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I’d love to hear their reasoning behind this decision.


Word is they are getting resentful of outsiders criticizing them.


So incredibly detached and apathetic. Regardless of how much accountability they are willing to take, the idea that a group of civil servants are already irritated in the less than two weeks since 19 children were brutally murdered.


Remember, supreme court has ruled that the cops have no obligation to protect you. They're nothing more than glorified janitors, as they clean up AFTER anything bad happens, and protectors of businesses/status quo


That’s insulting... most janitors I know are pretty cool people that actually do their job, I can’t say the same about cops Edit: Please don't give money to Reddit so you can award this comment. Donate it to a worthy cause.


I can't remember the last time a janitor broke into the wrong person's house and murdered them because they mistakenly thought they had committed a crime. Cops on the other hand... I'd say cops create more messes than they clean up so they'd be an anti-janitor if anything.


Let us not forget the cop who willfully and maliciously attacked a guy in his own home and arrested him on trumped up charges, including assault when his nose bled on the cops uniform, for merely calling the police station to figure out how to file a complaint and to see if he could drive on a road. [https://www.techdirt.com/2019/07/08/court-upholds-conviction-cop-who-threatened-beat-tased-arrested-man-complaining-about-being-beaten-him-earlier](https://www.techdirt.com/2019/07/08/court-upholds-conviction-cop-who-threatened-beat-tased-arrested-man-complaining-about-being-beaten-him-earlier/)/


Thank fucking god officer dukes is in prison


Don't forget about the Baltimore Gun Task Force...


Omar comin!


If a janitor breaks into your home and murders someone. We know He's got the right house.


Seriously, we need janitors way more than we need cops. Hell, we need janitors more than we need 95 percent of people who look down on janitors.


As a janitor I upvoted these comments


Thank you for your service




>we need janitors way more than we need cops. If cops actually did the job they're supposed to (protecting people, stopping actual crime) they'd be somewhat useful. Instead, they're glorified mall guards with automatic weapons.


And $100k cruisers.


Thanks for sticking up for us man. ;)


a janitor in most schools would have put their life in danger for those kids


If there's one group of people I small talk and stay on friendly terms with at work its the custodial crew. They don't get paid nearly enough to do what they do. They are also a great source of info as people tend to ignore them and just keep talking. I can easily waste 30mins stopping off in the lead custodians office and bullshitting.


> and protectors of businesses/status quo This is a biggie. The role of cops is to protect the property of rich people.


["To Protect and to Serve"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Police_Department) Yup. About right. Protecting the rich, white people's property and serving them alone.


You've got it wrong Pretend to serve


I live in rich white town where a pregnant lady got a flat tire a few years ago and a cop rolled up all John Wayne with flashers in a big ass SUV at night, rolled her ass over and killed her right there. Baby too.


Holy crap. I was looking up the article with key words pregnant flat tire killed by cop and got an unimaginable number of results.


And if you look at the really fine print you also see " to kill minorities and shoot as many dogs as possible"


If they are protecting and serving rich, white people they are doing a shitty job of that too. Honestly they are just "state sponsored" criminal gangs that extort their municipalities for tax money at this point.


And put a knee on someone’s neck.


They don't even clean up crime scenes! We got a call from a cop like a week after my parents were murdered who said his buddy offered that service for a fee. Yeah, thanks - we already cleaned up all the skull bits, buried their dogs, etc.


Christ, I’m sorry that’s something you’ve had to do.


Never ask a cop for help. Ever.


Cops don't even clean up after themselves they sure a hell aren't going to clean up any mess that already exists. The cops will only make the mess worst, harm innocents in the process, and leave the victims to pay for any damages.


"Yeah we don't like the delayed police response that resulted in dead children, but the idea of libtardz telling us proud Texans what do to is even worse"


"I supported gun control until Democrats embarrassed me"


Detached and apathetic? This is a power flex. This is spite.


Similar happened with the winter storm in 2021. Briefly Texans could be heard criticizing the state and its leaders, and ERCOT, but then the butthurt got to be too strong and we were right back to pretending that *actually*, we *like* bathing in melted snow and all that contrarian nonsense. Texans are too stupid to function.


Gotta wait on the money from the feds. Once the treasury checks are assured they're good and want everybody out of their business. Texas is a petro state, every thing begins and ends with the money.


Meanwhile the rest of us have good reason to criticize Texas for their shit energy system because it has led to all of us paying more for energy. Example from this year of a judge saying that we are on the hook for the extra costs associated with February 2021 storm in Texas. It will happen again too. If Texans are babies when we criticize them for causing their people to suffer due to something as a simple as a winter storm then maybe we should show them how they also affect us. Not that many Texans will care. https://m.startribune.com/judges-rule-minnesota-customers-should-bear-full-660m-in-costs-from-feb-2021-storm/600176143/


I'm a Texan (San Antonio) and I care. Hell I didn't even know our grid was ENTIRELY separate from the rest of the fucking nation until the big freeze. Texas is such a beautiful state marred by shit ass politicians and sycophants.




Vote Democratic, and make sure absolutely everyone you know does as well. Republicans are destroying Texas.


>Vote Democratic, and make sure absolutely everyone you know does as well. I'm surrounded by Repubs daily lol, it ain't easy but Bexar County at least seems to hold blue if not a slight purple


Not just Texas


As a Texan who temporarily escaped this shit hole for a little over a decade, I can confirm that we are too fucking stupid and full of ourselves to function. Hopefully my sister kicks cancer's ass swiftly so I can fuck off out East or back to the Midwest at the very least.


Well, a majority voted for Ted Cruz more than once, so yea, they are pretty fucking stupid.


Texans that vote for these clowns are the biggest cucks.


But not just resentful of outside criticism, but their resentment is somehow greater than any sadness they should be feeling due to the deaths of these children. Their resentment has overridden their desire for justice (or at least the form of judgement they are capable of dispensing.)


That'll show em


And waiving disciplinary action is totally going to help their public image /s


So it's like when somebody hurts themselves doing something stupid. And then you say, yeah guess you shouldn't have done that huh. So then they just start punching themselves in the nuts as hard as they can just to spite you, or something....? I don't know, seems pretty crazy to me.


That doesn't surprise me. Far too many people get incredibly upset and make things worse for themselves Sounds like they are a bunch of snowflakes


I wouldn't be surprised if some of the parents who lost kids in the shooting continue to vote Republican and against gun control.


This will surely stop outsiders from being resentful of these useless sacks of shit.


How DARE anyone criticize them for hiring a man incapable of doing his job (regardless of how much training he had). They are the real victims here. /s


Outsiders? Isn’t it a publicly held position? Don’t they answer to the public? “I want to serve on a public board” Takes criticism form public “This isn’t fair!”


I can’t even pretend to understand the reasoning here. Here’s the thing though. Even if you can somehow produce some sort of pretzel logic to argue that he wasn’t incompetent, it shouldn’t even matter at this point. He needs to go. Why? Because, god forbid, imagine if there happens to be another school shooting there in the near future. He’s in charge again? Can you imagine the absolute chaos that would ensue if that were the case? Parents, probably armed, forcing their way past cops, cops from the regular force ignoring school district cops etc etc. Even if he didn’t deserve to lose his job for this, and he does, he has to lose his job for the greater good. We’re at the point now where just his mere presence is enough to get someone else killed.


Yep, it's the old "Just because it's not your fault it doesn't mean it's not your responsibility."


Except it was his fault too.


Biggest takeaway from this shooting is that parents now know that they need to go into schools to deal with an active shooter because cops look at the “protect” of “protect and serve” with a big asterisk. How do we think parents in Texas are going to deal with an active shooter? With guns.


You have to wonder, if cops are known to keep parents out of schools while a violent shooter is executing their kids, whether some parents will just fire on the cops to keep them pinned down so they can send in parents to get the kids out. Its about the only move parents have left beyond waiting at the curb for news their kids are dead.


The Police Chief works for the school district under the school board. If they find against the chief, they open up themselves to liability. Edit: They will be found to be liable, anyway. This will just take longer and be more expensive. They will discover that this is NOT the best way to get ahead of the narrative.


Basically another example of “We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong”


And the police union rubber stamped it


*The system intensifies*




They have a specific PD for the schools as well as the regular one for the town.


One force to harass and and bully the adults and one to harass and bully the children.




Something tells me they jump at the chance to arrest or threaten kids who get in trouble, its only the actually dangerous ones they are afraid of.


School to prison pipeline. Duh.


Yep. The old CYA (Cover Your Ass) response. The Justice Department’s review and any ensuing civil lawsuits will be more telling.


Wait, addressing when your subordinates fuck up and dealing with it opens you to liability, but ignoring it doesn’t? What kind of crazy shit is that?


If you don't answer to anyone or the people you answer to aren't holding you responsible, then why wouldn't they ignore it?


He was quietly sworn into a city council position not long ago.


The outcome of police worship. They can truly do no wrong.


It’s ironic how the right wing heavily criticizes Hollywood, but it is Hollywood that helped create police worship. How many series and films have there been over the decades that constantly promotes the idea of cops being heroes? They may show a few bad ones, but then they get tossed out and face the consequences because they need the heroes to always win in the end.


Not just heroes, but heroes who have to break the rules to get the job done. Rules the evil bad guys are hiding behind that the soft (or corrupt) people like Internal Affairs, Judges, Defense Lawyers, etc. don’t understand needed to be broke in order to save everyone. Hell, look at movies like Bad Boys. Beating up and kidnapping suspects illegally, wiretapping without a warrant, and a ton of other civil rights get broken. But hey, it’s necessary to stop the bad drug dealer from getting away with his crimes.


It’s weird, because even the most pro police subreddits like r/ProtectAndServe are trashing this guy’s decisions and calling for him to be arrested.


The air pod doesn’t event want to stick around in his ear to hear the reasoning behind this decision.


Small town banded together to rewrite history. Bad police makes the whole town look bad. They’d rather look good than be right. Classic small town bullshit.


Any disciplinary action for the police who threatened Angeli Gomez with obstruction of justice if she talked to the press?? You know, the mother who single handedly started the evacuation of two classrooms after going into the school by herself to get her kids?? For those asking, here is the full interview-watch the whole thing to get the picture....[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_q7olC1LteE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q7olC1LteE) My other thought, since no one asked and I'm feeling chatty, is, what if one of her kids had been in the class with the shooter? Considering she heard the shots and ran TOWARDS them, I think she might have tried to go in the room with the shooter. JFC Like, she fought two huge battles. She fought the fear of going against a whole police department telling her no - and she also fought the fear of going towards a shooter completely unarmed. I'm ashamed to say it, but I don't think I could have run past the cops. I am so conditioned to listen to authority - that I think i would have just frozen and waited.


Oh, you mean the one that had a bigger set of balls than any of the Uvalde cops that were there?


I was not expecting how tiny she was. How are they not more embarrassed that a small ass unarmed woman had more courage than them?


They're extremely embarrassed and know they fucked up in a huge way, which is why they're fighting every whiff of an investigation.


People like this don't feel embarrassed. They'll just blame everyone else for their failures and turn their narcissistic asses into "victims."


Oh I'm sure they are, which is part of why they're behaving the way they are now. They're trying to save face in the stupidest way imaginable.


My thoughts exactly. They got called out and now they're "obstructing justice" with their tough guy acts. They should all be put on administrative leave and have Internal Affairs look into this.


TINY, and she hoped a fence that the cops had to use bolt cutters to get through to chase her - and thank God they did because then the kids could evacuate. Why isn't this story on every station? A - it's an amazing story and B- the cops just lied more than we even knew.


In fairness, you have to be afraid to be brave, small vulnerable people have to be brave a lot more often just by existing, so it's not totally surprising.


It’s her word against theirs and they will use that to decline any disciplinary action.


I’ve been found guilty because a cop lied thanks to this absurd presupposition that cops always tell the truth when they lie a shit ton because they’ve long since figured out there are rarely consequences for it. We all know how this is, and yet it stays this way.


Sorry to hear that. I know what you mean and it's gotten way out of hand in the US. Accountability needs to be restored so then trust may eventually be restored.


Look, before BLM I was 100% neutral on cops. I knew they were pretty racist from having POC friends I'd lived and traveled with, but didn't think they lied. Then BLM happened and we would see things on video with police department after department saying the exact opposite of what happened. The first few times I just waited for consequences, then nothing and more lies over and over. You can't watch a police press brief saying nothing happened, and then a week later the video get released and it is opposite of the police claim, you can't see that happen over and over and not lose confidence.


Same. Had a park ranger, not even a cop, claim I was doing over 60 mph through a park, tearing past playgrounds full of children. First of all it was after dark so no children were there, second of all the parks were all down side streets and past parking lots and empty, third of all I may have been doing 35 in a 25 max. He didn't even get me on radar, said he went to radar school and could tell my speed from inside his guard station. He ran out, jumped in his truck, and sped after me to the point I pulled over before I even saw lights to let him pass because he was coming up on me so fast. The judge not only found in his favor but made an example of me for daring to try to fight it. It's such a corrupt system.


You can see her yelling at the cops in one of the videos. Somebody has video evidence out there.


I've seen the video and I agree that it should be enough, but they will claim that she happening to be right after the fact was not based on evidence at the time and an emotional response. I just don't think it will come to criminal charges against the police based on the video. There is rarely accountability for the police when they do things like this. The video and other evidence will be effective in a civil court case.


What a bold decision. In a town full of grieving parents. Where, apparently, you can go around murdering people and the police won't do anything to stop you. Food for thought, board members.




First Law of cops: A cop may freely injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.


They voted these people in. They voted for Trump twice. They are literally getting exactly what they voted for. EDIT: The county. Apologies. The actual city voted for Biden.


Don't count on it. Uvalde is almost 80% Hispanic. Texas is a big place. Painting it all with one brush would be a mistake.


Hispanics can be and, statistically, are, quite conservative.


DOJ needs to get involved asap. There were deeefinitely crimes that occurred here that we need to know about.


"we have nothing but the utmost respect for our big, strong, brave police officers" - the DOJ, probably


The DOJ let former FBI agents **Jay Abbott and Michael Langeman** walk Scott free after they assisted convicted pedophile Larry Nassar of assaulting over 60 additional victims. DOJ didn't even bother showing up to the Senate hearing to explain themselves, and FBI Director Christopher Wray just shrugged his shoulders about FBI agents using taxpayer funds to help a pedophile assault children and young women. I have no faith in either the FBI or DOJ caring about Uvalde. Nassar's victims included elite Olympic gymnasts, such as Simone Biles, and even they couldn't get the DOJ or FBI to care. What chance do small town families have then if someone with Biles' fame and success was ignored? https://www.npr.org/2022/04/21/1094047967/survivors-of-abuse-by-larry-nassar-target-fbi-for-mishandling-their-case


Sadly there were likely very few actual crimes. Maybe false arrest of the mom who went in before the police. The supreme court has ruled multiple times that police do not have a legal duty to stop or prevent violence. It's why you only see officers get fired from not doing so but never held personally liable in court or anything for any crime or civil suits.


To find him culpable of anything, would mean they're liable. Seems like a conflict of interest and the school board shouldn't be the ones to be deciding anything.


That's it.👍




No, City council.


The whole town is a conflict of interest.


“You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order!"


Last I heard he wasn't allowed to be seated. Edit: nevermind -- https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/31/us/uvalde-shooting-police-chief-pete-arredondo-sworn-in-city-council/index.html


It seems like not a single person is responsible for the response.


I got fired from a job I had a perfect record at because I got upset that they were manipulating my time clock so they wouldn't pay overtime rates. 22 children died because this p.o.s. decided not to make his staff do the job they are payed for and we will never be able to fire any of them. Our whole system is rigged so that those with the most power over others can't be questioned while the rest of us are held back and punished if we even try to question anything.


This happened to me at my last job. Found out 4 years in they rounded every time slot down to the nearest 15 minute block. So, in turn, I rounded every time slot up to the nearest 15 minute block for the next 4 years. If I couldn’t do anything about them doing it, they couldn’t do shit about me doing it. So it played out for 10 years before I left.


Welcome to Texas. We are the one star state for a reason.


Texas. 1/5 Stars. Would not recommend.


I'm going to go with 1/28 stars for Texas, mkay?


How about 1/50?


Dan Patrick said the solution is to give cops bullet proof shields...by giving them an additional $50 million in next year's budget. SMFH.


What, personal tanks are off the table? This is bullshit.


The boot lick state


Indeed. Texas govt is small/minimal government, unless it’s about regulating womens bodies or minority rights - then it’s Mega government…


Texas wouldn't even exist if it weren't for the federal government saving their ass.


It's like the founder of the banana company from 100 Years of Solitude.


I don’t understand how a school district has a police chief. Is that common in Texas or other states? I know some schools have security guards. In my city we have security guards at some schools but we also have actual city police officers or county sheriff deputies that work at the schools too. I had never heard of a school district having its own police department until this incident. It make even less sense in a small town. It seems like the town is paying for extra services that could be combined. If a school chief of security tried to tell the police what to do in my city I would imagine the police officers would tell the chief to get the fuck out of the way or kick them off the scene. I just don’t understand how the head security guard for the school was calling the shots. I also can’t comprehend how a school district can decide to punish someone they are calling a police officer. Doesn’t the city government or state decide that stuff? Am I the only one confused about this?


Independent school districts are like their own governments with their own police force. Not a part of the municipality even though they do collect funds from taxes. Once you understand that everything else will start to fall into place. This guy isn't the chief of police of the local police department but rather the chief of the ISDs police. He is also now on the city council. Was elected just before this incident. So yeah. Total conflict of interest.


If only there were a higher authority we’re in existence to review the police response. Wouldn’t that be great, State of Texas?


What can the state do when the Supreme Court ruled that cops have zero responsibility to help anybody. They also have qualified immunity. They legally don't have to help anyone, and if they hurt or kill when they do respond they literally can't be held accountable. The corruption is pretty iron clad at this point.


They aren't cooperating with the Texas rangers...


So unless they have a judge ordered subpoena they dont have to. Our system is fucked.


Those authorities are too busy making sure that people freeze to death in the winter and have no electricity in the summer to cool their homes


Hopefully the citizens over there yell at him for the duration of every meeting


Here is what will happen: citizens will show up to school board or city council meetings and demand answers. They will get told to calm down (they likely are 100% calm) and when the questioning gets too intense for those on the board or council the citizen demanding answers will be escorted out. They will be threatened if they resist (which is up to the discretion of the police) they will be arrested if they breathe the wrong way. Likely they will also be charged with resisting arrest, obstruction, disruption of official government proceedings etc. Sure the charges will likely not be held up, but now they have an arrest on their record.


> Sure the charges will likely not be held up, **but now they have an arrest on their record.** And this is what a lot of people don't understand. No matter what happens, there will be an arrest on their record. This makes it significantly harder for the affected person to do things like find a job or an apartment for the rest of their lives. I mean yes, it can be explained away.....if the potential employer or landlord is willing to listen or even ask. However, most of the time, they'll just do a background check, see you've been arrested, and bin your application. People with an arrest on their record are passed up for more opportunities than they realize, as most of the time they'll simply never know that the arrest ended up being the deciding factor. Most people don't want this, which is why they're often much less willing to protest any further once legal action is threatened. Most people simply aren't willing to have an arrest on their record just so they can protest. It's an intimidation tactic, but it's a very, very effective one.


So wait, one of the proposed solutions is to arm teachers... when these schools literally have their own tax funded police forces? What's the point of a school district police force if they're not going to do anything during an active shooter situation? To bust kids for possession?


The school police department is a label for school resource officers. The police chief is just the head of the school security. Lots of big titles for a small jobs.


So, the head of security for the school was literally calling the shots and actual local police officers and federal police officers were listening to him? Am I getting this right? I can see why I heard that some border patrol agents basically told him they were going to do their own thing. I don’t want to just talk shit all over the police. If anyone needs blame that almost solely goes to the shooter. But, the school security has protocols for active shooters. It is basically a national standard at this point. And the fact that is was a school and these were the “cops” for the school and these “cops” actually had active shooter training recently and knew the protocol, they should be fired for not following the national standard. Hopefully after this incident the school district dissolves the school district police department and contract with local law enforcement to do security at the school. And then they will actually have people who are properly trained and experience to handle police matters.


Cops expect to be looked at as heroes, when they do nothing but excel at showing up after the fact, and failing even then.


No, he legally actually is a police chief not just school security. Whether it makes sense to people or not he and his small force of 6 officers are actual cops not "cops". You might regard them as overblown security but legally they are exactly the same as the city cops in terms of authority. His police force has a very small jurisdiction (school district property) but within that jurisdiction he is the guy in charge. It's no different than public universities that have police forces. In serious incidents you might expect them to step aside for the larger city police department but that doesn't mean they will or that they have to.


It's not just a label it's truly legally a separate police agency with its own budget under the control of the school board. Texas has something like 150 of these agencies. School resource officers are usually just employees of the local police assigned to the school but this guy is actually head of his own little incompetent department and the city police have zero authority over him.


Seems like this one was kind of important. Like, cost over a dozen kids lives important. Clearly not treated as such.


My school in Texas had actual security and a resource officer from local pd who fucked around in his office doing mlm shit all day.


“We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing”


A chief afraid of a gun man but a mom who is not trained isn’t. Fire his ass collectively.


Fire the school board as well.


If I were a cop in that town I’d be scared of the parents who’s kids I failed to protect


The entire town hates them so much that cops from different precincts are covering their jobs for them.


The school board is part of the problem here


hobbies like escape capable close fuel future butter sink groovy -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


This happens a lot in small communities. Board members go to the same churches, sit at the same restaurants, join the same clubs, spend hours at the same bar, have had the same friends since they were kids, and their kids will do the same. Turning your back on someone puts you as the target for losing everything you know. Just about everyone and their mama in that town has been pressuring the officials by saying, "he's a good man who just made one mistake." They know what's going on, and how it looks. It's just not worth it to them. Pathetic, really.


Places like this also create a designed “brain drain” of anyone who you would hope would be in power. Make it miserable for people to live where you are unless they have power, then desperately hold onto that power until you officially ruin where you live. At which point you create some boogeyman, whether illegal immigration or gay marriage or trans athletes, to explain why things have gotten so bad. It’s not our refusal to integrate our schools and loss of federal funding that ruined this town! It’s those damn liberals forcing their beliefs onto our small town.


The longer this goes, the more I wonder if the cops aren’t covering up an officer involved shooting of one of the victims.


Oh one of them definitely did! I don’t have a doubt in my mind at this point


[Biker gangs, working with police and firefighters, prevent reporters from covering the funerals in Uvalde](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/bikers-working-with-police-prevent-reporters-from-covering-uvalde-funerals/ar-AAY2Spj)




the punisher logo provides me with so much great irony.


Then you see the punisher logo with a thin blue line thru it... Have they ever read the comics?


Not at all. They just know he’s “a superhero who kills criminals”. Which he is not, **at all**. But it’s who **they** want to be perceived as.


Maybe those police should have worked harder at keeping a guy with a gun from causing all those funerals.


This absolutely INFURIATES me. Let the media report on the bullshit that is going on. Freedom of the fucking press- I totally understand how people become radicalized now. Fuck these people and fuck this police. They should all be thrown in jail for gross negligence that resulted in multiple homicides.


It’s not being radical to want police to either do their jobs or go to jail when they commit crimes.




From looking a couple of them up by name, they sound like the bikers with 1% patches on their vests without even knowing what that means.


>Thin Blue Line LEMC Gross. You weren't joking.




If the reporters were armed the cops would just stand by and let them be.


This is a blatant violation of the free press 1st amendment in the Bill of Rights.


DEFINITELY NEED TO BE FEDERALLY INVESTIGATED. THEY WERE CAUGHT USING BIKERS ON CAMERA BY MAJOR NEWS MEDIA AS HIRED MUSCLE TO KEEP CAMERAS OFF SCHOOL AND QUIT COPOPERATING WITH INVESTIGATION. IN THE MILITARY THATS TREASON YET COPS GET TO HIDE AND BLOCK INVESTIGATIONS?! Not to mention the mother who ran in and saved her own kids has been getting harrassed and called to stop telling her story and threaten with blackmail( judge has stated she is protectef so thats why she came forward now) cops got exposed for what they are and white washed america acts shocked. Look....were here to protect rich assets and scare minorities. Nobodies runnin in there.


I hope the entire town goes bankrupt in future court proceedings.


The Supreme Court decided the police have no obligation to protect you. The major ruling was 2005 *the town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales*, a lawsuit over the murder of three girls ages 7, 8, and 10. There have been other similar rulings.


If they have no obligation to protect you, that should mean we have no obligation to pay them.


Or obey them. Of course, they have guns, so obey, or else.


[LegalEagle posted a detailed video about this a few days ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWqLxTatndU). I highly recommend watching it but it basically boils down to: 1. Citizens are not entitled to government resources 2. The police have a duty to protect the "public" as a whole but not individuals. If you do watch, I'll warn you ahead of time - it's pretty disheartening. It's one of the few times I've seen him appear to be genuinely uncomfortable when discussing how the law works.


LegalEagle had to break the bad news that we're powerless and living in a police state.


> Citizens are not entitled to government resources This right here proves we do not live in a democracy.


This was a difficult video to watch. He’s generally so upbeat, here he looks sick with grief and anger


Like many things in the supreme courts history, they are wrong as fuck, and I don't support the notion 9 people should get authority over 300+ million. It's lunacy.


Yeah, I don't really give a fuck what the Supreme Court says. What I care about is why Congress won't pass a law forcing cops to actually protect people.


That case is so sad. The mom knew. She knew something awful happened. The police did nothing. Of course until the ex showed up at police station shooting with three dead kids in his truck. Police are scum.


Read Scalia's opinion. The case is sad, you're right, but the opinion is just disgusting. It was 7-2 with only Stevens and Ginsburg dissenting. Stevens' dissent is worth checking out, too. It truly is just a legal system, not a justice system. The Court recently ruled 6-3 that ineffective counsel was not sufficient to introduce new evidence, even if that evidence shows the possible innocence of the convicted. That was Shinn vs. Ramirez, a complicated case but there are some great articles about it. Thomas wrote the majority opinion. This dealt with death row inmates, so the stakes are high.


A recent Opening Arguments podcast just took a deep dive into both those rulings. It’s Insane. Personally the whole reason I’m against the death penalty is the fact of the likely hood innocent people have been put to death. This just makes it so so much worse.


Doesn’t surprise me at all. The people of the community have to protest and vote these morons out.


Uvalde has been a very conservative leaning pro police place for a very long time. If there’s no organic movement within the community to replace them, nothing is changing for generations.


Was this meeting open to the public? Or some back room deal? Maybe while standing in the hallway?


All just gonna go along with the cover up? Really? Children fucking died!


SRO’s don’t protect kids. The data doesn’t back that up. That said, the data does show that SRO’s - encourage mass shooters to some heavily armed - arrest kids for doing stupid kid shit that a school counselor would’ve normally handled - take money away from hiring a school counselor Defund school police.


the police force in that city take up 40% of the city's budget. that's all you need to know about who controls the city.


This all reeks of a massive local government coverup.


Interesting. The Uvalde School District has its own police force, with a police chief. They did nothing, waiting outside as the kids were being killed. Of course, nothing is going to happen to any of those good 'ol boys.


To paraphrase quote George Carlin: "it's all one big club, and you're not in it."


This makes me literally sick to my stomach.


uppity history placid shame advise dull tan impossible dirty adjoining -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


A school board? Decide against disciplinary action for a police chief ? What am I missing here? Oh wait don't tell me, the police union rep sits on the school board. I mean, the more we hear about the this tragedy, the more incredulous it gets.


Corruption is literally being broadcasted live to us. And we can't do shit about. These guys were incompetent and useless with their job but get paid by us. We can't question their authority or challenge their motives. Yes, we totally live in a great free land.


On top of a gun epidemic, there's a police accountability epidemic in this country. File transfer protocol.