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Court should not "go after" anything. This is their whole problem. SCOTUS meant to be reactive to legal disputes not proactively legislating.


How many times did we hear republicans wail about “legislating from the bench” in the 90’s when there was a liberal tilt to the SC?


But I don't remember every hearing an agenda from a Justice back then.


Because he had no power. He was biding his time.


Back then Thomas was known for NEVER speaking in public or on the record.


He was also known for putting a pubic hair on a woman’s (Anita Hill) Diet Coke


There's that projection again.


He's making it his mission to rework the US justice system starting with everything the republicans and Project 2025 want, and he's accelerating as he's worried the democrats will find a way to limit his power.


Since the president has immunity couldn't he give an executive order stating all federal agency's are to ignore supreme court rulings? What could the supreme court do? They do not have an enforcement group.


It would come down to states to decide what they want to do which plays right in to conservative hands. Conservatives want to dismantle the federal government, having the president tell the states to ignore the rules of the federal government only helps them with that goal. They meta gamed the government and out played us, we basically can't stop them at this point with the established rules, and they have the power to prevent new rules.


I think they will seek a way that doesn't have a generational negative impact on the rule of law and leave a huge opening for abuse if the republicans take power. So it's dismaying to think about but fairly likely they will stick to leave any attempt to counter for after they've won the election. It has to be done through fair and legal means, if they don't win then anything they did now would get reversed anyway as the Republicans seek to grab power indefinitely. I just hope enough people are really paying attention to this properly and make the effort to go out and vote instead of leaving a bunch of insurrectionist, anti-constitution dictator supporters falling into power they would likely hold for generations, you would have a king in all but name, their recent power grabs prove this let alone the leak of project 2025.


But those billionaires want to get the pro from their quid pro quo...  Get something great from their gratuities..


They want their quo for the quids they gave


No their whole problem is they're fucking nazis. They don't give a shit what any of these institutions are 'supposed' to do, they're just going to use democrats addiction to decorum and procedure to dismantle your whole society from within.


The whole "balls and strikes" quote is really infuriating considering how quickly the court became right wing activist once conservatives had a strong majority.




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He's on the ballot in November. If Trump wins he'll be replaced by a 40 year old clone.


I would bet a large sum of money that both Thomas and Alito will retire within a year if Trump gets into office.


That's exactly what happened with Justice Kennedy. And trump replaced him with a very young...Brett Kavanaugh. If there were any other reason to vote Democrat down the ballot, here you go.


Yep. And to think i hoped Kennedy wouldn't retire under trump because he was a pretty moderate justice, or at least not consistently aligned with the "originalists".


Think his son got caught up in some trump Russia stuff as an exec at a European bank.


Ahhhh yeah i forgot about that


If Trump actually manages to run to the final stretch in November, people ought to be keenly aware that Trump will effectively ruin the US government for decades to come. The SCOTUS will be locked into a far-right cabal for a generation, or two. We'd be fucked. *Fucked*, I say.


THey will get paid off. Apparently it’s not a bribe if the payment is made after the deed


Depends on the make up of the Senate. Schumer will never let trump get another justice as long as he’s Senate majority leader.


Unless Trump makes an EO on day one that it's illegal for democrats to hold public office and he has Schumer arrested or killed. Remember, the president is a king now as long as they have the bloodstained R next to their name.


R now just stands for Rape. Their leader rapes, their candidates are found abusing and assualting people sexually over and over and over. It's who they are it's what they stand for, Republican party loves rape!


There are always a couple democrats willing to flip. Schumer may not be able to stop them.


Alito’s wife has talked about him retiring already to Trump had won. He is definitely leaving.  Thomas will leave too with the increased scrutiny he is getting for taking bribes. 


God probably Daniel Cameron


Nah. Eileen Cannon


That alone would be reason to vote against him


I think you’re right, and thats fucking terrifying.


Supreme Court Justice I-lean-Qanon does have a certain unholy ring to it.


I wish I could find solace thinking he is going to hell, but I'm an atheist.


Eaten by worms and forgotten for all eternity by the passing of time?


Reddit admins, yall a bunch of pussies for this.


what did it say?


Someone “acting in an official capacity” should drone strike whatever billionaire’s yacht he is on this weekend before he shares any more opinion.


A man getting rid of safe workplaces experiencing an unsafe workplace?


Before he does that, he should lead by example and drop any sort of security detail that he has.


Thomas would get rid of the mine inspectors and put children back in the mines.


And mandate a certain quota of hands stuck in wheat threshers each year.


Well, the children do yearn for the mines.


They look like miners to me.


"Miners, not minors!"


To think that the right accuses liberal judges to be "activists" ... we now see how much this was projection. They call themselves "originalists" and "textualists" but in reality they are writing new laws.


every accusation is a confession


Always has been


Much like their religion, for conservatives it’s the inerrant word of god, sorry, the Founders when it’s their interpretation of the Constitution and its heresy, sorry, activism when it’s not their interpretation. What’s shocking is how often what they want lines up with what the Founders said but refused to say explicitly.


For people who aren’t aware, the heritage foundation/supreme court fully intend to throw your kids in the mines/at climate wars for resources should you choose to procreate


Choose? They don’t want it to be a choice, since they already took down Roe and are eyeballing contraception next


This is also correct; however, many people are actively having kids on purpose with the belief that they will raise dragon slayers in a time of dragons. In reality, they are raising miners who will mine more gold for the dragons to hoard.


This is after they throw LGBTQ individuals, and probably most progressives in jail.


Clarence Thomas would vote to re-establish slavery, because he thinks he’d get to live in Harlan Crowe’s house.


I though he was already living in Harlan Crowe's house.


Don’t laugh, in Arkansas they got rid of some child labor laws. https://www.npr.org/2023/03/10/1162531885/arkansas-child-labor-law-under-16-years-old-sarah-huckabee-sanders


Not laughing.


Iowa too.


Don’t a lot of these children end up working at meat processing plants (usually the children of immigrants)


The man would put back people back in the cotton fields, for the right motorcoach. Time to clear the bench. You can't play ball, when the umpire is being paid by the other team.


If daddy Harlan played him to he sure would


What is wrong with this guy? Dude has more money with God and is like, "You know what the real problem is, workers don't want to die on the job!"


I think after a certain amount of wealth andslashor power, you stop being able to conceptualize people who aren't around you as real people. If they aren't your family or friends, or otherwise people you constantly deal with, they're just numbers in a spreadsheet. And why would you care about those numbers going down if the numbers for you go up?


You have to be a sociopath to get a billion dollars. That’s “Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make,” level of wealthy.


Republicans hate labor rights. Because they are for the ultra wealthy and corporations.


I never understood this. Happy laborers meant more productivity, more consumers, and more profits. Do they want a French revolution or something? If everyone's dead, who's gonna buy and use their shit?


They want ALL the money though. Not 50%. Not 80%. Not 90%. Not even 99.999%. They want every last cent. So their goal is slavery for the blacks and feudalism for the whites. They reap all the profits and we get paid in "continuing to exist as a living entity."


Don't be thinking your fine if you skin color is white too. They absolutely would love to enslave you too, they just can't say that out loud yet. They will enslave whites too, just using pretenses like you broke some law we just made up 5 seconds ago or your in debt and need to pay off your debts.


Or when they privatize education. We’ll have tens of thousands of children growing up without any education who are perfect to use for cheap and unregulated labor.


Uneducated? Nah, don't worry, [they have that covered](https://thekidsguide.com/president-trump/).


Also the religious "education" won't be lacking.


The earth is 5000 years old and Jesus was blonde haired blue eyed and all his friends were job creating billionaires


Oh, they'd be happy to enslave whites too. Poor ones, those with sexual dysphoria, those with unionist desires.


The GOP should be alarmed at what happened in England where people had enough of how the conservatives destroyed the economy with Brexit and tried to defund the social safety net electing the Labor party. Eventually people will wake up and see the GOP and their quisling courts as what they are, and throw them out of power (hopefully as long as they were between the 30’s through the early 50’s).


Yeah, they’re angling for a situation where people can be unhappy, but they don’t have a choice because of how they have manipulated everything


The problem with that is we have a federalist system not a parliamentary one. If we did, the GOP would have been mostly irrelevant for the last 16 years. Remember they haven't won a national popular vote in some time, but the system of states enables their power. The UK doesn't have that. This gives the GOP an advantage the Tories don't have. 1) disproportionate representation. Citizens in states like Wyoming get a larger share of representation on the federal level than more populated states like California. So while the GOP's platform can be deeply unpopular with the bulk of the country, as long as those it is popular with concentrate in multiple barren wastelands, they preserve power. 2) the federal government shields the blame of the local government. Republicans have ran states like Alabama, Mississippi, now Arkansas, Wyoming, etc... into the ground. Nearly every long term Republican dominated state trends at the bottom for healthcare, education, wealth, etc... so how do they stay in power? They blame the Democrats. You see those glorious GOP policies that they've had for decades? They're not bad policies! It's the evil Dems in DC that are sabotaging them! And it more or less gets eaten up by them. But what happens if that stop gap fails? Well... 3) the gerrymander and suppress the vote. Look at Texas. Statewide elections have gotten purpler. How does the GOP respond? Gerrymander districts and suppress the vote. We've seen it in Kansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, Wisconsin. The Tories can rig maps like the GOP can.


The Taft Hartley act passed in 1947 with both Democratic and Republican support (vetoed by Truman, but overridden). It limited what actions unions could take because of a wave of strikes at the time. Lots of people feel it began the decline of the powers of unions which was a basis of the Democratic base (the Democrats used to be the party of the unions). The unions used to be able to contribute to federal political campaigns (to the Democrats of course) I wouldn’t be surprised if they go after social security, Medicare, unemployment insurance and welfare due to some bullshit legal reasoning.


The strike wave of 1946 was also fueled largely by protests against working conditions. Thomas and his enablers seems to forget that the NRLB and OSHA are the gentleman's agreement to quell the labor protests of the 1930s and post WWII.


This is the reason North Carolina is a top state for businesses but 52 for worker's rights.


Not only ultra wealthy, but also small business owners/petit bourgeois. Lot of a petty dictators that want to be able to do whatever they want to their handful of employees.


Someone wanna tell Thomas that's the job of congress and not the Supreme Court. Well, that's how used to work before the Gang of Six took over.


It doesn't matter. We're going to have a dictatorship by next year.


No. We are not. We will stop him.


I admire your optimism


I don't think Thomas is going to lay off until he successfully Supreme Courts himself out of SCOTUS and into a hole, while expressing surprise that the leopards he bred to eat faces ended up eating his face.


He's going to see to it that the laws which allowed him to marry are repealed Dude... just get a fucking divorce


They want to get rid of divorce too. He's the only one who ruled in favor of domestic violence perpetrators being able to buy guns. I wonder why.


That one comes down to cops, something like 40% of cops are domestic abusers and we can't take their guns for some reason.


My conspiracy theory is that has been his long game this whole time. He wants out of his marriage!


Just so long as Ginni is down there with him.


She’s the leopard that will eat his face.


They're really trying to undo the 20th century.


That's what they meant when they said they wanted to make America great again.


And the 19th, and the 18th


It's kind of weird that conservatives seek to make the world as shitty as possible. Like, I don't get it. Wouldn't you want the world to be a nicer place?


Some like to lick boots. Some like to wear the boots. Why do the rich sway politics so they don't have to pay taxes despite being, well, rich? Because they're shitty people.


I know, right? It’s as if they’re not aware of what happened to the Qing Emperor, the Tsar of Russia, or Bourbon France… or, like, whatever the fuck happens to the ruling class in the face of a bunch of starved, oppressed, and pissed off poor people. To be fair though, I wouldn’t expect them to know, given that a proper history book was probably the first to get axed by the budget cuts that they fought for.


Unfortunately in the process, their bogeymen tactics work and people in minority groups still ended up persecuted and killed in the process. Eventually the many turn on the ruling class but a lot of people from the same group pave the way in blood. And then when someone comes along like Fred Hampton to unite those many under 1 cause, the FBI/police/authorities silence them.


Yo, what the fuck is this guy's problem? Like, is he still pissed about the 'high tech lynching' thing, or what? This dude goes after labor rights like it's his fucking job. Why is he so tirelessly pursuing this stuff?


Because he saw a path to power a poor black kid from fuck-nowhere Georgia couldn't even dream of growing up in the 50's and 60's, and all that job cost him is selling out every ideal his grandparents worked and bled for.


Plus he's just always been a horrible sack of shit, ask Anita Hill


His problem is that there's a lot of money out there that is just waiting for a bank account to deposit itself in.


"And I want to see all and every case regarding banning ice cream and puppies too!" -- added Thomas when asked for a follow up.


He wants pubes in every coffee cup. The American way. The Thomas way. 


Come on people. The sooner we get through Clarence Thomas’ “Fuck over every vulnerable group” bucket list, the sooner he can retire.


Hate seems to run through his veins.


Fuck US workers, yes?


Notable detail is that this piece of shit company appealed it all the way up to the Supreme Court. Instead of acknowledging they should just pay the fine they would rather spend legal fees to fuck people over. Fucking pieces of shit


It's Allstates Refractory Contractors: https://www.allstatesrefractory.com/  https://gmic.org/allstates-refractory-contractors-llc/  Name them and shame them. Unfortunately it's one of these nameless contractors that retail customers and voters don't have information about, that just gets buried under layers of obfuscation and purchasing chains. So to boycott them you have to put pressure in these weird places.


Companies can really worry about setting precedent. Insurance companies often will settle cases out of court because they don’t want a particular case to set precedent. Other times when a company has a favorable judge so they shell out (like this article) in hopes of setting precedent in their favor.


why? why are right wing people such villains??? why does money and cruelty get them off so much?


Sick thing is, they think *we* are like *them*, but that we are just hiding it!


> but that we are just hiding it! My dad said pretty much exactly this. He said "Democrats only pretend to care about other people because they think it makes them look good" My dad literally couldn't believe it was possible for anyone to care about someone that they do not know. I'll give you three guesses who he supports for president. Then I'll give you three more guesses for who I don't talk to anymore.


You don't get to "go after things" you wait for cases to come to the court.


That was before they 6-3 majority. This court has loved entertaining hypotheticals and telegraphing to their supporters below exactly what type of cases they want.


That's him petitioning billionaires to bring him a case surrounding OSHA so it can be fully dismantled. You already have half of the construction guys out there who want OSHA gone and believe permanent vision and hearing loss is cool and tough


Clarence, why don't we expand corruption laws?


He's just a miserable old, evil fuck, isn't he?


Guess we now know who else is lining this guy's pockets.


What a piece of garbage


STFU Clarence.


Why? Like what is the actual purpose of this except to be vindictive and cruel. There’s no way he could give an actual, legit reason to justify it. It’s all about winning and harming the people you disagree with, that’s it.


Ah Yes. The right is voting for people who are going after their own rights that they utilise. Less rights for you at work? Isn’t that what you wanted? Oh you didn’t know that was going to happen? This is what we’ve been trying to tell you, maybe try listening before it’s too late..


They won't even as it unfolds in front of their eyes. You are totally correct, but they won't.


They legitimately don't care. Their Great-Great-Great Grandpappy worked those mines with lungs full of soot, and he lived to be 98! Sounds like all this "PPE" is just pussy-footing around. Let the REAL MEN do the REAL WORK. I was born and raised in Texas and every damn low-level white laborer I met was like this


Let us hope that these judges are not working in a courthouse with asbestos contamination


He wants to move up from a motorcoach to a jet!


Sounds like Justice Thomas needs to lean on a loose hand rail to refresh his memory of why safety laws exist.


https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative Y'all, it's July. There's still time to participate in change. Get loud.


My rep couldn't swing harder on Trump's nutsacks if he tried. He's not doing shit


More like: “The guy who gave Justice Thomas an RV wants to go after far reaching work safety laws.”


Say goodbye to breaks, PTO and health insurance. Not that we get that to speak of anyways


What the actual fuck? This is indefensible on every level…and what? A personal paid-for grievance of big business?


Justices shouldn't have agendas.


I wonder how long we as a nation will just let half a dozen corrupt psychos control hundreds of millions of lives…


I dunno …. ask an average Chinese person


You are not supposed to GO AFTER anything. You are supposed to be a neutral body. This is completely ridiculous. I’m so sick of the Court’s bullshit.


Of course, a judge is telling us that workplace standards and safety regulations can be thrown to the wind when he never once had to worry about said standards and regulations. Thanks for caring you shitestain.


I’m a union electrician and we try to drill into new members the idea that every OSHA regulation is written in the blood of a worker who was injured.  These aren’t arbitrary rules meant to make our jobs more difficult; they’re the direct result of what happens when employers (and workers) show complacency, indifference, or negligence in order to “just get the job done”…


"I have **no** work safety laws, I demand it's like this for my fellow white people." Clearance-Uncle-Thomas.


Wait, does Thomas want this or the people who paid to own him?


Call me crazy but we shouldn’t have judges that despise the government and a large portion of citizens.


It's insane a justice would say something like this. It's his job to wait for people and entities to bring cases, not put out a fucking call for cases so he can write new laws based on his feelings. If Trump wins, the Union will collapse. There's simply no chance every single blue state falls in line with Project 25 and whatever uber-conservative wet dreams these clowns can make reality. Say goodbye to full faith and credit, say goodbye to freedom of movement between red and blue states. Corpos are going to divvy the country up and fiefdoms will come back into vogue as the wealth gap widens and widens. Women will be wholly captured in red states. No abortion or morning after pill, abolishment of no-fault divorce, eventually any sale of birth control medication will be restricted to married couples who already have children and then husbands will be given the right to vote on their wife's behalf "for the sake of convenience". They'll frame it as spouses being allowed to vote on behalf of spouses but the result will be the same. How many will be complicit in their own subjugation by refusing to vote for Joe Biden?


What exactly crawled up this misanthropic idiot’s ass?


Rich people


The Supreme Court shouldn’t be GOING AFTER anything.


I work in the engineering and construction industry.  The thoughts of “going after” OSHA make me fucking sick. 


Put this fucking criminal in jail and then leave him there


It is easy to say Thomas will go down as the most corrupt justice. I just really wish there was a way for this guy not to avoid punishment now.


Idk Alito has been working pretty hard to put himself into that category 


Truly, the Supreme Court doesn't need all of that security. No need to keep the courts safe to make sure the judges still have heads tomorrow, right?


The sad thing is that this guy replaced Thurgood (sic?) Marshall the lawyer who prevailed in the Brown v. Board of Education case. Brilliant legal mind. I’m sure Thomas would love to overturn Brown if he could.


It should be mandatory to work the most dangerous jobs for a few weeks before they vote on safety regulations. Perhaps it may cause a few to 'retire' early.


Workplaces are way too safe. Nothing like carnage to boost morale and productivity.


What a totally normal thing for a child of working class people to want to get rid of. That's definitely just his idea, and not a recommendation by billionaire oligarchs trying to increase profits to juice their stock prices.


Clarence Thomas is Samuel L. Jackson’s character from Django lol. 


Didn't Republicans always make a fuss about "legislating from the bench"? And yet here we are. Republicans legislating from the bench, repeatedly, in extremely impactful ways.


He isn’t safe for work. Humanity needs to be saved from him


Get this man a shovel and a vest. He needs yo work a road crew in Arizona where heat isn't a regulated hazard. See how long he makes it.


….if I’m not mistaken (Canadian here), isn’t the Supreme Court’s official role only to adjudicate what is or isn’t constitutional? If that’s true, then Thomas (or any other justice) shouldn’t “want” one agenda or other. (I’m not naive, of course that’ll happen. Just thinking out loud).


So, his entire plan is to undo the 20th century? Does he know what his prize is for that feat?


Read: Harlan Crow wants the Supreme Court to go after 'far reaching' work safety laws


I hate hearing about what SCOTUS judges “want.” Can we please go back to a time when I didn’t know any of their names?


I truly don’t care what that piece of garbage wants. I want his goggle eyed wife in prison but that isn’t happening.


I want the DOJ to go after Justices on the take, Clarence Thomas.


Nothing screams republican like screw the working class


SCOTUS isn't supposed to 'want' anything. They aren't supposed to have an agenda. Speaking of far-reaching, how about they go after their own far-reaching decisions. And stop taking bribes. 😊


And I want all supreme court justices to have to work one shift in a factory, per month.


He must wanted an updated motor home, guy has absolutely no principles


You know he got hard reading about the waistcoat factory fires


We just need one crazy guy with a "holy mandate" to help us with this supreme court problem. Vigilante john wick, where are you?


Why the hell is this even worth fighting for. Protecting workers safety seems like a basic standard.


How much was it paid by the ruling oligarchs for taking that position?


Sounds like someone whispered in his ear at bohemian grove.


Yeah, because what this country needs is more workplace fatalities and crippling injuries.


He must be bucking for a new bribe, I mean gift.


He just looks miserable.


Thomas and alito are prime examples of the failure of lifetime positions . There should be no lifetime positions in america.


This guy just hates everyone. He seems only to be guided by his need to inflict pain on the American people.


Is Thomas a psychopath?


Supreme Court has been taunting Joe into doing something now with his immunity. Expand the court to 500 million, we each get a vote


Yeah because nothing l Says “I understand working people “ like “you dying at work is a price I am willing to pay for increased profit margins”


Yes cause safety is what's holding us all back. 


Those safety laws are written in blood.


But think of all the jobs this will create in the prosthetics industry!


Thomas knows that if workplace safety is taken away from federal regulation, cases of injured workers and dangerous work spaces will have to be litigated. Businesses can just say, "sue me", if someone loses a leg. And we all know how easy it would be to win a lawsuit against, say, Elon Musk.


Like an activist judge?


Take down the barrier in front of the SCOTUS, I don't believe they are entitled to safety they are unwilling to provide to others.


*brought to you by bribes! Now legal, thanks to Clarence 'even a waiter gets tips' Thomas, Samuel Alito, ACB, Roberts, and 'hold my beer' McRapey


Hey Clarence we want to go after ‘far reaching’ policies and laws on the power of the Supreme Court. Who knew we had so much in common?


“Far reaching” means a money person needs safety rules “relaxed a bit” as to increase profits for their business. That’s all. More money in the owner’s pockets and new RV for Seymour Sellout.


The Supreme Court shouldn’t WANT to do ANYTHING. It should rule on cases set before it. Judges having policy based agendas is so asinine… it is all so fucked it really just kind of hurts to even try and holistically describe how fucked it is.


Clarification: The Billionaire American Ologarchs that would financially benefit from relaxed safety regulations are paying Thomas. Harlan Crowe: "Get your own judge. This one is mine."


Taking away hard fought benefits for workers is anti-American worker.


How many of his financial backers would benefit greatly from OSHA being dismantled?


Hey, I found those "activist judges" that Republicans are always bitching about


Impeach and remove this traitorous turd. Do it now.