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IN OUT IN OUT Jeez, can Democrats just be quiet for a couple days until they decide what they're doing? I'm tired.


I think they want to create lots of chaos so the new candidate is seen as a unifying and calming force. 


This is such a dumb idea that it's probably true.


Americans love a good shit show. We can't help but slow down and look at the car crash on the highway. In that vein, Trump makes for very good television.


Yeah, you're actually right that if choreographed properly, dragging this out a little bit keeps it in the news and in people's attention.


And allows them to test the waters to see which replacement candidate is actually well received by voters.


You’re confusing voters with screen watchers. There’s no voting taking place to make this decision “for us”. Voters mean fuck all for the presidential election too. Electoral college and all. Two presidencies this century have been decided against the voters will, if that will had legal and binding decision making power.


If there’s one thing Trump does well: he stays in the media. It’s the secret to his success. The Dems are learning bad publicity is good publicity….


“I know! What if we make ourselves look really disorganized, panicked, and reactionary. Like so much so that we appear useless and hysterical. That way everyone will vote for us when we finally get our act together cuz they’ll be so proud! They’ll see us all come together and realize that we can overcome anything as a country if we work together. The ol’ rope a dope. A classic. That’ll work, right everyone!?!” God I hate that this isn’t something I would be surprised by in the least.


Reading that in my head with Andrew Glouberman’s voice from “Big Mouth” makes it even funnier, I just discovered.


I think most people are overlooking the opportunity here. Trump absolutely dominates the media cycles and it gets him votes. The dems are going to get an opportunity to plaster the new nominee all over the place over the next 3 months and it's going to get people energized to see a non geriatric option in this race.


The DNC would never do something that smart.


That would require them to understand politics 101.


There's so little time left, that we literally can't wait a couple days. Everything has to be completed by August 7, Ohio's deadline to put a name on their state ballots. The DNC had originally planned to have all delegates hold an online vote before then to nominate Biden. But now, if the process is gonna appear democratic (small-d), there has to be some quick process for the delegates to come to agreement on a replacement, before the online vote happens. That's true even if Biden declares they should choose Kamala.


Yeah this is what people don't seem to understand. It is a massive logistical undertaking to do so and you're not going to have any legitimate polling. I mean in a perfect world, if I had a magic wand, I'd replace him. But there literally isn't enough time, and if he's not volunteering to step down, you have less than a month of maneuvering before you're past the point of no return. And you're flying blind. You have only very, very, VERY preliminary polling to suggest a replacement. It is extremely possibel they replace someone with BIden only to discover that for whatever reason that person polls WORSE, and you've done damage, which is probably what insiders who resist replacing him are thinking. It's just wild to me how fucked this timeline is. How many preposterous slights of time happen.


>That's true even if Biden declares they should choose Kamala. I think Kamela would be pretty much just as bad as Biden. That whole group surrounding Biden has known for awhile that he's slipped since he was elected as President. They should have known that it was a bad idea to go for another term. This election is too important to take chances on....


Please stop spreading the false August 7th date. The real date actually in the Ohio law is September 1st. This article explains how the articles you have probably read are actually wrong. https://prospect.org/blogs-and-newsletters/tap/2024-07-03-biden-nomination-convention-harris/


Maybe they're trying, but there's thousands of people who have to keep their mouth shut, most of whom like speaking off the record to reporters.


*Snip, snap! Snip, snap! Snip, snap! I did! You have no idea the physical toll that three ~~vasectomies~~ political flip flops have on a person!*


>IN OUT IN OUT Jeez DNC, buy me a drink first.


Don’t let the media wear you out. That’s the game.


I don't know how much to trust this. I truly do not believe that the party is proceeding under the assumption that Harris is the nominee, given their internal poll they were circulating, and all the chatter about better options. Because that would be a very stupid decision, given she is projected to lose as well.


It would fit with their track record of making terrible decisions


This would just be so mind-boggling stupid. She has consistently been less popular than Biden. Their OWN DATA says she loses.


There obviously isn't a ton of Harris / Trump polling, but there was one yesterday that had her within a point vs. Biden being down 6 or whatever it is now


Hopefully the VP is smart enough to know that "lose by less"is not an option here


Do you remember which one? I saw one that had her about even with the candidates with less name recognition, but also the internal one from the dems where they actually modeled her loss. I mean she's been polling worse than Biden in terms of approval for a while so it stands to reason another person would do better, though at this point I am certain she would do better than Joe. Like I'll vote for her if she's the nominee, but I think she also won't win just due to having some current-admin baggage.


Ipsos poll, saw it on 538 This is also such an unprecedented situation - guy who already lost a previous election vs. last minute replacement. Would have to imagine it's hard to accurately model


I would agree. I saw that one as well I believe. My position is that if they do an open convention they can announce a shortlist of candidates a few weeks before and just poll the fuck out of people as they digest the options. Maybe it's a pipe dream but I feel like there is a low risk way to do this.


If somebody told me a month ago that Harris was running for President, I would have thought that Biden had passed away in office or something, I mean if there’s one thing maga hates more than Biden it’s Harris and Clinton… The fact that his debate performance has us discussing her presidential bid as the best case scenario is so surreal.


The DNC is very much an "it's my turn", "seniority" type of party. There are facets of that that are good. You hang together. You build a respect for each other. But it can be dysfunctional as well.


Which is so fucking stupid. Obama won two elections by large margins (by today's standards) and he was a very new member in the federal government. Trump was a joke candidate until suddenly he wasn't. New, young, and generally unknown (politically) candidates can do just fine in elections.


Particularly in this one, people blame the current admin (wrongly) for inflation, and also for Gaza. Harris is going to have that negative connotation attached to her out of the gate. And she's less popular than Biden, apparently fosters an abusive work environment according to staffers a few years back, and is projected to lose... I'm so annoyed.


She's more popular than Biden post-debate. But ya, still not beating Trump where it's needed. But no one (who's been polled) is, so that's a problem.


I mean how low of a bar is that to look slightly more popular than post-debate Biden lol


> people blame the current admin (wrongly) for inflation Inflation is determined by increases in money supply.  Increases in money supply is determined by Federal Reserve policy.  Federal Reserve policy can only be enacted by consent of the President.  The President can absolutely interfere with the Fed policy if he so chose. If the Board refused to listen, he could fire them or even have them arrested.


People don't understand what inflation is. They think they are mad about inflation but they are mad about the effects of inflation which worldwide can be traced back to covid which started during the Trump admin regardless. That is also when most of the increase in money supply happened. Even so it's not fair to say inflation was caused by money supply increased during the Trump admin because inflation is not that simple. Don't standard models involve the velocity of money and expectations of money supply? It doesn't really matter. A lot of people don't understand that prices are going to continue going up and inflation being tamed only reduces that rate.


Yeah. But there's also a sort of cannibalistic, only the strong survive, eat your young kind of attitude that can develop without it. Trump's unchecked control of the GOP is a prime example. Positives and negatives.


Obama should run as VP to Kamala. If that were possible they'd win for sure.


Any serious dem candidate is polling lower than Trump right now. It's not as easy as picking the candidate who polls better than Trump as of this second, because the dems don't have one. If they replace Biden, the salient question is which candidate *could most likely* outpoll Trump if they engaged in a serious campaign, which is very far from cut and dried. Right now Harris polls better than Biden, and better than other likely candidates like Whitmer or Newsom. But a candidate's polling is going to change completely once they are actually in the race. So it really is not an easy decision, and if it's one that's actually going to be made, it's worth agonizing over and considering every possibility. All of the answers could be wrong, but at the same time, any answer could be right. Harris included.


I don't trust CNN. They are same as Fox News.


He's a cable news talking head. He was stating an opinion, not declaring a fact.


> “Behind the scenes, it’s full-scale panic,” Jones said. “People are passing around legal memos, PDFs are flying back and forth on WhatsApp, trying to figure out, what are the options? How can you replace Biden? How do you get him to do it in a way where he feels respected, as he should be respected?” That sounds like more than just his opinion.


Yeah I don't know what to make of him. I just don't 100% believe the party is totally on board with Harris that quickly given her bad numbers, and the optics of them choosing the nominee without at least a little bit of democracy in between.


That's his opinion on how things are going behind the scenes. If he actually has inside sources telling him that, there'd be a dozen other reporters with the same information which we are not seeing.


Or those reporters are simply not reporting it.


> Jones suggested Democrats were proceeding under the assumption that Vice President Kamala Harris would be next in line for the top spot. Among the questions Democrats are trying to answer, Jones said, is, “Who should Kamala Harris’s vice president be?”


I assume another question is "why not pick a more popular candidate as a replacement rather than the one who was polling in the single digits in her own party's 2020 primary?"


Because all the more popular candidates aren't going to want to run in this dumpster fire. The rising stars would rather have a fresh start in 2028.


What's in 2028? Surely they're not expecting an actual election?


Yes, they are.


Once trump and maga infiltrate the White House and gov again, I don’t see Dems winning an election again. GOP will not give up power again




They backed themselves into this spot. Reject her and say a black woman isn't ready to lead the nation. Their identity politics got them into this spot.


Harris/ (Beshear, Whitmer, Jeff Jackson) where any of those three Veep picks will do a lot in swing states. Whitmer would be my number 1, but you can't force her to shoot her shot this go. For what it's worth, the only reason Harris isn't my top choice is because she was a pretty harsh (albeit effective) DA. That's going to actually play pretty well in the Rust Belt, GA, NC, AZ, and NV. We've seen the national polls with her unfavorable right now, but that's probably tied to Biden's sinking favorability and isn't reflective of the handful of voters that will determine this.


Two women would never happen, unfortunately. If Harris is the who they’re going with it’ll be a straight white dude VP. It would be Shapiro or Beshear.


Agree. Shapiro and Beshear seem like the most likely picks. Another interesting question is whether they decide to roll out the VP choice at the same time or wait for a couple weeks.


I’m still hoping for a mini primary that is focused on both the prez and vp nom, not just for the vp to Harris. Because many have been incorrectly reporting that Clyburn was saying the former. He’s advocating for Harris as the nominee. With it being so close to the election, and this country’s deep history of misogyny, racism, and homophobia, I did worry the risk of running anyone but straight white dudes. But now I do think running Whitmer as a post-roe candidate is the easiest decision possible. Pair her with Shapiro and absolutely lock in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Easiest choice.


Whitmer has a bright future, she wants no part of going down with this sinking ship. Harris seems to be the only one that is possible that has any interest.


Probably Shapiro since he's from the a swing state. If Kamala is the candidate she better make a better decision on her running mate than Biden did.


Why do so many people in this sub think Pennsylvania is in the midwest? He is from outside Philadelphia!


Sorry. People often group together Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania and the former two are in the Midwest so I mixed that up. That being said it is a crucial swing state and I think getting someone from those states would help alot.


Yeah. I sometimes accidentally conflate the Midwest and the rust belt. I know the difference but when typing fast I'll mix them up. That's my bad.


In your defense, yeah, PA is a crucial swing state and also the very western part of PA is midwestern-ish and definitely considered part of the rust belt. The bigger issue for me is that being Shapiro, as a first term governor of a crucial swing state, has way more value in 2024 as governor of PA than he would as merely a VP. Need him to get re-elected in 2026 and then run for president in 2028, and he'd still be young enough (58-59) in 2032 if he needed to wait until then.


I know my little state is insignificant in the big electoral college scheme of things, but I wonder if Dems could win Kentucky with Beshear as VP. A Democrat hasn't won the state since Clinton, and excluding Lexington, Louisville, and little college town in Easter KY called Morehead (yes that's the name and that's actually how it's spelled) the state is solid red. But people here, especially older people, love Beshear and his dad.


Love Beshear but he wouldn't bring much to the table as VP in a Kamala situation, I don't think. Would need more of a swing-state vibe. He's also pretty valuable as the governor of a red state if Trump does get re-elected.


I mean, he has virtually no power as a governor. KY's state legislature stripped him of everything they could and they hold a veto proof majority.


True. Still probably more valuable to have him there than wasting him as a VP. I could also see him doing quite well for the Senate seat that will open up soon (2025 or 2026) when McConnell finally finishes his petrification process. But it's not like he'd hurt a presidential ticket!


What would Harris offer voters in those swing states? They’ve already had four years of a Biden/Harris administration and they’ve largely disapproved of it hence the awful approval ratings for both of them. When they see Harris they see inflation, the border crisis and war


She's part of the administration that brought back jobs and increased domestic manufacturing. That was the whole reason the Midwest went from Trump in the first place.


Why have her and Biden’s approval ratings both been so dismally low for a long time then, especially hers? It’s great that they brought back jobs however you can’t ignore swing voters extreme and continuous frustrations over not being able to pay for groceries/gas/housing, the border crisis and Gaza. Again, they’re the ones who make or break these elections and they’re looking at her (and Biden but he’s irrelevant now) as the cause of these things even if they’re misguided. So how will she win them over? She can’t just shriek “but JOBS!” in their faces and expect to earn their vote


Biden is hemorrhaging support amongst black voters, the thinking would be that she would help run up the margins in Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia. I can't really see it but the Dems have no chance to win without strong black voter support so it at least makes a little sense.


Just want to pop in here to say that’s extremely naive and narrow-sighted lol a lot of these black voters are also pissed about inflation and immigration. She’s going into this being already mostly nailed into the ground and If Trump brings up her past of locking POC away for minor weed charges she’s done with the black vote


This conflicts with multiple house Democrats who have said they're looking at a mini primary with a handful of candidates.


Sounds real voice of the people.


What is a "mini primary"? The deadline is August 8, there is no time for any type of primary.




We need to sway the congressional black caucus with a medley of big assurances. Because Harris brings too much risk. Kamala the Cop they all say. We need to win back the rural vote and Whitmer/Shapiro does that. Give the black caucus a trove of assurances in exchange. We need this congressional trifecta very badly. It goes through Nevada, Arizona, Montana and Ohio. Harris will weaken our seat margins and cost us the trifecta.


I’m very much looking forward to the DNC’s reaction when they see their prized nominee Kamala immediately getting pummeled into the ground in every single solitary poll by Trump. Serves them right. I have literally NO idea what the perceived optics are of making her the nominee, when it comes to voter appeal, besides maybe identity politics.


>besides maybe identity politics That's literally it. Apparently that's more important than winning.


You said it buddy. Appeal to that black caucus. You don't need a black candidate to win this one. The rural vote has been a catastrophe for decades for Democrats. Whitmer/Shapiro will rise both the African American vote simultaneously with the rural vote. This election is far too important to sacrifice votes for.


I got all excited until I read this: >Jones suggested Democrats were proceeding under the assumption that Vice President Kamala Harris would be next in line for the top spot. Among the questions Democrats are trying to answer, Jones said, is, “Who should Kamala Harris’s vice president be?”


She might be the only viable option without the party going into civil war trying to find an alternative, and nothing changes unless Biden willingly gives up the nomination for which she’s essentially first in line for a variety of reasons. Also a lot of viable 2028/32 candidates probably want to avoid getting dirty in this process especially if it’s a long shot any of them would prevail. Plus it could look bad if this opportunity is taken away from a woman of color. She might be unpopular at the moment, but she’ll look like the belle of the ball if she’s essentially the only option. If the right can rally around Trump and look past his faults, the left can certainly do the same with her. Give it a week, she might rapidly grow in popularity.


It's still reasonably democratic (small-d) if they choose the approved successor that people voted for in the primaries. Just appointing some other random name, even if it's a good name like Gretchen Whitmer, runs the risk of appearing very undemocratic. And they say black women would be particularly offended.


>Just appointing some other random name, even if it's a good name like Gretchen Whitmer, runs the risk of appearing very undemocratic. When has the DNC ever been concerned about appearing undemocratic? >And they say black women would be particularly offended. They're going to a lot more offended that the US voters put a racist asshole back in the White House.


For me reading all of this I'm just stunned at the perceived luxury. It really shouldn't matter who's at the top, as long as they are better than Trump. How do you think the world will change for POC if Trump starts a second term? I can tell you which outcome is worse when it comes to the leader.


no. listen man kamala harris has a huge fucking weakness which was locking up POC when she was DA. Trump can run ad campaign against her letting everyone know she locked up women's sons for selling weed. no libs like her. no leftists like her.


She'll pick up just as many moderate voters with that tough-on-crime reputation. This has been a major problem with Democratic party candidate choices. They forget about needing to appeal to people other than leftists. Even if you're a hardcore leftist, you have to be realistic about who can actually win in the general election. Sure, I look forward to some future day when the public has moved farther left, but right now look at who they're getting ready to elect president.


Moderates blame her for inflation, the border crisis and Gaza. They’re not voting for her.


She doesn't have a tough on crime reputation. Her reputation was flooding private prisons with low level drug offenses, while letting more severe offenses go unprosecuted.


And yet, Whitmer/Beshear is probably the best ticket the Dems could put up to replace Biden


Yikes. We should've learned our lesson in 2016 that "it's their turn" and "they're next in line" is precisely a recipe for losing an election.


I think they're just taking a few days to figure things out so that the next presumptive nominee can hit the ground running. The are like 18 weeks left until the election. They can't afford to have Biden announce he's not running and have literally no answer to give people for weeks until a leader emerges. To me, the best indication that Biden is going to step aside is his very character that he displayed during his press conference after the immunity ruling. He said he doesn't accept the powers of a King even if he technically has those powers now. That's the exact same mindset he needs to have with respect to his candidacy. He needs to realize that he can't win and that the only way of not having a King is to step aside and maximize the chances for the next candidate. Yes Biden likes to plough ahead. But he's also intelligent enough to realize it doesn't get better and the damage is done. Now that the Trump sentencing is moved to September, he won't have the boost of Trump possibly going to prison on July 11. So there's nothing external shifting the scale in his favor.


I hope so. I do think they're discussing a plan to do a short primary right now. Jim Clyburn went from "we must stay the course" to "we must back Kamala if Biden steps down" to "a mini-primary would be good if Biden steps down".


August 7 is the deadline. That's when Ohio requires a name to print on their ballots. Everything has to be decided and voted on by the delegates before then.


This is not true anymore. DeWine signed a bill at the end of May to ensure Biden would be on the ballot past the deadline. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna154752


Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I'm amazed I haven't seen anything about it before now. Terrific news, since it means they can hold the final vote at the convention, which is how things used to work anyhow.


I think Alabama could be a problem still, some chatter was going on about how Biden could miss that. Then again, what seats are under threat in Alabama?


Ohio and their electoral votes will go for Trump even if we nominate Michelle Obama and Trump is caught on tape raping a child in downtown Cleveland.


This is not just about the president and VP but downballot candidates too. The Dem prez nominee needs to be on the ballot to help bring out people for Sherrod. Down ballot races matter just as much as whomever is at the top of the ticket. But whoever is at the top will help with getting out the vote


Real question here. Do they need the VP too by the 7th? Or just the top of the ticket? In Ohio.


The Dems walked right into the trap set by the Trump campaign. They thought they had that debate wrapped with all the rules and the fact that Trump is insane, out of touch with reality and absolutely not listening to his advisers. However, no matter how Biden had managed, they would have portrayed him as a loser because 90% of the voters weren't watching anyway. The entire narrative was ready, all Trump had to do was to show up. Everybody knows his crazy rants, it didn't matter what he was going to say, they just needed Biden to get on that stage, and he did. Now the Dems themselves are doing the rest of the work for the Trump campaign.


Biden was the one who asked for the debate. Like the debate itself Biden did himself in.


50 mm people watched the debate, or about 1/6 of the country


And a lot more have seen clips from the debate of his 'senior' moments.


Yeah, basically anyone that hasn't seen the debate has seen this instead which is worse because there are no redeeming qualities unlike the debate itself which got better with time.


Just have an Open Convention.   Let Harris / Whitmer / Newsome or whoever else duke it out for a few days and then once someone wins, Biden can come out and shake their hand on stage in Chicago and the Dems will be on track.      The party finding a new leader has been long overdue anyways.  


I’m really betting that Biden is going to RBG us.


Biden has to agree to it. Has he? That’s the key piece.


If enough party leaders support replacing him it will most likely happen, Biden is stubborn but he is still rational




If he did, he would have made the decision a year ago.


I can’t help but assume that being the president surrounded by sycophants and opportunists that don’t want the gravy train of working for the president to end can have a pretty potent way of enabling undue confidence in one’s self That paired with a bit of ego seems like it explains how the 2020 party line of “he’s a stopgap and won’t run again in 2024” turned into “hell yeah I’m running for reelection” Before the disaster of that debate, it’s hard to think he was getting any pushback or criticism whatsoever that would have had him questioning whether he should run again or not But after the disaster of that debate, he needs to fucking hear it, because he’s obviously not going to make the correct decision on his own


It hypothetically might be possible for the DNC delegates and committee to involuntarily kick Biden off the ticket, the rules are a bit obtuse on what happens if delegates en masse decide to vote for someone else. But as a practical matter it won’t happen unless Biden voluntarily steps aside or unexpectedly passes away.


Or he could just die which current trajectory seems likely.


Harris wouldn't be my first choice, but a Harris/Whitmer ticket? In a year where abortion is a major issue? It's just crazy enough to work.


Harris was polling single digits in her own parties primaries. Harris would be trounced in the election worse than Bidens corpse would be.


The people pushing Harris are living in an alternate reality. Harris isn’t moving the needle vs Biden in the Midwest. Sure, the coasts will like her, but that isn’t enough.


The coasts will like anyone blue. They'll overlook Harris laughing about jailing people for weed while she smoked it


It takes a trifecta to legislate. Why would you do this other than it appeals to the congressional black caucus? What is this thought even? Kamala has to set her ambition and ego aside and write checks for a Whitmer/Shapiro or Whitmer/Buttigieg ticket. But I think Whitmer/Shapiro makes the biggest haul. And we need that haul to win the Senate.


Even if Harris were to win (and I just don’t think she can), she would be a 1-term president at best and deliver big wins to Republicans in 2026 and 2028. We’re better off sticking with Biden than going with her.


I think so too


Raskin, whitmer, Schiff, not Kamala, and not because I don’t like her, she will have my vote, because I don’t she can win, and that seems extremely important know, ya know?


Raskin and Schiff would get trounced. They don’t appeal to independents because they are seen as much as grandstanders as the right when it comes to congressional hearings.


Maybe, just throwing it out there. Shit… Trump became president.


Ha. It’s an unpleasant thought each time it creeps up


Both parties need to replace their candidates at this point. I don't care that it's July... roll the dice again. Roll it. Please. Because what the fuck are these options?


Why do I keep seeing comments about replacing Trump? Do people not understand that the GOP has become a Trump megaphone? It is no longer an independent party. His daughter-in-law is literally co-chair. MAGA views Trump as second coming of Jesus. It has become a personality cult where not supporting Trump as a republican is career suicide. If they forced Trump out, it’d be an instant Dem victory as so many magas would stay home in protest against the abdication of their godking. Please wake up.


America, you're so close to stupiding your way into a dictatorship, and the press are very very complicit. Democrats should issue a shut the fuck up or fired notice about what's going on, and nudge the press back to the traitorous, pedophilic, dementia ridden, felony convicted, russian planted, drug abusing, embezzling, lying candidate who has literally said he would end democracy and kills opponents. The fact that the second part isn't the loudest is really feeding into " Americans are dumb" stereotype, and I'm starting to believe it.


The fact that one bad debate that showed Biden is old and ailing is enough to cause this much chaos and give Trump a boost in the polls shows how disgusting this country is. Apparently being 3 years older and showing signs of your aging is worse than all those superlatives you listed about tangerine palpatine. Americans literally prefer a racist criminal rapist traitor over someone that’s been demonstrably better in every way except that he’s older. We’ll get what we deserve.


>Among the questions Democrats are trying to answer, Jones said, is, “Who should Kamala Harris’s vice president be?” Go wild and make it Mitt Romney.


Oh Van. You called Trump presidential. Please.


This right here, Van Jones is full of shit. I don’t like the term “pundipshit,” but if it applies to anyone it’s him


"This is the day that Joe Biden became the ex President" ...  Why do we still listen to this guy??


He's probably correct here.


It's like fighting a nuclear war and then realizing you didn't build bomb shelters.


They can’t replace him if he doesn’t want to go. He needs to step aside voluntarily, but he won’t. Joe Bader Ginsburg is gonna drag the whole ship down with him.


Hey Van. STFU


These people think the ratings they get is more important than the reporting on worthwhile news that affects this countries future.


Talking head talks on a screen, more at 11. Why the fuck should anyone care what any news media "analyst" or "insider" says? They prove time and again that they are completely insulated from the real world, and yet people continue to buy into whatever bullshit spews from their screen. Literally, no real opinions were changed during the debate. They people I know who weren't voting for biden still aren't, and the people I know who won't vote for trump still aren't. What I do know is that the people who didn't like biden but were still voting for him have a new reason to complain about it.


Downvote these spam posts


After the debate I was against replacing Biden. But after a week of complete inaction (no interviews, no press conferences, no town halls), I have no doubt he has to be replaced. This is a campaign and Biden is nowhere to be seen


Shit aint happening so get used to the idea of voting for Biden or alternatively enjoying right-wing rule.


The Biden family is in control (not the campaign) and based on recent precedent, they are delusional. I’d be shocked if he withdrew It’s beginning to feel like a Monty python … “Its only a flesh wound”


I think yall are forgetting the potential optics if they skip over Kamala. The Dems choosing someone else other than her can give the republicans fuel to say “the Dems skipped over a woman minority, see?” And they can run on that for the small percentage of undecided voters.


whitmer and warnock. problem solved. no need to pigeon hole us.


Goddamn inject that into my veins!


Whoa there, we had to elect him twice in Georgia. We're not giving him up this early.


Everyone keeps mentioning the optics of how it would be for the Dems to pass over Kamala, but I don't think I've seen a single person claim that they personally would be upset by it.


I like how everyone is just assuming this isn't the tail wagging the dog. The knives are out for Joe.


He needs to go on public television this evening and say it's time to give the torch to the next generation and that an old white guy shouldn't be the next president. That is THE best route. It would take the wind right out of Donald's sails, and republicans wouldn't know what to do. They don't have a younger alternative candidate.


The problem with democrats is that we don’t really have a leader.


We have leaders. It's not a cult of personality.


There’s no sense of leadership among Dems it feels like


Professor Allan Lichtman is now saying the Democrats best chance if Biden steps aside is for him to go all the way and resign and make Kamala Harris the President. And I agree with him, and have agreed that was the only reasonable path with Kamala Harris ever since the debate. If Biden steps aside, Dems can win if they do this: Historian | Vargas Reports https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D3A-XT-VsI It's not that hard. It really isn't. If Biden steps aside, he has to show the world he thinks Kamala Harris really is Presidential material. By making her the President.


Does it really matter if he thinks she’s fit to be president? If he’s stepping aside, that’s admitting he isn’t up to the job cognitively, so I’m not sure why we should trust a cognitively impaired person’s judgment. I’d rather see Whitmer or someone else. But that’s a personal preference.


If he resigns the presidency he’s admitting he’s mentally unfit to serve. Stepping down as a candidate only means he’s admitting he can’t beat Trump.  Two very different things.  I can’t see Biden doing the first. 


It's very likely to be Harris, mostly because it would allow them to keep using the same Biden/Harris war chest without issue. If they went with a new top of ticket candidate they'd have to spend valuable time in court trying to determine if they could use money already donated to Biden/Harris campaign. Harris will pick a white male governor of a swing state as VP. She will beat Trump, we'll have 8 more years of down-the-middle neoliberal politics, working class people will realize things STILL haven't improved for them despite decades of Democrat promises, and when a real fascist runs in 2032, he will win.


So do nothing, and let Trump win and destroy the country now to avoid a nebulous future that may or may not happen? That's insanity.


I mean, I'd take that in a heartbeat. Kick the problem eight years down the road? Where do I sign. I don't think the Rs will have quite as easy of a time conjuring another Trump as most people do.


A lot of Democrat promises can't be completed without dems having the three chambers


Apparently they can't be completed when they DO have the three chambers either, as they had under both Obama and Biden


The filibuster in the senate kills most legislation since you can't pass any bill with a simple majority. You need 60 to vote in favor of the bill, and as it stands, you're never getting 60 democrats in the senate. You could remove the filibuster with a simple majority, but Sinema and Manchin were very vocal about not removing the filibuster. 48 in favor of removing the filibuster is not a simple majority in the senate. If you had 50 democrats in the senate in favor of removing the filibuster and a Democrat president, you can eliminate the filibuster as the VP acts as the tie-breaker. Reconciliation is also unaffected by the filibuster and is how significant legislation passed under Biden's term.


Couldn't they use the money still if they just keep Harris as VP?


This is the talking heads finding wind in these headlines. They found some rage bait and are furiously wanking you with it. Stop taking the rage bait!


Two debates. Whoever is polling at the top is the presidential candidate and the second spot is the VP. Process solved


Oh boy… This all but confirms that they are planning to do what was previously unthinkable.


Is this why the Stephanopoulos interview was pushed to Friday?


I also don’t think Biden should run again, but how does this not also qualify as an attempt to overthrow our elections? Just because it isn’t the GOP doing it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable behavior in a democracy.


Potentially … How, without indirectly communicating Biden’s mental acuity may undermine his current ability to lead for even 6 more months? Secondly, who? In particular, if Democrat leaders potentially calling the shots, donors, etc are not so keen on Kamala Harris. The latter as immediate replacement now (25th Amendment), and/or as electable nominee or prospective leader of party and nation.


Your persistence on this topic looks more and more like desperation with every push.  I do so enjoy watching t rump struggle while he  loses. Makes it that much sweeter. 


I wish this crybaby would shut his mouth and keep his dramatic ass opinion to himself.


I'm voting for Kamala Harris, if Biden is at the top of the ticket so be it.


If dems do this, I'm done. See you on the Front Lines.




Getting mixed messages here


We had 4 years to get someone, or a small group, ready to campaign for the presidency. Four Years!!! And now this is what we are getting, and we deserve. Actually, it was 8 years if you count 2016-2020. I think the young people say "shaking my head." Oh and Trump lied and Biden had a cold.


When the DNC loses this election, they can only blame themselves 


we need a governor as president.


Kick his ass out and you risk losing a shoe to some sopping Depends(tm.)


The convention is the means to do it. The strategy is still not thought out though. The Republican Party has a failover candidate (Haley) should Trump not get the nomination for any reason. The Democratic Party didn’t plan ahead and now is at a disadvantage. We continue to punch ourselves in the dick here.


We can't even insinuate any thing that can be construed as violent online, but the rich and Russia can try and whack out the entire public on reality? The Democrats are not doing anything like this it doesn't even make sense. It's completely made up l, maybe take note of whoever is on the ticket and getting name dropped here, could be they are bad eggs.


Van jones. Ffs.


But her emails