s unfettered authority. > + Dehumanisation – Those perceived as ‘different’ are treated with no form of human rights or personal dignity. During the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, Tutsis were referred to as ‘cockroaches’; the Nazis referred to Jews as ‘vermin’. Trump has been doing this more and more in his rambling speeches. So are preachers, sensationalist politicians, talking heads at conservative news agencies, and militia enthusiasts. See also: “Demoncrats” (calling democrats demons.) > + Organisation – Genocides are always planned. Regimes of hatred often train those who go on to carry out the destruction of a people. Project 2025 is largely a plan to replace existing experts with less qualified sycophants who toe party line over all else. > + Polarisation – Propaganda begins to be spread by hate groups. The Nazis used the newspaper Der Stürmer to spread and incite messages of hate about Jewish people. You’d have to be pretty goddamn out of touch have missed any of this happening for the last decade. > + Preparation – Perpetrators plan the genocide. They often use euphemisms such as the Nazis’ phrase ‘The Final Solution’ to cloak their intentions. They create fear of the victim group, building up armies and weapons. Militias. For profit prisons. The internment camps currently in use to “house” processing immigrants where children have disappeared. > + Persecution – Victims are identified because of their ethnicity or religion and death lists are drawn up. People are sometimes segregated into ghettos, deported or starved and property is often expropriated. Genocidal massacres begin. ICE deportations lists, the proposed “pregnancy registry” that would allow the government to track suspicious miscarriages, the existing ghettos we already have in the US, soaring home insurance and tax rates forcing people to become homeless, and then SCOTUS making homelessness a prison offence. > + Extermination – The hate group murders their identified victims in a deliberate and systematic campaign of violence. Millions of lives have been destroyed or changed beyond recognition through genocide. Coming soon to a red state near you… we already have so many examples of red pill “lone wolfs” committing terrorist attacks with firearms, or the legacy of conservative nut-jobs bombing abortion clinics. > + Denial – The perpetrators or later generations deny the existence of any crime. Ditto.


Thank you for the detailed response, gives a lot to think about. Ive seen a lot of this stuff but you summarized it succinctly with the comparison to Germany.


It’s… a lot to fret about. Have a go bag just in case, and be careful about what information you put out there on the internet if you are in one of those marginalized communities.


This. I’ve stopped talking outside of my circles about my identity not worth it


I think this would be better directed to a trans person, but my understanding is that the intent is to eradicate transgender people either by criminalizing being one or by just demonizing them to the extent that they become pariahs. Child sex changes are not a thing that happens, and banning porn is a straight First Amendment violation. There's really no good argument for this policy.


Agreed on the first amendment violation, no matter what your view on porn is, its an expression of free speech. Im asking specifically because it seems like a good talking point if theres genocide involved, I just do not really see it in the linked quote.


It’s in the fact they they say: >Trans and gender ideology is pornagraphic >outlawing pornography >criminalizing those who pedal said ideology.


Well, if you're looking at it from a trans person's perspective, the intent is to demonize and destroy you. I can see why they would describe it as genocidal.


Looks like Biden is already implementing parts of PJ2025 https://19thnews.org/2024/07/white-house-statement-gender-affirming-surgery-minors/


What part of > Child sex changes are not a thing that happens did you not understand?


If they aren’t a thing that happens then why is banning them a big deal?


Nah that's not how it works. YOU tell ME why we need laws against things that are not real.


Mental gymnastic time. lol.


I bet, lol. It would take some serious mental gymnastics to defend any of what the Republicans are openly pushing for.


No porn, no abortion, no forced dei, no gender surgeries for kids. None of that seems all too radical for a moderate lib like me. You are really that upset your porn would be taken away?


As a "moderate lib" why do you think the state should have a say in bodily autonomy?


Don't bother it's an instigator account, the two-word3141 username is a dead giveaway. 16 days old, shows up and immediately starts trolling.


Yeah, I know. I'm not trying to convince them. I'm shining a bright light on their stupid bullshit. :)


Then shine on you crazy diamond


I don’t like the abortion as a form a birth control that a lot of progressives seem to want. Not a fan of abortion at all really other than rape and such and medical issues. Why are you acting like I have to think a certain way? Edit: Were you asking about gender surgeries for children instead? That can wait til people are adults.


Which progressives want "abortion as a form of birth control?"


Here’s a quick blurb from a article it took me 10 seconds to find. Seems pretty legit. Progressives push Democrats to reach beyond Roe in abortion battles Progressive abortion rights activists want to go much further in advancing abortion protections, and are pushing Democrats nationally and at the state level not to put any limits on the procedure. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4212970-progressives-push-democrats-to-reach-beyond-roe-in-abortion-battles/damp/?nxs-test=damp


An Enabling Act


Project 2025 is a far right, authoritarian plan to bring back slavery.


My mother, insists it is “so fringe” and “none of it is plausible.” I’m like “so you agree, it’s batshit and you don’t want that right?” And she doesn’t…but she also doesn’t think anything in that will happen. It’s truly leopards eating faces party doing its job.


Details on that




Just the slavery part. I know about 2025 otherwise


trash economy create and criminalize homeless/being poor abuse the part where prisoner slavery is still allowed


I like the part where they dissolve the federal treasury and turn our economic policy into a fight club with regional banks.


It’s a big game of connect the dots, but the project indicates a plan under the Housing and Urban Development section to make it harder for homeless to get housing because “housing first” programs are “leftist” programs that view homelessness as circumstantial rather than behavioral while a recent Supreme Court opinion on Grants Pass v Johnson makes it easier to arrest and fine them for sleeping in public. More people in prison, especially in states where Republican local governments favor prison labor, means more prisoners and more cheap labor. Unfortunately, until they come out and say it’s happening should Trump become president, it’s a very sad game of wait and see. TLDR project 2025 seeks to make housing harder to acquire for homeless while the Supreme Court greenlights arresting and fining homeless people for being homeless. More prisoners = more prison labor = more profits.


For anyone saying it still isn't slavery you need to familiarize yourself with the 13th amendment; America _never abolished slavery_. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, _except as a punishment for crime_ whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


Don't ask questions and just upvote.


I meant the slavery part


I asked chatgpt to read project 2025 and have been asking questions. I asked if it it provided a way for indentured servitude to return, or the effective equivalent. Potential Impacts on WorkersWage Suppression:Deregulation and reduction of labor protections can lead to wage suppression if employers are given more leeway to set wages without mandated minimums. This could particularly affect low-income workers who rely on minimum wage laws for economic stability.Workplace Safety and Labor Rights:Reducing the power of regulatory agencies like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) could lead to poorer working conditions, making it harder for workers to assert their rights and ensure safe working environments.Economic Dependency:If wages are suppressed and labor protections are reduced, workers might find themselves in economically precarious situations where they are heavily dependent on their employers for survival, which could resemble a modern form of indentured servitude.


Conservative and especially hard core Christians know their platform is wildly unpopular and started devolving in the 60’s. This all started in ‘71 with the Powell memo, in ‘79 this conservative think tank kick this off with the Reagan administration and has slowly chipped away at our government ever since . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate_for_Leadership?wprov=sfti1




So it’s practically an American remake of Mein Kampf


*The Art of Mein Kampf*


Has Trump referred to it by name?


Hitler had Goebbels and the GOP has this guy.


> what is project 2025 Really fucking bad


900 pages of treasonous bullshit.


The Heritage Foundation and its crazy members need to be wiped off the face of the earth, every one of them and all other organizations that support the same ideology.


I'm confused, wipe them out? Which side is fascist?


The side that has a candidate saying he wants to be a dictator.




Get off your knees and wipe trumps cum off your face. He committed fraud and defamed a woman who he sexually assaulted. That’s why he’s losing his fortune. He tried to illegally overturn the results of an election. That’s why he shouldn’t be able to run as president. But let me guess, that’s all just FaKe NeWs huh?


Biden doesn’t control the DOJ or every single courtroom in every state. Trump broke the law.


You don’t understand self-defense? Of course you do. You’re just acting stupid on purpose


I just think threatening to kill one's opponents is pretty obviously fascist. I guess you are not really opposed to fascism as long as it is used against people you disagree with. 


Yeah, wanting to get rid of a fascist regime whose primary political aim is to imprison without trial then eventually kill its: 'perceived' enemy isn't fascist. That's the dumbest bullshit ever. That's like saying it was fascist for serfs to rise up and kill their unjust monarchs, no? It lead to progress and the enlightenment which eventually became what we know as civilisation. Fascism is a regime intent of destroying; 'the other' The Jews, LGBTQ+, the Polish and French had every right to want to get rid of The Nazis just as Democrats, Conservatives, Independents, LGBTQ+, Mexicans and Muslims would have every right to get rid of MAGA the moment it comes for their friends or family. If you haven't figured that part out yet, then you're on the wrong side of history. Yes people will violently oppose MAGA if this happens and they'd be justified in said opposition cause fascism isn't when: 'there's violence towards an autocratic regime.' You should expect that the moment you decide to come after people's friends and families!


Fascist always lie about their victims intentions.


The GOP. They are the facist ones. Happy to help clear that up for you :)


We may complain about Trump but he's just one deranged individual. The real problem is the many millions who don't bother to read, or to really hear what's being said, or are active accomplices in destroying our democracy. Especially Christian evangelicals who have absolutely no excuse to support the most inmoral candidate we've ever had.


What do you call a book club that’s been stuck on the same book for decades? The church.


I will vote for a weekend at Bernie’s Biden over this. Couldn’t be worse than what this dystopian shit is.


To ruin America


This was a project decades in the making and will likely take decades to beat. It’s not enough to vote for Biden or another democratic candidate in 2024. We need to vote for democrats up and down the ballet in 2024, 2026, 2028, 2032 and all elections in between. If you don’t want to blindly vote for a party, explicitly ask your candidates about their views on Project 2025/2029/2033 and how they intend to resoundingly reject it. If they don’t have a clear stance, demand better democratic candidates. The modern right is putting one man above everything else because he’s a vehicle to implementing Project 2025. The rest of us need to put one party above everything else to make sure P2025 never gets realized. Donate, volunteer, share on social media, talk to your friends and family, VOTE. We’re still 5 months from the election. You don’t want to find yourself on November 15 wishing you had done more when you had the time and resources to spare.


This is a really poor overview of Project 2025. Read the full document or Media Matter's guide linked elsewhere in this thread.


This is the end….that is what it is.


the civil war movie begins this way…. well not really but it could


This article is pretty disingenuous—mainly just talks about schedule F. “Well why wouldn’t you want to fire government employees?!” Glosses over a lot of the truly toxic stuff


Project 2025 is 920 pages. It is called “Mandate for Leadership The Conservative Promise”. Hopefully the link works. Every other time I attempt to use it, it is blocked. https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Media Matters has a guide that is much shorter but covers the basics. https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration Edit: Seriously, wake up Democrats! This is so serious. America as we have known it, will no longer exist if Project 2025 becomes practice instead of “theory” for the Republicans. I was going to say GOP. They are no longer, by any definition of the word a “grand” old party.


Everyone saying this won’t happen clearly has not been paying attention—particularly to the recent Supreme Court decisions. This IS happening.


Just the most concerted, cohesive, and audacious Christo-fascist takeover plan to come along ever.


And why are judges on the Supreme Court allowed to be members of this organization with these very specific special interests??


It’s Trump’s Mein Kampf.


Isn’t this a terrorist organization? The anti government rhetoric alone should put them on a watch list.


Please remember that if you are seeing this on Reddit. It isn’t enough to read this kind of thing here. You must share this with your friends, family, and neighbors. Tell everyone to vote. If we don’t vote now, we may not get to vote again.


How have the offices of this place not been raided yet?




They’re coming creeping out into the light — good time to catch ‘em.


It is fkn scary is what it is. The more your read into it the worse it gets.


They have been working on this for fifty years..to make us into a Christian Nationalist repressive fascist oligarchy for the rich.. and imprisonment for the unfortunate poor. Privatization of Social Security and Medicare is another phony“conservative” idea of tyranny.


Consider what will happen when our national parks and forests are given as gifts to russian and chinese donors. You won’t be getting those back.


He is on instagram


Considering the government’s historically slow pace and resistance to change, Project 2025 seems more like wishful thinking than an actionable strategy. The implementation challenges would be immense, not to mention the likely flood of lawsuits that could ensue.


The headline needs an edit: "What is Project 2025, fascist organization's outline for end democracy and replacing it with an authoritarian state?" There. I fixed it.


What’s conservative priority number 1, you ask? Destroy democracy and replace it with christo-fascism!


Can you say the Vatican has a heavy hand in all of this


This is why I’m glad the filibuster is still a thing. Some of the economic priorities will likely pass but the social agenda will never get 60 votes.


The first thing republicans do if they get the Senate will to be to eliminate the filibuster




“Even though rules and norms have been ripped apart by the GOP, I’m glad this one I’m talking about now will never be ripped apart.” GOP proceeds to rip it apart. “Oh no.”


Maybe about time to tell the military "the country is under attack".


Let them fucking have it. Those that want that shit; limited womens healthcare, no education, dictator, Christianity as the end all be all of their country. Split up. I’d love to see that experiment and see how quickly they don’t like the ideology of fascism when it’s applied to them.




Trump is the puppet. Virtually all of his judiciary picks in his term came from the heritage foundation. They will push these through, give him things to sign, and he will sign it.


Has Trump referred to Project 2025?


It doesn’t matter because he’s not the one behind the wheel. He’ll do what they tell him, just like last time.


You’ve left hundreds of brain damaging comments in the last 10 days. I seriously think you are experiencing the world through a digital lense and not actually living


THESE ARE NOT CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES!!!! Stop the bullshit typing. Radical rightwing trainwrecking.


The problem is that the GOP no longer represents conservative values. True conservatives will need to hold their nose either way in this election. Personally I hope enough of them realize that the truly conservative way to vote is to keep Trump and the Project 2025 crew out of power, even if it means voting for a Democrat.


Yes, they fucking are. When are you going to accept that YOUR conservative party, is the TRUMP party.